THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY RVERIR'G, R::c:::ir"R the second battle of Bull' Kun, seven clays after the battle had been fousrht, though over . a year In which to prepare had Intervened einca the bginnlngrs of the war. ? .. ,. --' ... ' . I demand that our soldiers lis riven a square deal, and that the army be placed on a basts of military organiza tion. At present it Is practically unor ganized, it can be increased In num bers, perfected in organisation and prop erly equfpped on the same appropria tions which are now made. What does Tawney know about , the needs of , the army? Nothing. ' v ; It is not his honor and not his life that would be at stake in case, our honor and our lives are endangered. I will fight until our soldiers, in ease of war, are placed In the field com plete in equipment, organized along military lines; that their bodies may not be wrecked In fever campa, that they may not be poisoned by unwholesome food, and that In their hands may be weapons unequal ed in the . world's armies. . . within 15 mile of a run," paid Hum phrey. "They could , establish -an. Im pregnable position there and have that whole section of the country at, their mercy. - The secretary of war expresses an opinion of a condition which has been b-ninrn rt Avar man ttift ; t r-r . f ;,UjILA'J SAYS ... i . -tav;;;ey enemy of his' country ' '"' ntinucd from faga One.) . a ci the legislative noncombatants would tleny the soldiers proper . irumt and demand that they need y safrlfh , thpmselres for the ,. r ot the country. . y '" ' it was such men as these who brought i th war of 1861; when the Federal n neih was measured by the armed b at Cull Run. and who were respon se for the more than 600 uncared for funded BtUl remaining on the Held, at A Ji j bi 0wii I vJa A f.Lu.o uu iw ard. been crying tor defense and the cry has been absolutely unheeded. Once .landed Hnmphrt y Speaks for Kort nwest. Congressman Humphrey of Washing ton emphatically disagrees with Taw ney" view that the effort to get bettor coast defenses and an Increased army is "Jingoism." ' "A foreign foe for instance, Japan could land an Invading: force at BelUng ham, on Puget sound, without coming 0 along Puget sound, invaders could cap ture Seattle and its fortifications from the land side, and tie up the whole ter ritory, cutting off communication with the outside world. Then the eriemy could devastate the northwest at its leisure. It would take an enormous force months to dislodge them." P fc ft 'v.. ' mo:: siu: HATS C3.CD '10 "3 r a ' r i ( S Urn f J daS Sale oS FMe OPIPlS : . ClfllSlSPS A lot embracing about fifty Morris Chairs will be on special , sale today JTSSm: and Saturday- mm Jr rjjn ..ff-v---.-fr 513.50 Vals, Special Only All have frames of solid oak in the fumed, weath ered and polished golden finish, : best grade ; service able : velour cushions, A .snap for Christmas. OS.D0) Valines Seh- E&OCEi2F Made like the . cut, guaranteed , "Seng" springs and covered with Boston leather. The satisfactory gift for-the fJanoilheDouse s .7-1 - i .t:' 'A f . A V ; v r' fj n .v v r7 ) Art Goods - if j .I v' Walclics, Clocks, Etc. Our Easy Payment System will make stretch over a lanre. number of gifts. navment and pay the remainder weekly your convenience. All accounts strictly confidential a few ready dollars . . w'y Makea small cash ;,r7Sf . or monthly, at , - S . II ..if i HH ; )j H L' Li Li .1 B lull1 rjags':(J Gnecial I t - CUV i Genuine Leather Handbags w i th l'e a t h e r lin ings, fitted with coin purse; eilt trimmings: many -s C$ shapes. Positively the best values in , r - "0$p J handbags in the city. ' ' ' ' 1 010.00 Silk Waists Special Price Only 3 These make gift-giving easy, and they will be highly - appreciated. All you need is the size. Leave your order and we will deliver. . Fine Messaline, Taffetiand Net Waists, really worth $10, hut pur chased at a price that enables us to make this great Christmas offer. ' i 4 ',.r..:'-- - ' ''v ::;T . 