The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1910, Page 34, Image 34

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Lightweight Champion
Have Almost Anything
- If He'll Fight.
iVnltrd Pre IsnxrA Wlre.ti
Chicago, Dec. 3. Willing. to concede
"almost anything to get a crack at Wol
gast, Owen Moran, the little English
scrapper who put Battler Nelson out of
business, passed through Chicago today
for the east, where jie will . taste . the
first, fruits of hla .victory by going on
the vaudeville stage and gathering some
easy money. ,. ;
i Moran was accompanied by his man
ager, .Charley Harvey. , has no
kick' coming on "Wolgast'S " demand of
J1J.50Q for his share of the purse. '
"He can , have all he can get," said
Harvey, ."provided there is enoukh left
over to make a fair guarantee for Mo
ran. We are willing to make a match
tn any reasonable terms, but would pre
fer the purse cut 75 per cent to the
winner j and 25 per cent to the loser.
And we "would get the big end. Moran
will beat Wolgast sure, and then he
will be the only Englishman who tver
was the, world's lightweight champion.:
Owen Tells of Victory.
Before' his departure for New York
Moran, with a little urging, told of his
victory over Nelson, In his native Eng-
"My word," he said, !'I 'ad the bleeder
going early In the gaime, I could 'ave
knocked j'tm out in the seventh round
if I 'ad wanted to.. But at that 'e was
a' bloody 'ard man to pat out.. ' :
"In that lawst round I finally topped
,1m and down 'e went But 'e got up
. asaln. Then ' f hit Mm again and 'e
VlLU VU 1119. vuk v B v. v My
again. . , " , ,
"You bleeder I says, 1 don't want
- to kill you; stay down,. won't you.7. And
I. floored 'lm again.
"But 'e (Wouldn't stay down. . , The
lawst time I put Mm down I didn't 'ave
to hit 'im at alL . I Just pushed 'im
Corkscrew . Kid Threatens to
- . Write Book and Is Now '
'' ; Missing.' ;
Wy Ralph Thompson. ,v
(PnbUnben' Prws Lmti Wlr.
New York, . Deo. 8. Kid McCoy, as 1
, stated - few ( weeki back, , has been
threatening to write a book, which is
about the only line of goods he has not
' Uukled, He has been away from his
haunts for .Several days and this has
tended, t strengthen, the report. . ,
friends have sought him Id theatre
and. restaurant, , art gallery, .libraries
and museum, but searched la vain. Men
who knew the former fighter well were
asked "Have; you seen SelbytT or "Do
you know where. he Isr
; . Nothing' came of that particular ru
mor, 'and the expedition had no hope
until there came a tale of encounter in
hotel. f But again they werei doomed
to, disappointment, ; The man proved to
be a champagne booster, . , .':? " ; : '
The friends of the missing pugilist
then hiked to the training camp f Wil
'lie Iiewts. fc "Where is Selbyr -asked
the spokesman. . The pride of Paris
shook his head with the same; blank
look shown by, the other friends of tlie
absent one. - - .. .
,' r Thtjr Wa'4Ul Wrons;.'
'. After much speculation the prevailing
opinion was that Selby must have pur
chased a farm and turned hla back on
.New..York.Li-:;--- u- ; f2X.'X.2Z I
. ' 1-lghters, protaotera.1 restaurant men
-. and others intimate with the fugitive,
- one after another denied knowledge of
hjs .whereabouts. .- t -, " t -'
As a last resort the relief party west
to the restaurant named for the man
for whom they sought. The head waitei
was. induced-to liataikv'vV: X; V
"Where, la Bel by T" came the question.
, Like the, others, he stared ivacantly.
"And how should I kxowt Who ia her
came the sharp reply. Tha aearohera
stared at him and then exclaimed In
unison, "Don't you know Kid MoCoyr
j The waiter looked them - over and,
concluding ' they were frlenda, , old:
' He told me he intended to write a book
and was going to Canada to get local
color, The scenea are to be laid la Moo
trcal and 51gby." ' '
" (Br the lDtrnOaaal Maws Berrtoat
At Jacksonville: , ! . ,...
Five and a half furlonga Shawnee
won, Rudas Sister second, Bylvestria
. thlrd.. Time, 1:011.
: Seven furlongs Dr. Duenrder won,
Detent' second, - Hash third. Time,
: l:2TS-5.
Mile and sixteenth Reybourn won,
Tom , Hayward second, Sartdrlan third.
