The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1910, Page 19, Image 19

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miiH 10 m
Mrs. Derrigg Handed Her the
Price; Durko's Malevolence
. "Alleged.
v ... (United Prei Ld Wlrs.!
;f Sant Robs, Cal., Dec., 21. That r,
.Wlllarfl p. Burke, proprietor of a'sanl
tarJurn, eald that Mie' Lu Etta Smith
had blown herself up with dynaroita and
tbat . it was a. pity . she; had not killed
herself, was the testimony today of -Mies
tots Clauasen In the trial of the doe
tor on a charge of dynamiting. , which
was resumed today after several day'
adjournment on.account of the Illness
of a Juror. . . - s
'"Dr. Burke told me," said' Miss Claus
en, who was formerly at the sanitar
ium, "that Miss. Smith had blown herself
'jp and that it was a pity she had not
been killed, as she would be better off
lead." - -..'. v": -.-,('., v.
The witness testified that thevetate
tnent.vfcie made during a conversation In
the sanitarium kitchen the day' follow
In the explosions :-','.'.' i
Lu Etta Smith was on the stand dur
ing the forenoon and testified regarding
her departure for Japan to avoid being
a witness at the trial. " , , .
She said Marion Derfigg of Berkeley,
(gave her $750 In currency and that the
amount.' less the amount paid for a
ticket tb Japan, wss handed to her on
the morning of the departure of the
steamer. At" the same time, Misa Smith
Bald, she signed two papers ff Mrs.
! Derrigg. ,; ''- . , , . . :yj
Miss Smith testified she became the
confidante of Mr. Derrigg In 1905, and
that she saw her -several times Just be
fore the trip to the Orient That Mrs.
Derrigg -accompa nied her to the steamer
and insisted thatshe travel as "Mrs. K
K. Long", waa a statement of the wit
ness. A. " 7 ,-. "--
Hep desire tovold the notdrlety of
a trial was' given by 'the witness aa the
reason, for her journey to Japan. She
said she had-cabled to Dr. Burke for
money fqr her return passage but re
vived ho response ,
- Mrs, Anna Macey of Pan Francisco,
testified to a visit of Dr. Burke to Miss
Smith while' the latter was at the MaceyJ
iiume in ivus mna iu. .-.-
!. '..
;Court Rules for People in Case
s- vVof Seattle, Renton &
w Southern.
. I, VhHii ti..; i;.""
Seattle. - Deo. 21.- Patrons ot 'the
-Seattle," Rentorr and Southern-line will
be able to ride for fve cents hereafter,
anywhere within the city limits, pro
IvldeU they buy commutation tickets Jn
Jlptiot 0 'for; $1.. ;'y.y.; .-f-i-: ;s:
fcThiSAWas decided yesterday by Judge
?Gllliant mf terHstening to arguments all
day. on the Injunction - proceedings ln
IsUtuted by the company to restrain the
'passengers "from refusing to leave the
cars - upon nonpayment of, a'' second
'nickel at Orchard Beach and jn third
niekel at Taylors, Mill. .,
I . The restraining order is not dissolved.
But the court ruled that the Crawford
.interests hd no right to take from the
people privileges originally enjoyed.
, Judge Webster, sitting in Seattle as
a vlsUtng Judge,, decided that the Seattle
nenton'and Southern had no right tq
charge more than five1 cent fare within
the city llmlta. . The .company filed a
supersedeas bond, and pending the de
rision' of the mmrema -court It was al.
' t lowed ; to maintain the old rates. Im-
.mediately the company went a step far-1
ther and withdrew from sale all commu
tation (tickets and obtained a restraining
iorder which, compelled the suburbanites
to leave, the car promptly upon refusal
to -pay the fare declared' Illegal by
Judge Webster. -
Drank Wife-Beating Whiskey,
,';' No.3 Alleges; Other Se-
r' " - rious Charges.
. U'nlUd Prwa teased Wir.V -
St Louts, Deo. 21. Oeorge Edward
(Rube) WaddellAhe eccentric baseball
pitcher, whose matrimonial adventures
have gained for him almost as much
' notoriety . as his achievements . on the
diamond, was made defendant In a suit
. for divorce filed by Mrs. Waddell No.
3 today. Complaints that appear In
the papers flJcd. by.hla former wives
were Included In today's suit, and in ad
' dition it is alleged that Rube has broken
the JTollard temperance pledge," taken
last1 June.-. Among, the grounds alleged
are non-sUpport, , intoxication, assault
and battery and desertion.
Waddell married Madge Maguire last
I'Aprll, two months after he had divorced
fwife No. 2. - Report had it that the. once
mighty pitcher had braced up, and
shortly afterward he signed a pledge for
a year,, but the complaint filed by his
wife today Indicates that the pledge bad
little effect. r , ;,i -
One of the allegations is that Waddell
ftft-the plaintiff In September, going
. , XT T - 1 I 1 . .
to jxewr, n. j., auu leaving ner penni-
, lesn. Mrs. Waddell .v wan. obliged . to
epll her wedding. trousseau In-order to
get money with which to buy food, it Is
' .,11 1 , XXTmAA 4a -.uu J
a- -
w is . .. , - , f" .
W . . i I.. . ,i . .1 ...1 m
ministering w iHiiniiu uis wne wnen-
ever he .was under the Influence of
liquor which, the complaint alleges was
most or the time. ( . i ,
In October, Mrs. Waddell avers,' Ruho
prorntfod to reform.. She returned to
.him, aJio-eays, .but.a .aUorLJlme after
ward no strucK ner ana sne determined
to leave.him. , . . . : :. , : V .
4 , ;". y v ' 1 - -.:.
