n THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1010. r ' IoeSiIlt Weather Prevents .' Continued Progress on Columbia Proj ect; More iJhan 600,000 Jons of Rock This Year.. TVlth the ryin ..'.off of the rock handlers and others engaged, in that branch of the work at the Columbia . river Jetty, ' aod the .unloading; of , the lest' barge load of rock. today-. active operations on that structure will cease for the winter, because weather condi tions make further work Jmpossible. During the past season from April 1, when thfe work was resumed to Novem ber 30, approximately --MMM toM of rock were delivered and dumped at the jetty, while about iO.OOO tons have been delivered from that time to today, malt ing practically S38.803 tons which have been delivered during the last season. At the present time the enrockment or the Jetty, which is under the supervi sion of Major J. F. Mclndoe, has reached out 35.748 feet into the sea, while the outer portion of the trestle, which has not been filled with ' rock, has: been removed for about 1000 feet to save it from being washed out by the winter storms. This trestle will be renewed by the time that the barges are ready to resume the delivery of rock, next 6PThf present contract between the gov ernment and the Columbia Contract com pany calls for the delivery of 600.000 tons of rock, and as it only went into force last September, It Is expected by the engineers that It will run through prettv much of the next season. . While the1 rock handlers,' numbering over 100 men, will be paid off at Fort Stevens today, a sufficient force of men will be retained to keep the shops going all winter, as It Is necessary to make repair end get everything ready for the next season's work. - . , ncKEi) t'P family; Captain fiofih Is Man Who Rescued Party in Indian Ocean." Captain Bogh, master of the Nor wegian steamer SolVeig, now in port loading wheat for Balfour, Guthrie & Co., is the man who picked up Captain H. Wilms and his family in October, 1909, from the waterlogged Chinese Junk Wang Ho W the Strait of Bunda. " Both Captain .Wilms and the. Junk are known here, the former, having "been licre as master of the , German ship Kmllie while the latter was On exhibi tion during the Lewis-and Clark fair. The Wang Ho was -.reported ; to be over a 100 years old and had for many years been a pirate chaser and "at the time Captain Wilms was in command of her she was being placed on exhibition at various places. Prior to her last voy age she made a long passage from Fiji to Thursday island, where she had re pairs., From there slis sailed to Sura baya, Java, and made her last voyage from tliera - ' . .-.''.- Captain Bohg ays that when he picked up Captain Wilms, his wife and a son and daughter.; the Junk was wa terlogged, having been drifting for 100 days in the Indian ocean after leaving Burabaya. The Junk was filled, he says, with beautiful carved Chinese furniture. Two or three days after the captain and bis family were picked up by the Bol relg. the Wang Ho was found broken BP on the coast of Sumatra. . : SEEKS COALING PLACE. Manager of Lumber Company Expects to FindIt on Vancouver Island. After several days spent on Vancouver Island looking Into the matter of get ting places to coal vessels bound for China, E. Schulze,' managing director of the., China Import & Export Lumber company, returned to this city Monday, just In time, as Mr. Sehulse says, to se cure a berth at the Press club show . While the China Import & Export Lumber company has taken no vessels to . transport lumber cargoes i to the orient since the return of Mr. Bchulse . from his European trip, he says he ex rcts to be advised of the charter of. a tramp steamer at almost any time now. - Mr. Bchulse says that he has looked , p several situations on' Vancouver is land where his vessels may coal in the future before starting on their voyage across the Pacific - He explains, that the 1 advantage in that 18 that, being near the, sources from which good coal is secured, it makes it much cheaper to bunker there, although about four days are lost in the operation. - - SAILORS ATTEND FUNERAL French Sailor Killed in Terminal - Yards Kuried This Morning. . Delegations