The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 11, 1910, Page 59, Image 59

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All. .Rally to Support of Lachnmnd California JSccra for Successful Candidates -J Affairs Run
ning Smoothly at Capital Benson's Unkjuu Certificate of flection Ith of G. Eayne Copies
of Abstracts of Votes in Recent Election in Demand Attorney .General Prepares Important Brief.
them. The initiative amendment to the las 1 choose to consider It is such an
constitution was adopted by the people j adaption of the principles which go to
in 1902 nnrt nt Inln tnrra Julv of
, that year, having been reopened as An
1 amendment Jto the constitution by the
legislature and adopted by a largevete
at the general election held In June
of that year. . ,
(Sulem Bureau of The Journal. 1
Salem, Or., Dec. 10. Considering the
circumstances that there was a lack
of canlidates, a fairly . good vote was
polled -at the annual city election held
Monday of this week, and Louis Lach
mund, hop dealer, was elected mayo!
of the Capitol city jf or a ftm of two
years beginning January 1, 1911, and
to end January 1, 1913. The only stir
ring feature of the election day was a
strange fear that overcame ..Lachmund
and his friends about 4 o'clock in the
afternoon when it became noised around
that the- "Prohis" were stampeding the
polls and Lachmund was In danger of
fiefcat at the hands of a "dark horse"
candidate Whose name.- was being writ-,
ten in by the "Prohis" who opposed
I.achmund's candidacy on account of his
business.- .; The fear proved groundless,
however, ' for Lachmund got all , but
about to votes, which . were scattering.
However,' '-Lachmund.' arid his friends
scurried around and rounded up the-neg
ligent ones and consequently the fairly
pood vote was the outcome. Many; peo
ple nevertheless, were not aware that
there was an election that day.
. ' . Hamilton's Eig Vote.
Lachmund received ' 927. votes. Ira
Hamilton, who had no opposition for
city marshal, received the highest com
plimentary -vote, His vote was 1049.
Charles, Elgin, recorder, received 1034
and R. - A. Crossan, for treasurer, re
ceived 1038! ' Neither candidate had op
position. Seven councllmen were elect
ed; only three of whom had oDDosltlOn.
In the First ward H. O. White, Inde-1
renoenr, aereatea h. a, jonnspn, the
regular. Republican nominee, by a vote
r almost two to one. The vote was:
White, 119; -Johnson, 4. Frank W. Dur
blrt was elected from. the Second ward
without opposition and- received 193
, votes. F. J. Lafky was elected from the
Third ward with 99 votes; K. J, Sauter
from the Fourth by 154 votes, ana J.;" D.
-Wartngvfrom the Seventh by 59-votes.
In- the Fifth ward W. W. Hill beat
George Jacob by a vote of 100 to 90,
and In the Sixth J. 8. Pennypacker was
elected over S. 8. Glmble by a vote of
102 to 49.'.. ' v :
a newly constituted the First ward
will be represented in the council by
A. W. Moffltt and.H. O. White, the Sec
ond ward. by S. A. Manning and Frank
. Durbin; the Third ward by W. If. El
dridge and J. S. Lafkrj the Fourth
i ward by A.- W. Low and E. J. Sauter;
; the Fifth ward by August Huckenstein
and. W. W. Hill; the Sixth ward by
W. H. Hatch and , S. Pennypacker, nd
the Seventh ward by N. D. Elliot and
3. XX Waring. The indications are that
-lachmund will make a vigorous execu
tive, having been designated while' in
tli council as the "fighting alderman"
and conspicuous for "always wanting1 to
know about 'things before he cast his
ballot- - . . - -f ,
Many to California,'
For .ff Week past California has been
a, sort of Mecca for those who were suc
cessful Jn, the late election. The furore
of ;tw campaigns, combined with the
Persistency of offlceseckers, have made
the successful ones desirous of getting
away for a much needed vacation. Gov
f rnor-clect ,; Oswald West and 1 State
Treasurer-elect Thomas B, Kay left last
Saturday.' Governor and Secretary of
State-elect Frank, W. Benson departed
Monday evening -and State Printer
elect WUHh S. Dunlway , followed on
Turpday. Governor Benson went to San
Francisco and San Jose. Mr, Dunlway
probably went to Los Angeles, while the
destination of Mr. Kay and Mr. West
is not known, tut was probably Los
Angeles or San T)ieg-o.
