THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND II ON' DAY1 E 1:, ..JSTEAf.lERSv L J" FOG OVER RIVER Diamond 0 Has Hole in Hull as Result of Striking Bar Icno Aground at Mo6ks Bend. - - ' . F05 which closed In thickly on the river Into Saturday afternoon was re Fponvble for two steamers going usround, one of 'which, the Diamond O, had a hole (stove in her hull, although a poft patch placed on It made It possi ble tor the steamer to continue her work after ' she was hauled into '.deep icr again. . ' ' . - , While engaged in towing an oil barge down the river late Saturday afternoon t lie Diamond O struct- the- Postofflce baf breakwater off the head of Sauvlo's in. land, going .about two thirds acrosB flie breakwater joefore ; she , hung ; fast The banjo went on across, being: of, lighter draft ; and was not damaged. The Diamond O remained'5 on the breakwater., until yesterday , afternoon when the steamers Cascades, Weown and Ottawa fastened onto her. to give her a pull. Just at the top of the tida the tug McCracken appeared and hooked onto the stranded steamer and with the aid of her own power the foiif boats managed to pull her off. She had a hole stove under her boiler, but a, soft patch was placed over' that and ' she continued on her way down the river with the barge.: : ' ' At about the same time the Diamond P. went on the breakwater the steamer lone, on the Washougal run, -went ground at Mock's bend. The steamer Georgia Burtoit went down yesterday and took off the freight from the lone, amounting to about 60 tons. The Cas cades arrived down there at about 1 o'clock In the afternoon Just as "the freight was off and with the aid of the r.urton, pulled the lone off Jnst beforo high tide. 1 : . . XKW RUN 1-XU ri'RKKA. Jay Be Sent to San Francisco After i Being Overhauled. . At the offices of the North Pacific Steamship company It was stated this morning that the steamer Eureka, Tvieh Is now tied up : at St. Johns, w-nere she is being given a thorough overhauling, will be placed On another run withlfi a very short time, and that in a day or two It will be known defi nitely what porta she will make. , It is said,- 'however, that she will probably pro on one Of the southern '-runs out of t-tin Francisco. . It is expected that she will be overhauled . In three or , four days. 4 Sinoe being; replaced on the Kureka. run by the steamer Allianc it has iw?en reported that she would be tied up permanently, but officials of the company here say that there Is noth ing to the report. STEAM I :R OX WAYS. Inland -Knipire Not So Badly I)ara aged as First Reported. Captain 'V. S. Buchanan," general" su purintendant of the Open River Trans portation company, who returned this morning from a trip up the river as far as Lewiston, cava that the Steamer In- Five BolIars Bos The Price Cut No Figure With Him. "I" want to say for the benefit of some poor dyspeptic that Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets will give comfort . and a cure every time' " Five dollars a box would not stop my purchasing them should. I ever suffer a rain as I did for wt?;& wiuns udiiis nicui.- , t, "The one 50 cent box I bought at my druggist s did the work and my di gestion iB' all right again.' . ". "f.iany of my neighbors have , also ' tried these tablets and found them to tbe Just as represented and Mr. EUms slfto wants me to use his name In In- . aorstr.g Btuart s , dyspepsia xaDieta".. . a Signed. - ' A P.ltm and fhnu V ; ' Asst. Postmaster, .. ; 1 H " vBouth Stidbury, Mass. Mrs. Ja," Barton of Toronto, Canada, writes: "ot 18 months I suffered from what I supposed was bladder and kid" ' nejt trouble, and took medicine " from three different . doctors, without J any ign of cure. I - felt so ill at last 1 was hardly able to do my work. 1 ; "I. thought I would try a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and see 'if they would make me feel better, never really thinking p had dyspepsia, but after only vthre or four ; tablets had been taken all the acid trouble disap peared and then I discovered 1 had had acid dyspepsia, while the doctors had teen treating me for kidney and blad iler trouble and one of them treated me for rheumatism, ... "My digestion is fine, my complexion clear and 1 am able to do my work and low spirits are unknown to me. ' "I am thankful for finding a cure so rood and so pleasant to take as Stuart's 1 vrp psla .Tablets, I am surprised at the change tbey , have made in me." , All druggists 'e 11 and reepmmend Plunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets because they rontain only the simple natural