The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1910, Page 17, Image 17

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nrnnniAi iinno at nuncn nnsnn m
i;;p','i,sn is
iia io mi
23.200.000 LBS.
mil am
iuua ; Ui,t
i j r Liui viL i luro in uu 1 1 u uuiiiiu i u
ILimill iil-i UULU
La m
All .'Sorts of Prices in Effect Prize Steer Sold to Union Meat
Enormous' Amount Estimated Little Business Passing, but High Price of Season Reached Failing to Secure Uniform Val
Will Ask Los An:!:s Pc:p
to Speak by Initiative
Portland Interests.
but Trade Is Not Erisk; Re
' tailcrs Hold Off.
Company at 14 1-2 Cents
a Pound Today. N
Taken by Seals: Said to Ce ' All Lines Are Qoutcd With
at Independence; Grower
ues Creamcrymen to Talk
Over Matters.
Greatest Destroyers. Strength Today.
Asks 20c for Others.
C&ristmaa Turkey Market
Following price ruled along
Front street today tor dressed
birds, and on this day a year ago:
Today. Year ago.
Select ,'.. .26c 30c
Fancy 23c 27 Vc
Ordinary ........ ..22c 2c
Culls . 17o 20c
Ka's the CJsamploa Steer.
Goodale & Cassady brought the
champion of nil champion steers
from California today w hen they
sold an animal to the "Union Meat
company at .sllsrhtly better than
$250. This was at the rate of
14c.a pound. The animal la
declared to be the best that ever
entered a Pacific coast market.
AAa,..a..AA . Sixteen cents' has been reached In the I Portland .Is to have a butter board
w w W'ww w w -w w w w w T w it hon market with the w of on lot all ,,. .. . .." w '
, Wast th Seals rat
. Lbs. Salmon.
Estimated number seals; 40,000
Consumption per seal, 20
ConBumptlon'daily. . . 80,000
Consumption yearly. , .129,200,000
Hogs. - Cattle. Calves. Sheep.
148 "
; Turkey prices are rather badly mixed
alons Front . street In fact, they are
more mixed than they .wore prior to Wed
tfiti Thanksgiving slump. . Tues.,
, xurKeys sold along rom u; ; I Mon.
v irtg the past 24 hours from 17 o to 260
pouno, wiu me uius vi m- " pri , . ...
; between iO and 23c a pound. Thurs. ...
Tne lower price was obtained for yr,k'KO.
way for a few select shipments from ( The beBt .BtM!'r tnat eVer entered the
- R &r"f1iSW
parchases because they say they have than $250 today. This Is .M the rate
to date received Mly a very limited de- 0f 14 hi cents a pound, r The shipment
mand from consumers, mohi oi mem waa roade by Goodale &. cassaay irom
fer ttat e market will dropm un- Montague icai,; U(i wa3 fed by them
thereto irtot wiUlnto" rep'et th, a Gaulle for this market The animal
iSSSSS-S o? hnkgivine. when was sold to the JUnion Meat company.,- ,
thev naid J6c at wholesale and soldi "The steer was the best that ever en-
moat of their, birds retail at 20o a tered the Portland market."-ays "Pad'
pound. - " A; L. Hunt, of Hunt It Lacey, Who sold
Holders of cold Btorage turkeys- are lt , .It waa far superior to -the animal
wynw w iorcai P"t"h" ""r" that sold last year at auction at
unlUUelrTced gSods sTomge1 turkeys cents a pound, and therefore much credit
aJt Third h to .ell ft y. pricef but they is due the feeders for bringing in tb.s
. . - e.ii a i i I rlflflR Ot H til IT. - ' " . ' i
wVThffect of curtailing the' price The champion steer that brought the
One Betr who was in the ton price today at th"te stockyards whils
Pity yeerdayPraid ' 2lc and 2Sc for weighing 100 pounds less than the anl-
birgd said that wis his limit, as mal sold, last week atlO cenW a pound,
the SeSuearke"waTeven fuller of was so much better that the two could
ins Dwui mii rn rrwlv noma In the same class.
dewtXslgned to himself this morn: otrthe7 heavy Vtuff sold at the lower
inTbS hfwas Snable to sell them figure -but good light stuff would have
at country points as Is hia usual cus. prougni we aauniunai uau.c -
Cattie--O00aaie & cassaay, jwoniague.
Smnlt Rnn ' Start : CsJ., one load: w. h. Munon. woniague.
