The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 20, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Criand Persists, in Abolishing
Right to Strike; Opponents
Declare - However That to
Strike Is a Fact Not a Right.
Paris. Pec J0. The' biggest question
bi France today is; Shall French labor!
be permitted the privilege to strike?,
The 1911 budget, to, which an addU!
tlonal 11,42S,397 francs will have to be
tacked onto this year's figures, in order
to reach the required total of $4,304,
810,829 francs, Important aa It la, takes
second place to the labor Question. The
governmental majority even, depends
upon It, and it alone. :, For Prime Minis-,
tcr Briand has said;
.Unless the government will vote me
the means adequately to cope with such
movements as the recent railway strike,
1 shall resign my office." ." ' -
The situation in the chamber of depu
ties, because of this labor agitation, is
tremendously strange. Parties are split
In the days of Combes, Clemenceau and
other prime ministers, the government
ruled by "bloc" vote. The government,
at any critical moment, could be sure
of the "bloc" voting Its way. Not so
now. , Far from it " -v.
; Deputies Divided.
After the resignation of the first Bri
and ministry and the vote was taken
on the platform of the second Briand
cabinet, not one party voted Its entire
strength for the government Two vot
ed against It the Unified Socialists,
headed by the famous "tbunderer," Jean
Juares, and the "right" composed of
Catholics and Royalists. The most nu
. merous party, the- Radical Socialists,
went 72 for the government and 66
against it The total vote, 290 for the
government and 209 against It shows
little and gives no idea of what is to
be expected later on. The legislators
still remembered the railway strike and
Its consequences, and the majority was
built up out of that memory.
Wlllerand. former minister of public
works in the first cabinet of Briand, for
example, abstained from voting, though
he was present in the chamber. It Is
plain that the reason he cast no vote
was that he could not support the gov
ernraent because of the anti-strike legis
lation it Is to inaugurate, and being so
fresh out of the cabinet he did not
wish to vote against it' He abstained
merely as a matter of delicacy. V
There are those who say that a breach occurred between Mlllerand and Bri
and and that Mlllerand. who Is an ex
trcrucly strong man, is merely awaiting
the psychological second te tiimble Bri
and In the dust .';: : -etv
The political, if not personal spilt, be
tween Millerand and Briand, came about
Ixx-ause of Briand a determination to
squash the privilege of striking from
railway employes and other, public ser-
" vice labor. Briand claims that It is a
case of voting for such measures as
will prevent the recurrence of such
etrikes as that recently undergone by
France, or voting against the nation
itself,, whose very existence, he says, is
at stake, Mlllerand says to take away
the "right to strike" from public ser
vice employes, is absurd, because a
strike is not a right but a fact There
can be no idea, 'therefore, of depriving
any Individual of the "right
; What Is the use of telling a set of
men that they 'have no right to do a
thing, when there is no way of punish
ing them in case they do it? , A mil
lion men could not be put In Jail, yet a
million men could strike. Illegal thought
it should be, If they wanted to.
-Arbitration courts and conciliation
committees are what Mlllerand stood for
and still stands for.., What he wished
to do was to prevent strikes, more than
to provide-measures for the punishment
of men who actually were on strike.
Brland's rollcy is to allow - trade
unionism In a general way, though he
Is said to be opposed , to the National
Vederatlon of .Labor and determined,
possibly, to dissolve it entirely He is
In favor of plumbers, tinners, carpent
ers, printers and so on, unionizing
themselves, If they care to, but opposes
strike organizations among rallwaymen,
shipyard laborers. : telegraph and tele
phone operators, postmen, mail-carriers;
etc.. and the "right" to strike among
them. . ." .
Legislation to this effect will prob
ably pass Into law during this session
of the chamber of deputies, if the
Briand ministry remains in power. - It
will probably provide for arbitration In
case of trouble between men and em
ployers, but as" was actually the case
recently to "call to colors" public serv
ice employes who declare a strike, forc
ing' them as soldiers, to resume their
duties, without this call being "gen
eral,", such as is now the ease.
There is much personal bitterness In
- I i -r-JS8
. Thinness Is Embarrassing, Unhealthy
and Not Natural Formula Now
Used Which ; Adds From One to
Three Pounds Week.
: M,;l-is-.:ii?:,;,it.i 4 yr,. .v.ijt. y;-s i
Every one ought to . have some extra
flesh on the bony structure of the body,
both for the sake of health and self-(-
ssteem. , ; i.;
Most thin people are sensitive to the
harsh,; unfeeling criticisms which are
constantly being hurled at them by the
more fortunate well-figured persons. .