.Terome Templeton, of . Knosvllle,- who
is a enmlldato for the scat of Senator
l'Vassler; ha lonr been prominent as a
louder of the prohibition movement In
Tcnnensce. ' "
.- ; - .1
Raleigh. 'S. C.,-Dec. 21. Nathan Mon
tague, a negro suspected of murdering'
three persona at Durham, arrived here !
today In custody of a Hheriff's posae, !
which en route eluded half a dozen mobs
bent on lynching him, Montague, it Is
charged, entered the home of Leytor(
Sanders, a. farmer, near Durham, slew
Sanders and his granilohild, 2 years
old; attacked Mina Sanders, his daugh
ter, and then cut her throat. . - '
Mobs of farmers made desperate at
tempts to catqh Montague, i After his
arrest he was taken to Durham and
from there was brought to. Raleigh
tvlien a mob was reported forming : to
lynch him.
Montague was placed in the North
Carolina state prison. He was rushed
here in an automobile.
Sacramento, Cal., Dec. ty "Strike
settledurnen report for work Wednes
day. Particulars by mall."
-The above telegram announcing the
settlement of the strike of 2800 machin
ists on the "Missouri Pacific railway
was' received yestefday afternoon from
A, O. Wharton of St. Jouls; business
agent of the machlnials; by J. Q. Tay
lor, an agent for the Machinists union
living in .Sacramento. The 2800 men
were receiving a minimum of 87 cent
an hour. They struck for 40 cents anH
better hours. The company, granted the
Increase, but not the second demand.
Then the men struck again. ; "
; Local unions were helping the strik
ers and they rejoice at the news of the
.'.'''C'' 'i'1 ' ''''i '' lT'-,..i Vv' "''!,'., '-'"i1 w ' y, '
: The;.'.':,-.
...-County .
, Colony
Buy a bond now and get
in on ground floor. Each
bond secured by an indi
vidual mortgage. Every
man can make money.
.ni !..,. .!. :' ' :, 1 ,- : J. ! :'! . .. .
': v.,;-";. vV r' ". ' ' ''K4 f '
.: . K-. -. ','Vi"1--?'-
-,v ( , . .t '(. v"; ', ,'( V , i, ..2, ' '
linn Gounly ;
, Xmas Present
Regent Heights
Just north of Willamette Heights. The
addition with a, panoramic view of the
mountains and of city from Sellwood
to Vancouver.
United Trust Co.
' FHOJTE9 MAIK 9416, A-3188
Willamette ' Heights
60x112 one block south of car, unob
structed view north down Rugby street
Royal view for a home. Fine residences
all around. Make a payment on this now
and build when you get ready. '. . .. .,
Chapin & Herlow
SS2 Chamber of Commerce. . . 1
With good 9-room house, beautiful
unobstructed view of both' east and
west side, , but few blocks from the
PORTLAND HOTEL. Price $10,500.
Inquire , "
Sheffield & Riely
':' '23 Russell. Bldg.
Moneyl Money Iftloney!
Money to loan on good Portland real
estate. . .... . : .
Let ua loan your" money for you at
good rates of Interest, on gilt-edged se
curities. , , ,
,'ea9 Znmbaxmens Bldgr. ' ' ,
... - Phone A-4S27.
10 Acres Cheap
10 acres unimproved at Anderson sta'-i
tlon,: shot clay -soil, no rocks or gravel;
price for short time. 12000. N
U1 Board of Trade Bldg., 4lh and On It.
NO. .13 T 160 acres. S miles from
Brownsville, second growth fir tlrn-
, ber, north slope; $lt per acre or
amounting to $2560.
No. 14 T 4 SO acres, all-black soil, 150
acres all big second growth fir tlm
1er, to a quick buyer $10 per acre or
amounting -io $4800.
No. 15 T 240 acres all good timber.
11,000,000 feet; this is 'good -second
growth and the trees will average ZY3
feet In diameter, tall and- straight;
' price .$23 .per acre, amounting to
$5620. .
No. 18 T 588 acres, about 2-S can be
ut under plow, good piling tim
er, balance In brunh, all of the north
slope, except 20 acres, $35 per acre,
amounting to $18,600.,
No. 17 T 67$ acres, about 8,000,000
feet of , timber, , 100 acres In cultiva-
tlon, rolling . hill jand. good new
, houae of S rooms, 2 barns, running
water year around, . 10 miles from
Brownsville, black hill soil, old or
chard, $17 per acre, or amounting to
$11,492.- , . '
No. 18 T160 acres lU'1 miles from
Portland, about 6,000,000 feet of tim
- ber, all streams lead to railroad, me-;-
dlum sie "red fir, good mill proposl
v tion, prkre $3500.. -v.-
Investigate and start the new year by
purchasing property returning a fine
profit We are 80 miles south of Port
Iund and the hub of the great Willam
ette valley. Write or come and see us,
-ITebatsll Real fstatcCo., Inc
. k Office down street from depot.
AXiBAjnr, OB.
There could ' be no nicer Christmas
present than a fine old Italian violin. I
have anything In the line from the or
dinary to the best and In, price from
$100 to $5000. Also fine old French.
German and American makes, ranging
In price $25 to $3.00.
591 ,Ea8t Morrison. Street'
CERTIFICATES of title made by the
Title 4. Trust company, Lewis Bldg
1th and Oak..'..'';v.'vT1-. v-.iiivf..:.
