THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1910. KOll SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 HOWDY, PAP! Moose, Teeth, gonuine, 35 each, tor charms. Fin Chrlst- mgj;present. L-821. Journal. KOK SALE On J Kadiak grizzly bear rug, one Polar bear rut? mouQted with full hearts,, never been used; Each- meas ures over 10 feet in length, fur in prime condition and new. Will sell if takon this week for 3125 each, worth am. ' Phone K. 3034. 1WO high pjrade pianos and several me dium grade instruments returned from one of our outsk'a agencies, which we nave discontinued. Ve will sacrifice an! you can nave many dolKrS. V KOIILKR & CHASE. ' : 875 Washington st. A LOT of household ' goods I , want to dispose of: 3 iron beds, 3 dre'ssers, "prings and mattresses, hot water coil, extension table, chairs, gas range, cook stoves, side show case, heating stoves. 113 Union ave. - . BARBEP. SHOP A 2 chair shop, with oaths in connection; new furniture, o00; all in good condition; In a live town. Address W, I. Corsage, Castle rock, I. Jlh. '. '-.';.--- ONE mahogany buffet and hall chair, also largo sample trunk, 1 steel range. Mahogany piano stool and hall thair and new Home , sewing machine.- 112 Union ave. , '' , RETIRINQ from business; we, offer guitars, violins and mandolins below cost: actual value J2Q to $30; your pick for $6 while they last. 187 W. Park st. Masonic Temple. ' ' .. NEW and second hand pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms; bowling alleys refrlgera tons tar Imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswick-P-glke-Collender Co., 48 6th. BUY your Christmas gift for eastern friends at Room 204 Manchester bldg., 35 Fifth Bt Oriental curio of all kinds. ' $25 FOLDING bed; If taken in next 10 days will sell for 310. Inquire 548 rnurman St.. apartment E. OAK roll top desk almost new, swivel chair, 4 office chairs, 8. P. typewriter and stand, cheniv 434 f!ollee-e st. FOR SALK KirsNclass , confectionery ' fixtures. Very chean. : Any reasonable offer eccepted. 747 Northrup. hUMlNOTON typewriter new. . With ' tabulator. Bargain for cash. ' Phone 100 second hand heating stoves, 81 to ti each. Casey House Furnishing - Co., 112 Union ave. - -..- FOR SALE High class furniture, one No. S Underwood typewriter. ' Olson fe Roe, 87 Front, ."-,: ?---v 6r SALE 2 French poodle pups,' 7 weeks old. 492 Clay street, phone A-4208. J"OR SALK Kdison phonograph, gooj condition, 60 records, cheap. Rooms 1-2. 134. N. 14th. . FOR SALE cheap, second hand auto, tires and Inner tubes. Ohas, K. Elton, 435 Stark st. Phone A-S646. FOR SALE 12 h. p. gas engine, or will trade 'for anything of value. 304 E. 19th N. East 440, B-1963. XM AS presents in burnt wood at low prices; .large assortments 894 Harri son St. . , CJKNT'S bicycle; vdon't fall td see this ; one; practically new, very cheap, also small girl's .wheel. 206 4 th St. 110 White sewing machine with all at- taehments.- Call 883 E. Morrison st t" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay hlgheatr cmu price for second hand household goods. Beater fc Oustavson. 143 Russell. Ea"t 1641. liFV6Uwant the mostmoney your fur- nlture will bring, save time, call East ms. 3S5 Hawthorne. - Meier Furniture Co. - - -" -'.' : - - - JKT - our price on your . furniture, as -it will pay you. We want the goods. Savage A Pennell, 351-3 1st et. Main and. tB! WISE; get o3re tor your seoond nana rurtuture oy selling it to rora Auction Co.. 211 1st Main 3961. A-2445. EAST SIDE auction jobbers want 2d sand furniture, highest price r-atd, 94 Cmnd eve.. E. 1051. - ' " . '." - CLOTHING AND FURNiTURE.' ' ' . ' Highest prices paid for sec6nd-hand f-iotmng. rurnitnre, m. zoeo. zau ist st. FURNITURE WANTED. : Second ' hand.' Highest price paid Hoekfeld A Sons, 88 Grand ave. E. 294. SKATER & MARTIN, highest prices ror runucure. prompt attention. . a Hawthorne ' Kast 3134. -. HALEY Furniture Co. gives most--for used furniture, etc E. 948." I95.0rnd, SPOT" cash paid for your furniture; . prompt attent n elwaye given. F 107. SVANTEDPicture machine films.v gas ootflt ete. F-309, Journal. FOIl SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 Don't Throw, Ttttrr eld casings and Innef -Cbe away. It may eave you buying a new tire by letting mm do your vulcanizing and re treading. .' ' : CHAA a ELTON. ' -4tS Stark et , Phone A-3646. FOH SALE " 6r EXCHANGE One 7 passenger White Steamer, 3 Loziers, Cameron, i Reos, 4 Cadillacs, 1 Thomas, fi Buioka, 3 Franklins, 3 motorcycles, all In first class condition. Portland Auto Commission House, 60-6 J N. 7th st BARGAIN One White gas, S pass.; White Steamer, 6 pass.; . 80 horsey 5 pass. Maxwell, red; one 23 horse, 4 pass. Maxwell, blue, each one fully equipped, nearly new, 1910 . models, perfect; wlli teach to drive. 1102 E. 21st st N. OLD auto tires delivered, 6c lb.; did rubber boot delivered, 8c lb W also buy Inner tubes and all kinds of metal. J. Leve, 186 Columbia, Main 6198. aUTOS for sale, trade or on time; stor age, repairing, remodeling (fire proof.) Belmont Garage, E. 23d and Morrison. it rRITJSICAIilNSTRUIENTS 34 MTTST raise a few hundred dollar at once, so will trade my pianola piano, almost new, for a plain upright piano with cash to boot E-327, Journal FOR SALE or trade, fine upright piano. Inquire C. O. Plcx, transfer & Stg; Co., 65 2d st. - - ".