.rHE-OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ,4, 1910. WANTED MlSCLTLANEOUS 5 WANTED People of portlaud to know that wa pay highest Cixli prlo for econd band bou-seliold pooiis. Seat-r tkG -usta vsrni, 14 J Jtuesoll. Ea-tt 562. WANTIil) Your tinting" at per room, also lnbido finishing and papering; sittist'ac'tion guaranteed. W. C a-oomia, Tubor 214. ' ' Wanted Two houses, 65 to 100 rooms, '.good li'tinn. transferable to Japanese. 4 N. 6th. Old) auto tires delivered. ic a lb., old rubber boots, shoes delivered, 8c per lb. J. Ive. 186 Columbia. M. 61K. il'.T our prloe oo your furniture, aa It will pay you. We want the gcods. Knvaee A Pen r. ell. 851-3 1ft fit Main 330. YVAN1ED Qood second-hand wagon for cleaning and dyeing works; must 1" rea xonahlc. Main 6215. 431 Alder. OREGON Wrecking Co, Ws wreck old buildings free. Give - us a chance, riione K.wt 1525. - WANTED 6 or 10 good Jersey cows on own place; arrange time payments. Bx 19, Reuben, Or . WANTED An assistant's uniform lor vaudeville. . Any appropriate garb. . Main 6667. ! . I QUSEUOLD NEEDS 40 . mm CLOPSBTT ft DEVER8,' PORTLAND. OREGON FOH SALE AtTOMOBILES 44 Portland Automobile Clearing' : . . House ; , ARTHUR H. HBRT2; Managet We areexcluslve dealers In U!d au tomobiles. This week we are offering n.iuiiior xuuy equipped uaauiac"' tour in? Car. This ear is In tJin hut mn. ditlon possible, having brand new tires all round, with Nobby treads la rear. ceo imo ana mane ua an orrer, , - .we also have some cars to trade for , ..-. Hrf eai tBtaie. f ,, Main 89? Phones- A-2231 SUth and Madison Sts. jfortiano, Oregon. THINGS ON WUEKLS ''' ' " All ' Sorts. " ' AUTOMOBILES. . -Mr. Buyer Mr, Seller This should Interest both of yoo. .LiM Bold on 7 per cent, commission. .u uiiiiiiiiuiii, no more, no less. TO THE SELLTrV . . WB NEED CARS. ' . . Selling one to five every day. . uring your auto; we mark It with your price, and do rtbt ask a buyer uunuicus vi uuuars prom, as otners do TO THE RUYRR. 2 s Seleot your car, take a demonstration, and when satisfied pay us $ 2 5, balance to owner, i and thereby know von in not being-dona for BIG PROFITS. No Other dealer will give yon such a square deal; therefore, buy of-ua Every make to select from; if not Jn stock, we can get what you want WE ARE SURE TO HAVE TTfE CAR . XVU WANT- AT YOUR PRICE. PORTLAND AUTO EXCHANGE, s -89 Tenth st. Laher Bros.: " r' Mo Spring" Works' wo make a specialty of making Kpringu. ve aiao repair and retemper springs that are not standing up. We us the highest grade of steel and our springs are fully guaranteed. ' Mall or- dcrs receive prompt attention. 82 N. join, near jaumsiae. Marshall 1482. at,, i'j " . u 1 1 - 1 "'"i1 1 tun bAJjK, Must have money this week. Owner will sacrifice this 4 cylinder 80 H. P. (-passenger car that coPt $1600 a short time ago. s Will sell for 8900. r This cat looks and runs lika new ana nss a penect runnlne; motor, Don t. miSS this if VOU IVTA Innlrlnv tnr big bargain for your money. Call today mu uniaiKV ui WW IV. ASK IQT Mt, JaOlU' dav. 86 10th st v '. WE are going to close out every see ond band car In the place regardless of price. These include some unusually fine propositions in Pierce, Cadillac, pptrlfss and Stearns cars. Come in and Jook them over, covey MMor Car con . puny. . "i - - v Don't Throw Your old casings and Inner tnbea It may save you buying a new tire by jLt-iiis ua uv jwur yuicaiuzinjy ana re 11 cnuiubi ' CTIAS. S. ELTON. " . 435 Stark St. , phone C-84, UUK b'iLln ?orand, 7 passenger Packard, 1910; has been run tew months. Price less.than $3000. Twitchell Motor .Car Coti Sii Burnslde. Marshall AyTOMOBI-USWhit Steamer, for sjft . Will trade for property of, eaual value. This la 1910 machine and in .perfect prderCall on Mr. Allen, 303 .Bock bldg. yr: "''. bargains. .. n 1 Knot I, l Cameron 4, 1 Thomas Flyer, 1 Grabowsky truck. East Side . uto Cn" nol'aday avo and K. Union. etr,on1 G Passenger automobile of Standard make, in good condition, very cheap, or trade fbr light car. Phone Tabor 151. AirrOS for sale trade or on time; stor age, repairing, remodeling (fire proof ) IjolrnonjaragE. nd and Morrison, EMPIRE garage.. 