THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, FORTLAND, FRIDAY EVEI.'iriG, DE . .1 UHUiULo IS" Gi'iCT General Wood and :cn end All Who Say nlry Unprepared; Time jr;h After Attack. ' ...-lilnKton,' Pec 36. The war d-v-nt lias Joined the Jingoes aftd Is j: to .'Hobsonlzn' the country," ar . ii sr to Congressman James A. Taw , ri, airman of the house committee . ;proprlations, who hears In the cry :.'ipreparelnea for war the prelude ;m assault on the treasury. -..wnny does not believe the t'nlted i'S la defenseless, and he does riot :-ve there Is an immediate demand a record breaking appropriation for war department. He means to hold financial fort against HolWon. Mi ll lan and their war " department mis. . 1 - T.iforts to f?et the ronfldentlal re t of the peerr-tary of war In reply McLnchlan's resolution asking about i-ountry's ability to repel a foreign 1 atirr," (said Tawney today, "art a t of the propaganda by military, en lasts to secure the support -of con- i for larger appropriations. Anyone i 'ii!; Jiohson's lecture on 'The Tellow .1' uml than reading Mfiu confidential "rt -wil find difficulty In distin . -hingr one from the other. ' Eaye It JLeaua Treainry Bald. - "General onard Wood and on-"-.fmiiii Jlobson realiee that the Demo ns will control the lower house In the .t congress. The appropriations for army will be controlled by that irty. They believe that if they can t larger appropriallona from the pres t congress they can get still larger s from the next" That Is the secret, according to wncy, of the fuss lhat has been made it the report handed to the house and n withdrawn when Speaker Cannon 'usej to aeceRt a "confidential" com- u'iicatlon. There are no facts to warrant any arm, as Tawney sees it. He thinks e American people are the equals of irybody else and have no need to iver over a peril of any hue, "No one but a coward will admit In liuiity," he said, "and whai Is true r an Individual Is true for a nation. Hocati's of militarism ignore entirely . S.L.( , 2k.. .lid Haul mi i,uirt nvcfliuiiif vi uuicuaovui kichi itional resources and the spontauicty Mi which the people's patriotism .mid te aroused in the event of an as ilt by a foreign foe. Tiiey also Ignore .r guographlcal Isolation." An old-ape pension plan, giving JljO year to all members of the Carpen 3' union 60 years old or over, after continuous 25 year membership In the ilon. Is being submitted to a referen im vote In that organization through it the country. " - CEAKS ARM ON ROCKFiLE; SUES SHERIFF FOR $10,000 .j, , " Charging the guards at Kelly Butte with failing, to call a physician to treat him after he had sustained a broken arm and tt had become black and swol len, James W. Weston has begun suit in the Vircuit court against Sheriff H. L. Stevens for MQ.OOO damages. Weston was given six months on the rockpile for a misdemeanor in the mu nlcipal court last August, and It was while serving this time he says he broke his arm.: " Weston alleges the injury took place on September 19, and although he re peatedly asked for a doctor, none was called until nine days later. The de lay, he' says.- has caused him much suffering, ho could ' not sleep and the bones of the forerm and hand will net knit as they should, He la being cared for at the county hospital. John F- Logan, attorney for the sher iff, has filed a demurrer, asserting that If there Is any liability' at all the coun ty should be sued, and not the sheriff. . Clarence Eaton to Lecture. Clarence C. Katon, C. S. B ..of ,Ta eoma, who Is to lecture on Christian Science at the Masonic Temple West Tark and Yumhlll streets Sunday at 3 and S D. m was for some time pre vious to taking up this public work a newspaper correspondent and owner. He has for Beveral years been a member of the board of lectureship of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and has lectured extensively througn out tho country. These K-ctures arc free and are "provided semiannually by tht local churches of that denomination for the purpose of affording the pub lic an opportunity to hear the teaching of Christian Science expounded by an authorized and qualified speaker. MISSIONARY CONVENTION ; TO BE HELD IN JULY The 'next , national missionary con vention of the Christian church will be held In, Portland probably between July 4 and 12, 1911. according to a decision reached last night at a meeting at the Y. M. C, A. of the local Chris tian 'church workers and I, Is. McCosh. the general secretary of the American Christian Missionary society, and A. McLean, general secretary of the For eign Christian Missionary society, both of Cincinnati. These two men lnade the trip to the west for the purpose of perfecting the .details for the convention. Until" last niprht it was not fully decided where the convention would be held. A luncheon was held at noon today at