THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' THURSDAY EVENING, DECE'IDEH' 8, 1213. : . sse;;gb! coat . eoesagrouhdih mm bay Golden Gate on- Shoal - Five Hours; Accident Was Due to Lack of Lights on Dolphins; , No Damage. , While leaving Tillamook last Tues ; day morning at an , early hour the steamer Golden Gate. Captain Snyder, went aground la the bay and was not floated for fire hours, when the flood .. tide -was on. ...' . ? ; . - "We had Just, left the river, "coming down from Tillamook,, says Captain Q. W. i Hosford, general manager ' of the company operating the - Golden Gates , who was ai passenger aboard at the time, "when we pot out of the main part of the channel and struck a shoal. It was at 8 o'clock In the morning and very dark, and it 4 was the lack Of lights to mark the channel that caused us to i go egronud. f There are plenty of dolphins there, but no lights are tn them, which makes It bad for a steamer wishing to get out at night" At about 8 o'clock in the morning, nays Captain Hosford, the flood tide floated the Golden Gat and she pro ceeded on her way. to this port, arriv ing here at 10 o'clock last night' She brought a full list of passengers,-1509 cases of salmon and 300 cases of cheese and will sail again tomorrow night there being more freight on the dock than she can handle In one trip, PILOT AXP SHIP MISSING : Nothing Seen of Either Since Gas Anderson Boarded Boat Saturday. Since Pilot Gus Anderson was placed , aboard a French ship off the mouth of i the Tlver Saturday night at S:S8 o'clock, nothing has been seen either of the pilot or of the windjammer and Officials of , the Port of Portland tugboat service are beginning to wonder what has be come of them. " It was getting very dark when Pilot Anderson was placed aboard the craft and ber name was not learned, but from , her rig, says Superintendent Harry t Campion, she was known to be a , Frenchman by those aboard the pilot- boat , She had cargo aboard. No sooner - waa Anderson aboard than the vessel was swallowed up In ; the gloom -and Islnce that time she has not been seen, although the two tugs have been out every day watching, not only for that vessel but for the German ship Frieda, 84 days out of Santa Rosalia for, this port Captain Christalnsen,' master of the German ship Schurbek, reported off the river, when he came In last Satur-i day. It Is supposed mat tho French man is the bark Pierre Antoine, out 88 ! days from Newcastle, N. 8. W, for ithla port with coal. , ,t , v . ! STRATIIBEQ CHARTERED . British Ship Will Bring Cargo of . General Freight Here. - - - ' Announcement was made this morn ' lng by Taylor, Young & Co, local agents (for Henry Lund & Co., that that firm . has chartered the British steamer j Strathbeg to bring, a cargo of general freight on their regular steamship line T'ying between European ports and the Pacific coast She will go on the berth for loading about March 1, 1911, and will follow the British steamer Inver , kip, her loading ports being Gothen burg, Antwerp and Newcastle-on-Tyne. Her. ports of discharge will be San Pe dro, San Francisco and Portland. - The Strathbeg la a new steamer of ,8682 tons net register. Captain McKen sle, master, and she is pow on ber first voyage to this coast having arrived at San Francisco November 11 from Nor folk, with a cargo of 6000 tons of coal for' the government She made ' the passage around In fiS days. Dally Rlw Readings! .Wednesday. Deo. X-im a. nw 120th meridian time. -, , , " ' '" " '1.3 Q - F8 s i 2 - . STATIONS. . . 5 . 8 - 5 I ' C a tr i , I : ridian. i Lewiston iRiparia ; Umatilla Eugene . . . i Harrlsburg Albany ... Salem ;Vilsonvflle , Portland . -y, . ........ 