E. W. Mutch, guardian, to John G.
Edwards, part of lot 1. block
106,.Kast Portland....... $ 5,000
Una E. Carlson and husband to
David F. Stewart, lots 19 and '
20, block 22, Westmoreland. ... 1,047
Portland Trust Company of Ore
gon to Q. K Watklns, lot 15,
block. 11. Overtook j, ..... S.GOO
Security Abstract & Trust com
pany to C. W. Fullerton et al,
lots 14 and 16, block 88, Rose
City. Park i . . , . . , , . . . . . . 4 . . . 900
Herman Nelkes et al fto Al)ert
F. Keehn. lot 8, block 52, Ver-
. non K ..... ....... '. 750'
William Kelsner et al to Otto J.
Gensmer et al, 26x80 feet begin
ning at northeast corner of lot
15, block 15, WUUams Avenue .
addition . 7.000
Oustav Kuyath and wife to Ru
dnlpb Moser. lot S, , block 21,'
Holbrook'a addition . ...... .... 450
Same to Bertah Rlehl, lot 4, block
21. Holbrook'a addition..:.;... 450
Investment mpany to William " -
' H. Anderson, lots JS and 37,
block 30, Irving Park (Assigned
to V. J. Herman)..... .... . .... 250
The Title Guarantee & Trust com
pany to EJrllne E. Piatt, lot 8," '
block 4, Rossmere - 600
R. B. Hurlbert to Howard Satter- -lee,
south 30 feet ef lot 4, block " -
AlMna Heights. ..... 2,150
University Land company to G.
A. Hnavely, lots 85 and 86,
block 190, University Park BOO
C. P. Well to B. O. McKlnley
ahd wife; lots 9 and 10, block
11, Railway addition ...... ... 240
I. - Vanduyn et l to E. F Day j s -25x87
feet i. . . . ;.i I . . .. J 150
C. MeCormick and wife to Edna
1L Loucka. lots 20 and 21,
block 8. Riverdale ........ 2.800
'Riverside Homestead company to- ,
i".-. A. B. HeltKemper, lot 3, block ,
2. -Benedictine Heights. ....... j 1 750
AuDie Jfi. jNasn et ai to wiiuam
F. .Hummell, lot; 7, block 4,'
Glencoe Park ,.ii..,;.., 1,150
G. C, Olsen and wife to Oscar M.
Butler, lot 3. block 3, Ivanboe 700
Mafle C, Warlick and huauand
to: John Shldell and wife, lots -y:
3 and 4,, ulock 2, Blckford " !V
Park 1,000
Theodore Rodema and wife to Interior-Grocery
company, lots
2 and 3. block 7, Stanley No. 2, :. 200
Alice'- Koser and husband to , -
... Richardson-Sharkey company, -
. lots 8, 9 and 10, block $2,
Portsmouth addition 750
John P. - Sharkey eqmpany to
Elma Johnson, lot 10, block 18,
Waverleigh Heights . . ; ... . . 1,000
B. M. Ixmbard and wife to A. ' -
F. Rogers, . lot 3, block. . .' 1
Broadway addition -686
George B. Cellars et al to Cellars-
Murfon company (Inc.). lot 8,
block Couch addition 19,000
W. W. Crampton and wife to
Clara Soil, lot 13. block 89, Ver- '
non .... . .. . . . . .. 3,600
B. M. Imbard and wife to A. . t
Brutwvold, lot 11. block 14 Olm-
ste4 Park . 1150
J. CiRoberte an4 wife to- iewls 1
M. Dole, lot 6, block 18, Han- .
son's second addition t ' 900
D. ii. Fllley;o C. R Kennedy, lot
6, block 6, FHley Park. -s 550
Mrs. Belle Rumbaugh to Frank
. Stevens, lots 25, 26, block 27, - "
' Tremont Place .....i -450
William n. Rust and wife to Iva
E. Brown, lpts 89 to 42, block 2 '
T Multnomah Park addition 1,200
TTnrv f mil . 4a
j Joseph ''A; Sellwood. lots 23, 24,
block 8. Kenwood Parka . . . . 1,500
y. J. Kicnarason amj wire to
Mount Hood Railway & Power
Ci.. 19 acres commencing at
j; northeast corner of lot 22,' In 1 .
Eastwood , , 800
El win L. Hand and Wife to R. R.
- Sable, all north half, of lot 7, '
block 9. York , ; 90
x, i. Anaeraon ana -. wire to
... Charles H. Brcks, lot 13, block
41, Rose City Park , . 1,650
Security Building, company to '
- Mary rx pipley. lot 8, - block
17, Piedmont .i A .. .. .,'... ., 4,600
Rose City Cemetery": association
to Frank Plchereau, west half -
lot 127. section "D." Rose City
cemetery, . . . ,t . ,r. . , , . 100
LTWYEK'S Abstract & Trust Co.. room
: 6 Board -of Trade bldg., abstracts a
UNION Abstract Co.l 412-413 Corbett
. bldg. -Tel. Main 66.- j
PACIFIC Title tt Trust Co., the leading
abstractors. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor.
CLARK Chester Clark, 1230 Mlnneso-
1 ta-avenue, December 15, age 6; meningitis..-
-.-'I- : - . - -. - ,
GUNN David Gunn, 235 Curry street,
December 16, aged 25; tuberculosis.
DEL.UCA Eugene Deluea, . 189 Harri
son street, December 17, aged 8; pneu
monia. J ' r
IMAMURA Tnnik Imamura, 107 North
Park street, December 17, . aged 3;
SULLIVAN W. 8ulllvan, Good Samarl
! tan hospital, December 18, aged 60;
nephritis. ' . .
DOSE Lurv Dose, MounUin View Sanl
j tarium. December 18, aged 36; hang
ing (suicide). .. ' - ' t
ROSFLLI Joseph Roselli, ' 313 West
I'arit street, uecemoer is, aged 4
days; pneumonia. .
