Er.IER 01 1C10. 'mi .mil: KiGLAflD G I'lETO ISB FLOW new duty on wine makes the price of 1 $2.E0 per pint in most places and J4.60 , a quart, soma grills and saloons charg ing 5 a quart Needless to say. the 3 SAY PRISONER IS ; INSANE; .1 DISSENTS (Stwrlal P!fitcti to TTie Jnornal.) BitzMlle, Wash., Dec, 21. Though three physicians say that Taddy Holland is insane, and was insane at the time he shot the pretty school teacher, Josephine rutnam. Dr. W, D. Howells of Spokane says the" prisoner la shamming and is not now nor was he insane when he killpd the teacher. The case Is proving an expensive one to the county, tho cost so far being esti mated, at $4500. Journal Want Ads bring results. E'aa Stat!! In Drunken Qjaml.' SpHal Mnpa'-H to Th lnifnal.l lone. Or., Doc. 21. Al , Miller fctabbel and seriously cut Angus Monroe about' the head and chest here last night Both men were drinking and Miller, being of1 a quarrelsome disposition, used a knife on Hfoiiroe without any provocation, it is alleged. . wine cellars are being well stocked these days; and will also be well emptied, j whatever may be the cost of living. IL AT YUIETIDE if Fill'S EVE illf I Roller skating, K healthful exercise. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC RANT WOULD CALL LIS NfF .'.2 Leg No Longer Glows Hoy city's Quiet Christmas -1 lauU Rather Dull. London. Pec. II. Tho old-fashioned stv! of celebrating Christmas, with the .:w:l!ig' log in the fireplace, the merry rrnnily seated around the festive board, which is groaning under Its load of inice viands. Including such delicacies ii boar's head venison and plum pud urn, is a thing of the past so far as l,..ndon 18 concerned. It may still sur vive In the households of well-to-do -ountry gentlemen, conservative enough t preserve ancient traditions, but lit l,"ndon the custom his died out. The 1 it h leave their town houses and take their families to some fashionable sea side resort, "where they spend the holl Javs amid the discomforts of crowded hotel life; and the poor stay at-bome tind enjoy their holidays according to their means and taste, but thero are no yule logs nor any of the famed ac cessories of an old-time yuletide cele bration. " ; :.m' v. - ; -i 's Royalty's ' CirUtmas. :.;"-.;:; The royal household, still In moarninr for the late King Edward, will spend the holidays in a comparatively quiet manner, The king and queen and the members of tho royal family will cele brate Christmas "en fainllle", at York Cottage, their charming estate in Nor folk. Although quietly . and un ostentatiously,.; elaborate preparations have been made for. the yuletide cele bration, there will be plenty of . good tilings for the table,; including boar's head and cygnet and a liberal supply at plum pudding, ' made In accordance with the famous recipe' preserved in the royal family for more than a cen tury. There will te presents for all mpmbers of the family, a family gath ering arounfl the Christmas tree in the hall and a distribution of presents to the retainers of the king's estate. j King Edward loved to have a number of intimate friends around him at the yuletide season and invariably had a large house party at Sandringham at that time, but King George, limited by the rules of mourning etiquette, will forego the pleasures cf a gathering of congenial friends this Christmas, what ever he may choose, to do in the fu ture. " ' -' ' ' Trade Hot TJp To Maik. Christmas trade was not quite .so brisk as last year, owing to the un nettled condition of things caused by the excitement of the political campaign and the industrial strikes and disturb ances which have considerably reduced the purchasing power of , the 'poorer working classes. The demand for toys and other holiday goods of a cheaper grade has been larger in comparison than for soma holiday seasons past.'. City Attorney Says Franchises Should -Be Revoked Jf Agreement Violated. Early Reservation of Tables -at . .Cafes Indicates Jolly Time . That Night. DOBB'S MOTION PICTURES Tear off this mask of mystery which surrounds motion : ' and come ta the Arctic regions with Dobbs and his moving picture camera, an ex hibition the likes of which the people of Portland or these United States have never seen. ?S and 29. Hellig theatre, December A PICTURE CHRISTMAS To meet the growing Inter est and demand in beautiful framed pictures, especially - at this season of the year,, the works of the most eminent ar tists have come out la the finest productions. We present, this season, the finest collection of the most meritorious pictures we have ever been able to as semble. It matters not what other gifts you make, one or more framed pictures should be In cluded. The picture affords a wonderful expretsion of thought and effects a genuine and lasting pleasure to the re cipient when well chosen, r; Our collection )b bo large, we say, so varied and attract ive and so reasonably priced that you can easily be suited hrre. . ,. .... .. There are, perhaps, pictures in your home that , need fram ing now. Let us do that work for you: ft will be well done, artistic and at a reasonably low price. - Countless other things In ' this big store should interest you, when at the last moment you haven't been abie to choose .your gifts; Open evenings thta week until 9 o'clock. - SANBOaN.VAIL&CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL . 170 First 171 Front Ectwccn Morrison and Yamhill , on First - " "The ' council ought to call Mr. Josselyn's bluff." said City Attorney Grant yesterday afternoon, following the adjournment of a special commute session at which the street railway president and other officials were pres ent The corporation head had told the committee that he boiieved the council should revoke railway franchises when ever the company violated the term of its agreement with the city, v The statement wa made by Mr, Joaselyn in the course of an argument that arcse between him and Councilman Rushlight as to the right of the street car 'company to abandon portions of track at the company's pleasure. " At the conclusion of tho conference the committee instructed the city audi tor to make a report showing- tb total amount of street improvement assess ments involved in the proposed abandon ment by the Portland Railway Light & Power company of a number of streets on which it baa franchises. The most important of these is the East Twenty eighth street franchise, r-.--.x Abandons rranchlse. ri- ; v When the city built the reenforced concrete- bridge across Sullivan's gulch on that street the car company aban doned its franchise, saying it had the right to do so without the consent or the city council. If compelled to pay its share of the cost of the bridge the company would have (to expend about $15,000. It la believed by residents who would be served by a carllne across the viaduct that the railway system would have been extended to their sec tion of the city before now If the com pany had not wished to evade the pay ment of its assessment for the con struction of the bridge. On motion of Councilman Menefee the committee instructed the city attorney to prepare an ordinance assessing the cost of the bridge in order that he may have ground to bring suit against the company in case it should refuse to pay the assessment Would Fay Share. "The street car company will never object to paying a share of the cost of the bridge If it should decide to use the span," declared President Josselyn. "But we have not yet completed plans for the extension of our system across Sullivan's gulch in that direction, and do not know at this time whether we will want to use the bridge or not 'There seems to be an idea that the company ,;has adopted the method , of abandoning street In order to avoid paying for improvements. This is a mistake. The question of abandonment Is decided simply by the utility of the road. : We are seeking to give the pub lic, a maximum of service and in order to do this we are constantly making changes. These changes are warranted by oun franchises. ,If we violate the terms of the franchises , the council should revoke them. But the company la too broadmiaded to abandon a street just to escape paying for. part ot street Improvement" v 1 Vr? At, "F. V. Holman, attorney for the horn pany, warned City Attorney Grant that if the city should attempt tq bring the question of the right to abandon fran chises into the courts, it would take several years to decide the matter. , Despite the fact that New Tear's eve this year comes . on Saturday night reservations already made in the various grillrooms and hotels indicate that Port land's" celebration will not be subdued. The prospects are that within a few days all available tables will bo re served at charges varying from IS. to 5 a person. v-"VU" -'' -"Vi? ' Both dining rooms at the Hotel Port land will be -used for the evening. fJo charge is being made for reservations Where, but practically all of tho tables are gone. There will be orchestral and vocal music in both, the grill and main dining ; room, and decoratlops of the season. . , -. -.H ; ,. . ,s At another hotel grill ' it was said this morning , that a charge of 5 per person was being made, and that unless one hurried they would not be able to get In at all. Still another grill la mak ing a charge of 13. These prices are supposed to cover the first outlay for food and " wine la the grills on New Tear's eve it is not ethical to drink any thing but wine. . - ? .'' -.