, THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1310. k i rs;;iiL notices -"T.t: At residence. 443 Ilst-st., . , fc 2. Jacob Krimble, 8Kd i L'it-r of Mrs. J. J. Harold. Mrs. r.v;..n.l, Jacob, Heury, Gertrud. tt.;.- i'aulinn, Clara. Carolina and a Krimble. ail of this city. Deceased a member of assembly No. ljror - United Artisans. Funeral will take i from ihti above residency tomor- ..w (Sunday) Dec. , 4, at :?a& "ji i . oce to St. Patrick's church, 1 9th and ; ,.vmr streets, wlere services will be 1 .id at 2 p. -m. Friends and acquaint- nccs are respectfully invited -to- at 1 nd. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. ALDKIAN In this city, December 2. John Aldrian, aged 25 years, uneml -will uko place from Dunning & McKn tee's parlors. Seventh and Ankeny sts, Monday, December 6, at :45a-Km., thence to St. Joseph's church, 15th and Couch .streets, where services wUl be PelA af JO a. nv , Friends respectfully invited, Interment Riverview ceme- t ry, ". ti.-.n' ! 1- .hi r-itv rr. 3. at , the family residence, S7 Water street Mrs. Amalla SUegler, aged 61 A yea". 8 rtays. Friends InvltwT to attend -funeral services . which will be held at f-t Lawrence church.: Third and Sher man streets, at 9 a, m. tomorrow tMon 3av), December 8. Interment Riverview remetery. OIKB1SCH The funeral services i of th lute Joseph Giebisch will be held at St. Francis church, corner of Twelfth end East, Oak streets, at 1p. m. today, Sunday. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. GRAHAM The funeral services of the late Samuel M. uracam wiu do nu at Flnleys parlors at a p. m. today, Sunday. Friends lnvUod. Interment Ixne Fir cemetery.:--' 1 CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our hearty thanks to our many friends and relatives for their kindness and floral offering dur ing our bereavement of our beloved eon and brother, Benjamin II Hoffman, especially Harmony Lodge 106, L O. O. F, Oregon Circle 171, W. O. W also the employes and employers of Wascher Bros, " , ' v MR. AND MIIS. J. B. HOFFMAN AND FAMILY. . - FUXERiSX DIRECTOKr Dunning & McEntee 'SSSST& rvcry detail. 7th and Pine. Main 410. A-4558. Lady assistant J, P,FINLEY&S0NM,aldr,son.nd Lady attendant Main , A-16. I mm I The! east aids- undertaker. LCnun Lady assistant. B-1888. East "I Si. East eth. ana Alder. 2el!er-Brynes Co.iWWiS,."f: phones; lady assistant, mobi moaern pni Mtth!tn'nt In city. L.DWARD HOLMAN, undertaker, lie 8d st Lady assistant Main 80T.' LAST SIDE funeral directors, succees sor. to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. E. IS. B 8618 ERICS0N Kr ?.d, ! Main US t JlEETDiG KOTICUS 41 WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. Mrs. J. Leach, special organizer Wo men of Woodcraft who has general su pervision over the city and suburbs, will ne found hereafter every Tuesday and Friday at her office In headquarters building, 10th and Taylor sta., 2d floor, tv here she will be glad to give Informa tion concerning .the order to any per ron desiring same. Phone Main 870 or 1 HE Goodfellowsbfp Campaign commit tee, Women of Woodcraft, will give an entertainment' and dance. Tuesday evening, December 6, 1910. at east side woodmen halt 112 East sixtn st. Kn' tertainmnet begins at 8:15 sharp. Dane Ins at 10:16. Admission 25 cents. Portland star homestead no, 40. B. A. Y-. meets every Wednesday evening in western Academy or muhio 1 all. corner Second and Morrison. - vis itors welcome. YETTA HAINES, (09 ; EL Stark. Correspondent 1' CRT LAND Uniform Rank Jo. 1 Ma caores will give meir regular mon in ly dance Thnrsday evening, December ft. In the K. P. hall, 11th and Alder sta. Maple floor. Styles' orchestra. . Friends 11. W. A, ROSE CITY CAMP Monday, Se!,llng-Hlrsch bldg. Washington near jutn. -none i. iric, Mam bz4, a-B6. St N. A.. Oresron Roue camp, - meets Wednesday evenings, AUaky halt Sd and Morrison. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' CERTIFICATES of title made by th Title Trust company. Lwti mag etn ana uK- Katherine A Martin to C A Young, land commencing 80 feet east and 313 1-3 feet north of Intersection of center of East 80th and . Division William N." "Northrop" " et ' ai " to George C. Johnson, lots ; 4 and 7, tract "C" l Northrop Acres j ,..."..;..;..,..... C H. Knable et al to C L. Horn, lot 18, block 3, East Irving ton ; L. Morgan and wife to Real 1,600 1,800 1.800 ty Associates, west SO feet of lots 7 and 8 and east 24 feet of lot 8, except west 2.5 feet of north 27.8 feet of said . " east 24 feet of lot 2, block ' 101, East Portland .... ... . 100,009 fi. w. iteaer to Kertna Mores, lot 1, block 4. Thayer Portland Trust Co to Julia Lee, lots 29 Mid 80, block. 68, W; Portland Park Bame to Daisy B. Reinhart lots 11 and 12, block W, Portland 2.500 108 110 LAWYER'S Abstract A Trust Co., room ( Board of Trade bldg., abstracts a rpecialty. PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading btrgtr 7 Ch, Com., ground floor. UNION Abstract Co., 412-418 Corbett bldg.' Tel. Main 66. I.TCW TODAY 15 Net Income Apartment house, 34 rooms, divided Into 4 and 8 room flats; excellent dis trict for renting flats: this place has 4 furnished f las and Is only 8 months Id. Lot 90x100 feet , $7,500 Cash vrxxs, BAxrou this. i TT. & jrSOKtX&AOfi CO., ' Marshall 2763. 418 Ry. Exchange bide IT'S FOR SALE - East 3d Street 77x100 on the southwest corner of East Ankenv and East Third sts. Will make4 price that will sell it ' . EDVV. P. MALL " 104 Second St y (ZAmber Xlxchanft SXBg .) ALBERTA STREET 873.00 MoarratY best. ' i500 buys newly, built - stores, and r. bnildlnr; fine corner; great bar Not after Thursday next If you vn.ru a bunp pom- ar once. J. D. KK.VNl'JJY. ; 834 I.'nioa Are. ' - i 1 NEW TODAY Depend v Upon It That you can save money by investigating sightly Arden wald before , purchasing , a homesite, as we can certainly give you the best and most for your money. Full sized lots, all improve ments in and paid for by us. Prices $400 ;to $600; easy terms. Call at our office or phone us for particulars. , ' Knapp & Mackey 212-13 Board of Trade Bldg. tiE; 100 Feet on ' Washington V Street TERftl QF YEARS Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth Street - ues illumes auuiuod ' These choice half acre tracts are one third of a mile due north of Bell Station, on the Gresham or Eb tacada carllne. Lie high and sightly and adjoin "Brentwood,", one mile Bouth from Tremont Station; on ML Scott line, one mile southeast of Woodstock. The price at this time Is only $500$25 cash and $10 per month, which is very reasonable. J. W. Ggilbee, Room 11, i4H First Street Portland, Or. NOB HILL This property is located In. the swellest part qt the city, and consists of six 6 rodm apartments. Here Is the income, can yon beat it? 4 reats for $60eacluoE $240. 1 rents for $55 each, or $ 65 1 rents for $50 each, or 50 $345 per month, or S4140 per year. Price $27,500, and $10,000 win han- . are nicely. Inquire Sheffield &R!ely ' 23 RUSSELL BLDG. see: us about our : Quarter Acre Tracts Near Firland Station on the Mt. Scott line. Cheapest and best -Water to each tract Streets graded. Easy terms. KNAPP & MACKEY '"212-213 Board of Trade, r Apartment Site Harrison, Near West Pari? ' 50xl0O-8ome income. $3700 Cash Price $8700. THE SPANTON CO. , J 209 OakjSt '-' ,, Hawthorrie Addition East Couch Street , t Price $3750 Corner' lot 60x100 and room ho suuaiea eouinwcsi corner w.jist an B. Couch sts. Owner i forced v to sell on account of leaving city : Terms. Mall c Von Borstel 104 Second St. (Lumber Exchange BUUr,) Quarter Block . lOOxlOO rEastrSide WALKING DISTANCE $7000 ;j. J. OEDER ) Cor. 