THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, - DECEMBER 0, 1910. y LI IflUSII OLD IIAIKI SCHOOL AT FOE GIVE Is: Oldest Educational Institu tion, in Pacific. Northwest; , PJow Conducted as Prepara tory School. (ftpdnl. DUjUtch' to Th Journal. v PaciHo University, Forest Grove, Or., Doe. 20. Tha question of abolishing Tualatin academy, which Is - now con ducted In connection with Pacific uni versity aa a preparatory department of the opllege, la under, strong considera tion by the authorities of the school. Tualatin academy holds the honor of being the oldest educational institution U the Pacific northwest, being founded by pioneer missionaries in the summer of 184J on a donation land claim, where now the city of Forest Gtot Is situated. A charter waa granted to Its authorities at Oregon City, where the state capital was located, in the fall of 1841, by the . tate legislature, "estaBllshlng a school of learning, ' on 'the Tualatin plains, of academlo scope, with collegiate powers." This was the nucleus out of which Pacific university waa developed In 1854. '; When this , academy was tabllshed there were no such Institutions for many hundred miles around, and even ifter the college was formed there were no high schools or academies where a student could prepare for the higher courses In . the various colleges which sprang up, except those colleges which had their own academic departments. , Besides the fact that there are now an abundance of preparatory schools, scat tered throughout the atate, which offer good courses. It Is thought that regular college work can be better accomplished without the hampering Influence of the academy classes. At present most of the Instructors In the college are com pelled to teach several academy sub jects, and to have preparatory students ' In their college olasses, more especially In those of the freshman and sophomore years, and this Is considered to be the thief objection of retaining the prepara tory courses. ' , Tualatin academy has always had a large attendance, and this eradication will lessen considerably the enrollment, momentarily, but the loss thus incurred would very soon be made good by larger colloge classes. If this proposed change is made. It is probable that the academy classes , will be discontinued one at a tbna, be ginning with the lowest, thus not affect ing any who are now In school; the re quirements for admission to the acad emy would be raised by one year, and la four years the entire course would be abolished. -. The University of Oregon is ths only collegiate Institution in the state which lias done away with Its preparatory de rartment, and Pacific proposes to follow ite example, thus raising Its own stand ing among. th colleges of the country. nrii i nut B m DISTRESSING AGCiDEffT Astoria, Doe. 20. The French- bark Bayard arrived Sunday evening at As toria, 2J5 days from Glasgow, with a general cargo, after narrowly escaping being wrecked while on the , Atlantic The Bayard, which is under the com mand of Captain Bernard, sailed from Glasgow April 7, She encountered fair weather until June 11, when In latitude 41 south and longitude 83 west she ran Into a terrific gale and her rudder was carried , away. The vessel was then practically helpless and completely at the mercy of wind and wave. Several attempts were made to rig a Jury rud der, but each tune. the attempts failed, the lines being .snapped like thread. A few days later 'a Swedish steamer put a hawser aboard' and suited to tow the disabled craft to port, but, after go ing a. Short distance the hawser parted and the bark was lef to her fate. It was then a fight to keep the vessel .from being swamped, but the weather condi tions .Improved, fortunately, although there "'were intermittent galea and at times the bark was swept fore and aft by the huge seas. . After being thus bat tered about for a month, she was picked up on July 4 In latitude 14 south by two tugs, about 160 miles off shore, hav ing dlfted a distance of 17 degrees, and towed Into Montevideo. -The Jugs be longed to a salvage company and al though -Captain Bernard ,1s somewhat reticent about the amounts they charged him. It is understood that the tow cost in the neighborhood of $10,000 and that it cost him about 1 3400 for a new rud der. . After undergoing the necessary repairs, the Bayard sailed from Monte video on September 2, the rest of her trip to the Columbia rtver being without special Incident. OLD ARMY SURGEON TO RETIRE CHRISTMAS DAY San Antonio, Texas,' Deo. 20. Christ mas day the oldest surgeon in