. Ttme 1:48 8-5. ' '
Five furlongs Barleythorpa won,
v iRyestraw , second . Ella , Bryson third.
Time. 1:00 3-6.
t Five and a half furlongsEyewhlte
won, Tolson d'Or second. Unci Jimmle
Orav third. Time, 1:07 3-S
. - Mile , and three-aixteenths Aylmer
. won, : Arondack ,. second) ., Elfall , third.
Time, 2:00 2-5. . ,
Juares summaries: ' .
iSlx furlongs He Knows won. Beech
mont second, Cuban Boy third. Time,
1:14 8-5. . .
BIx furlongs Bob Lynch won. Marian
Casey second, Clint Tucker third.' Time,
1:14. , ' .
Five and half furlongs Creston won,
Hidden Hand second, Tom ; McOrath
third. Time. 1:08.
Seven furlongs Angelas won, Jack
Atkia second, Royal Captive third. Time,
l:27. j,i ,
yive f urlOBR Traae wrm.-- John
Griffin , It second. Suffragist " third.
Time, 1 :00. - - 1 ".,''...'
i'-'Mlle and sixteenth Bonton .''won,
JToyle seconds Barney Oldfteld third.
Time, 1:47 2-5. ' : . . ' ;
See Pages 6, 7 and
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Some of
,Toys! Toys! Toys! ; Big toys and lit
tle toys, ; Dear toyt and cheap toya
Everybody sees 'em in their dreams. To
the little boy and the girls nowadays
toys are - the . foreground, ' the back
ground and the perspective of every
pleasing vision of the night To the
older boys and the older girls, those
who have to make the selection and
foot the bills, toys are the foreground,
the background and the perspective of
not so pleasant dreama i -
But far' be it , from anyone to sug
gest even for a fleeting . minute, that
It is the cost that makes the dreams
unpleasant Toys are more potent of
unpleasant dreams, , before Christmas,
than turkey and cranberry sauce and
mince pie after Thanksgiving.- You do
not see why? Then you have never
been a large . body surrounded on all
sidea by a sea of youngsters all clam
oring for ' Santa Claus .'to bring them
every conceivable kind of toy, from the
monkey that dances on a string and the
doll that says "papa to the horse with
real-hair. Then you have never gone
through Toy land in' the, big stores and
hare never come away dated, daazled
and bewildered -by the vast multitude
of playthinga offered for your selec
tion. -";;'. .-.'V -.V: ;'.-' -.'. I
It is not the cost as was" said b&i
fore, . that makes the dreams unpleas
ant It is the, brain, fag -that throws
up its hands and says: "I'll be sig-swU
sled If I know -what to get the young
ster out of all that bunch that will
please him tha most" , ': .,
v.r Industry Badistaa Ttx.
But' did you ever go over to sea the
fairy place of Toylandt Do you know
anything about toys? Do yon know
how they are made, or where, or when,
or why? No. Of course you haven't
and don't f Thare are very few people
who do know about toys, and they, are
getting big salaries, and taking trips
to Enrope, and buying toys and selling
them to you. And they are as scarce as
hen's : teeth, these toymen, and they
are very funny fellows to meet and
Portland ; Boy.: Drops ,Man In
Second Round of First
s , f Fight. , "'
(Br the International New Service.)
Ban Francisco, Dec J. Guy Lea, the
Portland lightweight was the real sen
sation of last night's boxing show at
Dreamland pavilion, although Battling
Nelson shared the applause of the even
ing with the newcomer from the north.
Tommy Tracey, the old. time fighter,
sent Lee down to San Francisco to Dave
Powers with the request inat he get hlra
a match1 with soma good, local lightweight-
The Webfooter .did not make
much fusa Barring a fine recommenda
tion on the part of Tracey and tha exhib
iting of a gold medal which had bean
presented to him for winning the ama
teur championship of the northwest. Leo
wasn't boosted by anyone with' th x
coptlon of Willie Ritchie, who happened
to see him in' training at the carbarn
gymnasium. '
(Tony Silva was selected as his oppo
nent From the moment Lee started to
shoot his nifty left hand into the Ital
lan'a face until ha dropped him with a
dandy right uppercut in the second
round, his clean cut style of milling
wow hlnvthe-plaudits of the'"crowtL '
Shortly after, tha first round opened
Silva managed to hook the Oregonian
on the Jaw with one of his terrific hay-?
makers, and down went Lee. This didn't
fe'azo Mm in the least After taking the
8 in Section 4for Other Sportinfi News
the many wonders shown in Toylaad'
vary Interesting .