Affairs Eur. ring Smoothly.
In the meanwhile the state seems to
be getting along quite as well without
Its executives as with them. Before
leaving Governor Benson canvassed the
official returns of the late election and
signed the certificates of election. Mr.
Bowermitn is expected to arrive in the
state capital the first of next week to
clean, up the business of the rrescnt
administration. The holidays will be
followed closely by the next session 'of
the Oregon legislature and a new . ad
ministration will be ushered in with
Governor West, a young and aggressive
man; at the., helm. .- . v
J Benson's Unique Certificate. .
. Before- leaving' Governor Benson took
his oath aa secretary of state for the,
ensuing term. His certificate of elec
tion was quite-a document. It showed
he had been elected over his' opponent
by a splendid majority, as duly counted
by himself as secretary of etatein the
presence'of himself as governor, as pro
vided by law. It showed further that
the certificate was Issued to himself qy
himself, and was signed by himself
as" governor,; and that 1 'signature at
tested by another signature eigued -by
himself as secretary of state., Truly,
'his opponent had no chance at all,
i" Death of G. , Bayne.
The funeral services over the remains
of George Bayne, a respected citizen of
this' community, were held at the Rig
don undertaking parlors (hi '.Tuesday,, ho
having died - last Sunday early. " Mr,
Bayne had been in ill health for some
time, havlnj been afflicted with axan
cer ononis face and having Buffered an
attack, of paralysis last summer. : Re
cently he contracted a old, which . de
veloped iito pneumonia, from the direct
effects of' which ; he died about ; 2:f.O
O'clock Sunday morning. .. ' -
He was born February 1. 1 S 6 9 mt
Perthshire, Scotland, and was on of a
family of 10 children. He came to this
country with his parents when quite-
young. Too family first settled in Iowa,
bfit came on to Oregon In 1888. "Since
that time his residence has been in the
Willamette valley, where -be had en
gaged in farming. Later he moved to
the city, bought city property both In
Salem and in Portland. He built the
Bayne block in this city, and wtrs among
the first to go , to Alaska at the time
Qf the discovery of gold in the north.
He leaves a wife and one son, Albert
Edward Bayne, Three brothers and two
slstejp also survive him. -They are John
Bayifesn attorney of this city, one, of
the Democratic nominees v. for ' circuit
Judge in 'this district In the late elec
tion; George Bayne of Agency City,
Iowa; William Bayne ofvVarnelts, Sta
tion; Georgia; Mra. W.1 Curry of Ba
tavia, Iowa; arid Catherine: Bayne ef
Varnelia Station, . Georgia. Interment
was In City View cemetery.,' -
.Tote Abstracts Wanted.
, It is 1 surprising to ; contemplate the
number of requests received daily by
the secretary of state and governor for
copies of the abstract of votes on the
32 measures submitted to tho electorate
of this state' last month, The requests
come from far and wide all over the
United States from ; Massachusetts to
New Mexico wanting to know, how the
people voted Ion the different measures,
wanting first-hand information, in every
case where the reasons for the requests
are given, whether; the voters', use dis
cretion In voting on so large a num
ber of measures at one time, ,
' They will discern from an examina
tion of the abstract that the people did
use discretion In selecting those . they
wanted aioptcd and setting t!vern apart,'
passing only nine of the 32 measures
put tip to them, turning down women's
suffraso and constitutional .prohibition,
two things thoroughly understood by all
tho voters, voting in favor of one nor
mal school and turning down two others
and otherwise decisively determining
mattery that never decisively
determined in any other manner -and,
deciding issues, such a.s the normal
school issuer that legislature after legis
lature had tussled with without ever ar
riving at satisfaction to the people of
tho state nor. to themselves. ; " ,. ,
I)i every Instance, Chief Clerk-Corey
of the ; secretary ; of state's office. is
giving out the Information requested f
him ! and sending to ; interested corre
spondents all over the union copies of
the abstract 'Of, votes.'' Many ' thousands
of letters of this kind have, been an
swered already and they are arriving at
the etate Capital by the score every day:
The initiative and referendum certainly
Is creating Unusual, Interest throughout
the United "States in all common wealths
like Massachusetts as well as the new
ones like ; Ari20na And NeW : Mexjlcb,
, Crawford lriares Brief. ; 1
. The attorney general this ..week be
gan the work of preparing , his brief
on the constitutionality of the initiative
and referendum which will-be - 'deter
mined during the approaching year by
the supreme court of the United States
in the case of the State' of Oregon vs.