84 30 25 10 16 20 20 37 15 4.0 4.6 6.0 0.1 '9.3 8.6 8.5 8.5 4.0h-0.6 1 1.3 16.6h-0.4 1.0' 0 0 0 .26 .34 .22 ,34 .36 .04 wind south 15' miles; weather,, cloudy. Monterey, Dea 8. Arrived, steamer P.osecraJis, from Portland.', . V.' Yokohama, Dea 8. Sailed, Norwegian steamer Henrlk Ibsen, for Portland. Tides at Astoria Friday: High water 6:30 a. m J.l feet; 6:03 p. m., 6.4 feet Low water, 0:38 a, m., 3.6 reet ' ALOXG THE WATERFRONT. The lighthouse tender Mansanlta ar rived at Astoria last night after com pletlng some buoy, work on Grays Har bor. - ' In tow of the Ocklahama, the French shin Thiers left down for the sea at 6:20 o'clock this morning. . She . has aboard 119.807 bushels of wheat. val- ued at 8105.430, the cargo being shipped by the Portland Flouring Mills com pany. It Is Expected that the British ship Glenholm, which ' has completed ' her cargo, will leave down for the sea Sat urdav morning, and the barge AmyTur i'ner will leave down for St Helena Fri day night or Saturday morning to load lumber for San Francisco. . t ; f The Tug Wallula will probably be sent to Westport Saturday morning, to take the - schooner Lyman D Foster, which Is lumber laden for New Zea land,' to Astoria.1''.-,,'' V,- u'.-, The schooner Expansion Is now load ed with lumber at Knappton. and the Wallula will take her to. Astoria, from which place she will go to sea, bound for California porta. . The steamer- Shasta will : sail: from Rainier today for San ' Francisco and the steamer Svea will shift from Couch street dock to the Inman-Poulsen mills to load lumber for SatvPedro. -, In command of Captain A. Nelson, the' steamer Beaver sailed yesterday morn lng tor : this port from. San Francisco, and will be due to arrive here tomorrow afternoon.. It Is supposed that Captain KJdston hasteen held In San Francisco to be of assistance to the lawyers In making preparations for the suit which is pending In the case of the sinking of the Selja, Captain Nelson formerly ran In here on the steamer City of Pan ama, and Is well known In Portland.,' E. Schulse, managing director of the China Import. & Export Lumber Co who Is back from a seven w.eeks' trip to Germany and England, will return to Make Life Worth Living Says Elder Cunningham. When pure healthy blood courses through every vein-ana artery of the body, the organs are In a healthy con dition, .and -a strenuous active life Is a pleasure to man or woman. ' But If the blood is impure and slug gish, the appetite poor, digestion weak and vitality not up to the standard, life Is a burden; then you need' Vlnol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, without oiL Such evidence as : cornea from Henry Cunningham, elder of the Baptist Church, Klnston,-N. C, should be convincing. He says, "I was run down and weak from general debility, and suffered from vlrtlgo. I took Vlnol with the most ' gratifying; results. ; I gained In health and strength and now feel unusually well." v ' ; j Elder Cunningham recovery was doe to the combined action of the medicinal elements of cods' livers, aided by the blood making and strength creating properties , of topic Iron contained in Vlnol. - . . ' ; Try a bottle of VtaoV with the under standing that your money will be re- Chlrta next month to look arter the business there. W. Gelm, who is expect ed to arrive here about the middle of January from Shanghai, will be the local agent for the company, , , , Storm warnings were ordered out this morning by . District Forecaster Beals at Hellingham Bay; Anacortes and at Blaine. Other parts of the coast were not Included, as so far as is known there is row no reason for them anywhere else. The rainfall up to 10:30 o'clock this morning was .27 Inch, the heaviest fall being at 6:20 o'clock this morning. BODY OF FOUNDER i ' I : PLACED IN TOMB BY HER DISCIPLES (Continued from i Page , One,) ' and General Frank Streeter of Concord; ' ous members Is fixed in this manner Frederick Dixon, London, and Mayor i In order that the commission shall al- Charles Hatfield of Newton, Conn. ways have at least four of the five The active pallbearers were Bliss members who are tamlllar with tho Napp, William Farlow, James Neat Lew is Strange, Rev. William McKlnxle and Thomas Hatton of Boston; John Lath rop. New York, and George Klnter, Chi cago. ; ,:, : :: ; -. ; As the funeral cortege passed through the streets, on Its way to the cemetery It attracted considerable attention, many persons having waited to see it pass. After the funeral party had left the cemetery a guard was thrown around i the vault The guard will be maintained until the body is finally placed in the tomb that is being prepared for it , ' work In hand. The commission ,1s an independent body and may make Its. own rules. The mayor Is not even an ex-offlco member. All he has to do with it Is to appoint morabers to fill vacancies as they oc cur. The commission may make its headquarters at the city hall, or else where, as It sees fit It was about 1720, at Amsterdam, that Fahrenheit made his first thermom eter, which has served as a model ever since. 