I I 4 1 i til n iio is eot o;i mm she ;.hing Official Given Out but Report Goes That It Recom mends New Building on Present Site. ; . Washlnicton. PHV S.-Asslsta,nt Socra tnry Wills ht the treasury department today;, said: ' "Dr., Hill's report on the Portland rostofflce matter Is liere and In the handa of the supervising architect I have only a! memorandum of what he recommends, but Judge from It that his report Js complete, frivlne; us- all the Information needed. Dr. Hill offers one plan, an alternative and another aug gestiort but before giving It consldera 1 nDYinni IntlmAfA whftt hin recom mendations are.- I have been giving all my time to annual reports and items, hence- I am unable to attend to the Portland matter, but I iWill take It up very Boon." - " ' ' ' Thi report is floating around 'Wash ington that Dr. Hill recommends the d tmnatitling of th present postoflf ce structure and the erecting of another on He site, instead of building a new postofflee oft the Andrew C, Smith Site, as recommended by tha OTegon senators and the Portland commercial club; but it ia lmpoasible x verify or disprove the report" W: '. :".'.v.-:-.': Supervising Architect Taylor refusea to add anything to HI Ills' statement ORANGE PACKING HOUSE BURNS AT POMONA, CAL raltM Pre ImmI Wire.! Pomona, Cal, Dec. i.The packing house of the San Dlmaa Orange Grow ers' association, one of the finest in the ttate,' and covering several acres, burned to the ground at t o'clock to night causing a loss of about 150,000 and throwing tOO employes out of work. The fire originated In the sweating room when a smalt oil stove,, used In color ing process, exploded, the flames spread ing rapidly; : Six -thousand - boxes -of oranges were in the building when it burned. mm cis w "ANY OLD GRUB" Strike of Chefs Causes Diet of Dill Pickles and f Publisher' FreM LmimI .Wire.) Poughkeepsie. N. Y Dec. 3, Fudge, dll pickles and olives constituted the breakfast of a large number of Vasaar college girls today owing to the strike of the chefs in four of the six college dining halls " V' ' . In spite of the promise or tne au thorbties that they should not go hungry only three hundred of the girls had regulation breakfacta and there was an air of hunger' and trouble" about the campus. : Not one of the striking chefs went .to work today. The sixth, who clung to bis post through a atorm; fled when he girls heaped praise upon him. HAMMERSTEIN TO SEEK ; BETTER LUCK IN LONDON (By the International Newt Service.) . New York," Dec. J.Oscar Hammer stein will Sell his New York theatres and take up. his residence in London, where he la building a new opera house, illy business la opera," aald the im presario today. "I can do nothing else. 1 must produce opera. Since New York does not want fme,. I will go to Lon don, where I believe I am wanteds ,. "After 40 years in.ttew York I am going. After realizing my ambition and giving opera here aa it waa never given before, and then being forced to give up my work, I shall go." . Mr. Haramerstein will sell bis Inter ests in New York, which are valued at several millions. , . . F - ; fc"a t ' U Vtii. U I' M IhuUilULlil blllL TO HIE HOUSE Disposition to Placate Cum mins of Iowa r Supposed to Have Reference to 1912, as Well as the "Taft Program." BUTTE'S TREASURER " ' ACCUSED; DISAPPEARS (Special Ptepatch to The JnnrnaU . Butte, , Mont, Dec, 3. Edward . H. Naughton, former city; treasurer and Well . knownk cltlien, is , charged with having embezzled $550 from the city. He was- to have been arraigned before Judge Dolan this .morning, but failed to-appear la court - He is at liberty on bond and the sheriff stated today that he has been unable