THE OREGON SUNDAY 'JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, SUNDAY- MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1910. L HJi PfiUDV"ni uUvLtildtiLH a' PrlcelJlO 123. &J; vlowlng, V c.l Street Fears U. S. Will Put Out Panama Paper to Competition With It. ' . Ky Thomas C. Shotwcll. ' -i , (By Hi l4twnUowl JirTtre.J New York, Dec. 8. Itv spite of ft very Iffid bank statement tke stock market ir-eid Hi vd today. At times it had a vwy lieavy spparairc, oui oniy in i" or throe intrtance did price sink lower tnan on Friday. Union Pacific was the one conspicuous exception. The list looked us if it was being supported ami proreesinl trader left the street ex iHTtiug to 9tm- a uaiiy on Monday. flie bank statement allowed an actual loss of surplus resolves, counting banks In--the---clearing house -and Outsidec-I 1!,008,00. Tha actual of all the banks and troet compaalt-a showed Kn Increase for th week of more than JO.OUO.OOO. Actual, deposits lncreawd only 113.000,000,- o that the loan item is still running ahead of the deposits. Near t tJiose of the week the belief became general that tha government would put out a large amount of Pana ma Vanal bonds on an Investment basis, omitting tlx oank circulating WWW and bringing these bonds in competition with other investment issues. This caused further decline In the general stock market It is already difficult to cll bonds of railroad and com petition with a govtrament issue would affeut the situation tiU more, especially mif.h an issue -would be over subscribed ' wjiy times and would tend to lock up capital far exceeding the amount ac tually invested. . ' Kailroad earning tor the weeic were bad, particularly in the reduction ei kinna- Tun Nnnthern Pacific aftd the -Pennsylvania, twin allowed material de clines in gross wmpsrea wii,,iKir. earnings tha previous year. Union Pa tlfio, Loulsvifle & Nashville, t. Paul, fcrie and Reading contriouiea incir story of vastly increased operating expenses wittt l.avy reductions or nei earning". - inoiuinnMlM with these earnings It Is important to remember that even with the reductions shown by some roads the total gross earnings of all railroads of the country-are the largest on rec ord. .This proves that general business is larger than , last year, because men Lh . milrratds were reporting per- rentage of amlng from operations in cident to Improving their own systems. This in the gross is pracucauy gen uine business with the public, ine re duction of net, however, impairs the value of the securities of the railroads and natumllv influences price. The president' message has been re viewed by leaders of nign nnance, mey v Hid thev consider it sane and. safe, Washington seems to have ho terrors V.a l.uara lit Wall tttrAt- tf)n rQ son is that Just now it seems to ne gooo business and good pouue 10 quiet Dua lly or' apprehenlson, In order to trad. - Range of New York brio, furnished by overbook & Cooke Co.; ' '-' "' -" ,r .. No. 2, tV; extern tfrsl. 22 li f; 34c: fr dinarv, L'SiUiiOc; California storage, Wst, 4lKi.'41e. .. CllF.KS'n New Oregon fsnoy full m-am. triplet and datxl-s. Q'lTc; loung Americas, it s!It jp. Crfcitt, rjoat t.i Eay. OAT Track delivery. Club, SO uesiem, i'.r. u-. fortyt'oi.t irictie vallcv. fil'c: red ltuKHlnn. (U t..r-lrr.v lr.l Ji'V. "llARLliX rrolucers' Feini, iO.S0; relied. 12 ' HAT Producer's trice 1910 Val timothy, fancy, $19 !91.B0 -ordinary, eastern Oicgon, . f 2031 : mixed, 1151-15; clover, No. 1. JlSrtfH; wtat. Jl3i&'l; cheat, lit 15; alfalfa, IH.aOia 13; oats, llJtfli. ' - MILXSTUFF3 Selling price Bran, 125; mlddlingst $33; shorts, 527; chop, 19fS5, OATS Nominal, prolucefs' price Trck, No. I white, J21 r'.50r gray. $2I'2.B9. -i- , - V- . , " K1.QUR Old cron. Detent. tsis. Willamette, $S.50 per barrel: local straight, M t5 1.75: bakers, $4.756.1S; export erades, JJ.fiO: grabam, u aclc 4.8: rye, js.ts; baieB, , Groceries. Puts, tto. 8UQAR Cube. H.20; pewttcred,. S,60; LATE NEWS FROM THE STATE CAPITAL Governor West and Thomas Kay and Families, to California -Gorernor lnson to Etnnt to-' California. Salem' to Hold flection-December 5 Lachniond's Election Assured -Boosters Enjoy Hospitality of Salem Citizens Much Lobbying Done at Development Congrcs HeprewntatlTes Get Together. Deaol ipnon .ypen Hlahj L,ov I hT? Amhl.: Cop, CO..