The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    t 'l.
Pll 10
.A. H. Rawl, of-Agricultural De
; partment," Believes It Shows
Advancement of the Human
" Race; Valley Impresses Him
f That the movement to' the cities from
. the farm Is not one to deprecate. Tut
n condition that epeaks well for tho
Advancement of th.e human race, was the
statement of A. H. Rawl, i chief oik the
dairy dlvjsion of the department of agri
Culture, who was the guest' of r honor
at a dinner given him last night by
the Commercial club. .
; "This complaint of people leaving the
farm is all poppycock," said he. The
' country goes, to the city because of
-better surroundings. -' The only way to
keep people on the , farms Is to give
country life surroundings that Snake it
, equal to that of the city in point of
; i "It takes dollars to do this, and we
roust have some system that will make
dollars for the farmer' before you will
accomplish mutih in keeping the people
on the farm, ' for .they will, be drawn
to the city by the more attractive sur
roundings. '
. . ' , Tallty Boa Slch. - ' ' "
"Now dairying is not the whole thing
, In agriculture.--1 would have sheep and
orchards and all the Other things in the
Willamette valley; and" I would have
more dairy cattle and better ones. The
valley U one of the best dairy districts
, ; On. earth. , 11 needs more drainage more
eows and more dairy, farmers, but you
have got many good ones now. The soil
Of this valley will last forever by a well
balanced system of agriculture, f . :
"Dairy ing means a great deal here for
-j It gives quick cash returns, provided you
put the proper Investment into it. , There
are 22,000,000 dairy cattle in the TJuited
States and they are producing about half
what .could be produced by. the use of
Ordinary business methods. Yon need
not think Oregon stands-all alone be
cause you have some poor cows here.
They have the dame conditions else
where. The best 'way to Improve con
ditions Is to give the farmer examples
and object lessons of proper, methods
and betterments will soon be under way.
Would lake 150,000.'
"Our bureau is a small one, always
lacking- funds; but .1 , wish we might
have $50,000 to spend on this coast in
dairy work. Aye haven't got it, but we
hope to have it within the next two
years. -If we can come here and Join
with your local institutions in improv
ing dairy conditions and helping your
farmers, I for one will be very well
satisfied." ' . ,
. , Dr. J.. K-VWetherbee of the Commercial
club presided at last night's dinner, and
in introducing the speaker told of the
growth of. Oregon's dairy Industry in
five years from $5,000,000 to ,$17,000,
000, saying Oregon, and particularly
western; Oregon, is cow heaven, as well
as the promised land for the diversified
farmer. ' : ' L ' - ' " "
J R. B. -Miller, head ofUhe traffic de
partment of the ' Harriman system i In
tho normwest, spoke of the work of co
operation the railroad interests perform,
and promlsf4 a continuance of this a
sistance. ; ; ': i " "r:v ' :" i " -
-i; Mora rarmera . Weeded. -.
E. L.' Thompson, ' who is himself a
practical dairyman, having, a. if model
dairy hear the city, said the -need was
for more modern, up to date farmers
who would embrace modern methods.
Me said the recent immigration from
the east is proving more ready to take
up the improved dairy methods than the
old farmers of this state. He also "urged
government cooperation in the work,
i R. L. Sabiij told of . the work being
done in the. middle west by suclj dairy
experts as Hoard, Babcock and King.
Dr. 1 K. A. . Pierce spoke not Willamette
valley "soil, and . Dr. Calvin' 8. White
gave a few remarks on tubercular con
ditions,in dalr,y herds. ; l ' " ' ' ;
' Those - present were: A. H. Rawl,
chief of dairy division, United States
department of agriculture; 8. .W. Mc
Clure, chief northwesHdlvislon depart
ment of agricultures Dr. H. H. Hutchin
son, bureau of animal industry, United
States department of agriculture: 'D, O.
Lively, William McMurray,, Phil S.
Bates, C D. Mlnton, H. C. Maris, 'T.'S.
Townsend, C. C. Chapman, W. H. Dunck
ley, H- Beckwlth, W. L.(Crlssey W, P.
Balderston, R. B- Miller. A. C. Black. R.
L.. Sabin, F. W. Robinson, H. E. Louna
bury, K H. Fogarty, W. E, Coman, Paul
y, , Marls. Dr. J, R. t Wetherbee, A. . H.
Lee. E. L. Thompson, L, A. Coddington,
C. H. Williams and J.-1. Sayre. ; :
Yesterday i Mr, Rawl haw sections Of
the Willamette valley and he was Im
mensely pleased with 'its possibilities.