Moor-Vs restaurant, at which the two secretaries spoke at some length on the plans for the coming of the delegates. The date was fixed so that the conven tion here would follow tho national Sunday sch'ool convention to be held. In San Francisco. , Mr. McC'ash will remain In .the city until Monday, speaking Sunday morning at the First Christian church and in the evening at the Central Chyistian church. Mr. McLean will leave to morrow morning for Cincinnati. . sellIng"made docksT . commission chairman The public docks commission held Us first -masting this afternoon at the city hall. Ben Selling was elected chairman and C. F. Wiegand, deputy auditor, was named tin - temporary secretary. The commission decided to hold meetlngs.on the first Thursday In every month at the city. hall. 'The next meeting will take place January 6, when it is ex pected organization will' be perfected. The marine, engineers have a total membership on the coasts, lakes and risers of the L'nlted States of 11,000, - ' ' , ll - u it '"Ih '"aid- Jt, r WEHCl 'FAT?": ' Any product which contains hog fat is , subject to the taint or possibility of disease germs. Lard is made from hog fat it may be pure and it may not At any rate, it is at best indigestible, and will raise havoc with any but the hardiest stomach, 1 Cottolene is a vegetable product, - which is far " superior to lard for' all shortening and frying pur- poses. It is an absolutely pure and healthful " . ' fat made from cotton oiL Cottolene is a product of nature and is bound to be jC ". wholesome. It is the one dependable, healthrul product r,f C t . t J -L l ! J ... l. J J ' -sfi'7 Jt aVV ior irymg anu suuuciuug, aiiu is vroreiuiiy uisueticu auu.. , , . f J7 szz$.p .avm miA tn rnntnrm wirn nil rnire - i..WiM" H'. . slitUiUV V WW w www- ir , mw. ,. f-" m w. . .. r . . ft ' " 1 ", . f . n . I " ' .Tilt 11 food laws. Made only by . THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY- Ths S7ino or . the.Flovcr? . i:A 1 mm 'Is suc:.:it'E!D3 c:j construction of dam v ' Bids wer,a opened yerfterday after noon in the offU.e of the United Ujtates roclamatton eervice for the construc tion of the dam across Lost 'river on tho Klamath projeoi. Three bidders were present, . The daro is to-be 200 feet long arid feet - lilRh. This is listed on the bids an Schedule A, and was bid on separately froiu Pchedule !!, w ! i . h ii f t'.e conftruet'.on ff culverts uml briJi.-s in the vlemily cf the dam. - - The foMmalr r t!,1- were Fub:Ht te.l: Oeorj-e, C. t'lari e fe Ca, Kverett, Ya'-Y, Schedule A, JsJ.CIC; Schedule B, $15. 044; M''Or!h Cofi'truction comprfny, tlrrtcn luv, Win, tSelieduie A, $112,270; Schedule B. $11.67.50: HtranKe-J'e'I-ire citmrnny, l-.ilt Lake City, Schedule A, $103,740. This cor,j.(iny l as no bid on Sched ule B, ar.J t,he JIcGrath Construction company stipulated that neither con- tr.ii t v ti wei e s ,i forw.a,v 1 eveeit. &r ment of t tt '.i 1 ! ii ! . i V i -"1 t " 1 1 . 1 ' I it is U-. e t. 1 t i u- i i 'J i 4 - , C, : t t . ul 1 ; tji-r w;I tf the I ' Ti e at i'.-i r 1.' 4, ! i U C a t K'Uff of o . rians r j. ,i 'i lVJc it annual c I 1 t') CI'! i e t I ' .--.ei 1 n ill he rr ' I rf I.:, n i, ii ''! In t in it) r ;.i this cr : i rn 1 v Ui'o t it -i un ci -i- 0 The average family man buys shoes for five people and with prices -i as they are and with the way shoes wear out--he has his hands about : full. v . The worst of JJt is thcres no prospect of . things getting any better so long as you buy the average run of -shoes made of trust- ; tanned leather and saddled with the profits of four middlemen. . , . Endicott-Johnson Jiocs are made, by the only shoe concern in the world that tans its own leather builds the shoes complete from the hide to your foot and sells direct k to your home dealer, 7 Endicott, Johnson & Co. can save you from 50c. to $1.00 on every pair of shoes you . buy and, give you twice the service and, , wear you ever got in any other shoe at equal . prices. ( - , . ' The END WELL is their street and bus-, iness shoe $3.00,3.50 and $4,00. END WELL shoes embody foot-comfort with -all the, latest kinks of fashion. You are not limited as to styles. You can get all the modish lasts all ; the shapes of toe all the colors of leather. Look for the name stamped on every shoe 2 -U , , : . i ,,,, ''V f-vi . '.v i-:.