- Am. U. & t, C,, -do ttfd . . . Ami Loco., c.-.v . Am. (fwgar, o... Am. Smelt, c. , do pfd t ."i,. Anac. Mln. 'Co.-. Am. Wool., 0.'. Atchison, c...,. do pfd B. fc t).t ... ... Hrook. R&D. T. Can Pac... c. ; . Cent, Lat. 6. oo rio ....... C. & G. W e... C, M. & Bt.- P, . Chea. & " v. .; i . . coi.' s.; . . . do. 2d pf. . do. 1st r?J. ... Corn Product, cj do pfd.-- ,, Del. Hud. . . a & K. a., c . do. pfd. i . Erie, e. ..'...,. no. za pia. . . do. 1st pfd. . . fl. N.. pfd. ... .. ill. Cent, :.. lint. Mot., c do.-' pfd. k. do, pro. - iistuiers w t . )rer liends ' lo. fac ...... Nat, Lead - . I. ioniraL.m, N. T., O. & AV. . , or. ft west, c oo pfd ,. Kx. Pac, o.... I M; 8. 8. Co, enn, Ry. Steel car. c, do pfd . . . .4 .irtading, e . do second pia. do first pfd... La. Iron & Sm c. . I do pfd .,, .'. uock Is., ... I do Pfd . . . . . . 1 do pfd Southern Pao, o iouthern Ry., c, do bfd . exas ft Pacific. llV StLft-W-W-c do pfd . nion rw, o. ... do pfd ,,. T; S. .Rubber, c do pfd . . . .. i . t; S. Steel Co, c -do pfd ' Vabaah, .C . k do pfd . V. U. Tele. Ills Chalmers . do. pfd, ... m. can. .... ... do. pfd, ...... lton, c. .... . W.. pfd. ..... pvada Cons. . . .'estingliouse . eei sugar . .... tan Copper ... hird Ave. . . e Securities . ons. lias . . . . Ig Four ...... y. Springs , . . uo. pro. i . . i . . n. cneruicai do, pfd. ...... C. Southern , do, pM. ...... heeling, K E.. Total tales 29 till. 121 ih i 49 -61 110 89 80 4V4 IH . 35 IIS? 74H 10? 105 U 7ttt 193H 11 105 13H 1194 130U 80Vl 81 f tlitf lit 6 37 11S4 31 12744 5U 26 Vi 1884 93 78 19 93 jilt Z6H rit'r-rirrTii i 116 18 83 4 Iru't er berry, 5 0; dry granulated. I5.6(i: D vt.'Iow. I i.UO; beet, ts.iu. fc'cd. jral fru'wrry, fi less; than iruit or Wry. '' . , .; (Above ouor-tions are so aava bet RICE Imni.lal Japan No 1 4UfS. No. 2. 4c: New Orleans head. eiTiilor Ciole, 6Uc. . - - . , . , SALT cosree Half efOUid lofta. 3.60 per ton; 60s, $9.00 table dairy, 80c, $18.00; 100s,, $17.00: baieS. $l.2t txtra fine barrels, 2s, As and 10s, $4.00 Wl-w, lump roctt,, per ton. , BEANS -Small. White. 4 He ak While, $4.40; pink, 3B.25: bayou, $8.2B; Lima, $3.80; red- $.2S. - . , : . -. UQNKr Newt ; $3.75 per case. v-; , rrnits sad Veretkblea. POTATOliS New. li.aosi asf 'iut Ei?H TTRttlTB Oranges New na vels, $2.60 a 8.00 bot; batianas. 6o lb.; lemona, jcww: grape rruit. 13.75 k pine apple, 7c lb,; peaches. 8085e: watermelons. $1.00; grapes. $1.001.50: jwara, $1.75 5.00. . .-.,; , tfrJKui K3 Huckleberries. 7e. VKGETABLES New tnrnlno . 1 E. beets, . tl.t: carrots.: $1.25 Der aank! Cabbage, tl.QOWlO per Cental; toma toes, -ll.00Ol.86 per box; beans, ;!3l4o per pound; norsemdisn, 8&ioc: green onions, 10ffipl5c dosen: pPDners. hell. 46o per pound; head lettuce, 6070c per doien, tiothotme, 75c)$i.OO per box". rauisncB, ujJiysc uojien , ounctiee; celery, 090c dosea-i egg plant, 10c per di cuoumbers, $1.O0i,25 per boti pe, ISHc; cauliflower, $1.00 doken. ONIONS 31.40i91.E0: garlic. JAUe per lb. - " , v. Affl-liS 7 scar 1 3 6t. Meats. Pisa and ProTtsiona. DRESSED MEATb WTont street hogs, fancy. llUllHci Ordkiarv. lauiuiYn per lb., heavy, 9c; veals, extra, 13 I3c; ordinary. iiwri&c; poor, 10c; extra l&rge, 710o: spring iambs. 11 uC; yearlings lambs, 7c lb.; mutton. 8c: FRESH BKEF Wholesale slaughter ers prices: new sieers, nupy-ttc:. ordl. nary, c; beet cowa, 89cj ordinary. $0. - -- ' - rl HAMS, BACON". s. ETC. Ha mS. 1 S ffl ItHc; breakfast bacon, 23 30c; iibilcd ham, 25 j$ 26c; picnics cottage Slcm Durtttt of The Joiirflnl.J -; . galom, Dec. 8. Oovernor-elect Os wald West, his wife and little daughter end, Bute Treasurer-elect Thomas B, Kay and wife, this evening ' boarded Uie same train for California point. Botn the governor-elect and the treasurer-elect wHI spend a short itime in California before assuming their re spective duties about the first Of the year., -, - , . :. (; - . ' ' - Governor c'Wei Thursday resigned his position