the Pacific States Telephone and Tele
graph company.' - This Is an action
brought by the state to collect the 2 per
cent gross earnings' tax levied by a law
proposed by. tho state grange by initla
tive and adopted by the people at , the
general election in 1904: In that case
ther -attorneys- forth telephone-corpora--
tlon raised the constitntionality of the
initiative and referendum ron tending
that it was a departure from the repre
sentative form et government insured to
the people by the constitution of the
United States. . '- . -! '
The corporations and1" those who are
opposed to the initiative and referendum
generally hold to this view that It Is
an abolishment of representative gov
ernment. Whether the supreme court
will hold to that view or not' is doubt
ful. If it should great chaos would
jfesult,. for a great many laws on -the
statute books of this Btate are now
dependent upon - the initiative. The
Orecort lee-islaturer in order to insure
against , its acts being made' unconsti
tutional by means of a supreme court
decibion . directed against the initiative
has in late years taken the precaution
to1 put two enacting clauses on all bills
passed by that Jwdy so that the gen
eral laws Of this state" are enacted both
by ; the people .of the etate of Oregon
as 'the initiative and referendum amend
ment to the constitution provides and
also by the legislature of the sta"te of
Oregon as if the initiative amendment
had never been adopted. , '
In Poroe Eig-ht Tears.
"The suDreme court of the United
States will have eight years of govern- !
.AA4nl mwa lAnMA 4h A.MI 11 HO, lAft I
initiative and referendum to study. The
great .jnajorlty of the people of the
state after that eight years' experience
with the Initiative ; And referendum
would never allow It. to be taken from
'' " (Spll Dlptt to The .Journal.!
Philomath, Or., Dec. 10. This city is
In the throes of the widely , scattered
disease known as measles, and it is in
many parts : of the city and promises
to interfere with the school and college
work. The different families known to
ba affected arc: A. W. Pugsley's fam
ily. Dr. C H. Newth's. S. O. Watkina.
John Bennett's, , and many others have
been exposed. . .
O. C. Eaklns has a very bad ease of
li grippe.. ;. :k'-."'
Toe College basketball team went to
Dallas to play a game with the team
there. The. line-up is as follows Phil
omath college: Center, Thornton; for-.1
wards,' Wallace and Longetelgh; guards,'
Claybaugh and Berryman; substitute,.
Bert .Jones. . - ' I
The lecture by N. J. Bowers of Sa-1
lem. Or.. In the First United Brethren I
church last night was well tended. He j
said In .part:
; !'On; manhood and, womanhood It Is
timely to open the matter before an
audience possessing the general intel
ligence, which those before me would in
dicate, living as you do here in the midst
Of moral rectitude, the possession of the
educational institutions; which flourish
here, i and, the prosperous condjtions
which grow out of an organic struc
ture of such homcogeneity.
Then I desire to say that manhood,
make . man better, nobler, to Increase
his Integrity, raise bja ethical elements.
lead nim- on and upwards.
"Womanhood Is the highest work of
God, - It Is his highest purpose to
use woman to pattern from; It
is the ultimate purpose of the
Almighty to . so , mold the char
acter of his creatures as to make them
the models for the angels,
.'"Character Is the ennobling of the
race, the blossoming of the purity of
the Christ life."
The -audience being small, he spoke
only a few minutes, but it repaid all
who heard him.
, Pendleton, Or, Dec. 10. In the death
of Robert Sehenck by an .accidental
shooting, Umatilla county has. another
tragedy , written Mn her history. Word
reached this city Wednesday morning
that the body of the young mart who
waa associated with S. C. Bittner in
the ranching ' business at'Cayuse' sta
tion, had 'been found lying in the field
with a Jagged bullet hole through the
temple. A rifle in which was an empty
shell told, as much of the story as Is
known, but the supposition is that his
horse, 'which was a fractious one, had
become unruly and had discharged the
rifle by' his plunging. , .