1 y V ' . ' 2 ' j - 4 v B , . ... ,w,iv V ii', j . - ." . I" " f f V Y a. ime assonmeni or .rurs, in sets or single pieces, es- J pecially chosen to meet holiday requirements, priced less than the uptown stores. Sold for cash or on easy ' payments. "IP.etttHIcoatt SpeciaMy;'IPi?Sceanl i r. A .snap, and no mistake, wHl be found in these value Fine Mes , , saline, Dresdens and Chiffon Taf . . fetas. in all i colors. inrltiHino' , , changeable; petticoat yalucs that , X would be priced at f 10 in any es- J tablishment They, are in perfect condition," styles are right, work- manship is right, and "we make ,J , them a great' Saturday leader at only , $4.65 : ; Mem's MolMay : - nfiQs9 " weiFefls 6 7 ' , ':V''.: -.. . - 'r j Perhaps you are thinking of brightening up your wardrobe before the holidays. Our Suits arid Overcoats are noted for their wearing qualities, as well . as having.looks, fit and fashion. Only goods of merit carried, and. prices lower than exclusive clothiers. 'Your credit is good here. . " . ' to fafid Easy Terms Open Evenings till f- wi ' i -Til . s. -VS I ll ' f !! 1 - -tc FIRST AND YAMHILL SECOND AND YAMHILL Store Open 1 VI. ;' s Things thzt ere v.crlli v;I;:l5 c'tvir.j bsczuss tL7 cJJ to ens's cemfert and eppczrancs. T(o belter plica to chc&se his qif t than at this MAN'S STORE, where tzU isfaction is always cuaranteed. HAT3 catDio Cdc to i3.C3 SUGGESTIONS , J t . .. ... ', ( , ' ... . tcf v3C3 C2.C3 MuHIc Pajam: $1.50 to $5.00 Umbrellas- $1.00 to $12.00 $2.50 to $7.50 Hand: 25c to $1X3 Suspenders eA Air Fancy Hose 25c to $1.00 Scarf Pins- 50c to $2.00 Glove 4 $1.50 to $3.00' Bath Rcbcs $5.C0 to $30.00 Fancy Vests $5.00 to $10.00 FuH-Dress Vests Combination Scts- Hc:s ts3 Tw $1X3 jr. Cuff Links and Pin $2X3 to $3.50 Suitcases $5.00 to $10X0 $5X0 to $25.00 Combination Sets Hose, He and Handkf 2X0 BUFFUM & PENDLETOM: 311 MORRISON, OPPOSITE POSTOFHCE i.:s,?,' :09 P. H ' 1 r.n New Winter Clothes and Xmas Presents, Too Don't let the riecd of warrri clothing for any member of your family interfere wxxn your nouaay pleasures, we want you to mate use ot our liberal credit plan. We have placed at your idisposal the finest and most complete, assort ments of new winter . , ' -. . A - i r Suits and Overcoats for Lien and f- for Women and: Itlisses --Pick' ..... .... ..... . . . J: -: OctWbatYoa Want aid PayUs' awn ALI- A Special Showing Women's Suits, Coats and Of the new Presto Collar ' ' , Winter Dresses Overcoats for Men . and . a1 J - ' 1, . SrS.-'-ffi .. .015, $18 $20 . SSJg.SlSnpl j to $35, , Men's Suits and Overcoats-$15 to $45 v Oo t6 any cash stor In Portland, ret their prices on Men's Clothln. I xralne the quality and workmanship, then com here. Tou will oa J convinced that our credit prloei arb not excelled by cash prices any. where.!'.. A' . ..- .,.. t . . .. . fi Silk Vaicts Rduccd We offer ONE FOURTII OFB on our entire utocli of Slllt Waists for the next week. Thy make very &c , eeptable Christmas gifts. We are offering one balf off on our enUre line of etyl ' Ishl trimmed Hata. Wonder ful values. - 'FURS MAIE IDEAL GIFTS FOR THE WOMEN ' v end we have a splendid stock of high-grade, , dependable Kurs for you to choose from a v. v Pay After, the Holiday 1: Buy practical clothing gifts for Christmas'. You DON'T NEED CASH if you make your select tions here. Keep your money for other things. We are offering tremendous reductions in men's and women's clothing and the most liberal credit terms possible. j ' r ,.- : A LITTLE DOVII "v 122 A WEEK fl . ( m -m I i W 8 m i - ( " -I rt'il hi I l H M 1 . ' - 7 Y ' . " ' '' - -"1051-G7. first 5i ALL j'jsisrjncFi::: -1 r i I hi ; . f