as a member of th state railroad v commission. The resignation took effect yesterdayK- Friday Decem ber ,3. Mr. west resigned in favor of Frank J.. Miller who . was-elected to succeed Mr. West and who would have succacded him January 1. iir. Miller had . prepared to stop Into - the plaoe made vacant by ComrnlssiDtier west when he resigned last Thursday, Com- missioaar-elect . Miller ,i attended the hearings held last week- at Baker and this week at". Medford and is- pretty Well . equipped 'tiiereby to take up the WOrk'where H was dropped by Mr. Vfitt "I - -Season-.t : OaUf pnlfi. -M Governor Frank Bensori leaves again or. the-'sooth text Tuesday, to make nothef effort - to recover his health. Jay j Boweraan agala, beooraes acting governor by virtue; of -his office as president of the state- sonata. . Aside from the opening of bids -for-the- state Institutions December 20 there will not b much state ' business to transact pefora, the - - present administration comes to a close. ? The resaltsi:of the: late election-are yetvto be - oanvasscd and-the - proclamations -,IHued making those acta laws that were-adopted by the people November last ' i Also there is the locating of the eastern Oregon, asylum which might be leftover to embarrass the new admini stration for the reason that Mf Bower man.r being an eastern .Oregon man,- may wish to ; pay. some rewards) of merit for a few tourtesleil' shown him by the voters of two of the eastern Oregoft eountle that af e fleslroua -for some reason or 'ether of acquiring ; the new branch" asylum. The law says ) that the location of the asylum must be selected within 80 days after the proc lamation bts been Isued declaring th law. : - The board, including tha goy ernhor,. secretary ef ; atata and ttata treasurer, will select the site from tha three location tmuied. In the law, that Is, within five miles of cither of the cities of Baker, Fendfaon or Union. -7 featea'.tttr Bltcttea. ; Salem holdn Its annual city election, next Mondays December -5. .. 3'htr-la to be elected a mayor, a city , reoordrsr, a treasurer a city marshal and seven roll : lSd per lb.: regular ahnrt liira smoked, 17c; backs, smoked, 17c; pickled tongues, 6c in. v -: ; V "OYSTERS-8hoa! water bey,' per gal ion, )i per IftC 'b. sack. $5.60; Olym pia, per gallon, $3; per 1 00 Id. sack. $9; canned eastern,. 65c can; $6.60 doz.; eastern 1A shell,. $i.7ii2.0O per 100. tARD Kettle leaf, 5b, 14c per lb.; steam rendered, 8s, 13o per lb com pound, 6s. 11 c per lb. FlSH-Nomtaal Rock cod, 10e per tb; flounders, 6o; halibut, 8 9c; striped basin 80c", catfish,- 1212c; sllversldes, 9fl0c; Steelhead.1 910c; soles, 7c; shrimps, J2Hc; perch, 78o; torn cod, 8c; lobsters, 26c; herrings, 6ej black basa, 20c lb.; sturgeon, lS'io per lb.i ellver smelts. 8c per lb; black coo, 7Vc; crabs, small, 81; large, $1.60; me dium, $1$5 doai California shad, liolb, CLAMS Hardshell, per bo, 4o id.; raMor clams, 13e docen, $3.25 per box, raiata, Coat OilTEto. WHITS UAD Ton lots, go per lb.: 500 lb. lots, 10 per lb.) less lots, I He LlNSffittb . Olt-ftaw, ' bblaw t Utj kettle boiled, bbls., $ l.OBj raw In cases, i is- hoiied in caaea. 81.14 oer aaiinn; lot of' 860 gallons, lo teas; 611 oak met! tnone ni.maraej;, . l ENSilNffl I . degreee, canea, 14 He gal. iron bb., lo per gal. wnvnv Man! a. Ici sisal. 7Ua. COAL OILi Pearl, astrtil and star, 18o per gallon, eocene, 80o gallon; elalne, he gallon; headlight, il18"e gallon; extra star, 81? gallon) water white, bulk, & 14 o per gallon: special water white, I317c pt gallon. ... - oasgLiNL Red crown 'and molor 18M350 gallon gasoline. !087o gallon: V. at ft P. naphtha. 