Cvery one pities a thin, bony horse,
but horses don't know it while thin
people are both pitied and ridiculed. It
ought not to be so, but. It is.
. A well rounded figure, be it man or
woman, excites admiration; not only
for the figure but for the bright eyes,
pink checks, red lips and vigorous car-
ringe which accompany a well-nour-Inhed
body. r
Strength,: health, beauty and , sound
flesh abound if the blood - and ' nerviaj
get enough nourishment out of the food
eaten... "-, : :'v -v : i--'
This prescription aids nature; helps
absorption, digestion and assimilation,
neips cisiriDuie me Diooa ; and nerve
elements which make sound flesh, J?t
the Ingredients and make it at home and
so how very fast you gain In weight
In a half pint bottte,, obtain three
ounces of essence Of pepsin, three ounces
svrnn of rhubarb. .Thpn add one ounce
fi-pffliH Csenr(fTnrator,'lialte"a'n'd't:t'
stjirtd two. noure; men add one ounce
tincture eadomene compound (not car-
Umom. " Phake well and take a tea
monful before meals and one aftr
ii!s. Alao drink t'l.niy of water be.
Im wfdlj and wh-n retiring. Welgli
you . jcit before beginning
Commission Will Also Go Into
Subject of Treatment of.
Express companies twill be investi
gated by the Interstate Commerce com
mission for the purpose of ascertaining
the reasonableness of rates v and tne
tariffs. The date when the matter will
be taken un will fee, formally announced
soon, according to a letter received last
night by the transportation committee
of the Tortland Chamber .of Commerce
from Secretary E." A. Moseley pf the
commission. V'.- ? '' '
The proposed Investigation comes as
a result of a petition presented to the
commission by the Merchants associa
tion of New York after having enlisted
the support of a large number of other
commercial organizations in the United
States, among them the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce. All are equally in
terested, the Investigation to cover the
entire United Stales.
It i sheld that express company
tariffs ' are very little understood by
the - average : patron , and that in many
instances rates are very Inconsistent.
It is held that while the large bulk
of express business consists in trans
porting goods of certain classes for In
dustrial and commercial concerns, it
comes almost as close to the dally ln-
terests of the . people in ' its minor as
pects as the mall service of the gov
ernment and it Is there that the lack
of consideration is most felt .
It is further pointed out that busi
ness concerns that .have large dealings
with express companies may get some
relief from exaclon and some redress
from complaints of bad service or in
Jury or loss to the property, but that
the. casual customer is helpless. He
has to pay the charges, and have his
goods delivered or collected at the con
venience of the company, ui-,
"The express companies have a pe
culiar way of fixing their tariffs," said
W. S. Bmallwood, .secretary of the
Chamber's transportation ; committee.
"in that) they have not tariffs like the
railroads to given points, but to entire
districts, the boundaries of which are
very strangely defined.'', im
precisely how far the powers of the
Interstate Commerce ; commission are
adequate to the occasion Is not known.
It is said that so. far as the railroads
are concerned, It matters not what tar
iffs are charged by the express com
panies since they do not enter Into com
petition with them.
' That the express companies are mak
ing enormous profits- is also the conten
tion, Instances being cited where an
annual dividend of 800 per cent has
been declared. . , -. . ,'. x
the chamber. Briand Is ' himself fre
quently the object of rabid attacks -of
this sort It Is wellfknown that he
carries a rather heavy load In the per
son of M. Lafferre, minister of labor,
whom almost all the political divisions
resent. He is said to have been re
sponsible for the "armv lists" which
followed the Dreyfus affair, when, it is
charged, . every officer , Of importance
had recorded for or against' him:" "He
is a good Catholic; he goes often to
church; he la a Jew; he seldom attends
church; he is this, or that; he Is a
Freemason, etc." according as the case
might be. Those who "stood In" and
had "good reports" rose; others were
driven from the army; some stood 'still
and were never advanced. Anyway La-
ferre is resented by the Royalists, Catb
ollcs, army people and many others, and
Briand is censured in many quarters for
naming him. .- v
"Why this open slap at the, army,"
a deputy shouted to Briand, "the army
which you rely upon and call upon so
readily when the nation is menaced?"
As an anti-labor administration, .the
excitement Is . bound to be intense
throughout the cpuntry for some time,
Stormy times are ahead In the legis
lature, as I have predicted before, now
that the church, labor, socialists, and
parts of most of the other parties have
Joined hands, so to speak, toward what
they term their foe.
