The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 08, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Wflilll Oil TRIAL
Appearing pale anC worn after her
'long confinement In Jail, but calm and
smiling In the face of the ordeal she
must endure, Mrs. Carrie Keren waa led
into Judge Morrow's department of the
t circuit court this morning to be tried
f tor the second time on. the charge of
murder in the first-degree for the death
of W. A. Johnson, who was, slain by
Jesse P. Webb in a' room In the New
Grand Central hotel on the afternoon of
June 20. ' ', '
A large number, of .witnesses and the
i advance guard .'of curious, spectators
crowded the little courtroom in which
i the examination of talesman, for Jury
' duty was' taken up.. . All .except those
who could obtain seats' were excluded
from the courtroom by Judge Morrow,
and the corridor W&s Kept cleared' for
some distance back. A. K. Stewart was
appointed a special ' bailiff i. tp help
.handle thecrqwds.'-. A :' ' i .
fXak Good Progress, . ,.'
' Unexpectedly ' good ; progress , was
vttnade toward the choice of. a Jury-this
. morning -When court adjourned at
'noon six men had been passed for cause
y; by, the' attorneys on both sides, only
. ' three out of the : first nine being- ex
cused by the court If this speed is
maintained 12 men will be in the Jury
box before night and peremptory chal
lenges will be in order. A night ses
sion will be held, beginning at 7:30. '
Prospective . Jurymen -were closely
questioned as to what they have read
In the newspapers about the killing of
Johnson, the conviction of J. P. Webb,
and the previous trial of Mrs. Kersh,
when the Jury stood eight to four in
favor of conviction. They Were asked
if the conviction of Webb and the sen
tence of death imposed upon him would
influence them against the woman who
traveled to Portland from Spokane with
Webb and Johnson. All answered It
would not t-' ; ' .
Deputy District Attorney ntxgerald
was also particular in asking the men
offered as Jurors if they would deal
with a woman Just as they would
man, and vote to hang her if the evi
dence convinced them. Every man ques
tional said he would vote for the con
vlctlon of a woman Just as quickly as if
the defendant were of the other sex. .
Other questions for Jurors dealt with
circumstantial evidence.. Several of the
jurors said the testimony based on cir
cumstances would have to be strong,
but they could find a verdict under the
instructions of the court
' Deputy District Attorney Fltsgerald
is assisted by Deputy . Collier for the
state,-as in the former trial, and Mrs.
Kersh is represented by the same at
torneys, Seneca Fouts and John C Mc
Cue. i- " " !
Those passed by both sides for cause
this morning were - Frank tfallock, - J.
C. Stevens.. James- Kenney,.. D.,.0. To
masJnl, Charles' Ashpole and ' Sumner
Newell. Hallock is a builder and had
formed no opinion. , '
Attorney CnaOlengM laborer." ,
v Stevens,' a civil engineer, does -not be
lieve in capital punishment, but would
render a verdict for the state If the
evidence convinced him.. Kenney is, a
street paver. He read the newspapers
freely, he said, and has an opinion,, but
can decide the case, on the testimony.
Toruaslni,. a retired business man, also
has an opinion, but could lay It aside.
Ashpole, formerly in the grocery busi
ness, was' a little doubtful about cir
cumstantial evidence in such a ease,
but finally Qualified. Newell, a book
keeper for the Portland Woolen mills,
said he had no opinion.
J. C. Schmidt & laborer, was chal
lenged by Fouts and excused without
objection after the examination had
shown that he is none too familiar with
the English language. William Eastman
was excused because he had formed a
strong .opinion. . . .." v ... ,
Had Opinion; Excused.
James Brown, the last man examined.
was allowed to go because he bad an
opinion and does not believe in the death
penalty.- Others left in the box for ex
amination are William Montag, I T.
Gllllland,; John' Ml Her and Fred W.