from' the crews of the French barks Mlchelet and Buffon. as well as members of the crew of the French bark Pierre Antonine. this morn ing attended the funeral of the French sailor, Francois Rohan, who was killed In the terminal yards Sunday night by being, hit bys a train while on his way back to the ship. y He was a member of thel crew the Pierre Antonine. - rThe funeral serrices were held at the cathe dral and the interment took place at Mt calvary cemetery. . TO CELISBRATE MONDAY. Offices of Inspectors of Steam Ves- . sels and Customs to Close. Because of an order of Preslden Taft, which says that when a legal holi day falls on Sun jay, it shall be ob served on the, day following; both the office of the Inspectors of steam vessels and the customs offices will be closed on wecemeer zs and on January 2, As those are both lesal holidays it is nrob able that all of the government offices will be closed.- , BAIUC rKTRA WRECKED. Kurwegian Vessel (Bootes to Grief on Nova Scotia Coast 4i;Bttd Pt teed Wlre.i Halifax, pec. 21. The Norwegian bark Petra, from Rio Janeiro for Hali fax, is a total wreck at Pennant Point near Cape Sambre, N. 8. Her crew oti 1 were saved with great difficulty. TO Bl'lUl NEW. DREDGE. Ihll TUttul Awardo : Contract for f 1 OC.foa"JOD"!d.T6sC)irSu ppIeTT" A contract . has been awarded to Joseph Supple by the Spokane, Portland A- Settle Railroad for; the construction ff a new dredge to be used in making fills on the North Bank where trestles ud lirljja j$ now used. It is ex- pected that the dredge, which will be , equipped with an 38-lnch suction pipe. will have a monthly capacity of about UO.OOO yards. Its cost will approximate $100,000., The dredge Itself will be 120 feet long overall, 34 feet beam and will have a depth of hold of seven feet In addition two oil barges 60 feet long. l feet beam and having four feet depth of hoJd will be hullt at the Supple ship-. yarq r ruei tenaers tor me orrage. The pontoons for the pipeline will be 10 in number and will be 20 feet long by 10 feet wide. The pipeline will have a length of about 2000 ' feet and an oleetrio light plant wiil be Installed to facilitate night work. CARRIES 92,439 BUSHELS. That Amount of Wheat Leaves Port land on German liark. When she went to the stream this morning the German bark Ellerbek, Cap tain Bewsdorf f, had 92.439 bushels of wheat aboard, the value of the cargo being S77.S48.7t. She was cleared this morning for Queenstown Or Falmouth for orders by Balfour, Guthrie & Co.. and she will probably leave down the river tomorrow morning. ,' : " MARIXE NOTES. Astoria. Dec. 21.- Arrived at 6:30 and left up at 7 a. m., steamer Shasta from Sao Pedro. ' Point Ix) bos, Dec. 20. Passed at 4 p. m., steamer Rosecrans from Redondo for Portland. Melbourne, Dec 21. Arrived pre viously, Norwegian steamer Elr from Portland ' San Francisco, Dec 21. Sailed at 8:30 a. m.t steamer Maverick for Port land.; ,!t-i. ::: vJ' :,,;.:.rfv-:'.; W l San Pedro, Dec 20.-Arrived, steamer Tama) pais from Portland. Sailed, steam ers Beaver sod Roanoke for Portland. lA9 Palmae. Dec. 18. Passed, British steamer Uganda from Portland for Eu rope,,. y;;-"..:';.;..- :';. S '''?? ; ',v'-'".1. Antwerp, Dec. 18. Sailed, British steamer Skipton CastV for Portland via San' Francisco.,; sKrfe ! 'y '"'' Astoria, Dee. 20. Arrived at 1:20 and left up at t p. m.;, steamer Westerner from San Francisco. , s San Francisco, Dec, 20. Arrived at 8 p.i m steamer f Bear irom r-oruana. Sailed at 4 p. m,, steamer Shna Yak; at C t. m steamer Northland; at p. m., steamer Johan Poulsen for Portland. Astoria. Dec 21. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. mrnoderate; wind, northwest 12 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria Thursday: High water 6:01 a. m., 7.5 feet; 5:35 p. m., 6.9 feet i Low water 0:14 a. m., 3.1 feci. ' , ; ALONG THE WATERFRONT. With passengers and freight 'the steamer Sue H. Elmore, Captain Schra- der. will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Tillamook. ' Work on the hull of the new wnarf- boat being built at the Supple shipyards for use at The Dalles is progressing rap idly, and 300 barrels to give buoyancy to the craft are being installed. The British Steamer Sklpton Castle, Captain Craven, has been reported as sailing from Antwerp December 18 ror this port, by way of San Francisco. She has general freight and comes on Bal four, Guthrie & Co.'s regular line of steamers', v : ?v $ p:- ' .''y 'y- - ' Salaries of masters on the second class lighthouse tender are to be re duced after the first of the year, the reduction being from 2186 to $17 a month, it is reported. It" is reported that " the Norwegian steamer Eir. which sailed from here November 13 for Port Pirie with a cargo of lumber,' arrived at Melbourne prior to December 51. - ' . : Because of a terrific wind the steam er I. N, Teal, of the Open River Trans portation company's fleet, and the steamer Tahoma, In command of Cap tain Nelson, were detained below vthe Cascade Locks from 10 o'clock Decem ber 19 to 7:30 o'clock yesterday morn ing. The Wind River- Lumber com pany's mill at that place is also reported to have shut down yesterday; as the wind blew the booms full of sand and it was impossible to get logs to the mill. Daily River Readings. 8 a, m., 120th meridian. ' -3 3 tations. 9 Lewiston 14 SO 25 10 1 20 20 37 15 2.2 8.1 .01 0 0 .12 10.3 uuiaiiiis . , ......... t All,. 3.0 0.1 Eugene ........... 6.2r 0.1J Hartisburg , Albany S.6 U-0.6 . 0 0 0 .02 (Salem . , v Wilsonville , . .i . Portland 4 h 0.4 7.9 3.9 0.7 0 ut.n. maflt. i-nA'f a f a 11 In ht river f WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ,21, 1910. River Forecast The Willamette river , at Portland will fall steadily for the next few, days. . - .. ' Concert for Seamen. . The regular weekly concert of the t Seamen's Friend - society will "be. held this evening, in the Institute,- corner Third and Flanders streets, beginning st 8 o'clock; The following program will be presented; Vocal ' solo. Miss Ruth Gunn: piano solo. Miss Etna Anderson; How to Destroy the Dandruff Germ By a Specialist. That the dandruff germ la responsible for nearly all the diseases to which, the scalp is heir, as well as for baldness and premature gray hair, is a well known fact, but when we realise that If -is also indirectly responsible for many of the worst cases of catarrh and consumption, we appreciate the importance of any agent that will destroy Its power. . We are, therefore, particularly pleased to give herewith the prescr;ption which an eminent scientist and specialist states he has ound. after repeated tests.-to completely destroy the dandruff germ in from one to three applications. This prescription can be made up at home, or any druggist will put it upor you: I oss. Bay Rum, 2 oss. LaVonaf de Conv. possee', -ii dr. Menthol- Crystals. ; Mix thoroughly, and after standing half an hour it Is ready for use. Apply night and morning, rubbing into the ' scalp with the finger tips.,. If you wish It perfumed, add half to one teaspoonful of To-Kalon Perfume, which unites perv fectly with the other ingredients. .This preparation' is hot a1 dye. but is un equaled for promoting a' growth of new hair, and for restoring gray hair to it original color. ' '; 'nyv-iv. ' t.t. ? CAUTION! Xo not apply where hair Is not desired, and be sure to avoid tonics containing poisonous wood aloo hol. - INJECTION; A Clnt Prompt and Effectual Relief without itKOfiTeoieiK-e, io the MOST OBSTINATE CASES v . No other tmtment required. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. vocal solo. Miss Compton, reading. Miss Dickinson; vocal solo, A. D. Stewart; vocal solo. Sidney Boniface There will be singing' by sailors in port, and all rnenas are cordially invited. 1 Wireless From Minnesota. . At sea a distance of about 275 miles west of Vancouver Island,. the steamer Minnesota sent a wireless message last night which was received by the local weather bureau, by way of North Head. The message is as follows: S. S. Minnesota. 8 p. ' m.. Dec. . 