THE OREGON .SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DEC 11, 1 1 'S 1 i- - ' ' ' . IiVl ju JStritJlng gang Brtesr's "Th Llsht of t God's Own Pay" and Adams "In My Garden." Miss StrlMlng vas accom panied by her Bister, Miss Ottala. A Junior musicals was glren at the studio under the direction of Anna Mae Dick. i ; ' Orpjpon Conservatory or MuMo. AH branches taught ty staff of teachers. By J.L. W.-.' ' THE Apollo club, W. H. Boyer, di rector." will be heard in concert for the first time this season next Thursday evening. J The ; Masonic temple has been engaged for the occasion . and -while admission- may be had only through associate membership tards it Is expected that the seating capacity of the large auditorium will be taxed to the limit ' Edwin C Daw eon, baritone, .recently of New ,Tork, will be the. soloist -i 'v..-'- - '-,.:',-:'- Following will be the program: f ' Soldiers' Chorus from , Faust. . .Gocnod "O Come With Ale In the Summer night"..... der Stuck en " : . 1 Mr. Dawson. la.) f?prlng aiw Autumn"... ... .Pache (b) '"Dance of Gnomes" ... .MacDoweU Chorus of Bishops and Priests from ' 'L' A f ricaine". ..,.,.,.,.. . Meyerbeer "Estudiantina". ... ............ .Lacome (a) "You. Iiear. and I" ..Clarke (bj Preludo from "Cycle of Life"'... .... ... ....... ... . . .... . i ... . Ronald (c) Summer, from "Cycle of Irffe"... , Ronald Mr. Dawson. "Sunrise" ....... , Podbertsky a) "'Evening Bll8". . . . . , Becker (b) "Winter Song'..,.." Bullard "Ijochinvar" -. . .... ... . , . . .. . .Hammond Baritone Solo by Mr. Dawson. w A good program was given at Jones liall tYiday evening, December 9, by the Schubert Concert company, assisted by Miss Signe Lack, reader. A large audi ence greeted - the concert company as they gave their initial performance. , The first operatic recital by . pupils of Mrs. Edward Alden Reals, assisted by Albert M. Schuff, , violinist, and Miss Evelyn Hitchcock, pianist will be given Monday eveing, December 12. Mrs. Bon nie Replogle and Miss Carmel Sullivan will be accompanists. Following pupils will participate: Miss Florence Li 1 burn, Mrs. Jennie Simmons Clow, Miss Flor nece Gilmore, Miss Lillian Gardner, Miss Gaea Wood, Miss Ella Butler, Miss Win nie Lewis, Miss Myrtle Tbomason and Miss Charlotte Banfield. The program will include works of Mendelssohn, Gou nod. 'Verdi,, Thomas, Meyerbeer, Don! zettl, Moskowskl, Wagner, , Alard and Saint Saens.. . : ... . , .... . : Mrs. . Delphine Mark, contralto, gave Sater's "In Thee, O Lord, Do I Put My Trust" with splendid effect at' Temple Beth Israel last Friday evening. ' : "An extremely Interesting program was given ' at the opening exercises of the "Neighborhood House" Wednesday even ing. The opening number was given by a string quartette under the'dlrectlon of Henry Bettman, violinist This was fol vjowed by a soprano s(io by Mrs. Rose ' Bloeh Bauer and a contralto solo by .Mrs. Delphine Mark; Both were most enthusiastically, encored and were the recipients of beautiful flowers. The Bauer quartette gave two numbers and the program was concluded by a rousing chorus by the Bauer Tuesday After, noon club. This organization now num bers 32 voices. Mrs. Bauer and Miss Lenora Fisher were the accompanists. W W V ' Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer will be the soprano soloist at the Press club enter tainment at the Heilig theatre Decem ber 19. . , : , '' . ' . . Miss Hattle.rWise will present on the evening of December 14, at Astoria, Miss Esther Nordstrom In, piano recital The program will consist of Beethoven's So nata, op. IS, two Chopin '. numbers, Grieg's "Humoreske,' Muszlowski's "Romance" and Schutt's Valse, op. 69, No, 2. Mrs. J. T. Allen, violinist, will as sist. . Miss Marie McKenzie Cahlll, violinist, assisted Miss Abby Whiteside at her mu sicals December 4. The program In cluded Beethoven's fifth Sonata for vio lin and piano. ' ' " - The monthly