"The Willamette valley is a wonder
ful country," said" he, "and opens op
portunities for thousands of people;,; Its
soil and climate are such that rapid
development is bound to come., I think
It, Is the. greatest valley 'In 'the world.
Education among the fanners to pro
duce the best there is in all lines, is
one of your greatest needs; the best
grades of dairy animals as well as the
best grades of apples." , - . .. ,
Portland, Dec. 19.To the Editor of
The Journal The wording of the tax
amendment published in The Journal
of this evening oil page 6 top of third
column, is incorrect The amendment
passed by the people is to be found on
page 72. or the state pamphlet. , The
one you, publish as having passed is
found on page 34, and was defeated.
The correction should be made, as the
two amendments are -quite different
The one passed was 326 on the ballot,
while the one published by you as hav
ing passed was ;No 818. ' k - s'-' .
Incidentally tt might be , well to sug
gest that several larger ; cities than
'I o : . u nfA nn jil m' An nont lauw 4 o warn
on land values and- exempt improve
ments Without impairing their credit
in the least and that' this looks like
discrimination against Oregon.' -
., A.-D. CRIDGE.
a n
Workers in Tuberculosis Cam
paign Despair of Raising
Fund of $10,000. .
(Mr. Crldge isx correct. The amend
ment adopted by the people and ob
jected to by the Chicago bond buyers
is as follows: r . s ; . .
. "No poll qr bead tax' shall be levied
or collected in Oregon; no bill regulat
ing taxation or exemption throughout
the state shall become a law until ap
proved by the people of the state at a
regular general '-' election; none - of
the restrictions K of the constltu
tlon . shall apply to .. measures ap
proved fc by the people declaring
what shall be subject to taxation or
exemption and how It shall be taxed o
exempted whether proposed by the leg
islative" assembly or by- initiative peti
tion;', but the ' people ; of the several
counties- are hereby empowered and
authorized, to regulate taxation and ex
emptions within their several counties,
subject to any general law which may
be hereafter enacted."). : .
According to the present outlook, the
Visiting , Nurse s association, together
with the women, who are - engaged in
aiding the Portland campaign for, the
salo of Red Cross seals, will not . suc
ceed either in selling 1,000,000 seals or
In raising the $10,000 which It is de
clared will be necessary in carrying on
the work Of the assoelatlon during the
coming year. This situation, it is said.
is not due to lack of .enterprise or or
ganization on the part of the campaign
ers but rather to ,a failure on the part
of Portland people to ' cooperate and
aid. ' As the money which la raised Is
spent principally in Portland for the
benefit of consumptives who have no
money, with which to obtain treatment
this lack of cooperation is deplored by
the workers. U.;'.; "-V'; i--'v''-..'
A donation was received yesterday of
$50 from Mrs, F. Opit. which consti
tuted a material encouragement to the
campaigners. , The help of Miss Alice
Lloyd, the English comedienne, is also
much appreciated. Misa Lloyd win sell
seals at , the Hotel Portland tomorrow
from 12 until 1 o'clock, and at the Olds,
Wortman & King store from 4:80 until
5:30 p. . m. - Miss Grace Cameron will
sell today at Toll & Gibbs' store from
3:30 until 4:30 p. m., and during the
same hour Friday at the S wetland Can
dy store. The women who will occupy
the Red Cross seal' booths tomorrow
arc as follows :r , -i,--.
Meier & Frank Mrs.' Marion Dolph,
Mrs. Donald Monroe, Mrs. H. Falling.
' Olds, Wortman 4 King Miss Judith
Scott Miss Muriel Williams.
; Tull & Gibbs Miss Janet NobK Miss
Rae Zimmerman, Mrs.'J. W. Bwope, Mrs.
J. Winters. ' " v ' ; ' '
The Owl Miss Mildred Meyer and as
sistants. 7' '".-;; " "
Woodard, Clarke & Co. Miss Ethel
Chamberlain.- ,: ''
LIpman, Wolfe & Co. Mrs. A: Foull
boux, Miss Isabella Gauld.
Governor Wilson of New jersey, t;
ernor Harmon of Ohio. Governor l
win of Connecticut, William J. I n !
of Nebraska and a host of other y.. ,
Inent party leaders are expected M at
tend the great Democratic conference
in Washington next month.
; There are 500 school teachers out of
work in London, and the London county
council has been considering a plan of
reducing classes and thus providing em
ployment for piore teachers. ' Before
the meeting of the council at which the
problem was ' considered the unemployed
teachers tried to hold a mass meeting,
but (he police prevented lu
Greatest Bargains Ever Shown
In Hand-Embroidered Goods
SOFA PILLOWS, handsome designs, finished complete. Val
ues to $9.00. Special , $3.50
CENTER PIECES, tan 'linen,; floral and conventional : pat
terns, suitable for library and living rooms. Values to $15.00.