14HW2o TURPENTINSl -la osaea, $1.00; bar rel. 7He per gallon, 'v W1RH rjAILBliasle, tlTO. - counollmen, but 'it promises to ba a very Quiet affair, because there are no contests eatept, for three places in the council. For a while It seemed that the mayoralty would be allowed to go to Louis , Laelimund by 'default and that the 'prohis" -would have a candidate la G. W.' Eyre, who was nominated aa an Independent, but he Withdrew during tha weeK. . . . ' xaehatmd'a jslectloa Unnl Consequently the election of LOuU Lachmund as the next mayor of"Balem seems 'practically assured, as also doe the election of Charles Elgin for city recorder, Ira Hamilton, tor chief of po lice and" R. A. Crossan for treasurer. M." A Johnson, the, regular Republican nominee for alderman, la opposed by II. O. AVhlta, independent; ,V. W. Hill, who received both the Democratic and Repub lican nominations for councilman in the Fifth ward,; will be opposed by George H. Jacob,' independent, and, in the Sixth ward-there are three candidates for the council,' J. S.. Fennypacker. Republican; E. G. White,, Democrat, and S. S. Glmble, Indcpcndant .' In toe Second, ward J, W Durbin Is unopposed for the cpuncll. .in the Third ward F. J Lafky Is unopposed, in the Fourth ward E. J.Sauter has no opposition, and in the Seventh ward J. U Warning is. the Democratic and Kepuo Hcan nominee without opposition. , , Boosters Unioy Hospitality. . flalem" oonduetd ffofself with great credit :urinr th' first" thre days Of this week whea tha 200 delegates of the Oregon Development leagua were enter tained in the Cupltal City. It is the first time that Salem baa adequately enter tained visitors such as these, for the (very good reason that ; there bad been previously to tne , opening 01 ine iiotei Marlon nO plate adefiuata to entertain vlgltors -on large ealo.;i spirit Pervaded the atmosphere at1 the Marion, and all over -the city' during the throe days convention,' and every, delegate- whd visited the city vn this occasion win have a different tale to tell of the city's hospitality than the one that use , to be told after a visit to the capital. The, development congress was with Out doubt the greatest congresa of its kind ever held in the-Pacific northwest The premier boosters of the northwest atates. including some rrom t.aniomia. were present, and if there were any ideas On1 how to advertise and exploit Oregon ieft unsaid it has not yet come to the knowledge 6f those who watched . the proceedings from hour to hour as the sessions progresaea, . s - -- j; 7, Xtnob lobbying . Cone. '' Aside from" boosting Oregon there were several other kinds of . boosting wfin on during the Sessions. It Was a sort of lobbying and qaeerly, It Wag tohhvln? done by legislators. It has beea recorded that 18 membefs of the Oregon's next' house of rpresentatlres were present and out xf . tne numpei 15 were candtdatos for speaker of the next , house either actual or receptive. Representative J, D. Abbott of Multno mah county was the 16th representative that said m :was no kind; of a candi date for speaker but' wed not' asked whether be would not be a dark horse if circumstances demanded that ha sac rlflce himself for the welfare of - the people ' of-Oregon.-! v.s y. ? .v.-.'.,.t- The other is members and canaiaaies for spealter were Jerry P. Rurfk of Wall owa: Henry McKlnney Of Baker; X. A. Weeterlund Of Jackson j W. IL Hollut of " 'i.'i'.i Washington; p. o. Bonebrake Of Ben ton; Allan H. Eaton of Lane; W. M. Sutton of Lane; Roy Graves. Yamhill; George "W. Johnson. Carle Abrams. Lloyd Reynolds, A. a Libby and A. "f. Steel hammer of Marion; George Neuner, Jr, of DoogbM; and J. C Smith of Joseph ine. - - - - Jl,epreaetitattTs Get Togettwsr. v Tha .Slarlon- county, representation In the next legislature met and organized tins wee. George w. Johnson, waa elected permanent chairman and Carle Abrams secretary. The delegation! com-d prises seven member, Senators Mai U Patton and John A. Carson and . Repre sentatives 'A G. Steelhammer. A, ;C, Libby, Carle Abrams, Lloyd Reynolds and George Johnson. They will hold an Open roeetins Thursday, December .29, and, will at that time jrecolve sugges tions fir legislation at. the approach ln,T ses ion of the legislature. The ctialrmau f die Marlon county i delcgatiku, Mr. KteelhamDicr.'ls a State-, ment Nlo. 1 and antl-aBsembly repre sentativts and received s a big vote in the -election, wtoile the secretary, Mr. Abrams, was one of the two assembly recommendations for the lowtr bouse of the Oregon legislature, , He .receives the ligMest vote in the election. As there villi be no xjnltefl sutes senator to elccjt .this, time organization along Statement Ko. 1 .or assembly ; lines la not considered s1srclflcant ' '. I, 1, otooaSf iTrrfrraujry J0SEPM!;;Ei::;:Hn . iscld Fori ),c: (Sl'ieelft tllspufoh to T J-ritot t .; Grants Pars, Or,, IV.