students' program, De cember "8, at ithe Oregon Conservatory tf Music, under guidance of Director Mrs. L. H. Edwards, was a pleasant af fair. ,. The following took part: Orchestra, Beatrice Lash, Spencer Link, Charles Pursley, Edward rVana, Violet Link, Daniel McPherson, Amy Swinney,; accompanist; Alta Wilcox, rlano; Curtis Winders, violin; Miss tiardman,, accompanist; Lena Doremus, ' : x r - . : t v J- Virginia Spencer Hutchinson; con tralto,, who will sing at the Popu lar Sunday , afternoon concert at theJ Heilig- theatre, December 18. I Mrs. E. M. . Baker; contralto solo, Mrs., J L. Hammond; .piano solo,. Grant Glea- son; soprano solo, Mrs, Katnerme vvara Pope; chorus, Monday Musical Club chorus, under direction Mrs. Rose Reed Hanscombe. . First sopranos Mrs". Fred L. Olson, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. ,G. E. Clark, Mrs.' F. Dear,, Mrs. A- J. Murbach,. Mrs. Llllie Consor; Mrs. , E. F. Baird. Mrs. George Parrlstu Mrs. M. F. Carty, Miss Dorothy Grey, MiM',Mary. Dunn. Miss, Madeline Stowe, Mrs. F. C uspennaim, Mrs. W. R. Beatty. ' Second sopranos- Mrs. S, B. Huntington, Mrs. W. B. Pat- i terson, "Mrs. Earlskson, Mrs. Bonbrtght Mrs J. W. Blfton, Miss Zeta Holllster, Miss Ethel Eaton. - First aRos Mrs. J. Ernest Laldlaw, Miss , Hammond, Mrs. J.H. Luckett Mrs. Emma PhilUps. Sec ond altos Mrs., W; J. Bruce, Mrs. Krup per, Mrs. JBaltes Allen, Mrs. 0. B- Cel lars, Mrs. N. Petterson, Mrs. E. H. Bop Inger,. Mrs. . JR.'-F.:-(Bebhardtt. !. ' Much Interest Is taken In musical cir cles over the early appearance 6f Ar thur Frazor, pianist, who will play at Masonic Temple auditorium Tuesday evenihg, December ilt, under the aus pices Of th Monday Musical club." Ap pearing on, the program with Mr. rawer will be Miss Etnei Kowiana, mo.zzo-eo-prano, of Boston. The program: Rondo fifC. Hayden "Vogel als Prophet.. Schumann Turkish march from "Ruins of Ath- . ens" '. .... . 4 . . , Beethoven-Rubenstein . Arthur Frazer. . . ' . Mv Heart Is Weary." from Nadesch- da . . . . .: .a. uoring-. j. nomas Miss Rowland. piano; Mabelle Wild, piano; Edna Cox and Mabel Anderson, piano ' duet; Evelyn , Russ, piano; , Vincent Drls- colL violin:' Henrietta Haines,' plane; Miss ' Van , ' Leuwen, vocal ; Marie Gingrich, accompanist; Esther Klug, pi ano;., Helen Ross, piano; Amy Swinney, piano; Catharine Newel,, piano; Blanche Rogers, - Carrie alley, piano duet; Miss Marguerite Miller, piano; Edna Thompson, piano; Miss Van Leuwen, vocal; Hazel Ellis, piano;' Marie Ging rich, piano; Lottie Klug, piano;, Nita Pleken, piano. ,. . ,"y. . ; ' ,v..,. if ' V , V- The Taylor street choir will give the "Messiah" Christmas night The solo ists will be Rhea Carson, Evelyn Hur leyj.Robert Bolce Carson, Oliver Hughes C W. Fearis and Lucien Becker at the organ.,' Robert Bolce Carson, director.' '. f Oliver Hughes, a tenor who has re cently come from the east, substituted for Mr. Pierce at" Grace M. E. church last Sunday. Mr.i Hughes was formerly a successful church singer In New York City. 1 . v - , - , w The Amphion quartet has been en gaged to give a concert in Vancouver W W The first concert of , the Piedmont Choral' society will be given January The program under the direction of the Self Culture club at the Y. M. C. A. was one of the best of the entire series last Friday. Mrs. Ella B. Jones was In charge of the music, her pupils giving the musical numbers. The young ladies having remarkable ability and deserving special mention .were Grace Hand, Ha-X sel Isakson, Emma Fleck, Beulah Rohr and Wilma Zeigler. William Owens was the violin soloist and showed commend able skill and expression. , . , Robert Bolce Carson will give a con cert Wednesday evening, December 14, at the institute of the Seamen's Friend society. Third and Flanders streets, be ginning at 8' o'clock. . Mr. Carson has prepared the following program:- Selec tions, by the Amphion quartet . (Miss Laura Ferguson, Mrs. Leila