The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1910, Page 37, Image 37

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    ' v . "P '
irEILIO "M.vlamK X." 4 nlflhts bmlnnlng tonight. EJlen Terry. In llhis-
tratlvs rdinp from SlmkeRpeare. Friday night, i Lniverity f of v)
Oregon. Glee nuil Mandolin club, Saturday night.
PrxOALOW 'The Time, the rinr and the Girl.' . ., :
1MKER-"The Jlarrlnr." v'
ORPHKUMVBudeviUs, 1 ",' '
KANO Vaudeville. ' .
PA NTAGK8 Vaudeville. 1 ' - ,
LYRIC Arizona JacK and this Lyric Muaicnl Comfiy company.
HEILIG-Plow-nce. Roberts In "The MKSer," veclc of December It Sun
day afternoon. 18, flrt of a aeries of, Sunday afternoon
concern under direction of W. iL Boyer with 73 leading stngera of
Portland and orchestra of 17 under David C. Rosebrook. T. M. A,
annual benefit. Midnight matinee, December 31. ' - r f
RUNG ALOW-i-"A Broken IdoL" . .
1SAKKH "Th8 Honor of the Famtly."; Mtdnifiht matlnea.of th T. M..
A. annual benefit, Derember SI. .
ORPHEUM December ..81; midnight tuatinee for benefit of T; Sf, A.. '
INTEREST in things theatrical centered at' the' Heilig theatre list week,
I where' Max Figmrvii offered Edhh Ellis' delightful little comedy drama,
"Mary Jane's Pa." Though not newcomer in Portland, the splendi
diversion drew large and admiring audiences- all. week. A most com?
niendable :atid refreshing feature of the production .was the uniform excelN
ence of tlie Supporting cast. Each character' was a type,, and ach typs A
finished product ; -.yi ' ; ; ' '"!v".'-':.,.-'':
The Orpheum housed a composite .'bill '"of indifferent character, headed
by Hymack. the chameleon comedian.': The Baker company presented its
second George M. Cohan rnusial comedy "FortyFive Minutes From Broad
way," with- Jfenry the role of "Kid Burris.iMr. Stockbridge
established himself as an unusually cleve light : comedian, " '-v -' V - s.
At the Heilig tonight Henry Savage will, offer "Madame ;X," the
drama of sensation, which. has raised a whirlwind of comment since its pre
sentation in Chicago last falL In describing it, a New Yo minister recently
said, ''Madame X"is simply -tremendous. One. hardly knows whereto com
mence to characterize it ,To call it strong" would, be- putting " the matter
very inadequately Rather, it might be called overwhelming.',' :' Miss Adeline
Dunlap, formerly with "The College Widow," and recently, with Miss Ger
trude Quinlan in "Miss Patsy" will play the role of the "mother, ' v
Beginnifc g Sunday, December 11, William A- Bradr will present, the new
theatre success, "The Nigger," for one , week, at the tfeiUg.,, Florence Rob-'
crts, supported , by Thurlow. Bergen, and an excellent company of players,
will be seen in the p& -fr'-vhy founded on race prejudice can hardly fail
to be sensational, and "The Niggerf' is said to be extremely sensational with
out transcending the bounds of good taste. The central character of the play
i the governor of a southern state, and the dramatic incidents are woven
about the discovery , that he has black blood In his veins, . . " ; . ' ? .
Sunday afternoon, December 18, the
oucrnyun tontcris wm. yc given ac iuc iicuiu, cuusisung i oi ine leaa
ing singers of the city under the direction of W.; H. Boyer, and an orchestra
of 17 under ,the direction of David C, Rosebroolcv Popular operatic selec
tions will b given together with solos. Popular, prices will prevail. This
is an , innovation that music lovers of Portland will . undoubtedly support
handsomely. - .. " . - -:. ; .'- .'; -:..: .-v.-- ...: -
Edwin Arden; formerly leading man with Eleanor ' Robson in "Merely
Mary Ann," will headline the , bill ' opening at the Orpheum tomorrow, in
"Captain Velvet," delightful one-act playlet filled to the top with the spirit
and color of the Mexican border;
The Baker stock players will give Rex. Beach's "The Barrier," beginning
this aftefrnoon. Next week.'Donafd Bowles will be seen in the, Otis Skinner
part in "The Honor of the Family,"
Promises Made by
the Press Agents
"3Iadame X, at ReiUg Tonight.