The theory of the state is that while
Webb did the act of murder, beating his
victim to death with a blackjack and
then crowding the (body into a trunk,
which he tried to Bhip .out of the city,
Mrs. Kersh planned the murder with-him
and acted as a decoy for Johnson, witn
whom she was traveling as wife, Her
conduct in pretending a stranger
to Webb' In Johnson's presence, although
she had been living with Webb in Spo
kane and other places, her purchase of
a new trunk in which to put her belong
ings, and her Joy ride with Webb to
the roadbouse after the murder are' cir
cumstance in the case of the state from
which, her guilty knowledge and assist
ance is argued. , , -
', '', v, ' ?:. 1 T"" ' ' ' ":: '- .
(Continued from Page One.) "v
posed ordinance now under construc
tion, -y. ' : -"i .? '
One of these limits the number of
restaurant liquor licenses that may be
granted to 40. There are S3 in exis
tence at present Another section added
today makes it compulsory on restau
rants selling liquor to have at least 600
feet of floor space in such cafes. Th
object of tha amendment is to ellmln
ate a large number of the small dives
that flourish In . various parts - of the
Drojrglst Uaks Demands. :.- -'
A delegation of druggists appeared
before the committee, seeking to have
the present license for drug stores re
tained. The committee listened to their
arguments,1 bat decided that the drug-
gists should pay the same license as sa-j
loons for' the selling of liquor ; other
than on prescription. At the request of
the delegation an amendment waa in
serted, permitting the sale of , liquor '
without it being: prescribed , by . phy-j
siclan. for emergency ' ' cases, r The t
amendment gives the right 7 to make j
such sales as "acts of - mercy." . i
The Oregon Hotel Men's association
was represented at the committee meet- i
ing by M. C Dickinson of the Oregon !
hotel, and Phil Metschan of the Imper-I
lal. They , asked. that . no restaurant
liquor licenses be " granted to estab
lishments having less than 1600 feet
of floor space. ' o
"It la my opinion that a legitimate
restaurant business cannot be conduct
ed if they do not cover a greater area
than 400 'square feet, the minimum
floor space provided under-the present
laws,''1 said Mr. Dickinson. The com
mittee compromised by Inserting, the
100. square feet provision. -,. i
: , ?
Journal Want Ads bring results, u
Jfscro to Only Ono
' "J- y:'-.' ;:
That to , ; ; - - ;; ,. ' f , (
Always remember the iname. Iolc J'ffff Jfr
t for this signature on every .'W'7JVtitP'
4 , 1
:Yj .-
i.DBlCE OH D,Eft5flcfMers25cj
BOLLS FREE-tIOOO 12V3-Inch Jointed Dolls FREE v With5 50c Pnrchase or Over BOLLS FREE
r.i. j m '
Gd-Carts dij Sale
Carts7t substantially made,
folding style witn.'i r o n
wheels,' handle - anti frame;
justs what the children ha ve
been 'asking for. " J Others
charge l.5o," mp
but "p u r .V'JP
during , this sale n nj l.;
' i-wj r. : . irn an ana THinn ftvnccT wnn-unn t
ifhild's Dishes at 10c
17 piece child's china tov
tea set.' Pieces elaborately
decorated with painting. Just
the . thing 1 tor a
little girl. A gen
uine bargain at
the lbw price, set
hoto Cameras at 10c
Telescope Photo 1 Cameras,
take real pictures. Any child
can operate A complete,
outfit for taking
pictures. Others v
cnarge qi. uur r
. Just the thing, for Baby
Teddy ; Bears and Teddy
Dolls, all made full jointed,
with Ioudyoice,;
ail colors.-. Your,
choice of ' these
while they last. . .!
Men's and , women's fancy"
weave knitted Mufflers, silk
finished, : with clasp, ; black
brown, gray, blue, green
cardinal and white, each in
holiday, box."
Other stores will
-charge Soc Our
Tea Aprons at 25c
A lot- of Women's and
t Misses'. Fancy ;Tea Aprons
made with , pocket, ruffle,
long' strings, etc ; trimmed
with ribbons, etci A
serviceable - Xmas C p
present. I Your " All l"
Wliuiv.(. ui . LUC i fUl , ,
IPSO Pieces Neckwear, each ICc $,75 Jointed Kid Rnriy Finc and Bisque Doll Heads
:A lot o( Women's and Misses'- 1 hJ See our grand collection of metal
Dutch Collars, ' Jabots, Stocks, nAtfc nn Cnlo at 0Pa '' ad bisque Doll Heads.- Allsizes,'
Rabats, etc., many trimmed with UUJ U JfllC Ot UytLd. medium, light and dark hair. Fix
Persian, others with ribbon, lace '""ji - ' v-up. the old doll now. ;
and silk braid onsale at in t".. ",ri..JT" ' fhiF. ART Rfnrkc We
uie low price 01 A VI in Portland. 21 ins.