You say you have been on a visit to
loyianar weu, men wiuu aia you w
tice as you went through the fairy
places ' in tha vblg Btores of the city?
Did you see any difference In the dolls
this year T Did you see any difference
in "the bobby horses that gallop"? Did
you , seo any ; difference In the - little
dishes that are to teach your little girl
how to be domestlo and . "play keep,
house"? v;:-;. --'i -- - 1
: Did you notice that' the automobiles
have, real rubber tires that come Off?
Did you notice that the locomotives run
by : electric power and that they have
electric headlights? Did you notice that
the battleships have propellers , that
turn, that tho airships will fly, that
the toy stores have real groceries on
their real, shelves and dl you notice
a thousand other things that you never
dreamed of -when." you ' were a . boy or
when you were' a girl? Of course yon
dldnt, so you had better take another
trip and "bona up on toys. 1 What's
.the use of being a 'member of the Fa
thers' club if you can't explain all those
things to little John on. little Jack, or
lltUe Bob or lltUe Dick? ; Get tho habit
.'.;i'.''l)ona :Wita. Tpvm "Bands.. . .
Just to show you what you do not
know, go over and take i a look at thj
dollf "! Did you ever' hear of a doll With
four haads? No? Well, they make them
that way now. Four different heada
Count em."r'Ther is a blond head and
a brunetta head, "character faces." they
call them. Then there la one of the
old kind with the big eyes' and there
la a boy's bead, so that when the lit
tle girl gets tired of having a little
girl doll sha can Just change the head
and it will be a boy. Did you ever
think what a convenience that would
be? . Well, tha toymaker did. '
But that ia not the biggest change id
the doll family. , You ramamber, you
old fellows, when you were young not
so many, years . ago .either -and yo
saw a girl . with great big oyea and
long lashes and red cheeks and a rose
count of seven, Lee arose and by clever
defensive tactics regained , bis senses
sufficiently well to resume hi, jabbing
with good effect before tha bell sound
ed. The next round. hadn't progressed
very. far before he shot a pippin of a
right uppercut to tha proper spot, car
peting Silva for tha requisite 10 seconds,
Tha spectators gave tha visitor a great
reception aa ha left the ring, - -v
B the !ntnMem! Hews gmlw.l
San Francisco, Doc. 8. Emeryville re
Futurity course Father Stafford won,
David Warfteld second, Bitter Sir third.
Time, 1:11H- , , . '
Five and half furlongs Thistle Belle
won, , On - Parole second, Dargln third.
Time, 1:07 S-S. , . '
Seven furlonga Enfield won. Copper
town second, Jim, Gaf fney third. - Tuna,
1:37 8,-6, m-u v-wi...c::'
Mile- Roy Junior won,' Bervieence oec
ond. Black Mate third. Time, 1:40 1-5.
Mile and 20 yards Rosevale won. Sir
Edward second, , Colonel Jacft ' third.
Time, 1:S. v. , " ,
Futurity course Abe Slupskey won,
David Boland second, Glennadeana third.
Time, 1:11 8-5. - .
v .,:; ...1 -.. ,,si t t '
: (By the Internlonil Ninrn Brvle. '
Sydney, N. S. W., Dec. 8. Fifteen
thousand sports that Jammed the arena
at Rushcutters bay saw Cyclone Johnny
Thompson defeat Hughey'McLagen, an
Australian lightweight in tha ? fifth
round of ,what ,wssuto, bare, been -a. 20
round battle, McLagen was outcla&sed
from the start and his seconds threw
a towel Into tha ring during the fifth
round to prevent the American from
punishing thelr man any mora, The men
fought-at catch weights. ;.
this year,
Ibud mouth and flnffy curls and a plo-
hure hat :!Tou alwaya said One of two
things. ' Ton always said that girl was
euner "a little peach" or "a little dolt'
But they are not making dolls that
way this year. ,! They look like real ba
bies this year.; over m Munich a year
or so ago a motherly German lady who
has made her living for- a long time
by niaking dolls, came to-.the conclu
sion, that dolls ought to look like real
human beings, ? Her name was Marion
Kanllts and she made soma Dresden
dolls, molding them and painting them
by hand, and Bha called them "life-like
dona" These dolls were built in pro
portion.1 Tha head, the neck, the eyes,
the mouth, the hands and feet and arms
and legs are all modeled after the symme
trical proportions of tha normal human
form. And tha coloring is. natural, so
that the doll looks as near like a little
baby as it Is possible for the manufac
tured article to resemble the . natural
Product '4 - i '.sv.':i( :l A'..'.,:. ;'.
r ' - x Others roUow Xad. ,:
Following t Mrs." Kanlitz's lead,, other
manufacturers have begun to make dolls
look .natural and this year for the first
time j the rDressed Character babies"
have appeared to make glad the- little
hearts of the little mothers of the land.