-. . a . : ; s . William i on Cnnmm, Wii!;:im .1 Harry Noal soUl 'gold iu.;''' Fiddler's gali'ti mi - Josephine it--southwest . tJ-'-sint? Puss, to 1 Angles capitalists for 'lucO.- It i -quarts claim and gnld was .tllwwi' there in 3 SSI. It was one of the is" districts operated in Oregon. I AriitheiVlah taatwekw.alli3ig' a bave got to con sult' after they 2uwe failed to receive a cure 1 elsewhere. BLOOD-TONE f . ,fl-i-. . ...... . , '". -J ' .L 1 .. - .el-' V A healthy beverage' Is best of'aU. Bet ter than coffee, tea. cocoa and postum; compounded, from one to foar cereals, .the best food drlntt for all people: .more healthful ! than tea, or coffee. It will agree wit h' the .weakest, stomacb, or delicate person. It will prove nutritious and, -en r le h tthe blood, and will pre vent people from having ill r health. This is an up to data, ' easeutlal bev erase. It. has no tendency to injure the stomach. as tea and-coffee do, but . will give natural strength on" account " of the wonderful cereals. It is used by doctor, lawyer,, preachers, teachers." mechanics and mer chants. Price 25c per box. Ten cents.' additional must be added to cover post- ago if bought from our company direct by out of town customers. - Grocery agent wanted in every locality, .-write us for,.tcrms. ---...TV. , i. :-. .. We have medicines for all ailments; price from $1 per. bottle up. Write us for literature,, -y 4 . l .-.-.. YOpK & YORiFMEDlCINE CO. 010 tr. Mala Bt, Walla Walla, Wash. 112 .tlltiil 146 144 s t k 11 a - IM j S iiT"ii 60 80U 60 ? it 131 1 i20 129 18 tl u 139$ 30 109110 39 1 83 ' 113 a I so 93 145 Hi 87 30 4. u 30 62 . '" " :''.,,.- u Meni Qet Truth From Your Physician 67 119 I It. 54 J 188 92 ., 83 i 108 73H I I15 16 83 70 5 j 30 43 355! AITUtCrTTTD, DMCOtntAOED, DISAPPOtSTEU MSS WHO HAVB RELIED OH PKOIOSSS OF OTHXB BO CAH.1SD DOCTORS AND ' SPECIALISTS and WHO HAVB GIVEN UP HOPE OP BEXNO CURED; CAt.1i and 1st- . us, with their pennlsslon, refer you to CUBED patients and show yoa letter, thanking ua for curing them when others had failed. Call, let us convince you. Call and get the facts and truth about our treat ment. ,, , . FACTS TO 6E CONSIDERED BY MEN SEEKING TREATMENT: - etftteaSBSSBBBaaaartesagBaaaaessasjw'C" - 'V la He t jpexlallsr who understands your cae? How long has he been in the city? Has he a reputation that would lead yoa to v believe he will treat your complaint sci . . entifically and conacientlottsly?,--- Is he honest and truthful in his talk with you about FRONT STIIECT Ot?OTATIOXa Bops, Wool and Sides. v. V TTOPR Nominal. 1S10 crop, choice, '413c perv lb.: prime to choice, e; prime, 12c; medium, 11c; 1903 owtbs. -nominal, Td lbs v.w , WOOL Nominal, 1810, - Willamette llei, 1819J eastern Oregon, 13 C 3 '- . ;.' .'.:-... SHEEPSKINS Bhearlnav' tOiftHe cb: short wool, iSQBOut medium ool, $0c$1.00 each; long wool, 75c . 26. each. '' ';.:-. -''-''.- r:3.rr TALLOW Prime, per IK, ko; No.' and jrreas6lI02o: r ' ': . iCHITTIM , BARK--10, nominal, 8c; 10, 40. .1IDE3 Dry hides. HOi8o lb. een. 6 7 c: bulls, green, salt, BO : kips, 6 (3)7 c; calve, green, ll 0 per lb, .,- ' MOHAIR Nominal; 1110, 10982a 1 Botter, Sggs and Poaltry. -v BUTTER Extra creamery, cubes and ns, 37c; store, 24 25ci eastern prints, n 34c, - ' I 3UTTER FAT P. o. b, Portland, per und. 34fIS6e lb. . '-vtltTRY Fartey-Tien:i5't5c per ; prlng, 1 15o; old roosters, 12o; ing. 14c; live ducks, young, I7l8c; 1, 16c; 4urkeys, alive, 17Hc: dressed, 22c; pigeons, squabs, $2.60 doaen. .(lUi5 Local extras, 12 c; Na L 42c; truthful in his talk - f .r v: , (vade your direct ques- . Xn. v OA , A , "C J m Does he answer or evade your tionsf . f.-i-." P '!0 .. J.