V-- I Sunny Room and, with all modern conveniences and at modest rental can be obtained through reading' Journal room to let adv. JOUIWAL Cir.CULATIO:i TESTLKDAV WAS The weather Occasional rains to night Wednesday' probably fair. VOL. IX. NO. 248. DEEfT DIAZ IS LUG lil FEAR OF All. Food Is Tested for Poison ' Before It Goes on the Table of the President of Mexican f Republic - SLEEPING APARTMENTS i" CHANQED EACH NIGHT Messengers Are Searched Be :. fore Admitted to the Ex-. . ecutive Palace. , (United Prrse Leased Wife.! ' . 5 Mexico flty. Dec. 20. hat President ; Dlax fears assassination,- and has taken the precaution of having hi food tasted and his Bleeping apartments effectually guarded was learned today. The presi dent, it is said, changes his sleeping room-nightly. - J v Btreets leading to the palace are closed to traffic, and an messengers ar riving from, the country are searched before they are admitted to the execu tive building. - , - - .V ' Kahn Wants to Kill Off Old -; Resolution' Asking for $5,- 000,000 for Fair; Louisiana 7; Member Objects; ';V?Vi.V i I (United Preas, Leased WlrO , , - j I Washington, . Dec. 20. The spectacle of a congressman desiring to withdraw i from committee- a bill for a govern ment appropriation of $5,000,000 for his constituency and of another congress man opposing the motion was presented today in the house of representatives when Julius Kahn of California moved r that a house committees be discharged ; from considering a resolution Introduced last December asking federal aid - for , the , Panama exposition to ,be held In . Ban Francisco in 1915. vv s , . In making the : motion Kahn declared that California no longer needed a fed eral appropriation, having raised f 17,- KAA AAA fn Hi. m4 PRES ASSASSIN'S MID SAH FRANCISCANS '1ST 110 iHEY ,i FROM UNCLE SAM I " Representative- Wlcklrffe, Democrat f I.oulsiana, representing the city of New , uuwiu, uujHiwu iu ura uiouon oi wun j drawaL " . . . i Kahn and Wickllffp disputed the mo i tion vodferooerty, but the Callfornlan's , request was finally denied, although he said the measure was not one that the .. San Francisco people desired. KNAPP NOW JUDGE OF COURT OF COMMERCE l l r (United Free Levied WHre.1 ; j; ; Washington. Dec 20. The appotnt - went of Martin A. Knapp to be a judge of the , United States ixmmsrM rmm ; was confirmed this afternoon by the senate. . Knapp has been chairman of the interstate commerce commission for 'Several years. . v . The senate committee - on eommnrm f this afternoon decided to report favor ably the nominations of C C McChord and B. a Meyers to be members of the Interstate commerce commission. , I 4 County Auditors Ask for O. K. . inaianapoiisr ec 20. A ; measure legalizing such acts of auditors ; and county " commissioners as - have been . performed in good faith, but In, technical violation , of law, and in which no loss has coma to the county or profit to the 'officers, is advocated by the county au- dl tors' association of Indiana, which met In annual convention In this dty .today. . John Kokouras and James' Starfas, proprietors of. the Stockholm lodging house at Third and Everett streets, and A. Georgt proprietor of a saloon and f lodging house at Second and Main streets, were arrested this morning by Deputy Sheriff Loonard, completing the "fllst 6f 'peopTe"1harcle 'oylhel)ecemb'er grand Jury as a result of its inyestlga ; tion s into moral condltlo!is.-'V rf l There have been 13 persons arrested as a result of the grand Jury investiga tion, and each has given bail of $500, except Mrs. Alice Patterson, manager I of the Plana rooming house. Those who THREE ARRESTED IN FIGHT i Oli IllfllL COflDITIOlS -i v THREATEfl TO EXPOSE GRAFT TAFT IfAS GREAT FAITH IN TARIFF C0HS11PL1 Serene Propagandist Urges . His, Formula as Cure for Evils of Partisanship and Sectional Favoritism. "COST OF PRODUCTION" OBTAINABLE, HE THINKS Points With Pride to; Panama . Canal; Railways Menace . . - , Water Competition. . (Copyright, 1910, by the United Press.) Washington. Dec. 20. An intimate, personal interview with President Wil liam Howard Taft, such as any citizen of the republio might have if it were possible for each to call upon the presi dent at the White House aitd talk over affairs uppermost in his mind, would bring the visitor face to face with an executive who is, fighting an effort to destroy his rton-partisan permanent tar iff commission plan, and who is pre pared to give reasons why every Ameri can should swell with pride "at the suc cessful construction of the great Pan ama canal. .The citizen thus admitted to