The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1910, Page 33, Image 33

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m io river
Po!ta!!och and Speranza Arrive
to Take on Lumber and El
lerbek Will' Take .Aboard
' Wheat Cargo. .
Three- windjammers. . made their . ap
pearance off the month of the river yes
terday and were towed Into Astoria be
tween i o'clock: end 2:30 o'clock in the
afternoon. , They vera the British ship
roitalloch, Italian ship Spefansa, and
the Gorman, baric Kllerbck, In addition
to which the'British steamer , Strathr
flllan also crossed the bar. ,7 .';'- !t ; .
The Speransa; 1J1 tons net register.
Captain Laddanza, arrived In the river
at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after a
jassage of SO days from Guaymaa. Sht
Is under charter to J. J. Moore & Co,
md it Is reported that she will load a
cargo of lumber for South Africa.
Another vessel, which will load lum
ber for South Africa, under charter to
J. J. Moore & Co is the British ship
Poltalloch, 2 139 tons Bet register. Cap
tain Armstrong, ; which arrived at As
toria at 2:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon
In tow of the tug Hercules from San
"Francisco She will proceed to St Hel
en s, where she will take on her cargo.
on ner trip to uiib puri vu t-uimi-loch
was libeled and sold under the
hammer by the United States marshal.
She was bought by American interests,
but was reregistered under the British
f lag. ! x V',,; v v "7. v 7-i .';7-,-::--:
The German bark EUerbek, 1512 tons
net, Captain Bewsdorff, arrived 1 8:30
o'clock from Guaymaa, making the pos
tage from the west coast In 25 days. She
Is under charter to Balfour, Guthrie &
Co., and was listed for Puget sound,
but It is thought possible that her or
ders were changed before she left the
Mexican port and that she will, load
wheat here. . . ' ,' '..'''' ' :; ,
The British ship Strathflllau, under
charter to the Portland & Asiatic Steam'
shtp company for a voyage to the ori
oht,' arrived In the river at 4:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon from San Francisco,
end will be due to arrive up here today.
Steamer Inland Empire Arrives TVltb
Large" Amount . of Freight. A
'Pp"liil t"iwM Tbe "frni-flnl.V
Spokane, Wash:. Doc. 3.. Steamboat
nf rvlee between Portland and , Lw1s
ton, Idaho, v?ill be resumed Sunday for
the season,' upon the arrival Of the
steamer Inland Empire of the Open
River Transportation company's- fleet
nt Lewlston. The Jboat is 'carrying
heavy cargo- for the Initial ' trip and
Uie company I assured of liberal pat
ronage from eirain shippers and from
merchants of Lewlston and towns trfbti.
rv thereto, who realize a savin rn
freight charres .that can be effected
thereby. A reduction in railroad freight
rates of 15 per cent has resulted dur.
5nr the last three years, through com
petition offered by steamers of the
Open River , Transportation company
plying between Lewlston and Portland
from six to nine months out of $ the
year, while reduction offered by the
steamer . company amounts to- 15 ' per
rent This amounts to several hundred
thousand dollars-yearly.
Tillamook Ask Inspector Ellicott for
, More Aids in Channel. : '
Several weeks of inspection work re
In sight for Commander J. M. Ellicott.
lighthouse Inspector for this district, be
fore and after the holidays, ; during
which time' he will Inspect and report
on lx dolphin ( lights wanted by the
people of Tillamook. He says that he
xpect to Inspect North Head and Dis
appointment lights between now and De
cember 15( and between that time and
Christmas he will go to Tillamook. Six
dolphin lights In the channel between
Tillamook and the bar and two range
lights on the bar are desired. And he
pays that he will probably recommend
Ihe . Distinctive
1 . r - , , i ' v . ,
Of .' ' - " ?
T r urn "" '" ' " 1 fi
A-MifirMMMMiMMIMI , tJJiMLjlllii . . . m --
mMiA f :7-f:' -'K 7 -S'1;; 1 i'.-77:7 7 ' i
r V X 'i . ' ..!'..