Smell 1HW BUUTS. i l. T V.ttMon Unntmia nna
Main sconts of the smelt ran that , A. Uavafl T2tna Vfnnta ntA turn InnriH
; annually comes to ? the .cpiumwa nver Bheep ; and Lambs J. Wolvtngton,
have been "seen during the past .few miM .Idaho.' two loads.
days and a small number have been Mixed stuff A. U DeMaris. Milton,
caught According to Charles K. Henry 0 t loads cattle and hogs: A. J.
of the Columbia Fishing company a . jew Lotsdon. Wioona. Wash., one load cattle
smelt have , been caugni mere uur,,l 1 and hogs .. -
r event uaya. iuo uo w mbb
.' f
Twentv-nlne mlllinn nrf' " hvmr1i-1
thousand pounds of salmon is the esti
mated consumption 7 of Columbia river
iiou uj bch.19 iun eacn year. '
According to prominent fishlne Inter
ests of the lower . river, there are - at
least 40,000 seals in the Columbia each
season, and these eat about 20 pounds I I year's choice goods are said to be of-1 be nothing secret about the dellbera-
of fish daily.'- - v I ' : titer, a similar price. , lr nutter board, and quota
'The seal destroys jnore salmon In , nlv a small amount of busl- ' , a.nop Pfu . nola,I1 : " W,V mae ,n Ule 0Pn- so that
the Columbia river each season," says Tbert, . wt-t marketX at tr.ernelT -,-' there is . a general anyone Interested can see for them
Charles Henry, manager of the Co- nMS Pa88ln ,n tne ,whMt
luiupia r inning company a i. finar kock. i wis ----- i m.u., .w, w - - 1 . -
"than all the canners and storage plants maintained locally. !. v-;-;';.r " , Great efforts are being made by brew- , ' EmerrTille Entrloa ''
combined.- f , -Millers ay they are buying a small era to secure contracts on 1911s but sol " 1
"The sealdrives the, salmon Into the amount of-club wheat at.o(ffic a uras Known no growers nave n vc. .i.,nins ior to-
net-and then proceeds to take him at bushel basis track delivery at Portland, willing recently to partjjltli their hops morrowj (
rirsi race, six rur ones Buena. 106:
InauguraUon. 106: Gramercv. 104: Don
ald, 111; Lady Adelaide, lllf Sir Fret-
rui, uu Bucolic, ill; Roy T. Ill; Soltol.
91; Krnk o. Hogan. 107; LitUe Butter
cup, 106; Harry Rogers, 106.
s second raoe, seven furlongs Court
Lady. 10: Charley Paine, 109; Circo, 97;
ooggs, ioi; Aiiness, 104; L. C. Ackerly,
101; Wlneberry, 106: Salomy Jane. 109:
Military Man 104; Onatassa, 108; Nettie
Traver, 106; Lady Hildreth. 101.
inira race, six furlongs Eeda, 107;
Passenger, 107; Calla, III; Pickaninny,
91; Hannah Louise. Ill: Rosamo. 114:
Combury. Ill; Prudent, 114; Native. Son,
his leisure, i ;He . is an expert in the Eacportera , are, taking a few , lots here in advance of their growth.
ways or invaoing ine net, una many I and. there. Dut most oi-mcui oj "'w
times it has been nip and tuck between are not offering above 79c for dob, a
a seai ana rayeir as io wno wouia get l few going as nign owo-" . vn
the salmon first ' ' , , , t ; ,A riour trade is showing itsi usual holl-
-""When jffilmnn a r a nlontlful th -9n1 Snm umall business 18 re-
eata only the cheeks, but when they ported passing with China and Japan,
bib Btnreo no vunsumes a greater por-ibut tne volume is n- "j ....
tlnn tlf Mlh fish . U. liHAg hn, ta I on mtWlv. for Immediate
good, and it is easy to see whether 1 wants. Likewise a small amount of
fish are scarce or plentiful by noting! business is ; passing 'With central
According to Mr. Henry, the past sea-1 coarse grain markets, while firm, ate
son along the Columbia has been . the I showing the same degree of dullness
inosi prosperous ina iisnermen nave i noted in oaner lines vi.vnm
ever -iicounierea, rjce nave Dwn ci- . y
and show good quality.
v Today's Official Basinets.
Following are .official sales. They
represent demand, supplies and quality
... ' Ar. Lbs. Price,
1 steer" .... M. . . ,1730 114.60
IS steers ...1411 7.60
27 steers .,,..., v. .... .1166 s 6.25
S cows ."960 , I4.7J
HOGS. . .
29 hoes 252 18.75
Ueneral range or lives tocn prices as
S Ducks Are Scarce.,
: TVi.ra la a.- amirfltv of ducks in the
local market and dresaeq, stock would be
quoted as high as 25o a 4ound., Dressed
geese are1 likewise In heavy demand
around 18020c a pound. Chicken trade
slow. ; ... .
' Cauliflower to Be Higher. - ;
"An advance of lOo a erat Is being
m, tn ,K nrln an li ftnwr . In
the south and this will be reflected In indicated by the latest sales In the Port-
the local trade after the present' lot is lanq yarns: - r.'