MAUPIN Thomas Maupin. ' 421 Tllla-
t moQk street, December' 19, aged 77;
K AN BY Edward Devaney, 490 Tay
lor street, December 19, aged 65;. ap
onlexv1. WILKINSON Nellie Wilkinson. Good
Samaritan "hospital. December 19, aged
23; .tuberculosis-.,, , , ..
FLNUtiH Kilsa Flnush, Sweet , Briar,
December 15, aged 59; heart disease.
MICHEL Isidore Michel, y Prlneville,
ur., uecemoer ii, agea &3: typhoid
fever. - r
ROBlNSON--Mrs. Helen Robinson (nee
i tiM'W(Ku fliea in bn FranclHCO, 'Cal.
December 19, 1910. ' Funeral from Dnn-nlng-McKntee
chapel. Notice of date
tiller. , . ,
RICHARDSON Jacob - , Richardson.
Multnomah hOspftai,.Decembersl, aged
68; hemorrhage. .
MASS1N Andrew Massln. 104 North
Seventeenth street. December 14, aged j
isjKnire wounds (inurdpr).
MAX, M. SMITH. f!ori. 150 5th at.
opp. Meier A Frank's. Main 7215.
KELLER In this city, December 20,
at 260 East Fortv-fifth street. Hazel
A. Daley Keller, beloved daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Daley,, eed 18
years, 7 months and 7 days. : Funeral
services will be held at the above resi
dence at 2 p. m.. Thursday, December
22. Friends invited. Interment Mult-
n oman cemet e ry
BLOSS Friends are respectfully Invited
to attend the funeral services or Mrs.
Mary A. Rloas, from the late residence,
1111 Glenn avenue, tomorrow, the 22d,
at 10 a. m. Interment, Rose, Cy ceme
tery. ,.',;:
M. E. Underhlll, 8u,mmlt. Or.r 22, and
Delia Franke, 18. -
and Margaret boodwln, 28.
fsamuel cutler, 354 Ross street, tu,
and Anna Jewell, 30.
Lawrence Pratt, Woodstock, Or. 22,
and Susie Smith, 22. 1
S. 8. Dalby, 546 Belmont street, 31.
and Henrvetta Hoffman, 27., -
' Johan chaffer, 619 Guild street, 24,
and Katie Nutter. 24,
J. C. Leibert, Jr.. city. 21. and Clare
Farley. 1 8. - s t
William Soverns, Arleta. Or., 21, and
Jean Staats, 18. N
Martin Henrlcksen, 108 Fourth
street, 30, and Bessie Hamilton, 23. '
Franktin Olsen. 755 Kast ' Burnslde
street, 23, and Hedurg Bleld. 21
John Holland. 179 Russell street. 39.
and Phebe Wheeler, 29.
iienjanun nana, 4i - rasi - narnson
Street, 26, and Hattie Dlckoff, 19.
Claude Barr. 801 West Park atreet. 26.
and Josephine Fraxier, 22.
C. H Ristoji, 405 First street, 30. and
Myitle Graham, 36.
Frank Cross, 263 Fifth street, SO, and
Vivian Ganthier, 23. ; ; - ; . i
Joe Almuda. 210 Stark street, 31, and
Julia FrltaB. 35. ' " -
v- We la. mn in) w.
and monojeriam stationers. Washington
UluK'i vy p.-tiiinw tin mt tfiu inu -i.n.
. . ...w..... -rj ..... - - - - w
.1-1.1 MAVMB .t.HA..
PRESS suits fof rent, all slices. ' Unique
Tailoring jo iui oiara s. '
CIARFS BROS., florists, fine flowers
and floral rtesliftis. jkw Morrison St.
TRACY T Mr. and lift L. a Tracy,
423 Hancock street,- December . 17. a
boy. "
DARBY To Mr, and Mrs. Llndell Dar-
bv 433 Graham avenue, December 2,
a -girl. t ' '
CAMP meet! - every
Wednesday evening
In W. O. W. temple, 128
11th Bt AH members
requested tff " attend.
Visitors welcome. -
v 46, A. F. & A. ' M. Stated
communication this (Wednes
day) evening, 7:30. East 8th
and Burnside. Election of of
ficers and payment of dues,
Visitors welcome, 's"
R N. A., Oregon Roae eainp, meets
Wednesday 1 evenings, Aliaky ball, , 3d
nil wcrrif on. . ;
M. W. A- R08E CITX CAMP Monday.
Se'.llng-Hirseh bldg... .Washington near
10th. Phone CWrk, Main 9294. A-48.
r.. P. Undertakers.
UUIIillllg 06 IVIOI.IIIUO Modern In
every detail
7th and Pine. Main 430.
lAtar assistant.
Zeller-Bryns Co, SVVW,SW
pnones; '. iaay assisiant. uwi ' nwnni
e-'-rv'isnment in citv.
Lady attendant. Mam . a-ih.
The east side undertaker.
Lady assistant B-1888. East
781. East Sth and Alder.
EDWARD HOLMAN. undrtaker. 229
a st liay assistant. Main pt.
EAST SIDE funeral directors, success
or to F. b. Dunning, inc. k. a, u-zoz
bricson sswSa
tt Co.. Main
2335. Ladr ass't
' - 50x100 Sacrifice --"
$325 50x100. r .:-'
k Alberta line, nar r, $550.' . ' .
" ' HALF ACRE, $25 ' '
Down, $10 per month, 6 Aper cent, near
' '"' JHome Bargains"'?.?'?'