-: --' eMaBeBBSjaSseaesBael Does he make promises that you know cannot be. fulfilled? Does hevgive you a thorough wamination - before promising a cure, or does he , .after a short talk, say I can cure you?"; These and other things should be fieri- ously considered before placing T your case for treatment. , OAtila A WD LET US GITE VOXT BUBTDAWT and Positive proo? of our at a bix. itt to curb you whew oth pail what we vaxb soke to . others we caw do tor tou tou Can arrahob to pat wheh cured. It wlU .cost you notlilng to he examined aad get our Opinion SEUCCT A TRUE AND. kOHEST. 6FECIAXI3T TO TREAT TOU. StVENTfEN YEARS Of SUCCESS y IN TREATING MEM, AFFLICTED AND DISAPPOINTED MEN HAft YOITT? PHYSICIAM WATLKT) TO CURlt VOU ' ' U1!4 b9 ejwmlned free.-and if your case Is curable we will cure you; and If It Is not we wilf frankly tell yoa so. What We have done for others we can do for you. Don't delay. Don't neglect your condition. To men who are weak- mentally and physically, whose teystems have at some time been polluted with poison ous special diseases, those with depleted vitality; . ' ' " - 1 - - -j - "" - -- To all such men a conscientious 1 and experienced doctor would advls yOfl'.to consult without delay the best , specialist. On who has made a lifelong-study of Just such cases. 4 One who can quickly and fully understand yoiir troubUs, One who wll not deceive you with false promises or unbusinesslike propositions. ; One who - can and wUl cure you In the Shortest possible time and at the least expense to you. Any man in need of such medical advice or treatment should come at once to US. ' f ' . " - t--.n ( WE CURE QUICKLY, SAFELY AND PRIVATELY : NervO'Vital Debility Varkost Veins, Hidtottle, Blood snd Skin Diseases, Kidney snd Bladder Disorders, Ulcers Sores Painful Swellings, Burnings, Itching snd Inflammation, Enlarged .Prostate; tiervousness, Loss of Strength and Vitality, and all Contracted Disorders of Men. ' W hare added to. Onr offio eenismeat for the benefit of XBES OITLT. A PRE33 KUSETTM 'of Aaatomr and ; gaUery of Scientiflo wonders. X&A2T, know thyself. Life sis models iUustraUng the mysteries of man. showing fcUV WWJ ,M M....U hum UMpa Kill UldUJ SUbUffHI BUUlVUie, . ' ! ' - I : Men make no mistake when they come to us. We slve you the results of long exrorienffe. honast conscientious work r.nd tho best service that money can buy. If you Are nllingronsuJt.USJeai4u ".".t you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. ' Hours, 9 a, m.'to'8 p. m. daily. Sunday, I to 13 Otilys OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE-LVMSff5 CHICHESTER'S PILLS fjT!. .inK UlAMOUD BRANDS A fw, N rill la Krl u ie mealiicW J 6iw-mI,w Jlne RlW.V I J Tm e U Boy r twr v i 2 UlON0 BRANU ilLLS,f SSi zZm BY DRUGGISTS EVERVs'.llERfi 1 positively cure Varicose Veins. Ttan turv tbstructkn, Bpecial Ailments of Men, i Kidney, U ladder and , Blood Ail ment and Nervous Weakness. - -If you want perfect cure, cur o stay cured, treat with, the old reliable firm.,,; Don't waste your money, with cheap and unskilled specialist. Oet the best always. The best is none too good Cor you and always the cheapest m tne ena - - - ...-v-.-.-av-.-. ,.( Remember, we treat only ease w ran cure. Cur or no pay is our- motto, What more can voo Ask? f We will cure you of your trouble never to return If w tell you so. Re member this. Mi ' " f : v r. .V. 1 -i-'-.V -- . We ar apeclalista in our ' line, not core-alls. .,'.. ; - - . Call at once and let a true specialist examine a you today, t6t tomorrow. Stop suffering; get strong and vigor ous. wnat more io oe aesirea man health T Nothing. Come and . consult us free of all charge. . f DR. LINDSAY '2. 1' Tte Old Reliable Bpaclalhrt. " Corner Alder and ' Second streets. En trance 128 'Second Street, Portland, Ok AYflr- hnilra f. n It 1 n. Tn. (Bundaya, 10 a, l p. m. CURED My Direct-Method Treatment Offers a Positive Cure for Every Ailing: Man WW i i The Xieadlng SpeolaUst, PAY ME , WMtlN CURED ,1 The methods I devised twenty-five years ago - for treating men's ailment proved a radical step In medical science. Those meth od have enabled me to cure diseases that were formerly regarded as incurable, in working out my methods I held the theory that Nervous Debility, for instance, was not t constitutional or functional . ailment, but a prostatic af foetlon, and therefore, merely local. ' I reasoned that It constitutional ef fects were slmolir the results -of a tremend ous waste of energy due to inflammation of , the prostate gland; that being true, a local treatment could alone ef- 'fec ear. Thereupon t devised, the treatment I employ today with such marked success. Indeed, I have never known this treatment to fall to efXeot a complete and permanent cure tn a comparatively short -time.'