-.M rni4 th.r tn nmith thn caiise. C.ATTLR Grain t fed steers, 16.25(3
";,,wi , - - : . . . a. -r ., nr.- .; Dcsi (lay Bit ra,, ioiivj
r , tt;-k steers, . t.60; common, aioers, .vy
ur u uu , i en. mn tit. IS. SO: fancr. I4.BW
Owtnr to Th rery Mberat demand and fp'oorV 13.00 J S.25 ; heif ersf 84.600 SM
mll rrl-cls alontr .Front .street all Ik.,iio ft nainnf.- atatrs l OOWS 2S. .-
lines of dressed meats are showing ex-j . HOGS Best light . $M6; ordinary,
reesive screngxn wiia top pnero umia-1 io0i&i8.75; heavy, is.oo; stocxers an
tained f or aoality. , , I frir tOoa00. v '
..' rk.-:7. j'H ; ' BHEBIP Best yearling' wethers, $4.6,0
IUtting the Egg Market.
6.00 ; old wethers, 84.60 4.75; grain
-..,7 . ,,0. i-o; ted. 3.007.00; ewes, J3.008.50.
r, mill") iuv-i. , . VTT.3 Rout 17 fln
quoting fresh Oregon eggs at 4o a
dosen,- one of the largest handlers along
the street slashed the price to 39c tbls j
CALVES Best. $7.00; ordinary. $6.50
poor, $3.0004.60. ,
morning In order, to clean, up better.
$ , Batter Market to Drop. : ,
f There , Is every Indication " that the
elty soon.
nil th C
hnrtinr the demand for fresh goods. A
eral Fruberry,. Bo less' than fruit ' or
(Abort quotations ara II days v net
rice: impnai japan xno. i ivn set
New urieana neaa. KtfTc
SALT Coarse Half ground 160s,
Y World's Wbeat Starket.
Portland Cash club, 7981c;
bluestem, 8$SIMc
Liverpool December,. 6s, 9Hd', j
March, Cs, 11 d; May, 6s, lld.
Buenos Ayres Wheat easier;
. heavier offerings. ' r
Chicago - December, ; 91c;
May.- 95Hc; July, 924c. . ,
- - Minneapolis May, 31.03. '
St. Louis May, 96 He.
Kansas City May, BS c
,, Duluth May, $1.04.
KVinnipeg May, 4c. "
Wv W. Percivaf of Independence sold , .uct.
83 bales of Charles L. Fltchard at the I -ul u-Jision nas at last been reach rvl
season's hih mark. The hons- were I by creamerymen after
choice and Mr. Perclval Is holding his with producers regarding their lnabilitv
remaining supplies of 442. bales for 20c t0 .ecure moreTS n.fa..
a pound, which he is confident of secur- Kh ;a. quotations on
hops retained by Perclval there are lots ,h' J16 bfd will not be a continua-
remaining in the independence sections. " " " i organisation, but will
These consist of Charles Saerling 51 be a place where the members will dis
bales and the Funmel lot of 100 bales. jcusa the supply and demand and ascer-
l h. hnn mnrntt la arrrmf v Ttrm it i nt men iniT)KM .tfir t nr a. -.t
this time . and olds are being eagerly i whether- It should go ... hieher or lnwar
V sougnt oy aeaiers ana Drewers. -Ten ' stationary. , v
Pont, woa nulri ffl, 1 I tl hi d fa 1 n M n An I AL UIB nrnwnr I m tM fa
I tr Munhv at Rfllpm hv Kn Tseia. These I aDie COmDlalnt recarni T) ST Ha (tene v
J were said to be the finest lot of 190s situation, and makers have decided to
I in the statei Other holders of last I remedy matters if they ran i-Wo win
Lo Angeles, Cal., Dec. 21. Huicit C.
Merrttt has not accepted as final a U
clsion of the city council against his
plan for erecting a building 230 fret
high in this city, . He has aswea ni .
friends to Invoke the initiative, in bo
half of his project In a statement lie
says the majority of the people ot tM 1
city are in favor of amending the build
ing ordinances. . :
The' Merrltt proposition, '.Involving-.;
such a change in the building laws tf
this city as would permit; the' erection'
of buildings of greater height than 180
feet, was turned down by the council
yesterday afternoon, ; , .
r The council went further by deciding
that the 150 foot building limit, as th
original ordinance provides for, should
in no way be modified hereafter. This
will not interfere with the 180 foot
Hotel Alexandria structure, now ur.dr
(United lr Xeaaed Wire.)
Chihuahua, Dec. 21. Wounded
tremely high and the, catch has been nrur,r wi?tri?T AVti LOWER.
fair Some rillnetters earned u murh I WHEAT H.iUUi-1. UUWF.i.
ssjmvvu aurmg ins xau wam ' - . :- ' 'ninuanua, uec. i. wounotja soi- lt1, N.,.nmj 11t, ,.- u..M Tit.
eaten or nan naa been oo on coin.i.n M.ritt iiown ;t- io k on , x. ht v.., i tu.tizrr: -:?7m-' --- '"
th twaf w-pIc vhni th tlde hjm I , uivi a uiuusui hb.b '-' I HlSKra, 111. ;.
tne pasi weea, wnen ine uaes Decame . T.Vnm l a Plata. I u v 4. I , . .. - .
