THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY -MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 191Q. PLAYS AND P. LAYERS tion, composed of theatrical pwjple from the mechanical forces to the actors and actresses as well as managers. . For fcevoral ears now these booefits have been given, and always with Increasing success, First there ' was one theatre used, then two, and this tlmo, the HeUig, 1 .. . fl S I - 1 t Afc -n Ernost Lawford. who went to London' " i1" 01 as a rtember of the cast of -"Decorating ,'3,m" "l yyaouses, wiu Clementine." Is to return In January j "atec,,by ",ef mem for the and join Miss Maude Adams' company For weeks flct,v In New York for the first rehearsal of Preparations have been under .way, and "Chantecler." Mr. Lawford, who is best remembered for his Captain Hook in "Peter Pan," will- clay "the Blackbird In "Chantecler." , Mr. Lawford was seen here last soasonwith Billie Burke. . . ' - , The plans of Miss Etnel Barrymore's coming season at the Empire theatre. New York.( include the announcement that after the run of "Trelawney of the Wells" Miss "fcarrymore will make her own production, of J. M. Barrie's -new one act play, 'The Twelve Pound Look." This Is the Barrte playlet that sprang Into popularity the night It was done In London, unannounced. Miss Barrymore will produce Mr. Barries newest work In connection with a three act comedy, ."It's the easiest thing? In the .world to be a grand opera star, nays Miss Geratdine Farrar. "All one needs' la a good voice and unlimited endurance. Can you think of any other profession where the requirements are,sofew? Just thlnkl All I have to do la to work 15 hours a day. Arter that my time la all ray own." " -: - 1 ..1 ' '. . . . , ., . . . ill is absurd," says" Henry Arthur Jones, "to object to a play because it la Illicit, All the1 great love stories of history and llterature-rexce'pt ."Ronieo and Juliet" -have been Illicit Antony' and Cleopatra, ; David and Bathsheba, Nelson and Lady Hamilton, Faust and Gretohen, and the rest were in that category; not because Shakespeare, Goethe, Maeterlinck, Sophocles, and Ibsen wanted1 to Be Immoral, but be cause they wanted to get at the human heart Innocent love does not afford the dramatist the opportunities that gnllty relatione do.! Plays on these themes are Justifiable If they arS deeply conceived." . ". v , 'i An Italian Journal, In commenting on Mme, Sarah Bernhardt'a. recent appear ance at a London music hall, explains how it is that this great artist seems always Jnneed of funds. Her money Is literally at the disposal not only of her : hear, and distant relations and friends but even of people she does not know, for her home Is open to all. At one time she nerer entertained less than '20 persons daily at dinner, and It Is 'related that Alexander Dumas, who was one day of the number sitting at the right hand of Mme. Bernhardt, asked her: : 'WtU you kindly tell me the name of your friend on ray left r "That Is more than I can do." ' she said, "t of I ; have never seen hlra tefore."' Manager Carpenter of the Othello theatre In Eveleth. Minn.. Sent out a number of handbills on Friday which wad: "Our baby, has stopped using milk and we need potatoes. Any school child who will orlng three sound pota toes will be admitted without further "charge to the Saturday matinee." The scheme worked and Mr. Carpenter now has about 10 bushels of potatoes In his cellar, as a result ' The Nigger," Edward Sheldon's re markable race problem play, - Is nota ble for the-onusual number of clever "bits'' or minor characters Introduced In the story. Probably the most Inter esting is the character of Senator Thom as A. Long, played by Frank Peters. - Senator Long la on the. stage not wore minutes, and only In the last .'act, and yet the ; character leaves , a 'lasdng Impression on the, audience, "Borne day," says Mrs. Flske. ''Ibsen ; will be universal like Shakespeare. 