I - " !i t ' MS. N ' t ' - : -a
j,' i A -J (in
ATI if
The North Pacific Steamship Com
pany's steamer Roanoke, a bill for the
repairs of which Is in dispute between
the underwriter and the Willamette
Iron Steel Works. The latter pre
sented their bill recently for repairs on
a large proportion of them, but he wants
to look over the ground personally be
fore doing so, to see If the whole num
ber, are necessary. ' After the holidays
he will start for Coos Bay, making an
Inspection of the. lights along that part
of the Oregon coast : V
The British ship Glenholm .was shift
ed yesterday afternoon from Martin's
dock to Montgomery dock No. 2, where
she will continue loading wheai. .7;
In tow of the steamer Ocklahama, the
French bark Vlncenses will leave down
this morning for the sea with a cargo
of wheat desttnM for the United King
dom.' ; . ' , --'r, .i --i.t.'
The schooner Annie Campbell was
towed to Westport yesterday, by the
steamer Ocklahama, where she will load
lumber for Australia,
The rate on the British ship Biyths
wood from Portland to Cork for orders
for the United Kingdom, was 87a 6L
Carrying passengers and freight, the
steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgenn,
will be, due tov arrive this ' afternoon
from Coos Bay. -
The British ship Scottish Moors will
shift from the North Bank dock to the
Star Sand, company's dock at f o'clock
this afternoon, after which the French
bark Mlchelet will be moved from the
stream to the south end of the North
Bank dock. . , . ,
Reports received yesterday afternoon
by Captain A. B. Graham were to the
effect that the liver had begun to rise
near Sydney, where the Pomona went
aground, at about 3 o'clock In the af
ternoon, and he says that If It con
tinues to get higher the steamer will
be afloat today.
Astoria, Dee. t, Left up at 7 a, m.
Steamer Boseeramn Arrived down dur
ing the night Barge Annie Johnson.
Arrived at t:20 and left up at 10:40
a. m. Steamer Shasta, from San Fran
oisco. Arrived down at 9:30 a. nk
British ship Wat T, Lewis, . Left up
at 10 a. m. Schooner Annie M. Camp
bell, i Sailed at 10 a, nu Steamer W. S.
PorterrToTSanTrahclsco. Arrived at
1 p. m. -Italian ship Speransa, from
Guaymaa Arrived at 3:15 p. m. Brit
ish ship Poltalloch In tow of tug Her
cules, from San Francisco. Arrived at
1:30 pi'm-German bark EUerbek, from
Masatlaa,; Arrived at 4:30 J. m. Brit
r " , '.ft'
J I it.,
A . . A-i V . - .
, . i , ' s . ',','.- " - -
, 1 t ,. - ' '
Wmning Flavour
.-Vt .. i - ..-- ,. j -r. ; - r - - t-'- y i - ' - ' "
M A m i .
sure to ; be remembered.
C is one t10se specially good things : " '
l 10 cai inai mosi every Doay iiKes. JV ,
- Served direct from the package with
, cream and. sugar. Post Toasties are a
convenience that Busy housekeepers ap
preciate. . s ' ;
Don't be caught without a package in
the pantry., ' ; ' . ' y v
. ." ." . .. ' . '." '! 'lv .'.. ' ' '"r ".. ... d . ' . " 1 -i'':t . - : ' V 1 : .. f I J ". . ''J.
'-;.'.V'i;, '7. 'i7. :7 7;. ' -7'. 7 -' -','.v',?,., 7 7 1' 7". ' v'5 .': -
"The Memory lingers'-
, .'. Battle Creek, Mich.
t-"l-HT'r flflT 'T" "I "'iiiimn " ' 'i Mi 'n i n ' in mil i .i i ii in i r mi "'linn i .aluminum towiwii iinHmnMiiir .