loo targe. I iihi i w."a," - - i mo wv n .m wia,i ren f """"-j i tuurvn ix ana a nair ruriongs,
Chicago. Dec 2l.--wneai was ; i carry reiniorcemenis io xavarro : was i nanaicap jest, 100; Pay Streak, 110;
here today witn loreisn i rorcea. to put Daca arier a sanguinary mwnuska, lis; Jim Basey. 126; Eddl'
irh.M aa a inwer onentnx nue l - - . .i u a I , . AA '
ment'bvI'Li . Srgentin.' te utlonist ; , ? - mile and 70 yards-Miami,
etsT Closing here was J to JC a iiie oiuciai repuri; says v ieumiB j m, viiaiine, ill, wap, lia; Treasure
bushel lower than yesterday auer ,an josi si giuea, io missing ana . wouna- jseeKer, 113; Aunt Aggie, 111; Sake, 108
opening M to c down. ed. The Utter include Colonel Guzman. Orllene, 106 Point Lace, 111; Liberto,
Trade was slow during . the trading i command-of the exneditiort. The In-till: Prlncs of Cimtiin. 1 1 1 fhanttiiw
land little interests was displayed oy 8urwict0,. j0BS la not knon here. ; 111: Bellsnlcker. 113.A . '
enunr.BiuB uuiiMB 1 The train was in two sections, carry- '-'.Sixth race sl furlnna-a TWiri 1
tlanre of Chicago prVes furnished by Ing three field pieces on ac attls ear, J Burning Bush, 111; Royal Stone, 111
. .-.' i . -l. . , 1 . f AA - 1-1 . ... -. trill.. . V. ! t f"l 1AT.lkll1l.aI . V
Xew York. Dec. 21. Stocks were quiet I Overbeck & CookeCo.:
touay, presenting a run Holiday appear
ance. Up to 2 o'clock transactions had
reached 235.800 shares. -'-,.-. v -
The market for securities was almost
featureless,, and only nominal fluctua
tions were noted In prices. 7
- ni'W a nnavv inn. inr Amnrian
shares abroad and losses of hi point I May W,'.',
mavlr.t Ihora aa .Hnll lfH nAnun In. I
nll! f anil ',..,.,.. , .
Tha TTtilta1 Qt.l C4..1. AAmAmitlnn 1
siiiivuuccii aio ui i. ti, 1 iiik; jiau lui 1 -
12.7On.OO0.. v-jv', . ... .... Inept
Dec. ..
I July ,
!Rane of New York urlces furnished 1 Jftn-
nv overtxck cooite t;o.
Uescrlptlon Open Hlgh Low Bid
of fresh butter will drop Jnthis W"A- 4o-
noon. The make is quite liberal EJ8; YuJ
:ha pressure of storage stock is 8ai-Co
fnrt,i1,LS.14n ?SrSTr nI5ViV'T !-60 per ton; 60s. $9.00; table dairy,
lower prkso Is therefore generally ex- 0c f8 00; ioos, $17.60!. bales, $2.2$:
pected. ' txtra fine barrels, ?s, 6s and 10s, $4.09
" ; . ' , rccu.oo; lump roca. per ton.
' rotator Dull In South. BEANS Small, whlt, Hc: !arg
. T5xtren duUness Is Shown In potato wnix g i.WJtH:
values In tho south and it is suted that 1 Uas5.80. reds. $.18., ; f.
last Friday there were o,ooo ssxks. oil
rivers on the Jackson street wharf ",,-"" ffstabtos.
a u Ain i,. ntt ..lroui 1 FRESR FRUITS Oranees Nw n
Stft dork On the same day tWe vels. $3.0020 box; banana Xe lb.,
f were arrivals of 11 cars of Oregon and! lemOne, $4.50 5.50; grape fruit, $3.75 r
Salinas potatoes wixn oniy ou sacxa piueyicB, w : ni- ti.ou;
sold. The rent were placed In storage. Tangerines, $1.001.25; Jap Oranges,
tm this account se-eral San Francisco $101.25 bundle: pears., $1.76 2. 7 ?
fcnvers have canceled orders left with BERRIES .Huckleberries. Tc. ' .
Jowl interests for Oregons. POTATOES Best, $L361.40r; sec-
- VKGEtABLES Wew turnips. $1.26;
Dee IB,; carroi b, per. sacic
cabbacre. $1.40 1.60 per cental: torn.
nmi out the following notice to Bhin-j toa, $1.261.60 per box; beans, 15c
psrs: ."protect snipments as rar norjn per pouna; norseraaisn, v ( 10c; greeq
an Seattle against temperatures of onions, 1016o doxen; peppers, bell,
shoot 34 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 10lle Per lb.: head lettuce, 600700
22 degree; southeast to Boise, 22 de- per dozen, hothouse, 75c$1.00 per box;
gre; south to Siskiyou, 28 degrees, radishes, $6c per dozen bunches;
Minimum temperature at Portland to- celery, 60 85c dozen; egg plant, lOo
night about 83 degreea. per lbt cucumbers, $1.00 1.25 per box;
" 8 . peas, 15c; cauliflower, $1 dozen. .)
