THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING; DECEMBER 4, -1010. is fcJ J fib-spoii ID Pfl Q mPT IP ilUUilUUIlii iiilu Vi:;Ling Nurso Association Ex plains Disposition of Money, Contributed Last .Year. 1 lARflttSMMfr . Attractive design nsed In stamp campaign. ' ', "What was done with the proceeds of last year's Bale of Red Crosa seals Is a question frequently aked In connection with this year's campaign for sales to order that $10,000 may be . secured , to carry on the work. The Question Is answered In a bulletin Issued yesterday by the Visiting Nurse association and it outlines not only the way in which money was received and spent, but dem onstrates how comprehensive and Im portant the work has become. : The bnl letin reads: . How the money was spent: Gross receipts from - eate uf stumps and postal ' 110.08449 expenses 01 cam paign t 'k.m Percentage of Amor- , lean lied Cross So - rinty ,,,,, 1.S35.0S Portland Opwtt Mt Sanitarium 4,195.40 Milk for hoBie ! tients ...,,......." 40U9 - . Eggs for how ',& tients Z44-S5 Fruit, : meat, grO ceriea, etc. tJMT Bods, bedding, tents and porch awn ings, etc ......... 105.15 Drugs and supplies 114.75 Printing and printed matter 160.20 Ambulance service. . 40.70 Paper napkins and rags ............ Railroad fare for - three patients.... Special nurses Recular nurses .... Emergencies, car tickets, rruiv,ex pressage, etc..... J4.7? 97.60 109.70 997.60 40.00 $9,423.97 Balance on hand.. 660.9 $10,084.89 Why Money "Was Spent Entire expense of maintenance of tu berculosis division of free dispensary at 286 Burnslde street 1 Salary of one nurse; who gives her whole time to tubercular work among poor, patients In their homes. From January 1 to November J, 1877 visits were made by the tubercular nurse and the regular nurses on the staff. Extra nurses provided for. very sack patients. Special milk provided for patients, 4505 quarts. : Eggs provided for patients, 744 dosen. Number of patients care for at the Open Air Sanitarium tat periods of time ranging from five days to 15 months, , Highest number of patients carried at Open Air Sanitarium at any one .time. 13. Average number at onetime, &, ' Cost per patient at Saaitartunv $18 per week."": .,.-. The : association provMes bedding, food, medical attendance, tents any equipment that may be necessary : for the comfort and cure of the patient for the prevention of the spread of the disease In ,the city, and for educating the public. '- " . ''. . The needs of Portland's penniless con sumptives have Increased to such an ex tent that the Visiting Nurse association has resolved to employ next year an other nurse for work among them, If the proceeds of this season's campaign are sufficient to meet the expense. The campaign to sell 1,000,009 Red Cross seals in order that the $10,000 necessary for carrying on the work may be obtained begins In real earnest to morrow. " . . , -How Toroea Distributed. ' Campaign forces have been distributed as follows: . Llpman, Wolfe '& Co., Mrs. Winiam II acM aster" In charge. Tull & Glbbs, Mrs. George McBrlde In charge, assisted by Miss Lucille Dunn and Miss Irene Flynn In the morning,, snd Mis Cornelia Cook and Miss Tully Cook In the afternoon. - ,:; ' ' : v ; Olds, Wortman ft King- store; 'Miss Mai Hlmch in charge, assisted by Miss Sophie Beck and Mtes Helen Coblentx In the morning and Mrs. Harry Coleman and Miss Henrietta Laser In the after noon. . ,,: ........ . . ., , ; Meier ft Frank store, Mrs. David Hon eyman in charge, assisted In the morn ing by Miss Leslie Weldler and Doro thy Holbrook, and In the afternoon by Mrs. G. W. Catena and Mrs. .George Marshall. " " -. ; ' ; .- J. K. Gill store and Woodard, Clarke & Co., Mrs. F. D. Chamberlain In charge. !0EP0!Iffl: WILL B E ALTERED Work on Improvements Will Probably Begin Soon After January 1. An extensive program of Improve ments to b6 made to the Hotel Portland has been outlined by the hotel manage ment arid It Is expected that at the meeting of . the directors of the hotel company to be held December 15 the action of the management will be for mally ratified and arrangements made to proceed with a part ef the work. So far as developed the plans contemplate altering the east half of the Morrison street front Into four or five small store rooms, Instead of the two large rooms now occupied, as a drug; store and a barber shop. It is understood that the Nau pharmacy Is to take the corner room of toe Selling bul Icing at Seventh ana Alder..