20. Latitude 50 north, longitude 131.45 west; strong northwest brecse; weather clear; barometer 30.22; temperature 44; sea rough.. Garlick. WIFE OF PERRY State to Bring Out Evidence to Show Motive for Killing Union Assessor. - V'"i'f fNrwcUl Dlnpatrh to The JnnraaLI La Grahde, Or., Dec 21. The trial of T. R. Kllexson is proarresslna rapidly and the state is Introducing evidence : to prove as conclusively as possible that there, was a motive for Ellexson to kill Perry while the lattewaa at hi home in Union On September 11. . t It will be brought out this afternoon that Ellexson had a well designed case of love for Mrs. Perry, but that it was not returned, that Mrs. Perry answered hiiiexson's fetters to her because he was needed to work on the Perry farm.' The case hinges on Jclrcumstantial evidence and the thing for the Jury te decide is whether there-was real motive for crime and if Ellexson slept at Tela coset between 7 and 3 o'clock Sunday night, September 11, or whether he went to Union and killed Perry-with tho in tent of marrying Mrs. Perry, as soon afterwards as possible. COMMITTEE ER (United Frs Leased Wlr.k Washington. Dec. 21. Exonerating Senator William Lorlmer of 'Illinois of chkrges of bribery in connection with his election to the United States sen ate, the committee on privileges and elections filed its formal report today. The charges were investigated at hear ings held by a subcommittee of the full committee. . - . ' ,l .-. Senators Beverldge of Indiana and Frazier of "Tennessee did not sign the report. . "In the opinion of the committee Sen ator Lorimer's title to his seat in the senate has not been shown to be vitiated by the use or employment of corrupt methods or practices," the report says. "The committee asks to be excused from: further consideration of the case, Senators Burrows, Depew. Dillingham, Gamble, Heybum and Bulkeley, Repub licans, and Bailey, Paynter, Johnston. and Fletcher, Democratic members of the committee, signed 'the report . .. Action by the senate On the report was deferred until after the holiday recess, to permit the filing of a minor ity report Senators Burrows and Beve rldge expressed . the belief that "the cloud . over Lorimer's title to his seat In the senate would be cleared." The senate will v vote on the reports. it is expected soon after congress reconvenes on January 6. . ' Senator Beverldge said he neither con curred In nor dissented from. the ma jority report. He said he had not been given an opportunity to read it before its submission. i Liquid air Is. so much colder than ice that if a kettle filled with It be placed on a cake of ice the, air will boil vigorously. . tt . ' ELLEXSON LOVED SENATE EXONERATES LORIM The Best Treatment in the . World, , the Most Modern Methods, and , No Guess work or Experimenting, v No Weak, Diseased, Skeptical or Hopeless Man, ' it Makes No Difference How Long He Has Treated, Can Doubt My Curing Him If He Will Take Time to Investigate for Himself How I Am Curing Afflicted Men After Other Specialists Fail, and After Some of These Men Had Given Up Hope of Ever Being Cured. I Prove to Every - Man Thdt I 'Can Cure Him and How I Do It Before Asking Him to Take Treatment or Pay Me a Penny, v. nyi tore Aline ted I SJTl not Slirnrlsed th&t ihm m been cured, because they had not receded the careful examination given " by a skilled specialist who is an expert Men tell me they never received a scientific examination until they cams to ray office, and their doctors seemed to be more anxious to get their money than anything else. ; lfou will see when you come to roe how different you will be examined. -I don't treat men until I learn all about thir condition, it makes no dlf- : - ferenee hew Jong it v takes me to find it out. This Is why I cure after1 . others fall. When you Uke treatment from me you get the benefit of my; best skill, tiros and attention necessary to cure you. I don't make a bit of difference on account of your pocketbook. I treat men to cure them and : give them treatment that cannot fail. I want every afflicted man to call . or write to me at once. This Is all I ask them to do to convince them , beyond a toult that I can cure them, make them strong vigorous, whole, . happy hearty, even If they think they are wrecks. Men wbe take treat- . ,ment from me Improve from the start and know I can cure them. , 'Afflicted men. why wait be skeptical, diseased or weak, or continue to . take treatment that Is doing you no good, when you can get treatment from. me that it certain, . thar does .yon good at once and s oon effects a caret Many men have to' come to me sooner or later if they are ever eured. Why not let me euro yon before losing your money. , health and strength In treating with unskilled specialists? YOU CAH PAY AS ABIE, WHIN EENEFITEO, 03 mU CURED, UY PRICES mTCM TEE EE ACQ CF EVE2Y UA3 If you suffer from Blood Uiseaee. Tfrethral ObstmoUon, Xnotted Veins. Cwollea Glands, Sores, Ulcers, Bkla Plseasss, Kidney Bladder or Any Urt aary Troubles, Servons BeMUty, or Any ilea's Disease or Weakness due to Excess or any other cause. I can rarely cure youcure you honestly cure you quickly. Not one ct does It cost you if I don't Don't delay a single day. 