- ITRICTLY A-l guaranteed $360 Pease piano only 1190; $15 down, $S month ly. 850 Alder t. s - THE Ches. E. iont Bano Instrument 4 Muslo House, 88 3d st LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Two ponies; 1 bay mare with blaze In face, wire, cut on right hind foot; 1 i'coai black - mare, each v weigh about 900. Suitable reward twill be paid for return or information pleading to eame.V-W. E, Wilson, It F. Es, Bor Ing Or. . . LOST. STRAYED - OR STOLEN One black mare, 8 year old, about 800 lbs., left hind foot white, white star on forflliead, brand "O" on right hip. 63rd and Powell Valley road. O. M. Butler, Tahor 1794. $5 REWARD offered for information es to whereabouts of Sidney J. Harris, 0-317, Journal. LOST Lady's small brown purse con taining $20 gold and about $5 silver. Finder please return to( Jessie A. Towle, 85 East 76th Bt N. ; LOST Red coral 1 pin. Finder please return- to Mrs. J. A. Roblson, 469 E. Bumsldo nt Reward. LOST Dark brlndle bull terrier, 325 re ward at 43 Ella st Phone Marshall 2123.' - - ' - " ' :. ;. ' . ' LOST On Yamhill st, between 6th and - 2d st,. one gold watch, initial a.- T.; I eward; return to journal office. fhOTA black leather purse on Oregon City car, Sunday, Reward. C-325, Journal. LOST On Williams ave. near Russell st., a mink scarf. Please return 312 Eugene. Reward. - ' . - PEKSONAL DR.. SANDERS ON CO. Smvm end Hottow Root Pills, sure remedy for delaved periods; $2 box or 3 boxes $5. Druggists or mall. T; J. Pierce, 819 Alisky TURNBY'S baths, chiropody, ' E bldg. Battlo CreeK nurses, urexel bldg. Main 1938. J fl8, reinedv tor (ilsnpi- of wornen. S32 JavlB mt. Wain 921w PERSONAL DR. ALICE A. utllFF. Diseases of women and children ex-i c!usively. Women are often 'saved ee-1 vere surjrleal , operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases or children a . specialty. Private hospital apcommoda-i tions. Cnnf Irtemenis cared for. Cor. responder.tfe solicited, wo charge for consultation. Phones, Malrf 8S28. A-6607. Office room 10, Grand Tb.t-.etre bldg., Wnshina'tnn and Fark. Are You Ruptured? The perfect truss is made and fitted b a cpecialist to men. women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Wilson. 66 6th st ' WANTED The present address of Mrs. Grace Griffith, formerly of 486 Burn- side street Anyone in. possession of such information will find it to their advantage to communicate rlth box 8S, city. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; examinations free. Main 404T; A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg , fith and Ankeny. Modern electric treatment for dig-1 eases' of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. W. I. Howard, M. D 304-6 Rothchild bldg.. 4th and Washington." - LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 26 years known as best, safest. Always reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand I'll Is are druggists every where. , . OYSTERS. . Toke Points and Olymcla. Fresh daily, at 244 Ankeny. PACIFIC COAST' OYSTER CO., t-none main uo, OH, LADIES, manicuring 16c, ; . hair dressing 16c and 25o, shampooing 25c. scalp treatments 26a massage 26c. Bring your combings. Chicago" Hair- aresslng college, 1 48 Flltn st. THE GIRL OF SIXTY,". a booklteach- lng perpetual youtn ana proswrity, for sale at all book stores and by the author, Madame de Bavan, 80S5 Sta, B, ronisna, ur, t)R. WALKER, specialist; quicklx cures diseases. of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney. Diaaaer ana pues.- ii first, -ori lend. LOERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc.. UermaL, Jtngnsn, irrencn, Kpanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kinds. Bchmale Co., 129 let st. GENTLEMAN of 32 desires to meet lady of corresponding age who would appreciate company of refined and ed ucated gentleman. Object , matrimony if suited. E-329, Journal. SUFFERERS from piles. A card from you will bring our remedy. Pay when cured. Rubar Mfg. Co., 206 Commercial SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak ness In men. Money, returned If It fails. Price 1. mall or druggist, T. J. pierce, 319 Alisky bldg. . f DR. MAR-Y KRAMER, especially for ' women, examination free. 61 Mls glsplppl. Phone Woedlawn 1673. MRS. SOPRIE B. SEIP, menUI and spiritual scientist 21 SeUing-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6824. 'v MAGNETIC and electric' treatments, mental, spiritual, scientist, men and women. 190 11th. . f - MADAME ESTELLE, magnetio .healer and spiritual scientist. Wallowa apart ments, suit 7. 198 W. Park. A-6306. ' WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected In 16 minutes; free demonstrations. 9 Belllng-Hlrscw bldg, Neo Plastiulie Agcyf WOMEN-Uee enioid when others fail: sold and ruaran'eed hv th Ana. plund Drug Co.. HO N. 1h st. Main 8106 OCCULT. New Thought Scientific . and Holiday Books. Send for free caia logue. Jones' Book Store. 284 Oak st. NOTICES SO NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF, THE OREGON i RAILROAD AND NAVIGATION -COMPANY. .. ... . A special meeting of the stockholder Of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company will be held at Room 1107 Wells Fargo bu 11 ding, Portland, Oregon, on pecember 22, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m., (first) for the purpose of authoriz ing, consenting to, approving and ratify ing the grant sale, conveyance and transfer to tho Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company (a) of alt the railroads and telegraph lines of The Oreeon -Railroad and Navigation Company, together with all the rights. powers, immunities, privileges, rran chlses, and other ynoperty appertaining thereto; (b) of all right. Interest end estate of said company In, under, or to any and all leases of any railroad or telegraph line or other property, in cluding the lease to said company of the property of The Northern Pacific Terminal Company of Oregon, and all ri?ht of The Oreaoa Railroad and Navigation Company to . pur chase the property