?-Vi'.nu: t-r:. .;;.:,..;-,,,... t. ,;. .?...: v ; ,; "..-.'.:" ---'..?; - My treatments for other ailments pecultar to men are also along ' original lines and are equally1 successful. My special treatment Is an open door to atrength and all the pleasure that belotig to perfect health. Any man may avail himaalf of my services. It has been and Is my life's work to aid afflicted men, alleviate their offering and re Store them to health and strength. I have therefore placed the charge for my services within the reacn of any ' man, no matter what hi clrcnnitance. To PROVE my confidence In the result of my treat meht, end as an act of good faith.-1 WILL WAIT FOR MT FEE UNTIIi ?OU ARB CDRKD. No man oould be fairer than that. X take all risk, ou take none whatever. - Tou have everything to gala and absolutely nothing to lose. , .-. ; - .... ..... .. . ' ' .- . '''' . r' ..-"- '". '": V- i J w ' : v ' '- ' - , "... " . ? i ' , . , ; - i: ; Delay Is Dangerous of en whose strength Is exhausted, those who have some private dra 'ense lurking in their systems, and who are prematurely old, - while still young In years broken-down wrecks of what they ought to be, and who want to be strong and to feel aa vigorous aa they formerly were, to enjoy life again to win baok the vim, vigor ahd vitality of perfect health-should consult with tne before it is too late. , ' ..vV';;'-;Vv,-."v,--,-;'i!. --.?: :"-':; V- ? ' ---? -'' Tv - -'- ,.'', r-.-i:': ' 5 r: ' i 1 'y' ' ' ".'J; , '. -- '; - '..-";'.,, ; vv.:- : ..'-,.;' '-'. ; . ) Are the following Symptoms Yours? " Do yod feel that your strength is sllpplnf awayt Are yoa weak, a.M..M... etf.l..l wtnAnli 1, n . a ..Ih. ..Km I. ta.-. -. of th oody,-yoitr sleop disturbed; weak back, headache, despondency, -melancholia, palpitation Of the heart unable to concentrate your thoughts, poor memory, easily fatigued, specks before your eyes, poor circulation, feel cold, lifeless and worn out, primarily Induced In many eae through abuse, excesses, overwork, etc? If so, then X warn you. Do not delay longer. - . . : T Cure Ail Ailments of Men . . . ,. V : jty experience along this on path quailfie ma-to say posllivMy that such troubles ox Varicose Veins, Serve Weakness, Contracted Ail-. meat, Speclfio Uood Poison can be cured perfectly so as to stay cured. Of course, I use different methods than the ordinary physician. Most of these are original with me and were devised for just such cases as the ordinary courses of treatment faU to reach, Contracted Aliments ; Th serious results that may follow neglect of contracted ailments could b scarcely exaggerated. Safety demands an absolutely thorough cure In the least possible time. I have treated more case of contracted disorder than any other physician upon the Pacific Coast, My cures art tnorougn snd are arr-ompusnoc, in less ume tnan outer form of treatment require in producing evrn doubtful results. I employ rem e- mg, ana my ireaimeni i equany cue DR. ETBTSaK or MAN building: truaxmsxt dies of my own devising, and my treatment IS equally recent and cromo eases. fectlve in both x also toermanentlv cure Soeclflo Slood Jolsoa. ObstructiOBB. Kerv. Debilitation and all reflex ailments. . Consultation and Diagnosis Free S do not charge for dvloe, ewtmlnstioa or Alajmosis. tf yen oall for a private talk with me, you wm not be urged to begin treatment. Xf uapoesible to call, write i.-.,- w..-'i.-. .' ,- .. ''' v 'M'-J- v"-' '', "" ..-il":. ' ' ..''