Drama of the highest type will come
Into its - owa tonight at the Heilig
theatre, where Henry W. 5 Savage , 'will
offer, for Us Initial prtssentatioh in
Portland. Alexandre Blsson's powerful
play of mother ' love and thrills,
"Madame X," for a ehgageriiant of
four nights, with a special prion matt
neo Wednesday. "Madame .X'f . Is de
scribed by Jt 'author as a life story
rather than a drama. The secret of its
rrip upon the emotions is attributed to
the fact that it is a human document
and lts'apepal is never f orced. r; J "
The story 1 simple, v FlorioMs ; the
deputy attorney of Paris., He has a
)eutlful home In the euburbff and ' a
fine boy 4 years of age. He .is an -unhappy
man because his wife, the mother
of his bo, has' deserted him, fleeing
frefm her home with a lover. The boy
falls ill and, when near unto death, the
mother comes bock to her old home and
!ec8use of her love for her child pleads
for forgiveness. At first Floriot is In
dined to forgive and restore her 10 her
"'id; but when' he learns from her own
rj-.a ttiai the lover with whom she, fled
. dead he believes that to be the rea
son why htj returned ,to him, and In
fury he dnves her rrom his house. '
Later" he repents and tries ; to find
her, but without success. Twenty
yturs jiass by and as Jacqueline, the
wife, has neVor been; heard from,
I'Sorlot belioveo her d'ad. Ho has proa-
l-f ml In his'professlon and is now prcsl
dent of the Toulouse court. Raymond,
eon, now grown to. manhood, is also
a lawyer snd Is ready to try his first
iftto. There arrive at Bordeaux from
!th America a etrnnire pair who take
: !!;;SH !a"A cbvap"hotE . Xt Is Jacuue
:iie, fallen low, a victim of dissipation
n, riniRn, and lrnquft n oft con
i-ui Jsillbird and "felon, who has Just
l.r ;i rr leased rrom prison. V! .:;
,ii .ursine is a rn!r shadow cf her
' lVOUi Piou jiiumren.
first of a series of popular Sunday 1
former self. ; Her beauty is wone. she
is in direst poverty, and her only relief
is iouna in armatng ether, which makes
her forget her past. "A couple of wily
knaves, old time friends of . Laroque;
vinlt him in the : room of the , tawdry
hotel and, afttr Jacqueline Uas retired,
tney concoct a plan to - blackmail
Floriot, believing that he would pay
well to suppress the story of Ma Wife'i
downfall because of his honorable posi
tion at we oar. T ,
' Jacqueline has never forgiven Floriot,
but she . loves Raymond, and when the
hears of . the plan to brlns dlaenee nnon
th name of Floriot, she demands of
Laroque that he abandon it. This he
refuses to -do. but instead bullteji hee
and goads her on until, in desperation;
soe seises a revolver and shoots him
through "the heart. The servants rush
in,but she makes no effort to escape,
merely -admitting that 'she- killed
ijeroque. 1 t, ,
cuo aosojuteiy reruses to sneak a
word, either in explanation or for the
miormauoo or tno authorities. As she
will not tell her name it is entered upon
the polioo blotter : as -Madame X" the
unknown.? The day of her trial home.