Attorneys representing the Norman
Interest in the Portland hotel are pre
paring the legal papers necessary to
bringing suit against the hotel company
to compel the Issuance of certificates
for the shares of stock which have
never been paid for, and which were
recently acquired by the Normans from
London subscribers.,- ; -
Whether the suit to, be filed will take
the form of a mandamus to compel the
president and secretary of the corpora
tion to Issue the shares, or In the nature
of a straight suit to determine the valid
ity of the newly acquired holdings of
the Normans has not been determined,
but It is known that some sort of legal
action will be begun before the first ot
the,' year.v,;'u.'.- '' .i, v'Ar.
In any event it win proDamy De,a
year before there is as cnange in me
msnagement of the hotel, as the ques
tion will be '-carried up to the supreme
court on appeal no matter which side
wins in the lower court.-, r :-v-
The O. R. & N. Fast Mall, due to
arrive at 7 a. m4 arrived r .12:811 this
afternoon, and - O. R. & N. Oregon
Washington Express, due to arrive at
10:30 a. m is slated to arrive at 3:10
p, m. - -
Northern pacific Eastern Express,
due to arrive at 7:20. a. m., arrived at
8:35 a. m. and the Oregon tc Washing
ton Owl, due to arrive at 6:45 a. m
arrived S:3t a m. v All other trains
were practically on time today. -. , .
Man Injured In Runaway.
'? Oregon City, Ori. Deo. ZO.-t-rCassIus
Case, a teamster, was seriously Injured
today, when his team became' fright
ened at an automobile driven by Dr.
Stewart and precipitated a load of boxes
and furniture over an embankment and
threw Ue driver beneath the entire
load. The man's bead was badly cut in
two places, his nose was broken and he
suffered many bodily bruises. He will
Alleged Tlilet Arrested.
Vancouver, .Wash.. Dec. 20. A man
eli-lnr his name as Thomas Atwood was
fleers Gilmore and uasaway while In
the act at . attempting te dispose of a
sofa pillow. He had sold a manicuring
sit and had with him several other articles-
of a woman's 1 wardrobe. He Is
suspcted of having stolen the property
at Portland., -
Consort of Lucky Baldwin Is
Further Questioned as Wit
ness In' Will Contest.
(Cnlt4 Prew Letted wlr. A '
Los Angeles, Dec. 20.- When Beatrice
Anita Turnbull's suit to break the wil
of the late E. J. ("Lucky") Baldwin was
resumed today in Judge Rives' court the
plaintiff s , mother, Mrs. Lillian Ashley
Turnbull of Boston, was sent back on
the witness stand to submit to farther
cross ex-imlnatlon. Mrs, Turnbull was
nervous when she took her seat -She
had been given some Idea of what to
expect during four hours of cross ex
amination by Attorney Gavin .McNab,
for , the defense,' when she was first
called, last Thursday. '
McNab at once returned to the attack.
With lightning rapidity , he questioned
the witness regarding ber coming . to
California, her relations with Baldwin,
her so-called honeymoon ' at the Hotel
Coronado, . near San Diego, and again
brought In the name Of Colonel Pope ef
Boston, to whose friendship for Mrs.
Turnbull he had referred Thursday,
'The suit alleging' seduction, which
Mrs. Turnbull brought against Bald
win In San Francisco near two decades
ago, again was referred, to by the at-1
torneys for the defense. Repeatedly dur
ing the witness' recital of that suit Mc
Nab Interrupted with sudden questions
relating to the story that had been elab
orated upon by the witness when she
appeared on the stand the first time. It
Is not believed the cross examination
will be completed today. ,
t -
. , Entries at Emeryville
(United PrM Leased Wire.) '
Emeryville, Cal Dec 80. Entries
for tomorrow: v-'' .--.v--.
First race, futurity course Ben T7n-
casillOi Ossabar 107, Amala 107, Sir
Bon . 107, Fontello 98, ' Academlst . 107,
Prestollte 110, Abe Slupsky 110, Dacla
107, Red Klaw 107, Helen Hawkins 107.
Second race, six and a half furlongs
Buena 104, Frieze 109, 'Queen Alamo
104, Gretchen G. 109, ' Sir Angus ' 109,
Roy Shumway . 109, Busy Man 109,
Toung Belle 105, Lady Rensselaer 107,
Woodlander 109, Evran 109. - :
Third ' race, six furlongs Michael
Angelo 110, Miles 108, Raleigh 113, Anne
McUee 104, Bit of Fortune 107, Np Quar
ter 107, Rubla Granda 105, 01d Mexico
103, Thistle Belle 107. . ,
Fourth race, mile and an eighth han
dicapSpellbound 112, Arasee 104, Roy
Junior 114, Chester- Krum 107. .
