The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 09, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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ouics.. of, Interest in
Mrs. Honry Fairbanks of NW York,
iio was Mips Frances tewis. is usurp
!"3 much of the social attention this
wet;k, the roost brilliant entertainment
t cln? the elaborate tea. given oy Mrs.
C H. Lewis in her handsome Glisaa
street home Wednesday afternoon, la
honor of Mrs. Fairbanks and Mrs.; John
Couch Lewis. recent bride, Monday,
Mrs. Georee Good entertained Jnfor
innllv complimentary to her sister. Mrs,
Fairbanks.. Tuesday, Miss Failing and
Miss, May Failing were hostesses at 4
beautifully actointea (unnej ior me
much feted visitor. Mrs. Thomas Kerr
is honoring- Mrsi , Fairbanks today with
a luncheon In her Rlverdaie nome, ana
tonieht General and Mrs. .; Charles F,
Beebe will entertain .very informally jat
dinner for Mrs. Fairbanks f. .
Mrs. C. Hi . Lewis tea Wednesday af
ternoon m honor of Mrs. Henry. -Fair
banks of New Tork . and Mrs. John
Couch Lewis called forth crowds of wo
men In smart gowns, handsome furs and
beautiful millinery. A wealth of roses
and chrysanthemums of varied colors
decorated the drawing rooms Of the spa
cious home, while Golden Gate roses were
used with beautiful effect In the dining
room, ' Receiving with tne hostess were
Mrs. Fairbanks.-Mrs." John Lewis and
Miss Sallie, Lewis, t Coffee was served
in the library by Mrs. . Walter- John
Bnrns audi Mrs. W. B.-Ayer. Jn the
music room punch was dispensed by
Mrs. Charles Scaddlng ami airs, men
ard Koehlcr. In the dining room Mrs.
Joseph Manton Bradley (Miss Margaret
Walter) and Mrs. Lee'Hawley Hoffman
(Miss Caroline Burns) presided at the
tea urns, while Mrs. Elliot K. corbett
and Miss Use Koehlcr served ices.
Mr. and Mrs, John G. Edwards were
the guests of honor at a handsomely ap
pointed dinner given last night by Mr.
and Mrs. William MacMaster. About
the board were seated Mr. and Mrs. Ed
wards, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Allen Lew-
Is, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burreii, Ma
jor and Mrs. J. J. Morrow, William D.
"Wheelwright and Wirt Minor. ; .
Mrs. George Wlllard Brown was host
ees Wednesday afternoon in her River-
dale home, when five tables of bridge
.were played. Card honors went to Mrs.
Oescar Overbeck. The affair was In hon
or of Miss Grace Davis of Leavenworth,
Kan, the house guest of Mrs. Overbeck.
Cards have been received here an
nouncing that Consul and Mrs,, Y. Nu
mano have recently been transferred
to Hamburg, Germany,, where Consul
Num&no. Is the acting ' consul general
from Japan. The Numanos were very
popular during their residence in Port
land, and their departure very much
regretted by society folk. t, , ' '
Invitations have been Issued for 'the
debut Canoe of Miss Jean Mackenzie,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. K. A. J. Mac
kenzie, at the Masonic hall .Tuesday,
December SO. " ' - ' j
Mr. an,d -Mrs. j. Wesley Ladd. who
have been traveling in' the east fori
several weeks, are expected home Sun-i
day. , . - - .
Russell Hawkins returned yesterday
from several months In the east
Mrs. William MacMaster will compli
ment Miss Jean Mackenzie with a dinner
next Friday. ' - ,
Mrs. John Egbert Wheeler presided at
a pretty tea Wednesday in her Portland
Heights home, when about 70 women
called. A eolor motif of pink Was ar
tistically carried out In the rooms with
beautiful pink chrysanthemums, except
the dining room, where pink roses were
used, - Receiving with the hostess were
Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs. H C Camp
hell and Mrs.. Forest Fisher. . Mrs. W.
B. Mercereau and Miss Elizabeth P.
Sawyers presided In the dining room.
From Dyspepsia tnd Stomach Trouble
Instantly" RcKeved and Permanently
Cured by Stuart's Dyspepsia
. Tablets.
IJL H"ew Discovery, but Hot a Patent Med
, Iotas.
Dr. RedwaTl relates an Interesting
j ecetmt of what, he considers a remark
table case of acute stomach trouble and
t chronic dyspepsia by the use of the
ew discovery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. He says: -The patient was a man
who had suffered, to my knowledge.