an audience with Mr. Taft would In evitably find him buBlly engaged, con fronted on all sides with the appeals of congressmen, the bickerings of politi cians, the demands of office seekers, and yef withal serene, earnest and cheerfully optimistic. The Judicial mind of the chief magistrate - is anlcklv concen trated upon the subjects which his call er suggests for discussion. He is all attention, all Interest. Whether talking or listening ne is ' alert, enthusiastic, forceful ,- Such a visitor represents the tTtdted Press, and so admitted, was seated and immediately put at his ease by the president's geniality, 'Then followed a 'conversation bearing upon two subjects, cnosen rrom cozens- of topics.; .The permanent'tariff commission was taken up first The president freely stated those personal opinions and , beliefs which' form the basis of his earnest hope of making .the commission an ac complished fact The attempt Is -here made faithfully to convey his Ideas as be expressed them to the representative or ine, united Press: t , , -, , , ' ; - The Tariff Commission. - The permanent tariff commission win provide the necessary basis for Intelli gent , tariff ' legislation, Tno matter, by What party or to what end. If the Democrats are Champ ClarKs and not "Uhump" Clarks they will" support 'It No scientific revision of the tariff is possible without facta upon which to base it and the facts, are obtainable in no other way. It is beyond the ability of any body of men, working tempo rarily on the tariff, to collect and di gest the vast amount of detailed infor mation Which must be considered in the making of the tariff. i (Continued on Page Fifteen) And to Make Sure She Gets It Divorce Court Gives Her , t Half Plus $500. (Usited mm V-ma WL-J : Seattle, Dec 20. Andrew Yostrng, a Russian emigrant ; came to this coun try - 20 years ago, bringing his wife Anna, Since than he has worked and saved his money, although in the mean time living frugally and denying proper support to his wife. He has 120,000 on deposit In the bank at 4 per cent Mrs.- Tosting has- obtained a decree of . divorce, and the court not only gave her her freedom but ordered that. Tost Ing divide his money with her and give her $500 extra. ,' Tostlng, notwithstanding' his ' long residence In the United States, has not learned. the language,. He gave his evi dence through an interpreter. , have been arrested are Frank Mlnto, proprietor of a lodging bouse at 24Sty Flanders street- Belle Deshlels, man ager of the Mlnto place; George and Pearl Simpson, proprietors of the Eagle house at Third and Burnside streets; Martha Adams,' 13d Everett streeU Frankly ."Smith. Sixth .street; Sadie Parker, 91 North Second street; Alice Patterson, Plasa hotel ; Anna Klng,'8(l North Second strent; Ioulsa Olceso, 68 Second street;. John Kokouras and James, Starfan, proprietors of the Stock holm, rooming house, and A- Georgi, sa- lofjnkeeper at Second and Main streets. (Continued on Page Five.) 1AT WIFE EARNS: BELONGS TO HER PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, ' DECEMBER DONOR OF PEACE FUND AND SOME OF TRUSTEES : : : ; i Andrew Carnegie, the veteran ironmaster, and eome of the trustees who will have charge of his $10,000,000 .'... peace fond. From Jeft to right, opper row, are George VV. Perkins of New York, financier and philan thropist Andrew Carnegie, the donor of the fund; Elihn Root, United States senator, ex-secretary of , , state, and ex-secretary of war. Below "is Nicholas Murray Butler (on left), president Columbia nniver . elty,' and Joseph H. Choate, lawyer and ex-ambassador to Great Britain This " immense fund is in 5 ' :'. i per cent first mortgage bonds and will yield 9500,000 a year. ' The trustees named by , filr, Carnegie w ill ' not merely preach that War is barbarous and useless, members say, but trill strive by scientific research ; " to find and eradicate the causes of international strife. -Twenty-seven trustee are named and the board has chosen Senator Root as its chairman. President Taft has accepted the office of honorary president. STR1 1 CEB R EAKERS 11.202 NAMES Oil. FULL COMMITTEE ' HIDE WHILE MOB RECALL PETITION - VOTES TO ACQUIT niCMAMTICCPADQ . Y1-- ll I IMMQ CCMATflD uioiiinniLLouniioi Night Ambuscade Formed, In- -to Which 12 Crews Fall,-Incident of , Winnipeg - Strike; . Other. Unions "Support. , (Tnitcd Press Leased Wire.) , . Winnipeg, Dec. 20. Strike disorders resembling somewhat those of the street railway strike four years ago last sum mer broke, ont last evening.. .Twelve of the largest cars were sent out about 6 o'clock to tWeston to bring; Canadian Pacific railway; employes to the . city. There are "4000 Vmenemployed at ' the shops and complaints had been, made to the company that no effort' had been made to bring these mechanics .to, their homes.' The cdihpany therefore ' made extra endeavors J to show , their strike rtsonrceA;?i-t'f1';'i: Z?? 'vji'.h'' -:r When f the cars arrived at the . ;rafl- wav shoos' substation they -waited for passengers, but a)l the employes passed them walking home, r .Alter a . lew min utes' wait the streetcar crews decided that a trap had been set for them. and decided to - start their cars : back. All went .well for half an -hour.;. Then the first car ran into a stack of ties chained te the trails, and the second, car went eff the track in. some' mysterious way. . While the crews were holding coun cil In the dark andTlri" the'tnidst' of blinding snow storre, the spot became black with men. The crews: had barely time to escape to the. cars and hide un der the seats before -a fusillade of mis siles began. ' This ; bombardment , was kept up until .every pane of glass was broken and the cars ins other ways ren dered useless for servicer Then the rioters retired and the men crawled from under the seats, bruised and battered. . An urgent call was sent for the police and detachments soon arrived, but too late to-be of service except to convey several of the crew to the hospital, v There are now fully .200 strikebreak ers in the city and- the company prom ises a complete service today, but as the trades and labor council , issued' a statement today favorable to the strik ers there is every indication that the unions are supporting the men. - 'V CHICAGO TEAMSTER ED ' i- (Usitix! Prw Lewd WlrO Chicago. Deo. 20. John Donnelly, a teamBter employed by garment manu facturers' whose employes are tin strike, Was shot" ahfl killed Today. ""The" police are seeking his assailant . among the striking garmenf workers, . f. After he had been shot Donnelly drove his horses half a mile before becoming unconscious. He died later at a hos pital '""''" The police have no clue to the identity of tliji. blayer, t ; KILL BY STRIKER : I , .-;'.,.'-V',f ' - .-A i I rmt - i i J : - . 3, I :i ;v.VVr j , Anti-Gill Document Guarded at City Hall, Seattle, by Wei-1 fare' Leaguers.- .'- (United Prea Lateed Wire.) Seattle, Dec. 20. The monster peti tion demanding that 4 recall election be held to determine- the tenure of Mayor Hiram Gill was filed today with the city comptroller. ..The total number of names signed to the petition is .11,202, of which 631 are duly qualified women voters. : It Is only necessary "thaf 8670 names be signed to the petition to ; in voke the recall elecUon v' U v i ' 1 The petition will be guarded at the city hall, by members of the ' Welfare league, the organization that started the recall movement-and forced the police scandal Investigation by the city council. ' . f . v Seattle, Dec.' 20. Mayor Gill will not discbarge Chief - Wappensteln as a re sult of tha graft committee's jfindlnga "Fm not going to fire him . because those bellows say eo, said the . mayor this morning. ' 'Tm going; to read this testimony; then I'll do what I think , "Remove Wappensteln as chief of po iice,' : was the recofnniendatlon pf the graft investigating, committee before the city council ( last night, after the most ' exhaustive investigation i of the underworld Seattle' has ever known. . - The report as presented was adopted by the oounoil withv but two -dissenting votes. Mayor. X3U1 was present at the council session and was in a defiant mood. . .... ' J The " report also recommended that Sergeant Bryant and Patrolmen Jones afid i Bryant, restricted district police, who "knew nothing; about, gambling In the city," should be, at least disciplined If not discharged from the force. ' R. Mi Arms, the alleged Seattle Elec tric f company r man placed by Gtll at the head of the city's light' plant, was Incompetent and . a man of bad Judg ment, the report said. It did not go so far as to demand his, dismissal, how ever, i ,-;..: : ,; 1 ... , . 1 f' :-' ' YEAR'S END; t EDITION OF THEJOUR?iAL Ore?oa's Divereified Interests to Be : Set Forth in Detail 'That. All May Learn of , the Opportunities Offered' PUEUCATION , DATE SATURDAY, DECLMCER 31 ' 20, 1910. TWENTY-TWO PAGES. Report of Sub-Committee on : Privileges and Elections Ad6pted;Committee's Vote on Report Not Announced. (Vnlted Pnt Leased Wir.t ' Washington, Dec. 20. A report ex onerating Senator William Lorimer of Illinois from - charges that he secured his election to the United States senate through legislative bribery was -formally adopted today by the senate com. mittee on privileges and elections. . . .. J The committee instructed: Chairman Burrows : to submlti a report along the lines of the report, made by'. the sub committee that conducted the direct In vestigation.;. Senator Burrows will prob ably file the report this; evening, it is not known as yet whether ; the report will be unanimous. ; .- . . ; The death knell of "suspension of the rules"' day was sounded yesterday, so far as the present session la concerned, through the instrumentality of Speaker Cannon, who thereby got a unique re venge. 4 , . :....-.- Yesterday was "suspension day" and the provisions were the calling up of bills from . the "unanimous - consent" calendar.,; .consideration -of motions to discharge committees of certain neu. ure and finally I requests of members to suspend the rules and pass measures on 'the calendar. -': ZJ , , ' ;' he " house yesterday afternoon . had finished j the unanimous ' consent cal endar and Speaker Cannon called up the first bill on the calendar of motions to discharge committees. The measure taken op was a provision for the revis ion and codification of the postal laws. Cannon ruled that the bill must be read in fulL , The document contains -hundreds of pages and probably would oc cupy all the time of a "suspension day" that would last through the remainder of the session. - -Cannon's ruling will probably cut oft all further attempts to suspend the rules. - " , BILL TO STRENGTHEN E- E v (United rrs LmmS WIm.( ! Washington, ( Dec 20. Ij order to conform" with the, pure" food laws, . all - packages of foods will have to bear a statement of thejcact moasurc?.f "IheTcontcnts "6n'the label, if a substitute bill to be submitted to the house today by Representative Mann of Illinois becomes a law,; The substi tute bill is intended to take the place of Mann's original amendment to the pure food law. Mann decided to change his bill after a conference with Chicago and JSew iork business men, PUR FOOD MEASUR ;t PCE TWO SUPREME COURT None but Extreme Cases to Be Acted.Upon in Original Jur isdiction of Habeas Corpus Applications. , : . . COURT IS DIVIDED UPON THE QUESTION Justice King Holds Decision Is Step Toward Suspension . - of Habeas Corpus. . (8aUm Bareti ef The Joornal.) ; Salem, Dec. ,20. By a decision handed down today the state supreme court de cllnes 1 to exerclse - In. any .but . extreme cases- the original Jurisdiction in hab eas .corpus applications conferred by the constitutional amendment adopted at the last general election. The court was divided upon the question.'' .Justice McBrlde, Justice Eakin, concurring, held that the court may exercise a wide dis cretion as to . whether such applica tions shall be entertained. JusVlce Will R. King dissenting, held that, the con clusion reached by -the majority of the court la "a long stride towards a sus pension of the writ of habeas corpus." ; The question arose in the matter of the petition of 'Archie M. Jerman on behalf of Francesco Roberto and Lor us Martlnex, asking for a writ of habeas corpus on the ground of irregularities in the judgment of the trial court. The amendment to the constitution, adopted in the November election, provides that "the supreme court may in its own dis cretion take . j original ; Jurisdiction in mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus proceedings." - The case at bar was the first application for the exer cise of the original jurisdiction thus conferred on the supreme court. Justice McBrldo's opinion was in part as fol Iowa: -'' t u ' k ''( SCueb Work ZnrolTed. , , ' "We are . of the opinion that it was not the Intention of the framers of the late amendment - to thrust upon this court the burden of hearing, considering and deciding in the first Instance every application for quo warranto, mandamus and habeas corpus which should be pre sented to it. Such a construction would overwhelm us with a mass of original business, including ' the ..examination of witnesses, hearing arguments of coun sel and considering the merits of the causes presented, which would interfere seriously with those duties for which this court was . primarily constituted, namely: The hearing and decision of cases coming here in the usual manner upon appeal. T And we are' also of the opinion that,' before taking jurisdiction in any ," of the cases enumerated, we should carefully consider first, the con dition of the business of this court; second, the hardships to the petitioner (Continued on Page Five.) John Wynne's Mother Obtains Commutation to Imprison ment for Life. (CoUrt PreM Lmaad Wlr. - Washington, Dec. 20. Answering a mother's , plea, President - Taft 1 today commuted to life imprisonment the death sentence imposed upon John Wynne, who was to have been hanged for the murder of ' A. F. McKlnnon, . a shipmate on the United States trans port Rosecrans. . Wynne had developed a dislike for McKlnnon and In Novem ber, 1908, at Honolulu, while intoxicated he saw McKlnnon asleep and crushed in his head with a hammer. " , The commutation, in the president's handwriting, states: i - f Where the purpose to kin was formed in a drunken brain, the Intoxicated con dition rebuts ' the inference of the pre meditation necessary, for murder in the first degree." . ! More furkeys are now offered to con sumers than ever before for Christmas; 1 Prices are very weak in the wholesale market, and at retail It Is definitely" set. tied that anyone can get the best "freshly killed birds at 25 cents a pound and Uiefe"are'in31cattdnsor" sven Vss"money being charged. ' V ''' A prominent First street retailer who purchased his birds at wholesale around 20 cents a pound has mado announce ment that be would,' start his retail sales at 25 cents for fresh killed stock, but would not handle storage goods at any flpure. -v-TbJs- sarae- interest broke UliES RULING ON NEVV AMENDMENT .WET FULL OF CHRISTMAS TURKEYS; BEST BIDS i! BE BOUGHT FOR M 11 POUND CENTS. VUSS HEW TEXAS TO BE ONE OF GREATEST Contract for Battleship Let to Newport News Shipbuilding Co., the ; Only Bidder, at $5,830,000. DISTINGUISHING FEATURE . IS ENGINE EQUIPMENT Old and Otherwise Discarded Type Restored on Account of Fuel Economy, 1 (United Pren fettmt WIre.1 Washington, Dec 20. The contract for building a new . battleship to be named the Texas was let to the Newport News Shipbuilding company today by the, navy department. The successful bid was of 15,830,000, and was the only one received. When completed the Texas 'will be one of the most formidable dread naughts afloat. The distinguishing fea ture will be the engine room, where the old type reciprocating engines will be installed. Although this type of engine was discarded when the turbines were perfected, it is said the old engines are more economical in regard to coal con sumption," and are therefore more desir able for ships of -the Texas type. New. TreatxRojnrig Up;. Japan and Pabific Coast to Please at Same Time. (TTnltvd Press Leaded Wy. J Washington, Dec. 20.-r-The problem of avoiding an affront to Japan and at the same time pacifying; the people of the Pacific coast -who would protest against any concessions to the Japanese, confronts Secretary of State Knox, who is preparing a preliminary agreement on which, a new treaty with Japan is to be based. . vst ' : : 1 , (;.'.H ; - The proposed treaty will' replace that ratified by the United States and Japan in 1894. The treaty, at present in exis tence provides that t may be denounced after July 17, 1911, by either party's giving a year's notice. Neither hag ns yet denounced the existing agreement, but it Is believed both governments will desire changes.' i'; ;" The mikado probably Will ask for the elimination of the clause prohibiting tho immigration of Japanese into the United States. i READY TO FIGHT At Prospect pf Home Rule for Ireland They Place Orders for War Munitions. (United Prens Leased Wire.) London, Deo. 20. A crisis in Ulste as a result of the return of the Liberal party to power is indicated in dispatches received from Ireland today. The op ponents -of ; home .rule for Ireland as part of "the Liberal program for the coming parliament, V have subscribed $50,000 for warlike measures. ; Bids for 20,000 rifles have;, already been asked and bids for 1,000,000 rounds of ammu nition were . sought today, ; Even the most peaceful of Ulster men admit that armed resistance will follow if parliament should grant, home rule in Ireland. . , ' almost In two the price of "turkeys t!v day before Thankg;vlng, huvlng fre ly offered the ordinary run of birds t ."; cents a pound retail, while othifra wm -i trying to get 25 cents and 30 cfrits. v Those who want turkeys at-'a low-' tPc.ft'Ul ba.alia. tcLsuuue null ui-)t.. - uirus ot gl'"l qoanty lor aooui -:i te.it -a ' pound. .'On 'this, grade the prtre not been deflnttolv s'-ttlfd as yt. Ut It Is' generally the rule t tUf( i'nrm uu-m 5 cents under, the frthly eili'-d Stnrage biriln cm react ify l guished. lx' 8',iM' ih'-y . "KVif iV f . erably after blng f.-ihc-n lc-M,f : houses into tho ord'nnrjr t-.'-- HA ? . . . . . . PHILANDER KHOX FACES HARD TASK