point of service in the United States army and an old time Indian fighter, in the person of Colonel Joseph B. Glrard, chief sur geon of the department of Texas, will retire. December 25, he reaches the age limit of 64, and it will be the forty fourth Christmas he has spent In the Service of his adpted country. ' . ' 'Born in Central France, Christmas day, 1846, Colonel 6irard came to the United States when 15 years old. ' Me studied medicine, and May 14, 1867, was appointed ' assistant ' surgeon in the United States army. Three years later, to the day, he was made captain. Sep tember 7, 1902, afterhaving been made successively major-surgeon and lieuten ant colonel, he was made colonel of the medical corps. He is ranked only by the surgeon general of the United States, and In point of service he la several years in advance of the latter. , Indian Farmers Congress. Indianapolis, Ind., Ceo. 20. Nearly every county of the state was represent ed .this morning at the opening of the annual meeting 1 of the Farmers' Con gress of Indiana. Oovernor Marshall delivered the opening address.. The chief topic of discussion during the day was proposed legislation to benefit the farmers. John M. Stahl of Chicago, former president of the Farmers' Na tional congress, waa one of the speakers. The sessions will be continued and con cluded tomorrow. f CUFF 51 DBSD ; Mil LICOISE County Court Rules Against Roadhouse on Linnton Road. A county liquor license for Cliff Inn, a roadhouse on ., the Linnton road, was yesterday afternoon denied by the .coun ty court. In doing so the court held that an Insufficient number of legal voters had signed the petition for the license. The question of what consti tutes a legal voter created much argu ment. It was finally "held that legal voters must be,' registered before ' they can sign a petition for or against the license. , . ' ' - County Judge Cleeton further ruled that where a' petition and remonstrance are filed la regard to a liquor lleens the voters of that precinct are actually voting "wet" or "dry." Those signing the petition are voting "wet," and those signing the remonstrance . are voting "dry." It was further ruled by the court that after a petition and remon strance, are filed names cannot be added or taken away. In. the Cliff Inn ease an original pe tition of 83 names of voters was filed favoring the license. ;; The remonstrance had 10S names, i The petitioners later filed a list of 25 names of persons who made affidavit that they were legal voters. The court held that since many of these names did not appear on the registration books the signers were , not legal voters. Since the court ruled that names could not be added or taken from the original filings this list could not be considered. In other words, the peti tion and remonstrance were methods' of voting. When these were filed the polls were closed. Signers of each must have all the qualifications of legal voters. . Attorney B. K. Haney, representing Sandy & Rath, proprietors of the road house, set forth that the affidavits of late signers were the same as having the voter sworn In, and the names should be counted. The court left the matter in such manner that an appeal can be taken to the state circuit court Silverjon Minister Resigns. (SpeeUl Dispatch to The JrarnaL) Sllverton, Or., Dec 10. Rev. S. H. Dewart has resigned his pastorate of the Methodist church In this city, the same to take effect January 1., , This action was necessitated by the condition of his wife's health. She has been an invalid for some time and it 'is neces sary that she be with her daughters, who live in Portland, Jt has not yet been learned who will succeed Rev. De wart In the work here, bat be will oc cupy the pulpit until the first of the year. . North Bend Electa Officers. 8pdal Dispatch to The Jonroal.t ' Marshfield, Or., Dec. 20. The city of North Bead has . again elected L, J. Simpson as mayor. A. H. Derbyshire wsm elected recorder and C. & Winsor city treasurer. None of these had any opposition.- I F. Falkensteln was elect ed councilman for one year and Ira B. Bartle, Henry Kern and J. A. Ward councllmen for three years. COOS BAY CITIES TO WORK FOR CARLINE : :, (Special Dbpntt to The JoarnaU Marshfield, Or, Deo. 20. The grant ing of street, railway franchises In the Coos ' Bay cities is a matter which is now attracting much attention on the part of the people and some decisive steps are being taken. Over a year ago a franchise was granted to J. M. Blake for building and maintaining an electric railway In Marshfield. Work was to be started at a certain time and six months ago Mr. Blake appeared before the coun cil and asked that "he be given more time. He waa under the. new arrange ment, to have k mile of road built by the first of January and recently he again asked for an extension of six months Jn which to begin vork and it waa granted by the council. At the recent city election In North Bend Mr, Blake asked for a franchise and , it was voted upon by the people. The franchise was , turned down by a vote of twenty to one. ' Now that the franchise has been refused Mr. Blake in North Bend there has been a move ment started to have the Marshfield people vote on the matter of recalling the extension in this city. If this were done, the franchise In both Marshfield and North Bend; would be left open for any good road that wanted to build. Mayor I J. Simpson of North Bend haa suggested that both cities grant like franchises for a railway and put these franchises In the lands of trustees who are to turn them over to the first rail road , that will build to Coos Bay, It is suggested that this would leave the franchises open and ready for any road that .wants to come here. . This plan Is being agitated and it is likely some such step will be taken. SALE OF LETTERS . ' OF PATRICK HENRY Philadelphia, Dec. 20. One of the most Important sales of historical let ters ever held in America waa begun to day. In this city. The collection that will be disposed of at auction during the week embraces the letters and papers of Patrick Henry, written by or to him dur ing the Revolutionary war and up to the time of his death, after which they were preserved by his family. They commence with the original au tograph manuscript of the famous reso lution against the stamp act. Introduced In the Virginia house of burgesses in May, 1765. .This immortal speech, end ing with the familiar words, If this be treason, make, the most of If is con sidered by many to rank next to the Dec laration oi independence vjn historical importance.' Another Important his torical item In the collection Is the copy of Patrick Henry's noted receipt to Governor Dunmore, . May - 4, 1775, , for gunpowder taken from the powder house at Williamsburg, Vsl, April 11, 1775. American Scientists to Meet. "' Minneapolis, Mlnn. Dec 20. -Elaborate arrangements have been completed for the annual meeting of the American association for the advancement of sci ence, which is to be held next week at the University of Minnesota. Twenty seven , elementary scientific societies will vbe represented at the gathering and among the participants will be many of the - foremost acnolars of . the United State and Canada, The ' proceedings will continue three days. mm rm i ) 1 1 . ' 7 n I ' 1 4 11 ii kit -3 V. '31 .,,1! t , ' ,' -' v y It .1! 1 ".1 -s. J Je" ... .. , J' J "niTI Fine Doubk Horse-Hide, Corbo TTiTft PTT1 1 1 Self-Honing Razor Strop, 23x- $ J 1 iLsiLj 24 Inches. Refralar $1.50 Val 11 MILiJj HENKEL (LD.), "SOL1NGEN" GERMANY, offers as an introduc- tion their latest patented invention, "ELECTRIC-TEMPERED RAZOR" (hollow-ground), retails $2.50, together with the above . . HORSEHIDE RAZOR STROP, for $1.00. This is a rare opportu ; : . nity and a most serviceable gift. ELECTRIC-TEMPERED RAZORS by the Solingen secret process' receive an even temper, which has been . . a long-felt want in a razor blade, and where the old-style process, oil,' fire or water, has failed. SOLINGEN IMPRINT MEANS TO A RAZOR WHAT STERLING MEANS TO SILVER. Don't delay this opportunity, which is offered for a short time only. . ' Money refunded . . if not satisfactory.. Prepaid to any address. CALL and SEE the FINEST LINE OF IMPORTED CUTLERY in PORTLAND Poriland Cutlery Company Manufacturers and Importers of Fine Cutlery 924 SIXTH STREET, NEAR STARK, PORTLAND, OREGON , dDW - ''L .' .ii ' f"1'! I j . iN . . ; ' , ' , , - ,'r , , " A Iid (0) M u (CMm pIlei3ni(dlM; .Opp(pFtiiuiiniii11y to i JJ:1 CD (EDCDJ. EipSimp Onati Faiete Is: Whtn the "WeeUjr" which sued us for libel (hecause we pub licly denounced them .for an editorial attack on our claims) was j searching for some "weak spot," they thought best to send a New York Attorney to Battie Creek summoned 25 of our workmen and took their sworn statements before a Commissioner. , Did we object? No. On the contrary, we helped all we coulcf, for. the opportunity, was too good to be lbst. ' ' - .', . George Haines testified he inspected the wheat and barley, also floors and every part of the factories to know things were kept dean. That every 80 minutes a sample of the products was taken1 and in spected to keep the food up to standard and' keep out any impurities, also that it is the duty of every man in the factories to see that any- thing not right is immediately reported. ,Has been with the company 10 years. ; " " ', , , .,' , Edward Young testified had been with company. 15 years. In , spector, he and his men examined every sack and car of wheat and barley to see they were up to standard, and rejected many cars. " ; - H. E. Buri, Superintendent, testified has been with company over 13 years. Bought only the, best grain obtainable. That the com-" pany kept a corps of men' who do nothing but keep things clean, bright and polished. . ' ' 1 " , , ( i 4 ' ' " i ' . ' 1 ' ; if ' ' I', ' ' ' '' Testified that no ingredient went into , Grape-Nuts and Postum except those printed in the advertising. No possibility of any foreign things getting into the foods, as most of the machinery is kept' closed. Asked if the factory is open to the public, said "yes" and "it took from two to three guides constantly to show visitors through the - works.' Said none of the processes were carried on behind closed doors. ' , , At this point attorneys for the "Weekly" tried to show the water -used-was from some, outside source. Testified the- water came from the company's own artesian wells and was pure. He testified the workmen were first class, high grade and in-. spected by the company's physician to be sure they were all in proper physical condition; also testified that state reports showed that com pany pays better wages than the average and he thought higher than any in the state. - - . . - , , ',.;. F. B. Martin, assistant superintendent, testified Grape-Nuts made of Wheat, Barley, Yeast and Water. .Anything else? "No, sir." Postum made of Wheat, Wheat Brail "and New Orleans Molasses; Statements made on his experience of about 10 years with company, , ' . . ' I ' i A . l ' '. . ' H 4 V , , Testified bakers are required to wear fresh white suits changed every other day. Said had never known of any of the products being sent out that were below the high standard of inspection.- Asked if any one connected with the Postum Company had instructed him how to testify. Said "No sir," ' - . . - . 'ft"" Horace Brown testified had been , with, company nine years. Worked in Grape-Nuts bake shop; Testified the whole of the flour is composed of Wheat and Barley. Attorneys tried to confuse him, but , he insisted that any casual visitor could see that nothing else went into the flour. Said machinery and floors always kept clean. '''W",. 'T'. '",1' " "' ' ' "- -' ;V j ; 1 i'' , " . , So these men were examined by, the "Weekly' lawyers hoping tc nd at least one who would say that some undef-grade grain was put in or some unclean condition was found somewhere. ' But it was no use, : , ' , f Each and every man testified ,to the purity and cleanliness As a samole, take the testimony of Luther W. Mayo. ; testified been with company about 10 years. Now working in the bakery department making Grape-Nuts. Testified that the ovens " and floors are kept clean and the raw products as they go in are kept' clean. Also that the, wearing apparel of the employes has to be c "changed uVeVlimesTweeE" Q Do you use Postum or Grape-Nuts yourself at all? A. Yes, I use them at home. , Q. If from your knowledge of the factory which you have gamed - in your 10 years at the factory you believed that they were 'dirty or impure ui any way, would you use them? x ' , A. I do not think I would. ' No. " , Asked if any one on behalf of the company had asked him to , testify in any particular manner. Stated "No." . - , r . ? All these sworn depositions were carefully excluded from the . testimony at the trial, for they wouldn't sound well for the "Weekly." - 1 ; ' ' - ' ' ' " ' . , '' ' - Think of the fact that every man swore to the purity and cleanli- , ness so that the attorney for the "Weekly" was forced to say in open court that the food was pure and good. ... r What a disappointment for the "Weekly V " " - But the testimony showed i ... t - . ' - I ' ) ,f ' ' , ' All of the grain usedL in Grape-Nuts, Postum and Post Toasties is the highest standard possible to obtain. " AH parts of the factory are kept scrupulously clean; None of the workmen had been told how to testify. Most of them have been from 10 to 15 years with the company and . use the products on their tables at home. . Why do their families use the products, Grape-Nuts, Postum and Post Toasties, that they, themselves, make? ' "There's a Reason " Postdm : Cereal ! Ui,9 23