digestive- and taken after meals prevent nrhiitr and cause prompt digestion and aFimilation of food. -v - , t fi J'hysli Lans everywhere indorse them . Uik.i ,r. ,aa. ftir..iu-c)nlj a (or tt adult; they are invaluable f r tour ftotn.ich, nervous dyapepsia, I . irtii.irn. ran on stomach and bowels nj cvriy furm of ctomach derangement land Empire, which went aground at the head of Anchor Canyon, last Tues day. nulled tmt mtn the WS7S. at Celllo last night She was not so bad I ly damaged as was at first thought, he jsays, and she will be in operation again I within five or six days. In the mean time the steamer Twin Clues is run ning in her place. , ItrCORD KOCD TRIP. Captaia MooreBlieves H Made One DotwMn Linnton and Montet-ejr. What il considered by Captain Moore to be a record round trip for an oil tanker was the one made by the Roee crans, Of the Associated Oil company's fleet on her last voyage from Linnton to Monterey and back. She made the trip in six days and eight hours. The J. A Chanslor of the same fleet recently made what was said to be a record round trip from Linnton to San Fran cisco, tut as Monterey is 18 hours far ther steaming, Captain Moore says that he thinks he has at least that record, if ' not , surpassed- it :. Captain Moore says that he never saw so few vessels as on the last trip. The Rose crane arrived at Linnton at 8 o'clock last night with 18,000 barrels of oil. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Dec II Arrived at 7:30 a. m steamer Nehalem, from San Fran cisco. Arrived. at 8 and left up at 8:15 a. m., steamer Col., E. L. Drake, from Ban Francisco. . . . 1 , x ' :' V';-;V" ; Astoria, Doc U.Arrlvcd 1 at ' 8 and left up at 8:80 a. m., steamer Break water, from Coos Bay.' Arrived at 8 and left up at 9- m., steamer Roanoke, from Ban Diego and. way ports. Bailed at J a. m., schooner Lyman D. Foster, for New Zealand. Arrived at 10 and left up at 11:30 a. m., steamer Rose crana, . from San Francisco, galled at 2.30 ; p. m. steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay. ; ; v. "' "'. '.v.-. . ,-. ,;: San Francisco Dec il. -Sailed at I a. m steamer Geo. W. Elder, for Ban Diego. Arrived at 8 m steamer Rose City, from Portland; at a. rn,, steamer Bear, from Ban Pedro. Sailed at 6 p. m., British steamer Quito, for Port land. . -' . ,i , -r' : " X . San Pedro, Dec. IL Baited, schooner Sehome, for Columbia river. . Astoria, Dec. 12.-Condltlon at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth; wind east eight miles; weather, clear. Tides at Astoria Tuesday High water, 9:55 a, m.. 8.9 feet; 11:10 p. m., 8.5 foot; low -water. 3:40 a. m 2.7 feet; :4S"p. 0.1 feet ; ALONG THE WATERFRONT. V The British steamer Strathflllan. Can- tain MacPhee, shifted this morning from the elevator dock to Alblna dock. She Is scheduled to sail next Friday for the orient with 6000 tons of wheat, flour and lumber. Her 1 floor consignment will consist of about 6O00 tons. Laden with lumber for San Francisco. the uteamer Bvea will leave down from the Inman-Poulsen mills -tonight and the steamer Shoshone wllj drop down the stream from Bt Helens to Oak Point to complete-her lumber cargo for the iiay .City, - -i ; .- -v: with patisengcrs , and t reigbl, the steamer R9anoke, Captaia- Dunham, ar rived at 6 o'clock last night from San Francisco, 4an Pedro and San Diego. Sho made a particularly good run this trip.'- ; . ' ' -V; , I. W. "W. Brown took formal charge as agent at Couch street dock this morn in?, relieving Charles O. Stimpson, who will return ta Everett In a, few days to engage in the lumber business, Mr, Brcwn saya that In the few days he has been here he has taken a great liking to Portland. He was for several years connected with the Pacific Coast Steam ship line and comes here from San Francisco. : -. - - . . With a large amount of freight, in cluding 200 tons of, coal, the steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgeon. arrived yesterday afternoon from Coos Bay. -. Dafljr Rlrer Reading. : 8:00 a, m. 120th meridian time. -.2 "ft X 2 a s "a 3 C f - v ' STATIONS. Lewiston ......... Itlparia ........... Umatilla ..... .v. , fSiigone . . . . ... ,., Harri8burg ....... Albany . . ... . '.., Salem ............ WilHonville ....... Portland 24 8.3 0.7 30 4.0 0.2 25 1.2 0 10 8.00,1 18 3.70.9 ,20 7.3 0.9 20 8.81.0 37 11.81.8 15 1 0.8 Indications rise. In river. Minus sign shows fall. , ' . ' River forecast The "Wlllarriette river at Portland will steadily fall for the next few days. . - , MARINE INTELLIGENCE. . , ' . ' 'i '' .'','.' .V- T '. : Bernlar lnrs Due to Arrlvs. Breakwater, Coos Bay,.. . rea 18 Roanoke. San Pedro. .......... .Dec. 25 Golden Gate, Tillamook...... ...Dec. 12 Bear, San Pedro v. .Dec. 14 Alliance. Eureka. 