, North Pacific Steamer Roanoke.
the steamer necessitated by the vessel
striking her stern "on the bank of the
river last summer on ' her way down,
bound for San Francisco. Extensive re
pairs were made on her rudder and the
bill, amounting to Over $4000,. which In
ish steamer Strathflllan, from San Fral-
cisco. '. ,. ;.77;.V;7";.'7''ji4,i v7':'7 ,t;',-:'V
Tides at Astoria Sunday: High water,
1:00 a, ml, 6.6 feet; 1:50 p. m S.4 feet
Low water, 3 ;08 a. m, 4.4 feet; 3:58 p,
ro 0.8 .feet ... . . . " ,
- Monday: High water, 1:43 a. nL, 8.6
f eej 13:34 p. m., .8.5 fet Low water,
6:52 a. ro.,'4.2 feet; 7:37 p. m. 0.4 feet.
zwgular Xlnert Due to ArrlTe.
Golden Gate, Tillamook v.... Dec. 4
Breakwater, Cooa Bay ... .....Dea : 4
Rose City, San 'rincIsco......,.Dec, 4
Heaver, San Pedro . , . . . , , t .Dec. 9
Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook ..i... Dec. JO
Roanoke, San Podro. ,.:..;.;.;. Dec. 11
Bear, San Pedro ....... .....i..Dec 14
Beguiar Unan Doe to Depart '
Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook. ,i. ; , : .Dec
Breakwater, Cooe Bay. ... , , i . , .Dec. I
George W. Elder, San Pedro ....Dec 7
oe City, San Pedro ........Dec, I
Beaver, San Pedro. ............ .Dec 13
Roanoke, San Pedro Dec 14
Bear, San . Pedro. , ........ M . .Dec 18
" Tesseli is port. ;
t.u JNicnoias Am, sen. ..Astoria
...jfort ury clocks
Mlchelet Fr. bk.
.North Bank
Inveravon, JBr.j si).,..j..,,,. Coal Bunkers
" -oMiuBujij. jxia. ma. , ...,.. , .Kainier
v.ornaoo. Am. ora. . . . .... , .Oceanic
BJornsOerne Bjomsen. Nor. ss. . . .7.
11 ' i'L' ,: r. Montgomery J
Hasel Dollar. Bi. as,,. port, tmbr. Co.
luf F bk' '' ' f " .-.Mersey
Scottish Moor, Br. ..Star Sand Co
KygJa,- Nor. ss. . .. ..... ......Elevator
audio jonnson, ; Am. Pk .... ..Astoria
Sme5aL?r- hk. .......... -.N. P. Lbr. Co.
Goldbek. Ger. bk..... p.m
Lyman D. Foster. Am. ech. . . .Westrwrt
Cannebiere. Fr. bk. . .North Bank
Glenholm, Br. bk ......Montgomery 2
vineennea, Fr: bk , ... . Elevator
oernn.. Am. sen. ... . . ;Gob?e
Jabes. Howes, Am. erh. .......Astoria
m- T. Lewis, Am. ah, ...... . .Astoria
St Francis, Am. sh. ....... ..Astoria
daverdon, Br. sh.,,;....,.4.Prescott
virgmiai Am. sch. , . , . ;. .Rainier
j niera, jjt. en. ,,(,-M Elevators
Shoshone, Am. ss. ....Ocgon Drydock
s Stoat With Cement and General.
Amiral Cornulier, Fr. bk....., Antwerp
Bayard.- Fr. bk, , . . . . . ..... . . .Glasgow
Claus, Ger. sh ............... . Hamburg
David d' Anglers, Frblt .jHamburg
lyinrnunai ub vaiuiea, j!T. ua....,.iyne
Michelet, Fr. bk.... ,,;... ...Limerick
VVilhelmine. Ger. sh. ...... ....Antwerp
. Kuctuaneoua Tonsatre to arrive.
