THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ZO, 1310, LIED TO 210 Jjfl A I i inn ;w York Youngsters Start on Experiment in Citizenship With Great. Enthusiasm Smooth Sailing Yet. New Tork. Pec. SO.--The chief of po lice of the '"City Government of JPubllo snhool II' Is not nearly as busy a per son as he might b supposed to be, though he has 2i00 persona to watch and isafeguard. 1 . The three judges of th highest tri bunal In the samo government have had few cases to try-yttf For the 2400 cit izens of the new government thus far have proved very & taw y eMding. Of course, the novelty of the new adminis tration has not worn off, and when it does begin to lose Its glamor, the chief of police may be a very busy jroong man indeed. . The campaign Is ended, the-ticket Is elected, and the mayor, the police com missioner and the other public officers f the new government have taken their high of fices. : They were' sworn into office - with' due solemnity ' and they made their speeches of acceptance in ihe same solemn form. '-:'".' Theirs will be the difficult task' of conducting the first administration in the great city school at Oak and Jamea streets, which has a cosmopolitan con stituency as varied as that of the city 9f Greater New York; 7 1 . Idea Quickly Adopted. The idea of the new government in the school originated in . 'the fertile brain of Assistant Secretary Frank Kler nan of the school citizens' committee and Principal Benjamin Volt at once put It into practice. So the boys went ahead with their organization, all by them selvesy with two of the teachers as an advisory committee. . After a constitutional convention, at which a charter was drawn up and rat ified, the citizenship, which comprises the five upper . classes, turned to the business of elections! Nominating con ventions put 20 candidates in the field, and the campaign was on tn earnest. The candidates ran for a week, up to election day, and swung around the cir cle of classrooms making vigorous speeches on "my policies.' The offices of the president cf the board of alder men and city clerk were the most hotly contested for. It was a campaign of ed ucation, however, wherein acrimonious recrimination and mudslinging between the candidates were missing. . fceal Election Held. On election nlgbt, though, there was real . reason for the sign : "No Elec tioneering," as set about the polling places in the auditorium. There was also need' for the placards: "Instruc tions to Voters," 'for the body of citi zens included Hebrews, Italians, Greeks, Chinese, Germans, Irish, French, Span ish and Africans, v The challengers had registration lists ; on hand, and kept a sharp lookout for 'floaters"' illegally en rolled from the lower grades. The elec tion passed into history with the follow ing results: Mayor, Antonio Cam mo rata, plurality 61; President board of Aldermen, Joseph Slvin, plurality 17; police commissioner, Edward Marks, plurality 63; city clerk Abraham Klaua cer, plurality ?. . . ,- These high city officials were in stalled with great ceremony. After the school's color guard had saluted the flag, Frank Chin, a Chinese youth, the polling clerk, read the results and the officers spoke their speeches Of accep tance. : .;-, '' ' : .V Said the city clerk, who is a promis ing orator; "This school is our smaller city. Just as it will soon be our duty to care for our great elty. It is our pres ent duty to care, for our school city to guard it and protect it and leave it when we graduate the better for our having belonged o it , For myself, let me' thank you for the confidence you showed me in electing me to a position of honor and trust." " ' Diplomatic Speeches. - The police commissioner said in part: "Fellow citliens of the Self-Governing league of this school, I thank you one and all for this high honor." . The chief planks in his platform, he explained, were the enforcement of the monitorial systpm. the attainment of greater expedition in fire drills, and the square deal for all classea Then the administration was installed and Principal Volt thanked Mayor Cam- morata for relieving him of so large a portion of his onerous duties. - OneNoMhe tasks of the new adminis- tratlon'sx program was the organization of the court, composed of three Judges, who will try all minor offenses against the School discipline, Instead of having offenders punished by the teachers. - " The sanitary commissioner, Joseph Manning, la doing great work. His daily rounds have more to do with the chil dren themselves than with the "city." Woe betide the boy who comes to school In an untidy condition, or whose face and hands are not kept clean. Manning regulates dress and morals of his fel low citizens with an iron hand. 'enacted, nullify the-present law of con structive contempt that is, ' contempt outside the courtroom. Another, in which the labor unions are Interested, is far a law to forbid the use of injunc tion and restraining order without a hearing of both sides. . . Other suggestions are for a modifica tion of the contempt law to provide for jury trials. Still another is that no judge be permitted to try his own con tempt case. -Thatever the final form of the law the agitation Is certain to be a feature of the January session. Still another bill, alredy drawn up by Representative Campbell of Everett, would clinch for the people any laws enacted by the legislature by, taking from the courts the right to ' declare them unconstitutional. . WALDP0RT FEARS IT . MAY LOSE P0ST0FFICE (SpeVrfal Hapttca to Th Journal.) . Toledo, Or;; Dec. 20. The people of Waldport. the main town of Importance in the south, end of the country, are up in arms over a report to the effect that their mall service and postofflce are to be discontinued. The Tidewater post office and connecting carrier were re cently discontinued and now it is ru mored .that Waldport is to be treated tn the same manner. ' The mall at, pres ent Is 'taken by stage from Newport and parties heretofore have bid the con tract for carrying the mall down so low, that now, with the Increased- cost of living, they cannot afford to carry It, and It is sajd are recommending to the department that the route be discon tinued. . ' ' ; ' ' . SEATTLE STAR'S FIGHT UP TO LEGISLATURE (United Prvm Wlre.V . Seattle, Dec 20. In the protests that are 'still pouring into the Star office over the sentencing of two of Its editors to jail for criticising the courts for us ing the injunction against streetcar pa trons the dominant note today is, "Carry the fight into the legislature." From members of the newly elected assemble- and from many private citl iens come suggestions about new. laws "to establish the complete freedom of the press and limit the power of the courts to Issue injunctions." : 't , One bill that is being drawn will, If BABY FALLS FROM HIGH CHAIR; EYE GOUGED OUT ; - (Special Dtopatrh to The Journal.) Freewater, Or, Dec. 20. A most dis tressing . accident occurred at Ferndsle station three miles north of this city, when the little 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, T. I Haun, while rocking in his high chair, overbalanced himself and fell to the floor, striking his eye on the spout of the tea . kettle. The spout literally gouged out one eye, the sight of which is utterly destroyed, and grave fears are felt for the child's recovery. HOW CUDAHY DISPOSED OF $11,000,000 ESTATE (Ualted Ftmh Leased Wlre.k Chicago, Dec. , 20. Michael Cudahy left an estate valued at 111,000,000, only $2,000,000 of which Is in real estate, ac cording to the details of his will, made public yesterday by the executors. Ex cept for $25,000 bequeathed to. various charitable Institutions, the estate will be held In trust and administered by Joseph M. Cudahy. j The widow will receive $20,000 an nually.' ' Mrs. William Cudahy, a sister-in-law, will receive $6000 annually for five years, and then $5000 annually. At the dose of five years six children of the packer will divide the estate, after . HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Gearr Street, "above Union Squat Jast oppesis) Hotal 8t frauds European Pka $1.60 1 day op American Plan. $3.00 a day up Haw steel a M brick stroctura. FuraUbedat east of $200,000., Every comfort and con vaoUnce. On earllsea transferring all over city. Omaibaa meets trains ana itaamtra, Seas br Beetlet vHb ma? of Saa Francises the widow shall have received $500,000 in cash. The document was admitted to pro bate late yesterday afternoon. Jack Cudahy of Kansas City Is given $10,000 by the will, but it Is under stood he was otherwise provided for. Mrs, Jack Cudahy was not mentioned. fhe whole estate, real and personal, outside of certain personal effects and some Pasadena, , CaL, real estate,. Is willed to the trustees, to be held In trust for five years and managed according to thfclr judgment The following gifts are to be made: St Joseph's Orphan asylum, Chicago, $5000;' St. Vincent's Orphan asylum, Chicago, $2500; St Elizabeth's hospital, Chicago, $2500; St Joseph's hospital, Chicago, $2500; Little Sisters of the Poor, - Chicago, $5000: Sisters of . the Good Shepherd, Milwaukee, $5000. MAN DYING; TWO IN JAIL; ARKANSAS FEUD (Unite. Frm Laee4 VTlrv.J s Pine Bluff, Ark., Dec. 20. Arthur Murphy, editor of the Press-Eagle, and a relative of General Arthur Murray, V. S. A Is dying, and us and Ed Lelaurln are held in Jail, as results of a shooting affray In which a family feud Is said to have been the motive. Murphy was shot In the head by the brothers, who afterward gave themselves Into custody. Murphy, It la said, cannot re cover. v BILL FOR BALLINGER INQUIRY TOTALS $13,844 (VnUri Pr I-xwd Wlr. Washington, Dec, 20. The Balllnger Plnchot congressional investigation cost the country exactly $13,844, according to a report filed by the secretary of the senate. The expense for stenog raphers was $5701. .The costliest wit' ness was Henry K. Ixve, ..who came from Fairbanks, 'Alaska. Ills fees and mileage cost the country $531. , No Calendars for Hood River. ." -'' 'IBijecJsl DtfMtcb t Th JonrnL 1 Tlood River, Or., Dec. 20. That H6od River will be without calendars for the year 1112 seems inevitable. The Busi ness. Men's association has placed the ban on this method of advertising and several of the business houses now dis tributing calendars for 1911 are inform- Join My -Edison Club' Edison's PAY. $5 IATEST ACHIEVEMENT SUPERB EDISON PHONOGRAPH . HAS LATEST ATTACHMENTS 1 Plays both four-minute and two-minute Edison Records-large expansion spring . ; motor. Complete with 6 records $29.10. gpay OS v , - only and the outfit is sent to your home. ,". Then pay $1 weekly no interest ; . Perry C. Graves Music Store 413 Washington, Near Tenth uraorMBxrB the irCatBUt wo ooimcTioir with ait OTEEB FISH OS KOTOS. OPEN evenings; Six Records Free to Owners. Inquire. TALKSiiTEETH BT THE SEX SSarTAXi CO., DJBJTTlS'l'S GOOD HEALTH There Is no middle ground for the man who has poor teeth or not enough teeth to properly chew his food. In a pinch be can get along and be fairly comfortable with other parts of his anatomy missing, but he must have enough teeth or the human engine will go wrong and break down. Good teeth are vital. How about yours? We have a sensible, rational and en tirely effective plan of restoring miss ing teeth through our Alveolar Method, and we accomplish this. result without having to half fill the mouth with a partial plate or torture the wearer with an ordinary piece of bridge work. . . A partial plate can't be made so It will fit for any length of time, because the gums are constantly changing their shape. .... One can't ''bite" on any such con trivance or chew his food properly. An ordinary "bridge" is high in the middle, like a "Cantilever" structure, . andjt Is both dangerous and painful to bite ondKngerous because it is apt to nap in two under the strain, painful because the constant strain irritates the teeth to which it is anchored and finally - ruins them. When we place the Alveolar teeth In your mouth we say: "Go and use them Just as you would nature's teeth crack ' nuts with them if you want to. They will stand the usage." We take all the chances. tThey are good to look at too. ' So nearly do they resemble natural teeth that even . dentists have to look twice when examining them. There la practically no pain about the Installing of the Alveolar teeth, no sur irery, no boring or . cutting , Into tho jruma, nothing about having them put in your mouth that you need fear, so come to one of our offices and have: the work done right away. All we require la 4hat you have two or more teeth In your jaws.' We will supply the rest " " Klrst, you must come In for an exam . I nation so we can look your teeth over and talk with you about them. . Tou don't obligate yourself to spend a penny with us simply because you came here out of curiosity or to have your teeth examined. n fact, you put us under the obliga tion. ' , I- - Kurely your health ia of enough im portance to call for a little of your time for wuch an Investigation.. But you may be too far away to call, In which case send for our booklet. Alveolar Dentistry, which tells you all iiliout the Twentieth Century plan of re Mring teeth. It la a great work tn , s..blnci : et the tthjnjcnejaijini t:.- "r t- ; '.Un to neullh. , Send for a copy today At Jrou can't alt. . .; ".' Remember ' that we" do hlgH " class intitry In all Its branches. A)o that fe hfst is always the cheapest in li, nl fv w i . . ' .. '"v. vx UTnrrAi. Co.. deuttsts. I. i M AbiPBton I'Mii, VifiiA 3i 1st Tcrn.s to I'.tle Folk. Up. ; Mr ; Hie lffl(D)lniai-ys. : : - f If I l p w.1 p si I ...! J 1 ' T .' ..'. '.':,. J. 1 r.V'J' I Me f. -',,'' .1 1 ,t. t Win - IL h My. f '.I - I tl Sri e ri V.'rl .''VI 3t . S -,- TJX'lIt m . mi. We are prepared to offer you all the 'Cpif; BksBsBkssBSkssssBssssHkBBslBBi You Need All the latest styles in both Men's and Women's Coals?: Pay a little down and a little each week or month, at your convenience STORE OPEN UNTIL 8:00 P.M. ft I :.V;Vr WVKi:v::W ... . S K.e ise, . " VJ 2rr' -4 -, :v.V:v.v.:v:.. 1 . & w$$$m ilh AIR Madison Brigge Cars Pass Onr Boors 1-177 tot' S mstrn Firs and Yamhill . Mlh L WX& Second and Ycniliii! lng their-patrons 'that there will be nothing doing next year. It has been estimated that approximately-310,060 are spent annually by the merchants here for this class of advertising. INCOME TAX QUESTION v WILL BE CONSIDERED (Stlem Bureau of Tb Journal. Salem, Dec. 20. One matter of some little Importance which will come before the Oregon legislature next month as it will before a great many state legisla tive assemblies this winter and which to some extent has lately been over looked is the matter of the income tax amendment, to the federal constitution. Wlll. Oregon legislature approve of this amendment which has been rejec ted by New Tork state and has been approved by one or two southern com monwealths T j v The amendment which congress has proposed to the states reads as fallow's: j "Article XVI. : Congress shall 1 have the power to lay and collect taxes on Incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment ampng the sev eral states, and without regard to any census or enumeration." The constitution itrelf provides that It may be. amended by proposals made by congress to the states where two-i thirds of both houses deem It necessary. This amendement. opening the door for an Income tax law. will come into force when three-fourths of the states have ratified the proposal through their legis latures. The constitution has ben amended In this manner several times. The congress may provide that the proposed amendments be ratified by state conventions rather than by the state legislatures If It so desires. The constitution may also be amended by a national convention to be called by the congress upon the petition of two-thirds of the states or whenever two-thirds of each of the houses of congress deem It necessary. This method of constitu tional revision has never been resorted to on account of the expense there would be attached to that procedure. Saimfta- Hs .Wise Here's What He Picks Out - For the Men Lord Baltimore Cigars Mi Hogar Cigars . Meerschaum, Briar, Calabash, German and Turkish Pipes. . Humidors to keep your cigars in perfect condition. ' Smoking Sets ' Cigar Cases ' ." " ' Smokers' Supplies in endless variety, .' For the Ladies Park & Tflford's superbly packed delicious Candies. .K : Mullane's Taffieswith the gen uine old-fashioned flavor, - Pig'n Whistle Chocolates al ways delicate, rich and good. Peppermint Loriot an import ed confection that aids diges tion and sweetens the breath. Sir QiVVi 1 fa Pr 92 Street Ills kJJaVsllv?! ,SL VUs rhlrd ana WasUnto& Sts. Holiday Suggestions An Electric FOOT WARMER :- ; ,r for the "Invalids and Old Folks ELECTRIC HEATERS ..;...-'.-''! .'.forv;';, Library, Dining Room and Parlor ELECTRIC RADIATORS ' . for . Hall and Living, Room .. , i . ' ' ' : '" -: y ,i .w;.::'.y '. ' ' 'y , Electric Store Alder Street, at Seventh i X Open Evenings , I .... , .