-V:- v i'X M. GALE & SON, 4 North Third Street Slioe buyers wio live ontside the city where this "paper is ptiblished can learn the! names of their home dealers a . carry ENDWEjuL Shoes by writing to Endicott, Johnson & Co, Endicott, N. V. - , t Tl W , '-An A V? V 6 5anto Clam Has Just Arrived, Bringing Million of California's Finest Oranges the "S UNKIS TJ Kind. On Sale All Weak at Your Dealer s! i SI il 't... ; J 1 V ft X 1 7 U iv t". ' ' il l .... v-1 ; , ill I -' "ni t, l .liiifSIlHiv hi , , lO ; Oringes for breakfast! Oranges for lanek! Being thin-skinned, fibreless and seedless; . Oranges Ittccai tr.zch! Oranges served txhch thev are nearly all "meat" and no waste. i , and in halves! Oranges in dcsszrts and tcdsdsl You v&stc money when you buy any other Oranges in every cexceivalk form. kind of oranges. inat is inc program ior vnnstmas ana tne msy a oox cr "&im&3t 'oranges ana your Holidays. The people of this city and vicinity fruit dealer tri'l rnahs yea a epzeial price. are to be riven an orange treat such as thev haye You find trczbh in keeping them as never had before. For tntSons of delicious, frcsn, tree-ripened,1 hand-picked oranges, direct from California's fruit farms, have arrived. They will be on sale Monday morning, Your fruit dealer will supply you at a very reasonable price. re. zch yozt in exczilznt condition. Llcst HcdfthfuJ Fruit Known ' Physicians. now claim that the orange is. the most healthful of all fnuts. Hence, it is a food that can be eaten liberally and &3 often as desired. It is much mora atroetizinp' a n d healthful for Tt T-tXZZZLL-;Of4 AaA .1 cntiareni men ana women tnan canay, . t iJ . vivc fCji V rV Pastry and othr too-rich foods, ; "bunkist'' isnotapccxcnseori?ffneo' r .S? . of orange it is a certain grass or quality, Orange Farmers, who produce 60 of the fh luc, cxjoiccsl oi catu m j,uw. vaiuorma Vif,-,W7 state's entire crop, incy pack all their per- ysj Medical authorities state that to H J counteract the meats and other heavy foods we eat, one should eat orangres feet oranges under the one name, "Sunkis' and ship them by special fast freight. It is a tree-ripened orange. Every "Sun kist" orange is firm, solid and sound. - It" is picked by a gloved hand. No orange 'lc::!d:tw Lemcns, Too! The better grade of lemons are ' 5?S l"at tnc ground or becomes bruised "J1 or damaged in any other way, ever bears a tne ouniust' name. now pscxea m anniast" wrappen. Yea Save Mcnoy by Getting "Sunkic! T'" .f nin r" "Ciinlriiit" ' l.mni.. . J . . kind that are thick-. . u nvou tne :hned, pithy and insipid. "Sun-. !?rr',r;5 -contain-SOper- cent In addition to being the finest flavored of all oranges, "Sunkist" arc also the most economical you can buy. liberally. It is a universally known fact that orange juice is an excellent food for the brain cells and a tonic for run-down nerves. , No better laxative than sound, ripe pranges can be found. Save Your SBn!dof, Vrappcrs, By saying, your "Sunkist" orange and lemon wrappers you can easily secure a. full set of genuine Rogers orange spoons, dessert spoons and frtrif knives., The patterns shown are new;1911 styles, designed exclusively for U3. They .are as attractive and stylish as money can buy. All are Rogers qual ity, standard A-No. 1 plate and are fully guaranteed .by the maker. No advertising appears on any of our premiums. , ' ' valuable premmms and how to get fAm, rc juice than any other lemons. TIi2 California Fruit Grovcrs' Exchange, 34 Qzxk street, CMcajjo, ML Roscrs Orasza '.Spoon Free , The picture shows our new 1911 design, Spoon, ac taal size; being a genuine Rog ers product and of the latest, style. This spoon will be, sent you, charg es, packing, etc., prepaid, on receipt o( 12 "Sunklst" wrappers and- lzc. .Foreacn additional spoon send 12 "Sunkist" wrappers end. ; 12 cents. . - Notice! II siMcisr? rremm iff mi - VihaLIa Dessert " "' I $fw& Free - The picture chows our new 1911 design. Dessert' Spoon, actual size. It is of the same excellent quality and beautiful de sign as the orange spoon, but being larger and heavier is more valuable. Sent to you on re ceipt of 24 "Sun kist" wrappers and 20c additional. For each addition al des3ert spoon send 24 "Sunkist" wrappers and 20 cents. 1 . TliiFnuS! Kxife Fret'-' Onr 1911 MSunklst"Frnit Knife is shown here. sternal size. It is made of special tem pered st eel heav-llysilver-plated. Fully guaran teed by manu facturer. Sent to you on receipt of 24 "Snakier wrappers and 20a. For each additional knifo 6cnd 24 "Sun- ( klrt" wrappers and iv cents. On all re mittances up to 2ic please send one-cent stamtfs. on amounts abcr,-e 2ic, send post oClce money order, express money order or bank draft. Do not send cah. Make yoflr money order or aratt payable 10 ine vaiiiorni; emu t, ; : Growers' Exchange, and address your let ters to The California Fruit Growers' Ex change, 34 Clark atrect, Chicago, 111. . - You can secure these premiums with "Sun kist".. orange wrappers, "Sunkist" lemon wrappers, "Red Ball" orange wrappers, or "Red Uall" lemon wrappers. If yoa will make it a point to buy only "Sunkbt" and Red Hall" oranges and lemons, you not - . C r only get the finest fruits that graw, eeo tO nomically priid, bnt you will soon have enough wrappers to seenr-j a complete set of the beautiful spools and knives here howa. rl Sif :: ll WtllhUII'll'iulinl I '.lil li.l.UI..Ul.i.,M