WtOKT STRECT QTVOTATIOyS ' tN3. 9l.iOQl giuUe,9tc
I I. - ' v ' . APPuES75c$8.-i-:-7'-4-'.1r;4;
, i HCops, Wool and Hides. Meats, Tisn and Srovlslos. '
. HOPS Nominal. 1810 crop, choice, DRESSED MEATS ITront street hogs,
f Warning to Shippers,
United States ireatber bureau has j cabbage, $1.4001.60 per cental; toma-
1o ner lb.: prime to choice, 16c; prime, fancy, iohc 'per id.; ordinary, 10c
llUc; medium, lSMey -1909 growths, per, lb.; heavy, 9c: veals, extra, IVAti
nomlnel, 9 0 10c lb. ' 14c; ordinary, 48c; . poor, lie; extra
WOOL Nominal, llltr, " Willamette large. 7010c: spring lambs, llHc; year
valley, 1819c; eastern Oregon, 130 ling lambs, 7c lb.; mutton, 80; goats,
? SS-BF-KnW'3 -' -nesrlng. . tO02 I ' OY!
nnr . wau auisvuvi - nieiimm iuii. 1
vwv" A a .w 1 it u . -nllAn t itM Ai IK b
1 and rrrase, 2ft2.0. I4RD Kettle leaf, 6s, T8c.per lb .
YSTERS ShoalwatetS bay. ner arav
.H,mllon. lt ner 160 ?b. sack$5.6ft- Olrm-
vrobl IOC0 $1.00 eacn; long wool. 76e0 pla, per gauon, .. per 100 id. a
11 JS each - ' " . 19; canned eastern, 65c can; $6.50
" .ALLOW Prime, per iW $: N6. 1 eastern in she 1 $J 75 3.00 ner 100.
CHITTIM BARK 1909, nominal, le; steam Tendered, 5s. 12c' per lb.;.,coiu.
4io 4Ue ' pound, os, 11 e per lb.
1 HIDES Dry hides. 15 hi 01$ hie lb.; .'FRESH BEEF Wholesale slaughter,
rreen. $H0ti: rresn, salt, le ers' prices: Best steers, J0Vio; ordl-
b. kips. 6H'Hc; calves, green. 130 nary. 9c; beet cows, H0cs ordinary,
$e per. i. "':.'';::'":". . t-77' .':"; ''w;..:irt- ;.;:..:'
Amal. Copper Co.
Am. Car & F O.j
, -do, pfd- ...
Xm. Loco., c .,, .
Am. gugar, e .
Am. Smelt, c, ,
do pfd r. ,;...
Anaconda M. CO.
Am. Woolen, C . .
Atchison, o
do pfd . ......
B. & 0..-C......
: do pfd .......
Brooklyn R. T...
Canadian Pac, c.
Cen. . Leather, c.
do pfd . ...u..
C. & G. W., c.. ,.
C, M. & St P...
C. N. W., C... .
Ches. & Ohio....
C. F, & I, e. ;. .
C, S., c . ,
do 2d pfd ... .
do 1st nfd
Corn Products, cj
uo pia . ... . .
Dela. & Hudson
D. R. G., c. ..
1 do pfd . ... . .
c,rie, - c. . .. ...
. , . i
111. Central .... I
Louis. .& Nash..
Manhattan R'y.
M., K: & T..C,
oo pfd .,,,.,
Distillers ....
Ore Lands ...
mo. I'acmc . .-.
National Lead ..'
N. T. Central . j.
N. Y., Ont. & W..
Norf. & W c, .
do pfd. ......
No. American .
No. Pacific, c, ..
Per.n. Railway ..
P. G., U & C. Co.
Pressed S. Car, c.
' do pfd. ',',..(.
Readinpv c. . . . .".
.ue2d pfd. ...
do 1st pfd. , , J
Ken. 1. & s.,
do pfd.- , . , .
Rock Island, c.:.
-do pfd. ......
S. L, & a F., ?p.
ao ist pro. ,;.
St. L. & 8. W., 0.
Southern Pac c.
boutnem h;. c
do Pfd
Texas & Paclfio
T., St L. ft W.. Cj
- do pr
Union Pacific, t
101 101
. A .
100 199 100
20 30 19
May .
Jan. ...
May .,
Jan.' ..
May ...
96 9 95
93 93 92
45 45
47 47 .
48 ' 48
..." -31 .31
... 34 84 .
... 84 34
,...83- 32
. PORK.,
...1985, ,2005. 1985
.,.1880 1885 . 1850
. . LARD, i
...1080 1090 1075
...1025 ,1045, 1025
... i RIBS.,- ,
.".,1072 1077, ,. 1065
... 85 1005. 980
46 '
95 Vi
and 600 soldiers. Paneho Villa, the Lord Clinton, 107 r Phtllistina, HI; J-
bandit who while Operating indepen- supourn, ill: Harry Stanhope, 111
dently, still regards the government as Kiectrowan. 107; Bessie C, 91 ! Burnell,
his enemy, fired on the second section I HI j Roy Shumway, 11; Directello. 107
as it was passing through the Andyanaiss s
canyon, but did no damage.