, for years with dyspepsia. Everything
i he ate seemed to sour and create gases
In the stomach. He had pains like rheu
; roatlsm in the back, shoulder blades and
; limbs, fullness and distress after eat
In g, poor appetite and loss of flesh :
the heart became affected, causing pal
pitation and sleeplessness at night
"I fae him powerful nerve tonics
and blood remedies, but to no purpose
As an experiment I finally bought a
foment package of fituart's Dyspepsia
rablrts at a drug store and gave them
to him. Almost immediate - relief was
riven and after he had used four boxes
h to all appearances fully cured.
'"There was no more acidity or sour
. watery risings, no bloating after meals
the appetite was vigorous and he has
i ined betwe-n 10 and 12 pounds In
weight of solid, healthy flesh.
..- "Authough Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
are advertised and sold In drug stores
j et l ronider them a most valuable
additn to any physician's line of reme
dies, s they are perfectly harmless and
ran be given to. children or invalids
, lir III un,.r frn Atnt r.f u i. ...
MdC(v,. biiis .harmloos- -amterm.
tsiiiinif r.oinlng but fruit and vegetable
veteti-ts, pure pepuln and Golden Seal
'Without any question they are the
KHff-st. most effective! cure for Indiges
tion, .-biliousness, constipation and all
irng.-me)t of the stomach, however
aiisht or severe." . .
By Darra More, ; ,vv
N the coming of Miss Ellen Terry
to Port and. there is rood ior
meditation by those women, who
flock to the beauty doctor In a
mad desire to hide the ravages of
time. The woman who stoops to "white
lies" about Tier age, and the matron
who gowns herself like the debutante,
should take a leaf out of Miss Ellen
Terry's book, and listen to her "words
of wisdom. - ; -
Miss Terry, one of the wonder-women
of the age, is turn old..: Most women
at that age have reined to their knitting,
toothless and Terainftcent, pr have so
caricatured themselves by, the aid of
cosmetics, 1 electric needles the dress
maker," the milliner and the corsetlere
that they are the laughing stock of all
who behold. But.; the. brilliant ; Terry
is full of an enthusiasm and a Joy that
Is contagious. ; She is proud, of her age,
she Is proud of her accomplishments,
she is proud of her perennial "youthful-
ness. And this' Is her secret: "1 am
never without ; An Interest." Since
earliest youth, the wonderful woman
has been absorbed In her work. And,
at 62, she is a. woman whom no, words
can flatter. To be with her seems to
mean to see with her eyes, and to make
the love of Shakespeare on the one .hand
and the simple life, on the other, the
two most gorgeously attractive things
on' earths ''. t 1 '-:'.
Mrs.' Wheeler's Invitational Included
Mrs. George Wentworth Jr., - Mrs, WH
llam B. Gilbert, Mrs. Frank M. Warren
Sr.', Mlsa Frances Warren, Mrs. Donald
Ranney Monro Miss Grace warren),
Mrs. William L&dd. Mrs. H. H. Herd-
man, "Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs. Raleigh
Stott 'Mrs. Wallace McCamant Mrs.
Frank L Fuller, Mrs. A. E. Rockey,
Mrs, W. G. Thatcher, Mrs. J. A Currey,
Mrs. John A. Keating, Miss May Keat
ing, Mrs. O. E. Mitchell, Mrs. Samuel
Kerr, Mrs. Frederick Strong, Mrs. Rob
ert Piatt Mrs. Frank M. Warren Jr;,
Mrs. Clarence Gilbert Mrs. James Ew-
ng, Mrs. Lee B. Menefee, Mrs. F. B.
Huston, Mrs. A. D. Charlton, Mrs. Dan
iel Andrew Shlndler, Mrs. J. F. Brad
ley, Miss . Ruth Small, Mrs. . Curtis
Strong, Mrs. Robert Strong,. Mrs. L. B.
Feelcy. Mrs.Robert Ellis, Mrs. E. , C.
Shevlin, Mrs. R. J.-Marsh, Mrs. A. ,C.
Panton, Mrs, J. J. 'Pan ton, Mrs. Robert
Donald, Mrs. Francis D. Chamberlain,
Mrs. W. H, Foulkes, Mrs. Warren E.
McCord. Mrs. J. R. Sharp, Mrs. John C.