'Boat wait until year Ufa Is entirely rained, Don't worry about payment Come and talk to me privately about your trouble. I will convinoe rou. I will cure you or no coat to you. , . . . , . Come to Me and I Will Cure You MS Motto i Best " Treatment at Seasonable Maes, , . . Hon' Give Up Before Oon suiting Ma. i vmu s vnoe li u xrouoia.' . OTTABASTEX B CURBS Many patients have told ma, after X eared them, that they hesitate st first to come on aoooant of never haying received relief elsewhere, and they bad almost become so skeptloal as to think there was ao cure for thsm. . X want an opportunity to treat Jnat snob men, and it makes no difference bont . the financial part, as X never aooept pay for my servtoes j Ccrccr Seccsi 3 YzdiKI OLD DODGE USED 10 AID BOSK Fulton Begins to Spring Des perate Measures, butGame . Appears Losing One. " "With your vote, we can elect Bower man president of the state senate." -.' Thus runs the message that is being sent by Charles W. Fulton to members of the state .'senate whom he figures may be induced to help play the game to defeat Ben Selling for presiding of ficer of .the 'senate.: "','.:':-:.'--:':jt'H This is one of Fulton's old cards, and it shows that the "anythlng-to-beat-Selllng" campaign has almost reached a state of ' rigor mortis. , When Ful ton was trying to break down the State ment No. 1 forces In the legislature two years ago and be chosen for senator Instead of the man the legislature was pledged to elect as the people's choice, the wires . from Washington bore the same message from Fulton that is now being sent, to senators in' Bowerman's behalf. ' h j . s ' If all the men to whom Fulton sends this message should take the cue. Ful ton's fond wish might prove true and Bowerroan again ' be president of the senate. But some of the men who have received this message are for Belling. Others are not committed, but are against Bowerman. They are not In clined to look kindly upon this sort of a message, coming from the machine the Republicans of the state so recently re pudiated. Close count of the state senate or ganisation fight . shows the. Selling forces unbroken, with 12 votes sure, two more practically assured, and - strong chances for picking up the other two votes that are needed. If Selling should be unable to gain .them from the Re publican side, they may, come from the Democratic side. ' v.-. ;, . ' Bowerman cannot , be elected, accord ing to the beat' opinion, The best, he can hope to do, and acparently what he is trying to do, is not to win tor him self, but to defeat Selling. ; TO accom plish this result if Selling Is not chosen on the first ballot there is likely to be a break by the supporters of Bowerman to Dan J. MaUrkey. While Malarkey has many views not pleasing to the Bowerman standpatters, he vas regular in the last campaign. He spoke for Bowerman .and his election would be a sugar coated pill. 1 It is probably Selling, possibly Ma larkey, but not . Bowerman. ; . i v.1 PORTLAND BOY GETS HIGH PLACE IN COMEDY Richard M. Bates, Jr.,' of Portland, a senior architect in the University of Pennsylvania, has wxm a place in the second of two casts which hav$ been presenting "The Despised Diploma." a musical cvntedy,' given under .the ; aus pices of the Mask and Wig club during this week, according to a dispatch to The Journal from Philadelphia. : Bates takes the part of Kitty Telford, a school girl. '!