Spccisl " t : i v . o00
Infants' Wear Doilies, Center pieces, Neckwear, Shirt Waists,
Ladies Handkerchiefs; Etc.; ALL REDUCED.
the; Needlecraft Shop
, 388 YAMHILL ST. ',
' One Block South Olds, Wortman & King's! s
, . f -r ' i. - - - -' i
A Reliable Piano or Player Piano
continues to be the highest form
of Material Gifts
' , .. ' - ',
Our.line'offers to the discriminating buyer all that is'
, admirable and satisfying in piano construction. In styles
' and prices a wide range is covered.; Easy terms of payments
may be arranged. . . " ' ' " K :
S04 OAK ST. " - ," ' ' BET, 5TH AND 6TH
Store bpen Evening
Buy Merchandise Bonds at Special Boom Main Floor Christmas Candles In Basement-French Pastries Fourth Floor
Tle (Gipesi-iieip Ms, Wort!
Only three More; Shopping Days Before Christmas Greater Reductions on Holiday Goods Than Ever
'9 1
Buy Red Cross Stamps?
From Alice Lloyfl
Main Floopiromoprow
Miss "Alice Lloyd, the ' popular English comedienne who
has taken an active part in the great campaign against
tuberculosis,' will preside over our-Red Cross Stamp booth'
tomorrow from 4:30 until 5:30 p. m. Miss Judith Scott
andWiss Muriel VViJliams will have charge rest of day.
BanmBa 1 ei lb r Men's . Shirts
gL5Q and g2,OQ Values at 95c Each
Five hundred dozen Men's Coat-Style Shirts; with cuff attachedBekutiful assortment of clark and
light patterns We invite comparison of these shirts with "job" shirts offered elsewhere at 90clt
will be easy to distinguish that other shirts were made to sell regularly at 89c and are called
$1.50 and $2.00 values, while ours are regular stock values at $1.50 and $2.00Special
Women's and Mgifs
04 Umbrellas g2.95
, mi f i. im i) urn ;-r-). .hit- i rf- '" ' '11 n.i.. r f ia ' i' i ; ' '"h 7" ir'i ""' 4
Today's ' shoppers vrilt realize a substantial saving! on
these Umbrellas.' Sizes 26 and 28-inch; tops, of good quak
iity silk and linen,' mounted on paragon frames with eight
ribs, absolutely rustproof, good waterproof tops. A splen
did selection of . handles, all new and attrac- (C
tjve. :j Regalar $4.00 values, priced tt'onty,''each":&ir9.
Sg.U IFodf Seaspfs U1
in the Fur section,' second floor, we offer a splendid
line of large, shoulder, piecesj with Iront tabs lined
with chiffon satin taffeta, trimmed with plaited ribbons
and tassels Also plain shawl collars t-fl'? E(fh
with two silk tassals-$35.00 values at " owry
Iir$32;50 pillowlmufe
Large $22.50;pillow muffs to? match for Only $11;25
Our :entire stock;ofwomen's"and children's furs: in
coats, sets, neckpieces, muffs,- etc Children's furs
$1 .49 to $32.50; women's from $8.50 to tq--fLru.
$350. Every kind and Quality, reduced a K 9m m
Sale of Dressed Polio
2.5Q Valtiega at G1.78
G1.50 Volucoilor 98c
. ' ....... . ..
In. Joy Land, fourth' floor, a sale of Dolls, dressed
in'' dimity or; chiffon .Beauful flowered pat
terns, dolls with sleeping eyes and lashes. .Our
regular " $2.50 values, special for this 1 ' JQ
extraordinary , eale .tomorrow,- to close Jlsl U
Another lot dressed in jacket euits or lace trlm'd
gowns, sleeping"-eyes and curly hair.- tfjl A)
Regular $2.00 values, special at only pita
Dolls (fressed In "' very - pretty' suits with 00
plume trimmed hats. , Regular $1.50 values JUU
peg k Blackboar d o
5i:oa vaiueratGi:4G
Child's Desk Blackboard with roll of copy pat
terns at top. Easel blackboard or open's out into
u desk. Our regular $2.00 values, on ffl AO
special : ; sale for. tomorrow at onjy v I v.