-,'. :'..:..;.,; tip definite decision has been made by the owners of the hotel as to the pro jected enlargement of the building, but It Is regarded as practically settled that the enlargement will take the form of a 12 or 14 story addition occupying 60 by 60 feet m the Sixth street court This is the only feasible method of enlarging the big hostelry that the architects have been able to work out, and It seem a to be either that or the destruction of the entire building and the erection in Its place of a modern full block building with an Interior court " mm m fflffllllllL City Loses Large Meeting Be cause Cannot Accom- modate Delegates. Alleged Forger Taken to Salem. ; (Speetal IHsMtch to The )iru).l ' Salem, Or., Dec. 3. Moody A, Rogers, wanted In this city for obtaining mon ey under false pretenses and who was apprehended in Portland this morning, was brought to Salem by Deputy Sheriff WUholm Each of this county this even ing and lodged la the county Jail here. Rogers is charged with havmg passed a check for $10 to J. A. Cooper, a local merchant last September, when be had no funds In the bank to cover the amount of the draft B. P. Charlton, lady to charge to be announced. - ' ; ' - Fostoffice, Mrs. E. J. Labtoe tn chaTjFe. Red Cross seals will be on sale Mon day morning at all the , schools In the city. In charge of Mrs. James Latdlaw and Miss Virginia Wilson. Booths will be opened In the office buildings In charge of Mrs. R J. Marsh, An active canvass will be made In the wholesale district by Mrs. E. R Col well and W. B. Ayer. . rr .. vvj'.-...: : v:t,, 'i The Federation of Women's clubs win have charge of stiles' of Red Cross seals in towns throughout the state, and in some of the office buildings on the west side, . , 1 The American Electric Railway asso rtutimi hna lust written the convention bureau of the Portland Commercial club expressing regret that the lac oi a proper convention ball makes It lmpcs ti tnr Portland to Invite the' asso ciation for Its next meeting to be held In this et$y. 1LC. ponecner, tne socrwr tary of the association, wrote some time Kinna. : k-inp' what accommodations could be offered the association In toe way of hotel accommodations, an ex hibit hall and exhibit space outside the tnr the narkin of cars and other exhioltsv '.- H ; 1 When the requirements were care fully examined It became evident that it wn imnossiblA to entertain the con vention in Portland. R. W.; Raymond, the manager or the twreau. wrote jar. Donecker accordingly, but assured him that the probabilities were that the peo ple f Portland would at no very dis tant, date erect a convention hall or niiitftHKm whnrw man would be pro vided In conjunction ample for the ex hibits which are usually maae m con nection with the annual convention of the American Electrio Railway associa tion.' " . ' " 1 ". . Convention Good "A4." t In speaking of the matter, Mr. Ray mond said: "It seems too bad to have to pass up any conventions that we might Becu're, and yet we are face to face with the problem of securing ample space for tvn at th rnnvaitions that are already booked for this city for next summer. Portland cannot take too speeay acuon in this matter of securing accommoda- uons ror au tne conventions. 1 few days ago I was talking with on of the oldest advertising BlDertS of America, and he said to roe. There is nothing to be compared with' conven tions to advertise your city. By all Tnnana rftt thntn. and as manv Of them as you possibly can. In my estimation your worn in teat airecnon is iar more important than the securing of factories for th city, for if you can, only bring the men of the east to see what Port land has to offer they win come them selves of their own volition, with their Piano Prize Checks Will Be Redeemed at Par eelers anrsxo , hottsb has ab BAKGEO TO ACCEPT 140 riABO . CHECKS, SAME AS CASK. See Announcement Section 1, Page 11, of ; xoe journal imporoux noooa. 3 Jjm ILAlJ -in NG Have Made the Wise Dental Co. the Largest Institution of Its Kind bn the Pacific Coast o You Know We ppive you the best in every line of dental work that it is'pos-, sible to procure, . at moderate prices ? ' ; That is the reason for our phenomenal growth. Our, work -is placed to stay and that is why we are able to give you a 15 year guarantee. ; Our. specialists are aided in their work by every modern appliance to insure per fection, and all under the per sonal supervision of Dr. V. A. Wise, Oregon's best known dent ist . DR. W. A. WISE, 23 Years a Leader in Modern Painless Dentistry in Portland. Oner Mat We. Cleanliness. ' ? Fourteen chairs. Fourteen Expert Specialists. v No vexations delays. . Best ventilated offices in city. . ., Unequalled skill in every department' Gentle treatment .by. experts in., painless work.. k Thorough sterilization of all instruments. , All work guaranteed for IS years. Every modern appliance to produce perfect work. , . . The best possible results at the least pos- v sible expense. ' ' r 4 Our Prices Reasonable AU oar work is guaranteed IS years, and being a corporation in sures our guarantee. It means exactly as stated. Best work ob ' tainable at very modest prices. . Good Rubber Plate,J each -. fS.OO The Best Red Rubber Plates, each ?7.50 22-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crown . .... .. .......... ......$5.00 22-Karat Bridge Teeth, guaranteed, each $4.00 ., Gold or Enamel Fillings, each ... $1.00 Silver Fillings, each $ .50 Painless Extracting ...... ..MM.MM...