And then there are the horses. -Always
before these delights of childhood
if they had any coat other than a coat
of. paint boasted of plush hair. This
year they have real horse naif from
tip of nose to tip of tail. .
. But you can't talk about toys unless
you write a book. There are the Teddv
Bear muffs, and the electric merry-go-
rounds, and tha battle ships that go, and
the Zeppelin airships that fly and the
railroad trains that run - with, electric
power, and. the steam engines that whis
tle and run and the automobiles with
real tires 'and real steering gears and
all such things and tha toy stores with
real groceries and tha RadiopUeon that
reproduces picture postals on a screen
Just like a magic lantern and there are
a vnuuaana , ana one otner wonderful
things. There are toya that sell for 1
cent and toys that climb In price up to
tha big show piece that ' deolcta the
birth Of Christ, giving & panorama of
the wise men and their flocks as they
climb the hills to see the new born Sa
vior, In tha lowly manger which nleca
can be purchased for the small sum of
878. - ' , ,
If you want to know much about to vs.
you will have to go to Toyland and in
terview Santa Claus while he Is visit
ing at some of the big stores, for he
Is the only man that knows all about
the subject
Hy New Pipe Doubles,
Smolung Pleasure
I want every ripe smoker to1 trvvtnv
wonderful new A-nti-2Ticotine ptp and
have at last tha full, real pleasure of a
perfect smoke. It absorbs the nicotine,
alwaya tastes sweet and looks and col
ors Just like a Blgh priced meerschaum,
uatPBt expensive ciaw Dowl design, if
it doea not prove a revelation to you If
tho .nt:w wonder pipe doesn't beat any
pipe you ever had no matter what you
paid, i win reruna your money without
argument Isn't this a fair, sauare of
fer? This Is the Dine thev let vou smoke
at home. Introductory price, 404 each;
3 for gl.OO, 1 sent prepaid anywhere.
Bawara of liaitatianj. The genuine has
'-aaengea siampea on tne rerruie.
Cfi The fteaaiirw
S nnowi.ina
WtwaWS, 629 Ma Ma.
end im (out .(thrwi) of yew
nu.awitm, nu .
UvmI thnt if I mm n4 ulJ.Ail
uini w Haor pi JIM.
Towa Btt
-x- - ' -n (
i Piano Prizp Checks
Will Be Redeemed at Par
Sea - A nnonnoement Section V rags
a d
of Tha JournAlr-toyoi -ant Notice.
CDAttT M1?W6
By Richard Dahlgren.
London, Dec .3. English stiortinir f-
falrs are much mixed up. There are
rumors about : crooked raolnir. Enir.
land's most noted Jockey clubs are In
terested and the most, noted Jockey has
been uj on' charges. The great foot
ball combinations are at war and play
ers are ngnting In , the courts. And
there you are. . , ; -
Lord Derby. Lord Vllliers and Catv
tain Greer Steward Of the Jockey club
recently held an inquiry into the com
plaint ! of Honorable G. Lambton ri
pecting the riding of F. Wootten on
Tovaros colt inthe Blankney mate at
i4inootn. - .'' iv . ,.;-: ', i - s
It was late in the day when the evU
ence was before them, and at 5 o'clockt,
there being still many witnesses to be
questioned,- the ; stewards announced
that the Inquiry would be adjoined.
. Tasta of Our Baseball. 'CCii
It Is regretUhle ' that the Football
'association contenances i' practice's .ut
terly repugnant to the great majority of
sportsmen. Professional baseball and
football is . a commercial- business in
which players are bought and sold like
cattle. , It is. trua that last spring the
FY A.' abolished air financial restrictions
on -tha English and Southern leagues.