-T, .A m: ech.;i, ,',',-, . Honolulu
H. K. Hall. Am. ich . . . . San . Francisco
Luzon, Am. sch, . . ..... ...... 1 . Redondo
Lahalna. Am. ss San : Francisco
cluded -the time that she was on the
Oregon drydock, was claimed by the un
derwriters to be too high. The matter
may be settled when .the steamer ar
rives in port again a week from today,
from San Francisco,'
Washtenaw, Ami ss...... San Francisco
En Bout With. CoaL
Col. de VllleboU Mareuil.
; Fr. bk. .... . .Newcastle.; K. S. tT.
, '; . Wireless From Porter. 7
S. S.' W.' & Porter at Sea, Ten Miles
From " Columbia River. (Via North
Head) Noon, Dee, .. Strong south
east wind; 20 miles per hour and heavy
sea. y Sky - overcast - Temperature :- -5 1
degrees, barometer 2140 inches. --7
..', 7 HOLMES.
The annum memorial service or
"Lodge , of ". Sorrow" of the Portland
lodge of Elks will be held at the HeiUg
theatre thla afternoon. At 1 o'clock the
doors of the theatre will be opened and
ai i o ciock tne services will begin.
The general public . is Invited to . be
present ' The program Is as follows:
Overture "Sanctus" 1 ;i . . .Gounod
Rosebrooks Hellig Theatre Orchestra
" Bro. D. C. Rosebrook, Conductor.
Quartet "Hold - Thou My Hand..
''...'... i . . . , i i b . Gounol
Mm. Clyde B. Aitcheson, soprano) Mrs.
; Ernest Laidlaw, contralto; W.: R
Boyer, tenor; Bro, M. L. Bowman, baag
Opening Ritualistic Exercises..,.,,
Portland Lodge No. 142, B. P. O. E,'
Roll Call of "Our Absent Brothers" , ,
'. Secretary of Lodge.
Quartet "Art Thou - Weary T". .Holden
Solo "Show Me Thy Way, O Lord"
. Torrentte
Mrs. Clyde B. Aitcheson. .
Address .............. Bro. A. E. Clark
Portland Lodge No. 142.
Violin Solo "Melodies". ...... 7 Gluck
Mis Cornelia Barker.
Eulogy . . . . . . . . Bra 3. P. Kavanangh
" Portland Lodge No, 142.
Solo "Oh Loving Father"... .Del Rlego
Bro.- M. L. Bowman.
Closing Ritualistic Exercises..;..,
By the Lodge, -v
Quartet "Now the Day Is Over". .Tours
Benediction . . . . . . Bra. Ed W. Mueller
Chaplain Lodge No. 142.
; The memorial committee having
charge of - tbe - exercises is composed
of the following: David' W. Hasen, C
C. Bradley, J. H. Diets, T. B. McDevltt
Sr, Paul R. Spath.
' The local Western TJnlon.' office has
received a long telegram from "head
quarters at' San Francisco containing
!, Instructions to put into effect at once
a new ocean mail service effecelve at
Seattle and Vancouver, Bt C The spe
cial ocean mall service is designed to
save time Jn foreign correspondence. , A
letter from San Francisco to London i
requires as 'much time crossing the)
continent as It does crossing the ocean.
' A New York merchant writing to
x oiconama ' must - post nis letter prac-
tlcally a week before the' mail steamer i
leaves the . continent The Western ,
Union has arranged for the use of Its;
night letter and other telegraphic ser-
vice in connection with outgoing ocean
mails so that this week of transcon
tinental time may be saved.'. Its New.
York : off lee will receive, telegrams.' from ;
any part of the. country' destined to
European, address V and will .forward
them in a sealed, specially addressed
envolope by the first outgoing Atlantic -Steamship
mall. , . 7- - 7
The same 'plan will be followed in
San Francisco, Soattle and Vancouver,
8. C, for Transpacific malU. : Thl "
will enable correspondence - to be dls- .
paicnea nom any part, or tne united .