to locate htm. i Washington Bweae of The Journal Washington. Dec' I, Every one won ders , what political -result will come from the conference between Taft and Cummins today. Cummins and Bourne conferred last night for three hours; Borah also waa In council with them. President Taft desires to gajn favor with the progressive senators.i with whom, early in hia administration he split because they refused -40 accept bills as he sent them to the eaptol, but Insisted on amendments. Bourne said-today that ha. could not speak for" anyone else but his own opin ion was as follows: v, " ' "There, will be no machlna leader of the progressives, or of the senate, for that matter, from this time on. It will be intellectual leadership that will count and the leader on each occasion when measures are up will, be the sena tor who best know that particular sub- 'There wilt be differencea between progressives at times, as tlfe situation is somewhat mixed, but the aggregation of forces will be on conviction. Instead of by force of machine methods either by progressives or regulars. The pros pects are bright for progressiva meas ures." ' V-.tfC;''": nW-'-v-A, vfij': . ''.vw "It is known that Jaffa invitation to Cummins to go to the White House to day was his first move toward clearing away, obstacle tr hia renomination 1n 1912. " The episode haSAcaumd consider able gossip regarding national politics Jn 1912, with Cummins and La Follette prominently, mentioned aa . presidential possibilities. ' r One reril Averted. From the Cleveland Leader". ' "Do you have adequate, police protec tion la ble suburb r "On. -we have the. poUca pretty well scared now, and we don't need to be pro tected from them any more." - ' , r 1 I i ay 111 a Offer Refused, Accused Wife's Attorneys Working Situa- tion for Advantage. (By the International Newa gtrviee.) Wheeling, W. Va,, Dec. i. As has been expected, by the defense all along, John O. Schenk the millionaire packer, hasrallleil to the support of Ills wife, who la a prisoner In Jail here charged with having j attempted to pofson him Soon after 3 being removed from the hospital to the home 'of his sister, he ascertained that bis wife could be re leased on bail and notified Mrs. Schenk's attorneys that be . would go, on - her bond.' The attorneys, however, refused the bond offer,, -., V It Is the plan of her counsel to per mit the, wife to remain in jail, knowing that everyday-she spends there will make her husband more Indignant at the treatment accorded her. after she shall have . proved her innocence at the trial two weeks from next Mon day . ' , CONFERENCE COLLEGES TAKE DRASTC STAND (United Prraa Leneed Wire.) 1 i Chicago," Dec, .The vmost drastic action ever taken by a meeting of repre sentattverf of the western conferenoa colleges resulted here tonight . when It waa ruled that hereafter the members of the "big eight" shall -not hold ath letic relations with universities or col leges that" have been members of the conference put have withdrawn and that the conference colleges will sever all baseball and football relations with col leges 'outside of -the middle west aa soon as existing contracts expire. This action means that Michigan Is barred from the scheerule of all "big eight" schools, so that .Minnesota and Michigan liave met , for- the last timet Illinois baa met Syracuse fo'r the last time, and v after tilling . next' year's onr tract with Cornell. Chicago will sever relations with the Ithaca school. Iliiii'.O Ami irr'"' '.MER'FtlE Charges of Graft to Ds Inves tigated by Special Grand Jury- Former Police Chief Cause of Trouble. ' (Snedel Slxpatdi to The JonrnM.) Spokane, Wastu Dec. 8. For the Duroose of investigating charges of graft malfeasance In office, general dleerlmlnation and other;, offenses; laid against the officials of Spokane county and ci$y, a special grand Jury has been called, for ' Monday, January 18. This decision was reached Friday night by a meeting, held en banc of five Spokane county Judges, when the complaint and request' of E. V. Lambert president of the city 'council, and of the officers of various labor organisations were taken up for consideration.'