120 persona. Including the family and the members of the Eddy household and a few of the leaders, of the Science church, were present Among them were those who -had studied the faith she taught, from Mrs. Eddy herself. Mrs. Eddy'a body rested In a bronxe catiket which was placed In the alcove formed by the bay windows in the rear parlor of her home. A cluster of pink roses placed on the casket by the mem bers of the household . were-' the only nowers in the room. ; - Serrloe Consists of tdlngs. - Those whd attended the funeral ar rived shortly before 11 o'clock. Only those having cards -were admitted to the grounds. r As they entered, thoae who came to pay their tribute to the memory of the mother of Christian Science," were met and escorted Into the house. During the services they were grouped in the re ception hall, the library and he front parlor. AH who attended were dressed in black, but there were no manifesta tions Of WOe. ; 'r,.V-:-i.A '...'.-; .;- h " Judge Clifford P. Smith, first reader of the First church of Boston, stand ing beside the s casket h conducted the services. ; Mrs. Caroline Powers, second reader, assisted. The service was aim pliclty:itself.Y Short prayers were said; a passage from the bible and a short excerpt from Science and Health, were read; another scripture passage and a brief " closing prayer1 marked the last tribute of th church to its founder. One of Mrs. Eddy's Poems Bead, , No funeral music broke the stillness. Only the modulated voices of the read ers were heard as . the service, waa re peated.' Only the single cluster of red roses lent color to the aeene. , ; Those who were gathered in the par lors listened attentively and in their at titude as their eyes rested on the casket standing In the alcove, there was deep est reverence, i '! '-.' , ' '.. ' After those who had been permitted to attend the funeral had gathered at the Eddy home, there was a brief moment for silent prayer, and then Judge Smith led in repeating the- Lord'a prayer. , s, , Mrs. Powers read Mra. Eddy's poem. "Mother's Evening Prayer,'' Judge Smith then read the ninety-first psalm, verses from the one hundred thirtieth and one hundred fortieth chapters of St John and eight passages from' "Science and Health." The casket waa then lifted by the acting pallbearers and carried from the room. ,'. vv-- Those from the borne followed the body at Mount Auburn. ' - At the receiving valut Judge Smith read from the twenty-third psalm and verses from the book of Judges. The vault waa then sealed. ;'i.l.';fc7Taa rafflearax;i;;,U,l.:,v,'ii The honorary pallbearers were John L. Bates, Samuel J. Elder, William Johnson, Albert Metcalf, all of Boston: turned lr it does not help you. ' Wood ard, Clarke & Co., Druggists, Portland, Arthur Brisbane, New York; Edward P. Or. . i I Bates. Syracuse: Judern nharlna Pnntfntf DOCK COMMISSION TO HOLD FIRST MEETING The new municipal dock commission ap pointed by Mayor Simon will hold their first meeting : one week, from today. The' commission will elect a chairman and. draw lots to decide which shall serve one year, and which two, three, four and five years respectively. , The length of the terms for the varl- Start "D-M-f" for Rheumatism, Today Moat Effective and Unique Rheuma tism Treatment Ever Discovered. It Must Core Ton, ot Tow Honey Back. The results of the new. thoroughly tested discovery, T-M-F," on rheuma tism, lumbago, .gout and neuralgia, no matter how chronic or serious the case. are almost beyond belief. 'M "D-M-F" Is unique in the fact that It signals the cure to the patient This occurs In the first few days by the ap pearance of certain well defined symp toms, or "signals." It contains no opi ates or dangerous ingredients, and can be assimilated by the weakest stomach. Many cases of 25 years' standing have been cured la a few weeka. John C. Briar, Rochester, IT. T saysi "I had terrible rheumatism for about four year. X heard - of D-M-I and begaa takisff It. Inside of 30 days, to my astonishment, X waa oared eom-puteiy.