Sale Rocking Horses
Q2.7S Values at B1.75
Swinging Horses
Q45Q Values at g3.25
Tomorrow in' the Toy Store, fourth floor," very
attractive Rocking Horses with padded saddles,
long jockers; standi 23 inches high." CI 01
Regular $175'value, special, - each, vat. vl uO
Another lot, larger size,, 26 inches 0 7C
high. Regular $2.7S ' values; each,' at ' i I
SWINGING HORSE, 29 inches high. Q OC
Regular $4.50, values, special price at QOLv
Boys' Au torn ob 1 1 eg
G7:o orvauttroscig
An extraordinary value, -very Well made j4-'nch
tires; steers with a wheel and has' an adjustable
seat for big or little boy. VA. regular ; jA " 1 C
$7.00 value; special to close, at, each tl
Men's Neckwear
Regular $1 and PJra
81.50 Values for gfe
- '. ' ' " 'I i 11 " ; : - 'i ' " ".. "... ' '' '
Continnation of our great sale of men's Four-b-Hands.v
There's Ties enough in this -lot for all Portland. It
was the greatest" jieckwear bay we ever made." The
entire stock on hand with one of New York's; leading
manufacturers, picked up by crar New York office force
at 30 cents on the dollar. We pass them on to you at
the 6ame -proportionate reduction, Don't look else
where. You will see more ties here than you ever saw
before. All the very latest styles in French ifold and
reversible fonr-in-hands. Roman stripes, vDresdens,
Persians, etc. "Plain colors io Barathea silks, Peau'de
Soie, Peau de Cygne, satins, French cords Faille 07j
silks, etc; $1 and $1.50 values, special at only
S5 Radloptlcon at g3.95
S8 Radloptlcon at 86.38
SIO Radloptlcon S7.95
S12 iRadloptfcon;
"The Radiopticon is the best Post Card Projector on the
market It shows all the cards clear. Equal to any
picture 1 show. Only a few left, so better step lively.
Come in and see the demonstration of the Radiopticon.
Bolls " Kedlfed
Our celebrated lines of "Sweetheart Dolls" that were
made expressly for us in Germany." They are full ball-and-socket
jointed, have sewed wigs and natural hair.
Some have sleeping eyes, some flirting eyes. All size
are placed. on sale at the : following reductions:
Size 18-inch, regular $1.75 values, 'special at f 1.33
Size 20-inch, regular $25 values, special at f 1.69
Size 21-inch, regular $2.50 values,' special at fl.88
Siae 23-inch, regular $2.75 values, special at f2.PS
Size 24-inch, regular $35 . values, apedal it f 2.44
Size 25-inch, regular $4.00 values, special "at ; f 2.89
Size -26-indv regular, $40. vaiueaspeciaUatf 30-.
Size 27-lnch, regular $50 values, special at' f 4.14
Size 29-inch, regular $6.50 'values, special at 84.48
Size 32-inch, regular $7.50 values, special af fS.48
Size 33-inch, regular $9.00 values, special at 87.28
Mem's Sl Smmfis at ig.8
Stop! Tnink! tudy the case!; Is there a time in all
the year: when you need .new clothing more than
during the holidays? Then remember our Clothing
Store is in its J first Winter season arid every suit we
show is new and the very latest style In this sale we
include the sweliest lot ot bcotcn and (Va
English mixtures $25 values for dnlv "V-U-
Men's Overcoats and: Cravehettel Raincoats Those
very popular styles, such as are being worn by the
fashionable young fellows and particular business
men All the latest styles A lull line p. op
of sizes Our regular $25.00 values, at
HAMS Choice eastern, the' pound, only 17
BACON-Extra Fancy JBreakfast,. pound 27
CRANBERRY SAUCE Anderson's, tins, 11
NUTS Fancy mixed, the pound, at only 20
PLUM PUDDING Atniore'si 10c, 29c, 57c,' 83
POP CORN Ready to pop, 4. pounds, only 25
MINCE MEAT Atxnore's condensed or None
Such, put up in packages, .now at each," only 10
PRUNES Fancy,; in boxes, the box, only 6
New Sage,'? Stilton and Gorgonzola Cheese,
Stuffed Dates, Figs, Marshmllows low prices.
Bohemian Butter
In 2-lt. Squares 79c
Christmas Raisins
i. .... n . . i i i .m ..... . !. I ..... I I 'I i. ; .
Buy your RaSsins and Currants, etc., . for your
Christmas dinner at very special prices. . Cluster
Raisins put up in 2-pound cartons. Reg- 91
ular 50c, the carton, now at special price
RAISINS Extra Fancy Seeded, package 10
RAISINS Choice Seeded, 3 packages' for 25
CURRENTS Recleaned, special, 2 pkgs. for 25
Christmas Candies
The Purest and Best
OrWvyourChristmaivCandle'" here.;'' Notlii i?
but. the purest and best are sold MaillardS fa
mous New York, Chocolates and Bon lions, a;;.!
our , own Victoria Chocolates put up in f ; r
Christmas bofet ; Very choice. Iow t