of ' said ter minal eoniDanv situated on the east side of the Willamette river at Port land, Oregon, and all title, interest ana ; inU vicgun, SJLI1U nil VI ur, iiiivicciv, sa estate of Jti Oregon ; ttauroaa ,, ana N1irtlor rnrm.v tn onA t a ald . ,...r... ... - -- property, the legal title to which ia in r w nmn , in. said The Northern Pacific - Terminal Company of Oregon; (c) of all stocks and bonds of any steamship company, or 01 any ranroao or railway coinpnu j held by The Oregon Railroad and Navi gation company, mcl value of the bonds gation Company, Including $114,000 par 01 xne iNonnern ravuiu 1 vi nn iiiu uui;Rnjr ui uirftwn, and $16,000 par value of the stock of the Camas Prairie Railroad Company; (d) of all stocks and bonds owned by The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company and held bv the New York TruBt Company, trustee under the con solidated mortgage 01 aaia xne-uregon Railroad and Navigation Company dated August 17. 1896, to wit4. 3200.00J! par value of the stock of Mill Creek "lume and Manufacturing Company, $300,000 par value or tbe stock or the cascaaes Railroad Company,J700,000 par value of the stock of the Walla Walla and Co lumbia River Railroad Company, $1,000, 000 par value of the stock of The Co lumbia and Palouse Railroad Company, and $2,829,000 par value of the bonds of The Columbia and Palouse Railroad Company; (e) of all appropriations of real estate and other property made by The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, and all suits, actions or rights of action Instituted by said company for the condemnation, of property for use in connection with . ay railroad of said company or ; any branch -or extension thereof; and f of all other property of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company reai personal and - mixed, of every kind, xcept its franchise to be a corporation, ami except cash on hand, moneys due or to become due, Dills re ceivable, accounts due or to become due, and bonds and agreements taken by said company from firms, corporations and individuals to secure or Indemnify said, company against less or llability In con nection with, or on .account of, anything done or omitted to be done by said company in the transaction of its busl ners and for the purpose of ratifying and approving any and all action and proceedings taken rr to be taken by the board of directors of The Oregon Rail road and Navigation Company, or any of its officers or agents, relating to the grant, sale, conveyance and transfer of such property to the Oitgon-WaBhlng-ton Railroad and Navigation Company, and of taking any action with respect to such grant, rale, conveyance and transfer, as may be deemed advisable by sueli stockholder 'meeting; (second) for the purpose, of authorising the dis solution of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, settling its busi ness, and dividing its capital stock; and (third) for the transaction of any and all other business - necessary or ap propriate to the i-urposea hereinbefore mentioned. The books for .tbe transfer of stock will be closed for the purpose of such special meeting, at noon on the 10th day of December, 1910, and will be re opened at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 23rd day of December, i910, j -, Dated, November 30, 1910. ; By order of the board of directors. '. . ALEX MILLAR. . " " v ' ' Secretary. THE regular annual meetinfr of the topkhol'ierw of -ttie I'mpuH" Cl'ppcr company, a corporaiionj wui ne neid in the office of said company, Room 716, Orogonian building, Tortland, Oregon, 8t 2 p. m. on Tuesday, tho third day of January. 1911. Signed . D. C.BURNS, 1 NEWTON McCOY.. . President. , Secretary. ' 20 'SEALED bids will be received et the office of school clerk. 402 Tilford building, until 6 p. m. Monday, January 2. 1'Jll, for fuel for schools of school district No. 1. Multnomah countv. Ore- gon, for the school year of 1911-12. Specifications showing the kind and quantity of f;l and date of delivery to each location may be obtained at the office of W. 1L Doane, purchasing agent, Atkinson school, 12th and Couch streets. A certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of eaoh bid must acOmpany each proposal. The board of directors reserve the right to reject eny and all bids. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated, December 15, 1910. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the school clerk, room 402 Tilford building, .until 5 p. m., Thurs- December 22. 1910, for an oil burn. ing plant at the Eliot school. Specifica tions may be obtained at the office of the clerk. A certified check of 19 per cent of 4ht amount of each bid is to ac company each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids, .!- -.-m "v.,., Dated December 19,' 1910. " ' R. H.' THOMAS. Clerk. FINANCIAL 51 CASH pat.t for mortgage or seller's interest in contracts on real estate in Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on J mnroved property. H. E. Noble Lumbermen bldsr.. 6th and Stark. MORTGAGF loans, S and 7 per cent Louis Salwnon, 288 Stark at LOANS WANTED 80 HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Real Estate Department ' If you have any. money to loan on real estate notify this firm and they will do the rest to your entire satlsfatclon. WE can place your money at good rate of interest. Gilt edge security; first mortgages; long time investments. PROVIDENT INV. & TRUSTEE ;CO., 624-626 Board of Trade bldg. . . ' WANTED LOAN. Want 2 loans- of $1260 each, one of $1600 and one of $600; all on Improved Portland property. Mam 8Z63, A-3Z65 WANTED $3000, 3 year at 7 per cent elegant residence property; no stents wanted. Y-S39, Journal. - MONEY TO LOAN 27 k IE1W ' Wmil TISE REACH IF All ON SHORT w NOTICE " TO ANY ONE WORKING LOWHST RATES . EASIEST PAYMENTS. NO MORTGAGE ' " NO INDORSER ' NO PUBLICITY, REBATE GrVEN IF PAID BEFORE . DUE. 