The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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    -."- -
I: oar i g-reat profit to realty owners.
Kany safe and, profitable investments
re offered dally In The Journal's Eeal
Estate columns.. Bead them.
Yi2iTi:nnv v.'. ;
x1 -n -1
" The weather Fair tonight and
'Thursday. Westerly wlnd3.
Vol. ix. , no. 2 13. (city edition)
Will Direct Affairi of Big Company llVALL COLLAPSES
Silks to CE'
Fiht for Millions
II l W 'V. l 1 1 , I I ! 1 A IV X X r.i 1 I J 1 1 ,. t if ' II-, I 1 t ' 'V. i I
1 1MK f
Eleven Men of 300 in Colliery Near
Leigh, England, Escape;-Others Have
'Almost Certainly Perished 20 Bodies
Out One Chance for Men ;int Mine.
. (United rrwe leased Wire.)
' Manchester. Eng . Doc 21. Two nun
'dred and 'elghty-Jime out of 300 miners
J working in the Little Hultori company
t Pretoria mine neat Leigh, are believed
I to have been killed, inan explosion and
fire that has turned the workings into
i a furnace. Vi '"
'; Eleven . of those below the surface
of the earthwhcn the disaster occurred
escaped. 'The others were trapped.r Res
cuers nave brought out the charred and
mangled bodies of 20. Since these bodies
."ware found close to the mouth of the
main entrance, it is believed all the, oth
or miners must have perished.
The explosion was terrific and ' it is
' believed its force and the fire which
burst out almost immediately afterward
have demolished the interior workings,
' tj than five minutes after the ex-
v niwinn fioniM were shooting 80 feet
. Knv i tha main entrance, : The only
leaving the
min )ust as the accident occurred,
m - All Through the Mine. :.x
The flames apparently spread to U
parts of the mine and tne neat mrwn
nt fmm tse main entrance was-so in-
tn that those who rushed to the
rescue when the explosion occurred were
, forced back, 'ihey fen pacn ju
, nf rinmmi shot from the shaft.';
iiihniKrh pr effort was made to
'smother the, fire, little could be done
and some, time elapsed before the rcs
i.miM airnin anvroach tne main
shaft. Aftef a time the blast of flame
subsided and the rescuers attempted to
. enter, the shaft, only,to find , thai . the
i.... iHmr were burning fiercely
- and that the Intolerable heat and the
deadly gases prevented any rescue work.
ti,. !.vr.irtiiin' lammed, the -cages in
j. the shafts and Interfered wltn tha yentl
.. latlng apparatus. ' . ,
afliet 'of SO. Miners Taken Ont.
. i u'nh h first 'news . of the accident
' friends and relatives of the men, em
ntamrt in the mins rushed to the scene.
wh ! flames rjoured out of the
main ehaft many womon raintea ana
were carried away. Hundreds of persons
were crowded around the pit mouth by
the time- the fire began to subside, and
the efforts of the rescue parties w en
ter the workines were hampered. The
people atout the shaft were restrained-
with the greatest aimcuity. ; .
When the fire had receded rar enougn
to permit an attempt, a small rescue
party entered the Bhaft Not far from
th entrance the bodies of 20 men were
discovered. They were lifted' out and
borne away to an improvised morguo
to await ldenuncation. . v ' ,
, Hons for Imprisoned Men.
The rescuer found the mine blocked
and could penetrate no farther.- ; They
were forced to retreat. , A larger rescue
party is being organized and will en
deavor to force its way farther into ths
mine before n.lght. The work is very
dangerous, as the fire Is still . raging
,'':..,' ' ' ' - ' - "
i J
Portland Will Be Headquarters
of Oregon System, With J.
F.' Stevens in Full Control;
Pians Taking Shape. y
Step, Towards- Consolidation
Was' Increase of Capital .
Stock of Oregon Trunk.
Beatrice Anita Baldwin Tarnball.
mnttMf Prau Leased Wr.