Sehenck was well known in this city,
where he. was formerly employed in a
grocery store. He came from Ohio about
three years ago and his body will prob
ably be shipped back to relative in that
state. He was the last member of his
Immediate family and .had only one rel
ative In this part of the country, C.
C. Rasor, a cousin, who was employed
on the same farm, u- . ' - ,
The first cold storage warehouse in
the modern acceptance of the term
was opened In Chicago in 1889. ';.
P.lsn 2nd Womfen Cured
, - $5 avs $10 zs otjb res
'.-.v iat winnr nrm -
$10 x-sat exajunatios tsxs
and find oui
what your trou
ble is before
this grand of
fer is with
drawn. ; The
British Botanio
Medicine C o.
are curing the
sick and weak
with their won
derful .-Euro'
pean methods
o f treatmeni,
combined wltU
their . - botanic.
and blchemic
remedies. ,-...-''
Acute, fjhronio'
and Kervous t
Diseases. rcJS
Tou can not afford to Jeopardla your
health or risk vour life by employing ,
Incompetent medical aid but go at once
to one whose reputation, skill and abil
ity, backed by success and long years
of experience, give assurance of honest,
Bkillfui and scientific- treatment-and a;
cure. We successfully tredt and guar-1
jantee to cure all forms of Acuta, Chron-
10 ana nervons Diseases, siooa rowan,
Kervo-Vital Troubles, Stomach Troo
bias, All Forms of Skin Diseases, Ca
tarrh of all forms, $5.00 per month; Se
cerns, Piles oared without the knlfej
Swollen Glands, Nervousness Debility,
Taricosed Veins, Bladder and Pzostatio.
and Contracted Troubles and all Aonte
and ChroniO Diseases of Men and Wo
men. Skin Diseases ft Specialty,
- Call today for free X-ray examination.
If you cannot call, write your symp
toms. , Many cases cured by our home
treatment. .Call at once and be cured by
187 H Washington St., Portland, Or., 4tH
floor Rothchlld Building. Take elevator.
t V J'i
s, aim m 11
v t 1 r
L TJ ir 1" " "Islae li'T'
mm ms m me i
If? VTirk kTTP rtmr .eTT nr vsrvir aTAntvrim vrAwi . Attn rirtr
raa - a mjj ti v a icujLiJL. iuu u -ww ill nut tuj iuu; y
. What would you not sacrifice to feel as you did a few years ago;
to have the same snap and. energy, the same gladsome, joyous, light-':
.heajted spirit and the physical strength; yon used to have? You
know you are not , the same , man, and you know you would like to
oe., xou might as well be. fits easy. Ji am making men out of
wrecks every day by "scientific methods, and I can make yof is good
a man as yov ever werein a short spars of time.,
-. -'
': '
make vigorous,, muscular nren of the puniest, weakest specimens of
"half men"; expand and develop, every muscle and part of the body;
warm the heart,' Increase the courage and give a man power of mind
and body such as any man should be proud of,' .Make the eye bright1;
and the step elastic; make an athlet? of a sluggard. Cure the dis
ease by. restoring strength. Methods based. on science , and experi
ence alone can do this. ; I accomplish quick and lasting curesi for all .
Blood Diseases Nervous Decline, Piles,1? Kidney,- Bladder; Special.,
and Chronic Diseases of Men,' Rheumatism," Pains in the Back and
Hips, Lumbago, Constipation, Indigestion, Weak Kidneys, Loss of
Memory, and all evidences of -breaking down. : My scientific methods
will cure when all else has failed.-
My arguments are got. d, my system is good, ; but I; know you !
haven't time to study these. Vou want proof, and I am able, to
give you that,' and lots of it When your own neighbor tells you -I
cured him you will know I did." 1 '
fteeognized Most - Bnoeesafnl
Specialist la Male Maladies. ,
f; vrTnprtTm.T npntr; rv?Asv nm nrnr itn t,
Call at my office and investigate -what remarkable success 1 hsvv
'made in my ipecialty. .'. " .. -'t
Rupture lltZlh
Varicose or Enlarged Veins sPocfe
lation, .Palpitation ' Of the Heart Sour Btomaeh, Bad
Memory. Short ot Breath. Trembling of the Limbs,
Easily Excited, Tired Feeling,-In the morning, Iow
Vitality, Rlugglsh" Circulation, ONE TREATMENT
Will you continue suffering from these allmerfts or
will you place your case in my hinds and be perma-
nently cured in the right way and shortest time pos
sible? ... "'. .'-.- - '.' -' ' ' 'N- r -,.! .... ..