270 12th st, comer ' a 'T,fersln' ,u "toraff per. month. A-103O. Main I860. . . Fort SALE Cheap. A large 7 paesen gffr touring car. Cash or good city property. ; Marshall 2680. 311 6th. 1910 Ford 6 passenger, good condition " reasonably. Phone, mornings, . Main 2320. y - : '.:; .. $"G i 1 0 buys-5 "passenger Tourist auto. Cost $1485. Bun 2000 miles. Phona owners wast zmi.. WANTED Automobile in exchange for - real fiHtate.- v-3i, jmprnaL for ale or trade for real ( PMtata 'Call 88 Tenth st . ' MUSICAL iTNSTRUMENTS 31 $100 SAMPLE upright grand piano ..cheap. Twins, inr.jiown, jy.oo month Iv payments. Call 226 Aliskv bldg. . cor. 3d and Alorrinon. afternoon or even- iest; COFFEE" JUST- mm MUK ICAL I N STRU M ENT3 JIIOH grade upright piano, $150 to $375. Pianos to thi public at dealers' prices. Cull diy and evening. 225 6th st, opposite court house. ... I am the factory npent. ' liKA LrTTki ' L piano, will E.ieril'iee for ready cash. Mrs. Dlake, delicatessen store, 5th und Jefferaon eta. Very good ma ko. . , ' ' '1I!!C Chas. L. torn p. ana Instrument A. Mtisic Hoi:e. SS 3d fit. LOST AM) FOUND 21 LOST Gentleman's full cape gold watch and fob, probably on Skldmore St. between Monroe (tnd Mississippi aves Return to 936 Montana, Reward. LO.ST Larpe envelope with insurance policy and premium list, near F. O. M. C. Howard on back. Return to Journal 1 office: - :, I LOST Coral cameo ring at 2d perform-! ance-Pantaires. Thursday evening. De- cenber 1. Under -please call A-33o3- or Main 353. Reward LOST Saturday at E. P. Charlton store, ,- a lady's black purse containing $9 and card of Klma Fish, Please return to Journal office, I'AT T KT I X7 k iL anialA Kill! torrlor onl. ; lar marked Bull Run. -, Phone Ship ping Cleric oonnra-iDJuc i-rug ciwtq. LOST On Wednesday, about noon near 5th and Morrison, flat sealskin muff; reward if returned to 303 Couch bldg. LOST On November 26. little child's white dress and skirt. Phone Tabor S50. r - - LOST Package containing small girl's raincoat No, 19.. Return to Wilson' auction store, 2d and Yamhill. LOST Reward for return of diary, cash book and receipt.. Phone B-2165, or 870 E. Mairt '' r ' ' - - LOST A female Spits pup. Return to 867 Russell at and receive reward. LOST-Gold cuff button, diamond set, last Tuesday. Return to Joarnal. PERSONAL 22 DR. M-CALL TRAVISsplritpal adviser. r health, happiness ana success ior wi who are in need of helping- influence. Dr. Travis positively guarantees to teach you how to overcome uniavoraDie con ditions that are caused bv yourself or others, no matter how badly you are dis couraged, no matter wno-nas iauea la vmir man Kc the man who really helps, now permanently located rooms 14 and lft, Kalelgh Diag.. corner oi aixm and Washington sts. iano eievaiur vi stairs to second floor. . --t'v ' " nrrwiarn electric tra.nent..for ats- eases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic,- biooa ana sain W. I. Howard, M. D., 804-6 Rothchlld ldg., 4th and Washington. Tj-)n WAT.T.ACH . ok tiled machinist fnmorlv of Honolulu. T. II.. friends desire knowledge of-your whereabouts. Write or come to Dr. John Atcherley, room 664. Mills bWgV can jjTancjsco, CaL- ,:'' -:- -- 'l-l.:..'.:: GET MARRlfiD Matrimonial pPr enntJilningr marriageable people from all sections of the United States. Can ada, rich, poor, young, old, Protestants, catnoucs, manea eaia.-,ree.- Gunnels, Toledo, Ohio. A rft Y nu R u rrtu retf? r htA ttioi in mr! And fitted bv a specialist to men, women and chil dren. . BBUBiaeuon ' guaraunrru vr " charge. Wilson. 68 etn n. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichesters Pius, in iramona uranu. For 25 years known as beat. Barest, Always reliable. - Take no other, Chichesters Diamond , Brand Pflts are sold by druggists everywner r-.i til .,T1'KrTR . , . and children eicluslvely; : private hos pital accommodationa; : etamlnatlona free. Main 4047; A-2411. ; 606 Common wealth bldg . 6th and Ankeny. day- ,fueday and Wednesday apd ee . nmnnerrorinTlfl tf th nrrf 111 Vril system for rejuvenating the face. ONE free treatment' for rheumatism. lumbago, sciatio ana nervous iroomes. iA -nr,wv,4fwlr rm anA tret nff at xvth go 2 blocka to 1J.26 and ,1128 Francis ca v niu CARMAN book. magartneB, uoveia. eta, normal . i r v rv. PTBnrn. nuHiiuBu, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kinds. Schraale Co..