omien ior , tn. wow man wiinin a lew i
hours of sailing, time, ; The only change
In addition to usual telegraph tolls tot
the ocean mall port will be 5 cents for i
postage. ! The telegrams will, of course", '
bear the full mail address of the for
eign correspondent for whom they are
intended and marked "care ocean mall,
New York, or othe ports, as the case
may.!be..:'-':;,''".5,U''".!i. 1; i':'J- T.i'.-v
The great advantage gained would. In
time, no doubts result in foreign cor
respondents, directing their, correspond
ence to the Western Union to be trans
mit ted - from the port of . entry . of the
malt steamers. , . ,
- (Special IMpteb to Tbe Joornil)
Butte, Mont.,- Dec. S. Following a
recent inspection by federal Officers as
tbe result of which it waa stated that
snort weight : selling by Butte- tner
reaerai uajry commiwoner Levi wells
swooped diwn on Butte and in ; a
statement today says the majority of
classes of butter he has found In Butte
Is unfit, for consumption, and , Under
weight Other butter is water soaked
to give it weight and the milk Is
poor. . -
Encouraging News Received by
Commander 'McNiilty of
Local Organization; Contri
butions to Fund Reach $280
Word has been received bv Com
mander J. M. Ellicott, U. S. X., light
house inspector for this district, from ;
Admiral Cottman, commandant of , the
Puget 'sound navy yard at Breinerton,
that the latter had recommended to the
navy department that the gunboat Con- j
cord be assigned to the Oregon naval
reserve. The communication waa turned !
over i by Commander Ellicott to Com- i
mande; John McNulty, of tho rflervei
Although the f jrecommendatlon hae
been made by the oomnuvndant of the
Puget sound yard, v the navy depart- I
ment has not yet acted on the matter
and it Is not known here whether the!
action will be favorable or not. It Is
estimated that the cost of fitting the
Concord up for the use, of the Oregon
navai reserve would be J14.800. The
gunboat Concord, . together with the
Boston, was ordered up for sale: bythe
government and It was through Lieu
tenant commander. J. P.. Blain . navi
gating officer of the reserve here, that
the fact became known to - Captain
Sheppard , and Commander McNulty
and they Immediately took steps to se
cure the use of one of the boats from
the government instead of having them
'' Kay Investigate Here. ,
Commander Marsh, chief of office of
the" naval militia of the navy depart
ment at Washington, has advised' Com
mander McNulty that Admiral Cottman
would be down here Boon to see per
sonally what. Portland had done toward
assisting the reserve here, and It Is said
that on hla report to. Washington Will
depend the, government's future patron
age of the Oregon naval . militia, as
Uncle Sam in-giving the use of many
hundred thousand dollars' worth '. of
equipment-jexpecta the people jif . the
city and state interested to give a cer
tain amount of support. ; 7
Some equipment belonging to the old
reserve; which has been under the care
of the Oregon national guard .waa
turned over to ' the naval reserve yes
terday. ;It consist of cutlasses, single
sticks and other paraphernalia neces
sary to the training of the, citizen sail
ors. In addition to this, there were
two three inch field pieces, Including
dummy shields. Instruction pieces and
other parts required to toach the set
ting up of the guns, " i
Xember Enthusiastic
The members of tbe reserve are as
enthusiastic as ever , and at the , last
drill In the Armory Wednesday night
the entire band turned out with the di
visions, t ...
The Oregon naval reserve fund" is
growing. Testerday Roscoe Howard, a
business man with offices in the Rail
way Exchange building, and retired
commander of, the V. M. a, called on
Captain George & Shepherd and do
nated 25 to the fund. i - .1.
' "It is a worthy cause," said ' Mr.
s0&h$iftt$l? ?vor, -
i m
t r5i ; -' - :
th v"
If A- '
Mr.Geor8 ( v , , !
5 parrott.1J M -V - A
f Member of the Noble Grand Lodge, Mo. 135. Independent:! 11 u
' rrr - v Qrdcf Odd Fellows. Clencoc Ontario. . C-
4- - - - , - i
, , ,"I have been using Peruna for some time for a cough and catarrh
of the throat with very satisfactory results. - -
-Having neglected the cough, catarrh developed, and my physicians
said I was threatened with catarrh of the stomach. My breath was very
Offensive, and I was troubled with nausea. ' ... ...