3... Dec 15 Sue 11. Elmore, Tillamook Dec. 17 Geo W. Elder. San Diego .r.... Dec. 18 Rose Citv, San Francisco ......Dee. 19 Beaver, San Pedro .......Dec, 24 . Bernlar Liners Doe to Depart . S je H. Elmore, Tillamook. ..... .Dec. 13 Bneakwater, Coos Bay,,.. Dec. 13 Beaver, San Pedro. ............ .Dec. 1.1 Golden Gate, Tillamook ........ Dec 14 Roanoke, Ban Pedro ....Dec 14 Alliance, Eureka ...Dec 17 Bear. San Pedro .......... v... Dec 18 George W, Elder. San Pedro. .. , .Dec 21 RoBe City, San Pedra. .Dec 23 Teasels in Port. St Nicholas, Am. sch. . . . . . , . . . .Astoria Jane L. Stanford. Am. bktn. . .. , . . .. , . , . .Port. Drydocks Micheiet T. dk, ."..worth Hank Inveravon. Br. ah ;..Coal Bunkers Strathflllan, Br. es. .Alblna Pierre Antonlne, Fr. bk.;.i . .i". .Astoria Frieda, Ger. bk...i. v.......... .'.Linnton Beaver, Am. ss. . . ... ...... , .Ainsworth Hazel Dollar, r.; as. . . .rort nur. Co. Buffon, Fr. bk. .... . i ...... .O. R. & N. Fk-ottiBh Moor, Br. s. ........... .Mersey Omoga, Ger. bk. ......... N. P. Lbr. -Oi. Goldbek, Ger bk. ... . ,. , ... ; . , :Prescott Canneblere, Fr. bk,, . . . .Montgomery 2 Olenholm. Br, bk ......Montgomery 2 Berlin. Am. sch , .Gob'e .Tabes Howes, Am. at h. . . ... . .Astoria Bt. Francis. Am. eh.......... . .Astoria Claverdon. Br, shf.J, , .Prescbtf Virginia, Am. sch...;'., ....... .Rainier Thiers. Fr. ah... -.-...Astoria Shoshone,. Am. ss, ., . . . -i ..Oak Point Kumeric, nr. ss. , . . .Eastern Avestern EUerbek. Ger. bk. .............Linnton Schurbek, Ger. bk. ............ . Linnton PoltaUoch, Br. sh. ....St Helens En Boats With Cems&t sad Oaneral. Amiral Cornulier, Fr. bk...... Antwerp Bayard, Fr. bk. .Glasgow Claus. Ger. sh. . . . . . ; . . , ... ...Hamburs David d Anglers, Fr. bk. .... .Hamburg Marecnat ae uasiries, t. Da.,,,t.Tyne Wllhelmlne, Ger. sh.. . ... ...... Antwerp Luzon, , Am sch Redondo En Boats With CoaX Col. de Villebols Mareuil. Fr. bk . Newcastle. N. 8. ' vf. ' Man Electrocuted In Bathtub. , - (TJnlted Piths Leaned Wliw.t Stockton, CaL, Dec 12. Eckley Hall, a contractor, is dead at his home here aa the result of an electric shock re celved while taking a bath. Hall was standing in tho bathtub. It is believed. end reached up to turn on the electric light .The water in the tub connecting with the discharge pipe formed a short circuit and the full 240 volts of the ystewf-weTe-takri'throTjgh--ttlr''boay, Death was instantaneous. Sheridan district has 880 schpol chlV dren, a gain of ,1 7 la a year. CITY RESPONSIBLE" FOR B0:.'D ISSUES, U vLAilO 'UKANI ;' : (Continued from Tae One) . . 1 . oressea a comoiumauun 10 me request- ing an opinion upon the legality of the bonds issued by the ci'ty of Portland known as 'Improvement bonds' and you particularly desired advice upon the question as to whether or not said bonds were a direct obligation of the city. V;. ... . ;- . 'The bonds In question were formerly Issued under What was commonly known as the Bancroft Bonding act, now con tained in sections 2727. to 27S5 of Bel linger and CottoVs code, as amended by the laws of 1905 and 1907, but are now issued under . tha)'provlsions of section 383 of the charter, which provisions, are substantially -tu same as the Bancroft -v v Bancroft Aet Sustained. ' ; 'The legality of the-Bancroft act was sustained by the supreme court of this state In Ladd vs. Gamble, 35 Or.- 893; Stratton vs. Oregon City, 85 Or. 409. Answering the second question, as to whether, or not the bonds lsaued by. virtue Of said bondlna provisions of the charter are a direct obligation of the city, will say this precise question nas been decided by the supreme court of the state of Oregon In Avery vs. Jov. Or. 520, H where Mr. Justice Beans, speaking for the court said: ' As a general rule, when the logisla-i ture authorizes a municipality to con-' tract a debt, and issue bonds therefor. It is to be inferred that It Intended to authorize v the' payment of such onds out of the money raised J by general taxation, unless there Is something- In the act Itself," or some general limita tion upon the power of taxation, which repels such an inference; and although a special tax or fund may be provided. the bondholder's remedy I not limited to such tax or fund, unless it is pro vided that the bonds shall not be paid In any other way. : The bonds.; when issued, become a debt of the corpora tion, for which Vit is primarily , liable, and for any balance due thereon after the application of the, special fund the holders