Hammond, R. H. ' Robertson and Sidney Rasmus sen); vocal solos will be given by Mrs, Bell Rasmusseh, Miss Catherine Dens moro, -Miss Florence Foster, Oliver B. Hughes, O. E. Haring and Robert' Bolce Carson. , WW The subject will be Schumann at the next meeting of the Monday Musical club, December 12. Mrs. J. W. Sifton will read the paper and an excellent program will be given, as follews: . Piano duet, Mrs. R. F. Gebhardt and COMPETENCY BOARD TO COMPLETE ITS LABORS (SperUl Ptxpatrb to The Joimisl.) . Pendleton, Or.. Dec. 10. The compe tency commission " appointed several months apo by Commissioner of Indian Affairs Valontlne will complete its la bors this week and will Immediately report to the commissioner upon the competency or Incompetency of the In dians on the Umatilla reservation. According- to Major ' Swartzlander, the agent and one of the members of the oommisslon, the findings of the board will not be given out locally. The re port will be made directly to the In dian, commissioner and such part as he deems fit will be made public. The purpose of the commission was to determine the ability of -the living allottees to conduct and manage their own affairs. At the present time there are only about 400 or less than half of the original allottees alive. Of this number all. but sir or eight have been examined. ' ' Special Agent McChesney and Dr. E. J. . SOTnmcrville, the other members of the board, have hunted up and exam-1 hied the absent allottees and In doing this they have been compelled to Jour ney ' Into Idaho, Washington and Cali fornia. ' ::':' v ' Among those at a di stance who were visited was Toy-toy, the accomplice pf Columbia George, who 'la now: serv ing , a life sentence on McNeil's island for the murder of an old Indian woman wfcom - they - thought was an "evil spirit" , XMAS GIFTS :Or LASTING MLRlf : , ITie gifts, that lasts is the "ideal one -'If n doubt what his should be-come" and bok through' our" welNselectecHk-for ' lo eJSStlifc1 ncUher time nor xPe" in collecting the most exqu she assortment selection, and have marked them at prices as low as high quality affords. . i,r,xe fW are e'mg busier ch daywc v : - v"y executed. Mi: excep. -TIES, CUT , GLASS UMBRELrao MARX & BLOCH 1 Largest Diamond Dealers . , fa Oregon v m Morrison St, 74 Third! 4 .. WIS. Ballade, O minor .............. .Chopin Nnctiirn h r it minor. . . ...i.nomn Etude, C minor .....Chopin Polonaise, C sharp minor........ Ohopin Polonaise, A flat major...... ....Chopin . ' Arthur Frazer. v , The - Nlrhtinreile Has a Lyre of Gold" i Whelpley "If Thou Wart Blind". . .Noel Johnson "To a Moon Flower".Mary Turner Slater "Love Me U l Live . . . . .Anur ooie v ' Mfea Rowland. . . A sacred concert and lecture wtn be given at St. Iawrence church. Third and Sherman streets, on Sunday evening, December 13, at 8 p. m. Among those who are to take part are Dr. George Alnslle, Mrs. R, A, Sullivan, Miss Anna M. Swiss,' Mrs. ' Frank Ruckert, ' Miss May Breslln. The Portland Male quap tet and the St' Lawrence choir, under the direction of Mrs. Mattle Kelly Flem ing The Choral club, recently organ ized by Professor D. IX Wilson, late of New Torlc CttywlU alao assist ,The lecture will be given by Rev. George Man. C. a D. D., on "The Greatest Moral Force in the world." The pro ceeds will go to the benefit ; of the Orphans' home. : ' ' . w i,." At the home of , Mies' Georgia Hall Saturday afternoon a musical was given under the direction of Mrs. (Dorothy K. Palmer. Those taking part were Lacy Lloyd, Lillian Hoeekstra, Margaret Bow land, Ruth Reynolds, Bertha Mauser, Theodore Hauser, Wesley Reynolds and Miss Georgia Hall The main feature of ..the- afternoon was the singing by Miss Hall, who will appear in concert this spring:. "' i.-'A- .