1 doubt If within the next hundred years any play will be put together without 'his tutelage,1. The House of'Moliere "may be empty, but the school of Ibsen is full to the doors, For he has revo lutionized the theatre of every country In the world, killing theatrleallsm for ever; not ven its ghost ;wlll haunt some fervid and fevered drama , maker of the future." "s . - ' '..;a.,,;, -a:,. '., -vrv:;r?'-':'--'. ' One of Madame Schumann-Helnk's famous child octette ts beginning a dra-' matio career In "Nobody's., WldowAi ' wit l- .. 13 nlau ' : t. . ' e- . , , Ralph Stuart Is to play the title role in the Chicago company of "Get-Rich-Quick-Wallingf ord." $lr, Stuart : was at one time r a .leading tnan in y Stock la Portland. v Sarah Bernhardt, will Open her New Tork . engagement Monday, . December S at the Olobe theater. She will re main two weeks, playing her entire rep-J ertolre. :" . ' : ' a Edward Sheldon's 'new play, "The; Boss," Is -rehearsing in New York with Molbrook Blinn as 'the; star,. ,,,., - .V. .- ';, The ? $2,000,000 Manhattan . opera house was opened recently as a vaude ville theatre, under the management of William Hammerstein. The opening program included the "turns" of Lad die Cliff, Stuart Barnes, and the Ar lington Four, who take the places Of the famous opera singers who appeared ! there last year. Two hundred tickets i were given away by way of a bargain attraction. , ; Several theatres' have adopted the policy of distributing free tickets to encourage patronage "T saw'TCTlen Terry when she landed ' In New YoTk," a man Just from the - east , remarked, ' "and believe me she bears her 60 years like a queen. She Is full of the Joy and enthusiasm of J veritable youth., . Terry is one of, the women who scorn to- absolutely lack time to grow old." ' ...... ... ....... . ... t- t -'!: The wedding of Miss Augusta Belasr eo, daughter of David Belasco, to Wil liam Elliott, the tearful and tear-com-polling hero of "Madame X,'5 will ocour during the 'last week of January. ; : ' ' : r rink y-Panky Poo has had his day. Mrs, Pat Campbell has a new dog. PROMISES MADE BY ; XTHE PRESS AGENTS (Continued From Page Two.) acts now thousands or miles away. which will be in Portland at that time, have been communicated with, every one promising hearty support and . coopera tion In making this the most enthusias tic of all the midnight matinees. Tickets are selling rapidly, for this has "become an annual, Iooked-for event at which thousands' Bpend the Joyous care-free evening; of December 31, and watch the new year come ; in, at the same time entertained by the beet the theatrical profession has to , offer. Tickets at all theatre bos offices In the city at the same popular rates, w - Ilia Minstrel Show. The Spanish War Veterans perfor mance at i the 1 Iieliig theatre Dec. 21, will be worth while seeing. The end men comedians will be Seneca. Fouts, Jay Upton, Fred Jones, Bill Williams. Joe Baker, Fred Peters, Frank Beatty, Dr. Hyde Dr. Marcellus and the coon belles will be George Carr. H. Williams, K. Stansberty, C, R. Hotchkies. A. G. Davidson, F. Waters, H. p. Claussen and Walt Claussen. The Phlzi-ozasy Quartet will be composed of Bert O, Carl. George Evans, J. Salisbury, Master Mc Kenna, AL Bishop, J. C. Leach. In the olio'wlll appear Rosebrook and his twelve soloists, Webber's r Juvenile Orchestra, Miss Gladys Baker champion buck dancer, Marguerite Egbert, petite monologise ajid btory ami Germanus entertainers. In 1 the finale ."Camp Life" the crack prize drill team do wall scaling r stunts. ' r' In the big vstreet parade a brass band' and 18 bwTglers will march through the principal streets accompanied by over 100 war veterans, ww v Motion ' Picture Houses. ' The new bills at the big five first run picture theatres today are all composed of good dramas, Interesting educational, historical and scenic' numbers, and each house offers a full reel of comedy At the Star, "The Maid of Niagara." a re alistic picture of Niagara Falls; "Effect ing a Cure," a big biograph comedy; "The Preacher's . Wife." a domestic story with a good ending; "The Palms," sung by Bring and Camp, with a beau tiful and appropriate stage setting, and music, by Thorn and Carney, make up the show. ' - , , " - -v; " At the Arcade "The Cpwpuncher's Glove," a beautiful Edison drama '; of western life; "Jack Fat and Jack-Slltn at f Coney , Island." a roarlna; farce; "Lured by aMphantom," a mystery plo-tare.'