Robinson. ' Mrs.- Walter H, Mathewson,
Mrs. Charles F. Swigert Mrs. Walter
F.'Burrell. Mrs. J. T. Ross. Mrs. J. Er
nest Laidiaw, Mrs. R. J. Chipman. Mra
C C Colt Mrs, Otis Wight Mrs, W. N.
Jones, Mrs,- C. L. Russell, Mrs. C. E.
Danf Mrs. M. H. Houser. Miss Ruth
Prlngle. Mrs. J. Pringlej Mrs, T. L. El-
lot Miss Henrietta Eliot Mrs. H.' Scott
Mrs. W. E. .Herring, Mrs, 8. G. Reed.
Mrs. George L. McPherson, Mrs. Henry
Story. Mrs. a T. Hamilton. Mrs. H. E.
Nprthup, Miss - Northup, Mrs. - II. E.
Northup Jr Mrs. A. A. Dekum. , Mrs.
R. McCowan, Mrs. J. B. Gray. Mra
W. Shore, Mls Lillian Dosch, Miss Ca
mllle Dosch, Mrs. Robert Collier. Miss
Grace Collier, Miss Alice Collier and
Mrs. George Waggoner,
Mrs. J. W. Cook entertained . wtih
luncheon today, eomnlimentln" W
niece. Miss Portia Knight, who is the
traveling companion of Ellen Terry.
Miss Knight is a Salem girl, the daugh
ter of Colonel N. D. Knight who won
her theatrical spurs In London. She is
a former St Helen's Hall girl and a
graduate of Snell seminary. Her sister,
Sylvia Knight Is also making her the
atrical career abroad.
' fOR $1,400,000
(Continued from Page One,)'
from HO to )80 an acre to (290 and $300
The property had been -widely adver
tise and there was $232,000 in the, HI
bernla Savings bank, held In escrow as
security for the payment of the bonds
of the companies. In addition there
were still unsold approximately 3090
acres of Irrigable land, worth $300 an
acre, and about 000 acres of non-Irrt-gable
land , worth $10 an acre. There
were many other assets besides the
land, ; 4 ' - - : ,
alned at $1,000,000. : ,
The total debts of the company con
sisted of $24S,000 pf bonds, $5000 of ex
penses. $60,000 on the eonstrnetlnn tnnA
and commissions due the plaintiff to
me amount or JU.ftOO. The companies
possessed properties and assets of more
than 11.000.000. over Kind ihnv V, 1U.
bllities., There, were also options to pur-
v-uuse iana amounting to about $197,000.
. Coe charges that when It became ap
parent to Furnish that he was makin
good In the management of the project.
xurnun conceivea tne Idea of so manip
ulating the project and the contract as
to injure the plaintiff, destroy his busi
ness reputation, defam . hi ihirart
and make It impossible for him to fulfill
mo verms 01 me contract i
Furnish persuaded Coe to disregard
the strict terms of th mnfnt . thm
plalnUff charges, and advised hint that
one provision which stioulated that tn
per cent of the gross, sales should be
usea ror paying the expenses of sales
and management was not practicable.
' Coe Tollowed Iiurtrnctlona, "
T'This,""Coe says. Furnish adUsed'-hlm
to disregard, but to push the Bale of
the lands rerardlees of the term of
the contract or the expense, fJ. H- Ra-
iey, attorney for . the companies, bad
also advised him to do this, being a co
conspirator With Furnish. , u , rnm
charges. ......
Coe had taken this advise, he
and embarked on a strenuous campaign
for the sale of the land Then in fur
therance of the conspiracy, Coe alleges.
uruisn neglected to Keep the project In
good condition, allowed the ditches to
become defective and dry, and thus dis
couraged prospective settlers who came
to see the lands. As a result of this
mere selling scheme and not of being a ?
bona, fide irrigation project, so Coe
charges. (
Haley had spent much In excess of
the fund named by the terms' of the
contract so - Coe alleges, - but ; many t
thousands less than Co hai nm '
commissions. AH the money, spent by
Coe had been spent to exploit the lands
of the companies, 1 and this r fund In
cluded many thousands of the private
funds of the plaintiff. ,
teman& Aeeonntlna'.' : :
-Knowing all these things, Coe alleges.
