THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FKIDAY nVEMIIG, DECTIIDZn 1Z, 1C33. ; ! Br illS fO AFFECT 4000 ihis During Holidays; Camps , Also Shutting Down Ai.proximatuly -4000 men 'engag-ed in 'ho lumber and logging industry In ip Columbia river district will be idle during the holiday month. Most of the ingoing camps have already closed down snd mills are closing down one by one. While the mill pJants ; will be given ! heir annual overhauling. the- general close down is Intended to result In either a Ftiffer lumber market or cheaper logs. In years past, it is said, lumber mann iciurers in this district have been in position to fix log values, but this year the loegprs appear to he . taklnythe 7iye Dollars a Dox The Price Cut No Figure With Him. "I want to say for the beoefK of Fome poor dyspeptic that Staart's. Dys pepsia Tablets will give comfort and : stand that the 'value of etumpage and i the cost of production of logs should " :be the governing factors in fixing log;. t values and that lumber prices should j I be based on these. , ? . . ' ' .' ! J Lumber brokers, who buy from the , mills and sell to the buyers, say that i the curtailment in this district'amounts j (to nearly 2,000,000 feet a day and that j i as a consequence business that for years ,.. I has come here-isnow going' to Grays .' ; Harbor and Puget Sound, where, they ( '.. '' ' '. ' 'assert, log valves are from 1 to 12 ; Number of 'Men Be Jdlo xrrerand '? tban on the Co Columbia river loggers, on the other hand, are equally positive that' logs are bringing fully as much on J rays Bar. bor and at Puget Sound as here and that the brokers and mill men complain ing of conditions are trying to use one district as a; whip over the other to demoralize the market. ' They also say that the curtailment of the output is ercnerai on rays narnor. j fWe- are getting thousand feet eine operator this morning, takes a very good grade to bring I10. That should be the ' established ';. value Of a good log, basing, It on the value of stutnpage, Stumpage was , never known to decrease in value. The supply Is decreasing and th owner consider if folly to cut the trees without mak ing a fair profit. The stumps will not grow, but the tree left standing wilt "The lumber market has been weak for many months, the only way to revive It is to curtail the output of lumber. Suppose there ', was an ; over supply of suits; it would be poor busi ness for tailors to pot their crews to work day and night' turnip out mora suits. j ...,.. -'' .- - "That would not increase the demand except perhaps to the extent that a few. men with mora money than they knew what to do Wfta. would stock up for awhile. But the effect of that would be felt later on and so only ag gravate the evil..,' ,. "' '. :V: '. V Lumber fought good prices early in the year. We charged exactly the same price for logs then as now and did not advance them although it could have been done. We wanted to establish a basis from which the lumber manufac turer could work on future business to some degree Of certainty, and that Is what the loggers are trying to do now. ; They do not approve the idea of getting $T for logs one month and $17 the next, but would rather get; a, fair price , the year round. It would sglve a sound, basis upon whch to work."' ' ' ' j "5. Among ths big mills tov shut , down soon is the plant of the'Inman-Poulsen ( Lumberi'company which has been run-, ning double shifts for a long time turn ing out about 600,000: reet, every s hours. - The Clark ,& Wilson 'mill jfct Linnton is preparing to close downy 'as is the Standard Box & Lumber company j and the East Side Mill & Lumber , com- , pany. The St. Johns Lumber, com-ij pany, , too, will . shut down and' the ; Peninsular Lumber company, and the1 North Pacific Lumber -company, it is; thought will follow suit 'Most of the mills down the Columbia, at Rainier and Other mill centers, have closed down, the operators explaining- that log val ues are too high, as compared with lum ber values. - v i : ; WITtJESS CHARGES MWTI01I Declares Mrs. Lida Greene, Plaintiff- in Suit, Offered $1000 to Her. Testimony that Mrs.. Lida C. Greene, wife of a St Johns lawyer, offered $1000 to a witness in a suit against W. K. ,tM T 4A mJ 19 w.a. i XV " Wi Lilacs IU H CIUlh AfiiUOK TV f tniBmorntng IK "V Je?"tmL.! .th!..,cLrc.u;l court today. : Mrs. Orecne is suing for $10,100 damages because she was chased by a Jersey bull and fell over a pickot fence while scurrying to safety, " ' " Miss- Anna Bohrer was the witness who testified to . the alleged offer of a bribe and her testimony was corrobor ated by Mrs. Addle Bohrer, her mother. She did not wait to find out what Mrs, Green wanted her to testify to, she said, as she indignantly rejected the offer. Miss Bohrer said Mrs. Greene first of fered 4250, raising to $508 and then to $1000. - Mrs. Bohrer testified to hearing the $500 and $1000 offers made. Mrs. Greene paid she expected to. get $2000 soon, the witness stated. A man on the car bad told her about it and she would give $1900 of it to Miss Bohrer, was the alleged statement . , i Mrs. Bohrer lays when they spurned the offer Mrs. Greene remarked: ' "As poor as you. are, I should think you i would take money for , any old thing." "That's insult enough for me for 1000 years," Mrs. Bonrer said she retorted. That closed the interview. She said she asked the name of- the man on the car referred to and was told it was John Ditchburn, Mrs. Greene's attorney. ' Testimony in the case was closed this forenoon and Judge Hamilton took his decision under advisement. were brought forward by the Ashbys to day to show that the bull they owned was a kind, gentle animal, always well behaved. , f (JAVA L BUDGET ! F0R1Y1E IlLIOilS Tokto, Dec. Forty-one million dol lars for a navy is the sum called for by Japan's newest budget made public today. Fifteen million of this to be spent In the next year is' the budget stipulation. .The .amount is to be used in "supplementing and improving" the navy, so that it will Correspond with the. navies of otaer couhtries. The bal anco of the budget is to be spent in the next six years. ' According to the budget, Japan has Just completed a very prosperous year, despite the heavy inroads on her treas ury entailed by the annexation of Ko rea and i the disastrous floods, 'The budget as announced follows: v- Receipts Ordinary, $246,061,090; ex traordinary, $24,398,486.80. " i Expenditures Ordinary, $202,861,617; extraordinary. $66,910,849. ; y ; . Premier Katsura says he and his Col leagues are particularly well pleased with the manner in which Japan's pres ent system of finances la working. , Next year's estimates for railroads in Japan aggregate $26,000)09. ' ' CLARK V1LL NOT DICTATE TO HOUSE Washington, Dec. 1. Declaring In favor of a schedule-by-schedule revision of the tariff. Champ Clark. Democratic minority leader, today Issued a formal statement The announcement is re garded as extremely Important, indicat ing the course ; legislation will i take a cure every' nil. c. Five dollars a box would, not "stop my purchasing them should I ever suffer again aa I did for a week before using them. ' "The one 60 cent box I bought at "my druggist's did the work, and my di gestion is all. right ' again. ' v "Many. of ' my neighbors have also tried these tablets and .found them . to be Just as represented and Mr, Kllins also' wants me to use hls name ,in- ln rtorslpn Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets." . Signed ". . ; A. EHms and Chas. V. Busaiell, . j t . Asst Postmaster,. '. South Sudbury, Masa y.rz, Jss. Barton of Toronto, Canada, writes: "Kor 18 months I suffered from I supposed was bladder and kid ney trouble, and took medicine from jiirot ; different doctors; without any fisn of cure. I felt so , ill at last I iva hardly able, to do my work. "1 thought I would try a box of i'.iiart's Jiyspepsia Tablets and see if they.' would make me feel bet tor, never f reaiiy- thinkfng I had dyspepsia, butt Kiter only three or four tablets had i bten taken all the acid trouble dlsap-1 reared and. then I discovered I had had j acid dyspepsia, while the, doctors had i been treating me for kidney' and blad-! ier trouble and one of them treated me t ior rheumatism. ' t .. . ': r ... I - "My digestion Js' fine, my complexion clear and I .am able to do my., work and low spirits are unknown to me. .- "I am thankful for finding a cure o ?ood and so pleasant to take as Stuart s liyspepsia Tablets. I am' surprised nt the change they have made , in me." All druggists n sell ' and recommend Fl ELDER JOiiES TO m BS t n A ; tUiUS' That's How It Looks in B - ball Circles;. Comiskey SnicJ, j to Have String on Him. OYER ONE-THIRD AT THIS SUIT SALE Ladies' and Men's Suits, Coats, Dresses and Furs in fact, everything, in the store, will be marked jdovn t-3 to l-!2 of original prices. ; , , - ' This season's apparel; latest styles, fine quality and ex , quisite designs, will be placed on : sale the' rest of the week at a big saving to you up to 50. We; must .un load, so it is your chance to make big, saving! ; I z: EASY PAYMENT PLAN $1 Per Week felted Prww leased wire.) j New York, Deo. 16.-Fk)lder . Jones, ' former manager of the Chicago White Sox, will be the manager , of the St.! Louis ' Browns, . notwithstanding state- i mei'ts he has made to. the contrary,! according to a belief expressed In base- i ball circles here today. -- Mark Ewing, Lee- Hall, iBenJamin Ad kins and E. M. HodgkinS, the new own-' ers of the Browns, today 'called on FINE FURS FOR XMAS . - REMARKABLY REDUCED , "'. OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND WOMEN J ' 406 WASHINGTON STREET ' BetlOth and llta. ' - - Ftuart's Dyspepsia Tablets because they 'Charles Comiskey, owner of the Chicago contain only the simple natural, diges tives and taken after meals prevent acidity and cause prompt, digestion and assimilation or iooOj team, to obtain Comlskey's permission . to make Jones an oirer. comiskey, it is ! understood, still has a ."string" on Jones, his contract . with the Chicago White Physicians everywhere .'indorse, them (vm .vr h- w .nnnii.4 because they are as isafe Tor the child ; -: Comiskey has agreed to permit Jonea as for the adulti they -are invaluable (.t0 tlKT1 a st Louis contract, and the way for sour stomach, nervous dyspepsia, i i n. .& mv.Ki . heartburn., pis on . stomach and bowels I 0-4, .hn SKILL AT.'D STUDY , etul enxdmcntfot year aa boa. est endeavor to nake u hont tm. tdn lhca bve nuke) in tit bat meumatam ipecibc known. Orimailr t phywaan'i pRtcriptian, it cared to many can ot rhaumatiam hal the Bomber of the pmaiptioat 6088) became widely knows to tlx resdentt of Sopenoc. V acooaia when the phynciu - pfacticei - . '...' Si tyt adrartiK tha rrmptJr n a 1 aMe, tatxnal way. It it I wamnahk. rational remedy. It will belp your rheumatism. 11 it coca not do ao your drwfnt willndnd youtnwoey, ? ' U rile lot our ioatractife (raa booUet " TvWical Adoica oa Rhwiiaaliaa." nia'JJ.JcsoaCo.rTf The National league directors con-! eluded ' their meeting by adopting the I playing schedulo proposed "early this 1 week, i It provides for 164 games, the eason opening April 12 and closing, October 12. 'I Relative to the above dispatch Fielder , Jones said this afternoon that if the new owneis of the St Louis club made him a satisfactory salary offer he would j ; accept it, but until it came to htm he 1 jvvas unable to state Just what he would j j do; When asked ,if he would lead the j urowns tor a salary oc ;&,uuu a year, 1 Fielder Jones glanced at the .sky and ' opined that it might rain all night,' but ! forgot to answer the Interrogation. He i added,-however,, that he did not know I who Messrs.. Ewing, Hall, Adkins and Hodgkins are. ;'.;, ,' TAC0MA MAN'S ADDRESS . .BE CONVENTION FEATURE SAINT PAUL Constipation Vanishea Forever , ...... frospt Relief-PennaBent tun , CARTEL'S LITTLE ""v UVZJi PILLS everX VV hi Purely A k. grabott nnpiofe lK coir plouoa - Wig))tea tae eyes. Sbmu Fill, Sall DoM,SauIl Pries -' The feature of the . county school su perintendents' convention that is to be held - next Tuesday at the .Washington high school will be an address by H. B. Dewey of Tacoroa, the state superinten dent of public instruction., The balance -I lof the program will be informal. It is! expected that about 30 superintendents ! .will be present. "; T . . . .-. - Knfcrle at Emeryrille. (United Preaa Leased WtreA . , : Kmeryvllle, Dec 18. Entries for to morrow: . First race, six furlongs Prosper ' 109, . Summertime 8ft, Father Stafford 109, Green ' lale 8, ' Maxims 109, Nebraska tass 109,: Oolf Ball 113.1 Eiellsnieker 109 Platoon 109. Ftiexe 109.' lilacksheep 109, Captain1 John 112. . j , Second race, futurity, course Arion-I Kte-110, No Quarter, 109, Lord of the Korebt 10s,, "Old Mexico 104. Madeline Musgrave 10, 'Metropolitan 105, Bam bro, 105, Native Son 107, Domlthilda 91, John H. Sheohan i.03. . Third race, mile and a sixteenth. Chester Krum 104, Spellbound 112, Koya, Jr., 107, Coppertown 96, Blackmate 102, Jim Gaffney,10. - Fourth race, Oakland handicap, six furlongs John H. Sheehan 104, Duke of Ormonde 97; Enfield 116, Big SUrk 98,' Raleigh P. D. 99. ShellboUnd 112, Veneta Strome 103; Bubbling Water 110, Arionette 400, Arasee 108, Coppertown 101, Jim Gaffney 106 Winning Widow 90.. Sealiff 10a, ,v t,-v.v;- , r Fifth race mile and f) yards Sepul vtda 107, aAUamor 109.' Miss Officious W9, Star. Actor 104, Pap 109,,Alness 10, Lotta Creed 104, 2a lira 10 L !.;. Sixth race, six furlongs Little But-f Ui'cupVaOir-liaralfcitMJa-vlO,- Uurning -Bush 109, Ben Stone 109, Ironbound 109. i Titus II 109, Frank 0. Hdgan 109 Do neen 109, Court Lady 109, Louise B 89. Lady Adelaide 108, Port Arlington 89. , Writing .'paper fl BeauiiM Showing In Alder Street Vindow SJMRITING PAPER is something one uses con Vv. stantly, and one is therefore constantly re- " minded of the giver. ; . ; ' ' ' ' A vast assortment of correspondence papers, put up in unusually artistic boxes, to be used as gifts for. Christmas,, . , -- can be found here by (discriminating shoprvers.' and cour-., ; teous salespeople will assist "you in selecting an attract- ' ' ively . designed jbox'with paper.. of-' thCs finest quality. "' ... The prices range from 25c op to as much as you may, care to - pay. Come and see how easy it will be to select just the right r present at Gill s. . ; , t y College Scrap Books for Xmas , $1.25 THE J. K. GILL CO. THIRD AND ALDER STREETS. Pot Card Albums for Xmas All prices BookanTS Bbel6edl (Ttft Store' Stationers ' ESTABLISHED 1867 11 " ' K I 'Quaility anid Style Is what our stock represents. You .cannot fail to find some 7 thing in our stock that would make an excellent Christmas' ; - gift; -Our stock of Sterling Silver Toilet Ware is complete in ; Vo J the extreme and comprises many exquisite 'and artistic de- signs, Sterling Flitware,, Tea Sets, Sandwich Plates, Fruit " '; Dishes, Ccriifosg, Open Classer and tatl""kfnds gold jewelry t . etc., make most exquisite gifts. - . - 1 TJtic L; C. Hcnrlchocn Co. 284 WASHINGTON ST. when the Democrats assume eontrol of the house neit year. It Is generally believod that Clark, as minority leadur, and the probable majority leader at the next session, issued his statement only after consultation with the other mem bers of his party, and it is believed that it, indicates that the ' Democrats will attempt a schedule-by-schedule re vision. ' , Washington, DC. 16. diamn Clark wni not be a dictator of the next house, Even though he. is elected speaker, he will not endeavor to nama the commit tees, but instead will support the "com mittee on committees" plan of the in surgents. , ' ? ; Simultaneously with th ment that the Missouri minority leader will favor this plan a petition was cir culated today calling for a Democratic caucus January 19. It la xnteteA that Clark will be nominated for the speaker- snip at this caucus. Clark himself pre pared and circulated the petition, but would, not say what the nurnose of the meeting was. - - IL mi . . 111 sq;u;i-lv; sfehds STEVE omdi'sco:;! 1 ICaited Prw teaaed Wire. Seattle, Dee. IS. Helen Brodie Hay den, daughter of Steve Brodie of New York, the marr who "took a chance" and was first- to jump from Brooklyn bridge into the East river in safety, is seeking a divorce here. She alleges that when she was married here, three years' ago she was given 110,000 'by her father, and that her husband, Walter B. Hayden, has dissipated it, refusing to go to work for more than a year after their marriage. Two children have been born to them. Brodie, on the' strength' of his repu tation as the first miin to jump from the big bridge, opened a saloon on the Bowery immediately afterward and made a fortune. . " f r f Cr-..-a A3T" CCV 1 -(- - - ? fj . - - .4 A limoJe, asis aoj Inaiaienl far btoi cb'at itouoisi, aoming drus i. Vipt:7rd Creio. lenc opi tha paroiyunt ot VV'lioopin Couph and rlirt Croup at ence. It la in to auiftretr from Aribma. Tb air rtatlcrcd nronfW tnv.trp. tie. Insured wilh eery breatb, make brcuhini; cairi loothet the anr throat lad 110m tiivK- s, umrlnf resit il n;; ht. It : laiamauic l noiueri wilh jrour.t thiiJren. .... tend ut pottal for denntW booHft. ALL CrX'CCTS. f TiyCrj.n Jntluffti TkHit TnkUts for tk j Irritated threat. .Tber r- are itmple,e..-'tiv and antlM,ttc. Of your drupgi.' or froa ua, loc in tamp. Vafo Cresc'rrs Co. 62'CortiacJt Si., N. T. ' X - ESTABLISHED SINCE 1868 r TI The Pleasure of Giving a Feldenheinier Gif And knowing that it is" easily distinguished for that certain style and " ; . "refinement, that the variety offers a splendid selection, and that prices are . attractive, '.quality; considered. '. Below are, suggestions from our ... , 1 y . . . different departments that'annot fail to interest, ' - OUR LOOSE STOCK OF Diamond Rings Necklaces Pearl Neck' Chains . S-piece Tea' Sets' V 3-piece Coffee'Sets, . f "Sandwich Trays : Rookwpod Pottery Tiffany 'Glass. Silver -Mesh Bags ; Toilet Sets Umbrellas ; DIAMONDS EMERALDS .RUBIES . SAPPHIRES - ' " 'and::,: PEARLS : Is? the Largest in the North-west and Must Be Seen , . to Be Appreciated. . V Opera Glasses - Shopping, Bags" - Mantel Qock's, Sugar and Creamers . Lavallieres . ; Pearl Brooches Beauty Pins Gold Fobs"' , Manicure Sets Bohemian. Dishes Miniature Frames 7 233-285 WASHINGTON STREET? BET. FOURT H AND FIFTH ., Diamond Importers- ' Silversmiths ' Manufacturing Jewelers ' STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 4 i 'Quality :&nJorhmh$hip Miif rices AND PRICES SUCH AS WE OFFER 3 T '.. - 'fl f'.1 ' ' ' ' For Suit or-Overcoat to Order Ought to be some inducement for men who1 seek individual measure-. , ' ' ments in jieat form-fitting clothes, f We are operating 1 8 stores . v : THEREFORE we can; sell cheaper than : ready-made clothiers, do.-' v ; UNION LABEL ON ALL GARMENTS- . ' ' :.. .... . . .. - . 143 FIFTH STREET DIRECTLY OPP. MEIERS FRAI,T:C V 7 Apprentice sllotiance. is