-'and Cy Confer in a new i song, make np the new bllj; : .'-' ? v The Odeon offers "The StepmothM',, an Intereetlng drama; "The Betrayal of Sampson," a Biblical picture of Intense Interest: "Oh. What a Dinnerl a magic picture; Leo White, the new singer, and by special request Doss, the human tele scope, will return to this house for a few days. - The Tlvoll will offer a late Seng, a full reel biograph: also' two other inter esting pictures and an Illustrated song. v:, Horence Roberts at Ilelllg. . f Some of the' dramatic situations in "The Nigger," Edward Sheldon's play of the south, which will be made known at the Heilig theatre, Seventh 'and Tay lor streets, for seven nights, beginning next Sunday, December 11, with a spe cial matinee Saturday, are described as both startling and sensational and yet always within the bounds of possibility and good taste. , One of the most sig nificant features of the south, brought about by certain, racial conditions, Is the frequency of lynching, and this side of southern life Is depicted with what is raid to be the most etartltng realism in "The Nlg(rer." Thurlow Bergen plays th role of Morrow. George Barbierpor trays the part ofvNoyes, and Florenct nnivcrta la : the sweetheart The ad vance seat sale will open next Friday. December 11. , "A Broken Idol' Coming. The performance In this city of a mnaicAl rornedv will be "A Broken Idol." under the personal direction , of Manaeer William F. Mann, with Don A. Macmlllan and dainty Perte Barti as the prima donna. The action or tne piay centers around an English nobleman whA seaks to marry for wealth, a tni nesa flavor is 'introduced into the plot through "Dr. Whatt" the role enacted Sy Mr. Macmlllan, who U marrle to Chinese glrL ' This comedy succers Is said to move with even more rapidity than the usual musical comedy of fun an iivp1v notion. It Will be seen at the Bungalow all next week, starting Sunday matinee,' DecemDer . ' ' ' ' ' ' " The ilonor of the Family." Baker Stock "company will appear In Otis . Skinner's popular success, "The Honor of the Family," for the week Im mediately following "The Barrier. As this will be but the second appearance ft ha ninv ham. th first time Skinner himself wus seen in It, it will doubtless attract a great deal of attention. It U a peculiar play, and the leading charac? ter unusually Striking. i wiu oe piayea bv Donald Bowles, whose gTeat perform ance of Jack Ranctf, the sheriff, in "The Girl of the Golden West," shows him to be esDecially well suited to this, which is a character role of great strength, yet full of comedy. - ' FLAGS THAT ARE RELICS . OF PAST CAMPAIGNS -;-',''n - . r ) jr. 'r"'-.V .fT' -- Washlngto'n Lee. 3.The American fltig has played an important part in political campaigns of the past and has been subject at times to unique decora tions according 'to a bulletin Just mado public by the National Museum, '- Two interesting souvenir of the early political agea have been recently presented to the museum and are now placed with the exhibitional collections. The first of these is an American flag with seventeen stripes. -alternating red and white, with a blue field of thir- ten stars: Twelve of these are ranged around a larger one which is. placed In tne center. On the white stripes Im mediately beneath the blue field Is written the old legend. "The Hero of Tippecanoe," in black letters. This Is a relic of the William Henry Harrison campaign. - , Tne second relic ia also a flag. It is more elaborate and