Being , wlthoyt money or friends, the
cogrt appoints a young lawyer to de
fend tier. This choice falls upon Ray
mond. He is anxious to win bis first
case because the young girl -he is en
gaged to marry and his father are to be
present to hear him make hie first plea
. Jury. ; Because of hla dlatln
gulshed position, Floriot is given a seat
beside the' Judge. Raymond tries in
vain to get f some i admission from
Jacqueline upon which to base a de
fense. ' She refuses to answer his ques.
tlons,. merely gaging at him In eUenca,
Nor: is Hhe arnniiitsl finm i.i
until. In. the midst of the denunciatory
speech of the prosecuting attorney, she
learns that it is : her own son who li
about to defend her. ; - . - $ ,.,'
This big courtroom -scene, which em
ploys 0 people is the sensational eni.
ro3q.Of tba,.play ., QMHiiym-hQw
ine auaience is held in tense suspense.
while the Son . Js , pleading for his
mother's life, and the Judge and Jury
are-4ist.en.tnw to the evidence; :;.v
Mr, Kavage offers 'Madame X" here
in identically the Same manner, even to
ri s;- d . ' k It. ,
' , rjiAPAra&X".
.. AT'
the smallest detail, In which it was wit
nested by more than 250,000 persons
durlna; Its notable run at the New
Amsterdam theatre In New York City
and with a east of eonRpiunous excel
lence, beaded by Miss Adeline Dunlap
as the mysterious heroine, whQ.'ls re
deemed through her mother love;
Howard Gould, a warm Portland fa
vorite, as Floriot; Robert Ob as Ray
mond, the son; and Including such com,
potent actors as Vincent Stenyrod, Bd
wiit Frosberg, Alexander Gaden, 'Ads
lalde Flta' Allen, Jane Carleton, Helene ,
Luttrell, Stuart Beebe, James Cooper,
U T. Loring, Richard Melllsh, Wads-
worth Harris and a number of others.
Seats are now selling at theatre for the
entire engagement
The Time, the l'lace and the Gfrl.
Quite the best thing that Indefatiga
ble trio, Hough, Adams and Howard,
have done U the musical, play, "The
Time, the Place and the Girt.'.' which
will be offered at the Bungalow for tne
first time here at popular prices all
week, opening with today's matinee.
This play must be placed in a class by
itself, a story with music, fairly bub
bling and sparkling with witty lines, a
clever plot and ' many popu lar s' and
catchy airs. .".. . '"-:-.. . -
The scene is laid h a sanitarium in
Virginia, where Johnny feioks and hia
pal,- Tom Cunnlngrham, are forced to
flee, having gotten into trouble the
night before in a Boston gambling
house, where Cunningham, while in an
argument, struck one ef the Inmates on
the head with a wine bottle. The po
lice are getting after them. They man
age to reach the sanitarium ahead of
the police, and before the officers can
rrfake any arrest the sanitarium is
placed under quarantine for smallpox.
Tom Cunningham, a rich man s son,
wants to marry Margaret Simpson.
"The Girl" of the title, a farmer's
daughter, who is also at the sanitarium
with her father and brothers and others.
Alter the smallpox quarantine la ; de
clared, the servants of the hotel and
sanitarium desert and the guests are
forced to look after their own wants.
Cunningham being chosen dictator of
the place, assigns a certain task to each
of the guests. The fun grows fast and
furious when Johnny Hicks, the slangy
young gambler, is made head cook and
Margaret Simpson, who has quarreled
With Cunningham and rejected hie suit
is ordered to jo scniDDing. sine re
fuses and her meals are summarily cut
off. The guests go on a strike and re
fuse to work. . Cunningham breaks the
strike by. Jerking off hi coat and offer
ing to meet them one at a time. Hicks
falls in love with Molly Kelly, the head
nurse.'.:-;': :.r'.-,:v '.:' 'i-'-cx s w..j;r
' Among some of the others In qruaran
tine are Mrs. Talcott and her spoiled
son. and an Italian organ grinder.