Kidney, Bladder permanently cured In 80
no Other complications.- These diseases are s
Rlnnrl nic.Pflc-flSiciN eruptions," lupus;
Skin Diseasen ate permanently and forever cured by
my Specific 'Blocd-Cell Remedies. They act directly,
on the Blood Cells, eliminate the disease and restore
the Internal parts to their normal conditions. I am
1 particularly anxious to hear rrom men who have been
treated by other physicians without receiving any
beneficial results or a permanent cure. , . .
MflmfM!" (Won wno nav brain panic will see new
niUVUUo IVien quickly the . right methods p. the
right place una time will do, the work. liestorea
ttrength, nourishing the Important partu No man
hould give up hope" or become discouraged or dls-
neartenea until r.e nas consul tea me. ;
. , - 5
PTT.TPQ r- A V r . BTOTf. A r
it cures Permanently. No nain
no uirerinK. 1 nuunaiwa or ineee cases are operates
v on each year without relief or a cure. You take no
. chances when you place yourself In ray hands.
- Prnstaf if I a ,'nl0,"t eve17ra man' a,fter,th ' years, is afflicted with Prostatitis and its dependent
'U0la"li Bladder and Kidney complications, throigh various causes, thus obstructing thefree passage of
urine and causing- retention. This residual urine becomes foul and ammontaeal, and serious and fatal kidney
disease, soon ensues. Are vou one of the many sufferers? . . ,
' You nave perha
ness and
.mat me urine soon passes ireeiy and naturally without burning or norllment. Avoid p.nMn anA rill.tfn.
LMoi.. T b1.k1. ".""d dangerous malady. Don't experiment with family doctora'and inexperienced
.pretenders. , Komember, good health is your most valuable asset, your Working captUL . Consult me today.
SiU.?JLn--?r? a,wys whether at; office or by mail. Medicines from $1.10 to $150 per course,
within any mans reach.. If you cannot call,, write for self-examination blank,
davs if
no Other complications.- These diseases are systemic
and readily yield to my Blood-Making and Blood
Purlf ylng Remedies, ( , ' , .
flMlto nioO'iOC! ' AND SWOLLEN GLANDS re
HLUltJ UldcadcS celve dally attention are
permanently cured In a few days. These disease. If
allowed to run unchecked, will lead to serious compli
cations. - A word to the wise is sufficient. .
ps worked hard in early life and . t H,f.4 .An.
r-It.;li'irilu5-,lM 5i tinrterminecl. roilr-nf grhtai' broken through frequent ana painful urination
your strenrth lost or creatlv lmnalrM Tion't nxn, , t ,., .-a i j "
JK?ilJ .LiUST. I.5n.d0,th?uBam,9 t0JJu- method of trcatmor.t "uicklv allays all sore-
Innammation. cleanses and heals thn PrnRtatn mo,i,ir.. a .1
Pay When Cured
We have every known remedy ap
pliance for TKSATX5Q TOU.. Our ex.
perience is so great, and vailed that no
one of the ailments of men is new to na
..Otneral Debility. Weak Verves. In.
omnia Results of .expor ur. overwork
and other violations of nature's laws.
Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Tari
cose Veins,' qnickly and permanently
cured at amau expense and no detentioo
from business. - ; .
SPECXAX. ArtKIlTTa Newly eon.
traeted and chronio eases cured. All
. burning, itching and Inflammation
stopped in .4 hours. Cures effected -in
seven days. Consultation free. If un
eble to call, write for list of questions-
Office Hours ; A. M. to 8 p. - m
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. U.,only. ;
Pacific. Coast Medical Co.
834tf '
Corner First.
HOUE.S 9 A. M. TO 8 P. M. SDXfDAT, 9 TO 13
Mt.THyBrm.M ' l
Cmtlt f
A healthy beverage Is best of all. Bet--.
. tcr, than coffee, tea, '
cocoa and : postum:
compounded from
one to four cereals,
the best food drink
for all people; more
healthful than tea
or coffee. It will
agree with the
. weakest, stomach or ,
delicate . person.- ; It
will prove nutritious
and enrich the
blood, and will pre-:
vent people from
having .ill health.