- ' 0 Portland will probably spend around $20,000 for Its New Tear's celebration thi year, t Saloonkeepers say that it is a poor bar which does not take In at least $100 for the evening, and there are 419 of them. Some of the pretentious downtown bars figure on putting from $500 to $2500 in the cash registers, for wine is high and is quickly consumed.. These estimates take In consideration the fact that the bars must close an hour earlier than they would If New Tear day did not come on Sunday. In the gnus H will not make so much dif ference. There the Saturday night cus tom will be followed. A few minutes before tho closing hour the patrons may order as much liquor as they desire, to last them half an hour, an hour or two hows, as their thirsts may dictate. Last year the Average spent for every patron of a grill was about $10, but champagne this year is higher, and bubble water is opened on New Tear's eve as on no other occasion. ' Three thousand cases Is the present record of consumption per year, and a greater part Of this disappear? between 10 p. m. De cember 31 and 4 a. m. January t. The PORTLAND PRESBYTERY nil 1Y CHANGES QipereOiirPrices With boa t !" twa In tlie LWt of parlBS, ard yom will that offsr w obrtantial -,r na all wnr and r cannot ft botUr painltM irk wruban. so wmihof Back joa pa. . . We tnlCi plate and I bride wort for out f of -tow a patron, la on itf t daairad. i l aislma ostractioa frna whMi piatea or ' bridm work la ordar 'M. tuiultati.g in. ldarCraM $3.09 22kBndnTaf.b4.C0 Mitmnn 1.C3 j Umri FiOinga 1.C3 Sihrar FiWnjt ,50 I pwm 5.C3 PIU 7.63 PtlilnExtr(lM.53 EST MaTMOO F'sl P"eJI BM Wnnnes T1 O ' IiT1(Ti Wv 1 ill 1 iq! xc SlaoEnecia" aiKfl Cull o 11 In e ILoveotl rJottcIIn i 1 t n x Everyone knows tlbat "nothing succeedj Ulia success." And ths only way to succeed is to follov the rub cf the SQUARE DEAL Go right ahead doing richt Be honest in your statements and live up to your premises. Do not advertise one thine and t "in nut" wf-n irrr riiitr.vnpr rzV.t frr i RimTilv because the crcfit is small. We do not conduct our business that way. Every article advertised by this company is on hand and waiting for you. OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWESTour goods are always the very best A new departure in an old field nothing quite like, it ever known before. ' : Down Go Wine PriceoUp Goes Our Popularily .Wines that are health and strength builders wines that are pure andttnadulteratedwines that are guar anteed under ihe Pure Food Law. . Do YouWantllieBest Wliisliey? . t " Of do. But do you always get what you want? To be on the safe side and not run the risk of 'getting- cheap, ordinary grades, but whiskies of merit, the best that can be produced at the lowest price consistent" with high quality, we . ask.' you in the interest of your health to try oar' whiskey brands. V t ; They are guaranteed to please ypu, or . your money will be re funded. A trial order "will convince you. - t It is the . simplest, thing " in the world to make a hot biscuit perfectly with ! The mid-winter meeting of the Port land presbytery was held yesterday In Mount Tabor church, Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker acting as moderator. Overture of the general assembly yere received and discussed. An overture to strike out th. words, 'pouring or sprink ling," from the rules of the church, was approved, as leniency in the mode of baptism has been for some time prac ticed by local Presbyterian ministers. proposal to limit published discussions of matters pending in the church waa negatived. Rev. William Parsons, pastor of the Third Presbyterian church, de claring that such a plan would be equiv alent to.-gae; rule." . .... There was also disapproval of the plan to compel a candidate for the min istry to submit to a written examina tion before a license to preach was Issued to him, provided one fourth oj the congregation voted for the written examination. Rev; W. R. Spier wan' received a pastor of Trinity Presbyterian church of Portland from the Congregational association of Montana. The receivin of Rev. M, C Martin, as pastor of tho Kenllworth church, was postponed until the next meeting,; his r credentials- not having arrived from Minneapolis. H will in the meantime continue pastor work with the congregation. All posts in the home mission field were reported as filled. The treasurer reported a balance of $1187 in the home mission fund, together with an emer gency balance of $508 and contingency $18, Addresses on home misaiona were made by Rev. W. 8. Holt and others. Imncheon was served at noon in the Mount Tabor church by the women of the Congregation. All $1.X) WINES, per gallon. . . .45c ALL $1.50 WINES, per gallon .... 75c ALL $2.00 WINES, per gallon.. .$1.00 ALL $3.00 WINES, per gallon.: .$1.50 ALL $4.00 WINES, per gallon . .