are entitled to payment out of the general fund of the corporation. In United States vs. County of Clark, 9 U. B. 211, the county had subscribed for stock of a , railroad company,, and Issued Its bonds in payment therefor pursuant to the law which authorized the levy of a special tax to pay them, "not exceeding one twentieth of one pe' cent upon the assessed value of taxable property for. each year, bo t contained no provision that only the fund so de rived should be applied to their pay ment On the, application for a writ of mandamus iby the holders : of the bonds to compel the clerk of the county to draw a warrant on the county treas urer, payable from the general fund of the county, for the balance due on the bonds after the application of the pro ceeds or a special tax the court held that the bonds were debts of the county as ruuy aa any other liability, the sue clal tax being merely an additional pro vision for their payment and for any balance remaining due thereon of either prinolpal or Interest, after the arrilica tion of the proceeds of the sbeciaf tax. the holders were entitled to payment out oi me g-enerai rund of the county, act . , r . , Boston Bond Question, "In Lowell vs. Boston. Ill Mass1. -40. 15 Atrv Rep. 39, the supreme court of Massachusetts, In speaking .of bonds whlcltthe city of Boston was authorized to issue by an act of the legislature to enable it to raise funds to be' loaned to individuals to aid them In rebuild Ing that portion of the city destroyed by fire In November, 1872, which act estaDiisnea a sinking fund for the cav ment of such bonds, to consist of all premiums on - the sale- of bonds above their par -value, no all receipts of ln- tarest on loans made -over and above the Interest paid on such bonds, and of all payments of the loans made under tha authority of the act. said The Issue of the bonds by the eltv. whatever brovlsion may be made for their redemption - involves the possible and not . improbable consequence -of a i.euoKBiiy io proviae. ior weir payment by the city. ; The right to Incur-the oDiigauon- implies the right to raise money Dy Taxation ror payment of the bonds, or, what is equivalent the right io levy a tax ior the purposes for which the fund Is to be raised by means of the bonds so authorized.' To the same purport Is State vs. Milwau kee, ,25 wis. 122; Parsons vs. City of Charleston, 1 Hughes, 282, Fed. Cas, No.10,774, Knox County Court va rTnltwi States, 109 U. S. 229, '8 Sup.. Ctl Rep. 131; United States vs. Kew Orleans, 98 U. 8. 381. 'Indeed. aS was aald hrtir Justice Field In the case last cited. Jt is always to be assumed in the absence of clear restrictive provisions, mat wnen me legislature grants- to a HE VENT FISHING r ON THE ICE And It nearly resulted in a tatnut But read about the New England deputy sheriff " - , .. Winsted, Conn.. Aur.1 1. 110. . Mr. W. H. Llpplncott, Shi uuver bid?.. ' Pittsburg; Pa.' ' Dear Sir. Referring to the nf Deputy Sheriff NeWclty of this place, ui wnora j. wroie you, I today called upa him and found him greatly im proved. As you know, he is the man who put me next to this treatment, an n had practically cured him of a severe case or unght s disease about the time I, began taking It Late In March h. went fishingr on the ice and contracted a . severe cold and during the Illness which ensued his trouble returned. The family physician was called. H rr steadily worse until about two weeks ago. The doctors saldwhe had only a short time to live. He was badly swol len ana uname to retain nourishment At that time I Induced his sister (un known, to the doctor) to put hira back on the Renal Compound. . The result was marvelous. The bloat is all gone, the kidneys are much better, his heart action is now fine, eyes clear and gain, ing' In strength daily. His worst trou ble now is that his stomach is weak and he cannot retain food. I understand the company furnishes a pamphlet glv fng advice as to the treatment of severe cases. Will you kindly send It to met I met. his doctor recently and he said he did not understand what Was keep ing Newcity, alive. But I know and firmly believe if h continues It he will fulty recover his strength. 