. ; ' The labor organizations' request for the appointment of a special prosecutor In the cases waa ignored, as tne newiy elected prosecuting attorney, John L. Wiley, who is opposed to the roid Pugh Ring" holding power in the court house for a number of years, will take office Januarv 9 and the judiciaries ruled that he la aa good as could be secured for the Investigation. .... Sullivan Causes Trouble. The petitions of the labor council's call for Investigations of city officers and the police department especially be cause of numerous charges made against these in the last few months, growing out of heated controversies and appar ently important findings through, ita investigation of ex-Acting Chief of Po lice John T. Sullivan. , . Sullivan la charged with conversion of considerable money -deposited aa bonds in Chinese gambling cases to other than municipal uses, with discrimination In enforcing laws and in the management of his department aside from the usur pation of the office of the chief of police in violation of tha- clty charter. Ha waa tried by the board of police commis sioners, which returned & report that ho Irregularities were found, but immedi ately afterward he waa. found guilty on six out f eight - charges by tha -mity council, which recommended his eus pension pending further Investigation by iK..lJi: ; t'.ut t: COUin .1 ! ! I'O a.-: i'j to try the i-,isi. f'.'vcrl t-!i.rs.'S 'of Irre gul.irltirs i i differriit county offioes coming un!-r the cato.-ory of pruft and nilsnuuias-mc-nt Mill also be heard. m ' " ""' v ' Ketv KtcajsiHliip Launched. ' .(By tbe lnUTnational Ninvn SitvIcb.) Long Beacli, Cal.. Dec. 3. In the pres ence of about 10,01)0 persons the Gen eral Hubbard, the largest steamship built for the Hammond Lumber com pany of San Francisco, was launched at ' ''JJ LJ1LLLLJ , . ..T- i ! I 1 1.1 t.; : ( ' Ullt.l V. tA.) i-: anil It in c;y - r 1 f.-r abot u A :uvl fiifir-.-'. f!:'9 1 l vy in all in j laoe v;il be Meiunpil up for the lir.st time next "Wednesday. Tbe Mexican govormttent has ewtab lished a amoLfli-ss l.owdt'r factory with a cipiicity of 110,000 pounds a year. Tbe, heaviest rudJer pver known, a hundnd ton affair, has been built for the new transatlantic liner Olympic. V ff hiiiisii St Lane Rano Of 1910 Is th Result-of Year of , " . f ' Experience in the Piano Business - ' i C Probably no other first-class piano has" shown : snch marked traproTe menti in recent years as the "Bush & Lane." t . TVrilCIolltT appeals to the most critical and. satisfies the' .iYllJlyClllj.higbest, artistic. requirements. " i Commercially The. Bush &Lane Piano, should ap peal especially , to the people, being a product sold direct fromkthe factory, , . " It is . sold' by the. MAKERS DIRECT without btermediate profitl and expenses consequently at a lower price than other pianos of strictly the best grade. 