Throughout the entertainment the mas
ter hand of Ked yWeyburn, the - stage
director, can plainly' be seen, " the ; ar
ranging pf choruses t and the . grouping
of stage pictures, ''.'', '4
The "Dixie" number. Is a real surprise
and is the ereatlon of Arthur Evans
Altogether, "The Time, the Place and
the Girl" Is one, of the best, snappiest
and wittiest 'productions that will ; be
seen here this season. Matinees Thurs
day and Saturday, ' -. -
Th Barrier," DSaker Stock Company
Xittle .more interest has been shown
In any theatrical offering in this elty
the present Season then in the forth
coming production by the Baker Stock
oompany of - the famous Rex Beach
story. ''The Barrier,", which' opna at
the Baker this afternoon for the week,
The book has recently been'' read by
thousands of book lovers, and "generally
accepted as one of the moHt fascinating
tales of the north eve' created.
-Mansgee-Bekeehas weeured-thw mo
rights to produce the play In the north
went, and has already presented it with
his companies in Seattle and Spokane
with record breaking success. The peo
ple of these WeHtefn cities, . being In
such close touch with f he Alaskan
TKt ).
country during the early gold rushes,
are naturally greatly Interested In "The
Barrier," the scenes of which are ail
in that wonderful land b comparative
ly close to us, and yet seemingly so far
away, ; The central character in the
play is John Gale, keeper of the general
store, who :-15 years before had fled
from California to escape an unjust ac
cusation of murder, taking with him
the child Necla and calling her his own
daughter.'; He is now married to an In
dian woman and there ere - other chil
dren. The man whose wife he was ac
cused of murdering, and who la Necla's
real father, tracks him, Many intense
scenes follow. Captain .Burrell, in
charge of government troops, falls Jn
love with NeciaT Who. supposing she is
of mixed blood, realises the barrier be
tween them. Another Important char
acter is that of the French Canadian,
Poleon Doret. who la a diamond Jn the
rough, and whose simple love for Kecia
proves her greatest protection against
her own and her supposed father's ene-'
mles, 'J;. ,'' i:' :("'' ; A
The slay ends happily, Just as the
SUM rises after its long ;Sleep ln thl
land of mystery and romance and the
audience, which has been fascinated
thrilled th.nMOhm.l ,V. ,hn,M9 t
an(LJneldents,Jeaveilhe theatre, with
feeling of content and satisfaction
seldom experienced from the usual run
of the late plays. . Matinees will be
given Wednesday, the popular bargain
matinee day, and Saturday.
Edwin" Arden at the Orpheum.
Edwin Arden will top the new bill,
whloh opens at the Orpheum Jor one
week, beginning with a matinee tomor
row afternoon. Mr.: Arden will present
a delightful romantic playlet called
"Captain Velvet," the scene of which is
laid la lower California, near the Mexi
can border, arid- tells -the story of later
aay ranch ure in tna.t section of tne
country. Mr. Arden is one of America's
foremost stars, and has in his support a
most capable caste, which 'includes Miss
OHve Templeton.
A Night In a Monkey Music Hall,"
which ' is presented . by ; Miss Maud
Roches, Is a most remarkable exhibition
of animal training of these simian won
ders, who present a- very interesting act
They give an entire program from be
ginning to end. which even Includes the
orchestra, card boys, and other acces
sories' Of the first class stage perform-
ancfc-''.'"",,rr-',""-"''w:;?"'-r.''r :- r :::'a:t
. Alexander and Scott, who last season
were one of the important features of
Cohan A Harris Honey Boy minstrels,
are back in vaudeville with an entirely
new offering called "From Virginia."
They are both clever comedians,,! and
their Impersonations of the negro char
acter are clever and effective. '
i Joe Jackson, . styled "The European
Vagabond," comes- dlrett from Berlin
with a unique and attractive bicycle per
formance, which Is skillfully executed
and extremely humorous. Single hand
ed he performs one of the most remark
able cycling acts ever Seen.