I fl Bdy Doll' bargain . rZ V
lvt in Portland, 21 ins. J 'fr
25c Patent Leather Belts 5 at lOc te "?eyev V ) I
Stylish Patent Leather Belts, dark? hair; others
mad? in all siVra with mrf;rantial charge s SliO and
trrsA ftint. r.u-a $1.75 oar j
V ffllOc EE 69c
$7.00 ChildV Capes : With Hoods for $4.95
vvnati more sensiDie present for a child? A warm. C a QC
stylish, serviceable Christmas oresent madt nfVJ"'
strictly all-wool materials, in latest colors; long, full ' (I ?
and wide, with' hood ; all sizes on sale, $7.00 Cape, u
Kid Doll Sale
.Our values in Kid
Body Dolls cannot
be equaled - any
where a grand as
sortment at
65f, 50 and 25j
Child's A B C blocks. Instructive
and, amusing. Two styles. 16
blocks in set. Burned- letters' and
pictures, a, sensible ; present for
either boy 'or girl; '
On . sale at, per box . . . .O C
Post Card Albums 50c
A grand collection of classy
post card Albums with
many handsome cover de
signs; albums hold 200, 300
and ; 400 cards. A
grand post card al
bum bargain " at
. , ' .... ., -,. .
f m 4 '
$2i0 Children's Rubberized Rain Capes $1.95
$2.50 Children's Rubberized Waterproof Rain Capes,
just the thing for rainy weather. Made full, -long;
and wide, with hoods. All sizes. , Regular $2.50
values, on sale at... V..
f mm 1 1 if ' ' m -
A' joy for the boy -Mechanical
iTpin with engine, cjsal
car?and coaches, track, etd;
operated by wind-
ing ' spring .. with. V t p
key; (rain omplete JJv
only '.'..,..... o
Grand assortment larger size
r Dressed Dolls On Sale
12-inch Dressed Dolls, in boxes;
with pretty pink, blue or red
dresses,' hat, 'shoes, stockings,
etc, your choice of , this ar"
lot only ; . ,J jC
Xmas Tree Tfnsel. 5c Yard
Christmas tree, 'silver tinsel trim
ming, 6 yards in piece, enough
for decorating one tree, sold
in bunches only at, yard
sold r (
1000 Boxes of 15c
Xmas Candles at 7c
$5, $6, $7 fur Pieces at $1,50
s Our entire stock of $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00, Fur
fctoies,- Meek bcarfs, Throws, etc.; in ermine,
iox ana otner stylish furs,
placed, in one lot' You'd bet- '
ter hurry, for they won't
last long at tmheardbf price :
Hew. Stylish Belts at Only 50c
A stylish ; Belt, just the thing;fora useful
winsunas girr, ; we are showing
many "handsome , styles r in plain '
leather, elastic and patent leath- "
ers; all sizes and styles . . , . . ; 4
JL00O boxes Starlight Christ
mas Candles, best'
quality;- others '
charge 15c -Our
price only. ... . BOX
"Snap on Canille "Holders,
.dozen, . . , ; . . ... .104 J
$7.50 Fine Chiffon
Waists over Persian
Linings, On Sale at
$5.95 EACH
Qoth Doll ' Patterns ': at Only 25c
20-inch improved cloth doll pat
tern, printed on heavy muslin in
natural" colors, just the ;
Khing. for. small ."chflden f uoC
Cloth Dolls on r Sale at Only 25c
11-inch Unbreakable cloth dolls
stuffed, made with cloth or cellu
loid f heads, suitable . for ' small
children. , Will not break;. Of
others charge 35c our price ZjC
Mechanical Toys 25c
Fun for, the boys and girls,
m e c ha n i cal. automobiles;
ducks rand battleships, air
ships and climbing monkey,
made " with "strong spring
wound with key. A
fun producer and
an , amusing' , toy.