-,i'-834 KOKKtSOV 8TREIT. FORTX.ABS, OR. ' Corner Morrison and Sesond Strests. - OrnCE HOURS 9 A. M. to 8 T. Lt, SnndAyS, 10 to 1 only. y rN y VSX SrsCXAXXSY WHO CURES. It matter ttot what your ailment IS, aor who has treated it, If It is ourabl we wfU give yoa immediate benefit and a quick and lasting core. - so not auow , money matters to keen von from retting well. We charge nothing te prove our meth od wii our yon. vni gaajrenf NO KOlfirr BBQUIRE9 USX )CI. SATIS.FXED is your absolute pro tection. ' Consultation, , examination aad . medicines free. ' . .- . we claim" for our treatment nothing1 "wonderful1 or "secret"- It la simply our raoeaisfuX way of do lag things. -''-, VARICOSE VEINS Weak, Swollen, Barring, Knotted. Wormy-like Veins,- Clotted. Btamaut Pool of Impure Elood, Weak, N ir ons, Xvot Vitality, au&tal , Depres We dally flemrmstrats tnaC VARr COSra VEINS and HrbROCKLB Can be cured without severe eurgical op eration. . Beneficial ef focta are Im mediate.- Pain quickly ceaecs, en larged veins racldlv reduce, healthv circulation speedily , returns, - ami strength, Soundness and'' robust health are soon restored. ' - BLADDER; KIDNEY- ' Enlartred Prostata diand. Inflam- matlon of Sladder an! Kidneys, rre tuent Desire, Painful, Smarting, Burning Sensation, Cloudy, Highly Colored, Sri ok Dust Bedim eat. Weak, Aching Sack, Dry, Pale, Waxy Skin. xnee symptoms or fkustatic, BLADDER and KIDNEY trouble we. rapidly overcome. There is no guess-1 work about it. - we remove every ob struction, top every waste, allay all irritation and Inflammation, revital ise tho Weakened organs, and Soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure. - , SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Rash, Copper-colored Epots, Erup tions, Ulcers, Sore Mouth or Throat, Mucous Patch, Swollen Glands, Palling Hair. - . Our NlOUCTLWr . ATOXTIi treat-' ment for KPKCIFIC KTOOD POISON (leaves no injurious after effect It does not "lock In the . poison, but drives it Out Of the system, so there tan be no comeback, ftelng a Blood Purifying. Elood ... Making, Blood Cell Remedy, It give the pa tient a pure, fresh Blood Stream, aad restores him to normal health, . ' : NERV0-V1TAL DEBILITY The oaua of ZTervo-Vttal Dobilttv. aa well as Its evil effect upon the EhytlcaL mental nd other power, i familiar to all Rflloted men. Tiie symptoms need not be enumerated. , we wane an buipk men uj uiv that onr ANIMAL. liXTRACT treat ment Is the ideal remedy for NERVO V1TAT, DKBILITT. It does not stim ulate temporarily, but restore per manently. Ail - uisagrretuiie rymp toms soon disappear, nerve energy Is regained, self-respect, self-confidence and self-control return, and the pa tient is prepared for a new period of ltf..:-.:::.r ' ', RUPTURE, RECTAL Rapture or Hernia, Pile, hlrad. hleedlng, ltoiiing of protruOingj Pistol. TJleers, etc. Our. proven method make hos pital t operation unnecessary. In most cnaes no Pain or - detention fron buslneaa. We guarantee quick relief and positive, permanent cures. - AFFLICTED MEN' V If ailing, you certainly do not intend to always remain so. You surely expect to be restored . tome time. Why sot now Why delay aad grow worse. What you want Is a our. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment you will quickly realise how simple a thing It Is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows hi business. Our cures add not onlv year to life, but life to years. Office hours, daily I to 5. Evenings, I to s. HUndays, 10 to 1. DRiREENCO. S69 Waabington St, Portland. . Or. annr, bojtt BXPKRrwrewT. qo to CIVS UZS OUARANTEE. . , , , . is r!x MEN CURED :1S0URFEE-' Pay When Cured ' We hav every known remedy ap pliance for TREATXK& VOU., Oar perlence la SO great and varUd that n" one of the aiunente of meft is caw ro u COMB XJT AND TALIC IP OVr J. . .Oenaxal Debility, Weak Kerva. In SOmala -Results f exporur. overwm it and other violation of Ksxur's lw. eose Veins, quickly and perinanenviy Cured at small sapeus aud bo udnuu,i from biiBihees. EPECIAI. AlfitEirTS-.Nwly co trac.ted and ' chronio- chbks cured. ai liurniflg,.Ucbiu.ul Jni.'n in t .. stopped In 'ii hour. Cared euwi ! . seven days.-. Connttatni ff-w. -f'" -n. Ible to call, write for lit t( ; " - Office Honrs 9 A, M, ti i . fcur.dnye, 10 A. M. to i ? T " uliuv, Ijrt'.. I