$2.00 Choice of Port, Sherry, Angelica, Mus j catel, Garet, Zinfandel, Caber- net and Burgundy. VALLEY UDWbU THE BEST BEER ON EARTH TRY IT 'YOITLL LIKE IT LOO Sffi Bottles Exchanged or Deposit Required . -a' 7C3E-'- i ir... i PURE California PORT 4'Sc GALLON Rffislsr 5LC3 ALL $3.50 WHISKEYS, per gaL $2.45 ALL $4.00 WHISKS, per gaL C2.C3 ALL $5.00 WHISKEYS, per gaL $3.43 ALL $6.00 WHISKEYS, per gaL $3.95 ALL $5.00 WHISKEYS, per gal. $2.C3 CALIFORNIA'S OLDEST and BEST BRANDY (grape or cognac), gal. $3.45 ClucMpagjinies 55c A BOTTLE $5.75 A DOZEN Your Choice cf four different lands- Cuyer Special, Metropole, Carte ' Blanche, Dufleur Cc Fils DccIIccs Apricot CrscJy CSc a Cstlls Sunny Brook King Hill Whis- Gordon Gm Hunter; . Delightful : Cream Rye i Whiskey key (Bottled in for Baltimore . Blackberry , : ; for 90c Bond) 95c $1.00 Rye $1.00 65c Bottle $1.00 We originate we never imitate. We lead-we never follow. We are lhe Straight Liquor House.- We are the rf U...t M T ! U.. s an i -m. . e n ..i 1 . i - hi i fur- r ? e . .. ki '. a iyuci v oiuc a4uur i iuusc. . ui cranas oi uoiuea-in-xona uquor-aii Dranas or ,w ines. jut pnees iore ver me lowest our policy forever truthfuL Our label your guideour label your protection. ,'"'. ' ' pifis:iii:iti 244 Yamhill Street, Near Second Phone M 589 A 1117 mm rt. W. 1. .il, rinnr urn Muum ; li Ria Kiwaa NBUat m work fullr raranted far fifteen yean. v 4Ai.i64.A 1efinc. i things from others' viewpoints, is It Painless Dentists n C Jing, Tbtrd nd WttWnftea. P0RTUKO, ORt i...;.iiiu.: A. U. ta t. U. a&aara,SIX , Hih . Grade, Commercial end Electric' Si?ns. i:it 7Vn end rt Evtrett rts. . 'j '0t att . UUi S-UZft. CHAPMAN TALKS IN SCHOOL ON PERSONALITY C. C. Chapman, manager of the Port land Commercial club, spoke very enter tainlngly last night at the Lincoln' High school, explaining what he understood by the word "Personality." Mr, Chapman stated that "personalfly Is something that can be cultivated by every Individual to any degree." He defined personality as "the winning quality that springs from within," hence personality Is not the outward appear ance of the man, but the real Inner man. He said personality could be cultivated in two ways, first by being true to the best that 1 in one's self, and second by anowing consideration for somebody else. Truth toward one's self, he said, Inspired confidence) consideration, for others brings influence. Only by understanding the troubles and shortcomings of othera, toy seeing Tl Absolutely Pure And when made it is the most delicious of foods. , And you are , . ; absolutely confident of its absolute iwholeMmenessV , I that one acquires power over bis fellow. men and sympathy and consideration may be cultivated. " ? Squareness and? sincerity Insure per manence of powr, sympathy and cheer Ineas bring with them the liking and consequent influence . that one always ,aaaciaiaaitb UlkJn BwsoMalityvAit' of these attributes. Mr, Chapman I Into success. The program opened with vocal and instrumental music. Next Tuesdny evenhig W. K -Woodward will lecture. on - "aalfsnianship."- . ,. if , tfo Alum J No lime . (A MjV Phosphate . , iJi I XffruW THE GIFT STORE OF THE EAST SIDE-SMALLER PRICES-GREATER VALUES The East Side 0 People's Store 388-390 EAST.MORRISON STREET. NEAR GRAND AVENUE TOMORROW I&DOLL,DAY HEKET. PROFITS CAST TO THE WINDS! FORMER SELLING PRICES DISREGARDED I COMPETITION DUMFOUNDED I ; An astoundingly great lot over a thousand--6f the best High-Grade Doilies, a portion of aT belated shipment re-; cwved at this late date, to go on sale tomorrow at these stunningly low figures; The short time left for their dis position permits of no dilatory tactics every doll jn the huge lot must be sold by Saturday night hence profits and former selling prices have been totally disregarded,' offering you a competition-dumfounding opportunity to ob- ; 'tain large dolls,. small dolls, dressed and undressed dolls for" the next' three days at this store FOR LESS THAN Alii uslalxjx in int wnuLt uu i-Aix ruKLtiAb liiiir.i. ' , , 300 of the Famous Regular $3 : (C American Beauty Dolls to Go at clj) Onebiglot of oyer 300 famous American Beauty polls, beautifully dressed in silks and satins complete from head to foot, standing tully 2D inches high. The very best $3.00 doll ever manufactured. An unlimited se lection' of . styles, presenting to .you THE BIGGEST DOLL SCOOP IN YEARS. A grand, unprecedented of- fenng the best and biggest ever offered by any store in the entire Northwest this season.". Carry 'em (? f away tomorrow and for the next three days, while they last, for only. . . . . . . S) 1 II rv . M V . C3 11 VL. V ; Over 60d Pretty 'Dressed ; and Undressed Kid Dolls at , This superb assortment embraces a mammoth collection of over 600 dainty ' Dressed and ' Undressed Dollies Iarre diiu siiidu si.3aiccuuij;vcraunLuiiUCU5 tomorrow mOlTT nhgandlorlhe nexf three clays, as "long as the lot remains, for the colossal bargain days of the year will re- 1 r cord the lot as being sold at th amazingly low price of only. ', '. : 1 t)C -: ; SEE THE BIG WINDQW FULL OF THESE DOLLS NOW.ON DISPLAY , 3