carries four addl tlonal stars, one in each corner, mak lag seventeen in all. of a sailor, clad in the costume of that period and nailing to the mast a large American flag which bears In Its blue field. In addition to the stars, the le gend, "Henry Clay and T. Freyllng huysen." The memento was uned In the presidential campaign of, 1844. , OPTION LAW PREVAILS OYER SPECIAL CHARTERS (SpecUl DWpitWi to Th JonrnM.) " Boise, Idaho, Dec 8. The Idaho su preme court today held that cities op erating under special charters are not exempt from the operation of the coun- The center of tv local octlon law. . The case at Issue the flag, however, bears the insertion I came from Lewieton. THEATRE ersntlt and Taylor Mat 1 A-iiaa Saturday Night,. December 10th OI1SD QAXal OOZJJ3GB TTCTTT urn VERSSTY of OREGON G!se aiidjlflandolin Clubs Concert and College Stunto Muic Fun Qood Cheer "Come Be College Boy 'Again." i Lower floor ......... fl 00. 75 , ' Balcony ,........,...75. 60e Gallery . .35. 250 ' SEAT 8AXJB OTXaTS S'EXT Tlt'U&SSAY, SEOSaQKBB Prices: ; MTTP TT TT, . Tftfi THEATRE P J 1 TT mfcTajrior.Won.s ; aula 15 A-1123. . 4 NIGHTS BEGINNING TONIGHT HENRY VS., SAVAGE. mim y - - rffn OSBiT SB.4.KA ' - 07 MOTIXXB tOVB AJTD TWWJT.U V 1 - rurcES s m 1 '. fTnln4s- ., v'v- . ''.' xjwer floor ...... ..,$8.00, $150 Balcony ....11.00, 75c, 60a Oallery . Sac, tie Box seats ,.. . J2.50 Wednesday tlaee lxwer floor ......... $1. 50. 11.00 Balcony ................. 760, 60c Uallerv SSc. tic Box seats . , . $2.00 AUTO 93 iiriiU 119 CAXUIXAOXS AT 10:48 O'CIKKTK ITTTT TTT7- -TUEATHE Friday Evening, December 9th,. 1910 One Performance Only 1 the Lyric next week will be the biggest ever offered: In this-city at popular . prlcw. , v ' I During week nigrhts. there Will betwo i performances at 7:43 and 9;15, and on ' Saturday and Sunday nights thore will be 'three, the first commencing at 7 p. ni. sliarn and the others following at V 8:10 and 9:15. Matinees being held dally at 1:45. on Friday night the chorus glrla will hold their regular contest I To secure seats for this big show got early and avoid belny disappointed as the management expecx to break all rec ords with the wdek commencing with Monday matinee. t Annual TT H' A. Benefit. A delightfully pleasant, and thor oughly commendable way to watch the old year out 1b at the now famous midnight matinee benefit performance d the Theatrical Mechanical assocla- V El 1 e n " U ll erry ; v Shakespeare's "HEROICS " - .TIHDUPDAltr- Box office opens for spat sale Wednesday morning., - : Mail orders now being received by Mrs, J. W. Tif ft, 351 West Park. Pfices--$2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75 and 50 cents. - Box seats, $2.50. BXAT SAXJB OPIWS 2TE3CT FEtDAT HEILIG THEATRE WEEK ..LliEQlNNlNQ.- Sun. Dec. II MATIWEE 1 BATOADAT i THS STEW T1UI1TBS SZW TOSX ETTCCXSS THE NIGGER "WITH" FLORENCE ROBERTS , ASSISTED BT THURLOW DOROEN BXTSTOTLTtSCd COMPAUT, OOMTT.ETB raODtTCTXOS : PhonMMam6. A 1023 DcglnniRfl ' I AW I VAU ADVANCED VAUDEVTLLX WccIl,Dcc..5 TTTl'TTT JluLUI r - - alM ' ai tk . Af:3 r.: tix U u- ; The Tbestre That Plays Big fczi AUr;i!;:s d Ll Week Starting Sun. flat., Dec 4, 19K- U R.W1LLARD Presents the Music PI37 TUB 1. THE A.DT::a TIME PLACE GIRL TIME TABLE OP SONQ HITS 8:15 Opening Chorus 8:25, "Blow the Smoke Away" 8:32, "Thursday Is My Jonah Day" . 8:47, "I Don't Like Yonr Fam ily". 10:45 FINALE-MEDLEY 9:15 . ,. "First tnd Only 9:35, 'The Waning Honey- moort 10:00, "Uncle Sam's Best Girr "Dtwe I Love Yon 10:20 ;....,. "Don't You Teir ; j . Exactly at Presented for 465 Performances in Chicago . tMR. GEORGE EBNER, AS HAPPY. JOHNNY UICS3 ALL STAR CAST AND UNEQUAIED BEAUTY CL'CEUS CF HFTY Books tnd Lyrics by Hough ft Adams Mask by Joe E. Iloward N E W wabbrobe SCERERY iwicTsCAt NEW Production great as the original and first time at popular prices Matinees Sunday, Thursday, Sarm-day--25 and 50c. . ' Everringi--25c 50c, 75c and $1.00. ' " Next Attraction A Broken Idof , r Edwin Arden TKB TOJfVUAM IOC A'CI . tS THM OOffS ACTT FtAT tZMTTEUEX), u Cpt aiii Velvet' ' A Night In o Monkey Music Hell Presented by . ziAtro sotnoia , Joe Jackson The Knropmn Vagabond. Hilda Ha wT home Ventriloquist tat restores with Cohan, k Harris Minstrels. Alexander And Scott "From . Varrlnla.