Furnish and Raley made a peremptory
demand "ucon him Jul ? for an im
mediate accounting: of the business of
the-ewnpa merr rh eyI n b L-i; piT, Tok"b&U"
that he either make ian Immediate ac
counting er that they would proceed to
a strict enforcement of the terms of the
contract ." 1
" Furnish and Raley repudiated the
promises made with the plaintiff, Coe
the Realm feminine
There Is still another wonder-woman,'
who is a living" sermon to those
who would Und the fountain of youth.
Madame Bernhardt, who has held a
unique reputation for a generation, has
attained the age of 65. . Asked for her
secret. of youth, she replied, "I always
amuse myself. I have not suffered en
nui once in my whole life. I have al
ways found existence too interesting."
Both of these .women of the stage are
too great to be able to conceal their age,
and neither wishes to diminish the
lustre of her achievements by doing
so. ; Both have worked ceaselessly, with
tremendous energj'i under the stress and
strain of the most exacting of masters,
the stage. In a recent article, Helen
Dare Said of them: "Perhaps, if we
could keep them still and silent long
enough to examine them In a searching
light,., wed find, the tracing of time
on them. But that's Just it. r They
don't stand still. They're always go
ing on. , They've kept right on going
forward, .from the beginning always
looking ahead, eager, alive, creative and
productive; never lingering In the past
or resting .with ; the triumphs of yes
terday." Energy and courage .! and In-
domltable hope that magic that lies
la. "never being , without an Interest
worked the wonder In them that makes
them young women of 65 and (2 that
the world delightedly flocks to see."
Women, be proud of, her age: glortfy
It with deeds-becoming to its majesty.
alleges, and insisted that unless an ad
justment, were made Jthat ithe contract
would be canceled. ' Raley, apparently
as t. attorney, trut in fact as an agent
of Fnrnlsh, Coe alleges, persuaded him
to sign a new contract ,
As a result of this new contract H,
L,: Moody was elected president of the
Inland Irrigation company. Furnish
had represented that Moody was a man
of experience, of Integrity and high
standing in every way, while the fact
was that he was a tool of Furnish and
a puppett . Coe charges that Moody had
been engaged In business dealings of
such a questionable nature for years,
that when he found out his true stand
ing and reputation he did not desire
to have his name used In connection
with that of " Moody. . ,'t
financial Standing Attacked, .
As soon as Moody was elected presi
dent Coe alleges, he went away from
the state and would not attend to the
business of the company. He refused
to carry out the terms of the sales, and
at once began to attack the standing
and character of the 'plaintiff. Vr'&l";
Coe says that Furnish and Moody at
tacked' his' financial standing,; as well
as that' of the Columbia Land company,
and disorganised the agents and em
ployes of -the company. , : ,!
About this time, Coe set, out he went
to the orient for a rest and Furnish
and Moody . began to circulate false
and ' slanderous statements about him.
They circulated the rumors that he was
a defaulter, Coe says, ''that he was an
absconding debtor, that he was not iA
the orient, but was concealed In Port
land; that be was a bankrupt; that he
had abandoned his contracts and , was
not able to , carry them out; that the
Columbia Land company was Insolvent;
that , Coe had collected vast sums Of
money without the knowledge or au
thority of the companies and had mis
appropriated, these sums, to his own
use and that he had defrauded the pur
chasers of land a ,
! .. , Bejrodiated Contracts,
Before leaving Portland Coe says
that he had told Furnish of Ms plans
for carrying on the business of the
companies, and that he had done this
believing in the honesty and friendship
of Furnish. Furnish and Moody had
used this information, Coe says, and
had gone to the banks and the men
named by Coe and circulated the de
famatory rumors to these men, in an
attempt to destroy the financial stand
ing of the plaintiff and cause him to be
unable to carry on his plans for. the
fulfillment of the contract .
After doing; all these things, Coe says
that Furnish and Moody repudiated the
contracts and have refused to allow him
to carry, them out to a successful con
clusion, doing so In an effort to Injure
him and defraud him of his dues result
ant from his work as selling manager
for the Furnish properties. -
Coe asks that Furnish be forced to
pay him $300,000 actual and $300,000
punitive damages . in the suit filed
against -Furnish Individually, and he
asks for $800,000 damages from the
Inland, Irrigation company, the Furnish
Ditch company. Furnish & Moody, be
cause of the cancellation of the con
tracts held by the plaintiff with these
companies and men. . .
(Continued From Page One.)
of Villa avenue will , in no manner or
form Interfere with traffic on the high
way, the railroad ' engineers " having
solved this problem by providing for a
tunnel underneath the roadway. Ac
cording to the plans this tunnel will be
24 feet In the dear, and abont five feet
nnder the surface of the road.