"A Chance for Three is the title of a
little romantic sketch, which Is pre
sented by' Cliff Dean & Co. It is a
burglap story with a fund of originality
In it, -Mr. Dean js a well knowrf char-
Hilda Hawthorne will present an up
to date ventriloquille act, in which - she
introduces some new, and original feat
ures, i Besides being an expert ventrilo.
qulst,. the comedy side -of her" number
Is' a feature. . V ' ,
The Milch Sisters are talented plani-ists,-violinists
and vocal soloists, who
are former features with the Chevaliers
In Emanuel's Symphony .orchestra, and
the famous ;:Thomas orchestra In Chi
cago. Their numbers are all well
chosen, and brilliantly executed. . "
( The current week's bill Will elose
with a mtlne thl9efternor4,an4.Jpe.
rormanca tonignV' . - .-,
Sharpshootlng at the Grand. '
,!s.:'I-t Is to be a Clap A vaudeville which
lh'a- Grand offers for the coming week,
starting with the Monday matinee. It
. . ' - ' 1 ' . -
ill 11 . , J . rx
Arizona Jack
is a bill which has met with approval
over the Sullivan Considine circuit and
is composed, of acts of recognised stand
ard. The leading feature will be Cheva
lier de Loris, late colonel of a regiment
of sharpshooters in the French army.
Compared with the chevalier as a
marksman, Buffalo" Bill, Captain Bo
gardus -and Dr.- Carver are outclassed.
The chevalier offers a sensationally
thrilling act in which he disrobes his
assistant by shooting the buttons off
her clothes and shoes. Even the hair
pins are shot away. Such marksman
ship as this haa never been attempted
by any other roan in vaudeville. ( It Is a
daring, thrilling act and ope, of ' the
greatest of drawing cards. -'.;;; -..."" -:
..... Three young women comprise the Ten
nis Trio, a dainty Juggling specialty
which has met with favor -wherever
presented,; The act is not an ordinary
tennis Juggling number, ... - ,
For fun that is acrobatic, the Three
National Comlques ,. arer distinctive.
Everything they undertake is original
and funny. They work like Ah ree whirl
winds and Inject genuine humor into
their 'feats. . - '
George Yeoman is well known to pa
trons on the Sullivan & 'Considine "cir
cuit He has made several tours with
his German dialect and his violin, Yeo
mun- hns -the- hsppyfactilty-et ptessing
his audience the moment he steps on
the stage and folding the Interest to
the end of the act.
Gil Brown and-Lfl Mills are experts In
knowing how to sing and dance i In a
fashion to suit theatregoer."!. The team
. . -
at the Lyric, "i.
haa a supply of new material which ts
handled In a diverting manner , to the
best advantage. . . '
Musical laugh makers are Fred Eck-
hoff and Anna Gordon. , They are ac
complished musicians, are comedians
and have a fine appearance. A new
film .will be displayed by the '.Grandi
scope, v,' v.?" ' ""'.'.-'', . v
Sunday's performance will close the
present b'Ut which contains such hits
as Romaln, the violinist; Happy Jack
Garner, the minstrel; tne Rials, sensa
tional acrobats, and many singers, come
dians and a labor; union tabloid drama
on new. Ifnes. ''; . , .. . . :. . .
'.' -A;- "O,. :;; ;;,,
-..' X -:' '"", ', ' - ' ' '"
. Unique Acts at Fantagcs. "
'i Unique is "An Affair inClubdora,"
presented by the Morton-Jewel Troupe
and topliried on th bill Which opens a
week's engagement at Pantages, com
mencing with' the matinee tomorrow at
J:30, . -iv;., .;:'.,,-
- Never before have such Wonderful
club Jugglers been presented in Port
land vaudeville as the present attraction
offers. Astounding with -tneir dexter
ity and. lightning work in club Juggling,
Pantages is especially fortunate in se
curing thev Morton-Jewels for a brief
cpast engagement Four Thuge ' Indian
clubs conceal the troupe as thejeurtain
ascends. ""Then "' the Jugslcrs "appear
and while singing toss Indian clubs to
each other in myriad formations. Baton
swinging comprises another part of
the act ::::-.-':'.- -.: vv. '
Another attraction worthy of topllne
honors la the Zaretky Troupe of seven
Russian 'dancers, direct from the Im
perial Gardens of St Petersburg, where
they created a : tremendous , sensation
with their - remarkable , dancing. The
star of the, troupe is the youngest Cos
sack' darfcer in the i world, and his work
has aroused the comment of critics of.'