The . name of Ilulett C. Merritt the
Pasadena capitalist does not appear on
the books . of , the tag assessor as; the
owner of any central city property In
Portland., However, it Is believed that
Mr. Merritt is heavily interested is the
syndicate that controls by lease the 60
by 100 feet at the northeast corner
of Fourth and , Washington streets.
where excavation is under way for the
foundation of a 12 story office build
ing. It is known that local people in
terested In the lease were negotiating
with Mr, Merritt and it was reported
at that time that he had agreed to fi
nance the project of improving the site.
It has been suggested that the Pasa
dena millionaire is holding his interest
in the Fourth and Washington street
property as a club over the Los Angeles
city council in the effort to induce that
body to allow him to put up his 230 foot
buiidingiln the California city.
i Washington, Deer, 21; A resolution
providing for a special rule for the con
sideration of the majority and minority
reports of the Ballinger-Plnchot inves
tigating committee by the house on the
last Tuesday In January wrs introduce!
today by Representative Hlteheogk of
The mountains of Mat Paso, however,
47 B I swarmed with 'revolutionists.
48 A I . They halted the first and second sec
tions. of the train. 7 Colonel Guzman dls-
5 H B embarked his troops and for five hours
83 B I de'6nded himself, le was In a trap,
32 however. His enemy was on the heights,
sheltered and poured In a deadly fire.
ri I Gustnan was shot, through the leg.
A Worn out with the one-sided batUe.
Colonel Guzman loaded bis dead and r
wounded and the remainder of his force'
onto the troop train and ran back to '
barked, ourled their dead and prepared
to seek a junction with ' i Navarro by
soma route other than the railroad. 7
' The repulse of Gasman, following the
drawn battle at Cerro Prieto 10 days
ago, has caused, for the first time, the
taking of a most serious view of the
-' San Francisco. Dec. 21. Wheat Aus- revolt. The government's adhemts are
tralian and propo. $1.6501.62; Sonora, t last at the point of admitting that
$1.6001.67; California club. ' $1.45 Dhw forces a., genuine revolution . and
1.66; club, $1.6001.63; Russian red. not asag-tag of desultory and almost
$1.4701.6O; milling grades, higher; negligible riots. Meanwhile, General
Barley-Feed, good to choice, $1.06 Navarro. , It, Is reported, remains sur-
107 fancy. $1.08 01.10; poor to rounded near pedemales. The crux of
fair 97 c $102; shipping ind brew- the situation in Chihuahua Is his ability
ing' $i;3fl1.10; Chevalier, noralnaL to hold out until relief can be sent to
Eggs California, fresh, Including him. . - - -
cases, extras, 86c: firsts, 35c; seconds, -
82c; storage, 2ig)32c. .. : - ' Mexico City, Dec. 21. The. Tenth bat.
Butter California fresh extras. 85c; tallon of Infantry, a battery of light
firsts.. -27 o; seconds, -27c?. storage, artillery and one rapid fire gun have
Cheese isew tjaniiornia ni. lancy,
17ci firsts, 16c; seconds. 13c;. do. Young
imtrirai. fancv. 17c: firsts. 16c". Wis
consin daisies, 18c ;( Oregon fancyt 16o.
Biorage-aiiiornia, 10c uo movo.
left here in' two sneciaV trains for the
seene of Insurrection , activity In Chi
huahua. 7 Another train carrying two
regiments of infantry Is said to have
left Guadalajara, for the same destina
I4c; do Young Americas, 16c; Oregon j tlon.7 The troops are being hurried for
fancy, lsvfec; ao young Americas,, iic, ward to raise the force of Colonel Guz
ISO per 10. -7" -"' " .. . ' - .1
MOHAIR Nominal: 1910. 80032a.
f i snta Bnntfrww
HAMS. BACON. ETC. Hams. 13
16c; breakfast bacon, 21 0 30c; boiled
BUTTKR Extra creamery, cubes and ham, ,o: P,c"ic , "
Sihs 37e: store, 84025c; eastern prints. ro11- lSc.P'Joi. reBU, aBh2rt ,,e,a.r"'
AMiiie 7 " " ' T f"n7? smoked, 17c; backs, smoksd, J7e pickled
BUTTER FAT F. 0. b. Portland, per
pound. 84tff86o H.' 7. . . .
i POULTRY i fancy hens, - 15o per
lb.; spring, neper id; 01a roosters. 12c;
tnniriies. 750 lb.