; To BolU Strong Tunnel.'
The tunnel will be supported by an
arch of steel and concrete. .Villa ave
nue follows a slight depression on top
of a , ridge s which - makes the tunnel
Bcheme perfectly feasible. ..1
In seeking ' a franchise on the Barr
road it Is safe to speculate that the
company will also seek a franchise over
Halsey street since .' the Barr" road is
practically a continuation of that street
Halsey street would bring the 'line to
the river at a point about midway be
tween the new railroad bridge and the
projected Broadway bridge so that from
that .-point no great difficulty would
be encountered , In getting to either of
the bridges. -. .- .
Never Falls to ncstore
Gray IIar to its Natural
Color and Deaalye v
' No matter how long it has been gray
or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth
of healthy hair. Stops its falling out,
and positively removes Dan
draff. Keeps hair soft and glossy.
Will not soil skin or linen. Will not
Injure your hair. Is not a dye. -ft
and 59c. bottles at druggists
Send 3c tor free books "The Care el the Hair and
frkln." Philo Hny Spec Co.. Newark,N J..U.S.A.
.Iay ESrJlsa op unequalled lor the
Coinnleikit, toilet and bath, reU.ruugh, chapped
tunas. Kw; kin lineandnnft. 2V. druitgista,
nEwvae all (tUBsriTuns
KOVVh, MAKflN, 8'1'iPK - TA VLOH
rmco'co., bkidmore prug tJo.,
A Menu For T
o morrow
, Baked Apples, with Cream.
" ' Rice CereaJ.
Broiled Sheep's Kidneys. Potato Cakes.
. w noie wheat Muinna.
,, ,' ' Coffee. ,.
Cream of Tomato Soun. "
Toasted Crackers. Baked Sweet Potatoes.
y French. Pancakos with Syrup.
.- Oxtail Sono.
Curried Chicken. Potato Croquettes.
Beets. Cold Slaw.
, . ,. .. . Rice Cream. ,-.
. Cafe Noir.
Adjutant W, Stacey and wife, division
officers . of the American Salvation
Army, now located at, 347 First street
are grieving because of the death cf
Major Marian Smaller, one of the lead
erg of their work, at Washington, D. C.
News of her death and an account of
the funeral services v has Just reached
them. , Major Smalley was particularly
loved among the poor, to whom she had
given the best of her life, When she
died those to whom she bad done good
crowded Into the funeral service, bring
ing flowers which they had bought with
pennies -. needed, for the -purchase of
food.". ,; v .', r- .;
Adjutant Stacey and wife are lssnlng
cards to Portland business men which
are, to be given to any needy person.
Each card is a ticket for a meal and a
bed free of charge. They are also pre
paring, to make a Christmas celebration
for poor children of the families among
whom they work... ?-
f Material- for the. hanrtsomn :niinT
publication the Portland Press club will
present to patrons of "A Night. 'Off
when that amusement enterprise is re
vealed at the Helllg, - Monday, night,
December 19,-- has now: gone from, the
hands of the editors to the printers.
There, remain only a few pages to be
maae up-- oerore the pook will go to
press.- :';'? : v --, . -':'
Sponsors for tl sonvenlr deelare that
not only will the letter-press be of
the highest standard, but that the art
features Will commend It tnlnAr nf
beautiful and Interesting things. . 'Thft
cover design, the drawings and pen-and-ink
embellishments will disclose work
of the best newspaper artists In the
West .- .. :-'-i.y " ":?,;.
The exchanse of the haslnas mr J'm
tickets continues at Sherman Hit
Co.'s - It will close tomorrow night aft
er which -there, can be no reservations
utll December. 16. fit the Hem hnr
Happy, Happy
A, Marvel for Sore Feet, ActsRight Off
Sors feet? . Sorer After Tstng
Good-bye sore feet aching feet swoll
en feet sweaty feet smeillng feet tired
. . Good-by corns, callouses and bunions
and raw spots. ': .
. Tou've never tried anything like TTZ
before for your feet It Is different from
anything ever before sold.
"'It acts at once and makes the feet
feel remarkably fresh and sore-proof.
TIZ Is ht a powder.' Powders and
other foot remedies clojr up the pores
TIZ draws out all poisonous exudations
which bring on soreness of the feet s.nd
Is the only remedy -that does. - TIZ
cleans out every pore and glorifies the
reet your feet . ,
You'll never limp again or draw up
your face in, pain, and you'll forget
about your corns, bunions and callouses.