Mominaiiy, this meant the abolition of
the former wage limit by which.. chili
was forbidden to pay a player over 14
a , week, but. only -nominally so;' The
leagues met and came to an agreement;
the net effect of which is that the wage
limit still endures..." The professional
footballer's- earnings are restricted,
which ia a: condition ef slavery, f ;
It is true' the player gets a share In
hla price (transfer-fee), but in effect
he is bought and sold.' He cannot leave
pis Club without consent but they can
sell htm: without consulting his wishes.
in tne cup ties the club. which has
choice of ground frequently sells its
i is ui w i ib opponenia
At first this sort of thing was con
fined to casea of a minor elub opposed
to a great one, the result being a fore-
gone conclusion. Last year, however,
First league club sold 1U right! of
ground to ahother club. : Both were so
evenly matched that the advantage of
playing at home meant everything. It
was a clear case of buying a match.
These are professional players who
are genuine sportsmen, and play clean.
out tney are. in the minority. ,
Would Reconcile Bodies.
A definite step has now been taken
towards bringing abont a reconciliation
of the differences at present existing
oetweea. tne. two growing bodies govern.
ing the football team. v Nowhere, per-
naps, nas tne enect of the now famous
boycott been felt more, severely than
Piano Buyers Notice! Important! 1
" Before inventory,'. on- January? .j we hzvt decided 'tofclose, out-all of our
4? 4oo pianos and all. of .our $375 pianos. ; - ' - ;
' ; The factories for 19H will make decided changes in styles of these instru
. ' ' ments. These pianos are supplied in fine mahogany cases, elegant burl walnut
. . cases and fancy quarter-sawed oak cases. ;
These instruments have never been sold for less than $375 and $400, re
'. , spectively. In order to close out each and every one of them, nearly two car
. 'loads remaining on hand,-we will make a special pre-inventory discount of 35
: on the $375 styles, and $40 on the $400 styles.
This is a bona fide reduction and means a positive saving "of the amount
- stated: . ( v. ', . : ,
' Those not prepared to buy for all cash may take advantage of our liberal
f, credit plan;: 30 months' time given to complete purchase of any piano desired.
. - ; ;. We sell the far-famed Kranich & Bach and also the elegant Chickering Bros.
-V- pianortogether with numerous other first-class and'renowned makes. . ,
This Musical Headquarters of the Northwest Jobbers for Edison Phonographs
; and Records. All Makes of Talking Machines.
' ; ; : p.' S.VioIins, Guitars," Mandolins in short, all sorts of musical instru
ments make the most desirable Christmas gifts. . See our special Christmas
' display. It is worth coming miles to see.". ,' , :
Serve KAOLA Wliltc Cake to Your Guests
' "' Here Is tlie Recipe -Try It : ' s
, , Cream out: or ' melt. H cup of KAOLA.' Cre&i vith $ cups of
sugar. Add l cups of milk, 2 cups of sifted 'flour two heaping t
' teapspoons of baking powder pinch of salt. . Sift into batter. ' Beat ,,
wnites oi tnree
- FILLING: Take yolks of 3 eggs 3 teaspoons of milk. Stir .stiff
; ; with sifted powdered sugar. . Flavor. If chocolate is desired melt
. Vt squares of Baker s Chocolate and add to tilling
Adds 100 Per Cent to the Goodness of Things
' : ' Fof "shortening
' v a r t - a t -
.ftauiin..ui',jiiw;tj.: oi uuiier, laru oj a.ny
"cooking oil or
, ing' always up
aengnt you. -
Your dealer sells
m AM.Mf?!) Fl
In the- Isle of Thanoy, and the mem-1
ber of parliament for the latter; con
stituency, Norman Craig, has taken
upon himself the duty of trying to ef
fect a settlement on conditions accept
able to both organizations. As a thor
ough, sportsman in the best sense of the
word and a gentleman of Influence oc
cupying a neutral position, he is emi
nently qualified ; to have taken the
initiative. ;.' ; .-.' . ;
Havlngi,,ln view the object mentioned,
and after consultation with local lead
ers . of the game under both ' associa
tions, Mr. Craig called a meeting of
delegates representing all Thanet clubs
.and leagues. .. v':. ' i:P-
: The following resolution was adopted
unanimously: ; r. ty .-U.