T Jm Ancrclo. Pnl . TPP Jl .AlthOUlh
in the workings and it is feared further I tra, Lillian Ashley Turnbull yesterday
explosions may occur.
afternoon completed her second day on
The .cause of the explosion has not the witness stand In the hearing of a
been ' determined. Although theextent j BU(t brought by her daughter,1 Beatrice
of. , the fire has not been r fully as-1 Anita TurnbulL to break the will of the
eertalned, it Is believed 'the whole m-.lia.te E. J. ( "Lucky") Baldwin, the attor-
terior of the mine is in flames. Mine J neys defending the instrument did not
oiflclais nope that the men may nave i finish their cross-examination ana Mrs,
escaped to some ' gallery, that is hotjTurnbull is to be called again on the
burning and have walled themselves in. J reconvenins: of court at 2 o'clock-this
This, It is belieVed, is the only chance afternoon. . ' - '
that any one In the mine escaped death. Mr8- xurnbull claims for her daughter
. Among tne aeaa are many,, ooys vno ihimudii nr the Baldwin es
were employed as loaders and helpers. tnte. The tolnt Of the; examination is,
A majority of ; the bodies placed in the! Whith of the two pl'eaa Mrs.'Turnbull has
temporary morgue near tne- worxings made aeairist Baldwin is true And. eor
could not be Identified owing to the reet the one of. seduction, when an ad
action or the flames,- Nearly air were i mieslon ' of even , a marriage ' by con
burned beyond; recognition..' One survl-l tract would have nulllfJed her oonten-
vor, haflly injured, who was taken rrom 1 tton. or the on now on trial, that Bald
uie raine uus aiiernoon. was unaoie io l win had married LHimn Asniey rjy con
accoant for the explosion. " ' . - - I tract and that Miss' Beatrice , Anita
A roll call by sections this afternoon lTurnhull -the Dretty lT-y earmold ' plain
tiff in the case, was the child ot tnai
(Continued on Faga .-Three.);
. llSEilCiLifjtilS
: OF fee;
Interstate Commerce Commis
sion Demands Physical Val
uation in Report to .Con
gress. Rebating, Continues.
Repeats ; Assertion That 35,
000 Engineers Will Quit To
day if Demands Not . Met;
Officials Charge 'Bluff. ,
0iliCE; PRESIEill
i ' - rr'nllnii'PrM TMed Wirt
, Washington, Pec, 21. The .physical
valuation of railroads is demanded In
the report of the Interstate Commerce
"VomfnUtsion ' submitted '.today to con
Eress. The repoft refers to "the well
known fact. that no court, commission,
' Hccountant -or.- financial writer would
for a moment consider that the present
f balance sheet in the statement purport
ing to give cont of property' suggests
even remotely or In a reliable measure
either the money Invested or, the present
oiim 'of the' railroads ,7 . ' : ''.. " "'.'., V;-
The report assorts that the most Im
portant feature of the new railroad reg.
ula'tlon law is the provision authorizing
1 the interstat commerce commission to
suspend propped increases, oi
VIA nriirii an investigation.
-'The' fight against discrimination,"
, cohtiiiues the report, "is by . no means
m ' There are practices remaining
' which are moro inFidlous and more diffi
cult of extirpation than open rebating,
' because the hidden contractual arrange
ments are entirely legal except for, the
. M.ttM't nroduced.'f -Jr-- ; '.!'
: . , AccordUg to the repor't. the operating
revenues of the railroads lor juiy, au
' rr,,- ind : September were $745,134,204,
an increase of 142,000.000 over the reve-
- fTJnltea Press teeiied Wlr. '
Chicago, Dec. 21.tVhether or not the
85,'000 engineers employed on the 61
estern railroads, now conferring with
the general managers here, shall strike
will be decided within the next 14
hours, according to Warren S. Btone,
grand chief of the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers,' ;..; .
wo will not strika beforo night,"
Stone said today, "but wo will not toler
ate further delay. There must be short,
sharp, decisive action. t
Charles P. Neill. commissioner of
labor, who is here endeavoring to- arbi
trate the questions at Issue, held a long
(Continued on Page Ten.)