1 i Regarding my own case I never .feit better in my life than I do today. As you know la3t December my physician said I ynly had a Jihbrt time to live. I have never lost a day's time from my business, ; but have used, the treatment faithfully and restricted my diet and now consider myself in normal: health. Yours very truly, E. J. PRATT. With death pertain under the ortho dox treatment what excuse can there be for not glylng patients and their families the hope of recovery that Is of fered by the simple addition of .Fulton's Kenal Corjpoutfll to the heart, toic and elimlnatlVtt prescrlptiona.that the doctor is now giving without hope, f There is no conflict, it being bo mild that a child ra Tf"tker ma riy'lrvtrig-rercitprcij. "'"Fly ing full in the face of the text book in Christendom, we declare chronic kid ney disease - now curable in a majority - c " '!'' f " i Kity tha power .to create a debt, l in-.rosed of by the films method. i ItmdS'th&t tbe city shall pay It. andj The $15(0 in cash found in the Rpart--i jlat payment shall not be left to its'nrat occupied by Smith, the police say, I Mnrtr or rfftflsnre. WhHn. therefore, r -mrpsent .n th .rufpr amount nf mfinpv I t;)Wer contract a debt Is conrerred secured by the Rale of the filings.. ! il. must be held that a corresponding! Whether the bullion -was removed! Slower of providing for .its payment is .from the Humboldt's vaults while the! itlso conferred. The latter is Implied ,issel was at sa or after she arrived i,t the rant of the former and sucn Implication cannot be overcome except ly, express' words excluding it .'-; ' City Xa Besponsibla, ' 1 ' ""Now, in this case there are no ex- thelmpllcation that thetonds to be sued for waterworks may be paid out contrary, it clearly " appears that the I provision of the charter making water rates applieuble to the payment of the bonds . was only Intended as an addi tional provision fof the payment of the proposed new debt and not as a denial to the bondholders of the right to re sort to the ordinary ' revenues from which payment of the debts of the city is made. It does not, in express terms, or. by Implication, import that ; they were thereby to be precluded from look ing to the city for the payment of the debt. By the terms of theact author-t izing the tonds : it is expressly pro vided that the city shall "be held and considered in substance and effect to undertake, and' Dromise. in consideration of the premises,, to pay to the bearVr of each of the said bonds, at the expiration of uch time as the council shall pre scribe, not exceeding 20 years, the sum named therein, in gold coin of the United States, together ; with, interest thereon in like gold coin "at the rate'.jof per cent per annum, payable half yearly as provided N saidf coupons-'he plain import of ti; language Is. that tho city is to become primarily liable for the payment of the bonds issued by it and nothing in the language of the charter In any-respect affects this' pri mary liability. The bonds, when issued, will create a debt of the "pity as fully as another liability, for the payment of which the property of its inhabitants may be subject to taxation. "The charter authorizes the city to issue -said bonds' and does jiot provide that , they shall be payable out ' of a special fund only. You are therefore advised that in my opinion these bonds are a direct obligation of the city of Portland.. .. -., .... . .v ; Belles ' on Special Fu id. . , Tn your communication yon also re quest my opinion " concerning the - ad yantagw i lf vj any, -f the Portland impromnent bonds over similar bonds of the states of Washington and of Cali fornia, Owing to the pressure, of busi ness I am unable to make any extended examination into the particular features of the California bond. I did, however. make, a thorough . examination of the bonds Issued under the statutes of the state of Washington, These bonds speci fically provide that they shall be paid out of a special fund only. The holder of the bonds must look to the special fund exclusively and If that fund should fall he has no means of recovery against the general fond of the state. You will readily see' the superior advantages of the Portland bond over the Washington bond. -in conclusion ; I " might add that Messrs. Story, Thorndyke, j Palmer A Dodge of Boston, Mass, who are classed among the eminent bond authorities of the United States, have recently passed upon ' this'' precise . question in accordance with this opinion. t ., , "Very respectfully yours, ' v "FRANK S. GRANT. "City Attorney,; JURISDICTION OF BULLION (Continued from Page One.) alleged theft They helped dispose, of the bullion,-the officers - assert, f-- Both the' Woodsons were subjected to a cross examination today by Captain of Detectives Wall and it Is reported they confessed. , Efforts to wring a con fession from Smith and the woman ar rested with have failed, 'it Is the tneory of the police that the entire ' amount of bullion stolen ' from fie Humboldt to hidden here and a sys- nmatio