Fifth race, six furlongs--Lady Me
Nally 108 Cantem 103, Alder Gulch 108,
Cameo 108, Ban Lady .108, Abthu 108,
Lord Clinton 108, Gypsy Girl 108, Gal
ene Gal 100, Cinnamon, 111, El Molino
108, New Capital 102.-".,.- . - '
Sixth race, six furlongs Miss PJcnio
108, n)omothIlda 108, Braxton M8.
Olathe 108, Donovan 108, fGlennadeane
103, Warfare 108, Dahlgren 108, Os
wald B. 103. r ' -
.Apprentice allowanca
(United Preaa Leased Wire.)
Washington, Dec. 20. An order for the
courtmartlal of Major Henry Davis of
the United States marine corps, form
erlyin command of the marine guards on
the island of Guam, was signed today
by Acting Secretary of the Navy'.WIn
throp, :....' 'i.'-.T
Major Davis arrived recently in San
Francisco. The basis of. the charge
against him is an official letter the
major wrote to the naVy department.
The contents of the communication were
not divulged. The courtmartlal will be
held at Philadelphia. ,
Inquiry at Vancouver, B. C,
Shows Chinese Stowaways
Come in" Droves.
(United Press boated Wlre
Vancouver, B. C, Dec, 20. With the
appearance on the stand this morning
of J. M. Bowell, controller of customs,
former controller of Chinese immigra
tion, the inquiry Into the alleged frauds
In": connection with 'Chinese immigra
tion took a turn bordering on the sen
sational. Besides deallg with the ques
tion 01 the passports and the exemp
tions from head tax, the inquiry -was
applied to the watch system of the
customs service so far as it related to
the smuggling In of Chinese and H re
vealed a service which apparently had
totally failed to do its duty and which
had f probably permitted the admission
into Canada of avery considerable num-
oer 01 uninese stowaways. -r; , ..
Crown counsel suggested that as
many as 23 stowaways got away from
the Kumerlc when she was In port here,
being part of a contingent of anywhere
from60 to 100 who were concealed In
the hold, and who were afterwards dis
covered at Port Townsend. i-
about which we hear so much, does
not - mean living on one food excln-!
slvely, but on foods that harmonize. ,
Certain elements of nutrition are es
sential to health, but all'tbese elements
Cannot be obtained from any one food
hence the necessity of a variety.
Deficiency of One or-more of these
elements, such as iron, for Instance, in
the blood, will cause anaemia,, rundown
condition and sleeplessness. . ,
If you are one . of the unfortunates
who have drifted Into this state, change
your diet eat foods that are rich in the
mineral elements of nutrition, and take
Vlnol, our delicious-cod liver and Iron
tonic, which contains no oil "and sup
plies iron ' to the . blood In the most
easily assimilated form.
lion, maxes pure, healthy blood. In
this natural manner It builds up the
run-down, weak and debilitated. If yfu
don't find this" td be a. fact we wtll
return your money If you will try a bottle.-
Woodard, Clarke "& Co, druggists,
Portland, Oc ,
Popular Young "TheatricaPMan
. Named to Take Charge of
. the Grand. .
: unanes in. nyau. -Charles
N. Ryan was today, appointed
manager of the Grand theatre, on' the
Sullivan & Consldlne circuit of the
northwest to succeed James O'Brien.
In reality Mr.. Ryan succeeds Frank
CoUlnberry, ; the ,: present .manager lor
the Orpheum in this city. Mr. cortln
berry was tne manager of the Grand
kfor more than a year, but went to the
Orphenm early in uecemoer. ai inai
time it was hoped that Mr. Ryan, who
for 18 months has been assistant man
ager for the Orpbeum, . would be pro
moted to the Grand. That the reward
Is now Ryan's was this afternoon the
cause of his receiving many, congratu
lations, N V ..:.;.
Mr. Ryan is one f the popular young
theatrical men of Oregon. His greatest
hit was the management" of the stage
and selection of numbers for the Press
club show of last night
O'Brien will manage the Sullivan &
Consldlne Majestic theatre in Seattle,
Bait was started today In the circuit
court by Christian Pauley against the
Oregon Hassam Paving company. Dam
ages to the amount of 1600 are asked
for -an Injury received while crossing
Dawson street at , Portsmouth , avenue.
The plaintiff says he was attempting
to cross the street when a heavy plank
was thrown against him. " The plank
had been placed there by the . Paving
company, while the street was being lm-
. ... . m . ,
provea , l is cnargea in we compiainM.
that the company has been . negligent
in improving the street and Had It torn
np an unreasonable length of time. The
plank -was ' intended for a temporary
walk, but was so placed as, to be a
menace to pedestralns, he says.,
(Hnltrd Prww Led WlrV-.)
Tegulcigalpa, Honduras,, Deo. 20.
The government today gave out an offi
cial announcement that a revolution
headed by Colonel Alvaredo, had failed,.
Alvaredo, it is announced, was captured
at Allana, where the rebels were routed.
Many of the Insurrectos fled .to Salva
dor..' "i ':' ;; ' ': -' :
tub 1
It matters not 'what your, ailment
Is, nor who has treated it' if It is
curable we will give you immediate
benefit and a quick and lasting cure.
Do not ' alow , money matters to
keep you from getting, ; well. We
charge nothing to prove aur meth
ods will cure you.' Our guarantee
SATISFIED Is your absolute pro
tection. Consultation, 1, examination
and medicines free.
We claim for our treatment
nothing "wonderful" or . "secret" It
Is simply our successful way of do
ing things.
APnuCTED mejt, 1 before treatlntr
elsewhere, honestly tnveartigate onr
proven methods. Ton win then under,
stand how easily we cure VAZUCOSB
IC, BLADDER and K1DHXT troubles,
FILES, and All KECTAJj Diseases, - ,
v.-,.-.,-. ;. v- i
What you want is a cure Come
to us and, get it Once under our
treatment, yon will quickly, realise
how simple a thing it is to get. well
In the hands of a specialist who
knowa his business. Our cures add
not only years to life, but life to
Lpr;. P.ce.bcprs. ,dag..ta-,.
Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays. 10 to I.
, 303 Wasblagtoa gt, Portland, Or.
1 1
Net Change of Only Four Seats
in Parliament; Net Result
' Favors Liberals.
(United PreM Letwd Wire.)
i London. . Dec 20. Comolete parlia
mentary returns show the following fig
uresV Conservatives 272, Liberals 272.
Laborites 42, Nationalists 74, O'Brienites
10. H ; ':,; -.- ,...
' The only change (from the represents-
tiofi in the last parliament is that the
Liberals lost three seats and the Con
servatives one to the Laborites and Na
tionalists. : .!', ' ..
: ' (Special Ditpatrh to The Journal.)
' The Dalles, Or., Dec. 20. Receipts of
The Dalles postofflce for the first 19
Here Are Facts We Want. You
4 to Prove at Our Risk.
Marvelous as it may seem, Rexall
"93" Hair Tonic has grown hair on
heads that were once bald. Of course
it is understood that In none of these
cases were the hair roots dead nor had
the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny ap
pearance.' : - , :r; t
When the roots of the hair are en
tirely dead and the pores of the scalp
are glazed over, we do not believe that
anything can restore hair growth.
When Rexall 'MTHair Tonio will do
as above stated, it is not strange that
we have such great faith in it and that
we claim It will prevent baldness when
used in time. It acta scientifically, de
stroying the germs which , are usually
responsible for baldness. It penetrates
to the roots of the hair, stimulating and
nourishing them. It is a most pleasant
toilet necessity, Is delicately, perfumed
and will not gum nor permanently stain
the hair.
' We want you to get a bottle of Ret
ail "93" Hair Tonic and use It as di
rected. If it does not relieve scalp Ir
ritation,, remove dandruff, prevent the
hair from falling out and promote an
Increased' growth of hair and In every
nay give entire satisfaction, simply
come back and tell us and without ques
tion or formality we will hand back to
you every penny yoo paid us for it
We lend our .endorsement to Rexall
"93" Hair Tonic and - sell it on this
guarantee, because we believe It Is the
best balr tonic ever discovered.." It
comes in" two sizes, prices 60 cents and
(100. Remember, you can obtain It
only at theOwl Drug Co., Inc., corner
7th and Washington streets. :
Is lntereoted and abonld .
know a.bcmt the wonderful-
MARVEL Whhlinf Spray
Tie new T(rtl fiirrtnira.
Best mon onnvnienk
x vmrnmom IB
stmUj. ,
lik vone dm nrl st for 1
ih uakvki. ai;oot
no other, tmi wua nam
I tnr lllnafntful hook eajd.
ii fiiiMrtionlarsandelreo.
tlona lnruoabie to uaiaa.
mm 0&, u xwt sm iw uw 1011.
For sale' by Skldmore Dtdc Oo ' Woodard,
. Clarke Co.' and Laoe-Darta Drag Ctk J store.
fees omjr .
$5 to $10
If llcngst Respcn$i!:!2
Cosscltsticn, ft
The Reliable Specialists
We have been the means ef restoring thousands ef afflicted sufferers
to complete and perfect health. Will you place your confidence In the
care of honest, skillful and sueceesful specialists? Years of practical ex.
perlenoe, thousands ef dollars spent in researches and scientific Investi
gation, supplemented by an immense practice, has enabled us to evolve a
special system of treatment that is a safe and prompt cure for special
diseases ani weaknesses of -men. The change In thousands of eases is '
marvelous. Blighted lives, blasted hopes, weakened systems and nervous .
wrecks bare been safely and promptly cured by onr method. We have
evolved a system ef treatment that ts a powerful and determined, medic!- .
nal eerrectlve, where man's characteristic energies have become weak
ened and debilitated, either threufh excess, indiscretions er the result
of neglected or Improperly treated diseases. -, , ,
blood ahs sror mwAm:, niintY aso biaddsb disobdebs,
; Men. If In Trouble Consult Us
' We have added to eur offloe equipment, for the benefit1 of Sixar
OBXiT, A 3TBBB KT7SXTTH of Atanomy and gallery of solentlflo wonders.
MAW. know thyself. Zdfe else models Dlnatratlng the mysteries of mmn,
hewing the body in health and disease end numy natural subjeots.
Men make no mistake when they cooie to us. We give you the re
sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, end the best service
that money can buy. If you are ailing, consult us. Medicine furnished
in our private laboratory from $1.69 to Jfl.60 a coarse. , 1
' If yen cannot call write, for self-examination blank. '" Hours, la. m,
to I p. ra. daily. Sundays, I te 11 only. - : - . - .. .
; L Jt A Chinese
New York Oriental Hospital Ishere now. -Any man. woman
or children with any, internal,; external or eruptive disease
who will come to my office can secure free consultation and
examination. If you can't call, write and get diagnosis an l
remedies. .
301 First Street, .Near Columbia
8. H. Walking,
days of December show a marked in
crease over the reclpts during a like
time a year ago. The receipts from the
sale of stamps for the' first 19 days of
this month were $1540. as compared
with 11018 for a like period In 1909.
There were 1133 domestic money prders
Issued so far this month as. compared
with 1046 last year. Since July 1, the
beginning of the fiscal year, there were
4261 parcels registered at this ofriofc,
and during a like period last year 3178
parcels. The school census of the dis
trict which has Just been completed,
also shows a healthy increase, there
being 280 more names of persons of
school age on the list this year than
there were In 1909. .
P. U. Vacation. Extended.
IHneclnl IMnoatrb to Tn Jgnriu!.
Pacific University, Forest Qrove, Or.,
Dec. : 20. Because of ,' a petition ad
dressed to the faculty of, Pacific univer
sity last week, two more days were add
ed te the Christmas holidays, thus malt
ing the " vacation last 13 days in all.
School will .be dismissed on Wednesday
of this week and work will be resumed
on the fourth of January. The reason
of granting the petition was because
many students fourtd It impossible to
If I did not know'
beyond . a question
that my methods of
treating men's ail-
SfriAnttt nf-A an niinA
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wouia not persist
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in which to' make
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Success in medi
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tablish it upon a profitable basis.
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No Other Specialist in the
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cheerfully give yoU the very best
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ful practice, .Men out Of town in
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Portland, Oregon, v
Herb and Root Medicines
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I Dositlvelv cure Varicose Veins' Rup
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Stop suffering; get strong and vigor
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Come and consult us free of all
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' The Old Sellable Specialist. -
Corner Alder and Second . streeta ' En
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Pay When Cured
We have every known remedy cp.
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perience Is so great and varied that no
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tracted and- chronic cases cured. " All
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seven days. Consultation f ree. -If no.
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Office Hours 9 A. M. to P M
Sundays,. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
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L. T- Y F F Tn Chinese
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Yee and Son's Medicine Co..
spent lifetime study of herbs
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peror, wonderful cure all oi
easesi of men and 'women,
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Dr. Sanderson C o m o o u n d
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edy for FEMALE TEO OBI.r.3
the most ohstlnntw ; rmpi In 3
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