20, 1910. n Cipro Open Evenings Until 9:30-EvcnlnQ Luncheon In Tea Room SI3Q to 8Mugic by ttic Orplicurra Cretic:;ti Chriotmab Candies in Basement-French Paoirics, Delicatessen and Balcery Fourth FloorT-Shoppcrs' Lunch Bcscme: n n o naiiniiii(g(L Esttra DIviciericia Declared on Account of Great Success of Yesterday's Coupon Sales Sensational Barnalns in All Departments pf the Store for Tomorrow's Xmas. Gift ScckeroTakeAdvantageShop in the Morning THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER v.- MUa! g2.50 Voliies on Sale 85c .. - ' . " .......... ' ' "Vith only four more' days in which- to do Christma9 shop ping -we am to make the task easier for our customers, as well as. ourselves, by displaying'" our 'great bargains- so" as.' to make choosing easy.; Here's men's pureSillc Mufflers, in plain or lancy Drocaaeci enects, cream or wnne, ful flam or lancy orocaaea enects, cream or wi size, neat patterns; $1.50 to $2.50 values 85c ii 5 O Ot D bs eii ; iVlefT a Coat - S t y le ! SlilFts ... ' - i i ii ' ...I I 'I .... . II' l . .- -1 n - - -T-lll T ' i. i li i.. i ii . i.i .i ! ill mi ill I ii Mil. .11 I 1 WWHII ii. C51ISO aiiclC32.00 .Values; at ; 9Sc lEacli 500 dozen men's coat-style Shirts with coffi attached Beautiful assortnient of dark and light pat, terns of fine imported madray chambray, percale, zephyr ginghams, Russian cords, etc The biggest and best assortment shown in the city. Shirts to please every taste; Many regular lines Q g A are included. 1 Thrifty men should look to their needs. Regular, values to $2.00; on sale ': &SfiVj iomeiVs Men's S4Umbrellas !NoS'i95' Tomorrow's. shoppers will realize a substantial saving on these Umbrellas. 5 Sizes 26 and 2&-inch' tops, of good qual ity silk and Unen, mounted on paragon frames with eight ribs, absolutely rustproof, good waterproof tops. A splen did selection of handles, all new and attractive. CO QC Regular' $4.00 Rvalues priced this sale at,1 each vm9iI, Toilet 'Sets' Q7.5Q Vals. Q3.98 Tomorrow we shaH Christmas dividends by offering a beautiful assortment of three-piece Toilet Sets comb, brush and nlate srlass mirror: heavy silver-plated and attractive designs;1 values' "AO' to $7.50, . special at, the set Vf y, G3 CigarBoxes Special at ff Tomorrow, main floor; a special sale of well-made aluminum lined Cigar Boxes; each box holds; 50 cigars and will keep them moist and in fine cqnditioa Boxes are very attractively trimmed; (fljl Q regular $3.00. values, special at el; Eiibon gale 85c Values at 37c Tomorrow the Ribbon Department will share dividends by offering 20,000 yards of Silk Dresden Ribbon in all the newest and light color combinations; just the. thing for Christmas finishing ,07 touches; values to, 85c, the yard ,IC H ol ly Ribbon 'For .Packalgegi Fine quality Silk Ribbon in holly pat terns, for; tying Christmas , packages: No. 1, full 10-yard bolt, special at;' 14 No: "1 Vi, full 10-yd. bolt, special at 23 No. 2, full 10-yard' bolt, special at 29 No. 3, 45c, and No. 5, special, only 65 gaill3 off Meo-s Hops'e. CoaHs Salle ofi Meant' s Matt la. IRolbes J A final Christmas sale of men's House Coats in all sizes, colors and kinds; hundreds to choose from. Well tailored, neat fitting, lAJuF Remarkable Values in men's Bath Robes in all the newest designs and patterns; cut full, neatly trimmed and very well made. Tha ideal Christmas gift Values to $20 HALF pleasing patterns; values to $15 AT HAL. Sale of ; Boy sV ; Coat Sweaters Regular 82,00 Values (lor GL19 The acceptable and sensible gift for the boy is a good coat style Sweater. .'We show th?m in blue, gray and brown, nicely woven, pertect titnng garments, uur bhi ri ij regular $2 values. To share Christmas dividends, we offer, them at this sale ipltiy Russianlfyory Goods aft i4 05J Tomorrow, main floor, we share 25 per cent dividends on all Parisian Ivory Combs,-; Hair - Brushes, - Cloth ; Brushes, Hat Brushes.1 Mirrors.: Puff Boxes, etc.! finest quality,, new and beautiful. Pop-- iu( ; gins, icuuiu