6 room modern bungalow, 'full Cement
basement. 50x100. near car.;$19Q0; $80J)
down. Few days; hurry. j'
406 E. Morrison. East 1115, B-1487
READ our advertisement. Linn County
Orchard Colony, Albany,-Or, ' -
Nearly new 8 room ; house, gas and:
electric," full cement basement, laundry,
trays, double constructed, liutcn Kitchen.,
cnina closet, 2 toilets, z Kitcnens, a nice
place for two families, on Monroe St.,
near Kerby, price only 33800, $1300 cash.
817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.
7 ROOMS.. NEW.-' MODERN. 22200. ..
Corner lot on Blandena st.; built In
cupboards, writing desk, bookcase, etc;
owner will take vacant lota to $800 and
$5o0 cash aa first payment Absolutely
the best thing on market Fred W. Ger
man, 829 Burnslde. Main 2776.-y..r
House, built by owner. Business called
him away. Thoroughly finished In
hard wood. ' Elegant design, 9 rooms,
Frivate sitting - room,- two fireplaces,
bedrooms. Irvlngton. East 23. C
1866; W. H. Herd man. ' "
25x100 lot, with 2 story house, bring
ing in $25 per mo. It is on Market st,
near; 14th. An apartment house site.
$1260 cash will handle It David Lewis.
Room 2. Lumbermena bldg., 5th and
BiarK ei. - t "
- -v. Irvmston
A nice 4 room house and 50x100 lot,
walking distance, on E. 10th St.; mod
ern plumbing;-this can be bought for
$3600. Inquire of C F. Pfluger & Co.,
room 6 Mulkey bldg., 3d and Morrison.
FQR SALE -Beautiful modern 7 room
house, 5 minute car service,' 2 flre-
? laces, $4400. small payment down and
50 a month. See owner. 206 McKay
bldg. - ''.-'-;., v-..5
SACRIFICE my new 8 room modern
bungalow, $2550. half cash. Inquire
A. L earns E. 7th between Clinton and
S rooms, new, Ipt 60x90, at Woodmere;
a nice, little buy. .Fred W. German, 329
HUmwil.' main I I n
$1800 Unfinished house, 7 full -lots,
. full bearing fruit, west side mil
from courthouse. Owner, 715 Oregonian
Dlqg. : wain aaoa
HALF acre, fenced for poultry, splendid
room house, $1300 down, $1000 time-ta-.
j 'fKo--ia.ii.. mi. .---i.
Several residences, easy terms. Rossmere
v and vicinity; F. L. Royd. 53T K, 45th N.
. 6 ROOMS $1350. ANY T,''RM3. ,
Acre homewlth buildings. $Tt00. Box
867,Arlta. Vrhone Tabor 2009.
$400 IKiWN arid $15 per month buy
beautiful 5 room modern home, 826
Wurecstcr. Wis - ;
f CAMP 4
Dandy, New, Complete
6 large rooms, bungalow; large attic,
built-in buffet, toilet and bath; full
cement basement, line,n closet, cement
walks; everything modern; lot 50x100.
Price 3650; terms; worth $500 more.
: $400 Down V
Nice new bungalow; everything mod
ern; cement walks; lot 50x100; $3000,
$20 per month.
These are i block from Hawthorne
avenue and will not last long. See us
todny. Phone Tabor 794.
' ' ' ' -- - COMPANY.
$350 Cash "
Brand -new, 6 room bungalow, rooms
19rge.1we4l lighted and beautifully finished.-
pantry, " large hajl, full cement
basement, electric light fixtures In
stalled; near Piedmont and Union ave
nue, in a neighborhood of fine homes.
A bargain If taken at once, as owner
is leaving town, . -
; " - L. Cowing
. 503 Railway i:xehange. '
: Buy From Owner .
Two brand new cottages, one of 5. the
other 7 rooms, all strictly modern
Dutch kitchen, extra good plumbing,
iuu cement casement, line large lot,
300 feet to car, In- splendid district
where everv one owns their own home.
Make small payment down and $15 per
montn taxes tnis. ask ror Mr. Won
tague, room 16, 270Vi Washington st
. -'$1500
' . $300 Cash -.. -
TlAaiitif nl I.a OOvlClA nA.,..t UmJ.
trees, elevation of lot about S feet:
Jfrofflf ImnKKtA,! nnil nntl.ll.. .(J
kv.vv luiivicu i"J yfu viaiijr iJtaju iur,
This is in a fine district and Is being
sold at a big sacrifice. - Lots one block
away sell for $1000 and up. :.s
Li UOWing ' ;
'602 Railway Exchange. '
' E. TAYLOR AND E. 17T1L '
Attractive 6 room home, furnace ' and
modern all through: built 3 veara. fine
condition; excellent neighborhood; on ac
count of the favorable location end sur
roundings, this Is valuable property
and a bargain at $4360; $1850 cash, bal
ance 2 years.."" , ,,.. ,:
263 Oak st.
Modern and Attractive 6 Room
. ."' ' : Dwelling'- .- .
On Clackamas; near East 26th; lot EOx
123; fine location, house practically
new1 and very-v attractively arranged ;
price, with street improvements all paid.
$4700; good term. . . ,
; McCargar. Bates Lively,
" 8f5 Failing Building. -
On corner 100x100 : on Hawthorne ave.
car line; 7 rooms, hallj bath and store
room, full basement, furnace, f rne finish,
a small amount down and balance In 4
years at 7 per cent If you buy this
for an Investment, we will rent It for 3
years at $40 per month. The price la
$6000. '
s io stars at.
Home on Willamette Heights
Beautiful 6 room house, Swiss chalet
style, with magnificent view of moun
tains; new and every modern conven
ience. 8 sleeping rooms and sleeping
porch, fireplace, hardwood floors; good
car. service; price, $5700, n easy terms.