- 829 1st st. - " ' DR. WALKER, speclanst; quickly care diseases oi men; ui""u "ivm eaaes, ore. ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. ,181 first, Port ia no. OYSTERS. -. Tok Points and Olynrpla. Fresh dafly at 244 Ankeny. V . PACIFIC COAST OYSTER CO, . , rAV" phone Main 9068. WILL the blonde lady who waa talking to a lady In black and little girl on the steps of the Grand theatre Saturday evening,- November 26, please - answer this? D-303. Journat " ' - : YOUR fortune told. Astonishing reve lations. Let me guide you to a happy, successful future. Send birthdate and 4 2c stamps. Prof. Allen, 8 No. Wood St., cmrggiv LADIES When delayed or irregular use Triumph Pills; always depend able. "Relief J and - particulars free, Write National Medical Institute, Mil waukee,: Wl."--''""'"-'" -WILL LADY sitUng in end seat on left side, at Pantages theatre, Tnejs day evening, please . return Tuesday evening, tne etn, VOICE production, very best Instruction . from teacher who knows how. Terms very moderate as introduction hefle, Y- 819,1 Journal. ALL those interested in the study of voleeand dancing for opera work, or dramatic art. call at the Boston Cult-, ure club, room 416 Steam Bldg, V kRS. STEVENS. 16 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, baa her late book, "palmistry Made Easy," for sale at 343H Yammucor. un su MARRIAGE paper, highest character, incorpora'tcd 16th year; 5000 members; paper seaied; send lOo. . L. I. Love, Box' 1600, Denver, Colo. DR. SANDERSON CO, Savin and. Cotton " Root PUlu, sure remedy for delayed periods; $3 box or 8 boxes $5. Druggists or mail. T. J.' Pierce, 319 AUsicy bldg. tOUNG lady of good appearance would vnAAfr hnnnrnhU 0-enMeman Ohiect matrimony, iliss Ross, 602 Roselawn ave. -' - -' "'' - ' -; ''' . WANTED To meet widow about 40 . years1 old, own good home oh east side (Catholic) preferred; object mat rimony. M-804, journal. - SUFFERERS from piles. A card from you will bring our remedy. Pay when cured. Ruber Mfg. Co., 206 Commercial building. - : : - J -"-,-' v " BEXOID A marvelous cure for weak ness In men; money . returned if it falls. : Price $1 per box. Druggists or mail. T. J. Pierce, 819 Allsky bldg. MADAME KSTELLE, magnetic healer and spiritual scientist. Wallowa apart ments, suite 7, 193 W. Park. A-6306. BARBER, first claw, will call at your house; sick people s iraae eoiictteo, phones B-1401, East 44; apartment 15. DISEASES, of men. Honest treatment Room 206 AiiKKy.biag, Third and Morr rion. " '-... '--'';':;-'; HAIR DRESSING, manicuring, pedicur- inor taught $5. 263 Holladay ave. Pnone East 55 1 8, SWITCHES, puffs, curls made from combings for $1. 865' Salmon street between 7th and Park streets,' WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected - In 15 minutes", free demonstrations. 8 Rel 1 Ing-Hirwch bldg. Neo Plastlque Agcy. TURNEV'S baths, chiropody, Battle -Creek . nurse.,- Drexel bldg., 2nd and Yamhill. Main 1938." : Women fail: s -Use Remolds rhen ethers fail; sold and ruaranteed by the.Aos plund Drug Co 10 N. th st Malp 8106 QCCTlLT, New Thought,, jScienUXlo.,Jid 'Itollday Books: Shik for free eata loiTue. Jones' Book Store. 284 Onk st. DULY tURllfid instructor will accept a fow private pupils for instruction In scientific masnugo. E-800, JournaL MAGNETIC and elertrio treatments. menial,splritual, scientist, men and women. lyo 1 1 Mi. BALM .: women. fltfs, rmedv tor .iibeXMf-s of Hi Davin at Main 9218.' personal ' -DR. Allien A. uRIFF. Diseaaea of women and children ex? clusively. Women are often saved Be vere surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous ditease3 of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor. reepondence solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones, Main 3928. A-5607. Office room 10, Grand Theatre bldg, Washington and Park. ladib.s, attention. Daily I meet hundreds of you who stand in need of my (services. Over taxed vitality, .nervous depression tor pid blood. Consult we. My advice is free. Murray Ironside, M. A., M. T. 21? Alky bldg. Residence phone, Mar shall 1383. ' WANTED To make the acquaintance of young lady of education between the age