'STATE SEMITiV GO. ' '308 FAILING BLDG. "Open Evenings Until TCmas." MONEY to loan on diamonds ; and jewelry at low rates of interest. Palace, 328 Wash ington street, .. . : ..... MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. NO WAIT, NO DELAY, " ' t .j.f- i.Jr.t Tji. i auinura uiuuejr uu yuur piano, iur - n inn liiomna c,,tn n i' ?"V, uuivii; wiuiuciiLiai .'mm very low rntnn inforout .roii i.nir,. bldg. Main 8560, A-3476. ' Will Loan You Money . On your furniture, plano or real estate. Lowest rate of interest. Soe me first J, E. Nichols . ' ' 620 Board of Trade Building. MONEY loaned in amounts from tin 11 n on all kinds of securities, furniture, . pianos or any personal property; week- j iy ur luuuuiyr p&jriiicuui ; low rates; con - fldentlal. Gray & Cunningham, room 201 Rothchild bldg.. 2874 Washington St., oetween 4in ana tn sis. - - JIONEf advanced salaried people, house- keepers and others upon their . own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest. payments; offices in rrlncl - ; . " . . H;t'."i"u?' Keil,ni; our ! terms. Tolman, 817 Lumber Exchsnee. , 1 ..I,, . , . t Quick, loans' on furnltura ' mi 1 1 i pianos, storage receipts, life insur- $ l $ ance policies, livestock, real estate, t 1 etc. u. d. xteai restate & uroa-erage Co., H Hamilton bldg. Main 3084. YOUR CREDIT " ' Is good at the Employes' Loan Co- 321 Ablngton. 106V- 3d at I HAVE 350.000 to loan on ron.1 ratili. in sums from 31000 un to anv a mount t required. For information address n. 321. journal, , MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates', mortsraees and raintrat bought t Cowlishaw, SIS Commercial block, - - LOWEST RATES; loans on any securl . ties, chattelB or roal estate. . Union Loan Co., 35 Lafayette bid., 6th tk Wash. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in eurance. W. Q, Becks 312 Falling, $190,000 on mortgages, clfy or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzle A CO., uernnpter mux., eg ana Aiaer. R. A. BRAME- Short loans a specialty on any kind of - security. Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 5239. MuNEY to loan, any amount, n to $ per cent Goodnough & Seits, 310 Spauld- jng bldg. $700, $600, $500 loan on mortgage, mod erate cnargea. warp, tiv AiiSKjr Dldg. QUICK loans on all eecuritles. 8. W. T rrt . JB WnahUfftAn MA 1kjrl LOAN for the asking. Salary or hat- tel. in ioan t;o.. ueicum bids, WILL loan $20,000 or lees real estate. Farnngton, 4i t commercial club bldg. MONEY, to loan on Improved city realty. parrisn, watii:in ee uo., tpn Aiaer, MONEY to loan on Unproved real estate, V J. L White. 381 Sherlock bldg. ANY part of $50,OOQ to loan at per cent Interest 205 Couch bldg. MONEY to loan, city realty. H. M. Cas lock Co.. 417 Board of Trade. SALARY LOANS F. A. Newton. 615 Henry bldg. ' - ' f, f BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS . AND APPRAISERS ) FIRE losses promptlr adJUBted. Ap praisals made for every purpose. Northwestern Appraisal Co 1068 ' E. 21st st. Woodlawn 3026. ARTISTS' SIATERIALS AT.TIST'8 materials, plpture framing. E H. MOOTehouae ft- Co.. 411 Wash. st. ASSAYERS WELLS A PROEBSTEL. assavera. ana. lytical chemlatw. 804 H Wash. M. 7808. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work. 1 86 Morrison. AUTOMOBILE 4iCHOOI, AUTO School of Oregon Practical in- structlon, 216 Mer. Trust - Mar. 2693. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES TALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheel bougnt, eoio. Repairing. 133 loth. NOTICES ATTORNEYS A, E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice in all courts. Abstracts exam ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A-2071. or tlons, abstracts exam'd. 903 Spalding CHRISti'UPHERSOlN & MATTHEWS, gejffi-Rl practice, 4A6-8 Buchanan bldsr. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st Blank book m'fg; agts. for Joaes" improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; Bee the new Eureka leaf. ' A-81 3. Main 188. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. btreet paving, s'dewalka and croi- Ings. 817 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general jobbing. J. Losli. 313 Jeffer son st. Main 1 424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office, 605 Electric bldg. JAH. Mcl. WOOD A CO.. all kinds of insurance, suretv lon1s.: McKay bldg. 1 CARPET1 WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from. ' old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. insunioi, ave., near K. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works: . Colonial rag carpet and rugs. 151$ Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn ?685. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Work. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1963i 204 E. 19th N. IQNE Steam Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovated: guaranteed. E. 360, B 2286. CATERERS F. D. THOMAS, caterer; banquet or private parties at your home or hall; first class service j dishes, punch bowls, glasses, ets- for. rent . 362 Morris at Phone East 4476. - CHINESE DOCTORS DR. WING LEE makes specialty of chronic diseases. Give me a trial and be convinced; 27 N. 6th at. ' LEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co. Herbs and roots cure all diseases of men. One treatment free; 146 Third st DR. Btng Choong, physician for men and women, tiuaranteeq cure. y&$r Aiuer, CHINA PAINTING China and Satsumaare, firing and band, ing; evening classes. Studio 293 12th. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPOEY. manicuring, eoaln. Mrs. Dunton. 449 Wash. Marshall 1829 CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. CLEANING AND PRESSING TU V n m e amm IVltnHn) f a 1 a A IaI aiul .- A IIC AICLO il AB41U1 IUQ V u g-ent' Karmenta cleaned, pressed, re paired and remodeled, reasonable prices. 14 73 lkil Dlt ' jijainnan 4JT", WM. V. CASH, expert bushelman. Clothes Clean pa, prKipq. t ihuk'iiu vUb;. COAL AND WOOD NOTICE peRpICsxoNSt ABW0QD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load. .82.69 fiRTTRN 4 FOOT Wfion. ner cord.. $2.7$ INSIDE GREEN SHORT, per load. $3.00 DRY SHORT WOOD, per load. .,, ,$3.60 BWDUPT, for fuel and bedding. ' ,vThe Portland' Slabwood Co." Main 3119. A-7001 Portland Cordvyood Co. i Cnattol niHra nn r1AATl mtiA if IT ftrfl wood NOW. Office 203 Corbett bldg. Phone Marsnau a-b. . . i ; -.;....v.;: THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all the best grade of coal We mak:a specialty of iurnace ana neaung piani coal at . a reasonable price. Special prices on cr loads. B-2343, East 214. 348 East Ankeny, -- - " .pacific si, a B WOOD CO, ' w , " i: "j inaA t tH Dry inside wood,- per load. ... Short ereen Blabwood $3.60 . , , . . . . Rn i Dry block wood,. per loadw f-SO Dry block wood, per load. ........ 4.5(1 Planer trimmings, long and short,' Phones Main S7U. A-8b. Seghera .Wood Co. Ith and Gllsan Streets. Dealers in All Kinds of Cordwood. Fir. Oak. Asi. Main 6369. - A-241S. Meier & Frank take oders for our standard grades, or phone East 303, or C-2303. Edlefsen Fuel Co.. Ino. i jpiu a tnn U : npr tVirnim J.fflarCOair'n I LlMal VUal PROMPTLY, .Main 8767. r. j. everts, Ft. Curry at ) frt A I ' Alblna Fuel Co i lUnL" 47 -Alblna ave. BLOCK lAnnn Broadway and E. 83 AAnu 1 VVUUU Pronea E. 182, C-1117. VVUUU 1 - fcOt'TH PORTLAND MLABWOon rrT , t HyVy" main ury uiBiao woon . . , . . . , green Blabwood, clean sawdust for bed el ng!ciitfiieljblk wood. " Yamato Wood and aa CaU Neer& Farr For Fuel- 30$ Water st. Main 4898." A-4B47. STANDARD WOOD CO Wood and coal. 8.7 E. Stark. East 2315. B- 1696. : .. ...... v -, .... . . - TRV MIXED cedar $3 a load for 80 nay qniy, wain 21m, A-SS43. I COAL orders taken for good coaL Main 5S67. COIECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected.' Wells Mercantile Agency, 703 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak ats. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 317 Allskv A-7317; M. 4228. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and' dentists' collections only. U Plncknay White. Main 6074. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR cement work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on G. C OLann Marshall 1441 ;1 9 2 Gro ver st E, DAVIS, contractor, cesspools, lat erals and ditches of all kinds, septio tanks a specialty. Sellwood 1644. WILLIAM FISH BECK,' carpenter and ouuaer, joDoing ana contracting. . 308 ,th. Main 6241. . - - CARPENTER contract a, JobLIng speo laity, w. ta. .lenmns. raoor 174. CURIOS SUN SOON HUIE. Chinese gooda. mat- 1 inn. bur aim vuiiub. iu om DANciyq HEATH'S dancing ' school, 109 Second bu. Deiween asnington and Stark, stage dancing taught; waltz and two step guaranteed in 4 v lessons. Cla&s Monoay evenings, a to 12. PROF. W. B. "WHEKLAN'S ACADEMyI waltz, twosteo.- latest social A Stage and fancy dancing. Only compe tent .lonciier on toe coast. Auditorium nan, jub a near Tayior. -. PROF, RLNGLER. Portland's recognlxed dancing maater. Class and private in- srrtictions oaiiv. zai Morrison. M. 9313, DENTISTS Alveolar Teeth Where Bridgework Is impossible. ' Does away with plates and bridges. We cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely. examinations, vooitieis 1 roe. THE REX DENTAL CO.. DENTISTS. 811 to 314 Ablngton Bldg 106 H 3d St Terms to Keiiaoie jfeopie. CHICAGO palnlesi" Dentists, csiublisli'eJ' lb years, ana y& waBhington, cor. 8th, W. A. WISE and-Associates!, rainless yientisis, Tnirq and Washington ets. -DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL nn ppnwM r r a -e ioi mi a - M. 4086. Ilosp. 89 E. 12th. E. 5448. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAME . ; Ttkr, P. at, Cltf, Tvrm Froperty ...... Hrfiit -Steele Oontpaoy prunaEer tsenetuct ............,......... took & Co., B. & C'hanln 4 Herlow. Marshall. W. H., Farm, City Property. Houck, Georfte A. (ColonUMUon) Knapp Harke.Jv..,, Oregon Keal Kaute Co., The tMialk,, Qore I..... Stile Wn, i. H llerrj'a Bealty Company DRVGLESS PHYSICIANS ETHEL WARD Electric baths, vibra tory massage. Raleigh bldg. DRS. GRAY fc SCOTT. M. T.'b, chronic complaints cured. 821 Mohawk bldg. v DESIGNEK8 AND MODISTE NEW York designer, gowns, waists. reasonable prices. SO Swetland bldg. DRESSMAKING MAN tailored alcirts, gowns your own materia, fit guaranteed; reasonable prices. Elite Ladies Tailor, 546 Wash, ELECfRIO CONTRACTOR Ouarant'd hoime wlrlno- Kstlmatea. C. A. Nothwang Co., 67 1st M. 7433.. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4Z9 Flledner. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine; ' electrlo equipments; launches, . aecessorlss, wholesale and retail: engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 1 Morrison. GAS AND ELECTRIC, SUPPLIES MOTORS for rent cf sale.. Pacific Elec trie Engineering Co.. 213 2d at - .; GLAZING UNITi-D uijASS & OLAZINQ CO. All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th, M. 4431. HAIR DRESSING PARLOR MANICURING, shampooing, facial maa enge 2d floor Macleay bldg. HAT FACTORS MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest bat ren ovators in the city. 64-66 Sd st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hata direct' from the factory at half price. IIO.ME TREATMENTS VIAVI assists nature to Temove cause of disease. 