-';. " . , ' , .f , Every year at this time the Mask and Wig club of the university gives a play In order to find new material for its big production during the Easter vaca tion. ;. As 'Bates, has been fortunate enough to make One of the two casts which are presenting the comedy, he will BTJIPUi SAFTGTTAJtS POB MOTHXXS Mrs. D. Gilkeson,' 326 Ingles Ave.. Toungstown. Ohio, gained ' wisdom, by experience. "My little girl had a se vere cold and coughed almost continu ously. My sister recommended Foley's Honey and Tar. The first dose I gave her relieved the inflammation in her throat and after using. only one bottle her throat and lungs were entirely free from inflammation. Since then I , al ways : keep,, a bottle Of Foley's Honey and Tar In the house, -as I know it is a sure cure for coughs .and colds." Skldmore Drug Co., two stores: Main store lol'Thlrd st; branch store, Morri son and West Park' sts.j ' Woodard Clarke Drug Co. . v 11 " mmmmmmmmmmmmm Ken Alter Oltsrs Fall 1rrH nf mn vhn nnrrsm in vn hmjf rtnt . SJrctlj have fan excellent chance of appearing in the Enster show. ' '., The Despised Diploma" was written by E. E. Kogers, a student in the law i coMoee of tho unlvprRltv. ! Bates Is a son of Richard M. Bates, president Of a local printing company, and resides at 672 Kearney street SAND CAUSES TROUBLE ON HAWTHORNE BRIDGE ThouKhtlessly the gate tenders on the , Hawthorne bridge swept sand from .the aprons onto the draw rest plates last' night and Until Chief Engineer H.I Stutsman returned to work this morning cars encountered trouble getting over the track contacts at the draw ends, the track on the draw being nearly an Inch higher than on the bridge. 1 v- At first it was feared something had gone wrong with the draw, but upon close investigation Engineer Stutsman discovered that the .whole trouble was diie to "a deposit of sand on the. draw rest plates. In the dark the night engi neer had been unable to locate the cause of : the trouble, and the gate tenders never thought that they and their inno cent brooms were responsible for all the jolts and Jars given the cars In crossing the'draw,.: -vY; ;'"; , Henceforth the gate tenders will ba more careful In sweeping off the aprons. Thousands are learning to roller skate. " They Grow Hair Certain Ingredients1 if Properly Combined,-Stimulate Hu man Hair Growth. ' Resorcin is one of the most effective germ destroyers ever discovered. Beta naphthol is a most powerful yet abso lutely safe germicide and antiseptic which; prevents development of germ matter and creates a clean, healthy con dition, i " Pilocarpine; althoughi not a coloring matter or dye, Is an ingredient well es tablished for its power to restore nat ural color to human hair. - - Borax, because of its well defined softening and cleansing " properties, is most useful in the treatment of scalp and hair diseases. Glycerine acts as a stimulant to the hair bulbs and has a soothing, healing and nourishing Influ ence. : Alcohol Is Indispensable in medi cine ; because of its antiseptic, stimu-' latlng and preservative qualities. Rexall "9 3r Hair , Tonic is chiefly composed of these Ingredients, v which are compounded in a particular form, and we believe it is .the most effective remedy " known ' to medical, science ' for scalp and hair troubles generally. We personally i guarantee it to eradicate dandruff and scalp irritations and to grow hair, even though the scalp ; in spots is bare of hair, providing ' of course there is life and vitality remain ing in the hair roots. ( , .We want, every one trodbled With scalp disease, dandruff or loss of hair to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic If it does not remove dandruff and promote a growth -of hair to the satisfaction of the User, we will without question or quibble return ever cent paid Us for It This guarantee Is printed on every pack age, i. It has effected most, satisfactory results in 93 out of 100 cases were put to a. practical test ,.. :. i; -.