of 18 and 23, possessing good health, by sober young man of suitable age. fair complexion, medium build, good looking and intelligent but poor. .Object matrimony, V-315, Journal. WANTED The present address of Mrs. Grace Griffith, formerly of 48 Burn side street. Anyone in possession of such information will find it to their advantage to communicate with box 88, city. . FTSASCLSlL til I AM a builder and have 6 sec ond mortgages which I will sell at a liberal discount for cash, -These houses were all , sold to reputable business (men who have made, good substantial first payments. Address X-3 14, Journal, ' I AM a builder and have several mort- gages and contracts wnlch I will sell at a substantial discount for cash.. These houses were all sold to ; reliable busi ness men who - made good, substantial payments.' B-800, Journal. 5 CASH paid for mortgages or seller's interest in contracts on real estate In Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on improved property. H. E. Noble. ijuraoermpns mag., oin ana Btara. ; ' r.- FOR SALE Real estate contracts and first and second mortgages. Net la per cent; can supply any amount up to 110O.000: all contracts guaranteed. Z-312, Journal. ; T MORTGAGE loans, and 7 per cent Louis .Salomon, 733 Stark st LOAJffS WANTED 30 Wanted-$2000' ' Can place. $2000 at IVt per cent on nrs .clans residence property, ' , M'GUIRE-' & HENNINGSV , 201 Lumbermen's Bldg. WILL pay. 10 per cent for the loan of liooo, eecurea oy. improved real es tate yalhed at 84500. No commission. M-301, Journal.'. . ' : v " -- 825,000 INSTALLMENT contract for sale.' Will discount to net 20 per cent riret year. ; w. Co, sil-312 Lewis Biag. WANTED $7000 on east side business ' property. Revenue iiisuo; value jio,. 000. Will nar 1 per cent, 8 years. Ad' dress W-S12, Journal. . FROM private party, building loan, 8 per cent. Land value 84000. Will give bond but no commission. . X-3 15. WANTED $20,000 on Grand ave, prop erty,, a years, vviu pay . j per-cent. w-gii, journal. ' Customers waiting for houses andilots. NORTHERN TKUsT CO,, ..v . - ."n 270 ptark street WANTED $3000 on 80 acre farm 2 miles south of Gresham: value $8000. Will pay 8 per cent Z-3 13, Journal. WILL pay 8 for. $5000 on Improved lots and fine residence for 4 years. No agents, C-303, Journal. ' ' s - ' 1 l50 ON furniture worth 8500: will pay 16 per , cent' K-314,-Journal. 1 ; . 'MONEY. TO LOAIT 27 MONEY to loan on diamonds and jewelry at low rates of interest. Palace, 328 Wash ington. " SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 ; TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO ' , - . BORROW MONEY. H - ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. -BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL . HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND 8AT. TO I P. M. ' . - - STATE SECURITY CO. 308 FAILING BLDO MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property." Week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray & Cunningham, room 201 Rothchiid bldg. 287 Washington st, between- 4th and 6th sts. Will Loan You Money ' ?n your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate of interest See me first kft Nichols : ; ; ' ' 6W Board of Trade Building. MONEY advai.ced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own name without security; cheapest ratea, easiest payments; offices in 66 princi pal cltise; save money by getting our terms. Tolmsn. 81T Liimber Exchange. Quick loan on furniture and 8 pianos. Storage receipts, life lnsur- 8 anoe policies, livestock, real estate, 8 etc. U. S. Real Estate & Brokerage $ Co.. 818 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ TOUR CREDrr , v . - j -Is good at the Employer Loan Cos $21 Ablngton, 106 y Sd at. , MONEY to loan on real estate at lowest rates. Mortgages and contracts 615 Commercial bought. Cowllshaw, block. MONEY to loan on improved city real estate. Tne Lawrence Co, successors to Dunn-Lawrence Co., - 248 Alder ' st Phones Main 6915, A-2815. R. A FRAME Short loan a specialty on any kind of security, . Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 6239. TO LOAN $6000 at 6 or 7 per cent on close in property. F. Fuchs, , 221 Morrison, room 10. MONEY to loan, any amount 6 to 8 per cent Ooodnough ft Sett. 310 Spauld- ng bldg.'