"Less than two bottle of Peruna cured me."
Had Dyspepsia 25 Tears.
' Mr., Sidney . Wessels, Merrttton, , Ont,
Canada, writes: . . . ,
"I have been troubled with dyspepsia
and Indigestion for twenty years, dur
ing, which time I tried different doctors,
but did not get the, desired results.
have been compellea for weeks at a
time to give up work," being completely
prostrated. ' I had to confine myself to
a milk diet' as nothing would remain
on my stomach. W 1 . : ".
"I had about given up, thinking "my
case' Incurable, when I heard of Per-
4 un jiTl jAtfciAe , try,, it , . Dne.ihot-
tletnnde a great change, and after using
another bottle of this wonderful medi
Diaz Representatives and Rev
olutionists tor Mold Get
Together Meeting.
(Colted Pr! Leaded Wire.)
Mexico City, Deo. 3. Preparations
for' a i conference : between ? the govern
ment and representatives of the lnsur
rectionists began today with the author
itative announcement that the Diax of
ficials would treat with the revolution
ists. '.'.., v 7 -:r--.' -V7
A.. peace committee comprising . the
governors of the several ' states in. the
Mexican republic will be. selected.- It is
reported that. Bosendo Pineda,., leader
of the government party; Demetrlo So-
di, Demetrio -da la Gar a and Gulller
mo de Landa : y Escandon will be ; the
delegates for the government, - . V '
Rafael Martlnex, a supporter of Gen
eral Reyes, petitioned the president to
day, to. extend clemency to lnsurrectbrs
who surrender. It 1 Uelleved the reb
els are favorable to the peace propos
als and will withhold , active operations
pending the overtures. Sl - , . : V . "
v.-7'v-v- 7"7-;.. i
i El Paso. vTex Dec S.-Amnesty for
all revolutionists,. Including Francisco
Madero, and a new election, with free
suffrage ; guaranteed, were the " terms
laid down by the Mexican revolutionary
leaders as the price of their surrender
and 'the calling off of the Mexican re
bellion, at the peace conference held to
dky at San Isidro. The Mexican gov
ernment waa represented by Judge Jose
Gandara, Llo Gardenaji, Amador , Gon
salesand Joee Gonzales,
. Captain Herrera, rebel chieftain in
charge of the revolutionary movement
about San Isldro, presented the demand
of his, followers.)
;. , 1 ,.;,;"i r ; : : " " "
Howard, . who was a stranger to Cap
tain Shepherd, "and X would like to
give a hand. - . . . ' . s
"How do the subscriptions run, Mr.
Howard asked. , ' . , ' " '
;"Oh, anywhere from $S' to $25," Cap
tain Shepherd replied. '
"WeU,'how would ,t 16 eult your, in
quired the retired commander.
"Very fine," said Captain Shepherd.
1 Mr. Howard sat down and wrote out,
a cneck rqr 25, saying as be handed
it ever: , ,
Should Be Encouraged.
; "I guess that'll be better. The boys
are, welcome to it The naval .reserve
should'be encouraged." . . . '
The Chamber of Commerce sent in its
check for $25 to the fund being col
lected by The Journal. . r 7; v
The fund now stand: . 7 ; '
Received ' by The Journal , !
Previously acknowledged ..... ,1140.00
Chamber of commerce ....... . 25.01)
Total 1165.00
Other subscriptions
Previously reported 90.00
Roscoe Howard ... . .......... 25.00
Received by "The Journal. ....$185.00
- Pickpocket at Fire.
(Special DinpHtul) t Tt J"trn,il.)
. Oregon City, Or. Deo. 3. Pickpockets
got away with a purse belonging to .a
spectator at the, fire last night The
victim saved his watch by holdivg on
to it-, No other losses are reported.