canvass of local safety aepostt, kaults will be mads.. The police say that only J2000 worth had been dls get th- oxanrnt- a-wats, A substitute Is a dangerous make shift especially in medicine, he genu ine Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds quickly and is in a yellow package, contains no opiates and is safe and certain in results; Skidmore Drug Co., two stores, mala store 151 3rd St, branch store Morrison and West Park 8tst Woodard, Clark Drug Co., - FEES ONLY w $5 to $10 tN SIMPLE CASES If Ilcr.gst end , Resp'!a YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED Cessaltailcn, Examination, Expert . Diagnosis;; FR rrr LI: The Reliable, Specialists MEN TAKE HEED OF COMPETENT ADVICE v " We have been the means of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers to complete and perfect , health. Will you place your confidence in the care of honest skillful and successful specialists? Years of practical ex. perlencap thousands f dollars spent 1n researches and scientific investl-; gatlon. supplemented by an. Immense practice, has enabled Us to evolve a upeoial system of treatment that is a safe and prompt eyre for special diseaies an weaknesses of dwb. The change in thousands of cases Is marvelous. Blighted lives, blasted hope, weakened systems and nervous wrecks have bees safely and promptly eared by our method. We have evolved a system of treatment that is a powerful and determined medici nal corrective, where man's characteristic energies have become weak-, ened and debilitated, either through excess. Indiscretions or the result, t neglected or Improperly treated diseases. , . . ? i BT TlffB r.ATTST ABTD BEST ntrr0X)8 ' VTB TO ' TrT CtTBIirt, Ri AVO-YITAT, OBBTilTT. TAXIOOS- lt, HTT Ot - T-S, B-OOD ABTD BTtlW IBS83, KIDKET AWD PTO'D. TTLCuas, Bovrn, pAiNywi, swei,iw?3, BTisri(j. rrc-'. a.o INI'tAM-aiATIOjr. NEHTOUSISESH. LOS3 Of ITBttttTH At, JTTTiy ITT AKD ALT. COaXBACTIO rIS0BDE8 OB VXJS. ' Men, If In Trouble) Consult Us We have asded to oar office equipment for the "benefit ef jancji ' OBXT, A rKi of Ataaoray and gallery of s entiflo wosdars. MAS. know thyself. Life ise models ninstiratlng' the mysteries ef xnaa. showing the body la health and disesie and maay avtaral subjects, Men maHe no mistake when they come to ns. We give you the re mits of loijg experience, honest conscientious work, sad the best service that money can buy. If you are ailing, consult us. Medicines furnished in our private laboratory from 11.10 o 88.60 a oourse, t - - If you cannot call, write, tot seif-examinatioa blank. Hours. ' I m. to 8 p. m. daily. Sundays, 8 to 11 only. . .. N . " OREGON Til EblCSL71NSTlT0Tfi" 231 H EOESrsOJf ET, BST. rOTTBTK ABB BZTTH, BCtZASTB, CB. j, settle will materially affect the octlon of the police in prosecuting the prisoners. Local authorities communi cated with the northwestern' police to cay to ascertain if possible,, when the alleged robbery occurred. ThA tnn Knnilnm In all nrnVinWMfv is-,viI, be lrled here on lflts serioua cv,argea than .that of grand larceny, the . ' " CUPID" LOSING GBOUiJD IN WASHINGTON CITY (Special PlsHtch to The ionrnal.) 1 ' Dayton,, Wash., Dec. 12. Although the county auditor's fee book shows that 67 marriage licenses have been-issued here this year. Cupid is losing ground here- The record of .divorces in the clerk's office 'Indicates that 40 divorces have been granted In Colum- .bla , county, Of marriages there has been a 10- per eent decrease from last year, while divorces have' been -more numerous- by the same ratio.; The. little god of love therefore has "lost out" In Columbia .. county -this ; year. -.; The mar riage record shows that a disposition to marry young exists here while the divorce records show that with five ex ceptions .women' are the plaintiffs In untying affairs. Desertion and non support, constitute grounds for 80 . per cent of the divorce actions in Dayton. PORTLAND AD CLUB TO ELECT OFFICERS Officers to serve during 1911 will be elected at the weekly luncheon of the Portland Ad club to be served at noon, Wednesday, at the Oregon GrilL On the program for short talks are me fol lowing. J C. W. Hodson. of the Fred A. Jacobs company; C M. Idleman, lawyer; Lewis The ding' Specialist ; The failure of others to cure you does not prove your case in curable. I -, hava cured cases . of men's aliments that had time af ter time baffled medical effort and as often been pronounced past relief. - The reasons for this is that my understanding of ail ments of men Is complete and ac curate and my treatment directed accordingly. If others have failed. It is. to your