$ .50 . With Somnofonn ...................... $1.00 We are able to quote these prices, as our terms are cash and we have no bad debts.. .. , PIAHlS, awris The Very Best and Latest in Dentistry, With Flex ible Suction. " No more falling plates -no sneezing plates down-rno more coughing or laughing then down. ' , . . . - - A BRIDGE THAT CAN ' BE REPAIRED Without removing from the month. .The teeth on our bridges are made of solid gold or porcelain interchangeable facing, cemented in grooves, and can be changed at will in case of breakage or chawrin conditions. This is bnt one of the . many reasons contributing to the recognized su prrmacy of our crown and bridge work. ' " 0(M WE AIM TO SAVE TEETH No work is allowed to leave this office unless it is perfect in every respect; 'When desired Dr. W; A. Wise will inspect the work. Our fifteen years guarantee goes ' with all work. Non-residents should remember that our" force is so organised that we can do their "entire Crown, Bridge anil Plate Work' in a day if necessary. THE WISE DENTALCOMPANY FAILING' BUILDING. INCORPORATED. I "DRTWrATWlSETPRESIDENT AND MANAGER. ..XII JRD AND-WASIIINGTON,. Office Hours, A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundayf 9 to U All Work Guaranteed. Phone A and M. 2029. capital and with tlielr. Industries, and the city Is bound to grow.' " Would Attract JSelcgutes.' ' Matthew McCurrie, the senretary of the State Humane association of Cal ifornia, has Just written the bureau on behalf of Mr. Partridge, the president of the American Humane association, to say that the convention to be held In the city of San Francisco next Sep tember or October will bring a large number of delegates from the east,' and that the Indications seem to. be that the eastern delegates will assemble In Chicago and come out from there in prlrate cars. " Continuing, he says: I am sure they would be pleased to stop over in Portland, should they choose the northern route. I would sug gest that you write President Etillrean, 287 State street, Albany,1 N. Y who will have charge of the convention. Vfe feel euro that they will have a good impression of the people of the and we would be pleasod to have the Commercial club of Portland-give them the first handshake of western hospital ity and we will do everything we can to have the Itinerary include the city of Portland." Manager Raymond says that every effort will be made to secure the rout ing of all these private cars as far. as possible through, Portland. Ile is se curing the most cordial cooperation of all the officers and executives of the American Humane association in this work, and has already received assur ances from President Stillman -of his hearty cooperation in this matter. , Two Tickets at Kalama. (Special Pisnatcb to The JcurnaLl Kalama, Wash., Dee. 3. At a cno. cus of the Independent rarty, newly or ganized In this city, J. K. Stone was nominated for mayor, John Taylor and J. S. Cloninger for councllmen for two years. Mr. Stone Is at present prose cuting attorney of CowliU county, his term expiring January 1. This will make two tickets in the field to choose from' at the general election, December 6 the Nonpartisan and the Indepen dent ' Journal Want Ads bring results. Our- Christmas " ' Of e er i DON'T YOU WANT A PIANO? Well, Here's How to Get One Read On . ; We have in stock somf3 very fine slightly used instruments. All will begnonein a few days, - Standard Pianos of recognized merit , ' : 1 . v KRANICH & BACH Rosewood case ..C2C3 . . (Iri fine condition.) ' , ' ' , VELLINGTOfN T,!aho-any case ;.,$1C3 'I ' ' (Good for ten years.) - . ' " SCHUBERT Walnut case - -....205 (A great bargain.) ' , . ' HALLET & DAyiS Mahogany case $275 ' , (Easily worth the money.) - R.,S; HOWARD Mahoany case .1.1.C240 ' ' . . (Practically new see it) s - BAUCmtANN T.Iaho-ariy case ,..$175 (German make a good buy;) . ' GOETZRIANN Mahogany case ....C2C3 ' BREWSTERr Oak case ....C215 (Sightly damaged in shipping.).. JESSE FRENCH Walnut case ...,.....$2S3 (This piano worth $475:) SOIUBERX Art styfe mahosany ..i...$3G7 . (This certainly is a snap.) KNABE World's best piano, walnut . ; . ..... f . (The greatest bargain of all.) ' - KNAfeE A baby grand mahogany . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . V1 ' 0 (Good as new worth. $lp5o.) . ' STARCK Mahogany case . ... .; (Guaranteed 25 years.) - ' , , ORGANS..:... ........ ; ELECTRICS-Oosing out (These instruments worth $900.) ; , r ; We also have New Pianos, fully guaranteed for. . . . . . . . $175 UP . . Also 83-note Players .$425 ;' EASY TERMS r .:. . Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. ' "From Maker to Flaya" . V , ' , SIXTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS . HOUSE OF BARGAINS . . STORE OPEN EVENINGS , .;$3S3 . ' I . .$625 . , - y 'j, .-.$325 " f j ... .$25 ., . ..$500 " f 7i V mm UJilr".;:.: life The Gar You've Been Waiting For The M un&bout Fully. Equipped At Portland Let Us Demonstrate The f Yzz2 of This" Little Car Auto Department 1st and Taylor Sts. Pnclflo Gast 2177 Homo A17I7