wnuryuinH, Readlno Lamp C?13 fVal S7,25 1 1 'i 1 . - . , 1 Tomorrow in the third floor tamp and Electric Portable Department we offer a fine line of Electric Reading Lamps, 22 inches high, 13-inch square shade, square stand; an attractive " $13.00 OC value, special tomorrow, each v Handkercli'fis 35c Values 23 c Tomorrow we place on sale a line of pure Irish Linen Kerchiefs, embroidered in many new and pleasing designs; OO our regular 35c -values for, each OC Women's hemstitched, and initialed Lin en Kerchiefs, 25c vals., box of 6 $1.00 SOctHoQics py Tliree Falra CI You will never fail to please her if you give hosiery, i Here's a line of new Rib bon Embroidered Stockings in many very attractive floral patterns. Our best reg ular 50c values buy all you Aft want of them at 3 pairs for V It"w SI .;.''" 1 j i n i ,' i .- '.. i i r til r-m S35 Fur Scarf for Q17.SO G22.50 FurMufl for Other Furs at Fourth Off ; -i. - - ,. ; . , , t. , , ,, .1 mil ; In the Fur Section, Second Floor, we offer a splendid line tf Large Shoulder Pieces, with front tabs, lined with chiffon satin , taffeta, trimmed with plaited ribbons and v tassels; also plain' shawl collars with silk tassels. Reg. g35.00 val ues for this sale at, each $17.50 Large $32.50 Pillow! Muffs only $1&25 Large $220 . Pillow Muffs only $1L25 Our entire stock of Women's and Chil dren's Furs, in CoatspSets, Neckpieces, Muffs, - etc - Children's 'Furs $1.49 to $32.50; Women's from $8.50 to $35a00. Every kind and quality. ' Very best values ( in the Northwest, reduced ONE FOURTH Red Cross Stamps On Sale Main Floor Assist in this great charity; help fight tuberculosis in Ore gon and elsewhere.7; Decorate Christmas packages with Red Cross Stamps. r Tpmorrow's booth In charge of Mrs. George MarshaA, Miss Carolyn BensonMiss Jessie Hurley Men's Neckwear S2.QO Values Now 98c 75c Values Special ,23c . mi ii i ' ' 1 " 1 " !' '. . ' '. . ' .. LOT -j-i-A great showing, of men's" Four-brHand Ties in patterns and qualities that will appeal to every woman's sense of the beautiful and to every, man's sense of econ omy. Gift-seekers, as well as those buying for their own use, should lay in a good supply. Fine peau de soie, peau de cygne, barathea, satin, faille silk, Persian, Dresden and Roman striped silks; wide end scarf styles, well QQ made.'- Values to $200, on. sale at low price of VOC LOT 2 In the Basement "Underprice Storer a showing of wide-end foor-tn-hand and reversible Ties : for close fitting collars. Values which are pronounced by judges to be the best in the city. Ties regularly worth 50c and :75c, special at the low, price of, each JC WOOD TO BURN SPECIAL, ONE-FOURTH' OFF BRASS TQ PIERCE-SPECIAL, ONE-FOURTH OFF TOILET SETSSPECIAL AT ONE-FOURTH OFF TRAVELING CASES SPECL, ONE-FOURTH OFF 51 Reg. g25.06Siilts $i5;85 Stop! Think! Study the easel Ms there a time? in all the year when you need new clothing more than dur ing the holidays? ' Then remember our Clothing Store is in its first winter" season and every suit we show is new and the very latest style. In this sale we include the swellest lot of Scotch and English mixtures you ever saw. All styled according to latest vogue, g P ; Q C Reg. $25.00 values now marked at, suit ,'3)1 0OQ Men's Overcoats and Cravenette Raincoats, those very popular styles such as are being worn by the fashion able young 'fellows and particular business men. All the latest styles. A full line of sizes. Our I P O C y regular $25.00 values now on sale for tUlUUU pi domes 1 ( weettuiesupS Bolls Reduced Our celebrated lines of "Sweetheart Dolls" thatVere" made expressly iot us in Germany.' They? are full-1 .ball-and-socket jointed, have sewed wigs and natural hair. - Some have sleeping eyes,.- some .flirting eyes.' A1J sizes are placed on sale' at th' following reductions: Ske'18-bcb, regular $1.7S values, at $lt3 Size 20-inch, regular $2.25 values, st f 1.69 Size ?l-inch, - regular $2J0 values,- at f 1.88 Size 23-fochregidar $2JS values t 82.05 Size 24-inch, regnlar $35 valaes, at f2.44 Sire 25-rnch, regnhr $4.00 values, at 82a Site 2S-inch, regular $40 values, at $3.33 Size 27-inch,' regular $5.50 vslnea, at 1 4.14 Sire 29-inch, regular $&50 values, at " f 4.48' Size 32-inch, regular $7 JO values, ' at f 5.48 Size 33-inch, regular $9.00 values, at 8 T.28 The largest and most complete stock of Dolls ih all the great Northwest, displayed in a way to make choosing easy. Don't fail to see them. Men's Kerchiefs ; ir '. .n - - - " -i- ---i - v.. -,--, it. T. tgio Gl.OO Values at 79c Men's finest . quality of ' pure Linen Ker chiefs, neatly hemstitched, narrow .herns, made for real particular fellows; reg. 7Q $1 values, 6 in box for 84.50, each I J C ANOTHER LOT of men's real Irish . Lin en Kerchiefs, full size, neatrr hemstitched. The most appropriate and most acceptable' of gifts; ' Regular 75c values, put up CQ' 6 in a box for 83.25, or spec'l, each Hate Ol.OO .'. :. .. .... ' .,; - rr In! the Basement "Underprise- Store" we' offer your choice of a fine line of Women's Trimmed Hats, made on the best felt foundations. The latest styles. Regular $5.00 , to $7i0 values, special, to fr AA share s dividends, . at only, , each, VlUU MerfsKafamas: S2 Values at 01.15 1 1 , 4 r ' - "' ' " " 50 dozen men's Outrng FUnnel Pajamas in all wanted sizes and colors, including neat striped effects, in blue or pink; very ac ceptable and useful Christmas C gifts; big showing of values to $2 $1ID Tomorrow Main Floor Between the Elevators ,i1 S2.50 Values for gl.09 women's Slippers 03.50 Values lor $1.89 WOMEN'S JUL1KTTKS, the ideal hoose sHpper, made of high-grade' felt with leather soles? all wanted sizes and colors; $2.00 and $2.50 values, pair yAlrf MEN'S Slippers, in every wanted leather. calf, via kid; tan or black, opera or Everett and Romeo styles; $3 to $3,50 vala special 51.89 Pair Men's Slippers S1.75 Values at 98c 03 Values at C1.C9 In ; the "Basement Underprice Store" a sale of men's Romeo Slippers, in P1 OA gray and black; good $2 grade felt Men's tal and black Morocco Leath- QQ er Slippers, good $1.75 , values, pair ; OC Men's tan and black . vici kid Romeo style Slippers; our best regular $3 val- fljl Q ues, underpriced at. special, pair , v 1 wJ, Q1.5Q Values at 89c Toe Slippers at 39c In basement TJnderprice Store," women's -Fur Trimmed Felt Juliettes, the best OQi house slipper; reg. $1.50 value, pair 03C 1000 pairs women's, misses and children's Velvet and Felt Toe Slippers, trim'd 9Q in .bows,' underpriccd at only,' pair Oa Great Sale of Christmas Slippers on Main Floor at Very Low Prices Sale j Boy g9 ?Hato 05 Valueo G3 G g l.O O VatlucG 69c Give the boy a new hat for a Christmas pres ent 'i Here's a line of fine imported Beavers in medium and large shapes; blue, brown and black; regular $5.00 values, special- j ized for tomorrow at only, each v5TW Children's Hats, in serges and cheviots; come in red, tan, brown, blue and gray colors; all sizes and the newest shapes; regular $1.00 values, on sale at low price of OJC OS Values 03.OS G12 Values S9.-42 Tomorrow, a general sale, of new Radiopticon Postcard Projectors; all sizes Included in sale. Regular $ 5.00 values reduced to, each 83.05 Regular $ 8.00 values reduced to, each 86.38 Regular $10.00 values reduced to, each $7.95 Regular $12.00 values reduced to, each 8 9.43 OecfliPfigTiigr Ouvirleiifl3,oii,Toy Oollsi?:a'm2?''s amdl IPucflujipes Train Accessories at a Third Off All the things needed to improve the sys tem; such as switches,; block signals, tun nels, depots, roundhouses, signal lights, ; extra cars, etc., all sizes and prices. I A. offered during sale at a reduction 61 . J v -V . ' C' ' ' 1 Automobiles at One Third Off 3oys' and girls' ; Automobiles, one and. two-seated cars,l very attractive line of , values from $4.50. to $25.00; otfered during this week at a reduction oi Printing Presses at a Third Off A" complete stock of practical Printing Presses,- regular $1.25 to $25 vat- f Th entire' stock at reduction ' $40 Swinging Horses at $3.65 An attractive.' substantial toy for a child. Swinging Horse, mounted on stationary Dase; a very auracxrve t.jw value, special for this sale at $3.65 40c Baby Chairs Now Only 31c Handsomely painted ! in ...red has- fine, bentwood" back, stronjtly) constructed; - good, comfortable seat,'84x9 ins.; 0 ' jost the thing for the tot, special J1C - 50c Baby Rockers Now Onry37r , ,TT ... .' , , . ., ; . , ... .... , v- "TT.: Strong, handsome bentwood back, paint ed in red; has fine, comfortable seat. 8x9 ins., stands 18 ins. high; our regu- ;07 lari seller at 50c, special at only Of C 35c Roller Chimes for Only 26c This very neat and amusing toy for the little tots is made to pull on the floor; nice blue, enameled wheels, strong- O ry constructed; 35c values, each , &vv Stationary Engine at a Third Off Electrically t welded steel 'boiler, "t safety valve, boiler pump, throttle, water glasses, ett; complete in every detail; vaJ- J A. ues from $12 to $45, at reduction of , rSOcdfBeari This ever popular pet of the youngsters has jointed arms and neck;, very cute lit tle Teddv that they all like; our OQ. rcgular 50c value at only, each ' OjC III' IH" 111 " ' " 1 . ' ' I' . I . mvmm-mmh.hmm M-MMMMW-. Gorffoniol CIimi This excellent JQf imported brami of cheB at, tha lb. Almond ChHstirM goleetlou nf V Fancy Paper-Shell AlmonUs at. lb Aw V Btrlnf liMi New stock Golden Wax Iff. Hum Nicely exrni. snwtl 1b, rwri 7c ' Usty; ,ln for Cbmtmaa breakfast v PopooTB Tba . btmt quality ' of tin OJT dry popcorn; five pound for only v Mm acoat AtrooM'a beat Quality:5 4Ap th only kind to use, at. per pound Xlaoa afaaS .Beat quality, pat up In 07 large le buckea; epeclal at. each y Tlrtm mddUir Atmore's best. jb. R5 29. 1 pounds 58. I pounda for Stuffed Sates aad riaTVery finest selec tion, put up lu peat Jars fo caarlrtmaa Ckffe a W, - K. beat quality, C AA otti- rx. 46e biand: aoel at I lbs. VvV asarmtanallowa of highest rrade. put fi up in aloe tins; fine, freah; tin at "t Bmrua-nga-nw eiy--ntwwr-1nrJ-9flA ported; brands, prlca, the pound, only; ,v Xalalaa Our rerulr 10c ( quality fKg Seeded Raisins; three packages for Olnfar Ala Cantell & Coekrane's f JS lmpTd Ginger Ale, Sarsaparllla, doa ! Cbooolate.Peter'a Best Koliler Choc- ICa elates, tilled with haael nuts, cake at v Seeded Bataias -- Extra Fancy Mo- 1An watte, always sold 3 for 25c. at.pkf. ; ; Oermaa WeffarmauasThesa dalrity" ! and popular Chriatmaa cookies at, lb.; i ISlzad aTuta Extra quality New QAje Assorted Nuta, special at, the pound 'VT; ' Cluster Bateina Choicest quality, in . 1Q nice, neat l-lb, packages, at each;!rVj Xoose aCusoatel Baielna Atiothw big" 9v Christrnaa special in raisins, 4 lbs. . Umi Juice Rose famous Imported CAa brand, special at,' the bottle, 30 or Stifa Corn SuocotaaB -Finest Fancy. Jl? Maine Corn or Succotash, at 2 cans Battas Our Justly famous Bohemian 77n , brand la 3-lb. squares, redue'd to, aq. . s v . Btslaga awims-rinesr qnATrtrbfIISi;"" Imported Spanish brand, at, the pkg. Imported Cheese English Stilton Cheese; beat, put up In Jars, each Cora Starch Klngsford'a best brand 4A nt f?nrn or niosi ' Starr.h. t. nkar. v of Corn ; or Gloss ' Starch, at. pkg. Boll aSopa BUrmarok Herrtny Kxtra f. special for Christmas at low price, ea Beans; reg. 15c quality, at, the tin Bunt's Extra rralt Hand-peeled, IT with every doa. bought here, one 1 White Beans New, Fancy . Quality Of n Beans, spe'l price, 6 pounds for only rard Dates The special date for etufflng purpoeea, special, the pound Sultana , Baiatos Fixtra Fancy Se- lected Quality Baisina, lbs, only Pineapple Choice Quality PUditi 4 n BItced Pineapptej'j'p'l .Rii.Ji' Bt .ntily " tloa-.'Kitra ' Fin Quality Carolina t j Head 'Bice; ig. 10c lb. quality, 7 ll . - " " Ooooa Bensdorf a Hoyel Dutch Hrand -j f . Cocoa,- beat,-small sisa tins, sp'l, a. - Boiled Cider Beet irrale, siohII i l " - large slzo bottlp, at cud). Us m i aapsraynn Fnnry, nr?, tt'iulor. .so .-.: y to rn.)'r-"1 J . 1