best interests to at least consult me. . - , ' ' . ;.; Y COlf STDXTATIOU Z US - t ' Ailing . and suffering men or those suffering from any contract ed ailments should call on me at once. I make absolutely - NO CHARGE! for a friendly talk and my. advice will'1 be valuable, whether treatment Is begun or not Writs if you cannot call. : J v ltT ;. COKES v ABB THOSOVOB ' . ASH P&OKFT. , Z wm Walt for My V Vntfl Ton Are WeU. -v-., If you cannot call, write for di agnosis chart My ; office ' are open all day from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., and Sundays from 10 to 1. The Dr. Taylqr Co. 834 WJOBBtSOW STKEET,' OOi BXB BEOOJS0, FO-X-IU. OB. MEM frvm 0p) .' ... ZJ II. I-' .id, -of the Coin machine manu Jacturing company; 11. F, Joslin. The following ticket has been recommended by the nominating committee with three memebrs of the executive com mittee to be chosen: President. Georce T. Atchlpy.'D. O. Lively, C. B. Merrick, D. N. Mosessohn. First rice-president C C Chapman. L-- Samuel, TL XS. Standish, '. Second Vice-president A. C ClArk. F. L .Gollehur, J. F. Larson, C. H. Moore. Secretary-Treasurer. TL W. Johnston. Executive Committee. C E. Arms, Phil Bates, C. F. Eers.'L A. Colton, H. W. Little, C, A. "Whitemore, W. D. Wheelwright. T. B. Wilcox. There's No Rio!; If This " Medicine Docs Net Ben efit Ypu Pay Nothing. 4 . , -,. ... A physician who made a specialty of stomach 1 troubles, particularly dyspep sia, after years of study, perfected the formula from which Rexa 11 Dyspepsia Tablets are made. , Our -experience -with Rcxall Dyspepsia Tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the re lief of scut indigestion, and chronic dyspepsia.. Tholr ingredients are sooth ing' and healing to the Inflamed mem branes of the stomach. They are rich in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aidsknown to medicine. The relief they afford is almost immediate Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a 'cessation of the pains caused by stomach, dis orders. ." ,( i.. . Rexail Dyspepsia Tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and pro mote nutrition. As evidence of our sin- Were faith in Rexail Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give, you entire satisfaction we will return you the money you paid us for them, without question or for-, mallty. They come, in three sizfis, prices 25 cents, 60 cents and f 1.00. Remem ber1, yon can obtain them only at the Owl Drug Co., Inc., corner Seventh and Washington streets. 1 ' iTH i srsTra: or MAN BUILDING i-:.:'.V'..';: t Ti:.".Ts,".::ri - ... T.S.- TB birCIAIST WHO CO-XS Do not allow money ' .matters to keep you from getting - well We charge nothing to prove our methods will cure you.' - Our guarantee NO MONTBY REQUHIED UNTIL SATIS FIED -IS your absolute protection Consultation, examination and , medi cines free, o-;--.;- ';.' v-, j. IrTUCTED UXBTt berore treating elsewhere, honestly toTestigate oar provwa methods. 1 You. will then under stand how easily we - cure VAUlCO-sB VEXNS, BTYDaOCEUG, BPidPTC BU)OD TOlSOn, NEB.VO-VITAL DE. EIUTf, OESTBi'TOTIOJTS, P09TAT rtJ, BLAD5EB and BIB-XT tronbles. corarraAOTKO ailments, i Btmro, B- CS, sad AH &-CXA Bdseases. What you want is a cure. Come to us and get. it Once under our treatment - you will quickly realize how simple a thing it is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our . cures add not only years to life, but life . to years. Office hours daily 9 to 6. Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to L dr; green co. Spa Washington st, Portland, Or. . GUARANTEED CURES IF YOU ARE CURABLE Men and WcacQ Cured tS AB 10 ZS OTTB FEB pat wxmr CVFTB ' '. flO X-BAT TTT K 1WIH ATIOJ TUEB Call at once and find nut what your trou ble Is before this grand of fer is with-, drawn. The British Botanic Medicine C o. are ' curing the sick and weak; with their won derful Ear o- Dean methods O f treHtmeni, combined with their botanic and blchemicn remedies. ... l9"- iimia. GhTanti&&. a-d Bervous isVR JDlseases., , , rm C. wii, You can not afford to Jeopardise your health or risk your life by employing Incompetent medical aid but go at once to one whose reputation, skill and abil ity, backed by success and long years of experience, give assurance of honest. bkiuiui ana sciennrw treatment and a cure.. WO BUCcessfullv treat and nia.r- antee to cure all forms of Acute, Chroa- 10 una asrvvriw innses, iooa ronton, Servo-Vital Troablos, Stomach Tzon hies. All Forms of skin Diseases, Ca tarrh of all forms, $5.00 per months Eo sema. Piles cured without .the knife; Swollen Glands, Nervousness, Debility, Varleossd Veins, Bladder and Prostatio and Contracted Troubles ard all Acute and Chrenio Diseases of Men and Wo men. Sun Diseases s Specialty. Call today for free X-ray examination If vou cannot call, write your Svmn. toms. Many cases cured by our home treatment. Call at Once end be cured by BRITISH BOTABIO MEDICI SB CO. 887 Washington St.. Portland, Or., 4th iioor Kotncnua iiunaing. Take elevator. MSN AND V0?.I;N CURED The. famous Chinese DRS. S. K CHAN, wit! their rem dies of herbt and root c u re won derfully. 