'Grand Ave. and East Ankeny APARTMENT HOUSE NEW TOD AX CHOICE INVESTMENTS 1 f ,850 For very hljrh class ' building; four v apartments. 2 6 room apartments, and 2 E room apart ments. You cannot dunlicaU this property for less than 118,- ' '' 000. Title perfect ( $ 7,00053 1-3x100 feet lot 4 flats, I well built only 3 years old; V Bitullthio streets: good renting . .property;- .excellent future; 11 JS5Q0 cash,' long time 6n bal--. anceu This will pay 7 per cent .i net on $10,000. ; , , $ 4,B00-E0xl00 foot lot I blocks pf Jefferson st; west side. If you want to build let ua show you this lot M E. LEE r 411 Corbett Bldg. !- - Q .O L, D ! OLI TT E RING QOUDI Everybody who can get away, is roshinc: to the , "gold fields jost out from Vanconvet." Yes, gold has been found there, inL weow quite chunk of acreage rieht" in the heart of the "find," and We are offering it at a price below its real value. If properly mined, witn plow and har row and cultivator, properly seeded and .harvested, it ; will produce a "crop" of gold each year, for there is no better land in Clarke county. Close in, near the electric line, fine for bomesites and dirt cheap. ' John T. Ford , GRAND THEATRE BLDG. , VANCOUVER, WASH. 720 ACRES within 85 miles of Portland. 2H miles from . railroad In Washing ton county, 4 miles to good town: 660 acres of good plow land, -none better, about 100 acres under .cultivation. . Well .. watered. ly springs and creeks. An Ideal fruit or stock ranch; 2 million feet of good saw timber. Price only , , - - $15 Pr Acre A splendid Investment For further partlculara apply to Kauffmann & Moore 825 Lumber Exchange, Union Avenue Bargain Lot 60x120 worth $8500; practically new 11 room house, cost 86800; 1 rooms good furniture, . worth 2100Q. r All for $8500. Immediate . possession; leaving the city. See the owner on the premises, 699 Union. !60Acres miles west of Willamette river, opposite St Johns. , - opportunity to subdivide and can now be had at $200 per acre. Good residence up to $5000 will be accepted on-this.-- The SHAW-FEAR Co. 102 FOURTH ST. Main 35 A-3500 Best Buy on Union Avenue Corner Union Ave, and Morris St. 1 lSllZvln. . fniir mnm . linno.. leaving vacant corner 60x60, which is now wanted by bank, also department store. 4This property will sell for $25,000 in a short time. - j - , PRICE f 18,500 . GODDARD & WIEDRICK- Temporary Office 504 Concord Bldg, . 43 Claris oi. . BARGAIN Madison Bridge; Price $15,000 we have 100x100 situated on th- southeast corner of E. 3d and Clay sta; an ideal location for - either warehouse or factory Bite. , . , , . Mall & Von Borstel ' 104 Second St. fXomber Sxobang-a Bldg-,) 5th Street - Corner, 60x70, with an V ' $45,000 . J ' n Some income ' , : , GODDARD & WIEDRICK , Temporary Office 504 Concord Bldcr, Stark St. . ' . EAST EVERETT Corner 100xl00 FACTORY" GARAGE . ; WAREHOUSE For terms" and prices, see ;, - THE SPANTON CO. ' 269 Oak St, NEW TODAY validly . .... ... v: .' - - Place ' INSrDB PROPERTY , :. SANDY ROAD .; ' - AND BAST ' TWENTY-FOURTH' BY W. n. aiUNDSTAFT GEO, D. 5 CHALK. AND ''')-, i..vi:1 .' Today' Is the time to buy a lot in Sandy Road Place, In order to reap benefits of Increased values -which are bound to follow. Within 12 months yod will wit ness a . great Industrial transfor mation on Sandy Road. Bandy Road is destined to be a business thoroughfare.'.''::.!