- ' . Cliff Dean 'Compeny Presenting the Flaylet, -- "A CBXSOM FOB . TZCB . AafTTETCatr nSTTJOSQg Anna B. Margaret B. The Misses Milch Violin Piano VocaL Evening Prices: ISc, 2Gc COc, 7Cc SAZZ.7 MATTBTEE, lse, SSc soa. Holiday statlne-s, alglit Vrloes. PORTLAND'S HANDSOME NEW P1REPR0O7 rXAYnCTS ; Boise of the LczprsLIjC; SzZtzz?! 0EO. Xi. BAZZB, Osa. ISaiMgw See the Best- Extra- Extra Morton-Jewel ' Troupe In r CSUTBSOur r-j TSOXAS, Premier Comedians. - KCLXXM STTO Wetk Comrnenclnc Monday Mat.; December , . 5th &S Dally Matinee Curtain ' , 2i30, 7t30 and QsOO Special Engagement T Sazatsky Mops V Basdaa Caaoers. . Bsrwter-Onott On, hi .."JftOB'DAT 'AT- Thelssen's Pets. Thferi See the Rest ALL WEEK, Consenting MATirCTTCDA . 5UNDAY, Dtctr.bcr 44013 FIRST TIME Ttt POCXLA2ID f; The Dramatization of Hex Beadi'a Thrfflrajr Strjcycf Alulca ' By ETJCEKE -PinSSIEST . ' 'A powerful, gripping play with scene hid it the wil4-tris3' Camp of Flambeau 'on the Ytttmrt daring the days of the ezrfy gtli rashes. Splendid cast Superb scenic effects. vThe Land of g Midnight Snn, ' , . - Stag Dodef" DirtctioaUl TXNALD BOWIXS Wednesday Bargain Matinee, 25c Sunday and Sattrrday Matinees, 1 25c and 50c Erening prices, 25c, 50c and 7U. Nxt Week-Tho Honor of.ttte Family" People's Amusement Co. . Pictures Never Seen Before : , Star Theatre New Today CONTINUOUS ' 1 M. TO 11 P. n. MAID OF NIAGARA, Most Gorgeous and Spec tacular Picture ever produced In this country. . EFFECTING A CUBE 1000 feet Biograph Com edy.' -:.:' .-t-.-.-jv '-:-.'.'--a'.'.,::, .''ivv' TirE PREACHER'S WIFE A Moral Protest Ag-slnst the Narrow View ot Lite. ; , ; TITE PAIiMS Scenic Production of the Great Religious Song, by Brink and Camp. Arcade Nev Today The . Cowpuncher's Glove. . .Drama Fat and Slim ...............Comedy (Showing Coney Island io Seasoir.) Lured by phantoms. .,. .Mysterious Cy Confer In a New Song. . . Mosio, Slides and ReallBtle Effect. UOdeonNewJIoday Stepmother.,. Great Domestlff Prama Samnon's Betrayal. ,4. . . .Spectacular O, Whftt a Dinner,.,.. Trick Comedy Tale of a Mirror.... ..Pathetic (Ry Request.) . Return of loss, the Human Tele scope, lor a few days only. Oh Joy-New Today Extra Harry Lauder Jr., In Scottish . - Bongs and Dances. Ellen AWen's Indian Ward Theatri cal and Exciting. Spooney Sam.. .1000 Feet of Comedy Nancy's Wedding Trip.-, .v.-. . Funny Scholl, the Pianist;., Restful View Slides, and Other Attractions, iiJiYonQw-Today Curing a' Tlpplv.. . ".Great Biotranh K Domeetlo Story.,, ..A Great Selig The River Rhone.... A Great Scenic ' Fred. Bauer, the Tenor. First Class! Mnsle, the Bost Slides and Great Effects. SULLIVAN & CONSfDIM GRAM MATINEE DAILY Best Vaudeville)1.?,0 a U al tk. ' 'V "' ' - sVa aa t . m America prvr 3 sssc American and European Vandevflle. ' - Week of Dec. 5 ECKIIOfF fi MKl Tba Musical -Laugh M altars The 'World's Greatest Marksmaa CHEVALIER DE LOPJC Aaststed by lts St. CVUy In a Wonderful Exhibition at Bharpe hooting. TENNIS TTJO la CleTeT Joggling Exploits. . Kactar of tte Wrf la GEORGE YEOMAN Jest a Jarnwm Jester. BROWN et 1HLLS Classy Entertainers. Three National Comiqscs Fan That Is AerobarJe aai - Acrobats That Are Fnn. GRANDASCOPE ATxasr rsrtrr anr to sxtuur jci tsu aje tas Musics! Ccxzdy Seventh and Aider Streets Week Commencing Tomorrow Mctfcc , KEATING & FLOOD PRESENTS EXTRA ATTRACTION -ARIZONA- rJAGIC The Greatest and Biggest Bronco Busting Act . . Ever Presented on Aay Stage. , . AND j The Lyric Musical Comedy Cornp:ny . IN - - , ' DILLON, and KING as tha Guards Two Performances Nightly 75 and 9:15. v. Matinees Daily 2;4S. . CHORUS GIRLS' CON'THST FRIDAY UlCriT 71 f .. . I