the continent and. wnerlca. ' The act ts
handsomely mounted and the costumes
are. extraordinarily, gorgeous.
A" glimpse of life behind the scenee
is given by the Ilawley-Olcott companr,
supporting Joseph W, Standish, in the
calcium comedy "Monday s Afternoon. '
The plot revolves about an actor vhi
tires of the stage. On. Monday, after
noon he gives his notice, planning to
abandon the footlights forever and re-
turn o his motherless daughter.' Be
fore he makes his first appearance, he ,
receives a wire that his , daughter Is
(flying. On the verge of a; breakowni
he plays his role -"for the show must
go on." In the closing act, the strain
becomes too great and the -curtain 1
wrung down as he faints.) Later it is
discovered that the message was not
correct A dainty" love story runs T
through the playlet and when the news
comes that his child is well, he la given
the desired "answer by the'actresa with
whom he is in love. '
. Among "America's premier - colored
comedians are Henderson and Thomas,
and they are excellent ; purveyors of
mirth. Their witticisms are all new
and their singing and dancing is a rev-,
elation. -. ' -J
Young and old, will appreciate Thtes
sen's Tets, four 'clever fox terriers who
succeed tn accomplishing numerous re
markable feats, as delineators of canine
Intelligence. "- ' . :
The Kiltie Duo Is composed of two
entertaining Scotchmen -who Bing and
dance. They also, entertain on musical
-Instruments. ' '
This week's bill, which includes- Mile,
Mereereau, Shepp's Dog, Pony and Mon :
ky Circus, the- Hawaiian Serenaders,
and other stellar attractions, will be
seen for the last time tomorrow after
noon and. evening. :.
Feature Extraordinary at Lyric
Commencing with tomorrow mattnee.
give two shows for the price of one. For
the coming week Keating and Flood, the
popular managers of this cosy play
house, have secured as an extra added
attraction Arlaona Jack, the greatest
and best bronco busting aet before the
footlights. 1 This act lathe biggest of its
kind, having five daredevil riders and
four vicious houses. The act has a"wfell
developed plot showing scenes in the
early days around a cattle ranch and the .
hamting of a horsethief. ' This last scene '
Is the most realistic of anything ever
produced before on the stage. The riders
are all cowboys of wide experience and
their riding of these ferocious steeds is
6ertainlya hair raising feat. To allay
all fears of the patrons of the Lyrla
jthe . management will have spread In
front of the stage an immense -rope net,
thereby protecting the audience from
sjry ' harm,' 1 ' s k
Tna Lyric Musical Comedy company,
whloh has become so popular since Its
Opening two weeks &go w411 present an-
other of Dillon and; King's ludicrous
comedies entitled "The Kew Guards." As
playwrights these two. clever comedians
have a bright future before them and
if they continue to deliver the goods as
they haye lri the past two weeks, the
Portland public can certainly be proud
of them. Maudo Rockwell, the prima
donna who has made such a decided hit,
..111 V a . 4-Via m-i f nrriln r A M1 -
IS Lli. . UBS U1. U1B Va IUa BL. CBM MM' "- Si S3 !!-.
dar another of her pleasing specialties.
The chorus will have an entire routine
of new numbers and the musio will be
new and up-to-date. There will be many
specialties and in all the performance at
(Continued on Page Five.)