-. Tbo elty map will convince you that for distance, location and prices Sandr Road Place is where you t should build your ; home, - You can walk f rpm Sandy Road ' Place to the business center of the city within 16, minutes. Car Service Take Rose City Park car from Second and Washington, and get off at East 24 th, right In front of Sandy Road Place, " " Prices and Terms ' 81300 and upward. Twenty' per cent cash and 10 per cent each three- months with 6 per cent in terest Ten per cent off for cash. The ' above' prices Include Sewer : laid into each lot and cement walks. The streets are to be hard surfaced as soon as possible. 'Just think 60x100 foot lot on Eaet Flanders between 24th and 26th, for 81350 cash. This In cludes sewer, cement walk and ,Bull Run water. , ( , ; . . Call and get a plat of Sandy Road Place. ... , , iif. H. GRINDSTAFF ' " 610 Commercial Block Telephone Main 6009, ' GEO. D. SC1IALK , - 1 . 288 Stark Street ; Telephone Main"' 892. A-2392. Grussi & Zadow Bargain List . CJ1 JAfi5 room cottage, full lot, DitUlStewart Station. Mt Scott car. - , i t ?Q "I fA5 room cottage, Alblnaava DJLvlat Klllingsworth, SS00 cash. ... COOCA5 room cottage, Fremont t!)flOUsL. 81000 cash. ( . QJQQrir.7 room good house, Al iDOU vlber ta car line; $600 cash: snap. fl O NMoa 6 room cottage, Mln- u)aOUU nesota ave.. near Skidmore; 8600 cash, 220 per month. AAM r00m house, corner t)DUU lot,- ith and Torter; snap. OFlne 8 room nouse, it main near 83d; 8600 cash. ' 6Loom cottage, Montana ave.; 8300 cash, 820 month, . Includes furniture. -d tif( New 6 "room bungalow, tDtjOUlRoee City Park, 8260, cash. CtQ CZt f Swe11 8 room bungalow, u)003l South Portland. $1000 cash (H A fff Good '7 room house. Grant iDflUUUst.. near 6th st flfGood 7 room house, full DtaCIU"30. Water. ; near Olbbs, 81000 cash. QL A ff( New S room house, walk- tDTrV Vvf lng distance, west side. Cfsrii,Fln 6 room house, E. 16th uPXatfW st, near Alberta; terms. S4250! 8 room house, 67HxllO lot. on Corbett st A Oil 11 New 7 room house, 4 lots. D0iU Mount Tabor, easy terms. EnnftN6 room house, Weldler DJJJJ st, near 8d; walkings dls- ;?..,, -s tapce; .81600- cash. CCCfiAFUl8 7 room house, E. 28th u)ODUVW near Alder; some terms CC7CnVery swell 7 room bunga DJ DJ low. E. 28th and Morrison. CCnOn Swell7Toom house,:' Cor aPUUUlbett st, walking distance. GJCCriAYery swell 7 room home, lOOaJUl cor. E. Taylor, near 30th. CPC nZt fl 0ne of th "nest homes In VJJ f J Indd's Addition, .9 rooms: . 82000 cash; v"ery modorn. Q7nnn Your choice of z new mod aj) UU v cra 9 room houses in Irv ington; terms to suit ' fl7(J AA Mddem 7 room house, 6th iff I OvIlsL, near Grant, west side. 7 Grussi & Zadow - 31? Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak LADD'S ADDITION Spruce Street ' Price $2350 of Spruce st, between Birch and Chest- . rpi.i. in. l. , . . IlUt HUB. : IUI LIUIl($a , V B nOn- resldent who Is anxiou to sell It. If you ate looking for a bargain in a' lot located In a restricted district, this ought to suit you. Terms. . ; Mall & Von Borstel 104 Seoond St. (Lumber Bzehangs Bldg,) X" AM" THJT' O WIS 1111 " OT ' TWO BVS DRTTP ACBXS CXBA&ES , " ' ORCHARD LAND ASUi COBTTUOL . TWO EUtTDBED MOBE. WiU put land in against money for planting. About 210,000 required. Room.. 05 Spalding bldg-...,,, iT.rf.m- S270 S3150 NEW TODAY M P Vii 8 acres squaro and level, all in culti vation, ' ; ' i . ., ' .. 20 miles from Portland, by section Una. Fenced hog tight into 7 fields. Fall rrops In ground, feed In barn for whiter, i Vegetables of all kinds for table, fruit included. , ' flood fair hause. ', : Fine barn, new sheep shed, sealed gran ary. . New mllkhouse, fine hog pen, scalding and cooking apparatus. Telephone, dally mail, cream route. Fine neighborhood, I14 miles good town. Fine water, 2 acres orchard, 20 full grown, cherry trees.