1 , ' We cordially invite inspection of our Holiday Stock th$ finest and most varied we have ever shown, -. - - - 1 -- ,4 EASY PAYMENTS-NO INTBRQOT A i 4 A ' Giristmas Boxes, Etc. - A simple gift properly dressed is impressive. Be sure to "dress" your - gifts this year with pretty Cbrlstmaa Tags, Labels. Snala, Crepe Paper, : Holly and Polnsettla Boxes, Gold and Silver . Cord, tc. , ' ; - A A 9 ' . Red Cross Stamps ' Put a Red Cross stamp on all your Christmas packages and lettera. Our , booth will be in charge of Mrs. Hugh Montgomery tomorrow, assisted by Miss Mabel Shea and'Mlaa Genevieve Kelly.t - , . . . Christmas Booklets, Etc, We have hundredn of handsome little Christmas Booklets and Cards, costing all the way from a penny up; and an endless variety of Calen-, dars at any price you may care to pay. f A ; - r There never was a better- time to put Giir&4the Ideal Gift Store to the "gift test" than now.' 'The .store never looked better -the stocks were never more attractively displayed or conveniently arranged prices are nowhere lower variety is. nowhere broader quality is of that high merit that gives to bur merchandise a "character peculiarly. its own. We have a gift for every person at a price to fit any' purse, and our courteous salespeople are eager to help you in your selections. BUT YOU MUST COME AND SEE FORYOUR OWN PLEASURE SATISFACTION ECONOMY AND EARLY THE RESULT WILL BE MORE FITTING PRESENTS FOR ALL WHOM YOU REMEMBER AT HOLIDAY TIME, AND IT. WILL MEAN GREAT SAVINGS TO YOU TO DEAL AT THIS STORE; Discriminating shoppers will find an exchi. sive showing of Exquisite Gift Pieces in our Fancy Stationery Department, choice select tions from which are now on exhibition in our Third street window. We invite you to inspect these appropriate gift lines. , v" Impbrted Leather Novelties ' ' '-?-.:";,' .., . . i,;j. .,,..- ?j ...:; y-i''.' . "-..i'. : Including Air Cushions in case, Hot. Water Bags in i case. Slippers for ladies and gentlemen fn case; Playing Card Cases, Pocket Picture Frames,; Traveling Clocks, Coat Hangers, Skirt Hangers, Ladies' Hand Bags, etc. " Imported Metal Goods ' . Including Brass and Copper Desk Sets, Book Ends, Library Sets, Twine Boxes, Calendars, Fern Dishes, Candle Sticks, etc. . Handcraft Jewelry "IncInamVStick""PinV"Brooch Fms,' B'lt'pinVI'.'Cafl" Links, -Rings, Hat Pins, etc- k Handcraft Novelties u Including Book Ends, Lanterns, Pen Trays, Match Boxes, Ash Trays, Paper Knives,. Desk Sets, etc Fancy Leather Goods !SS!5di.n8: VoTio Masic Rolls. Telephone Lists, ' 500 Scores, Address Books, Calling Lists, Card Cases, - Guest Books, Calendars, etc 1 Hand-Tooled Novelties " , -Including Table Mats, Magazine Covers, Telepbont Covers, Book Covers, Mottoes, Book Ends, etc' . You Will Tind a Book in This List ' And tiiis is only a partial list, selected at random, from opts, the largest and best book stock in Portland ' Waterpuun's , Fountain Pens , v From f 2.50 . ills The J. K GILL CO. THIRT and AXDEa BTKEXT3 Engraved Cosiness mid Social 1 Cards For Gifts Bueraieal (Blft Store v for "The" Man The Rubaiyat . 50 to'f25 Pipe and Pouch v Clever New Fiction '...,. fl.18 The Poets, leather binding, at f i.OO to $T.50 Toast Books 60 to $2.00 Humorous Books- . .50 to f 1.50 Tbe Spirit of Chistmas, net ;.50f ? it -t r.- .y i & i--r? ' Between Lacues Christmas Angel, net ...i....50 What i- Does Christmas Really tean 50 LongfelloVs Country, net $2.50 Romantic California, net ,,.$2.50 Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest,, net $1.50 Siege of Seven Suitors, net $1.20 The Rose in the Ring ; ,,. ,$1.18 t r i . For Grandfather . i Seren Oreat Statesmen net $2.50 .'Life of Alexander Hamilton $$.60 The Other Wise Men 50 to $l Master of the Inn ...:50f to $1 'The Terfect, Tribute ..50 to. $1; .' Mark .Twain, complete or single" volnmci . , " ;'.'.'. The Christmas Mystery 60 f 1 ,' fc v ' Jror the Children . Mother Goose .... 50 to $1.50 Board Books ..25 to T5 Boys and Girls from Dickens $2 Grimm's Fairy Tales i.50to $5 "Tanglewood Tales and Wonder : Book $2.50 -"LitttrCotOTiet-Serles 1 ,;i::i:r.