- .'--'v''-y"-' '-- VV' PRIVATE funds, 34000 or part at 7 per cent, inside realty; give full particu lars. . JU-ZU3, journat. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securi ties, chattel or roal estate. Union Loan Co., 86 Lafayette bid, 6th ft Wash. 8100.000 on mortgagee, city'- or farm property, lire insurance, jacitenzie ft Co..- Geriinger-ping.. Sfl ana Alder. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. building ' loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. Q. Beck. 312 Failing, MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. J. L, White, 331 Sherlock bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan to., ut Deicum bid. $1000 to loaif on good real estate. , W. co.t 3ii-i iewis- niag. WE mako building loans. Phone Main 4489. . ' - ' KA1.AKV LOANS F. A. Newtou, 6l8 Henry Piag. WILL loan f20,000 or less real estate, rarringmn. .im uiiimfrniu v.;iud pig g. ANY part of $60,000 to loan at 6 per cent interest. zft conch bldg. QUTCIC load's on' all- securities. S. W, King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. MONEY to loan on Improved city realty! Parrlsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder. MONEY to loan, city reHlty. H. M. Cas loek Co., 417 Board of Trade. -: pit IV ATE money to loan on mortgagea. ( 1. A. Ta ylor, BIS Lum hernu-n's lil 1 g. ONE tfioumand doliHrs to louu. oil .real .. estate nucunty. A-63 &3a.. , XOTICT3 NOTICE OP SPECIAL, ME1CTING OF ' STOCKHOI UEKS OF THE ORKGON KAILROAD AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. A special meeting of the stockholders of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company will bo held at Room 1107 Wells fi'Sirso building. Portland. Oreeon, on December 22, 1S10, at 10 o'clock a. rn., (first) for the purpose of authoriz ing, consenting to, approving and ratify ing the grant, salw, conveyance and transfer to tha Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company (a) of all the railroads and telegraph lines of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company together with all the rights, powers, immunities; privileges, fran chises, and other property appertaining thereto; -tb) of all right, interest and estate of said company in, under, or to any and. all leases of any railroads or telegraph lines or other property. : in cluding the lease to said company of the property of The Northern Pacific Terminal Company . of - Oregon, and all rlrht- of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation - Company - to pur chase the property of : said ter minal company situated ' on the east side of the Willamette river at Port land, Oregon, and all title, interest and estate of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company in. and to said property, the legal title to which Is in said The Northern Pacific Terminal (Company of Oregon; (c) of all stocks ana Donas. or any steamship company, or of any railroad or railway company held by The Oregon Railroad and Navi gation Company, including $114,000 par valu of the bonds of The Northern Pacific Terminal Company of Orecom and $10,000 par value Of the stock of the Camas Prairie. Railroad Company; (d) or all stocks and- bonds owned by The Oregon ' Railroad .and Navigation Company and beld by the New York Trust Company, trustee" under the con- sonaaieq mortgage or said une urcgon Railroad and Navigation Company dated august i7, ia6.' to wu; 'isuu.uuu par value of the stock of Mill Creek Flume and Manufacturing Company $300,000 par value of the stock of the Cascades Railroad ' Company, $700,000 par value of the stock of the Walla Walla and Co lumbia River Railroad Company, $1,000,- ouu par value or the stocK or The Co lumbia and Palouse Railroad Company, ana iz.bzu.uoo nar value or tne Donas of The Columbia and Palouse RaUroad Company; (e) of all appropriations of real estate ana other property made ny The Oregon Railroad' and Navigation Company, and all suits, actions or rlsrhts of action instituted by said company for tne condemnation of property for use in connection. With any railroad of said company or any branch or extension thereof; and '(f) of all other