Ilail Car Destroyed in Colli
sion cn Pennsylvania . ;t
' t'hlcago, Jc. 21. Christmas, gifts
vslued at 1250,000 were destroyed today
m a wrock on the Pennsylvania railroad.
when a passenger train and a westbound
frfitrht collided in the yards on the
west side here. When the trains met,
the boiler of the passenger engine ex
yiodcd, getting, fire. to .a.. car of regt
isiured mail. After the fire had been
extinguished a police guard was thrown
hout the debrt", while laborers shoveled
the. ashes of the car into cans.- isyste
matia sifting of 'the' "ashes began -an
iiiiimonds and Jewelry w.:e recovered
The engineer of the pascrnger Iocoitio
liva -a probably fatally BeauloO,-
(Continued on Page Ten.)
May Decline to Sign Gradua
tion Certificates of Students
; Who Attended Ball in Defi
ance of His Explicit Orders.
Sociable With .English and the
French, Passed Wilhelms
haven Without Hesitating;
Speeches That. Irritate.
"vVillamette - University, . Balern, Or
Deo.. - iU ' Because -the -1 stu
dents of the ; college of medicine
of the Williamette university, last night
eave a BDiendia. rormai nau io - cele
brate the holiday season. , president
Fletcher Homan of the university may
refus to sign the certificates of gradua
tion of those who attended.
In an announcement made to the stu
dents at an assembly yesterday, Presl
dent Homan threatened any student of
the college . Of , liberal arts with ; Instant
and summary explosion who attended
the ball to be given that evening by
students of the college of medicine.
There were not many, students in the
liberal arts there at ..the dancing party
aa a conseauehce. '1: i ' ?. ' ;':
, ;The grand march at ,the ''Medic's ball"
last night was led by Dean and Mrs.
W. IL Byrd of "the college of medicine
and Dean and Mrs. Charles L,jMtNary
of the college of law of the. university
and the ball was one of the most sue
ccssful held at Salem this season., t
t is said President Iloman is con
sulting legal advisers) in Portland .today
to determine If he has power of the
suspension of students, in ' the depart
ments of medicine and law in the unl
versity, of which he is president. ;
Though partaking' of most of the ad
vantages of the university, such as ath
letics, the colleges of medicine and law
have , always assumed an ' independent
attitude and students "In these depart-.
ments have conducted themselves in a
freer manner than students In-the lib
eral arts departments at.the univer
sity. Willamette is a Methodists -'institution
and dancing is absolutely prohibited
among adherent of the faith: r
James J. Hill's lines 'in Oregon win
soon be ' grouped Into one tremendous
company; ', the ; headquarters of which
will be in Portland, and the executlye
head of which will be. John F. Stevens.'!
Accountants have been at work for
several weeks, arranging the books of
the Spokane. Portland Seattle, the
Oregon Trunk,, tha Oregon Electric the
United Railways and the Astoria & Co
lumbia . Eiver railway , in preparation
for the merger, which will take place
within , a month. .
It is said that no name for tha hold
lnar comoanv has been decided upon, but
that probably it will, take that of one
of the t incorporations to oe merjeu
into it. '' .",,''.' - -
A step' towards the .consolidation or
the-various Hlir lines In Oregon was
taken last week when the capital stock
of the Oregon Trunk Line was increased
from , 5,000,00t to 20,000,00(li
: ,-. sterena , Goes ' Saab ,
Mr. Stevens went , east 'yesterday and
will spend t iristmas in Chicago with
his son.; Of the attorneys ior tne runu,
Charles H. Carey is in Chicago today
and will arrive in Portland Bunaay,
while James B. Kerr will leave for St
Paul MondaV. ,-No incorporation papers
will be drawn up and filed until both
the executive and legal . heads trie
ItnM return to Portland. ' "
Fo-Unwrng the.jf.xomnW pot thro tT j
ha iitrrimaa fin-s;,.''.H'n yiv wmhj
merged Into ono-holding comr-any'to 1
known as tl Oregon.: ft- Washington
Itailrorifl & Navigation company, , the
Hill officials believe they will get their
Oregon holdings into much bettor shape
for handling. as a unit than can be done
under their present separate incorpora
tions: It is expected the capitalization
of the lines will equal that of the 11 r
rlman 'properties,' at least. . i- y -y
Vrm, Bufld Tepot.;: '-:
' As very probable "' corollary of " tlie
merging of the lines will be the con
struction of a union station by IJill on
the site of the present North Bank sta
tion In Hort street and the filling in of
a portion of Guild's lake to be used as
a common terminal yaras ior ina ven
ous Hill lines with the exception of
the Northern Pacific. - v
It is considered unlikely the Aortnern
Paciflo will ever leave the union sta
tion, ot-the Northern Pacific Terminal
company as It la called, even If the rest
of the Hill lines do unite in tneir own
union station. Hill's control over the
Northern Pacific has never beon any too.