- - - rnn - iri.rLin - ij. - Anr. - ijmrj
cine I had complete freedom from pain,
my appetite ' had returned and I could
again enjoy my meals. '.,;;;..: .i7,:;.-;,7,.-ri-.
"I believe Peruna n - the grandest
madlclrte under the sun. Today I weigh
over 225 pounds. Is it any wonder that
I praise Peruna? i - " .
8ay Te-rn-na Entirely Relieved.
Mr. Kmlle Marols, 1879 Ontario. St,
Montreal, Canada, writes: .
After taking nine bottles of Peruna,
I find that I am cured. I still take It
occaeionaUyjros me Ula the. best .med
icine In the world. I have; recommended
It to a number of persons."
Government Geologist Thinks'
There May Be Discovered
Good Flow There. .
' ' Jiy John U. Lathrop. -Washtheton,
Dec 3. "The chances
arelgood for developing a gas field ia
Malheur county." ,C. W. Washburn, ge
Ologlst of the geological survey, offi
cially, makes the foregoing-. statement
Active prospecting for gas and oil has
bean carried on in Malheur ' county for
about three years. ' . '
Mr. Washburn says in 1009 seven com
panies5 were operating in the field IS
wolls had been drilled, and drilling vtl
In process on ..eight others.1 At one
place In Ontario, . Malheur county, gas
Is obtained ' from a well "In quantity
sufficient to operate 1J Jets for light- '
Ing a house and to supply a coolflnff
range, but no well In tnat , region .ha
yet made a commercial output '.'of. 'gas i
or oif ; '':':." v.7 '--7, :- ''..,', -
The Investigations Mr. Washburn
cover a field Including Vale and Nyssa,
Malheur county, Oregon, and Payette
and 7, Weiser, . Idaho. Mr. Washburn .
sketches the geology, of the field and
gives accounts of the hot . springs and
mud .volcanoes which are. found there.
Umatial Offer Which Ought toaHefp
. Hake Many 'More Musical -
Homes at Christmas Time. . i
If It li to bo a Piano for Christmas
we wIB ue glad te have you select lc
new and make settlement at any ;tijn
4urlng December. ? . j m I
Vie wish to do our share te tallev
pence this proposition. " '
beiect your piano now. we wui set
' . " It aside for you; ,
, , ' utore it ta our su
perb new wholesale
, Uiildlns ; deliver . it
any hour of Ohrist
. mas Eve or OTrtst
mas Day or any
time that you
; order, at wh 1 c h
- time 'final arrange
raents a s to p a y
ment can be made.
concern selling at lowest cash prieea.
One price to each and all alike and
that the lowest Our liberal Credit plan
for the mere additional simple Interest
make ; it .possible for every none b
PfS5? good Plan. durable sweet-"
And A" Irt V in :. tiim v-kMtoA
.v...v7v .ucuuuiuiu iu im m creait 10 US
that is reliable and can be warranted.
: UVU fITl BUT a .' . ,, ' r ..-.' ' j
here for $137. or "
tne ttneet most ex- fr i
elusive and 'mo st . Hk,i
cosUy that is made. - .J7
a - Chlckering Art H--
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find' that at KUcts - 7 1 !
Music House more intrinsic p4m vain
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where.-.-i : ! ' .-- , ,
Ellera Musle Boose also la the enly
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impartiaUysideby side. Prion rangu
i ivt n wuiper, iiiue talker, to
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1 and T.lli. u.. .
sic House, J ''Oregon'
tiome ruao Housej
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fer .is with
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Call today for free X-ray examination.
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money until satisfied
D. Boardnian Griffin,
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' vvl SpeclalUt
For further "informa
tion call at 535, cor
tlon call at 635, cor.
Ii 60th and Brasee
bor 18S1. Tae Kom
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VNr 5 Wtflhlnerton street,;
ig- IM i 7.
7 7" ''lvVjjj
'1vv- I
ftw A-
S. 7
ts-JtK- r
j City Park rt,
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