This is an up to
date, , essential bev-
tendency to Injure the stomach as tea
nnd coffee do,, but will give natural
strength on account of the wonderful
cereals. It is used by doctors, lawyers,
preachers, teachers, mechanics and mer
chants. price 25c per box. Ten cents
additional must be added to eovnr mwt.
jage if bought from our' company direct
1 by out of town customers. Grocery
agent wanted in every locality. Write
.us for terms, . . ,
vve nave medic nes for 11 mtntis'
price from $1 per bottle up. Write us
for literature,
BIO W.- Main Bt. walla WaUa, wash;
ur. banoerson's compound
Savin and Cotton Root Pills,
the best and only reliable rem-
the most obstinate
to 10 days. ' Price $2 per box, or-J for
$5; mailed In plain wrapper. Address T,
J. PIERCE. 319 Allsky Bldg Portland,
Or. . 1 .': , v.-'.. ,
1 J i
.Vyr. Tim ftlAMONR iiSAM0. A
laiMi ah rr Vniirlal for a
11 ii ( tit ! U nmaiiA
b,e, waled with Hlua Rito. V
Tsfce K thor. Rit f Tr V
IVupH tort . I- "..,.TFWM
ymn knawn u Rt, Sitttt, A!wt Rclnbi
j 1 ml. , mJ
J W I 1
' ---'
i- &'W
i I-; ) -Jint-
Tie Xading Specialist.
1 v The Best Treatment ;n the World, the' Most Modern Methods, and
No Guesswork. or Experimenting. No Ailing, Skeptical or Hopeless
Man, It Makes No Difference How Long He has Treated, Can Doubt
My Curing Him if He Will Take Time to Investigate for Himself How
I Am Curing Afflicted Men After Other Specialists Fail, and After"
Some of These Men Had Given Up Hope of Ever Being Cured. ' I i
Prove to Every Man That I Can Cure Him and How I do It Before
Asking Him to Take Treatment or Pay Me a Penny ,
Why 1 Cure Afflicted Men After
. a Others Fail ,
.- " . : . -;''.-''
I am not surprised that the majority of men who come to me
had not been cured, because they had not received the careful examina
tion given by a. skilled specialist who is an expert. Men tell me'
they never received a scientific examination until they came tojmy
office, and their doctors seemed to be more anxious to get their money '
than anything else. , , " , , .
You will see when you come to me how different you will be ex
amined. I don't treat men until I learn all about their condition f if
makes no difference how long it takes me to find it out. This is why
. I cure after others fail. ; Wherr you take treatment from me you get
the benefit 6f my best skill, time and attention necessary to cure you.
It doesn't make a bit of difference on account of your pocketbook. I
treat men to cure them and give them-: treatment that cannot fail
I want every afflicted man to call or write to me at once That is all,
"I ask'them to do to convince them beyond a doubt that I can cure
them; make them strong, vigorous, whole, happy hearty, even if they
think they are wrecks. Men who take treatment from' me improve 1
from the start-and know I can cure them.
,) Afflicted men, why wait, be skeptical, ailing or run down, or eon-;
tinue to take treatment that is doing you no good, when youvcan get
treatment from me that is certain, that does you good at oncend
sen effects a cure? Many men have to come to me sooner or later
if they are ever cured. Why not let me cure yon before 'losing yotir
-ffftwveyr-beahh-Ti'na strength in treating with unskilled specialists?
-I Cure to Stay Cured
Van's Ailments.
. To but partially cure an ailment
is almost as dangerous as to al
low it to go untreated. .- Unless
every particle of, infection "and in
flammation Is removed the prob
ability exists that the ailment
.will gradually work Its way into
the general system. Perhaps 25
per cent of the cases I treat are
a direct result of, some Improp
erly treated aliment During the
past five years I have treated over
6500 cases of these ailments and
have effected an absolutely thor
ough and safe cure in . each in
stance. There have been' no re
lapses or undesirable developments
been cured In less time than other
and less thorough forms of treat
ment require in producing . even
doubtful results.