FISH Nominal Roekeod. 16c per lb:
flounders. 6e: halibut 910c; striped
bass, 20c; catfish, 1312c; silversides,
9((Sioc: Bteeineaa, wmc; soies. c
nTDC:Tr;'ir ffliVu. vei- black bast, 20o lb.; Sturgeon, 18e per
5 EGOS Local extras, 39ff44c; No. 1, 1 . m uv.r amnlts io ner lh' blui-V ml
89W4ftcr.N0. 8J8C; eastern best. 80 0 .""'V smin. 8lP1are" I KSE
sn- ordinary, sue; uaiuornia storage.
bet'. 88fl)39c. . - ,
i CHEESE New Oregon fancy Mil
cream, triplets and daisies. 16017o:
Young Americas, 1718c. s :; ,
I Grain, Floor aod Hay. v
WHEAT Track delivery: -Club, 79
1o; bluestem, 8.083c; forty-fold,
Io81c;- Willamette valiey, 82c; Red
Russian," 78c; turkey red, 81082c.
BARLEY Producers' prlre 11 0
Feed, $23; rolled,. $25; brewing, $240
. T.ftTtlFFS Soiling U orlce Hrah
' 12424.60; middlings, . $31.60032;
Shorts. $25026.60; chop, $19 h. '
timothy, fancy, ordinary, $18;
fastern Oregon, $20 0 21; mixed, $160
17: clover. No. 1, $13014; wheat, $130
14 cheat. $1416; alfalfa, $.$.600
14 oats. $13 0 14., - J
OATS Nominal, producers' price
Traok Kv l white,, $S- sray..$37.6';
KLOUR-'Ol crop, patents. . $5.1$:
Willamette, 6$0 per barrel:' local
airaipht $4 0504.78: bakers, $4.7606.16;
fSiport grades, $3.60: graham sack,
$4.60; rye. $5.76; bales, $3.18,
t Crooerles, Futs. Ite.
SUGAR Cube, 16.40; rowdered, $5.60;
fruit or berry, $5.60; dry pranulateil,
, $5.50; D yellow, $4.80; beet. $5.30; Fcd-
dium, $1.25 doz.: California shad. 14o lb.
tailor clams, 13e dosen. $2.25 per box. LAUis-Chalmers
paints, coal oil. Xto,
WHITE LEAD Ton lots, to per lb.;
600 lb lota. 80 per, lb.; less lots,, $o
ner lb.'. . .. . -
LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls., 96c: ket
tle, boiled, bblw., !8c; raw in caies.ll.01;
boiled In cases, $1.03 per gallon; lots
of 250 gallons, lc loss; oil cake meal
In market). .
1 EN-INK S decrees, rases.
al iron bbls., Slo per gaL
ROPE Manila, 8c; sisal, 7o.-
COAL OIL Pearl, astral and star, l$e
per gallon; eocpne, 20p gallon; elaine,
he gaUon; headlight. 11018t gallon
extra star, 20c gallon; water white, bulk,
9Vi-'l-! Pr gallon; special water
white, 17024c per gallon.
GASOLINE Red crown and motor,
1 S 0 2 & , 8 allon ; .. 8 1 . gasoline, , 30031 He
gallon; V, M. & P. naphths, 15022o
gallon, i ' .. .
- TURPENTINE In eases. $1.00: bar
Tel, 97 He per gallon.
WIRE NAILS Basis. $17$. ,
Of the .23.334 miles of telegraph lines
in Chili' the government owns 16,513
mllf-a. '
..uu pi a .,,
American Can.
do pfd
Alton, o ,,,,,-
Great West., pfd . .
Nevada Cons. . 18
U. S. Rubber, c. I 344
--do -pfd -i-.'..n.-;infl
u. o. t-ieei t:oM
' do pfd
Wabash,- c. , . , .
do pfd
W. U. Tcle....i
Wis. Central, c.
Westinffhouse ..
Beet Sugar .,,.. 41
Utah Copper ....j 45
xnira Avenue ,.
Ice- Securities,'.
Cons, Gas 134
Big F6uri..,i
Railway Springsi
ao pta .. .
Vlr. Chemical .'. 2
ao prci . . .
K. C. Southern.,
do pfd .. .
Oflneral Electric.
Wheeling & L. E.
72 '4
74 ,.
. if.
New York singles. 18c; do daisies, 19c.
Potatoes Per cental, iuver wmtes,
tl.304il.4O; Salinas Burbanks, $1,700
1.85: Oregon, $1.5001.60; sweets, $2.80
;.00. .-- ' - ' --.
Onions Per sack, $1.00fil.l5.
Oranges Per box, new Navels, stand-
lard, $1 JO 3.00: choice, $3.1502.50;
fancy. $2.7603.50.
man to 1000 men and tnen the -attack
will be made from the two sides. .-, .
Jesse Ioshbaugh, aged 23 years, ' a
cable splicer for the Home Telephone
company, was instantly ? killed at 11
o'clock this morning by a fall front a
telephone pole at Kenton. v - '
It is-believed that the accident was
due to a shock, as the man was heard
to scream several' times, and was seen
. CAPITAL $1,000,000
Surplus Undividea; Prof its $650,000
This bonk will remove about January 1 to its
new bankhij room in the Spa!lng Building,
corner Third usd Washington Streets.
ud mt i ii.. i .ij.j.uji
62 2U
.a... es.N,
. -,
. e . r ,,.,
. , ...