sure and all of his buiiding and con
aniintinn in. the' northwest have been
made with an eye to f9rtlfying himself
for any possiDie iobb ot ui
conttnental system. 'With it as a
holder, though a minority on in the
Northern Pacific Terminal company, he
Is very well satisfied. ' It gives him a
finger in the Harritnan terminal pie
and In addition ha will have the termi
nals of his own consolidated lines. Those
who talked with J. J. Hill following bis
stay In Portland last week, , feel , that
tK "Rmnlre Builder" Is tolerably well
satisfied with his "position in Portland,
particularly as ita extent IS just Dejin
ning to become known. , ' '
Fireman and Bystander Killed
and Ten Firemen Severely
V Injured When . Factory at
- Cincinnati Burns..
ESTIMATED. $2,000,000
krippendorf-O'N'eill Shoe Fac
tory Destroyed; Six Others
Sustain Damage
John F. Stevens, Who Is 111118 Cliief In Oregon.
A 1
11 1
Lcno Ji:rcr Fi
tor Save Her Life, Finally
Consenting" to Lesser De-
- tjlvU, UUIiiuii vvnuf".
Tn r
IU Lit
. (Crdted Press Teased Wire.)
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec 2L--A fireman
and a spectator were killed and 10 fire
men were severely injured In a fife to- ;
day that (did' 22.000.000 damage. The j
killed and injured were caught under the
falling walls of the Krippendorf-O'NelH
Shoe company s factory, two engine
companies were burled under - tons of
debris. :i;ii$i-i 'M'&Vf''t::x"i"':i
The dead:;"-.'
Robert Greer, fireman.
Unidentified boy, U years old.
The fire broka out early today In the
Krippendorf factory.
The flames spread rapidly. The Krip
pendorf building and the factory of the
Taylor-Poole Leather company were
completely destroyed and eignt otner
factories heavily damaged.
Great crowd gathered to watcn tne
conflagration. The people were repeat
edly driven back by -the police ana
warned of the danger of falling walls.
but despite these warnings they crowded
as close to the burning buildinga as tney
could get. , . -
The engines were standing at a corner
near the Krippendorf factory. The fire
men were carrying . a hose past tne
building, when the walls swayed and
crashed ontward." he spectators who
saw the firtst slgA of - the - colit.i-
.Hiiwi rn Ten.)
ncrease of Outvard Signs' cf
Inward Grace ; of "Loosen
Up" Custom of Giving the
Boss Something Declining.
Mrs. Carrie Kersh, ' charged Jointly
Wits P; Webb with killinir W. A
Johnson last June in the New Grand
Central hotel and ; attempting to ship
his body out of town In a trunk, .was
found guilty Of manslaughter last evea-
Ing by a Jury in the circuit court, arter
the 12 men had deliberated T2 hours.
For 4S hoars, D. O- Tomaslnl, 899 Han
cock' street, stood against the other 11
men and fought for ar acquittal, of the
woman., He did this on the contention
that the state had not proveo her guilty
as charged in the indictment; 4 The pen
alty, under the law. Is Imprisonment in
th n.nttentiarv for from one . to 15
wh'.r, ts inrv took the case last Sat
urday evening at ; 5 o'clock, the first
ballot showed nine men for murder in
the first degree, and three for acquittal.
This position was kept ; until , Sunday
forenoon, when one of;' the Juror was
wnrt Over to the murder' Verdict, This
left two men fighting against 10, The
last vote was taken yesterday after
noon shortly before 4 o'clock, when the
men voted ; on a manslaughter verdict.