609 Rothchild bldgV INSURANCE : McCAROAR. Bates & Lively. 818 Fall ing bldg. Every form Insurance, beada. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, watches, jrwelry, silverware, up-to-date noveltlea. H. A. Forbes, New Perkins Hotel,. 6th & Wash. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHA8. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front Leather of every description; tap Dintifactiirrs, findlns LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 183 6th. bet Taylor and ramhill. Books 8c per day. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulio and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. -All kinds' repairs. 104 N. 4Qi MAGAZINE ; AGENCY LOWEST rates on magaclne clubs. Send for free catalogue. Jones Magazine agency, 284 Oak 6t. Henry bldg. MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT SWEDISH - grad uate, - C. Hoi mstrora, nerve, rheumatl, digestive disorders, 302-3, Oregonlan bldg. ' - MI.VIXQ AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Ltd. Send for our booklet 220 ureiei Ding, MULTIGRAPHING MULV IGRAPHING, Bhorthand. type writing. M. 76. -418 Kucnanan piok. , MUSICAL DEALERS SEIBERUNG-LUCAS , MUSip C01S4 catalogue Buescher band lnstrumenr'. MUSIC TEACHERS PIANO, violin, trombone, corner, mando-. nn, riute. rroi, k. a. pmnn. m E. TH1ELHORN. violin tacher; pupil BevicK, u warquam, iaruan NEUROLOGISTS, EYE SPECIAL CROSS-EYES straightened. No operation Drs. Freeae & nice. Mercnanta iruat. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANB DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, ape- uiia nn., nvrvM aoiitik '. And : chronic diseases. 217 Fent"" blag, mam ri gR. SMITH, graduate Kirkvllle, Mo.. 1S9- nrjit' graduate 1907. 318 Swet- iand bldg. DR. L. H. HOWIxAND, general practi tioner, 808 fieianer mag. LRS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 4g uregonian niog. OSTRICH PLUMES PLUMES, large stock direct from farm; . , , 1 j -.ana Tirl. . . ... .. uyeu, cieanwu, cunru. ova rn. A: PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F K. BEACH it CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 1 su- - a ail n i w o ja-1 v . RASMU8SEN & CO., "High SUndBrd" paint, ne. cor, zn- 1 aymr, m.. a-i i i 1. PAINTING AND" PAPERING FOR best work, prices right, call P. X Uoane. iu union., notn pninim GET our prices on painting,, paper ing?, tinting, amffli Miner vo. 1 1 im PATENT ATTO liNEYS HANDBOOKS for inventors free; tells how"t obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered Beeler A Robb, 177-181 MCQlir Ding- WBaningion. v w. PATENTS procured by j. K. Mock, Attor-neyat-Law, latt U. a Patent Office; book free, 719 Board of Trade bldg. R, C. WRIGHT. U. 8. and foreign pat- ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PIANO TUNING r.v.n. . ANDERSON. ' expert Pianos . bought sold. 228 Alisky. Main 3753, A-7042. -' r -;- . ' v - ROSES AND NURSERY STOCK General line of nursery Btock, roses. tanrlnrri vapletleM. hrublterv all klnrtw. reasonable prices prevail. 1283 Denver ave. St. Johns car. woodlawn 1935. - TilUBIiEIi STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun rilnrhaTn Co.. 2JII Rtrk. Main 1407. .liAVEl. THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory ' prices; repairs lockouts opened, bargains in second hand safes SilLXUtLS ,1, BFST in Portland. See them. 301 Washington st B. E. Gilbert ADDRESS . TBLIPHONB 803 Corbett BM(t. ...... .w..AM02, Main 7401 Ground floor Uwfc Blrtg. ..Main and k-im 612 McKar Eldi... .Main 5t .3 Corljett Bkig.... ...Main 8f3. A-3!ifiS a cnamner oi uominerce mm vmt Boom T. 250H Alder. ............ . .Mali r71 . 49 Ubbe Bid Mala 12-9 I Chamber of Commprre. ...Muln tad A-2HO .Orand Ae. and Multnomah . . . . Eat 67, C-170 .228 Stark St Main 362. A-tv .8"5 Gerllnger Bldg Main 84:i0 .Henry Bldg.. 4th-0k M. 80M. A-3327 .249 4th........ ........ .Marshall 2828. A-4719 PRINTIXa WELCH PRIHTiKG CO. Toer'Of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141 1st SURVEYORS WALTER M. OBER, piattlog. Bubdivid ing and topographical maps a spe cialty.' 1(10 K. 3th st N. B-2099. SIGN "AND SHOW CARDS FOSTEH A KLEISER Signs; the larg. est sign makers in the northwest E. 7th and E. Everett sta. i JPhones, East 1411, Home B-2224. i -.---f "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 267 Stark. Main 1R53. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFO. CO., : new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 189 Couch. M. 2703. R. H.i BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDGi Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. TAILORING UNITED Tailors can't make $50 suits for $30; honest tailors can't; best in city 3o; entrance Kotncnua oiag, ALFRED OOILBEE. . 310 L&bbe bldg4 . 3d and Washington. Suits., te order. ELMOREN, ladles' and men's clothes, Bollder and draper. 204-S Ma'cleay bldg. GUS SEQUIST. tailor and draper; ex- elusive patterns. 246 Washington' st TAILORING SCHOOL KIESTER'S ladles Tailoring College, learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143 11th. TAXID J EltMlST FINE tanning, fur - remodeling, " glass eves, Flnley, 249 Columbia st ' TINNING AND ROOFING TINNING, roofing and guttering; any kind sheet metal work, Hoecker & Klattke, Main 6144. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, aoap. Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch ats. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Phones Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STOKAGE ' Oregon Transfer Co. Esubllshed 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage; free trackage. Office, S10 Hoyt St., bet. 5th and 6th. ynones: Main K9; A-I1V9. C O. PICK Tranhfer & torage Co, of fice and commodious 4 storv brick warehouse, separate Iron ' rooms and fireproof . vaults for- valuables; - north wes,t corner 2d and Fine ets. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Main 696: -1996. PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. 13th and Everatt ats.. Just opened, newest, most modern storage warehouse in cltv; every convenience for. 'safe and proper handling of goods; .lowest Insurance rate in northwest; free trackage, vans ror moving. Main or A-I520. EMPIRE EXPRESS & BAGGAGE CO. Trunks 60c, 2-pound trunk 26c, A-1030, Main 180. , TYPEWRITERS ALL maltes rented, repaired, aold. Cun- nmgnam t;o.. 131 Staric. Main 1407. VETERINARIAN DR. A. O. SMITH. V. 8.. B.. Stables. rrnnt, Mam 4156. Res. Main 1803. DR. L. B, DILLON, Hawthorne Avenue niMiMPt,, i;aBr 73. b7, JH-1S. 1 ' . ' WALLPAPER V BEAVER board for Bale by Morgan WHOLESALE JOBBERS 'r ; E VERDI NG & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front St. r-ortiana, .jr. fnone Main 179. . Mv A. GUNST & CO, - DISTRI UlTTORS OF FINE CIGARS rOKTIjAND, OR WAUHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th inn era. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co, Imp. and dom. hangings, wholesale and retail MRGANWALLTAPER CO, 230 2d st.. net ween waimon and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. B.NKS GEIEMAN.AMRRI.'AR BANK Portland. Or. Corner Biita and' Waahlafto Bta. TVaoa. acta a geuaral banking boalneaa. Drafts iKsned avallabla In all the principal ettfca of tbe United State, and Kuropa. Koor per cent Interval paid ua aavinga aerannta, Bafa 4 polt nlt. ' TRANSPORTATION SPICIAIi EXCXTESIOW . ' , HONSHU LU ma. 1, 191X. 34 days. - Everything First-class; - 5225, ALL EXPENSE '-v Reservation and Tickets, ; ., HORSEY B. SMITH, Manager. . TOURIST AGENCY AHD TRAVEL BTJXEATJ, 69 Fifth St Phone Marshall 137P Ban rranolsco- 81 Portland Steamanlp Co. New service to Los Angeles via San Francisco every five days, From AIoBworth dock. Portland 4 p. m.r B. 8. Boss City Deo. 23, Beaver 28, Bear Jan, a..; .., From San Francisco, northbound, mJ S. & BeaTer Deo. 22, Bear Jan, I, ;..:-. From San Pedro,.; northbound: t- ' 8. B. Sear Dec 85, Bos City 30, Beaver Jan. 4. B. O. Smith, 0. T. JL, 143 Third St J. W. Kanaom, Agent Alnaworth Dock. Phones! Main 403, 886; A-1403. . COOS BAY UN H Str. Breakwater Balls from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 p. m. Dec. 13, 20, 37, jiZ 3. 10. 17. 24 and 31. Feb.' 7, i 4. 41, 38 and every Tuesday night Freight re ceived at Alaska dock until 5 p. m. dally Pasaenger fare 1st class, 310; 2d class' J7, including meats and berths. Tickets on sale at Alnaworth dock. Phones Main 288, A-1234. - " ASTOBIA B0T7T3 ' ..... . TTT.AMB HABSAtO leaves Portland dally except" Saturda at 8:00 p. m. Makes all wiy UndlnsZ Arrives at Astoria at 8:00 a. m. Li.vea Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 00 a? m. Arrives Portland at 8:00 p. m Makes direct connection with steamer Nahcotta for Megler. llwaco. Long Beach and all points on the llwaoo railroad. . BAN PnANClSCOrl-OrANGElESrr ; AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT IOETH PAOTIO 8. 8. CO. B. B. E.OAJM JJtE and 8. 8. ELDi.a BAH Kverv Wednesday, alternatay, at ( n m. Ticket office 182 Third, near Alder. Phones Main 1314, A-1314. "MARTIN J. H IO LEY, pass. Agent W. U. SiLUiiSiiR.- FrJgUt Agent. :". .' in.VNsro5:r.moN Tbe Open Elver Transportation Cum-' ? Str. J. N. TLAL For TH22 DAX.LT.3 and T.'sy I.atu"J-,;. Leaving Oak ' street docvt, loot of O; street Monday, Wcdnesuiy -d fru- . 1 at 1 a. m., returning, leavir? The Di; t Tuesday, Thursday and mi.iv pi .-. Ing connectionn nt Celtlo wltn fcTEA;... S TWIU CITIX3 for Ppj o, Ktrin wick, and all points on the Columbia a far nn Prleot Rapids. CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN. Pnpt"" 1 A. 8. WHITING. Agent SAT1WAY TTTCE TABLTA Boutbom Peifio. 171 Ashland PaeDr , .... 9 !"0 a. ........ 4 1.1 p. .,...... . p. .... 410 p. ........ 1M P. ........ i a. Kowbar Hwat'J ... Sbaita Limited ........ Biiaen Local ......... Caliloruta Expreaa . .... San Franeisca Kxpraw West Side -fnrrania Paann ' . ov, ra, , a. . v. ; at. m. ; n. m. n. ' m. m. . m. .; T:20 a.' 4 :fH p. I W p. 8 :f.O a. 5:40 p. 8ber1daa. i'atMenger Sllvrrtns - Fiiwniir Forest Grore Faasmger . Forest G iw. Paaaenger .. ArrWlny Port Una Orefron Expre ......r. 7.30 a. ...... ..J T:40 a. .,...i..I10:ltp. mrtiano Kxpreas ..,.-, Aahland Pansenirrr ...... . Koaebarg Paxaenger ...... Engeoe-Portland Local ... Bbaata Limited ........... Weat tjide Corrallla Pamenrer ...... ...r...... o:w p. ....., ..11 :0.). i f ....... i.ou 1 ,.. B:20 p. m. MHTertoo . Pasaentar : ......... -T" - ttnenaan i'aen ...., rorest Grore Paaacnf e . . Fofenf Grore 1 Paaaenger ' . iswt a. 4:40 p. Kartaara Pactrw. Leaving Pertlaad-. Nwth Com United via ' - Paje " oouaa .... ... t - iv;iu a. - a, .. e. m, P- Worth Caeat LlmltMl Bank . T:0 Atlantle Expreaa Ha Pwret Soaad.. 12:13 Atlantic Expreiw Tl Knrtp Bunk.., 9 00 Twla City Kxpreaa via i'Dt-et Soaad. 8:30 Twla aty livrrm wU Nrth Bank.. 7KW allaaooH BWer ExpreM via Paget Sound .10:14) Uinoarl BiTtr fixprea vk North Bank . ...... .,7.. ...... 70 Portland, Taeoma and Seattle Bx- preaa, Grara Harbor, 01jpta aad South Bead braat'hea ............ t:45 Portland-Ptifret Boood BpeetaL . . . . J:10 PORe( Sowid Llnttad, Otaya Har hor and Sontli Bead tranches.,. Yaeolt Pnaaenxer ..,4,.,,......,,.. 8:30 ArriTlag P-tland North Coaat Limited via Norta Bank : r 1a . we. Uml ted via ; Portt Boona T40 a. m. 8:00 a. at, Kortbers Pacific Expreaa via' Kortk Baak Northern Paelfie Expreaa via Paret Sonod 1M p. Ok Paelfie . Baok Coaat Expr4M. via Nortk 8:18 North ...... 84 PaeWle Coast Sound . . Bxprea via MUaoiiri ; Mvar . Kxtreaa via Mliwwirt . BJmr Expnsa Tta Paget Port la odTiroma -Seattle Rxprew and novaa :wv p. at. Bw BU p. Bk p. tn. rrom uiynpta, Soatb Jleml. (irara Harbor and Yarolt branchea... ... 4:09 fnjret Sonnd Limited and from : Olvapla and Grara Harbor branch T JO Por-t Snand-Pnrtlaad Special and , . frm Sooth Bend branch.... 10:At Oragoa Kailiead 81 Wavigatioii Co. Leaving I'ortUad !',.:.. Pendleton Paaaeaxer ....... Oregon-Waablnrtoa Limited . The Dalles Local.. .....j,... Spokane Plver ............. 6o-Spokane-Pnrtlaad ....... Oregon Kxprwa ....,..,... Arrivina PortlaaA . 8: .10 m , 4:00 . a oo .11:00 , : a. m. p. m. P- p. m. p. . a. m. a., ra, a. n. p. m. .P-..m; Tbe Iallr IOcal ,.. ..... :S6 Oreioo Expreaa 8oo-Srakane-Portland ..;'... Pendleton Ixx-al - Paasenaer. Oreron-Washlnfton TJmlted ,19:30 .:( 6:4S . 8:0i - " Aatoria k Oolrmhia Urm . . . Leaving Portia od -.-......,,.,' Aatorla and Seaside Kxpreas...... , 9:00 a. M. , Aataria Kxpreas .. :3 p. ra. SeaUd' Piwlil.. K. tarda.. ...., e-.Srt p. Bi. Rainier Paaaencer ...... 1:15 p, m. Rainier Pamrnser IA5 I, m. Arrtvlnt Portland -..'i.-' fteaslde and Ator! RTra......15:20 p. v Keailde and Astoria Bx precis. .10:0(1 p. m. Kalnler and Portland Paaener.,, :40 a. m. Rainier and Portland PMnenyr. : . ; 5:00 p. m. Canadian 3aaiflo Railway C. Leaving Portland Bon-Spokane-Port land . Via Seattle ........ Arriving Portland., Sno-Hpokane-Porthtnd i Via rVattle iywi.e.t TOO pt Ml. 12:)S a. as,. .......... ..11:30 a. .i .. .', .10:0 p. m. Oragaa A Washington Railroad Ca. ' Leaving Portland. Seattle Paaaenger Fbasta Limited Owl . ......... . Arriving Portia a r 8:3ft a. at. ........ 3.-O0 p. m. .....U:4a p. si. rrwl . -.. . 4 . , ...,,, Khatta Limited ... Portland Pamenarer 8:41S a. nv JIFTtRSOH 8TUEET bTATIOM. Banthera Par If is. leaving Portland--Dallas Paaaenaer ................. 11 I. an. Daliaa Paaaensef , 4:00 p. B. Arrirlac PortkaaeW Palraa Pannenjrer ............. 18:15 a. m. Ilailaa Paimenyr g:W n. m. BORTH BANK 8TATI0H. YXBVEWTH AMP HOTT BTS. gpohaaa, Portland Beattla Railway Ca. Leaving Portland Lyle Paaaenger ............ ...739 a. nu ' For Lvle, Oaldeadale and laeal points. Inland fcmplra ExureH 9;t a.' m. For Chlcajo, St. l'.uk Omaha, Kaniwa CItj, fit. Louia, Bllllnsr.'- Spokane. Washtwna, Kahlotas, Paaeo, Roogevelt. Grandda Ilea, Go)- deads le, Lyle, White SalaMB. SUvanaoa and Va neon ver.. ' .... .r Columbia River r al. CHffs........:15 p. . Kortb Baak Limited 7:DO p. m. for Chicago St. Paul. Omaha, Kimji City. Bt. Lauia. Billltifa. Spokane, WasM.Ueoa. Kahlotua, Paaco, Rwaavelt. Oranddallo. Lyle. White BalBon, Sterenaon asd Vanoouvrr, Arriving Portland North Knnt Limited ............. .8:0C a. tn. Frotn Chleago. t. Paal, Oamha, KtuiT City, tit. Lanhv BUlinra. . Spokane, Wanhtnena, Kahlotna, Paaco. Rooaevelf Qnroddsriea. Lyla. White Salmon. Stevenaon and VaneooTer, ' Olon)bia River Local CUffa. ...... 10:.' at . Inland Empire Kxpreaa ........... 8:13 p. ra.. From Chleago, 8t Panl, Owialn, Kanaaa City, Bt. Loaia. Bllliers, Spokane, ' Wasatucna, , Kablatvo. Paaco. Rooaevalt, (JrsnddxUea. Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenaon and Vancouver. . Lyle Panneagv ........S.4 p. , BU t rlatdendle,a Lyle sn loral nnlnta. Oraat Sorthera RaUway Co. 1 leaving Portland Uth and Hoyt ata. - -Oriental Limited, via Seattle ....10.00 a. In. Oriental Limited, via North Bank... 7;0B p. at. International Llmltpd. Seattle, 'a- - coma and Vancouver, B. C. . ...10.-OB a. m. Tba Owl, Taeoma, Seallia ajia van- can ver, - B. 8 Bv. m. and Vanconver., B, C---'X,;'tf ' . Arrtvlnr Portland lllb and Hoyt t Orleotal Umited, vl Seattle.,,.., 6:43 Oriental Limited, via North, Bank.. 8:15 p, ta, Tba Owl. Vaneoovec,. P.. Seattle and Ta j.. 8:B a. m. gaor. Line Vaneonvw, B, C. Seattle and Taeoma. 2:15 p. tn. International Limited. Vancouver. B. . "c.. rejgjgI'cMim,: v,.- 9: ,p w? TIltE CARDJOREGOS E1ECTRT0 RY. f!o" rwnajr6tatfon friint and Jfforaw""i't.""J- "wiodbam. ' Bftlm nd lot. Pointa Lorn I. Vave Portland 8:30, 7:M. 110 a m r f . 8:50, :a.-.8:40 p. I-Uiited for Tnalatl,, and Salem 8:15 a. m. Local for Wlloni;w and Int. atationa B:10 p. m, , , ' HlUaboro, Foraat Grove and Intannadlata PoinU-lV" PTtl.nd 7.0.V, 8:UU. 10.20 STlO, 2:18, 8:80,: 8:3,, 8:25 p. m, Sturdy A?ti.tom falem ani Int. BtatlM,. -'d-M-ao 11:09 a. ni.! ; 1:15. 4:. dart, tMt. i2ft 10-50 P. ' Lor'' from Wlloviil ait i Int! ;40 a. m. Daily except Sunday, anj V' A5ri?ioBporUa.n4 from Forest Orova and Int. 'Btfttona--8:0.1. :50, 11:40 a m.i U. S:.h., 20, 8:10. 10:80 P- m. PiindJivonlT .:o p, m. ' Portland Railway, Llpht r tarrr Co. " ' Ticket Offi'ee Walttrg l'. im, Tlrat and Aider and Bt Water , 7 and East- Morrlaoe-.-Slreeta.. ' Cara leave Eaat Water .mt Moirl'. trK Oreaon City :. :30 a. m. aiwt errtY . mlnutea to and including laat car ii.(lnii".t. Oreaham nd lnterni.ite potnl- . i, R-45. 9:45. '10:45. 11:45 a. Bi 12 4., !:., 1:45: 8:45; 4:43, 8:45, :4. 11:36 p. n,,-- ralrvlew aad TrmiM-iW 7:4... -4 10:45 B. 12:45. 1:45, 8.46. 8.-i. 4 k., 6:45 6:45 p. ' Caaadero tnd lntr!1oti pf.lnl - C ;a, a ( X.U . fc-l2.3. 3.i3.,.i. 6.i k. 1.1. tor . I'Uilifl it il ... , nmm. Seeand and Waablnrt.ta aire..!.. . . id, 1:'A :W. .!. V f", f, 11:10, 11:60; !. m.-r.' ". I -It., I -, 8:10.' 8:80, 4:W. 8:10. 5 5'. . 0. 7 -, V $A B 25, 10:55, II I-.. On tlilrd MhikIkj In v, . y un. li ( ; tar leafea at J i P. i"-. Dally aiet-i.t Sur.jjr. , Say.