(.. Rexal '83"i Hair Tonic is entirely unlike and in every particular different from anything else we know, of for the purpose for which it la : recommended. We urge you to try it at our . entire risk. Certainly we could offer no bet ter guarantee. Two sljies, 60 cents and $1.00. The Owl Drug Co., Incv corner 7th and Washington streets. y" - "" v ARE YOU SICfC? Consult the On VTVo Tong Medicine Co, These hoted doctors have learned the secrets known only to the famous Chi nese savants and have spec tally imported herbs from the remote provinces of China that positively cure all ills of the human system. Diseases of the nervous sys tem, female disorders, blood , poison, stomach trouble, etc., absolutely cured. No matter how many doctors navel failed, no matter now many medicines you have used without result, call on ua We can cure you. Consultation free. Treatments by mail On Wo Tong Chinese Medicine : and Tea Company - -92 Second St Bonn 9 A. X. to 10 IP. X. . f 'ho' , a. w If IN 11 V V?l II I .lc?npl!1, "J' tf tbere is any donbt aront .iJJVJ ko-t curable by my methods, provided X am atlstled the patleat is .iitwri and relbLaT , ,J?.vm.m,,ttl0l ana dvlce is always free,' whether ?&ll.tZi,?mD0T !iot- "J' you cannot call at of flee, , WH2 'el'Mteotlon blank. Many eases cured at nopie. Office sbours, I a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 to IS ti rA0mTJ?!Jd!,,c 'n p'ln nvelopes. Medicines from .11.60 to ti.0 jmt course. , PORTLAND, OREGON i I - '....' II f n i ! U w ' w J VJJ,' W-J Jul m , t i ' i I f l ; 1 i i m I ft Many doctors call a suppression of symptoms a cure. Some dose for drusr effects and then claim that nothing more can be done.. But the real ailment rnniln. ttnH mill bring the symp-" toma hark Hsuln V perhaps the same as before. or per haps modified in some manner. My treatment is effec tual in complete ly removing .the' ailment because it 1t leading : epeciaust. f oes to the very source of the cause, t searches out every root and fiber of the ailment and thus effects a REAL CURE one that is permanent The thoroughness of ray methods in treat ing men's ailments has brought cures where others fail, has enabled me to promise much with certainty of ful filling every promise and has reward ed me with pre-eminence In the med ical field and with the largest , prac tice of its kind in the west . - YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED My Specialty Includes: Tarlcose Tslns, Specific Blood Poii on, Obstructions, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, . Piles and all Contracted Ailments. :"''": . oo hs tTjT Axxoir rausB my HONEST - AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS TOU NOTHING!, I cheerful ly give you the very- best opinion, guided by years of successful prac tice. 'Men out of town 1n trouble, write me if you cannot call, as many cases yield readily to proper home treatment and cure. My offices are open all day from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. and Sundays 10 to 1. . j . The DR. TAYLOR Co. 834M, KORBISWI BTTT.TrT, OOB JSX SCOST9, POaTLAITD, OS. I Am the Man that weak, ailing man have got to con sult after they aave failed to receive a cure elsewhere. MM I posltively'cure Varicose Veins, Rup ture, Obstruction, Special Ailments of Men, Kidney, .Bladder and Mood Ail ments and Nervous Weakness. If you want a perfect cure, cure to stay cured, treat with the old- reliable firm. Don't waste your money with cheap and unskilled specialists.- , Get the best always. . The best is none too good for you and, always the cheapest In the end.-: . Remember, we treat only cases we can cure. .Cure or no pay Is our motto. What more can you askt , t r We will cure you of your" trouble never to return If we tell you so. ..Re member this. . We are specialists' in our line,, not cure-alls, - Call at once and let a true specialist examine you today, not tomorrow. stop surrermg; get strong and vlgor- oua What more - to be aesirea than healthT; Nothing. , Come and consult us free of. all Charge DR. LINDSAY Tie Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128V Second street - Portland, Or. Office hours 9 a., m. to S p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 1 P. m. ' ' - , MEN CURED I ., VlSOURFEE Pay When Cured We baVe every known remedy ap pliance for TMATxjh, TOT., Our ex 2Li1,Jc?i. '-fi ' anJ var-sd that no Lla,,,,t" of m,n ! new to ua. COUI! IH AMD TAT. it TT nm Oeneral Debility. Wsali Wervss, Xa. I,T?e-ui,US' oxpowire. overworn and other violations of Harare's laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, VarU ZLZZa I .,H,UC1T d' permaneauy