; McCargar, Baes & Lively,
no c aiiin g Dicg,
-.pne of the finest bungalows In Sunny
side, all latest improvements, fine fire
place, fine fixtures, panel and . beam
dining room. Dutch kitchen, nothing
missing, corner lot on East 89th, just
south of Hawthorne ave., price $3800, or
completely furnished for $4300.. Very
Well. i '..' f -'"..'..-'...' v; v -
817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.
Alberta district will show picture at
office; a bargain aC $3250; this Is mod
ern and can be bought on terms; might
consider some trade in lot, and some
cash. ....:,,:...-,, ..-- ......
. Square Deal Realty Co,
Bin osrq or -rraqe Ding.
New and complete, double floors and
walls tar paper lined,, large reception
hall, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, por
celain bath fixtures, electric lights, full
cement basement, cement walks, street
work paid. $2500, $500 cash, $16 monthly,
close In, near car. decided snap .-.,
. r E. J. G. GORDON,
' g27 Board Of Trade. ."
i, $53p0 SUBURSATIfOiaE 15306
One acre. 8 room modern house, bath,
furnace etc.". east front, on carllne,- 9
miles from Portland; barn for 2 horses
and cows, chicken house, 26 young
bearing fruit trees,1 berries., 200' roses,
fine, garden; soil can t be; beat; y, cash,
balance terms.; - - v-. .
,.v ... ,-., n ' f Unnn ;v.. ,
504 Lumhermemi bldg
A new 5-roora bungalow, located Jn
Irvlngton Park, 2 blocks from Alberta
carllne. Full cement basement, 60x100
lot. Dining room has . paneled ; beam
ceiling, built-in china cabinet, etc., twe
large porches, both, etc. This property
la moll .nrlh t infin : ' r .. IA T !.
.......... vwv.i... ,v i-nriu unin.
Room- 2. Lumbermcns ; bldg., ' Sth and
t - HAVE Just completed several very
...lavufQ nuuiiw, uuiig&iuws nu cut
tages, strictly modern, exceptionally
well built, fireplaces, large rooms, large
porches; prices $2000 to $3700; eaav
terms; beautiful location. Just south of
Mt Tabor; building restrictions. Clock's
addition. 66th at. and Powell Valley
road. Take Mt Scott ear. Owner on
premises. Phone Tabor 843. . i
$12503200 cash. 3 room house, easily
converted into' 6 -room-; flnecomer lot
46x100, flose to-Port. Ry.'a site for new
car Shops- Fred W. German, 829 Burn
side. Mam 2776.. ...
83 1 -a feet by. 100, on E. 37th, near
Belmont There Is a 6 room, 3 story
house on this property. Lot alone worth
the money. David Lewis,. Room 2, Lum-
Pflrrnqna Diqg.. atn snq HtarK sts.
f jFer lnvesiments or homes, SEE..
J-MVI it A W1IWKK, .
' Speciallsta In Real Estate
V For the man of moderate means. -'
Real Estate Rentals. Insurance. .
IjOTS $200
Only 15 minutes' ride to get a lot for
$200,. $5- down, .balance $3 per month;
only .a few left , at this price. If you
want one call early 418 Railway Exchange.-
$3300; new modern 5 room cottage on
E. 22d St., close to car. Walking dis
tance. On best of terms. You wiu like
this place. -.
IV .ILfllA 1.1.
$100 cash and small monthly payments
will buy a lot 105x180 facing the new
O. R. & NY railroad. Their loas is your
gain. ' Price for a few days $1700.
Rrong-Mteelo' Co.,' ground floor Lewis
wag. fnone m.' 174a, A-I4J
VOU can buy. a lot near Rose City Park
lor ibiiu, iiu aown ana tiu per month;
gradadtraelB, .remant. walka-and- eortw.
Bull Run water, electricity, telenhoea.
building restrictions. ; -PROVIDENT
$45 i'ah and-$9per month buys a lot
25x100 n Grand ave. If vou really
want to buy a lot that will grow In
vnltie, talk to ns about this one. ' Price
$450. ; Krong-Steele' Co., ground floor
,Twi Lldg..Phone M. 1742, A-4743.---
V .....'.', '
$80050x100. lot 16, biock 4. Evanston
addition. Only 1 blwlt to school and
car. High and nightly. Don't overlook
this buy as owner needs the money. All
assessments peld. -
' 270 Stark st
A nice lot 40xi0 on East 31st south
of Alberta st.; price only $600; cheapest
lot In Alberta; term. i i '
317 Board' of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.
TWO sightly lota. E. 17th and Skid-
more, overlooking whole surrounding
country. Owner will build to sutt on
easy terms. Phone C-2794. or B-1481. or
D-333. Journal. -
WILL discount one lialf, for cash, equi
ties in the choicest Laurelhurst lots
up to $2500. F-327, Journal.
$660 FULL. LOT, oemt-nt walks paid,
Sumner near Denver f.v. Zella Ooa
sett, 7 West Killlngaworth. . , t
GET in on the ground floor. The Linn
County Orchard Colony, Albany Or.
"Mnim mm
Fine 40-acre farm, none
. better for fruit, only 4
miles from- good railroad
; town and less than 30 miles
from Portland. The soil is
rich-and deep. 7 acres In
cultivation, the balance is
slashed, : seeded a n d . all '
fenced; the finest kind of a
layout for a dairy.. -Enough
wood for family use, a
. good, livable 5 room house
with open fireplace, good
barn 40x50 feet, 100 bearing''
fruit trees; peaches do es
pecially well; a number of
young trees, good woodshed,
chicken house, two fine
springs, range In kltcnen
and furniture Included. Less
than mile from schoftl,
' stores, etc. Price ' $2660; :'
$1000 cash and easy terms
on balance.' Ask for Stinaon.