- Strawberries, blackberries, grapes, rose bushes. Every Implement to run farm, worth at least $500. ' 6 cows. 2 horses, 60 chickens, 9 hogs, 46 aheep. . s. Everything about, place In ship, shape, wood cut and under cover. Personal property is worth at least 81600."' - '" Price of place 28800. Soli cannot be beat, - as crops will prove. Terms. Apply at once to H. E. Chapman, 61T Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' Most Magnificent View of the City and Mountains Ask to see this lot just north of WUlamette Heights. , $450 Easy Terms United Trust Co. 917 BOARD OF TRADE Phones. Man 9416, A-3188 ftace lotra. Fire Insurance Jno. P. Sharkey Agt. , ' 1224 SIXTH STREET ' Agent for , AACHEN & MUNICH, t - i v of Germany - , , . ,r ' . i -i . : GLENS FALLS, of New York HANOVER , . of JNew York SOVEREIGN FIRE, of Canada Phone A-1550, Main 550 MAXASMUS.Manager From 2 to 10 Acre Tracts . Adjoining Rose City Park 30 UNDER MARKET PRICE . Easy Terms- OREGON & WASHINGTON REALTY CO. . 527 Chamber of Commerce Main 803 UIVB.IN A Lots or finished houses for Sale at verv low figures and on easy terms. O. K. CATE3, Agent, on ground every afternoon. Clark-CooK Company ' Boom 6 Board of Trad Bldg. , Main 6407, A-3252 . rr nn. n -' O'U'MCi'iilCiV id .Edition: The one best Discs in Portland to buy, Geographical center and moat desirable residence property. in tne city., i..:.,,. ...... Seeing Is Relieving. Better go and see th ' many choice residences under construction and the improvements go ing on. - iV? vj;'.v ;f . .ft '1 ;. i The Oregon Real Estate Company U4 OBAJTB ATB. POBTLAlTD. OB. ' cheAp APARTMENT SITE - - - - - - 50x50 CORNER ASH AND E. I1TH STS Price $4000 v GOODARD & WIEDRICK Teaaporary Office 504 Concord Bldg. wt fctark tt $6500 100x100, on Willamette Hts.. by own er.' The most signuy and best corner on tne , nui; doui streets paved; gas. water - ana sewer connection, uau or address ... 610 JfOmbermsna Bldg. i Union Abstract Company j. m. smnra st sows , 413-413 CORBETT BUO. ' Eldest exolunlvely Abstracts of Title office In 'Portland. . Instituted in 18K8 by D. Alexander. Call Kali e for oar memnjerv ACREAGE NEW TODAY leavertoti Acreage NEW OFFICES 102 FOURTH , ST., NEAR STARK Call and arrange to go with us without expense to you and look this property over. Only 40 minutes' ride on the Fourth street line, and the very best of soil, adapted to fruit, nuts and vegetables. ' Sold in any sized tract you may desire, and upon easy monthly payments. Buy through the oldest and largest acreage firm ; in Oregon and get the benefit of our, experi ence and 'help. . . ' $125 to $300 Per Acre v AND TERMS TO SUIT The Shaw-fear Co. 102 FOURTH STREET ' Main. 35 . A-3500 Portland Heights FLATS Two flats rent for $40,00 ' each, or . . . . . . ... . .". . . . ; . .$80.00 One flat rents for $37.50 4 ' each, or ,.f3T.oo One flat rents-for $35.00 each, or f35.00 Per month .-.fl52.50 Per year 830.00 Modern in every detail, and $13,50Q will buy this piece of property with only 5000 CASH. Inquire - ' Sheffield & Riely . 23 RUSSELL BLDG.. TICE ; GODDARD & WIEDRICK Have moved to their temporary office RlL fiflA CU Cf na, VVT wr'Va.4 VtUQi SW akVaS pending alterations. About Jan. 15 they expect to return to .' their en larged and renovated office.- ' 243 STARK STREET ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD ZOO acres, famous Bogus tUver orchard for sale; everything new and modern, has 15000 worth of equipment It Is one of those orchards, that characterise Its su porlority over, others by Its own merits. Income about $10,000 next year and more year after. A down and out sacrifice. ... See me. F. J. Rosenberg i V ' 829 , LUmbermens bldg. ; Trackage and Warehouse Property; A strip of land 400 feet 'long, lyln north side of Holladay ave. and sout; of R..