- - . Followtng are the tw9 'programs to be given at the popular Sunday after noon concert at the Heilig theatre Sun day .afternoon, .December 18: Orchestra of 18 musicians, under the direction of David C. Rosebrobk, be ginning at 2:30 o'clock. . Overture, "Fes tival"; (Loutner) ;. Suitet Espagnole,, "La Ferla" (Lacome) (a. Los Toros. b. La Reja. c'La Zarzuela.) Andante from A Minor Concerto (Goltermann), cello sols by Herr F. Hanleln; Kammenel Ostrow (RubenstelpJ (Cloister scene); Rakeczl Czardas (Ncy 10) (Mlchlels). '. ''Part II. Chorus of. 75 voices, to gether with orchestra, under the direc tion of William H. Boyer. Prayer scene, "Lohengrin"" (Richard jWagner). Solos: "Elsa" (soprano),'- Miss Irene 'Burnft; "Ortude- :( contralto). .. Mrs. Virginia Hutchinson; ''Lohengrin" ; (tenor), J. kRoss- Fargo? "Fredertck" (baritone), Dom J, Zan;"King" (baas); M. L,. Bow man. ;"0 Don Fatale'! .(Don Carlos) (Verdi); Mrs. Delphine Marx (contralto Temple Beth Israel); Sextette from "Lucia dl Lamermoor" (Donizetti); com bined chorus and orchestra (sung as six part chorus); "It Is Enough" (Elijah) Mendelssohn V, J. Claire Montelth; "The Banner of St George" (Edward Elgar), cantata for, chorus mixed voices and orchestra - Among the students whom -Charles Dlerke will present In recital In the near future Is Mta. Gertrude Kendrlck. Mrs. 1 Kerdrick played a' Liszt etude at the j concert given In the Kenilworth Presby f terian church Wednesday evening, , and ! compliments ' were showered upon : her for her' clear, pearly technique. . In re- . Bponse to a hearty encore she gave a t characteristic bit by PoIdlnL - - Mrs. Ella B. Jones gave a recital at the studio in ' the Russel bulldlnsr De cember-2, f of pupils in the fourth and fifth "grades."" Miss "Helen Newell, Lo- rene Toung, Lora Tlndall and Clarence Young gave brilliant performances on the piano by the great masters. f; '.-....' " ;;r.- f December 3 the Junior pupils 'of Mrs. Ella B, Jones gave a very pleasing re cital, those In the first year's course participating; v Nora Metcalf, Dorthy Fleck, Marie Sues, .Harlan Lance; the second year's course. Bernlce Donahey, Helen Brown, Beatrice :Fleck, - Emma Werlirtg, Esther Rosthrom, Clifford Thompson, Alice Whltaker. w Folldwlng program will be played by the Heilig theatre orchestra during the Florence Roberts engagement ; Before the acts ( ' . March "The Four Kings ...... I,osch. Walts "IjysiBtrata" Linoke "Cuba" charasteristic S;iYtlHtehan Overture in F No. 2". . , Kalliwoda ' Between1 the acts ' i , . , Medley of plantation foriKS ...j, '. .ArraiiRred by Elsenman Scenes frm Verdi's "nigolotto" ' . ArranprPd by - Tavan. Exit March "Tbe Bride Elect' ...,,.,. Souso. - The girls' chorus of- the Washington high school Is rehearsing the cantata "Ladyof "Shalott", under the direction of Miss Rose Reed-Hanscome,. for its i The Musical CouHer, the big weekly, 4 to reprentd hy join ft -Oatmanr inw-4 yer,- 445 lie"rlock building. Subscrip tions $ 5." Subscriptions accepted; , also news from .subscribers. Sund it, to your friend Chrtatmas. . ' ,V"'. .'.- w' ' ; . At; the social given by the German cluirch lust week, AlJaa IXulcn SALE OF PASCO BONDS WORRIES CITY COUNCIL r Spednl Plspstoh to Tbe Juml. - Pasco, Wasru, Dec 10. The matter of disposing of the city 'serwer bonds is agitating the minds of the city council and tho question is still unsettled. An offer of 92 cents was made last week by the. Algase company, of Se attle',' and it had practically been agreed to let the bonds go at that price. How ever the city attorney has rendered anA opinion to the effect 'that the coun cil could 'not legally dispose of the bonds for less than their par' value. The representative ef the company, who was present thereupon, demanded the return of his certified check which ac companied the bid for the bonds. The only means, of settlement - appeal's to be that the council sell the bonds at the price offered and make up the balance. Public school Grove is 1516. enrollment In Forest Edwin C. Dawson, soloist at th Apollo club