$i,;2or 1 Pecpsat Many Lands 75 ' For Jane at College The Siege of Seven .Suitors $1.20 Tho Purchase Price ...... r,.i,..... ..$1.18 Flamsted Quarries ..V. ......... $1.18 The Garden c-f Girls, net . $3.50 For Fred at College ...as' ....35 The Power, of Purpose Kingship of Self Control' Days Off ..$1.18 What's Wrong with the World, net ,....$.SO For Wife or Mother A Guest Book $1.50 to $5.00 The Lure of the Antique,- net 1.-J.".$2.40 Presden China . . $1.00 The Colour of. London $5.00 For Father or Husband ; Our National rParks ',M.Ll..M.M..M.if3.00: The North Pol net $4.80 Books About Oregon .........50 to $150.00 Sets of Standard Authors. - All Editions. ; ' V ' ;. What iio Give Sister , , , An Oxford or Nelson Bible 1...50 to $10.00 Testaments ..25 to $3.50 Annals of . Ann . . . . ..v. ,$1.18 Princess Flower Hat ..... .......$1.18 ' t ' ' V - , " . K' , j What Brother Would Like '' ' '" -.5. . ' . , - " 7 .:, A Bible or New Testament Keith of the Border, net .; 'AmcricanNaturir Iliitory, :..25 to $10.00 U a.sa.a $ J. net ... 3.50 American Birds, net ...... $1.50 For 'The'': Girf . The' Garden of Girls, net ..$3.50 Pictures in Color, net ....$3.50 Book of Sweethearts ....$15 Lovely Woman, net $2.50 'Girls, net ........ $3.00 ; The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam at 10 to $25.00 Th 'Poets, all bindings, . c at , .,50 to f 10.00 Between Men African -Game Trails, net.1. $4.00 Camera Adventures m African J Wilds ; I.... ...,.$6.00 A Vagabond Journey Around the World $3.50 The Great White North, net $2.50 ' My Friend the Indian, net $2.50 The Mississippi River, net $3.50 -The Russian Road to China, ! . net $3.00' . " ; ..: - For Grandmother " . Out of Doors in the Holy Land, ' . net ............ ..4..$1.50 Master of the Inn, net 60 to $1 Eternal Values, net . .$2.50 Master of the Vineyard, net $1.50 ,; Old Rose and Silver, net ..$1.50 Cheer and Joy B,e Thine, net $1.00 ; Old Friends ; ..$2.00- For the Baby Paper Books". ..'...5 to 50 . v Linen Books 5 to $1.00 Board Boks ........25 to 75 Stories to Be Reid to Baby, ; at ......25 to $1.50 Nnrs-33rJRl!yine.and Tales at ........... i.. .25 to $1.50 Fairy Tales .25 to $5.00 If you have decided to "give a Bookcase, be sure it is the famous GlobeAVernicke the bookcase you see advertised in the maga zines absolutely the best madeunques tionably the one best gift We invite your,. ,'mspectioA' Husbands : V "Cannot select 'a more appropriate 'Christmas gift for their WIVES than a Globe-Wernicke Bookcase h Wives Cannot seleti a more appropriate Christmas gift for their HUSBANDS than a Globe-Wernicke Bookcase , Children ' Cannot select a more appropriate Christmas gift for , their v PARENTS than a Globe-Wernicke Bookcase Why not mass yoor presents and give something worth while? ' ' 4 Relatives , Cannot select a more appropriate Christmas gift for their KINSFOLK than a Globe-Wernicke ; Bookcase v v ' ,v Friends , , . .' .;- -Carmot' select a more Appropriate Christmas - gift for. their ASSOCIATES than a. Globe-Wernicke Bookcase .vVerily,-':v - ' Globe-Wernicke Sectional Bookcases are appropriate for' all people . We carry them in stock and will be glad to show you the.handsome designsand finishes. Let ts. suggest that you come down to our display, room tomorrow and make your selection, at once .We will gladry bold them for future delivery. It is well worth'' your while to heed our advice-at least, come and see the Bookcases. , - 1retlT , , A A ' Ilandsome New Tew Jf)(C J New Year .Cards ( Vylj 1 Booklets Endleea ' ATI ,. ' Variety The J. K. GILL CO., Price. Booker. 6eal (5ift Store