- R; track and commencing at the south end of the new bridge over th8j Buiuvan uuich, at m. zist St.. and run nlng east 400 feet This land belongs to a non-resident and has asked us to sell the same.. The price and terms are rignt. ba.iu J. X. TGUS CCK, 636 duuubsr of OonuasTos Bldg. TO LEASE '100x100 on the northeast corner Haw thorne and JSast Sdkst. . 100x100 on the southeast corner E. 3d and H. Clay sts.-"....... .'",',!., 80x100 northeast corner K. Couch and union ave. EDW.RMALL 104 Seoond rt (LnmbeT Exchange bldg.) East Davis Street Price $4300 Iyt 33 1-3x100 and room house. Wing No. 7?6 K, Davis st, between E. 81st ana w. zza sis. -i erms. ' Mai f&" Von Horstcr 104 Second St. (Lnmber Exchang Bldg,) ..Alortcnce Loans ( on city property at reasonable rates. - CZABK-COOX COirPASTT. e soaid cf Trade' EaUulag,""'"' REMOVAL NO inrw TCDAT A Ssfe 9 lace to ;i'0p2iiy iwm Because It Is Inside Property. Where you can wait to your ' place of business In a few min utes, being only 12 to 15 blocks ' to the river at Hawthorne ave- nue. Where yon have adequate car service to any part of the city every few minutes. The best Is the cheapest. ' Choice inside lota, which have 5120 square feet of ground in each lot, with alleys, from ' Including all improvementa vj asphalt pavement, sewer, water and gas to erery lot in alley, which are in now and paid for, kt these prices, ( and gold on easy terms , 10 Per Cent Cash 1 Per Cent a Month 6 Per Cent Interest . ; Spwlal discount for- cash and building. ; ' , Warranty deed and abstract. ' ..For Particulars, See Agents F. W. TORQLER ; 106 SHERLOCK BLDG, , STRONG & CO. ' 60S CONCORD BLDG." 4 Also Salesmen on grounds. . - - 21 Acres 6 miles from city hall, on west side; all In cultivation with house and barn; on 3 roads, and only V mile from two carllne ; all cash, or half cash, balance long time. A. J. QANTNER 406 Henry. Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. 1 600 Acres JB,-!- --i-W....... -wT -V"- ?"'.!? - -.1. .I. ;'r,!"', .i?5i''.' On main line of Southern Pacific, all" Improved. This 1b a - very fine tract. otJand;:J5 00. acres of bottom, balance very rich upland.' Nothing better in the state. Easy terms,' Price $35. - Ceo. Northrup & Co. , 411 Spalding Building, City. ' : Phone Marshall 3066 TO LEASE , For a Term of Years 100x100 .close in on Fifth st. 100x125 close in on Sixth st. Several apartment sites. . : EDW. P.'MALL'j ' ' 104 Second St (Lumber Exchange Bldg.) ; $550 CASH Pull lot, fine location on IS. llth st N. Now, or never, , 3 . days only; party going to California. -- Cement sidewalk, ' . 8750 good house, handsome lot 40x100, -near Alberta et; nice lawn, water, eto. $250 cash. This Is a windfall; dnlay and you get It not, J. D. KENNEDY, 83 Union ava, N. AUCTIONS AUCTION SALES. . Wilson's Auction House Corner Second and -Yamhill REGULAR SALES DAYS Mondays,Wednesdays,Fridays EACH DAY AT 10 A. M. WB HAVE THE! LARGEST - AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF LITTLK USED FURNISHINGS TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY, ALSO GOOD UPRIGHT PIANOS, ORGANS, GRAPHOPHONES, ETC., LARGE ASSORTM EN T OF RUGS AND CARPETS, OFFICE FUR NITURE, INCLUDING ROLL AND FLAT TOP. DESKS, office chairs, tvne writers, etc., also several good STEEL RANGES, HEATING STOVES, llnole- wm-. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE flALW AT ALL TIMES. ' '- .,:.,., ".'. , . GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Bin5K3 and , miscellaneous JiARDWARE for sale at !pss than coaC in our STORE. 171 2D ST., adjoining our auction room; ' also - SHOW CASES, SCALES, ITLVA PROOF SAFES, ETC ' 1 J. T. WILHON, Auctioneer. Cash paid for furniture stock of nW cliaiiUiae, etc. Call up Main 1626, A-4211 Gun Is' !n 7 v ' n n9 $2000t6$2150 V