- r i: TM-F Is sold at an drug stores at 11.00 a bottle, 6 bottles for (5.00. Cure guaranteed in any ordinary case with every purchase of 6 bottles, or money re funded. If your druggist cannot supply you, It will be sent, together with guar antee, on receipt of price by the "D-M-F" Medicine Co, 2715 Lincoln avo, suite 553, Chicago, 111. "D-M-F" Is recommended and sold In Portland by The Owl Drug Co. rm n is rlO THE SWASTIKA MINING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD., WILL POSITIVELY WITH DRAW IT3 STOCK FROM THE MARKET ON JANUARY 1, 191 L : We have part of our new machinery on the way to the mine at this time, and the balance will be in ': italled just as soon as we can pet to it Our miners ire working in ore bodies that leave no doubt of the value of the Swastika, and financially we have ad . vanced to a place warranting the announcement that - itock will be withdrawn from sals on January 1, Until that date only we shall sell at 10 cents per share on installments as heretofore. ' Our interesting booklet free to all who send their address to this of fice. 1 , .''ip' The SvaslHia TJininfl fi Development: Co., Ltd. 220 DREXEL BLDO, SECOND AND YAMHILL STS; PORTLAND, OR.; TEL. MAIN 8726. I W si. is j a a J asjtf I si ' Minua sign shows fall In river. River forecast: The Willamette river at Portland will fall rapidly Friday and slowly Saturday and probably Sunday. ; ' MARINE KOTE3 . Astoria, Dec. ,' 8. Silled at S a. m steamer George W. Elder, for San Diego and way ports. Sailed at J-.30 a. mH steamer Washtesaw, for Port Harford. Arrived at 6:30 a. m., steamer Vosburg and barge Nehalem, from Tillamook, Arrived at 11:15 a. m., steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay. Outside at 11 a. m German ship Frieda, from Santa Ro salia. , . ' , - San- Francisco,' Dec V 1. Arrived, steamers Klamath and Roanoke, from San Pedro, Sailed at :30 a. m, steamer Bear, for San Pedro. . Antofogssta, Dep.: 4. Sailed. British ship KUe, for Portland. . , Astoria, Dec. -. 7. Sailed ' at noon, steamer Falcon, for San Francisco. Ar rived xlown at 12:30 and sailed at 2 p. m. Norwegian steamer BJomstJerne BJorn eon, fur St. Vincent for orders. Ar rived down st 7 p. m., barge Coronada. Kan Francisco. Dec. 7. Sailed at 1 p. m, steamer Beaver; at 3 p. m schooner A. R Johnson, for Portland. Arrived at t p, m., steamer Aurella, from Columbia river. ' - .- ( , , San Pedro, Dec. 7. Sailed, acbooner Aivena, ior Columbia river.- Arrived.- tn.nuqfr eancss, irom Columbia river. Coos Bay, Dec ' 7. Arrived, steamer Alliance, from Eureka. . -v ; -Astoria, Dec. , S.-CondiUon at V the , mouth of the rlfcr at s a. m.. smooth CURED FOREVER Fees In Simple Cases Alt lictcd f J e n Has Yonr PhysicianFailcd to Cure Yon? Refase (o Seller Longer oa Promises Call at our office aad let n oomrbios yon that we have cured where other doctors and SPE CIALISTS have failed. By permission we eaa refer you to cured patients and show ton letters we are receiving from cured and grateful men. Jf your ease is curable we caa cure you, but if It Is not we will frankly tell you so. Examination free and Ton will be under no obligation what ever to take treatment, if afflicted do not delay nor neglect your condition, for a quick and Ut Inr euro means a great deal to your future life aad happiness. Xemember ou charges as Spe cialists for a guaranteed cure la far leas than tuuiv cuargsa or mmuy soetors and Surgeons aad other Specialists. EvcsyUcman t?.:,iV' vl v'.v-. 'uo snout me wondriul '. ViV; jMARVM .Whirlin, Spray ; -Sl If lnu. i. M I Havc,the Larflest Practice Because I Invariabiy Fulfill My Promises I have treated so many eases of men's ail ments that I know exactly what to do In every Instance. Never la It necessary for me to resort to guesswork.' The treatment given la accurate . from the . very beginning ' until , a Sure is effected. By asceptlng enrable cases only, and by making to mistakes In treating them, ' I meet with no failure and my pa- ienta are newr dlaapwmted. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED OOKTSACTES ATTiMtiaTS. ' Every case of contracted ailment I treat is thoroughly cured: my patients have no relapse, when I r pronounce a case cured ' there la not a particle of Infection or In flammation remaining, and there Is not the slightest danger that the ailment, will return to its original form or work its way Into the gen eral system. No contracted ailment is so trivial as to warrant uncer tain methods of treatment, and I lauy soucii loose cases mat doctors nave oeen unaoie to cure. : 1 OBSTBTUCTIOirS. I enre obstructions without out bng, without dllaUag and without pain. Harmless remedies dissolve the obstructing tissues and. deans all affected membranes. - Bracxno bxood poisosr. Not merely a suppression of sur- race indications, hut a radical cure, Every taint of poison driven from wo harmful a rags em- especli other Ww The Xaling Specialist. 1 TAXZCOSB TXZVS. ? Without using knife, ligature or caustic, without pain and without detention from business, I cure varicose veins In one week. If you have sought cure elsewhere . and been disappointed, or If - you fear the harsh methods that most phy sicians employ In treating this ali ment, come to me and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a gentle and painless method. Don't delay. - Varicose veins have their danger and bring their disastrous results. If you will call I will be pleased to explain , my method of curing. . . . FREE MUSEUM OX. VATXOXS 910.000 XVSEUIC "-)'- . OT AJffATOMT FREtt TO MEN the system. pioyea. , n , j, 7 YBXa COVStT&TATZOS AITO 9XAGVOSXS. ' ' ' " . "ATWng men are cordially Invited to call at my office for free advice, examination and diagnosis. Office hours, I A. M. to 8 P. If. Sundays, 9 A.' M. tO 1 P. M. . If you cannot call, writ for symptom blank. " The DR. TAYLOR Co. I34H KO&&ISOV 8TBSST. Corner Second and llorrtson. , POBTIkaJTB, OSEOOir, Remember, We Have Been Here for Years, Are Permanently Located and Incorporated and Licensed Under the" Laws of Oregon. 7 ? Remember There Is No Man Too Poor to Get Cured by Us. JNo Money Re quired to Commence Treatment SEVENTEEN YEARS of SUCCESS IN TREATING MEN . 1. If ht miuxa fupdIt . th MAU r;L,l)t V nrnf'-r hn t mtui lumn , i elv", fail rytrtlrMiiirw and dlreo umrt ca, u iwt tu su w its,. .f Cftc U av4 -i2rU Ucm Mora We Cure Nervous Exhaustion Also known as Nervous Debility, Nervo-Vital Debility Neurasthenia, etc. If you have any symptoms of this disease, such as loss of energy or ambition, vitality easily . fatigued, dull, listless , feeling, nervousness and other symptoms, I want you to be sure and call I have given this condition of men special study and I unhesitatingly say that my treatment is not excelled by any other specialist regardless of what they' may claim. I know what I have accomplished In , even the most se vere cases- letter?! of endorsement are on file.' and there 'wrdV0 be fve tnt Iannot cure TOU also. RE. MKMBtR. by calling you do not obligate yourself to take treatment. We Cure Kidney and Bladder Diseases Any disorder of the kidneys and bladder, no matter how slight, should be treated by an expert specialist Patent medicines and treatment of Inexperienced doctors cannot be depended upon to cure them, which you no -rtoubt have found out If you have been afflicted for any length' of time. . . , .,, ... . , . Too frequent desire, retention of or too profuse.' sedi ment or brick dust, burning, scalding sensation, highly colored, pains in. the back, dry, pale, waxy skin etc are symptoms that should not be neglected for a mo ment. If you call I will make a careful, expert chemical and microscopical examination an absolute test with out charge, and give you information and advice of , We Cure Varicose Veins I daily demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured. tit nearly all cases, ,by one treatment, in such a satis i'I?.?!111:' 1 W$Y-?Mi0n 'ie rapidly ?eesb: lished, and instead Of the repressing conditions I aruar. sntee you a cure or refund the monVv ?uar is quickly restored to its normal healthy condition, cutting and dilating ooeratlnnn? th a worse condition than before. I cure you In from 10 to lA7I7.TDPAnriA't-'iv''-'Vi'- ' T We Cure Specific Blood Poison This as you doubtless know, Is' the worst disease that afflicts mankind, having not only wrecked the lives of thousands