You'll feer like a new person. ,
If you don't find all this true after
trying a box of TIZ, you can get your
money-rignt back. ' , .
- TIZ is for sale at all druggists at 25
cents per box, or It will be sent yon di
rect If you wish, from "Walter JLiuther
Podge & Co Chicago, lit Recommended
and sold by .
TheOwt Drug Co.
Seventh- and Washington streets.''
Our ' guarantee
Ho money required
until satisfied
Is your absoluta
protection. Consul
t a 1 1 o n, examina
tion and medicines
free. Our specialty
Is AU Ailments of
Men, " ' W hat you
want is a cure.
Come to - us end
get It Hours datlj
fl tn R t.'.i'nlig
7 to 8. Sundays 10
to 1 only.
362 Washington Et. Portland, Or..
Consult the On Wo Tong ' Medicine
Co. These noted doctors have learned the
fcecrets known only to the famous Chi
nese savants and have specially Imported
herbs from the remote provinces of China
that positively cure all ills of the human
system. Diseases of the nervous sys
tem, female disorders, blood poison
stomach trouble, .etc.. absolutely n
No. matter how many doctors have)
failed, no matter how many nudlfinwa
..voujiave. used witbQutxciulU-caU.oiKuaJ
We i-Hii oine you. , j
Consultation free.; Treatments by mall '
W )
,' Xs K
On Wo Tonjf Chinese Medicine
and Tea Company
03 Second St.''-'
Sours 9 A. U, to 10 T. X.
.: - ' ' - - . - ... .. ; '
' Another plea for a fire engine and
a paid department was made to the St
Johns council last evening by Council
man Downey. He" declared the city had
reached a state of growth where ade
quate fire fighting equipment and fire
men were an absolute necessity. No
action was taken by the council on the
subject " " "
There, was considerable discussion
concerning the ; request - for, a sidetrack
franchise by the Lauthers company.
Councilman Johnson maintained that if
the franchise were ' granted the city
would be giving up all thope of ever
getting a Bidetrack of Its own for team
ing end would be at the mercy of the
Lauthera company, which could make
any charge it desired to the city. 1 Coun
cilman Downey favored granting the
franchise, but Councilman Davis stood
with Johnson. ; The matter went over
until Wednesday afternoon,1 when the
council will visit the proposed location
of the track and also1 look over , the,
grounds of the Weyerhauser sewer out
let - .
The bid of R. J. Peterson of 45 cents
for box gutters and cross walks was
' 1 make definite claims for ,mv meth
ods of treating men's ailments: I
claim originality, distinctiveness, sci
entific: correctness and tmapproachable
success. Every one of these claims is -backed
by substantial proof. The best .
evidence of superiority is thev! cures
themselves. ; My. treatment cures per
manently those cases that no other
treatment can cure. This test has been
made over and over again, and a ma
jority of my patients are men who have
failed to obtain lasting benefits else
where, " -' ' --''
t - A
Pay When Curjed
, urwivm kloob roisos
No dangerous minerals to drive
the virus to the Interior, but harm
less, blood cleansing remedies that
remove the last poisonous taint
-''.( '',''. taxiooscb vxnrs ' , -
There is no, necessity for- surgi
cal operations in the treatment of
varicose veins. This ailment yields
completely to my mild and pain
less , method and results are far
better than were ever attained by
- the harsh and dangerous practice
of cutting. Bat one week is re
quired - and - seldom Is 1 1 e t e r
, necessary to detain the p a t len t
from his business. - -
Examination Free
''.,'. ' ' - ' ' '
' X do not charge for advie, erammattoa or dlaguoKla, Zf yon call
for a private talk with me, 70a will not be nrg4 to begin treatment. If
Impossible to call, writs. Honrs, s a, m. to 8 jh. xa.J 8undays, 10 to 1.
oos sua vobsxsov ajtd BXCQJTO 8TSXXTS
We Tead the Vonkwest la Our- prove
Ing Disorders of Ilea. ever receive a fairer offer?
MFM 1 ,,s ttl quickest cure In the world for acute disorders, wbleh I -IVIL.U
will cure ss low as 13.50. Call and investigate. Make no mistake.
Come to me first and avoid wasting your hard-earned cash on worthless
medicines or treatments. Consultation and examination free. , Call today.