' - (United Frets teieed Wire.)
Chicago, Dec 21.--The gifts made by
Chicago concerns to their employes will
total the monumental sum of $1,600,000
this Christmas, a manifestation ' of the
spirit, of "good will toward men" of
more than usual moment. The big house
or corporation that does not remember its
employes nowadays is the exception.
In-some cases the profit-sharing dis
tribution takes place at Christmas. The
"harvester trust will disburse half a
million dollars under that plan, Armour
ft company will distribute bonuses and
salary increases, totaling $300,008. i
Most of the banks give gold pieces.
others, turkeys, .and some both, to their
employes. The big mall order, houses,
among the biggest ' money makers of
all Chicago concerns, "loosen up" in one
Case with candy for the girls and cigars
for the men in another with a , turkey
and a dinner for each of 5000 employes.
The custom of -gifts from employee
to their .bosses Is being, discontinued,
although in. some places' officious per
sons with, subscription lists gather up
the surplus small change of "the force
Probably Two Years Before
Portland-Frisco Trains Ce
, Routed That Way.
(Continued m Page Twelve.)
(United PreM Wlr..)
Berlin,' Deo. 21. The fraternising of
English, American and French fleelr,
with the exclusion of Germany's fleet,
Is said, to have, caused j bitter feeling
on the part of Germany's navy officials.
The failure of the American fleet on
Its European 'tour to stop at WUhelm-
sbaven, although It passed within four
hours' sail of that port. Unregarded as
an affront by somo of Germany's lead
ing naval 'and military men and as the
itinerary of the.- fleet was outlined by
president Taf t and the heads Of the
naVy 'und tate departments, they are
Inclined to regard it as an affair bc-
tween.'nations. , '
Count Heventlow, an eminent Germiri
fiavaripxperr.'ls One 'of the leaders of the
anti-American faction The count has
expressed himself os bitterly angry
at the . alleged affront,, and , also
has taken excepllbri to" several speeches
made bv Americans at public entertain,
ments in PnKland in honor of the of
ihitra of the American fleet. - y
SCHOOL BOfil yra
T 1 - 1
The -1910 " Output of
'Portland's Factories
, Exceeds 40,000,000
. Industrial -Situation Is
IReviewed; in' Detail.
Lm. I LZt
Tti.i th nehool board overlooke-1 1
about $22,000,000 of taxable property In
making Its levy for isu is
tlon made today by , Comity Assessor B.
p Slgler, and he adds that aaf a result
of this error Something tike $160,000
more than the budget calU for wlirbe
collected for school purposes in District
No! 1 thiayear.OYjv'...5! "I'.i 7;v
Mr. Slgler also, gives some figures re
latlng to the Increase in the school ta
levy, which shows that the schools of
Portland for I91t will cost 14 times
rnhat it cost to maintain then 10 years
ago, while 'the population during that
period has tut little more than doubled,
irf Aih words, while it cost $132,912 to
maintain the City school system for h
1901. the board' now asks for-.Uio
stupendous sum of $1,632,700 to be csj
pended in operating me m:uui ui
vnr. Here Is an Increase of 1400 per
cent, wniie tne teuerai , cugi ,
that the population of the city Increased
during that period but .129- per cent ;
';',"-;-:, nmres-of Ten 'Teanr. ';. -,'::.-':.'.'
"Either the schools of the Portland
district were run most economically 10
years ago or 'the board Is recklessly ex
travasnint now." said Mr. SI pier. "The
ToUowlnrnprus givr the sum'; fafwed
by special-PChoe.1 tax for the years be
ginning with 1!ifl: ' 1901, $125,770; 102,
$1987.V,' 1H03, $;99,H3: 1904. $366,469;
1903, 216.0at; 1X06, $421,C92: 1907. $657.