18 18
Rnnth Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 21. Cattle,
3100; market unchanged; seers $6,000
inc.' j lf..o tjf 1 K lit
l.ia,- vun. riiu iicuvip, . , ' ' ' ..-... -...
.UAn ?nn . mirr i tn n enerMB in m wr ininr in as-nnv annarAnnv tin.
89 j $7.50 I.62H- ' . -;:''' , able to let loose of the wire on which
30 Sheep, 4500: market. he was working. Then with a sudden
0 -1 4-t.i.;..'?' WAt lurch - he , nulled back and fell head
HI mo9- ""y'r down. 20 feet ; to- the cement sidewalk.
aa -was uniu iiBjii leauucu. rikj un ex
amination it was found that his skulf
had been fractured, i He .was a married
man and his residence was 1111 Sher
man street There are no children in
the family. - , v
Chicago. ' Dec. 21. Receipts Hogs,
14,000; cattle, 16,000; sheep, 15,000. -to
20c higher; leftover. 8200.- Receipts
year ago were 85,000: rales mixed $7.4$
ut i.HiVi'r neavy. .u, i,8"iv
D7.80; rougn, i(.i .bo. '
nnint. It li7 Itav henrv 37.46
a7.80; light $7.4567.80, roung, $7.45.
7.56. ' , ,
cattle- lvo to ioc nigner. . -Sheep
Strong. -
. . y . . ii i - -; . 7
' Portland Banks.' ' '
Clearings today j . . , . $1,634,700.87
Year ago .4............. i,ov.vsu
I Gain today ...,......,,
Balances today .
Year ago
Snekans Banks.
Clearings V ,...,...,..$ 846.242.00
Balances . . ". .n .... :.-' 139,291.00
Seattle Banks.
,,,,..,.. $1,569,569.00
'tr "
Balances' .
Call money, offered at 1 per cent..
Total sales, 836,. 000 shares.'
pnirce mb TnnA v I Jnuar " ?;??
i miwuw i wil l vun i I March ,
Seattle. Dec. 27. Butter Washington I July
Taooma. Banks.
, $736,081.00
. 75.826.00
Nrw York Cotton Market.
(Furnished by Overbeck Cooke Co.)
, iw xorK. jDec. xi. ouon tnaraei
' Onen. Hieh. low. Close.
; . .. - ..-x. . .... . .
1624 1513 151920
1542 -1687 1537ifii88
1643 1538 U3(tfi49
1615 1508 1&0709
1874 1371 370e7!
1490 1485' 14S5S.SJ
1508 -1372
New York-Iondin Silver. ; v
New York. Dec. 21. Bar silver, 64!
creamry firsts, 38c; ranch. 36c: eastern 1 August
creamery. 34c; eastern storatre. 80ia2el October
process, 26c; Oregon,- 85043c;. - ! December.
sg 4xl awb, 42fr43erl"t "
storage. -Kesgj 30c; fresh , eastern, $8(31
40c. . .... ' . '
Cheese Tlllamookf twins, lf,tr Til
lamook Younar Americas. 18c: 'Wiscon
sin twins. 18c; Wiijfonsin Young Amer
icas. 18c: Washington twin". l?c;
Vvaahinrton young --Americas, 19e;
fiwixs. :3c: limburrcr. 19c: rream. 20c.
Onions Walla Walla, $1.60 per ifick; I March ............. ,As 1lid
California, $1.50.-..,. A .-I May .-v.-.j .- - -. 1 1 d
Meli-an dollars. 4 So.
London. Dec. 21. Sliver. 25d.
Liverpool, i)ee. zi. wnpt
" Open.
December 6s 9 d
8s 9Vid
s 11ad
6s lld
House Adjourns for Holidays.
Washington Dec.'21.-The session of
the hoiiso-lasted uTiHT'S o'clock today,
when adjournment was taken until aft
er the hnliriavst ". ? v , .
Investments 1
Timber Lands .
w i .; '-7,;.r,7t'"7;''''"-V 7s iv;-:
V1' ' 7(77.' "I7 ri-y - TV '
',. ; ,';;',. i;.-.s7. 77 V'.-,; ;'-;l7. 'i: .w7.-;v:'-!: 7;
KIcGrathfi FjeuhausenCo.
701.2-3-4-3 LEWIS BUILDING,
Lu IVi B E RM EN 5
National Bank
Capital, $500,000
First National B
Capital $1,500,003 ;
, iiurplui $750,003 ;
Oldest National Bank West of th:
. Rocky. Mountain!
wif'ai sr.nw w"
Every. man,
woman an,d
child in Port
land can help
the "City Beau
tiful movement
by advocating
Overbeck &
Cooke Co,
Comm'sshn Mercbxn:,.
Stocks, Bonis
Cotton. Crab, it c
Eoird of Traia Vr
fmtWa Oilnm WrS-ef
Corraapondenta ef Li "
Cblcage, ' -fcew 4 '.
V. have ttie -- '
uniirllns PanlnJ i ' '
Mtitre i ! f. t i
. " , "V.. . , . v.: