The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 16, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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;rnmi!vn A
" rv irni i i i II lr
'J ii im
. i Co Out of Commission
Until April 1; Dredging
Helps Pilots.
Tor the rirst time since she went into
Mice eight years ago - the Port of
! virtlund dredge Columbia will have a
:u-ra overhauling' and will be made
adv to go Into service again about
' ;-ril 1. It is esttmated by Captain IL
'!'. ("roves, superintendent of dregders
r the port, that It will take all of that
i re to make repairs to the machinery
; d hull
'I I, e Columbia has Just completed op-
natlons at the mouth of the Willamette
?iver. where she has been widening and
ore pening the channel, and she has been
s-vucht hack to the drydocK at St
J 'lins and tied up for repairs. . At the
t resent, time one section of the main
.fik.s-l-aft is being- taken out of the
j -.iin engine, and it will be replacid by
(i n. w section. In addition to this work
o'l her machinery she will have a large
it mount of repairs to her hull, for which
iirpofe she will be raised on the Port
r Portland drydock in a few' days. ' The
i-n sides will be renewed and the hull
will be caulked,, while some- repairs will
;-e made to her deck.
The dredge Portland Is also tied up
tit the drydock awaiting such; time as
i t-.o can dredg-e out the basin there. Just
i ow the water Is not at a stag-e where
can dispose of the material taken
out at a sufficient distance from the
river to prevent it being washed back
Jn again. She Is also being hold so
t'.at she can be made ready to go out
on a few hours' notice in case of emer
gency, while the Columbia is being re
j Rired . . y
At the mouth of the Willamette fiver
the Columbia completed this week a
cf prnel 23 feet in deplh from one bank
of tho river to the other, and Captain
O roves says that where the conflicting
currents cf the Columbia and Wlllam
ftte rivers were formerly bothered the
pilots, it has been made almost like one
g-.-l.5LL-l-iJ .' , V" ' ! " rrfa
I lew Rays of light
Ono of the most wonderful electrical
sppliances is the X-ray which may be
r.-rd both in the treatment of various dis-ra-r-a
and in tho diagnosis of many ob-
tvuro conditions. "With its aid the in-i-nor
of the hum art body is no longer the
s"j,lod book it has been heretofore. Ab
normal states of the bones, gall stones,
sume Mi the bladder or in the kidneys, are
shown plainly by what are known as X
ray photographs. Internal tumors, and
the enlargement of -the deep-seated or
!,' ins, are also discovered by' this means
B,nd in the diagnosis of tuberculosis of
t'ae lungs this fluent has proven a most
valuable -aid. When applied to some of
the less fatal chronic ailments of germ
origin it has proven very effective aa a
curative agent.
Another interesting proceeding Is the
violet-ray treatment produced by concen
trating the violet or chemical rays from
an arc light with a specially prepared
carbon upon any portion of the body that
may be the seat of pain. Sufferers from
neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, strains,
sprains, also from thofe obscure exhaust
ing pains (the origin of which cannot at
time bo accurately determined) frequent
ly find imnwiiate relief from a single
treatment and usually with a little per
sistence in the use of this aid, comfortable
health or perfect recovery is obtained.
The incandescent lipht bath, consisting
cf a cabinet in .which the patient is
bathed in the combined rays of many
electric light globes, has produced really
wonderful results in -diabetes, sciatica,
rheumatism, obesity, anaemia, and some
forms of kidney and heart trouble. It
has also proven valuable in chronic bron
chitis, bronchial asthma and various skin
diseases, As a general hygienic measnro
its efficiency can scarcely be over-estimated.
Tho-e who have been patients at Dr.
Pierce's Invalids Hotel, In Buffalo, N.Y.,
highly commend this wonderfully equip
ped hanitarium, where the above men
tioned electric machines, high-frequency
current, and other most modern and up-to-date
apparatus are used for the cure
of chronic diseases.- The treatment of.
the chronic diseases that are peculiar to
women have for many years been a large
iactor in the cures affected at the In
valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
In erecting the Invalids' Hotel, Dr. R.
V. Pierce's idea was to mke it a genuine
home, not a hospital. Such cases as rup
ture, hydrocele and varicocele are usually
cured in ten days, and the patient is able
to return home. The terms are moderate
and the rates at tho Invalids' Hotel com
paratively low. In the examination and
treatment of patients the practice is
divided Into specialties. ;Each member of
the Faculty, although educated to prac
tice in all departments of medicine and
surgery, is here assigned to a special de
partment only, to which he devotes his
entire timer study and attention; Not
only is superior, skill thus attained, but
also rapidity and accuracy in the diagno
fcte of disease.
Specialists connected with this Insti
tute at Buffalo, are enabled to accurately
determine the nature of many chronic
dSraas without seeing and personally
examining their patieijts. This method
of treating patients at a distance, by mail,
has been so successful that there is
s-areely a city or a village in the United
Mates that is hot represented by one or
more cases upon the records of practice
at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In
Mitute. Such rare cases as cannot be
treated In this way, which require surgi
cal operations or careful after-treatment,
or electrical therapeutics, receive the ser
vices of the most , skillful fpecialists at
tbe Institution. ,
In mudiciue there has been rapid pro'
pre-s during recent years, Dr.. Pierce has
ke,t up with the times by continually im
r roving his laboratory by skilled chemists,
and e.erci-sing care that the ingredients
Mitering Into his well-known medicines
1 ir. lire's Favorite Prescription as well
s;- the"Go!den Medical Discovery" are ex
tracted from the' best variety of native
in' Jicinal roots. These are gathered with
pn-at care and at tho proper season of tho
ear. ?n that thHr medicinal properties
in iv bo most reliable.
Those extracts are then made solnble
1 'i pure triple refined glycerine and bottled
ia a bvzi'Miicnnd scientific manner. Thus
!he World's Dispensary as established by
Dr. Pierce Is supplied with every known
apparatus a,nd means of cure, for its aim
is to avoid surgical operations whenever
I' bio.
tirejit care is exercised not to overen
nmrat'o those who consult the specialists
of this institution that no false hopes
ii ..IV lt iniHIYL,
M iritf thniiana nr unnnnllxF 1 through correFDondence and at this I
intiiuv. Lvery one consulting by letter
o cl.arxp whuti-vtr U made tor con-
r t'-e TnvalHs' ITotl and Pnnrical
'". I'". U. V. lVrco, Presideut, a
-r i'u"r(.n receive the mrt careful and i 1 ""i S'fP'r,!6 r- Dlt
P..ntH,. n-c-rrjnT!. Alt rommuntca-1 c'iaus Ger. VhTTtTmttttT"!
. i um in-ju'ii tiricuv conunrni ai. i uav a rt' Anoira Vr hit
river. This is the only time that the
channel has ever been 28. feet Jn depth
i far more than 400 feet In width. It is
expected that both dredges will be
i placed in active service - again about
April 1.
German Ship Will Carry Grain to
rnitcd Kingdom.
It was announced this morning that
the German'shlp Kilo.. 1571 tons net,
Captain Hammer, has been chartered
to transport a ; cargo of , grain to the
United Kingdom and . that she would
probably come here to obtain her cargo,
although She has the option of loading
on the sound. She will be due to ar
rive from Talchuano, which port she
reached November 11 from Newcastle,
for February loading.
The Norwegian steamer Solvelg, 3558
tons net. Captain Bogh. arrived at As
toria at 9:40 this morning from Pugt
sound. She will be due to arrive ,up
tonight or tomorrow to load a cargo of
wheat for the United Kingdom for Bal
four. Guthrie & Co, - - ,
Daily River Readings.
t a. m.. 120th meridian time.
" sto1 as
" -, "SI si w
"ft tr m t
z v 9"
t : P
1 1 'It. ii 1 1 1 1 ' 1 mill l J11 J. 1 ". J" 'II '" a1""
24 3. 4 0.6
30 4,0 0,2
i!5 S.8 0.2
10 4.3 0.7
16 j 2.2 J 0.S
20 18.1 0.4
20 4.6 0.4
87 8.0
16 G.4 0
Rlparia ;.
KB gene ............
Salem i .,..
Portland . .
Indicates rise in river; minus sign
shows fall. - " '.
River Forecast The Willamette river
at Portland will remain nearly station
ary Saturday and gunday.
Astoria. Dec. 16.- Arrived down dur
ing the niffht, British steamer Kumerio
Arrived at 7:30 and left up at 11 a. m.
steamer Yosemite, from San Francisco.
Arrived down at 8:30 a. m., barkentine
Jane L. Stanford. Arrived at 9:40 a
m., Norwegian steaomer. Solvelg, from
Victoria. Arrived at 10:60 a. m-. schoon
er A. B. Johnson, from Saa FranclBco.
SaUed at 9:20 a. m., steamer Tamalpals
for Ban Francisco. Sailed at 10:46 a.
m., British steamer Kumerte, for orient
via Seattle. '
San Francisco, Dec. 16. -Arrived at
10:30 a. m.. steamer Colonel E. I Drake
from Portland. Sailed at 10:30, a. .m.
steamer George W. Elder? for Portland
Point Conception, Dec. 15. Passed at
8 p. ro., steamer Roma, from San Pedro,
for Tortland. '
Astoria. Dec. 16. Sailed at 2 p. m.,
steamer Nehalem. for San Francisco
Arrived at 10 and left up at 11 p. m
steamer Olympic, from San Franoiscc
San Francisco, Dec 15, Arrived at 9
p. m., steamer Beaver, from Portland.
Eureka, Dec. 15. Sailed, steamer Al
liance, for Portland.
San Pedro, Dec. 15. Sailed, steamei
Roma, for Portland.
Coos Bay, Dec. 16. Arrived, steamet
Alliance, from Eurekai
Astoria, Dec. 18. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m.i smooth;
wind east, 12 miles; weather, cloudy,
Tides at Astoria Saturday High wa
ter, 1.-52 a.- m., 7.1 feet; 1:01 p. m., 10.(
feet Low water, ,7:11 a. m., ,8.6 feet
8:15 p. m., -1.8 feet '
With passengers and general freight,
the steatner Tosemlte, Captain Reimer,
will be due to arrive tonight from San
To go on a run out of San Francisco,
the steamer Eureka will sail this af
ternoon for that port She is in com
mand of Captain Poulsen, -formerly
first officer on the Roanoke.
With -passengers and general freight
from San Francisco, the steamer J. B.
Stetson, Captain Sears, entered yes
terday afternoon at the custom house.
Laden with 600 tons of cement and
general merchandise, ,;the steamer
Coaster, Captain Wiggins, arrived from
San Francisco at 10 o'clock last night,
being CO hours from the Golden Gate
to Astoria. She will load lumber, out
With 80,0 tona of general freight
about 25 tons of which is bonded goods
from Europe, tho American-Hawaiian
steamer Falcon, Captain Schage, arrived
last night from San Francisco. She
will load 1000 tons of grain out" for
the Bay City.
Because of low water in ' the Snake
river, the Open River Transportation
company has decided to take their
steamer off the Lewlston run until
higher water after the first of the
year. , , ,
Watching through 1 their glasses from
the patrol boat Elidor, at 2:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, , Captain Kpeier,
the harbormaster, and 'sergeant Carlcson
of the harbor patrol saw a fireman on
the Waterhouse liner Kumerio dump
ing ashes into the harbor and upon
their arrival alongside the steamer Cap.
tain Speier ordered Captain McGill to
put a stop to it which was done. They
were caught red handed and Captain
Speier wili file charges against Mo
Gill in the federal court this afternoon,
as a government law was violated aa
well aa a city erdinanca. - -
Sagnlar I. In em Sua to Arrive. .
Breakwater. Coos Bay. , rec 1 8
Roanoke, Ran Pedro. .Pec. 25
Alliance, Eureka rjec 17
Golden Gate, Tillamook. . . . .... .Dec. 17
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Dee. 17
Oo. W. Elder. Pan Diego Dee. 18
Rose Citv. San Kranclsco ......Dec. 19
Braver. Ran Pedro -. . . . .Dec. ?4
Bear, San pedro ... . ........ ... .Dec,- 29
Begnlar Uain Sua to Depart
Alliance, Eureka ....Dec 17
Bear. San Pedro .. Dec. 18
Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook. ...Dec. !!0
Breakwater Coos Bay.,...,,i,,DeC 20
Golden Gate. Tillamook ........ Dac. 21
George W. Elder. Sarv Pedro, . .. . Dec. 21
Rose City, San Pedtv. i. Dec 23
Beaver, San Pedro ..Dec 28
Roanoke, San Pedro Dec, 28
- Vessels In Port.
St Nicholas, Am, sen. Astoria
Jane L. Stanford, Am. bktn
..Port Drydocka
Pierre Antonine. Fr. bk..,,..Qn way up
Michclet, Fr. bk. l.inntou
Inveravon, Br. sh. .. , . . ..Coal Bunkers
fctrathniian, Br. fs Aibina
l'lorre Antonine, Fr, bk ....AHtoria!
Frieda, Ger. bk Linntoni
weaver. Am. ss Alnsworth
Hazel Dollar, Br. as.... Port I.mbr. Co.
Buffon. Fr. bk O. R. & N.
Scottish Moor, Br. a. Mersey
Omega, Ger. bk N. P. Lbr, Co.
Goldbfk, Ger. bk i .Prescott
Cunnfcblere, Fr. bk Montgomery 2
Glenholm, Br, bk Astoria
lierlin. Am. sch.t . Gobte
Jabea Howes, Am. , h. . . . . .Astoria
bt. Francis. Am. sh. ... . .Astoria
v-iaveraon, ur. sn .....Prscott
Virginia, Am, sch......; Rainier
Thlfrs, Fr. sh Astoria
Phoehone,, Am, s.., Oak Point
ivumenc, ir. bs. ... .astern et Western
iMieroeK. oer. bk.
Kchurbek. Ger. bk. ............ .Omanl
Plta'loch' Br. sh. st Helens
i 7". "r" "tr4 " MB
, Warechal de Castries, Fr. bk Tyne
vviuieimine, Oer. sh.... Antwerp
Luzon, Am. sch. , . , Redondo
Tin Route With Coal.
Col de Mllcbois Marfutl,
vr. bit JewL8Ktle, N. S. Itt
mm IB
Portland Chamber cf Com
merce Will Aid in Obtain
ing Appropriation."
ine roriiana. . cnamoer or commerce
has gone on record in favor of extensive
harbor and channel Improvements at
Tillamook bay and will lend every ef
fort to secure a substantial federal ap
propriation for such work. Vast tim
ber resources He back of the bay 'and
to give them outlet It is deemed neces
sary to provide for vessels of the large
lumber carrying type.
Among other syndicates holding tim
ber around the by Is the Whitney com
pany, Ltd., which is plaining to buill
large mills there With steamers in which
to send the product to the- markets of
the world. While details have not been
announced, It Is understood that the
big plant and the vessels to be oper
ated in connection therewith will be
completed in time for the opening of
the Panama canal, when it ia expected
that the lumber industry of the Pa
cific coast will be given a strong im
petus through the opportunity to reach
Europe and the east coast of South
America by a much shorter rottte than
at present around the Horn. .
The people of Tillamook are fully
awake to the necessity of harbor and
channel improvements and have - obli
gated themselves to pay out of their,
own pockets 1650,000 toward the ex
ecution of the proposed project
Following is the resolution passed by
the Portland Chamber of Commerce: '
Whereas, . The Portland Chamber of
Commerce is convinced that facilltyitor
water transportation is essential to the
building up of Tillamook county with
special reference to the development of
Its timber resources, and -
"Whereas, the people through the port
of Tillamook and the port of Bay City
have indicated their confidence in the
enterprise by committing themselves to
appropriate a total sum of 1650,000 to
aid the proposed project to deepen the
bar and channel of Tillamook bay so
as to give 20 feet of water on the bar
and 16 feet of water in the bay channel
with : the hope and understanding that
the federal government will' appropriate
a sum sufficient for this needed work,
and '
"Whereas, The board of engineers, U.
S. A, have this project in consideration
as to the prosecution of this project
which will make available for commerce
upwards of 30,000,000 tona of lumber,
as well as a large volume of, supplies,
machinery and other equipment' neces
sary to produce logs and lumber; and
"Whereas, No great commercial devel
opment of lumber and logging Industries
is possible without deep water way -to
the ocean; therefore be it ., , '
"Resolved, That the Portland Chamber
of Commerce hereby indorses -'the above
mentioned project and respectfully urges
the board of engineers, U. S. A., to
make an early favorable report in ac
cord with the facts through the usual
channels, so that this important project
may proceed with all possible dispatch."
(Continued From Page One.) ..
taking over the span until dolphin (
guards, provided for in the contract
have been placed around tha hridge
piers to prevent injuries to it by rea
son of the impact of floating logs or
possible Mattering by boata deflected
from their courses by accident I am
assured, .however, that the contractor
for the substructure of the span, Robert
wakencid, is preparing to put in these
dolphins, (and that the reason the dol
phins have not been placed heretofore
Is that the river conditions have not
been favorable.
. Satisfaction Demanded.
"Everything- must be rleht when th
city accepts the span. Not only must
we , be satisfied, but. we must satisfy
the county also.
rTn regard to penalties, " I will say
Instant Relief
for Sore Feet
Sore Feet, Tender Feet and Swollen
. Feet Cored Every Time. TB5
Makes Sore Feet Well No
Matter What Alls Them.
Policemen all over the world use
T 1 Z. , Policemen stand ,on their feet
all day and know what sore, tender,
sweaty, swollen feet really mean. They
use T IZ because T I Z cures their feet
right up. It keeps feet,, in perfect con
dition. Read what this policemans has
to say: "I was surprised and dellgntsd
with l z- for tender if set. X hardly
know how to thank you enough for it
It's superior to powders or plasters. X
can keep my feet la perfect condition.;
Believe In my samest gratitude for
T X Z. X am a policeman and keep on i
my feet all day." Enwy EaxrelL Aus
tin, Texas.
You never tried anything like T I Z
before for your feet It is-different
from anything ever before .sold. .
T I Z is not a powder. Powders and
other foot remedies clog up the pores.
T I Z draws out all poisonous exuda- I
tions which bring on soreness- of the
feet and is the only remedy that does.
T I Z cleans out every pore and glori
fies the feet your feet , . ,
You'll never limp again or draw up
your face in pain and you'll forget about
your corns, bunions and callouses. You'll
feel like a new person, -
T I Z is for sale at all drufrErists at
f! ik- -w ...,11 1 . ,
iici imja, ui f, win u BtHil you uiruui
if. you-wish from Walter Luther Dodge
& Co., Chicago, 111, Recommended and
sold by , ,
The Owl Drug Co.
7th and "Washington sta
that all penalties will be enforced ac-
cordifig-"'to the contract I understand
1 that ;the contract which was drawn up
I before my advent to office, left the
j question of reasonable delays t to be
decided by W'addell & Harrington, our
engineers, and as I have received no
report from them with regard to this
matter I am unable to say what course
the city will take further than that the
contract will have to be met in every
respect .
"The bridge Is now open to foot traf
fic, and I have no objection. Neither
would I object if the street car com
pany should begin operating its cars
over the span. The bridge has not been
turned over to the city yet, and if the
contractors and the street car company
make some arrangement the city can
not object to it."
Allen Blames Engineer.
- Engineer C. IC Allen, who has supers
vised the construction of the bridge
for the', city, says that., as soon-: as
Engineer Harry Stutsman, employe! by
the county to operate the bridge, learns
how to operate the new and unfamiliar
machinery there will, be nothing the
matter with the new structure.1- ' -
Engineer Stutsman, found fault with
the machinery yesterday-when' he made
a report to the county court. ; He said
mat the brakes on the machinery were
such that it stopped the bridge1 so sud
denly that. It buckled and danced. He
was also unable to land th draw with
out a big Jar that threatened to damage
the span. The chief trouble, Mr. Stuts
man said, was with the magnetic safety
brake, which automatically cut oat
the machinery and brought the span to
a very sudden stop.
According to a prominent official of
th- Portland Railway, Light & Power
company who has inspected the bridge,
the trouble is more the result of un
familiarity with the machinery on the
part of the bridge engineer than
with, the .machinery. This official
says that the machinery may
not be adjusted to a nicety, but that an
engineer familiar with the working, of
it would be able to handle the draw
without difficulty. Portland motormen
had the same trouble with the magnetic
brakes on -the Portland Heights cars
when these cars were first put in opera
tion. Now, the cars equipped . with
magnetic brakes ' are the easiest stop
ping cars in use
W1U Try to Explain.
The official of the construction com
pany w.ill attempt to convince the city
and county officials that the bridge is
in good condition, and It may be possi
ble that the new structure ..will be
thrown open to traffic tomorrow.
Through an error in the construction
of the bridge, the lives of all persons
hanging on crowded streetcars crossing
the span will be placed in danger, ac
cording to the Portland Railway, Light
& Power Co. It is too late to be cor
rected at the . present time, says . the
B. 8. Josselyn, president of the com
pany, has written the following letter
to the police, asking (heir assistance In
preventing accidents: . -
."The operation of streetcars across
the new Madison street bridge will pro
vide a hazard of accident by reason of
the fence between the car tracks and
the foot walk - being too close to our
railway. ' 1
"In order to prevent passengers being
knocked tiff our cars by this fence, it
will be necessary for us to insist that
all passengers be inside the car doors,
and no one be allowed to ride on the car
Bteps. We have instructed our men to
this effect, and ask that the police
assist in this matter." -
(Sneclal DUpatrli to The Journal.)
University of Oregon,, Eugene, Dec
16. The University of Oregon Glee
club hf r.T?ed Monday from a
tlrui . V ' inn i' ?f tuuuivoibiiii ' ruuvit fin
start Saturday on the major portion of
its concert ' tour. , Beginning Monday
night in Hood River, they will make
one night stands m the following
towns: - Heppner, Pendleton, Ontario,
and Baker City. It Is seldom -that as
large a company as the Glee club can
make as small a town as Ontario.- bat
the people of Ontario who were anx
ious to see the college boys in action,
put up a special purse ta get the con
cert On account of the heavy expenses
due to the- abolishing of party rates,
the Mandolin club will not be taken
along. In order to fill in the vacant
places in the program, a number of
new stunts will be added.
Norwich is the first city of Connecti
cut to adopt the commission plan? of
$5' to '.$16
If Hcnsst end nespGnsta
' i ' i i i in im' ii i iT"
Cc'SwitSticsti .
Expert ;
1 tiulbib
The Reliable Specialists
i ...
W havs baen tha means of raftering thousands of afflicted sufferers
to complete and perfect health, Will you placa your confidenos in ths
car of honest skillful and successful specialists? Year of practical ax.
periencs, thousands of dollars spent in researches and sclenUfla investi
gation, supplemented by an immense practice, has enabled us to evolve a
upecial system of tftment that Is a safe and prompt cure for special
diseases an weaknesses of , mvk. The change In thousands of cases is
marvelous. Bltrhted lives, blasted hor. weakened avatema anif narvnna
L. wrecks have been safely and promptly
evuivea nyoiein vi iresirami ini ia m powvrxui ana aeierminea medici
nal corrective, where man's oharacterlstio cnerries have become . weak
ened and debilitated, either through excess, indiaeretions or .the result
of neglected or improperly treated diseases.
CT7KED, XaTO-VirAZ. Dl 'IjtlTT, TASJOOSB VII STV-r-C- ' a, .
BLOOD AK1) DXfc'SABjjuS, KIDHTSx AJW . P1.S t JJt I - "Ox 4,
VMTt,A tiOm i, raiHCt)I BWJEI,I.rKP3, ETJBM ITO- 1 . AivO
' XVr&AMUKATIOJf . ' XnKWTOWXS'- X.Oh 1 0e hti- iiiTJiarrTr
Men, If In Trouble Consult Us
: W have aflfled to onr office equipment, for ths benefit of ltH3T
03TI.T, A TJH,S MCTSK17II of Atttnoray and (Twllary of solentlflo wonders.
tlHS. know thjKtVL x,ti siss models illnrtratin? the mysteries of man.
snowing the body In health sad dlseaa and many nuttual snbjacts.
Men make no mistake when they come to ua. We give you the re
sults of lorjg experience, honest, ennnclentious work, and the best serVlc
that money can buy. If you are ailing, consult us. Medicines furnished
in our private laboratory from I1.S0 to a course.
-."If yon oannot sail,- write, for sHNeraminatiosj blank. Hours, I a, m.
to I p. m, dally. Sundays, I ts 11 only.
asm MOBJtrsroar bt, rr. tocxts azto nrm, x-ostlaxd, ox
T7T", . . 7- r --ri m, n trzz: " . "ZT ".""
Investigating Ccdy Charges
Commissioners Do Not
Represent Pccp!o.
The committee of fifty appointed to
Investigate the Port of Portland met
last night In the offices of Judge M. G.
Munly, together with representatives
from labor unions or Portland. A me
morial was adopted to be submitted to
the legislature .asking that the act cre
ating the Port of Portland commission
be so revised 'that the commissioners
be elected to represent all sections of
the area included by yie Port of Port
land, also that no member of the port
be In the contracting business or in any
other line where, he could realise finan
cial profit from his 'connection with the
port , ;
Eleven complaints against the board .
are cited as results of the Investigation
and are given aa reasons why not only 1
the personnel of the commission should
be changed, but that the people should
be given the selection of the present i
commissioners' successors,
In the memorial the port commission!
Is variously charged with usurpation of,
powers in attempting to lease and con
vey the public dry dock to a private
dry dock company in which the port,
commission's chairman, C. F. Swigert, Is .
alleged to have interest; in attempting j
to enjoin the construction of the Broad- j
way bridge, and in attempting to give I
a franchise to the O. R. & N. company ;
for the building of a bridge within the
city limits, The memorial - reiterates
the charges of wasteful and ineffective ;
expenditure of tax money as made at j
the Armory mass meeting and ending ;
with this statement: 1
"that the personnel of the commission '
Is not representative; that its member
ship is confined to a class of banker,
moneyed men and politicians; that un
der the present law governing the port
commission, the .office of commissioner
1b not elective, and that the commis
sioner is thus placed beyond popular
control; and that the present commis
sion, has not only disregarded and at
tempted to override the law as above
stated, , but has treated the citizens of
this municipality -who have had dealings
with them in a contemptuous and over
bearing manner."
Ailments cf Lisa
liappily Ovcrccsc
sxrccEssnrrjcT txzes bt
Undoubtedly the following' pre
scription will work wonders for
that great class of men who,
through dissipation of their nat- '
ural strength, find themselves in
their "second- childhood" long be
fore the three score and ten al
lotted to life's pleasures and en
joyments are reached. .
U Is presumed td be infallible,
and highly efficient in quickly
restoring In "nervous exhaustion"
weak vitality, melancholia and the
First get fifty cents worth of
compound fluid balmwort in a
one-ounce package, and three
ounces syrup sarsaparllla com
pound; take- home, mix and let
stand two hours; then get - One
ounce compound essence cardiol
and one ounce tincture cadomene
compound not cardamom). Mix
all in a six Or eight ounce bottle,
shake well, and take one tea
spoonful after each meal and one
when-retiring followed by a drink
Of water.
By mixing it at home no man.
need be the wiser as to another's
shortcomings, and expensive fees
are avoided. -
Lack of p'olse and equilibrium
in men is constant Bource of
embarrassment even when the
public least suspects it For the
benefit of those who want a re
storation to full, bounding
health,- and alf the happiness ac
companying it, the above homa
treatment is ' given. It contains
no opiates or ' ' habit-forming
drugs whatever. Mix It at home
and no ono will be the wiser as
to your affliction.
cured by, our method. We have
So )
,-' ' J "
' Liu 4 Hr
c'5lT .
j A Daldhcad Is No . Joke-In-
ceea u is really criminal neg
ligence for a man to loose, his
hair when it can easily be
saved by a few applications of
Tha Mosey Rack Car 'for
All Diseases of thm Scalp
Parisian Sage Is the great
certain remedy for all diseases
of the Hair and Scalp. It is 1
guaranteed to cure dandruff
ia two weeks; it will stop falling:
hair ; It will make thin hair
strong; and sturdy. Parisian
Sage is the best Hair Dressing:
made. It la not sticky or
greasy? It has an Invigorating
effect on the scalp and it is ab
solutely certain i to male the
hair soft, glossy and luxuriant.
1 am Bownslnethe second bottle of
yoor Ptritian Sf and can notices
new growth of hair appearing. I am
glad to say it is a darker color than
my hilt was before I became bald.
10 Manhattan St, Rochester, N. 7.
rarialaaSags U sold with the
t aaal a (naraataa to 4 alt that :
W claim to It or saoaay bach
Far Sals sal OauaatMl ly '
- ts srwrptB.
Diseases W f
Treat and Cure t
All chronic ner-
rum ana ppec-i
ia i r aiseases.
$10 X-ray ex
amiaatlon : and
Xrss. PLl'iS
Our European methods cure to stay
cured, otherwise, it does not cost you
anything. Could anything bo more fair
or honorable. Call and consult us about
your trouble an,i let ns explain our
modern and, up-to-date methods, which
remove the cause and cure the follow
ing diseases. -
Acuta, Ckronio and Nervous Diseases,
Blood t poisen, Nervo-Vital troubles,
Stomach Troubles, All Forms of &Un
Diseases, Catarrh Of all forms fS.OO
par monm,; Eoatema, Pile enrad without
tlia knife; Swollen Glands, Wervougnaaa,
Debility, yariooss Telna, Bladder and
Prostatic! and Contracted troubles and
all Acuta and Chronic Diseases of Men
and Woman. . .
Call today for free X-ray examina
tion and consultation.
2STV4 Washington St., Portland, Or 4th
floor Rothchild Building. , 407, 408. 409.
Take elevator.
A st jrwsa frnm
Pay Whenveurcd
, . W have ; every known remedy ap
pllancs for TKEATX XOV.. Our ex
perience is so great and varied that no
one "f 11 aUments of men is new to as,
Def""7l Weak Ksrvas, In.
, somnia Results of exposure, overwork
and other jrioiaon 0f Hature's laws,
jUiseasPs of Bladder and Kidneys, Vart-
1 oie Veins, qnickiy and permanently
; cured at imid expense and no detentioa
'from biiBinesa.
: BECXsJ& AXl,KBarr Newly con.
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning, itching and infhunmsUon
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected In
, seven days. Consultation free. If ud-
i ab3?.t, ca,J- wrU. or 1,st f questions
Office Kours 9 A. M. to 8 P. af
j Bundsys, 10 A. M. to P. M. only.
; Pacific Coast Medical Co.
ftatVi WASHnroTOsr sxsxsbt. ' :
Comer first.
Consult the On Wo Tong Medicine
Co. These noted doctors have learned the
secrets known only to the famoua Chi-
' nese savants and have specially imported
: herbs from thn remote provinces of China
that positives cure all Ills of the human
I system. Diseases of the nervous ays
( tem, female disorders, blood poison
; stomach trouble, etc., absolutely curvd!
No matter how. many doctors have
I failed, no matter how many medicines
; you have used without result, call on us.
We an cure you. .
; Consultation ree. Treatments by mail.
Un Wo long Chinese Mcdicin
v find Tea Company .
93 Second 8 ;
- Honrs 9 A. XL to 10 P. K
L. T. VFF TheChUsss
a-. . I LiU Bootor.
Yee and Son's Medicine Co.,
spent lifetime study of herbs
and research in China, was
granted Diploma bv the Kr.i-
peror, wonderful cure all ois
eases of men and women,
when other; failed. If you
suffer call or writs to vm A
- UrU'ft 1VTT!TTr!T-10- Fn 11,11
Ufr'.Yea let, cor. Alder. Forward. Or.
- "
t 1 ; 1
r r- .
-V " . ... , 1
i I
j0r r r
thu srrciAiiirr v.Tii;o ctrars.
Xt matters not what your ailment
Is, nor who has treated it, If it is
curable we will give you Immediate
benefit and a quick and lasting core.
Do not allow , money matters to
keep you from getting well.. Ws
charge nothing to prove our meth
ods will cure you. Onr (ruars Titos
SATISi li. ! is your absolute pro
tection. Consultation, examination
and medicines free.
We claim tot ont traatmaat
nothing "wonderful" or "secret" It
is simply our successitu way ox qo
things. VARICOSE VfelNS
Weak, Swollen, Eagtrlng, Knotted,
Wormy-Uks Veins, Clotted, Statraant
Pools of Xniirare Blood, Weak, Nerv
ous, Xiow Vitality, Mental Depres
sion. ' V
We daily demonstrate that VARI
be cured without severe surgical op
eration. Beneficial effects are im
mediate. Pain quickjy ceases, en
larged veins rapidly reduce, healthy
circulation speedily returns, and
strength, soundness and robust
health are soon restored.
Enlarged X"ro state .Gland, Inflam
mation of Bladder and Kidneys, Fre
quent Desire, painful. Smarting,
Burning; Sensation, Cloudy, Highly
Colored, Brick Dust Sediment, Weak;
Aohlnff Back, Dry, Bale, Waxy Skis.
These symptoms of PROSTATIC,
BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles we
rapidly overcome. There is no guess,
work about It- We remove every ob
struction, stop every waste; allay all
irritation and inflammation, revital
ise the weakened organs, and . soon
accomplish a safe, thorough and
permanent cure,
Bash, Copper-colored Spots,' Erup
tions. Ulcers. Sore Month or Throat
Huoona Patches, Swollen Glands,
jt ailing itair.
Our NfcrCLEU - ATOXTL treat
leaves no injurious after effect It
does not "lock In" tho poison, but
drives it out or the system, so
there can be no comeback. Bolng a
Blood Purifying, Blood Making.
Blood Cell Remedy, Jt gives the pa
tient a pure, fresh Blood Stream, and
restores him to normal health. ,
The cans of XTervo-Vital Oebility,
as well as Its evil effect upon the
physical, mental snd other powers,
is familiar to all afflicted men. - The
symptoms ne& not he enumerated.
We want sll ailing men to know
that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treat
ment is the Ideal remedy for NERVO
VITAI, DEBILITY. It does not stim
ulate temporarily, but restores per
manently. All dlsagreealw? svmn
toms soon disappear, nerve cnersv is
retrained, self-respect self-confidence
and self-control return, and the pa
tient is prepared for a new period of
Rupture or Hernia, Files, blind,
bleeding, itching or protruding;
ristula Ulcers, oto.
Our proven methods . mak hos
pital operations unnecessary, in
most cases no pain or detention
from business, we guarantee qnick
relief and positive, permanent cures.
XT ailing', you certainly do not
mtend to always remain so. Ton
surely erpect to be restored some
time. Why not nowf Why delay and
grow worset
wnas you want is a cure, come
to us and get it Once under our
treatment you will quickly realize
how simple a thing it is to get well
In the hands of a specialist whn
knows his business. Our cures add
not only years to life, but life, to
years. Office hours, daily 9 to 5.
Kvcnlngs, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to 1.
3C3 Washington Bts. Portland, Or.
I Am the Man
that weak, ailing men have got to con
sult after they have failed to receive a
cure elsewhere.
I positively, cure Varicose Veins. Rup
Jure, Obstruction, Special Ailments 01
Men, Kidney Bladd'-r nnd Klood Ail
ments And Mntvm,u Wit,L.w,u .
If you want a perfect cniy, cure to
stay cured, treat with the old rellah'
tirm. Don't wuste your money with
cheap and unskilled socialiis, Oct
the best always. The best Is none too
good for you and always the cheapest
in the end.
Remember, we treat onlv rases we can-
cure. Cure or ho rav is onr mottn.
hat more can you ask? ;
We Will Cure VOU Of vnni trnnhln
ever to return if we tell vnu wi . ru
mem oer mis. .- 1 , .-
We are sjieclalists in our line, not
cure-alls. ,
Call at once snd let a true specialist
examine you today, not tomorrow.
Stop suffering: get stronK and viKOr-
2us;.v Wla.t ln,'ore t0 De desired than
health? Nothing.
Come and consult us free of all
The Old Kellable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Spcond Btreetrt, En
trance Second street P1tlumL
dr, Oftiee hours 9 a. in, to 8 a. uu
Sundays. 10 a. m. to la to. .
5 yi 5ti