0i5: 1908. 21.024.7S5; 1909, $1,165,475;
i9to, $i,3S.70o. s ; - :
"A feature of the levy maile by the
school board for 1511 that will puzzle
. ' ' . .... . . . i At. A
a arood many people is me iaci -uim
althoiiorh the school census shows
gain of ib per cent in the population
f the district, over that of last year,
the board. lias asitea ior an increase i
60 oer cent in ' the amount of money
required to run the schools. One year
ego the school1 census showed a gain
of 4 per cent and the board asked
the tax flayers for 13. per cent-more
money with which- to maintain : the
schools." -
Mr. Slgler figures that the; levy made
by the school board . of e.T mills wm
vleld $1,850,000. Instead Of the $1,632
700 which the board estimated would be
renulred ' to ; be raised by the special
School tax."
...-'-.;. ';,"' Experts' Bedoctlon. t '.,
t "In making the school- tax levy the
school boaxd overlooked the fact that
-the state tax comnitnslon had not yet
assessed the public service corporation
and railroads In Multnomah ' county
continued Mr. Siffler. "The board took
my assessment of about $.5 (.000, 00
as a basis udob which td levy the as
sessment and found that the levy would
have to be placed at 6.T mills. My e
timet le thal the eta te tax eommiselow
will add about $22,000,000 to this sntrj
as the value of the railroads and puhlie
service corporations in: school district
No. 1. which will' raise the value or th
assessable property In the district to
tun inift .-. Tlie addition of thlit sum
to mv afsewment. which wa ueil by
tCont l) ucd on I'uge rThrqe.).,r
(Continued on Page Three.)
One Man Killed, Four Injured
on Salt .Lake, Road in
1 Southern California. -
" ?. ,y-.. - j f ' 3 ' ' ,
' (United ihrtm tvire.) .
San Bernardino, Cal.r Dec. 21. One
man is dead and four are suffering from
injuries received "In a cave-In on
branch ot the 8alt Lake road at Meadow
Valley. G. C, McCarthy was killed in
stantlv. VThe injured are: It. E. Smal
ley, W. .J.' Wilson, R. Campbell and ' J.
It will probably tftko two years beforn
traina of the Southern Pacific between
Portland and San, Francisco will be
routed by way of the Natron cutoff.
This was stated by General Manager
J. P. O'Brien of the Harriman linen
this morning. The 30 mile stretches
now under contract from Natron in tr;.
north and Klamath Falls- In the sout'n.
are to be completed by June 30 next
year, but it will probably take a year
or 18 months to close the gap. .
"Mr, O'Brien returned yesterday afN f
having accompanied Julius Kruttschnltt,
general superintendent of construction
and maintenance of tho Harriman lines,
on an inspection tour of the Harrtmm
lines In Oregon and Washington, and
(Continued on ' Page Ten.)
Inspiring Hep 3 cn Part cf I!.
Liberals That King Will
J LULU L . I L J I Ivl W
4 ' Without discussion and , by ,
e - unanimous vot?, tne city council
4 'this morftng passed an ordinance
e fixing the municipal tax levy for
1U at e mills. 1 Tnis action or
t the council folldwed exactly the
' recommendations 'of the ways
and means con;mlttee and sub
O stantlally; carries out the annual
budget prepared oy Mayor ni-
The tax' levy1 of mills will
raise approximately. $1,548,000.
O' i This will be an increase in revc
".'mie' ot nearly 25 per cent over
the levy of 1910. which-was 4.9
. mills. - ,." .. .
London. Dec. 21. A. secret conferer
today between King George and Prornl
Asquittr KB ve r! to t'i t . M f that t
king had decided ta ('!.;"- a nrnH
number of. Liberal v . ;'. 1
Conservatlvi s -i - ; :
the house V-X ?,tst!t- .:. - - of - ;
- There v. , .. 1 ;i-
that .the tooaf.tfvne was on ,
ques- ion,' but h'i 'otht r Informal '..
given out. It s plohable that iht;r
be no definite announcement . ; '
king's plans until his majesty hJ.1;
parliament when it convenen.
4' There are chomplons and cham-
plons, each at 'the . head of hM
class, -but the prize, M"f t1
sold at $250 in the. stu.-Wyar.
'jodaywaa a hfidliner that trk
all the bine -ribt'iiw. T i-
nat'wetfl V" 1--" "
price receives i ' iun --" '
KV cents a pound. ' 'J i '
wa brought to thH cry ' "
t tl.
,, Cl.,
1. 'K.OU