. -- .,. ,,'; !"' ' , ' . '
"i '' -' Blood 'Ailments. -
This most troublesome of all ail
ments can no longer be classed as
incurable. The idea tnat the Umti
f medical aid Is to keep the ail
ment dormant by persistently dos
ing the system with medicines is
as Incorrect as many other ancient
theories to which many of the pro
fession cling. I positively drive
the very last tant from the system.-
The eve Ts thorough and
permanent, and every symptom; of
the " disorder vanishes forever. ' I
employ no dangerous drugs or
medicines, but use harmles, blood
cleansing remedies heretofore un
known In the treatment of this
ailment - I regard my success as
the crowning triumph of my pro
fessional ' career. t .: ';.
-f -(''....: -i---, ,
- Many men afflicted with vari
cose veins are endangering their
general health, and even life it
self, by allowing the ailment to
remain uncured. Varicose veins re
ult from partial paralysis of the
lelicate nerve fibers that have a
part in controlling local circulation
)f the blood. The muscular coat
tog of the veins, being deprived of
nervous communication , and con-'
irol, becomes inactive, weakens and
elaxes. m The blood -vessels , ex.
and from the pressure within, the
ilrculatlon becomes sluggish, and
Veouently stagrSjnt pools form irt
little nooks and pockets that con
stantly enlarge as tho relaxation
continues, -
I guarantee to cure varicose
veins in one week by a method that
Involves no cutting. So thorough
is my work that theVe need not. be
the slightest fear of a relapse 'Into
the old condition. Those wno have
been long afflicted with varicose
veins will never realize the Injury
It has caused until they feel the
vim, energy and buoyancy of spirits
that a complete cure will bring.
Xldney and Bladder.'.
My treatment removes the ne
eessity ot surgical operations, even
In severe cases- of long standing.
No other physician employs my "
methods of overcoming this ail
ment, so the service I offer you Is
original and distinctive. Do not
rive up hope because others have
failed. I will cure you and the cure
Mil be a prompt and painless one.
My treatment permanently removes
ill inflammation, relieves all Irri
tation or congestion that may exist
In the kidneys or bladder and . re
stores health and tons to all or-'
(ana affected.
1 v j Why My Cures Are Lasting '
Because the methods I employ meet even the most minute details'
of these '.ailments to which they apply, and are readily modified to
meet the requirements of the individual cases. Because my treatment
is ample, scientific and thorough, my cures are complete and lasting,
and ray patients have no relapses. For the same reason I am Usually '
able to cure m much less time than is commonly required in obtaining
but partial results. ' ; ,
Consult Me Pre - r r
... -If you are afflicted in any way it certainly will be to your best
interests to come in and , have a friendly talk with me. It will save
you a' groat deal of worry and anxiety. It will not cost you ONE
CENT and you will not bind yourself in any way to take treatment
from me. . I will tell you frankly what your condition is, and then you
can decide for yourself as to whether I shall treat you of not. If you -cannot
call, write. Correspondence invariably has my personal atten
tion, and is regarded as strictly confidential.. AIL replies mailed in
plain envelopes. , . k , .
' h ' Hours 9 A. M. to 8.P. M.; Sundays 10 to' 1 only. (
The Dr. Taylor Co.
:.ThlvVnlnes.".?ctorand '.pharmaceuttet of Wai
Jtng Chinese Herb & Root Medicine Company"
,. American bon and a cltlxen. When 4 years of ag
he went to China with his parents and got a good
education In the schools of that land. Obtaining tha
honors of Doctor of Medicine, he was permitted to
practice In the Canton Medical College and to study
, the eminent physicians' prescriptions of centuries
?V &x 2 ln. ?ew- York City he wan presi
dent of the Oriental Hospital, where he had such
Wonderful success with his medications. While there
lft-Aaw,, HHf Jrr. - ef - Port
land, and was induced to come to Portland and open
an office. Any man., woman or child with anv t.
ternal, external or eruptive rMseaee who will come to
my office can secure free consultation and ex;vmlmv
tion.- ..,..,,..
If you can't call, write 'and get diagnosis and
remedial. .,. .
- '- ;
It matters not what vonx Oment
Is, nor who has treated it, if it la
ourable we will rive von immediate
benefit and a quick and latin eure.
Bo not allow money uatteni to
keep you from getting well. We
oharge nothing to prove our meth
ods will cure yon.- Onr roarant-
SATTSl" IED -is your absolute pro
tection. - Consultation, examination
and medicines tree
We claim for onr treatment
nothing- "wonderful" or "secret" It
Is simply onr successful way of do
ing things. .