wl l11 and no detention from business. " 7 i.ME.C1AXi AtXJttBJrTSNewly con tracted and chronic cases - ervi a burning, - Itching end inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of question Office Honrs-p A. M. to 8 F. M Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only .Pacific Coast Medical Co. B24Hi WASHXHOTOH STREET. ' 1 v Corner rirst. .. . i CEiiEtraATxn 1 1 OHXHiaB DOCXOB Cures all diseases of " men and women by ' use of the , famous , Chinese herbs. V CrPICB HQUBS I 8 to 11 a m., f S to 6 p. m. ' f Office, room 11, 1 aaaar i cr 133 H 1st St p. m., 6 to 11 p. ro. 233 r landers, Bet . ata'aad Bta.v. ,-' ..i .ni!IK!E3TER'S FILLS W . TIIK UIAMOND iilUKD, A Ijkdlr.l Ak your DracrU'v . I !hM"l I'linoad HrunA. I'lll. ill J4 ti otd mrtailic botes, .esta) Titb IMtio Kiiiboo. T.lt. . .tK-rr. Tir of ywnr ; : . .-V fef ' -Bvrr " -Jit if , aW KIAZS GIVT 1Z2 BY IXT TCEX3 PATETST3 WrSI.1 X HATS STAET JIB OH TITS F.OAB TO rTEAXTTI A2TB XCAPTCX 3." Gael - . . i IG22 Vo TXCE wHIlftaE UOCTOX. ; '' T . ; !.' ; ' Dec 14,,'lio.", WO T nr rnatlma Hum anA AMn.n ..j i . Lhas been successful in making a com- noujuimj lllt&Iiy UOCtOrS and patent medicines. ,. but to n ov-.n tr., , I t j t worse an tne time. t : i i ". doctor a trial, and found he could do for me what others had failed to do. and , I am today well. I would advis anv wno are bo the red with thi vx.oo... give Mm a trial without delay. (Signed) . f ED. V. KTRSCH, ; -.. Lebam. Wash. out op town path itt a caw n. CTms MXDicrsras Ajrxt DEarc- , TI01T3 rOS TBXATMBST8. " t Write and enclnsA i rant. In . - . ... WUI MA Will than AT11 .vmrtnm hlnb .-J after you fill it out he will diagnose 1U C. Ccefwo ChintseMedicineCo. ; 16SH Pirwt St, Cor, Morrison, Portland, Oregon. OUR GUARANTEE cmuB ob so PAT. , OUB PBS $s and $io Ur BDvrpiiH CA5S. rvt ... ..: uu eases we i t w i cat auu wure All cbrohio ner vous and spec- lal diseases. ?" aminatlon and '- ens nit ation xree. ' Our Eurotwan rv.ethnrla cum 1a ataV cured, otherwise It does not cost you anything. Could anything be more fair or honorable. Call and consult us about your trouble an let Mia explain our modern, and up-to-date methods, whicn remove the cause, and cure the follow ing diseases.-.. ' - (. - , . Acute. Cbrosio end Varvona TJiaeaaaa. Blood Poison. . Merve-Tital troubles. Btomacb Troubles, AU rorms of Bkin Biseases, Catarrb of all forma SS oo per month,; Ecsema. Ptlti enrsd without the knife; Swollen Glands,' Nervonsnsss, ueouiiy, Tsxioose Tains, Biaaaec aaa Prostatio and Contracted Troubles and all Acute and Cnronie Biseases of Men and Women, -'',.- Call today for free X-rav examine tlon end consultaMn. BBXTZSB BOTAK70 KXTXtXCm CO. S87 Ve Washinrton St.. Portland. Or., 4th floor Rothchlld Buildlna. . 407. 408. 409. Take elevator. : . , , , "THJ:- M. GBSEN OUAJVAKTEXI TO,' Our guarantee Ho money required until satisfied is your absoluto protection. Consul tation, examina tion and medicines free. Our specialty is All Ailments of Men. what you want Is a cure. urnio : io u eno cet It Hours dally! 9 to 8. Evenings,!. t . to 1 only. , . . '.. , - -: 383 WaabingtoB t, Portland, Ot. MIN AND WOMEN CUR.ED The .famous Chins s t DRS." 8. K CHAN, witl their reme dies of herbi and ro o 1 1 cure - won derfully. -It f .'V . nas c u r e d . v.JLyJ fArV w",fcXv uyw Aiuiva. eure cure ror cnronio, private ailments, nervousness, blood poi son, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia, kidnev. throat and li no- ii,iiiAa mn. sumption, stomach disorders and other diseases of all kinds. Remedies harm less. ' MU'Ur-ujKATiON. Honest treat ment Consultation free. Examination for ladles by Mrs. 8. K. Chan. Call or write to TBtB B. X. CHAJT MEBIOXirB CO 896H Morrison ltq bet. 1st ft 2t, Portland, ,Oiy...-fy;lj-' ' Hid G BeraWGMesatoi , f Avaf. mni linel. nmtir (or ' BrndutU. CmIbttK Kay F ft ' lnA.mm.HM, Iw4ta.t1nn.. flUM. I ,Mnn, nf A 1 L mnjMMM mnihr.ne or liainire ec tbe note, Uireat , i atoawoxi or mnnmrj vrviw. w v T DttuoaiaTs si Why nM curt v our it if I Tnatlae with eaea botu. or mallas oa nquert. .let lm Q-mal Co, CaMmtvtiua, U.S.. Hfe j V-.N SS X.' Vf IS" r ? ' Dr. B. XL Chan ' f m w ' r.lTi',. " rv v . 4 Zyrzir3 cy r"vrr: -.Tsrur; "r.r: