The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 20, 1910, Page 19, Image 19

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earancc of Religious In
fluence, Throughout .World
Causes Rudolf Martin to
Write Book.
Bc,rlin,?Tc. 20. . The " remarkable
iecline of religion and the almost com
plete -.disappearance , of religious Influ
ence among the peonies of Europe will
bo the -theme of a book soon to be ls-M
sued by-Rudolf Martin, the foremost
Qeranan philosopher and political proph
et of the day." ,-,..-..v,;,. - ,t. -:-.y'
In Prof Martin's opinion, the decline
f piety is really the' most b tricking symp
ton of the age, not- only In the Father
land, but all over the Old World, in
cluding supposedly ultra-orthodox Eng-
- land, .-, He ..proposes to trace the signs
; and indications of the growing anti-re-
ligious sentiment everywhere and to en
v umerate many instances of the spread.
' not exactly of atheism, but of a pro
, found Indifference ' towards religion.
Combined with marks of hostility , to
" wards -the salaried exponents of the
various creeds, and he will also predict
t the early disappearance of religion as
, a potent factor in the practical affairs
Of the world. i a
. ' Considering tteltgioua Drift.
- : What, the professor asks, is to take
.. the place of religion in checking the
inherent tendencies vof 'mankind what
influences will be brought to bear on
the masses, when they cease to have re-
enact for the priests and pastor of the
; faiths of; their fathers The author
writes as a recorder-of facts and as a
searcher after the truth, without bias
one war or the other, but It seems that
, he regards the removal, of such potent
safeguard as religion has been against
excesses on" the part" of its followers,
as a development involving some danger
to the welfare of the human race.
The book , will review the actual de
cline of the religious feeling In consid
arable, detaU. England, oncq the home
, of piety, par excellence, is rapidly arm
ing towards unredeemed-"' worldllness.
The churches are empty, nine-tenths of
: the people never enter a house of wor
ship, Sunday observance has given way
to Sunday golf, Sunday tennlsy Sunday
bridge and poker partiea and Sunday
concerts, and to the opening of cinema
tograph . theatres and other places, of
entertainment, Including public danc
ing halls, on Sunday nlghU.
Church and Btata Separata. '
In France' the Church and the state
have ' been divorced and the members
of religious " orders , driven from the
country. In Portugal, too, the religious
,. orders have been suppressed. Spain is
following suit In Italy increasing num
bers of people regard the church as
the enemy of the masses and-even the
' Moslem Turks have thrown over some
. of their most cherished religious cua
i " toms In their new political regime. '
, i In Austria, where until a few years
!, ago,' every man, of whatsoever faith.
was obliged to kneel In the street upon
meeting a religious procession or evei
a' priest In .his full robes, thoae ant
.. other privileges of J the church ' have
.been swept away. In Russia the se
cessions from, the orthodox faith are
Increasing In number day by day. In
Germany, despite the Kaiser's pious ut
terances and the religious Influence ex
. erclsed by his wife, the same process
.,of alienation of the masses of -the peo
ple from old forms of religious belief Is
proceeding swiftly.'
i Effect of Decline,
, What will be the effect of the de
cline of religion? ' Will mankind sink
into denths of wickednefea? - Will there
be outbreaks of wrongdoing, or will tha
evolutlon of the world provide some ef
.' Jectif e substitute for the restraints now
-so rapidly -disappearing? These questions
are raised but left unanswered-by the
author, who also asks, without giving
a reply, who says- the same, religious
decline . that he has observed,' through
' out Europe Is also in progress In Araer
' " lea, V ' ,'?.' - .'','-.;" 4- -
k In connection Of the announcement of
-Prof. Martin's forthcoming publication.
( the news of the sudden secession of the
f celebrated" educator and. thinker,' Ernst
church, comes very significantly.
Prof, Haeckel does not,' Indeed, call
thla secession a severing of his rela
tions ith religion.' s As founder and
hick nrieet of the dootrlne of Monle-s
his - attitude! is that he has. simply
changed creeds. - Monism being, to the
."'ordinary", mind, wholly v irreconcilable
'' with Christianity, Prof. Martin holds
V,to.tha opinion, however, that the change
amounts to an abandonment of religion
for . new form of philosophy -not re
vligion at all and that' it bears out ex
r actly what his new book will say about
-a the decline of religion.- 1
; 'It ia one Of (the curious features of
? German life that literally hundreds of
' thousands of people who have complete.
ly lost ail dogmatic faith remain nom-
i lnally good cnurcn ; memDera, mougn
their secession would free them from
a considerable burden of church tax a-
ion. One of these was Prof. Haeckel.
. Now that so distinguished a leader baa
set the example, however, it is generally
l-l bellevod that there ' will quickly be a
wholesale ailing away from the old
' faltha It Is, In fact, quite certain that
t this will be the case -with the Monlsta
, : who : ara already a strong and rapidly
Increasing body '"'- .....-..,.,. -
"The grounds for my departure from
the church."- Profesaor 1 Haecice! t ex
- plained when he announced his action,
"and the conviction that the separation
of church and state, aa well as tht
i ' separaUoil of church and ' school, ar
. 'becoming ain ever more urgent demand
of olvillaauon. -
The dainty little comedienne and
nrlma donna with many big musical sue
cesses such as "The Tenderfoot," 'Tiff,
'Faff. Pbuff." "Foxy Quiller," etc., Grace
Cameron, Is appearing this-week at the
Bungalow In her latest auccesa "Nancy."
.-. i ' Everybody Laughs.
"Charley's Aunt." the recognised atan
dard for all laughable-comedies, is be
Sing presented by the- Bakr Stock com
pany thl9 :wecK, witn me ciever come
diaii, Henry Stockbridge, in the title role
of the bogus aunt and John Burton as
old Spettigue.
if . ; """
"narEfomaster" Sale Tomorrow.
, The attraction at the Helllg theatre
for. four rights, beginning' next Friday,
December 23,. with a bargain prica mat
lne'.. Saturdny,. and .JfpecalChlBtina
"Tmatiuees Sunday anil Monday,, will be
4 William P. Cullen'a production of the
'comedy success, "The Burgomaster."
" tVlhant' a Wonder.
:'. - Pclhatn, the exponent of mental mig
ration and master ' of. psychological
nfjsterles, ia the feature on the new bill
at the Grand. Ilia act Is full of fun
and instruction, and nothing like It has
beun attempted by any other man. ,
Rd Cross Spal Film at the Arcada
Don't fail to see the Red Cross pic
ture at the Arcade today for the last i
time. This is one of the most in
structive and interesting pictures of
New York Kast Bide that has ever been
Goodman estate, erect four storv !
. . . ... . - -I
DricK apartment house, -southeast cor
ner Lucretla and Everett; builder, same;
Japanese mission, repair' two storv
frame church, 121 North l1fteenth
street between Qiisan and Hoyt; build
er, T. Torn; $60.; .
B. & W. mill, erect one story shed,
Sherlock avenue, and Reed; builder,
same; $2000. . -
C. Cooper, erect one story frame
dwelling, Argyl street betwen Hunt and
Houghton-; builder, I. McCoy; $350.
F. A. Reed, erect one and a half story
irame aweinng, itast . uorty-sixtn and;
Madison; builder, same; $1800. I
- Mrs. Ella D.. Gibblns, erect One and a
half story frame dwelling. East Thir
teenth and Alberta streets; . builder,
same; $1400. . . . .
S.. D. A. Davl, repair one story frame
store, 123 Twelfth street between Wash
intfton and Alder; builder, D. Godfrey;
$50. : - ,-' '- - '
M. N. Richardson,, erect cne story
frame garape, JB21 Michigan avenue be
tween Failing and: Shaver; builder,
same; $150.
- Bessie Warner, repair one story frame"
dwelling 1273-East Madison ttreet be
tween Forty-third and , Forty-fourth;
builder, same; $200. - -
P. Eibach. erect lone story frame
dwelling. Seventy-first 'street, south
east Betwen Slty-iourth and Sixty
fifth avenues; builder, same; $900,
H. Wemme, repair three story brick
building. Eighty-sixth street between
Stark and Oak; builder, O. P. Bliss;
$125. -
Mrs.- B. Barrett, erect two Story frame
dwelling,' East Twenty-sixth street be
tween Braaee and Knott; builder, Sam
sen & Larsen; $2500.
McClay estate, repair one story frame
dwelling. Taylor . street between ' Fif
teenth and Sixteenth; builder, W. I,
N. Wagner, repair one story frame
store; Thurman street between Twenty
fifth and Twenty-sixth i builder, J. H.
Cook; $500.
W. R. Thfrn, erect one story frame
barn, 744 Rosewell street between Lam
son and .Patton road; builder, . jiame;
James-Paquet, erect one story frame
shed, Union avenue between Yamhill and
Taylor;-builder, Bame; $500.
M. Olson, erect two story frame apart
ments. East ; Ankeny street between
Thirtieth; .and "Thirty-first; 1 builder,
same; $10,000. . .
H. Seymour, erect" one and a half
Story frame dwelling. Fifty-ninth street,
eoutheast, 'between - Forty-third and
Forty-fourth avenues; ,. builder, same;
$1500. - v- . ' .:,
C. Taylor, repair one , etory frame
dwelling, 751 Milwaukte avenue ttetween
Rhone and Bismnrk; builder, asms: $100,
NO. 13 T 160 aerea.. 5 mlles from
Brownsville, second growth fir tire
ber, north slope; $16 per acre or
amounting to $2560. .
No. 14 T 480 acres, all black soil, 150
acres an Dig secona growth rir tim
ber; to a quick buyer $10 per acre- or
amountina to. itsuu. ' r -. t -
No. 15 T 240 acres all good timber.
11,000.000 feet; thia . is good second
growth and the trees will average 2 V4
feet In diameter.- tall and straight:
price ,$IJ . jper acre. amounting 1 to
15520. . - - - - t- - 3-. . r
No. lt-T 680 acres, about J-S can be
put under plow, V, good piling tim
ber, balance in brush, all of the north
slope, except 20 acres, $35 per acre,
amounting to $19,600.
No.- 17 T 676 acres, .about 8.900,000
feet of timber, 100 acres In cultiva
tion, H rolling hill iand. good new
house of 6 rooms, .2 bains, running
Water year I around. 10 miles from
Brownsville, black hill soil, .old or-
. . chard, $17 per acre, or amounting to
$11,493. -a
No. 18 T 160 acres . miles from
Portland, about 6,000,007 feet of tint-
vber, all streams lead to railroad, me -
dlum.slxe red fir, good mill proposi
lion, price aBwu" - ; ' '
Investigate and start the new year by
purchasing property returning a fine
profit - We are 80 miles south of Port
land and the hub of the .great Willam
ette valley. . Write or come and see us.
Tebadt Reel Estate Co., Inc.
Office down street from depot,
- -, - . . AXJ3AJTT. OS. -
ris piiri ir. i aNm
''V ir 1 W W BMl M saw,.
ki . toiiiou. wtcuus utKiuw waui. .
v ;tvv 419 y Bid
Xmas Present.
Regent Heights
Just north of Willamette Hefghts. The
addition with a panoramic' view of the
mountains and of city from Sellwood
to Vancouver. . . '
United Trust Co.
PE03TE3 MAES 9416, A-3188 :
Adjoining ' extension of Ainsworth
ave; slopes towards city. ,
504 Concord Bldg; "
There couJd he no nicer Christmas
present than a fine old ltailah violin. I
have anything in the Hhe from the or
dinary, to the best, and In- price from
$100 to $6000.' . Also iflne "old French,
Herman nd American makes, ranging
in price $25 to $300.
i 691 Kast Morrison Street.
( Acres
In the past few days of good
weather a large number of sales
aave been reported. This delieht-
AfinTTlAM trt Jto -AA
-'-' V'J-' lvr v. v
vantage, come out and-see the
beautiful view commanded of the
manufacturing industries, in oper
ation at KENTON. (
JJon t delay another day- Come
OUt to National Addition and See
the great developments ' which
have taken place in the past few
weeks. Several of the" streets are
now open to traffic and when all
aw rnmnWil m!1 nifiinllir'i J I
. ... . J - . 4
Terms, ia per cent down and 2
per cent per month.
Realty Company
.r. 520 Railway Exchange. . ;
Viliamette Heights
60x112 one block south of car. nnoh-
nn uv.iru view iiurin uuwn ivugoy Bireeu
KLV ?L i?mln"
vi4ini rasc a jMajriuciab Ul' kUlB UU W
and build wben you yet ready. -
Chapiii & Herlow
8sS Chamber of Commerce. " f. '
A O aer; ' 1 Wocka -Jfrom HiUsbora
A S? VIlhou2-. IjMJ i'l6. JLpittiJn5-
111 anJ ternu1 right BXNBT C.
UVPB.XTSH0M3O1 COM 904 Spalding
bldg., lxana and Inauranca - -
CERTIFICATES of title made by the
Title & Trust company. Lewla Bldg
4th and Oak. T
Helena Baxlon to Sarah Buchler,
- lots 23, 4r block i, Oakdale. . .$ J.500
Frederick.. E, Forbes to Sal lie B.
Forbes, lots 3, 4 block 4, Los-,
fan, addition . . . . . i-l.Bft
BU It. Stevens, sheriff, to F. E.
; Beach, lot 1. block Kern
. f ara; ertuicate of sale as
" signed to Iee Stamper ... . .
Nancy Y. Gibson to E. I Smith
-. et al., loU 1. 2, block 12. Kan-
woriaj-s addition . . ...... .. .
Ella N.- Voce and husband to M.
. V. Russell, lot i, block 8. Wood
stock 1 4o
T. Q. & Tr. Co. to Margaret -
Weidener lots IS. 18. block 20.
Berkeley 204
wesiey ii Hartel to Clarence F.
tiigoee. lot 10. block
8. Rom-'
dale annex
fM - - - c, in, .d husband to
Thomas Stakely et al., lots 24
, to it inclusive, diock l,. Ken
wood Park
Moore Investment Co. to Arthur
W. Cox,- lota 6, , block 2. Ver-
- non '
Herbert K. Tyler to. Raymond E
Beegla. lot 19. block 4, Town
of Lent ...................... '
Moore . Investment company to ;
, John Stauffcr, lot. 8, block 6$,
Vernon ... t. .............. .
John W. Hemaworth to M. J.
Countiaa, lot 13, block ti, Ver
non. . .... . . , - k
The Mansfield company to
Charles F. Ehman et al, lota
22. 24, 28 and 28, black ,
Villa Hill -.
George Smith and wife to Henry
Pakanen et al, lot 12,. block i,
Pittengera addition ..........
Northwestern Financial company,
to Luella B. Bacon, lot 3, block
U, Park addition to Alblna...
H. H. Yount administrator to
Mrs. J. A. Cornea, lot 10. block
. 6, Laurel wood
W. J. Reckord to C 8 Drake et
al, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Arleta
Ir&rtC ' NO 4 a v a
Vestern Oregon Trust company
to Casper, Aplanalp, tracts 79,
'80 and 81', Mentone ........ .,
u. Hamblet and - wife to 8. L.
Brown, lots 14 to 21, 84, 35, 86
and 87?- block 28,-Falrport. .
George A. Rlgga. trustee, et al to
Antonio De Santia et aL lot
1 1, block t. Pomona addition...
Moore Investment , company to
Abe Gale, lot 7, block 33. Ver
non . ., t ., ;.......:, .. ....... . ,.
W. N. Carter et al to John M.
Pittenger, lot K, block 8, Going
Street addition
Title Guarantee A Trust company
to J. M. Baker, lot 14, block 11,,
Dover .
V. E. Epton and wife to Em 11 Ait,
lot 3. Mock 24. Jonesmore.....
' 'eo
"460 i
if. s. Grirntn to
S. Griffith to - Ethel - Asmea
' liHalml' rl0T &Rl 0t ' i .-va
. and 4, block 14, Glencoe Park. 4,800
JSP,V Jhnt" wj.felt0 - ,
Emma V. Sellwood to William O.
Johnson, lots 10 and 1L block
- 44, seiiwood
Nordby Lumber company to Daniel
, Horrigan, lot 10, block 15, Dunns
addition ........w.
Louise I. Johnson and husband to
Emma S. Breitling, lot 7, block
6. North East Portland, va
Clifford N. Terrell to Francis L.
Cook, lot 25, block 10, TUtons
United SUtes to"1 atate of Oregon
lot 5, section 32. township 3
norths range I v:est .....i
Portland Trust company to Llule
M. Humphreys, lots 33 and 38,
block -el, West Portland Park. . .
Kings Heights Realty Syndicate to
Mary T. O'Brien, lot 4, block 1,
and lots 1 and i, block 2, Kings
Heights addition; . . , . , .
L. B. Me-nefea et al to Frank Bat
ter, lot 11, block 8, Fairroount
addition . ............... t ... .
Portland Trust company to Pearl
.Durst, lot 8, block 122, .- Wood-
- stock i -.,.-'.. .-,..... ,1, .
Thomaa Schneider to Martha F.
Lawrence, subdivision "V of lot
8. block 7, Portland Homestead t.000
Horace B. Taylor and wife to John
. uregoricn, jot a, Dtocg a, Ainma
. Heights , ............ . t . . . . .
A. H. Gould and wife ...tot Karl
Schulta. north 34- of north H of
northweat M of southwest M. of
atkM 14 towtishin-t-south.
rang 3 eawt . i 1,000
LAWYERS Abstract & Trust Co., room
t Board of Trade
bldg., abatracta a
Bnecialty. :
tflsriON Abstrt Co.,
hldg. Tel.' Main 6.
412-413 Corbett
PACIFIC Title & Trut Co., the leading
abntractora 7 Ch. Com., around floor.
riw ) nr jnw u.Bi-m
V?V 1 1 J 1 Bdi:aM-To
i . KJJM Ifll If lam. Kast
CNIJ' Zi ft M 1 .treats '
!a E. Allison, 758 East Burnslde
street, ti, and HeFPie Fack,81.
Vale Pemar. 36J Savier streets Z5. and
Eva Ianbritch, 24.
John Brandstrom. 294 Clay street, 26,
and Marguerite Griffith, 23.
Jefule lurne,' 44 North Twenty-second
street, 41, and Bossle Arnett. 29.
William F.lssner. Nome. Alaska. Si,
am. Ethel Nohs, 21.
Thomas Bronner, 150 Page street, 48,
and Amy Rogers, 4S.
Willett Mackey, Hotel Seward, 32, and
Eleanor GressnlHyer, 24.
reier f, wertneg,- 3i rasi oiai
street, 50, and E. B. Gement. 16.
Frank ftuirolo, 1104 Cleveland ave
nue, 21, and Alice Brasen, 18. !
M. U Bowmnn. i396 Manhattan street,
36, and Sara Glance, 25. -
W. E, Claussen.' Eighteenth and Couch
streets, 32, and Matlle Luren, 25. ... I
Fred Hartt, Arleta, Or., 30, and Llllie
McLeave, 36. - '
Harry Mercier, 235 East Tniny-sixin
street. 24: and IJzKle Chamberlain. 27
. David Butler, 36 Third street. 39, and
t,ucy uoins, 21.
E. M. Mounts. 789 Park Street. 21. and
Carrie Larson, 21.
W. E. Conley, Myrtle Creek. Or, J7.
and Bessie. Dieks, 19.. '
Wedding and visiting card engravera
bid.. Washington . st., bet. 3rd and 4th.
. Wedding Invitations
Visiting cards, monogram Mtationery.
Wm. Klumno Co:. S2K Washington st
1HESS suits for rent, all sues.
Tailoring Co.. uo stars St.
rT.ARKR KROS.. florists., fl
ine flowers
and floral doelans. 28 Morrison at.
SMITH To- Mr. ' and Mrs. Benjamin
Smith, . 1004 -Vernon avenue, Decem
ber 12. a boj, ', "v
CONGER To Mr. and Mra. Hemerly
Conger, 1241 , Michigan .avenue, De
cember 5, a girl.
SWANSON To Mf. and Mra. Carl Swan
son, 1150 East Thirty-second street,
December. 19, a girl. ,
WIIITBTo Mr. and Mra Ray White.
352 Kast Thirty-sixth street, Decem
ber 8.' a boy.
WALTICftS To -Mr: and Mra. William
Walters, 450 East 'Beyenteenth atreet,
December 18. a pirLt
BARNES To Mr. l and Mrs. Edward
Barnes, 974 - MHwaukle avenue, De
cember 3. a bov.
BAUER To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauer,
December 14. a boy.
PEASE To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pease,
401 FimDSon street. December I. a boy.
SIMPSON To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Wygant street, .December
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bol
Thlrtv-aecond and Market
December 15. a trlrl.
and Mrs. Franx Aaams.
Sixty-seventh and Borthwlck-streets.
a bov. -
GONZALIS To Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Gonzalls. 105 North Taylor street, No
vember 12, a girl.
ISAAC To Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Isaae,
Blxty-second atreet and Forty-secom
-vpn,ln rwMnhr IK a hov. '
BRINHOLF-To ' Mr. nl Mr. Vema
Brenholf. 177 Mormon street, No-
vetnbpr 20 a. sirl.
TYREI To- Mr. and Mr. Virginia
TyreU 1710 Macadam atreet, Novem
ber 5, a girl ' - - t - : ;
SMITH l'o Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bmlth,
1190 East .Thirtieth atreet, December
ANDRMATER--To f Mr. and Mra.
Peter Flandermaye, December 1 6. a
girl. . ;
KRl.DINfl--To- Mr: and Mrs. 'Howard
Beldlng, 15S Idaho atreet, November
10, a boy.
HELLER In thla city. December 20,
at the ' family . residence, 260 East
Forty-fifth street Hasel A. Dhly Heller,
aged 1 years, 7 montha ana 1 aaya.
Funeral notice herearter.
WEST Mr. Andrew B. Wast, died at
his home, four mile east of Clatska-
nlne. Or., are 6 years 1 month 3 days.
OLSEN Nils' Olsen Bt Vincent's1 hos
pital, December 16, aged 66; Intestinal
CLAIWELL Lydla?Callwell. Good Ba-
roan tan nospuai, uecemoer i, agea
54; intestinal obstruction. '- s
DAVIS Harry Davis, 395 Clifton atreet.
iroiramr i, aim s, "fnioimis.
MAX M. SMITH, florist 150 6th at.
opp. Meier e Frank's. Main 7Z11.
DEVANEY In thW city, December 18.
Edward Devanv. ased 88 years. Fu
neral from Holman'e chapel. Third and
Salmon st recta, at 8:80 a. m. tomorrow
(Wednesday). December 21, thence to
the cathedral. 15th and Davis atreeta
Services at a. m. Friends invited.
Interment at Calvary cemetery. Serv
icea at, the grave privata Please omit
flowera '- " -
MAUPiiM m thla city December 19, at
the family residence, 421 Tillamook
i atreet, Thomas J. Manpin, aged 77 years.
11 months ana zi aaya too runerai
services will be held at Flnley's parlors
at 11 a, m., Wednesday, December 21.
Friends Invited. Services at the grave
private. ; -. - ..-..
I BAY neighbor, come np
to the meeting ot George
Washington Camp,- tonight
at 128 11th st I wlah to
apeak to you. All visiting
neighbors are welcome.
v - H. L. DAY, O. C,
H. A. FRED RICH. Clerk,
CASTLE No. 664 of the Royal Highland-
I 11, t.A mm mAAflnM nn.l
IIH wil unrq u -uuct mcoiius wm
dance Wednesday evening. December 21.
00 in AHaky hall 400. 8d and Morrison sts,
I a N. A. Oregon . Roue camp, - meets
Wednesday evenings. Auaay nsu. a
and Morrison. : - - 1
Ee'llng-Hirsch blag.. Washington near
10th Phone Clerk. Main 9294. A-488.
Dunning St McEntee Vn?n
every detail. 7th and Plna Main 430,
A-4RK8. I4idy aaelstant 4
Zeller-Brynes Co. JVVilW:
phones; lady assistant Most modern
e,lihment In city. ...
J.P. FINLEY &JS0N affiUK1-
Lady attendant. Main . A-1599.
I CDPIJ The east side undertaker.
t nUn i Lady assistant B-1888. East
Til, Fast th and Alder. -- ,
EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker, 220
3d st. Lady assistant. Main 607. .
EAST SIDE funeral dlrectore. auccess-
eor to F. B. uunnmg. inoi k. dz. h-ioj
Co., Main
Idy a't.
READ our advertisement Linn County
Orchard Colony, Albany, Or.
. -$5200-
Walking distance, east side,. 2 blocks
to Mt Tabor car; large 6 room houses 1
year old; furnace, fireplace, ; laundry
trays, modern In every detail; kitchen,
... . V.n,knnM I.()..J Im ... V. I . ..
enamel; roses and othr shrubs; easy.;
Portland Land Co.
807 Commercial hldk.
$150 Cash
Cosy 8 room cottage, modern in every
aananl h A 1 1 am all Yti ilitmati t nantmO
large rooms, attic large enough for 2
more rooms, near Piedmont and Union
ave.; lot 25x135. - Price. $1500. : ;
L, Cowing
602 Railway Exchange bldg.'
J - XO(iM&riiE W.MlOOEKN $ 2 2 'Mfe
Corner Jot -on. Biandena at;, built In
cupboards, writing desk, bookcatie. etc.,'
owner win taKe vacant iota to $soo and
$600 cash as first payment. Absolutely
lh hfnt MHnir on - market Fred Wilnr.
m ten. 8 29 Bwmald.n. " Mnln 27T6. .
11400 Laree 4 room honsn ., lot 200x50.
full baneirient.-48th and Gladstone. , A.
K. Hitter, wain t)t4i a
California Bungalpw
- On comer 106x110, on liswthorne
ave. carline. ,7 rooms, hall, bath
and storeroom, full basement, fur
nace, fine finish. A small amount
down and btilanoe in 4 years at 7
per cent If you buy this for an
investment, vre will rent it for
: XiO per month for 3 years. The
price is .
go) ia
Northern Trust Co.
Reception hall, -fireplace in living
room, china closet in dining room, bay
window -with built-in r seats, ,; modern
Dutch kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms with
bath between:, walls all tinted: aaa and
electric fixtures; full concrete basement
witn cement floor and, laundry trays;
large attic, all floored; full porch 8x23;
cement walks: only 1 block from Haw
thorne ave. .
PRICE $3200.
Terms. 8500 cash, balance 7 ner cent-
See owner,
Corner of E. 36th.
, Beautiful New Home -
Nice larce recentlon hall, verv nrettv
flreolace. nice buffet In dinlnar room.
large Dutch kitchen, front and 'rear
Forcn, zun cement basement, . cement
loor,- laundry trays. Dined for gas and
electricity, 60x100 east front lot cement
walks and curb all paid. We will accept
a vacant lot if well located, and small
amount of cash as first payment or $500
cash and $20 per month and interest
rnce mzuo. This place IS brand new
and only one block from Hawthorne.
Come out today over the new bridge. It's
a Bargain. , see yrawiora. luzi Maw
thome ave. Phone Tabor 618, B-2967.
$50 Down, $10 Monthly
PRICE. 31 200.
'. Beautiful B room bungalow bny Mount
Scott line; hip roof, plastered, front and
DacK porcn, large pantry, wen buut out
building. Lot 40x100. Near 8 churches,
grocery store, etc., 1 It a a bargain. Do
not pay rent any longer when you can
buy so easy. Will take cow. chickens,
horse, diamond,' furniture or something
aa iirsi pament uwner.
615 Board of Trade.
Close in on Hawthorne avenue carline.
large rooms ana reception hall, double
floors and walls daintily tinted, light
fixtures in, fireplace, leaded glass buf
fet, ideal kitchen, 3 large light airy
bedrooms, 4 big closets full cement
basement, cement floor, street Improve
ments paid, lot 60x121. Tfour chance to
get a $4500 home for $3850; $50Q cash
$20 monthly; owner leaving city.
See . ; E. J. G. GORDON CO. Quick
- 827 Board of Trade Bldg.
Swell modern 6 room bungalow, fira
plaoe, . furnace, gas, electrio, laundry
trays; double walls and floors, china
closet, Dutch kitchen. In fact nothing
missing; lot 60x100, north front, 1ft
blocks from car. Price $3150. part cash
and $15 per month; will take good lot aa
part i pay.
317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th A Oak.
' A hew 6-room bungalow, located In
Irvington Park, 2 blocks from Alberta
carline.. Full cement basement 60x100
lot Dining , room has paneled beam
ceiling, built-in china cabinet, etc., two
large porches, bath, etc. This property
is well s worth $3000. David Lewla
Room 2, Lumbermena f bldg., 6th and
Stark sts.
I HAVE just completed several very
attractive houses, bungalows and cot
tages, strictly modern, exceptionally
well bnllt, fireplaces, large rooms, large
porches: prices $2000 to $2700; easy
terms; beautiful location, Just south of
Mt Tabor; building restrictions. Clock's
addition. 65th st and Powell Valley
road. Take Mt ' Scott car. Owner on
premises. Phone Tabor 842.
Free Ricle Over
New, Bridge
To first 10 persons callln
sea ur
$1500; $600 cash, balance term a
Sellwood car. . E. 13th st Phone.
-Very swell brand new 6 room bunga
low with attic, all latest Improvements,
lot 50x100, east front on E. 8th N., near
Holman at Price only $2850; $600 cash
and $26 per month,
817 Board of Trade BMgv 4th & Oak.
WILL sell - equity of $2025 in new 7
room bungalow,' a beauty, and will
give the buyer all of the furniture, in
eluding $85 player piano, $100 worth of
music and winter's fuel. This Is a bar
gain if you ever saw one. Seeing ia be
lieving. 1147 East Harrison, between
sstn ana 89tn Tanor J369.
House, built by owner. Business called
him away. . ... Thoroughly finished in
hard wood. '-' Elegant design, 9 rooms,
private sitting room,- two fireplaces,
6 bedrooms, Irvington, East 273. 0
1866. W. H. Herdmar. -
New 5 room house, lot 40x100. A
block to car; $500 cash, balance suit
pureiiawr. rnce i sou. oee -
Tabor 959. . Tw 1 - :y- ;; Mt. Scott car
25x100 lot. with 2 story house, bring.
ing In $25 per mo. It la on Market at.
near i4in. ad apnriment ivuse mte.
$1260 cash will handle It David Lewla.
Room 2. Lumbermena bldg, 6th and
Stark sta. ;
83 1-3 feet by 100, on E. 37th, near
Belmont There Is a room, 2 story
house on this property. Lot alone worth
the money. David Lewis, Room 2, Luro-
bwrmens biflg., 6tn anq Btark sts.
For Investments or hemes, SEE
Specialists In' Real Estate -
For the man of moderate means.
-Real Estate Rentals, Insurance.
1 East Side Income Property
property, with over 3 ,lo.t9 and a 8 story
building. Chas. Hirstel, 104 Sherlock bid.
FOR SALE Beautiful modern 7 room
house,-5 minute car service, 2 fire-
places, $4400; small payment down and;
sbo a monin. see owner, sos McKay
SACRIFICE my new 8 room modern
' bungalow, $2550, half cash. Inquire
A. L. Cams, E. 47th between Clinton and
EllSWOrth- " - --'- -.i; .-;., -
fi RniimR. $9ft()n. DnWri
a aw a VU"4 iiTT nv Jall'lICi ll( UUl
bargain. Owner, 864 85th. Tabor 422.
$8504200 CAH; $85Q$200 CASH.
6 rooms, new, lot 50x90. at Woodmer!
a nice little buy-, Fred W., German, 329
Burnslde. .Main 2776.
$1800 Unfinished house, tul lots.
- run oeariim irmw wi siae mile
from courthouse. Owner, 716 Oregonian
bldg. Main 9355. , . .,
HALF acre, fenced for poultry, splendid
6 room house, $1300 down, $1000 time;
biff bargain;' - Tabor 2S52.V" '
ill1- - "i-
Several reaWH'noeH. easy terms. Rosamera
and vtcinlty.vF, L. Boyd, 637 E. 46th U.
Tabor 804. ' ' . ..--
$uo00 Modern & room house, west ldt!t
walking "distance, 81000 cash balance
to suit you. M. K. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
."-"V ROOTfs""$!350r'""ANYf FRMS.
Acre home with buildings. $lfiO0. Box
$67. Arleta. Thone Tabor 2003.
, Christmas Present
. Fine lot, W'avcleigh Heights, -1
blo;k 26th st. cor near school.
Lot about 2 feet above gral
cement walks iti and paid, ct. .
The electric car J shops will be
erected within 4 blocks of thin :
pronerty next spring, so get-,
busy. Price 3675, on easy terms.
E,,R. Markham
205 Gerllnger Bldg., 2nd and Alder.
LOTS 3200.
Onlv 15 minutes' ride to get a lot for
$200, '$5 down, balance $3 per month;
onlv a few left at this price. If you
want one call early. 418 Railway Ex
VOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park
for $500. $50 down and $10 per mnnth;
graded streets, cement walks and curbs.
Bull Run water, electricity, telephone,
building restrictions. -
bzt-bif woara or Traae tiiog.
A fine lot, 40x101. on E. Davis near
E. 18th; a fine location. , Price $1000;
$60Q cash and $20 per monin.
81 T Board of Trade Bldy.. 4th & Oak.
Fiirsite r7
Dandy lot, 40x100 on Belmont
well located, will easily bring 10
per cent net If Improved. Price
$1650, terms. , - (
E. R. ' Markham -
205 Gerllnger Bldg., 2nd and Alder.
Half Acre
8 .blocks Orava Crossing. Mt. Rcott
car, $600; $300 cash. Owner,. Oakdale
butter store, 112 1st st. .
$15 Down $15 Month
Full lot on 80th between Clinton and
Division. Owner. Tabor 422. .'. '
$235 buys a very choice lot on the wcet
side, close in, 60x121; $10 down and
$5 per month; ideal for home or invest
ment M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. '
$750 buys 1 i-5 acres, west side; $75
cash ana $10 a month; ideal for chjek
ert business, 1 block from carline. M.
E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
MUST sell tract 82x180 on.E. 62d st
; Small 8 room house, woodshed, some
fruit trees, $1100.. See owner at SOP E.
80th t, north. - ' -
WILL discount one half, for cash, equl-
ties in the choicest Laureihurst iota
op to $2800, F-827. Journal.
FOR SALE lots in restricted district
n. block from carline. 60 money In
vented will bify. Call 603 Corbett bldg.
$760 Fine lot 60x136. City View addi
tion; 1 block from - car and school.
Inquire 490 Multnomah ave., SeUwoodt
$650 FULL; LOT, cement walks paid.
Sumner near Denver av. JJella Goa
sett, 7 West Killingsworth, ,
$80 cash down Immediately secures ex
ceptionally choice and beautiful view
corner lot T-831, Journal.-
$4500 for an apartment site on Chap
man sti terms cash. ' M- B. Lee, 411
Corbett bldg.-'",'-'':-' .:,...' ., -' - ,,'- -
GET in on the ground floor. TheLinn
County Orchard Colony. Albany, Or.
. s Country Home'
' 6 acres, all cultivated, Ilea ftn
rich holl, 11 miles out, few min-
utes walk from Oregon Electrio
station. Sell for $1000, this week,
terms, adjoining acreage selling at
$276 per acre. Might consider lot -in
walking distance and pay dif- ;
ference. .v i '.-..,.'
L R, Markham -.
205 Gerllnger Bldg, 2nd and Alder.
Suburban ; Home 2' Acres
' All1 Improved and under cultivation;
modern 6 room bunsralow: aood barn
and other buildings, all fenced, a fine
home, 6 cent car fare, 25 minutes out.
Prioa $4000, terms
Thompson & bwan -
206 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or.
Bet. 4th and 6th on Washington, and
6th and Main Sta.. Vancouver, Wash,
$10002 1-2. Acres, Close to
own -
' On west aide; good garden land; small !
portion cleared, balance large treea;
Iddal bomeslte; H'cash, balance to suit
Rabb & Patton, , 322 Lumbermena biag..
btn ana BtarK.
24 acres, about half cleared, bal-
anca piling and telegraph poles (worth
hnnt 41200V lMntpd 11 miles from
Portland on 8. P. R. R.; also close to
electric line: good spring and on county
a.j. . .. 1.. .ant.J .A lhA
road ; land especially adapted to the
raising or small rruit notatoes ana car -
den truck: " no buildings. t See J. . Q.
Sanders, 425 Lumbermena bldg. -
SIX ACRES'. -Adjoining
extension of Alnaworth ava.
slopea toward city,-'--- -r; ";';"';. ; ir.'
'-.---' - ' ' - - ' I73UB. - '"''. ;"
604 Concord bldg.
FOR SALE Five half-acre tracts three
blocks to prospective Mt Hood Elec
tric station, ib miles out; Bull Run
water;' ideal homesltea. Owner, Wood
lawn 2668 or 840. , i
18 Acres
Near Beaverton, 16 acres cleared, run
ning waterf 4 blocks from carline, cheap
ror resn. rnone laoor ibbu.
ii i , li i
i it. . mWO -WA TT .J .1 II
&.!y iV-iwh?ti
Room 14.-870 Washington Bt
12 ACREH at Vancouver, timber claim,
house and lot. sell or trade.
Room 6,
221- Morriaon. -..-.j.r-M,
12 ACRK8 good land close to Portland.
Call 209 E. 37th et, or phone B2a8l.
Owner. - '
ft i liii from riinion It R. Will
only . mllea '.Condon R.R. Will
exchange for Portland property. David
Lewis, room z, Lumoermena oiag., Btn
and Stark st.i. '
EIGHT room bouso and 4 lots, 200x100,
4 blocks frorcuP. O. at Hood River, Or.
Rente for $16 per month. Price $3000.
Will exchange for Portland residence or
acreaga of equal value.
, r li. M. HOOD. 1
. 604 Lumbermena bldg.
1400 acres of as good a bog and wheat
ranch as there la In eastern Oregon; acre, your own ierroB ii yu g
there is J. mllea of hog fence on the S the market for -a count ry. home, 8
place, plenty of good water. Hawthorne S for f ""'!'?" "maft," 3
Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. g mproved land, . tafora buy- S
n. . . v " j 1 s'B ing. I have aome of the best bar- a
WXNTED to; exchange good equity of . 5 LJn- lntt the country. All prop- 8
15000 in Willamette valley farm for
! In Portland. D-331. Journal.
i wit T, hulk
trir T Vi.ll.l a rA nialra Kuttillnar Irui n 1 1
you own lot and little .cash. A. C.
Furlong, 636 ; Chamber of Commerce.
i w 1 uuiiu caaav tak3 fuviim v&sa I
Main 4564
, . '? j v. COLUMBIA',
Electric this week; going east. Jenkins,
Y. M. C..A. ' ' - "'
EXCrtANGE $200 equity Rose City Park
lot for lot or, acre clear,, p-324, Journ-
fit i. '.' :", ;. . .,:. '- '- ' ,;"'"
IF you want to sell,' buy or trade, sea
Shoemaker, 526 and 62T Henry bldg.
Main 4465. A-7434.
WILL TRADE- $425 equity In raw 5
acre tract near Orchards, Wash., for
small rooming house. L-325, Journal.
WHAT have you to trade for mineral
springs, fruit land, house and lot or
timber land? 826 H Wash.. St., room 415.
Customers waiting for houses and lota.
270 Stark street.
CAN trade your property or buai
. , w
W r trau-lir unyiiiing Jmywaen-,
, ui T.--1-JV 411 Hnrv bldg.
2 Al'ARI'lil lN'T -bouse tate tradti
for land. 4:!fr-WWKtpr. Mnln Ifl40.
A CHANCETo make n.vnt-y. T'le tJnn
1 County '.Orchard Colony, Albany. Or.
ExniANc;:: 1:. r
Pacific Realty Co., 322 F;',
ing Bldg,, 3d and Washlr,::. ;;
Uood lease, low rent, millinery e.o-t-;
fine locution, itjoI Iuimih .s In t.
$200; $500 !'-h. TnKe rnilng !.
for balance. W ill -put in iuity in s - i
Iiouho and lot if necMsary.
Ib0 acres at liainey l.ake, llhn. Wi'l
trade for Portland projx-rty. Will p;y
difterpnee: prlcw $i".oi. .
' - - S;t Acui:.-;.
Willamette Valie;y farm, near Fa!!
City, 3tf acres in cullivution, balaurs
pasture and good timber, 8 room new
modern house 7 acres orchard, 3 acr--i
strawberries, 10 aces fall grain, rest all
Price $260 per acre; - Will take Port
land residence" up to $5000; balance cauh.
504 Lumbermens bldj.
24 ACRES ReedvIUe, partially Improved.
.- for house and lot.
11 acres Tlgard, cultivated, at station,
for house and lot
614 Couch bldg.
EXCHANGE 9 hi, acrea 1 aero clear,
1 miles to electrio line. 3 miles
north of Vancouver. Wasli. New 6 room,
bath and basement; well water, new
barn 20x40, chicken house.- For rooming
house or for sale. Thla is a dandy home.
Call at 805 3d st. '
I, HAVE some shares in a building com
. pany to trade for equity In a lot about
$250. If you get these you can go to
work for the company. See Johnson &
Johnson, 168 10th st ' '
CAMERA, 8x10, worth $125, will ex
change for motorcycle (Indian rre-:
ferred); will pay some difference. , Ta
bor 2336.' -.--rf-' - -: v, ;
WILL .exchange first clasa talking ma-
chine outfit for plumbing. . Portland
Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder st.
LIVE real estate aeont wants the sell
ing of good tract; would prefer a tract
With some acreage; must be near car.
I have my own office furniture and will
move onto tract. Room 14, 270ft Wash
ington St.'- 'i - . ' ' '
HAVE cah buyer for all kinds of pro p-
ertv. Mimt ha rhiun -,, T.tat with X T
I Gantner, 408 Henry, bldg., 4th &, Oak
We sell real estate" quickly and quietly.
270 Stark St
WANTED Lot or equity; must be rea
sonable and close in. H-327, Journal.
8 -,v- .-- S
$5600. 40 acres lA miles
front r Salem- Electric, 20 miles
from Portland, 30 acres in fine
state of cultivation, family orch
ard, balance easily - clea red, Vi
mile from church, mile from
school. R. F. D. and telephone,
6 room house, good barn, very
best of soU, fine team, worth
$400, - new wagon and harness,
4 good cows, sow and pigs; 4
dosen chickens, hay, grain, spuds,
mower and rake. , . All. farm im
plementa, Thia la one of the best
buys on the market, guaranteed
aa advertised, good terras.
210 acres. 30 miles from Port
land. 8 miles from railroad. 180
acres in fine state of cultiva- S
tton. some good .. timber some S
H land easily Cleared, balance good
S. pasture, all fenced and cross
S fenced, small creek, -2 orchards,
S good J-story 8-room . houte, ce
S ment basement 2 good large
S . barns, fruit dryer, machine sheds,
S granary and work shop, 3 ten
S ant houses, I chop mill run by
S water power, - personal property
S goes with place, 8 horses, . 69
8 , head of cattle, 65 goats. 60 hogs,
S binder mowers and rake, 1 hay
S loader, 2 wagons, cider mill, and
S ' .all kinds of farm implements. 80
8 tons-of hay,' 1500 bushels oats,
S '246 bushels wheat .Thia place la
S -' situated ia a thickly settled coun
3 - try, good roads to Portland. If
S you are looking .for a good dairy
S - stock and hay farm Investigate
S , this before buying. Guaranteed
S. as advertised. Price only , $75
S ; per acre; good terms. ...
$9000160 acre. Hi mllea from
railroad station, 28 miles from
! S Portland, 70 acres in fine state 8
t fit V nf ruiltlvattm 10 irrM . MmhAr . S2
of oultivation. 10 . acres timber.
., o
balance slashed and burned, 130
acres creek bottom, no overflow
land, old orchard, all fenced, 30
acres seeded to grass, - balance
plowed, fair 8-story house, barn
.64x110 feet, - good .. dairy, house,
personal property, 2 horses, 6
cows, 2 hogs, 2 wagons, mower
and rake, all ' farm Implements,
cream separator, 60 tons of hay,
on county road, very "best of
black soil, no batter. Terms one-
third cash.. ... . ,.. . ,...,. f
s '.:
$350080 acres, 1U miles from
S O. W.' P. line, 29 miles from Port
S land 20 acrea In cultivation. A-l
8 bearing orchard, small house and
8 laree barn. 15 acres of fine green
8 timber. -15 acrea rough land, bal- S
,i 13 MM Bn(l U
. , TCIJF VCOfc Ul U,. -
$3500-40 acres. 1U miles from S
8 R- wn and boat landing. 24 6
a ,n fln- nf -..uivatlon. S
s 8 acres of orchard, all fenced and S
8 cross fenced, good 6 room rustic S
8 house, new large barn, good well S
S and fine spring near house, 1 8
8 mllea from good town, population S
8 1200, high school; -1000 cords of 8
8 wood In trees; no better eoll - In S
S Oregon. Investigate thla - before S
8 buying; terms. - , , -8
S ....
S $6000 -100 acres.' 4 miles from h
" Etacada, 28 miles from Portland: S
s J8 4Cre7'n cultlvaUon, 40 acrea of S
8 fine green timber, all level, all 8
8 fenced with wire;' mile from e
8 electric line; very best of black S
8 soil, wood enough to pay for place. S
8 -Your own terms. Guaranteed aa ad-
8 vertised. ' g
8 , - '. S
8 10 acre tracts I have them 8
8 -within-, mllea of Portland, 2H S
8 mlhs,of Beaverton, 1 mllea of 8
S & P. R, R-; very wst or sou. no s
rock or gravel; xioo ,w Ft o
S fS" . " 'IZJ, .&ru.A
J. 063IEIG3
205 Gerllnger Bldg.
2nd and Alder.
Phone Main 8430.
Residence East 1198.
, SALE. ' -:'.''
We own -'large bodies of beet
lands - in Central Oregon, Goooe
.Lake valley and in Columbia vai-
lev; 10 experienced salesmen who
wish to make new business con, k,
nections for the ensuing year will
receive liberal proportion by mil-
v ing on Hunter Iand Co, 407
Wells-Fargo bldg.
Nt. 32t -9'.i2 acres, 6 room hoH, l,ir.-
stock barn, two alor1s. 1
under plow; good on-hard - aif flottit f
Ifnmilv n.'. running water yar
.,iit t.nif 1 vt,,o I', ri.r afn- f
iA-".i1, Journal.- '
I!P-i'i rr-: a I !.-! jit-.
j . eastern tri!'sit. fr will " i" ' '
with lOil'l hu.l i( I'1"" ( i t;- i -!
' tsirtlriilHfji vtri'f .l-.s. .1
aii-4 liuxoKlda at, Uiu -. '