PhnntA PcOe If you have an old cas that baa beea hanging on for
VI11 Ull!V Uuoco months, and which medicine frojn doctors and drug
gist can't seem to cure, there ts some reason, i I have a scientific cure for
these cases and will euro you right quickly and cheaply, , Don't let a dis
order, drag you down In health and weaken you. - ..... , .
Blood and Skin Disorders 'Stshf
ma. ' Don't go to Hot Springs; I can ours you cheaper and better. Under
ray scientific treatment all these terrible symptoms quickly disappear and
robust health returns. If others have failed to cure,-or are not benefiting '
you, come to me. I cure permanently, quickly and cheaply , v
Variance V1nC . Usually Occur on the left side and cften cause drag-:
VallUac VCIIld irlng. aching pains In the groin and Joins, worry ner
vousness: They are usually caused by strains, lift Ing, bicycle riding, pro
longed standing on the feet" sedentary habits. I cure without cutting. The
cure is safe and absolutely, certain.; Come and m me free. .
Bladder Troubles and Kidney Dlsorderer ymc!
plexlan? Have you weak or fainting spells? Do your fset swell? If you:
have any of these symptonts don't wait until your case gets bad. I will "
give, you, a. eareful examination free, Come noir.;,:,,;,;,,:,;;,;;:,;..,,,,;.,:
"Nprvniis Mpn"' SSUSJwP? AMtx'i vo
IVCI VUUO UlCM WOSX ETEET DAT. This Is how you feel. There Is
usually pain across the email of the back, blue lings under your eyes,
specks before the eyww sleep does not refresh you; you get up In the mern
Ing feeling tired; ytmr memory la poor, your mind-wanders; you are hoi- ;
law-eyed; you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen; nervous,
no appetite. ' Dear reader, come to me and I will lend you a helplnr hand.'
I cur cheaply.and permanently.. Come today don't put off any lenger.
Is what' you want I will give you a written LE&AL GUARANTEE to
cure you or'refund your money. If you are tired of paying out money and
waiting fojr sults. this is your opportunity to be cured quickly. , There Is
all the difference In the world between doctors and treatments, and you
want ,the- best , j.:?tri:J'? , tv ., ; -f . ...
Out of Town Men vioItIna; tne Clty
Consult rne at one upon arrival and maybe yon can be cured before re-"
luwilUB jju.hb. jnivuy nun can 09 SUITO in On. tWO Or mors VISltS, COn
tlnulng treatment when home. ., t , f i 7
at office or by 4ma. One personal visit Is preferred, btit if this is Im
practicable, y.rlte us a fulKand unreserved history 0 your case and aet
on-lb iresb .from lur .
Hours' A. U. to 8 J. U. Bundays, lto 12.
stIlouib MEDICAL CO.
the only one received, and was accepted.
Councilman Johnson made a motion j
that all property owners be permitted to
arrange for their own plumbing work
instead of having the council give the
work to bidders. ,
Mayor Hendricks appointed a commit
tee of 10 property owners living' on
Dawson street to meet at the city hall
December IS and discuss and decide
on the proposed Improvements for the
street Those named on the committee
are Dr. .Watts, Elliott Gordon. A. G.
Harris, J. S. McKinney, W. A. Fair
child, W. F. Wllklns. John Noren, L. M.
Kucher, Albert Pass .and Elizabeth
VapleS. .;;.;, - . '
. (Special Dispatch to The fonrnal.)
Athena, -'Or, Dec, 1 9. Zada Van
Winkle, a prominent young woman of
this city was severely injured-Wednesday
evening In a runaway accident and
grave doubts are felt for her ultimate
recovery. Together ' ; with Gertrude
Booher and Leon Wilson slie was driv
ing about the city when the horses be
came frlgbtened( and 5 dashed madly
away. The other two occupants were
thrown out of the ventele with little In
Jury, but Miss Van Winkle was thrown
on her head and was rendered uncon-W
ing her to consciousness, but her mind
The Xadlngr Speelallst
' fxmrBAtrrxD atlmhrts
Ton can depend upon a quick
'and thorough curs by my treat-1
ment A -quick cure Is, desirable
because a slow cure Is apt to be no
cure at an, and a chronic develop
ment will come later. I cure you
beyond the possibility of a relapse
and In half the usual time required.