Choice only
1000 -Women's -New -Waists
All Sizes in the Lot. Be on Hand
Early and Get the First Selection
$3,50 Albatross Waists at $2.95
All-Wool Albatross vW a i s t s,
handsomely s i 1 k embroidered
front; all sizes, button back or
ironr, Diacic, , . rea,
blue, gray,;. brown,
green. and white
11,'?'- i ' '
French Flannelette Waists ati95c
nam . tailored t rcn?h , t lanuel
ette Waists, with laundered col
Jars, in classy stripe effects ;" a
dozen patterns to choose from;
all sizes, choice of. $1.50 a ff
waists only , . ; ; . , v ...... " J)C
Women's Hose for I2c
I ; mm
WbmenTs7bIack7 tan, and white
foot Hose ; all sizes w ai
lot; choice of these .. , 2C
$5, $6. $7 Women's Wool Sweaters ? $I9S
A grand , array , of Sweaters.; Never before
have you shared' in sweater bargains like '
these Every ;desirable color ; all sizes, in-
plain and fancy weaves-; values to $5, $6 and
$7. A practical garment to
wear right now; choice of
this . extensive ' assortment
1 only : . . i .'..' .203
$12.50 Women's Rubberized Raincoats $7.90
$12.50 Women's Rubberized Raincoats,
cut f uu and long made of the best water
proof material. AH sizes
, 1 lot, while they lastr at the 'v f
'low pnce ot ....... ?7.yu ;a
Regular $70 Chiffon, Waists,
made over Persian Linings;
handsome yokes, collars and
"sIcevesT aTveVy .stylfsh"waTst;f
sold ; regularly , at $7.50 ; all
sizes, on sale ' " '-(Jrf: nf :
at 4 ': ....5.95
Women's Warm ilnderwear
1000 Pieces, Vest and Pants, All
Sizes W hile They Last at Only
, Union Salt Sale 50c
Women's Cotton ' Union . Suits, ' long
sleeves, ' ankle length, high neck, in
white, gray, and .cream, all
sizes, on sale at
suit .......
the low price,'
Fine Vests and Pants 50c
Women's fine fleeced Vests and Pants, )fuh
snow white, made of best f i r-f'S:-1
bleached cotton; all sizes f 1 t
65c values,"1 on sale ".."I.;.".'.. UUV h
. ' Women's 25c Black Ktse for 15c
Women's genuine fine fast black Hose, . f
heel, toe 'and sole: all sizes; '11
on sale per pair , k .
if mu
A p f '
64 JftMS.'lll
.1 zriK. ill
y.'h '"flU i ! W -tK.. J- !.'! mm SM ' m
1 1 ''v r nil!
are SupcpSop JSHn.p
They are the pick and cream of the shoe world.
ITTl 9 (T ;
Never Pay More Than These
' -Prices. ' . '
MM .
Never Pay: More Than These
.150 '
Bst. Morrison
and Aldsr,
. VpstsJza,
I Opposite
' BkldinoiVt
Vru Stox.
:k Opta 'Batt
8 a. m. to p. m.
Opa Btnrds7,
S m. to
10 p. m
Bet. JaTorrlsoa
snd Aids,
,. Upstairs,
Brof Store.
Opsa VnOr,
8 a. a. to e p. m,
Opsa atnrday,
8 in. to
10 p. fa.
These Shoes Are Regular
$3.50 to $6 Values .
g l- (
Sixth , Floor Oregonian fcldg. Rooms 600-601-602-603-603.
1 ' ' TACT r-T.vwin-nm
Holiday Suggestions
i.i-.V.. i 'f ,''$!. U,1S.;-'.-V.''':'Vl' 1i'"''
'x-5.V"!f .V. ''-'. -.i"'v?,,;'"i''
Hi.- ft" '..-i' -" '
. V 4" iv
V . -
, An Acceptable.
Christmas Present
for the ;
j' r
7 ft
Electric Store
Alder Street, at Seventli
,.'f,'-i--v 'c p. r-
A: si
i ......