of men, but women and children as well. If you have any of Its symptoms you cannot afford to neglect them for a moment Rash or copper colored spots, running sores, pimples,, ulcers in the mouth and throat, or face, hands and other parts of the body, falling "out of hair and eyeBrows, are, all unmistakable signs of this dreaded disease. I have cured cases of Blood Poison after Hot Springs had failed, and If you call I will make a careful, expert examination of your case snd tell you positively whether or not the disease Is present, and If so I am prepared to give you the best treatment In ex istence. . - We Cure Contracted Disorders JTewly contracted cases quickly cured. All burning, Itchtng, inflammation and olacharge checked la 24 hours. Many oases eured la one week, we us a spociflo treat ment for this ftlseaie. . . inir, ip nr tbovblz, cah, today k ' -rv. We Cure Urinary Obstructions . v . f and Enlarged Prostate Xlland . My cure for Prostatls is safe, painless and permanent and free from surgery In any form. , Kvery-obstruction to the urethra Is forever removed, all ' discharges, soon ceabe,. innnmmaiion ana soreness are allayed, the pros tate gland and bladder are healed add th entW nrfnarv Avoid MEN CURED 'iffl- Pay When Cured We have every knon ; irv tnnn . htrnxl ih. pllance for TBSATIHCr TOU.. Our ex perience la so great and varied tbat no one or me aumenta of men Is new to tts CO KB XV AMD TAX.K XT OTSJL .OeneraT Behillty. Weak - Serves. Za. aomnla ResulU of exposure, overwork and other violations of nature's laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Van cose ins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no detention from business. ' BPBCZAX AIUmrTS Newly ' cos tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning,- Itching and inflammation stopped in Xi hours. Cures effected In even days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list, of questions Office HoursJ A. M. to 8 P. i? Bundayf, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. , Pacific Coast Medical Co. , M4H WAiSBIBOTOJr BTBBEX. -, . , Corner rirst. ut. taanoersons Compound Savin and Cotton niu.rpui. the best and only reliable rem edy for rEMAIOS TROUBLES ABB ZB&BOUX.ABZTXB8. Cure must onsunAiA thim in to 10 days. Price $2 per box, or t for oj ninuea in plain wrapper. AOdress T. J. PIERCE, 810 AUsky Bldg., . Portland, f7T LI,IM L.T. V P P The Chinese - i soctor. Tee and Son's Medicine Co., spent lifetime Study of herbs ana research In ; China, was granted Diploma by the Em peror, wonderful cure all ala eases of- men and women. when other; failed. , If you suffer call or write to TIB auXT'B WLKDICIHTB CO, 14ZH 1st. cor. Alder. Portlard. Or. '3'?i5 ti il f s' T JltuaanaUftilvj-iuor.oua.yMB. gaiiB.iixAraATrow x.Ainc-Ain Boorr-trTOrarrArir to i r tvenlngs, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 A. M. to. 12 M.. only. 19 6 1 THE OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE Sl' - - w a.jftHSUif , .w " " iimimi ssiissssisiaaiaaaaaai iii t iiii'iaan i mi iiwsjsji n issseieaap nwn wr u mwyargBwsBat IN EVy CHINGSI3 MEDICINE COMPANY.OPBN .Thls Chinese doctor and pharmaceutist of Wal Jlng Chinese Herb & Root Medicine Company la American born and a cttUen. When 4 years s of age he went to China with, his parents and got a good education in the schools of that land. Obtaining tho honors of Doctor of Medicine, he was permitted to practice, In the Canton Modical College and to study the eminent physicians' prescriptions of centuries, ' For six years in New York City he was presi dent of the Oriental Hospital, where he had such wonderful success with his medications. While there in New York City he met field , Back Jr.. of Port land, and was induced to come to Portland and open an offce Anvjnan.. woman or. chlldwKh,nv...ln. tcrnal, external or eruptive disease who will come to my office can secure free Consultation and examina tion. If you can't call, write and get diagnosis and remedies. - . . - , , S. H. WAI JINQ CO. 'EiVSStoa. BT2TZZ1 C? BUILDING ";,'.., ,..v" jfpi J '-'(.'