I n
le In Portland and from all '
parts ot the country are coming to the -Men's
Greatest Specialists at St Louis
Medical Co. to be cured. All sensible
men afflicted with any nervous disor
der,' Rheumatism, Rupture. - Ecinma.
Blood Disorder, realise the necessity of '
having reliable' specialists etire them.'
; Many times a poor doctor, through lack
of experience, will do more Injury than
good. Be careful, be sensible don't
maic a a mists no go to t he ' St Lon is -Med
foal Co. - Our phvslclans are the
eadUg specialists for men's disorders,
ind have been so for years.
If yea call st ones T will give you one
week af trnatmnnt frea if vnn ImI tn
that 1 . can cure yoii. . Did vou 1
is apparently a blank and It Is feared"
that she has lost her reason.
Fleming-Winters Orchestra. Thones
A-4004, B-:602,
1 "
i N7'
F co I
Fer Hoar
I Am the Man
that weak, aUlnff men have got to con
stat after they have failed to receive a
ours elsewhere. -
I. positively cure Varicose Velna Ktrp
ture. Obstruction, Special "Ailments of
Men, Kidney, Bladder and Blood AU
men ts and Nervous Weakness.
If you want a perfect cure, cure to
stay cured, treat with the old reliable
firm, 1 Don't ' waste your money .-with .
cheap and unskilled specialists. ' - Get
the best always. The best, is none too
good for you and always the cheapest
In the end. - - - - . - ; , ;-
Remember, we treat only cases we can
cure. Cure or no pay is our motto.
What more can you ask? ;
We -will cure -you of your trouble
never to return If we tell you so. Re
member this.
We ere .specialists In our line, not
cure-alls, -'. , , , '
Call at once and let a true specialist
examine you today, not- tomorrow, i,
1 Stop suffering; get strong and vigor
ous. What more to be desired than "
healthT Nothing. -
Come- and consult us free of all
charge, , . ,. . ... .. 1
lbs Oia Bsllabls Specialist
Corner Alder and Second streets. 'En
trance 12814 Second street, Portland,
Or. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Sundays.-10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Men and Women Cared
Call at once
and find out
what yourtrou-.
ble . Is before
this grand of
fer Is wit h-
1 drawn. 'The
! British Botanic
Medicine C o.
are curing the
sick and - weak
with , V. n( w.n
will, t.w.v,.
derful- Euro-f
pean - methods Vt
of treatment ,
combined wit'i
their bojtanlo
ana nervous
Tou can not afford to Jeopardise your
health or risk your" life by employing
incompetent medical aidbut go at once
to one whose reputation, akill and abil
ity. t)ACkf! hv mmocD on.I lin n nm
of expeflenee, give assurance Of honest,
skillful and scientific treatment and a
cure. We successfully-treat snd guar
antee to cure all forms of Acute, Chron-
Kervo-ViUl Troubles, Stomach TxOn-
bias. All Forms of Skin Diseases, Ca- '
tarrn 01 au xorms, fs.oo per month; T,o
sema, Piles cured without the knife;
Swollen Glands, Kervonsness, Debility,
Varioosed Veins, Bladder and Prostatic
and Contracted Troubles and all Acute
and Chronio Diseases of Men and Wo
men. Skin Diseases a Specialty.
, Call today for free X-ray examination.
If you cannot call," write your - symp
toms. Many cases cured by our home
treatment. Call nt once and be cured by
287 H Washington St., Portland, Or., 4th
floor Rothchlld Building, Take elevator.
, l' . i
Pay. When .Cured,
We have every known remedy np
pllance for TSElriNtJ TOV.. Our ex-
vc?fci".n Brr!at f nd Tr:,a that
0n8-..e slime nt of men is new to us.
, . General Debility, Weak Hems tn.
soinnia Results of YexpOF&re. overwork
and other vloJatioa, of Nature's laws
Diseases 6f Bladder snd.Kidueys, Vatu
Zl''Wic,t1' 4 permanoatly
f?ombatesi ,SP"M '-f uo5.:
, SPECIAL A miEE NTS Newly ''cos .
tracted and chronio cases cured All
iSSlSl'i'fW'- '"nflSUttoS.
stopped In 24 hours. , Cures effected in
seven days. Consultation free. -If nt.
&VLca,y' wrltB f0.r ,Jst Pf Question
Office Hours A. M. 'to 8 P. W
Sundays, 10 A. Id. to 1 P. M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Ck
Corner Plret.
mi J 1
1 ir v m 1