605 Corbett Bldg; -
24 acre ranch
Improved, only 17
from Portland. for
$1000 cash and easy terms
on balance; 15 acres in cul- .
tlvatlon, good 7 room house,
barn 40x60 ft, bearing or-
, chard, of 75 - trees, fine
creek acrqss the place, well
and pump at the back door;
one half Is good creek bot
tom; the cultivated land is
slashed and seeded, making
first class pasture; on good
county road with daily milk
and mail route; in the heart'
of a fruit and garden dis-
. trict
Price $3750.
Ask for Phelps.
605 Corbett bldg.
At the' end of 6th st, .
only a few blocks south of :
the postof f tee. It has aome .
old buildings , now rented.
Thla piece of . property
t has a better future than
North", Portland property
had seven yeara ago, where ,
blocks are now worth from
, $50,000 to $100,000. . The ,
"same increase in values
may be expected In south-
west Portland very aoon.
The price of this block
Is $8500; $4500 cash, or we
will trade for a residence
in a desirable section of
Portland; must be good
value and clear Of Incum
brance. "-. ' ' -i..-;
If this Interests you and
you are able to handle it .
j. on the above terms, call at
605 Corbett bldg., and we
1 will take you out in our
. automobile to pee It
- 605 Corbett Bldg.
1 pi
' ITSELF 109 2 -YEARS-
75 acre ranch, highly im
proved, on the main- auto- .
mobile road midway be.
' twoen a live- railroad town
, and a r mountain - summer
f , resort, which , makes -this.
..'! an ideal place for a road
v .house, jOst as a Bide Issue.
". "owner, cleaned up $700 a '
- month this past summer off
tourists and owner waa not
' X., fitted up 4o handle the
trade-either...-Rives within
- mile; finest of fishing
- . and bunting. Has 30 acres -cleared
and In cultivation;.
, ,;:o acres of good merchant
able timber for -which there
is an immediate market .
' ' at a price which will over- ,
' """T" top - (he first payment on
thin place. ' - -
For fruit this land la un
surpassed. We have 100..
, Winter Banana . trees now .
bearing, 100 trees Delicious
which took the prise at the '
Spokane ' Apple show, a
number of cherry trees ',
from 8 to 15 years old, 60
. bearing pear trees, 10 Eng
,lish walnut trees bearing,
about 12 yeara old. 13
,, acres In orchard. . . ,
1 . mile : from -. school and ,
i . , 2 V4 miles - from store and ,.
' ,' ; pos'tofflce; has good 5 room
. . bouse, ..barn 30x40 ft. -
. We produced over 2 tons ,
of rhubarb last year and .
sold It all at a good price
. right, on the place. You
don't have to budge from
. the place to sell everything '
" . 1 you grow.
Price $5600 We will take
. $1600' In Portland property,
' lots, rporains; house,' or !
something good, some cash
' and the balance can remain '
for 8 years at '6 per cent If r
you do no better than own
er did the past year the
, placo will pay for Itself, in
two years. .
t . Ask for McKlnley. '
605 Corbett Bldg.
FOR SALE 980 acres cattle ranch in
' eastern Oregon: or will sell 2300 aerew
With 1000 head of fine eattle. For full
particulars write Jo. J. - Collins, 6th
and Purnnldo St., Portland. r. '
FOfTWAXT a farm-STe me benTTo
you buy. I have nil sizva at ri it
price!,. -Geo. A. Heuca. ?!? 'i Wash.
im ft.
FOR SU!:-1A!'.'S
u u u u U
it U a u cJ ' '
$ 5,500 160 acres, CUrke county. Warh
i ' inpton; has 2 n-w holmes., '
burns, running water to all
buildings; orchard; t-tOOO il,w n,
$ 4,21112 acres I it fdiiioim -Tuaiatii
Valley, only mile frtmi r
' Hue; all untler cultivation; tli
i an exceptions l by. '
$11,500164 acres at Dundee,' Or.J,
room house, largrt barn an
outbuildings; young orchard; Jil
. head stock, chickens, farm ma
chinery and household gooila;
., ' ,60(, casn- - !
$15,00015 acres near Lents Junction,
r with house and everything elaa,
without doubt the buv in
the valley; this won't Ust long;
terms., .
$50,00040 acres, Medford orchard for
sale or will exchange for Port
, land property income from or-:
. ; . chard $10,000 net yearly. -$10,50030
acres, hiffh and sightly
ground, .; at Riverside; .easy '
- terms. .
$18,000200 acres near White Salmon,
Wash., with 90 acres In culti- ,
vation; the most model and up.
to-date farm la Washington; V
. -. . caslu -$
7,300320 acres In Gilliam county for
sale or will trade for Portland
residence. .
AIso the following acreage on very de
sirable terms:
i 40 acres,, Dodge, Or. ....... ,.,,$! 600
: 20 acres, Clackamas county .,..$10u0
54 acres, Dodge, Or.....i,.'.,..$25t)0
320 acres, Mollala river v..... ..$3200
200 acres, Dodge. Or. ....,......$0000
10 acres,, Frultville, Or. $ 800
10 acres, Frultville, Or. . ... ..$1000
Also tracts of close-In acreage too
numerous to mention. .
-- F, J, Rosenberg - .
. B29 Lumbermens Bldg.
Phone A-4227.
! 120 Acres :
Of land, all. level and main county road
on two sides, with 85 acres under fine
state of cultlvatlon,.40 acres good, clean
timber, 40 acres slashed and aeeded, all
fenced; 3 acres of family orchard in full
bearing; 7 room house, barn 62x70, good
granary ana necessary oatbuildlngs; - 2
milea from electric line and new town
site; R. F. D. and telephone service,
close to school and church ; fine well .
and abundance of water. Personal prop
erty; Fine team worth $600, 2 sets of
good double harness, l single harness.