-Weak, Swollen, Safrtrlng, Knotted,
Wormy-like veins. Clotted, Stagnant
Pools of Impure Blood, Weak, Herv
ons, , Low Vitality, Kental Sep res
lion. . - -. .-,,.
We daily demonstrate that VARI
be cured without severe surgical op
eration.' .Beneficial effects are im
mediate. Pain quickly ceases, en
larged veins rapidly reduce, healthy
circulation speedily returns, and
strength, - soundness - and robust
health ar soon restored. '
Enlarged Prortate Gland, Inflam
mation of Bladder and Kidneys, Fre
quent Desire, Painful, Smarting.
Burning Sensation, Cloudy, Highly
Colored, Brtok Dust Sediment, Weak,
Aching Back, Dry, Pale, Waxy 6kin.
These symptoms of PROSTATIC,
BlADDER and KIDNEY troubles we
rapidly overcome. There is no guess
work about It We remove every ob
struction, stop every waste, allay all
Irritation and Inflammation, revital
ize the weakened organs, and soon
accomplish a safe, thorough , and
permanent cure. . t ; ;
Bash, Copper-colored Spots, Erup
tions, OTcers, Bore" Mouth or Throat,
Mucous Patches Swollen Glands,
r siung uaix.
leaves no injurious after effect. It
does not 'lock in" the poison, but
drives it our or tne , system, so
there can be no comeback. Being a
Blood Purifying, Blood Making,
Blood Cell Remedyrtt gives tha pa
tient a pure, fresh Blood Stream, and
restores him to normal health.
The cause of ZTerro-Vital Debility.
as well as Its evil effect upon the
ShysieaL mental and other powers,
i familiar to ail afflicted men. The
symptoms need not be snnmsrated
We want all ailing men to know
that our ANIMAL. EXTRACT treat
ment Is the ideal remedy for NEB VO
VITA1, DEBILITY. It does not stim
ulate temporarily, but restores per
manently.. All disagreeable symp
toms soon disappear, nerve energy la
regained, self-respect, self-confidence
and self-control return, and the pa
tient is prepared for a new period of
Mfe. , -::v ... , ... ,
Rupture or Hernia, Piles, blind,
bleeding, itching or protruding;
Pistol Ulcers, eto.
- Our proven methods make hos
pital operations unnecessary. In
most oases no pain or detention
from business. We guarantee quick
relief and positive, permanent cures.
If aUinf, you certainly do not
intend to always remain so. Ton
time. Why not now? Why delay snd
What you want Is a cure. Come
to us and get it Once under our
treatment you will quickly realize
how simple a thing It is to get well
In the hands of a specialist who
knows his business. Our cures add
not only years to Bfe, but life to
years. Office hours, daily t to 5.
Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to 1.
363 Washington St, Portland. Or.
I Am the Man
that weak, ailing men have got to con
sult after they nave failed to receive a
oars elsewhere.
I positively cure Varicose Veins. Rup
ture, Obstruction. Special Ailments of
Men, Kidney Bladder and Blood Ail
ments, and Nervous Weakness,
If you want a perfect cure, eure to
stay cured, treat with th nM roll.h'rt
Tlrm. Don't waste yotir money wltu
i-neap mra unniiii specialist. td-i
the best always. The best l none t'v
good for you and always the choapcut
in the end.
Remember, we ireat only mms we can
cure. Cure or no pay is our motto.
What more can jam auk?
' We will cure you of your trot:Me
never to return if we tell you so. H:
member this.
We are specialists In our line, not
cure-alls. .
Call at once and let a true specialist
eiHmlne you today, pot tomorrow.
.Stop surfering; get stron and vi:'
ous. What , more to be detsireii ta ,i
health? Nothing, i
('omo and consult ua free of f. .!
, Tho Old KilUWe I -
Corner Al.l'-r h '.' '. 1
trance !'' I Mi''
t ir. (if iii o J t . -1 1 -j -- 'i .t. 1 1
S'inHn v. 1 1) a. im. t i 1 i t
ft ffH f V f"'rcifC If'-s- "rrr
f--"-'iiw" 1.,l-.'n'rt-t-''tl
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