1 1 has cured fertrs when fcB otner reme- dies have failed. Sure cure for chronic. private ailments, nervousness, blood poi son, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia. kidney, tnroat ana lung troubles,- con BuinDtion. stomach disorders and other diMass of all kinda. Kmedie-harm less. NO OPKRAT10N. Honest treat ment. Consultation free. Examination for ladles by Mrs. 8. K. Chan , Call or write to TB:B B. X. CHAN WWIcrfrB C -, SSSH -orxiaon St, bet. la d, portlaad, Or. DR. J f). m: Dt.S. .Chaa aunn - m i v tiat vsi, aZLz n;en tavs got to con-' salt after t'.ey Lave failed to receive a cure elsewhere. r - . l . I po.'tively cure Varicose Veins, Rup ture, Obstruction, Special Ailments of Men; , Kidney, Bladoer and Blood Ail ments and isiervous Weakness. If you want a perfect cure, cure to stay cured, treat with the old reliable firm. Don't wn?te your money with cheap and unskilled . specialists. Get the best always. The twst ia none too good for you and always the cheapest iii the end. 1 ' . Remember, we treat only cases we can cure. Cure or no pay ta our motto. What more tan, you ask? ' ' ; ' We ' will cure you of your trouble never to return If we tell you so. Re member this. We are specialists In our line, not cure-alls. . ' ' " . Call at once and let a true crpedallst examine you today, not tomorrow. Stop suffeHnij;. get-strong and vigor ous, .What more 'to 'be desired than health? ; Nothing.; ' - Come and consult charge. . ns free of all DR. LINDSAY The Old Beliable Cpecst. . ' Corner. Alder and Second streets. Em trance 128 Second street Portland, Or. Office hours 8 a. m. t 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Chinese Herbs In M Demand c Wo J THE CBTTTEHB OCT03 . The sick people of the Pacifio North- west should not overlook the chance to be cured that C Gee Wo"s famous Chi nese herbs offer. Every day sees many people calling'at his office at 1J First street corner of Morrison, to take " the treatment and every day sees many cured. Even the mails bring numerous inquiries about U herbs. They are curing hundreds. Chronio diseases those that doctors have pronounced in curable are betas; cured all the urns. People Who cannot call suouia write, giving symptoms, C. Gee Wo ta the. most famous herbalist In .this part of the country. ' His charges -are reason able. . His herbs are genuine. CU or write now. ; ',.. . . - '' COKitUXiTATICUf TX Open Kvetttngs and Sundays, tf you ttve' out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank and cir cular, inclosing four cents in stamps. Tte C Gee Vo abtjeKe-icbeCo: '163K TTSSt ST COB- UOEBX SOOT .. Poxtlaad, Ox. ' 1 MEN CUREB , G10. O4S0URFEE Pay When Cured We have every known remedy "ap pliance for TBBATCsia TOO.. Our ea- nerlAnftA im mn frr n nA ti,.t one of the ailtnente of men is new to usa COIIB IN AMD TAXJC XT OVBJL . .General Debility, .Weak Bervcs, Zsw omnia Results of exposure, overwork and other violations of Nature's laws. Diseases of Bladder and idneys. Tart- em 'sd at smaij expnss and no detentios from bxisinesa. ... . , , BPECIAi ArXMIBTIU-Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching - ana inflammation stopped In 14 hours. Cures effected In seven days.. Consultation free. If an able to call, write for list of qneetion Office Honrs A. M.' to 8 P. tf Sundays, 10 A. M. to, 1 P. M,yonly. . . .; Pacific Coast Medical Co. : tun was-xbtotob 'fixaiajT,'1 Corner Ztrst. .- ARE YOU SICK? Consult the On Wo Tong Medicine' uo. unese notea doctors have learned th secrets known only to the famous Chi nese savants and have speciaVly imported herbs from the remote provinces of China that positively cure all ills of the human system. Diseases of the nervous system,- female disorders, blood poison stomach trouble, etc., absolutely cured." No matter how, many doctors have failed, no matter how many medlclns you have used without result, call on us, W can cure you. . . Consultation free, , Treatments by mail. 0a Wo Tong Chinese Medicine find Tea Company . M Second St Eoure 9 A. M. to 10 P 4- ... . f ; "' -' ' Vv. .' . v . Gze Vo I , . . il