13 Inch Mitchell wagon. "1 light
wagon,' mower, rake, plow, harrow, cul
tivator, rope, chains, forks, 6 cords of
dry wood In shed, 25 tons of fine tim
othy and clover hay, 280 bushels of oats,
150 bushels of potatoes, 100 hens,jl
brood sow, 4 tons of straw, apples, sepa
rator, and all small tools. Thla Is a fine
farm and will sell to the first man that
sees It Price, $8000; terms.
Thompson. & Swan ' "
206 Rothchild Bldg., Portland, Or., bet
, 4th and 6th, on Washington St., and
Sth & Majn Bts, Vancouver. Wash. "
Nice Little Farm -
. Right on 'Carllne ' - '
' 12 Acres for $1900
This choice little 13 acre tract I rlgh
at station on Oregon Electric, with
school, church and store right at prem
ises; it is all in cultivation, not a rock
or- gravel on5' entire tract level
dark rich- " soil, 4 room house,
new barn i 24 - by 28, : with U
foot . Bhed. new wood honse, chicken
house, and other outbuildings, small
bearing orchard and berries, good well
and pump. Personal property: 3 cows..
85 choice hens, all implements. ' All for
only $1900, $1000 cash, balance 4 per
cent : ' '
- - Hargrove k Sons
122 Sth sL N., cor. 6th and Gllsan.
. Main 4381, A-725 9. .
, -Full Bearing Orchard;
12 Acres -
All under fine state of cultivation,
and 10 acres of fine tirchard, consisting
of 8U0 apple trees, assorted; balance of
orchard pears, plums and cherrics;; all
fenced with good fencing;, good 6 TOom
house, painted and in good condition;
fair barn, good apple house and out
buildings; land lies level; close to
school; fine well and pump;H4 miles
from river and railroad and .1 miles
from electric line and small town, in a
fine neighborhood. Thla is a fine home
and -a money maker, and will sell to
anyone wanting an orchard. Price, if
sold soon, $5800; $3000 cash, balance to
- 'Thompson & Swan -
206 Rothchild Bldg., Portland, Or, bet
. 4th and 6th. on Washington St . and
6th' & Main Bts. Vancouver, Wash.
Farm Buyer -Read This ,
Come and let me tell you about the
best 90 acre farm In Washington coun
ty, considering the price; in rich bot
tom land; 5 acres beaverdam land. 40
acres In high state Of cultivation. '23
acres Open pasture; some good timber;
good buildings, fine orchard. This place
can be had for $10,000, on good terms.
Including all crops, feed in barn and fine
lot of stock and implements; 1 miles
to good town, mile to station on .
Oregon Electric, less than 20 miles from
Portland. Come and see me. I have
many good buys in small farms and
acreage. Neal Brown. 709 S wet land bide.
5 miles from city, h'tthly Improved, 4
acres In (strawberries. 7 acres in fruit
1 acre In assorted berries, 7 room house
Including oak furniture, barn, chicken
house and all necessary outbuilding,
1 span of young horses, wagon, harnesM,
mower and all, farming implements, all
for $300 per acre; or will sell 13 acres
of this land including above Improve
ments, for $3600, $1500 down. , Hatch
A Howard. 403 Commercial block, 2d and
V-V.. '.?.-?-. FARM FOR SALE. ,
SO acres, fully half of which 1 onion
or garden land: 30 of this Is very best
beaverdam land In ' the state? 60 acrra
altogether la cleared, and the rest easily
cleared; fine barn and house; 24 acres
young apples, fenced, well watered; on
Oreeon Electric and Southern raciflo
R. R, 15 miles from Portland. Owner,
201 Swetland bldg.
' - An Ideal Stock Ranch-
8000 acres In Wheeler Co.. on river,
over 700O sheep, several groups build
ings,, orchards, creeks, etc.; 250 acres
under ditch, 800 ona hay, 30 hornes, '
provisions to last a year; would tsk
city or valley property in trade or wlU
Bell; price $12 an acre.
' ' -" 311 Mohawk bldg. -vV .
' "420 acres In Clatsop cmintvr ' nen
house, fair barn, usual outbuildings; 2
acres bearing orchard, 8 screw culti
vated; .wood will pay for clearing;
cows, horses, chickens, all tools and im
plements; good, rock road; mile to
school and 1 miles to OIney; $4000;
part cash, or will take Portland prop
erty.', Edwin Hooker Co., Chamber of
commerce niog.
220 Acres of Fine Land
Only 8 miles from center of city and 4
nine from Oregon City carllne, 75 aera
clear, balance timber and grove; fronts '
on fine road, no better proponitton ea
the market for subdividing; tiu
acre.'. Ci F. Pfluger & Co., room 6 Mul
key- bldg.,-2d and ; Morrison
NO. 320 82 acrea, 6 rtiom hoii.i, U
stock barn, , two . sioi ies. h
under ntow. good orchard s.'if fi.'lirt
family use, running watr yt'nr bmii
i ait acres or eoua iminor. iiitiMO'n
ffseer f row - - r,
ffneea. exceiipni oifry iurm n t
frutt land. I'rlie $;5 p-r re; tt-t
A-331'. Journal.
'NINE aere ftiw in. I it. i.r ti
j leKH tlmii cost; Ml ,- Ifupro',
l!f milea north f.f Vmi'iuvir f
jfiiBp'; owner. J'h'ini- ,"1 mi I
! Vvrufl-: Tile i.TiTn (.r,,"i -,.
"ony for boft i f. , hi