.' THE SPZCZAXX3T WHO1 CUBXS. It matters not what your ailment Is, nor who has treated it, If It Is curable we will give you Immediate benefit and a quick and lasting; cure. Do not allow money matters to reep you from ' getting well. W charge nothing to prove our meth ods will nr you, , Our guarantee SO MOWEY BQUl&i UBTE6 sati3H,0 Is your,' absolute pro tection. Consultation) examlnauoa and medicines free. ' , W claim for our treatment nothing "wonderful" of "secret" it Is simply our successful way of do lag things. 1 VARICOSE VEINS ' Wak, Swollen, gagging, Knotted, Wormy-like Veins. Clotted, Btagnaiit Pools of Impure Blood, Weak, Benr ous, xw Vitality, Mental Bepres slon. ... - We dally demonstrate that VARI COSE! VKINS and : HYDROCELE can be eured without severe surgical op eration. Beneficial effects are Immediate.- Pain quickly , ceases, en larged veins rapidly reduce, healthy circulation speedily ?; returns, and strength,' soundness'' and robust health are soon restored. r(,' ; i f; BLADDER & KIDNEY : Enlarged Prostate Gland, Inflam. (nation of Bladder and Sidneys, rre ouent Desire, Painful, Bmavtlag, Burning Sensation, - Cloudy, EighW Colored, Brick Dust Sediment, Weak, aching Back, Dry, Pale, Waxy Skin, . These- symptoms of PROSTATIC, BLADDER end KIDNEY troubles we rapidly overcome. There is no guess work about it We remove every ob struction, - sop every waete,- allay all Irritation and Inflammation, revital ise the weakened organs, and - soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure, SPECIFIC DL'OOD POISON Bash, Copper-oolored Spots. Erup tions, Ulcers, Bore Mouth or Throat Mucous Patches, Swollen Glands, railing Hair. -Our NEUCLftU . ATOXTL treat ment for SPRCIFIC BLOOD POISON leaves no injurious after effect It does not "lock in"-the poison, but a rives 11 out or tne system, so there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purifying. Blood Making, Blood Cell Remedy, it gives the pa. tlent a pure, fresh Blood Stream, and restores mm to normal neaun, ti! , NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY The eause of Jf ervo-Vital Debility, aa well as Its erU effeo upon the EhyiioaL mental and other powers, i familiar to all alfllcted men. The symptoms seea not he enumerated.: We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL 'BXTRAfrr trit. ment is the Ideal remedy for NERVO VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stim ulate temporarily. ' but restores per manently. All disagreeable- symp toms soon disappear, nerve energy Is regained, self-respect self-eon fldence and self-control return, and the pa tient Is prepared for a new period Of me,. - .. , . ,; RUPTURE & RECTAL . Rupture or Hernia, Piles, blind, bleeding, itching or protruding: Pistuln Ulcers, eto. ' Our proven methods make hos pital ' operations unnecessary. In most eases no pain or; detention from business. We guarantee quick relief and positive, permanent cures. AFFLICTED MEN aoing, you certainly o net mtend to always remain so. Ton surely expect to be restorea tome time. Why not aowf Why delay aad grow worse? ; ' , What you want is a cure. Come to us and get 1L Once under our treatment you ; will quickly realize how simple a thing It Is to ret well n 'the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but Ufa to years. Office hours, dally to I Evenings, 7 o 8. Sundays, 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. S63 Washington I Am the Man that weak, a fling men hare' got to ooa suit after they iave failed to reoei. . cure elsewhere. s . mx . ,. s ... I DOHltlvAlv mm V..I.... ., ..... .7" veins, nun- m!' tructl?n' SPclal Ailments of Men, , Kldnev. HlodHnr ...- i n ments and Nervous Weakness, . mtli y0u 7fant Perft cure: cMre to iiTm, , Don t wuste your monev with tA,t SMU1ISS "PecialUtsT ' Get fn ?h X0U and alway the cheapest Remember, we treat nnt - cure. Cure or no nav ia r...- What more can you askt " We will cure von nt vm,- .n..v.l. never to return if we tell you eo. Re- "',! VI1ID. We are. sDectaliHts in ' cure-alls Call at. once and lt a mt examine you today, not tomorrow. Stop suffering; get strong and vtgor- i.i.,Wl5t,vmore td De desired than health? Nothing. Come and consult a ; w e n charge. . ' " "u dr:lindsay The Old Sellable Speoiallst, Corner Alder end Second streets. En trance 128 V Second street Portland. Or. Office hours a. m. to S n. m. Sundava 10 L m. t. 1 . line, notv