concert. , OLD INDIAN AGENCY : , BUILDINGS ARE SOLD (Special riptch to Tbd Joornnl. ' : . Pendleton, Or., , Dec,, 10. The old agencybuildinga which, have .stood for half a century or more. on the Uma tilla Indian- Reservation and which have been going to pieces under' the hands of vandals, were sold at auc tion this week by Major E. L. Swart 1 and or, and are to b torn down and moved away. .' - ." - Among the bnlWlngS sold was the first .cbureh ever erected on the reser vations This was used for many years by the Catholics before the present Sarat Andrews mission was established at its location near the foot of the mountains.. . . The total, sum brought the govern ment by the sale of the structures was $260. They consisted , of five houses and three sheds, but owing to their great age and the fact that large por tions of them had been removed '; by vandals, they were ; practically value less. The highest price paid for : a single building was ISO. A. O. Brown, husband of Edna Wallace Hopper, better known once aa a millk alre broker, with offices tn the Plazf hotel, at Broad street and Exchange place, various other places In New York and some of the larger cities has an nounced his intention to join the Jani tors ; club and take upon himself the management of "tha front of the house In a new theatre now approaching com pletion. -;t ' : ..''" Brown's mentor and employer will be W, A. Brady, who has promised to teach him all he knows about the front of the house and to give ' him an insight into the theatrical business If he will work hard and try to learn.' As a deposed king of high finance, Mr. Brown, believes- he can .learn all there is tn box office management with llttla difficulty 6( r In t!-3 t!ay tr.j crily in il; f v.-c:':, t!:it cur en:-;!:'c3 ) my ycu urIiurrirJ ; tlcicr'O Fran!: -Ml v - A I A j If fri1 J Just Received Frcni Hclbnd '1 Ccrlccd cf Ornamzntab V Evergreens flowering Shrabi Rose Dushes Selected Stock, in .Perfect Condition 1 WE have never seen a finer lot of stock anywhere. Call and see for yojwself, any you'll agree with us. We have an extra, fine lot of Rho dodendrons and Mahonia (Oregon Grape), New Lilac, choice Climb ers and Flowering Shrubs OF EVERY KIND. ON DISPLAY AT OUR CITY TREE YARD, COR. SECOND AND MAIN STS. LV1 1592DSi.VV Bet;M0rnn8YiT.hi!l PHONE .MAIN 5955, A-33IL TREE YARD A71S o(D))(D) Ssie (Q)ii PISSOLUTION SALE OF N. M UTi GAR'S !ffiV7 YO?JC nrai ' Has placed in our hancb to be cSspos'eH of at once a $S0,CCO tXxssSs. of cisSs-cp ra- merits, and we WiU sacrifice tame at 50 cents on tha dcllar r.-HIa they bit, ts we have to tern that into csch at once This is the rreatest crrcrbrllY &zl hzs ercr been offered to the far4bfayin2 prdbSc on the Pacific Ccsst to 'tsasae FEI2 FXJH garj.ients at . . , . . . , . . - :,; r- 'i This presents a tplenitj opportunity to select useful u& tasteful Chrctniis ?ftX LARGE ASSORTMENT EXTRA QUALITY Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of this sale. Only a few days mere. TT0W - .-Sk n SrXfrj . i " a..V 1 i 111" -A' : - W - -. i ---'3. . - ; X I 1 - nALFFHTCS BEAUTIFUL, SILKY, BLACK A LA SKA FO X ; ' Latest Design ' ' ' ' , $30 SCARFS AT. $15.60' . -' - , 350 SCARFS AT., . $25.00 tlUFFS TO MATCH 4 ?40 MUFFS AT.,. .'C2O.C0 , ' ! 60 MUFFS AT r $ZO.C0 JAPAIiESE SETS . .-'; $ SO SETS AT..' .$40.00 r ' 120 SETS ATv. $60.00 SELECT RUSSIAN FOUY COATS 52-inch Length Rcsshn ' Pony Coats, Well , Marked $100 COATS AT, i,..$C0.CO : t $150 COATS AT 1.1 . .$75.00 ; , ; $2oo ooats aTm. . . .$100.00 ' V : rCZARSEAL COATS ; Hne Brtade, Silk Lining, 52-inch Length ;. V 200 COATS AT.:.... $100.CO : ; '" $250 CdATS AT ..... . $123.CO $300 COATS AT .$150.00 , , AH llade Fur Garments, iponsistinj of exclusive cbc23 crest varictits, exccl!?at sdsctiens, all hzlf price, $10 up. I. D j 1 . , LEADING FURRIER Vaa X : J VLi J.L ;. 10D Seventh, Street".': ' Het Washington and Slzrh. Fhcne Mcxshall 753 -1 i r