"That this meetln of representatives
of cluba'and leagues "playing under the
V. A. and the A. F. A. in the Isle of
Thanet unanimously resolves, that it be
recommended to the headquarters of the
F. A. and the A. F.'A. that aroconcilla
tlon between the two. associations, with
a view to the- removal of the boycott
should the possible on -some such lines
laid,, down; one proposition agreed to
and that was thls:i That tha boycott
to be withdrawn and 5 members of the
A. F. A.' have tho'benefit "of the or
ganization .of the V,. .A."... . i J ,,
'. j. Tstf,BsOM.TM;.v''
Edinburgh university Is ia tha fortn
pate position. Of resuming - with last
year's football team practically intact
and last year the varsity were the sec
ond best .lot In Scotland, their solitary
defeat being administered, by tha Wat-
sonlana , - u
The vacancy caused by the-departure
to. India of last year s . captain, , J. R.
Isat, is filVd by O. V. Bogle. . Bogle
lacks soma of Izat's scoring powers, but
in conjunction with that clever and
enterprising half, J. R. McGregor, will
make a very serviceable division.
Edinburgh retains - its cosmopolitan
charscter,. and, if j tha captain, J.' M.
Mackenale, is a Scot the secretary, A.
S. Taylor, is an Irishman. 'It la proba
bly due to Mr, Taylor's nationality that
the old fixture with Dublin university
has been ; revived, ; tha Irish students
being dua at Edinburgh this month
while their Belfast brethren make the
Journey hi February. The match with
Oxford this season takes piaca at Edin
burgh December 15, and that with Cam
bridge at Cambridge on IS or em Dor is.
i roUco Ara Called Zn.
In the course of ' the IPwUhaU-Bar-
mouth Junior cup-tie at Pwllheli a most
disgraceful soene occurred after a pen
alty bad been awarded Barmouth. Sev
eral spectators and players indulged in
a free fight and tha police were called
In. Tha referee otierad one of tha play
3.asLi. " in if.
eggs, roia in. Aaa i
baking frying-cooking
"T ft . rn-nr1' .tt tr rr
fat. Results in rnakingVour
to top notch. Will surprise
, - , .
KAOLA-Also recommends
ers a proposition to leave the fieUl, '
this caused further riot ; A clmi;- t
ensued as to the advlpablllty ot continu
ing the game, and the visiting t-1
threatened to quit the field, but aft r
consultation they resumed play.'
season there was a complaint to t-1
North Wales Coast sssoclaUon as to t' e
treatment tha Llandudno r team receive i
at PwllhelL , : .v. . ;
James Macauley, the great Irish in
ternational forward, has had a son
what unique experience, inasmuch an i t
three successive weeks he has playod
in Irish, Scottish and English lcagun
football. A fortnight ago he assistM
Glasgow: Rangers against Third Lanark,
a week later ha returned to his old
club, Cllftonville, and having signed oi
f or -Huddersf leid Town, j no maao ci
debut with tha English leaguera at
Wolverhampton . on ,i Saturday, c lie
played' for tha Irish league against the
English league In October and today he
captains the Irish league ' " ' ;., -
Tha Sooth London ctnren league nas
a footoau. team . composea nuj ,
deaf- and dumb, players. In a , recent
match the referee, also amictea in tnia
way, controlled the gama admirably
' A commission or uie association nas
reduced tha Una imposed by the West
Riding association on Bradford City for
playing a weak team against Bradford
Park in tha flrat round of the West
Yorkshire cup, from 71 to i5. The
City and West Riding association were
ordered to dexray u coai oi ma ay
peal. -.vy; (:;? .:'p-', . I: '-'. -,
Go Into Winter Qtutrtcw.
Captain K. B. ; Casaattfs siring of
raeera In charge of Trainer X a Healy,
have been sent to Barwla, Pa, whera
they will go Into winter quarters, cap- :
ttn Cassatt has made an ' addition to ;
Ms stable by the purchase of Mlramar
from Charles Hugbea.
Ooache Wesleyan Agida.
Larry Voorhes,: tha Now York boy
who Instructed tha Wesleyan football
team this year, made such a good im
pression that he will ba retained for
next season, " Ha la tha first Gotham
high school boy to reach the dignity
of bomg coach for a college team.
, Establish BreexEng Bureaxt
. . Tb Maryland Jockey club and the
Maryland United Hunts ; have eatab
li&hed a breeding bureau. They have
foor. stalliona in servica now-Indian
hunter and King Sol among them. They
expect more horses next year and place
them advantageously througnout the
state. . ."'?',;'.. ','-:,
I "f , ill
I I1 , 1 , -.
teaspoon oi navor.
cook -
and i