property of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation company reai personal and mixed, o: every tKina, except us rranchise to ce a corporation, and except cash on hand, moneys due or to become due, bills re ceivable, accounts Cue or to become due, and bonds arid agreements taken by Bald company from - firms. - corporations and Individuals to secure or Indemnify said company against loss or liability In con nection with, or on account of, anything done 'or omitted to be done by said company in the transaction of , Us busl ness, and for the purpose of 'ratifying and approving? any and all action and proceedings taken cr to be taken by the board of directors of The Oregon Rail road and Navigation Company, or any of its officers or agents, relating to the grant," sale; -conveyance and transfer of Buch property to the Oregon-Washington- Railroad and Navigation Company, and of taking any action with respect to such grant, eale, conveyance and transfer, as may be deemed advisable by such, stockholder "meeting; (second) for the purpose of authorizing the dis solution of The , Oregon -Railroad ahd Navigatibn Company, settling its busi ness and dividing its capital stock; and (third) for the transaction of any and all other business necessary or ap propriate to the purposes hereinbefore mentioned. ' " . - - The books for the transfer of stock will be closed for the purpose of such special meeting, ai noon on tne loth aay of December, 1910, and will be re opened at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 23rd day . of December, 1916 ' Dated, November 20.- 1910. By order of the board of directors. , ALEX MILLAR, : ' ' ' Secretary, NOTICE OF SALE OF." PERSONAL PROPERTY. .: tNotlce Is hereoy given that on Satur- oay, me. aay or December, iio, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m. 'on said date, at the storage house of c D. Pick, at the corner of 2d and Pine sts. in the city of Portland, county of Multnomah, and state of Oregon, the undersigned, by Louis H. Hamig, their duly author ized agent and attorney, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the goods and chattels covered by the mortgage here inafter described, the same consisting of certain , furniture,': fixtures, silver ware, -plates, dishes, glassware, safe, cash register and desk described in said mortgage - as contained In the premises M-UV 1... " . llll PI., III LIOIIU, V , , , and - removed therefrom by the said xjouis H. liamig to the said storage house of C. O. Pick. . ; V ; Said sale is to be made for the' fore closure and pursuant to the provisions, of a certain chattel mortgage executed by Alex. H. Smith and F. A. Henrkh. copartners doing business - under-the firm name oi Henricti & Smith of Port land; Gfira-mortgagorsr to the under- Blgned- aa mortgagees, dated the 8d day of Februarv. 1910, and recorded at page 861 In book 42 of the chattel mortgage records of said Multnomah courtly, Oregon, to secure the payment of a certain promissory -note in said Instru ment described, for the sum . of 81000. payable on demand, with interest there on ai me rate or o per cent per annum from said date until paid, together with ail cnarges touenmg me- same and a reasonable sum aa. attorneys' fees; do fault having been made in the payment of said note, though duly demanded, Dated ana nrst puoiisnea the 2d day Of December, 1910. A Louise Welnhard, i Anna Wessinger, Paul Wessinger and Henry Warner, executrixes and. executors, respectively, of the last will and testament of Henry vemnara, aeceasea. - . NOTICE The next Pharmaceutical ex amination will be held at the Wood man of the World temple. Portland. Dee, 13 and 14. 1910. Laboratory work will be given at the North Pacific college of pharmacy. - Applicants are required to file their appJicationa with the sec retary of the board. Hon. C G. Huntley. Oregon City, Or., at their earliest con- vraiieiuw. - ---,., I WIIjL not be responsible for any bills or dents incurred ny my wiie, Mrs, Lillian Mccanty, arter Dewmoer z. 1910, (Slgnod.) W. H. McCANTY. PARTY who rented room No. 17 Nov, 24 to Paul Schroeder please telephone John uoermeier, wain tm. ; BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS FTRT3 loesea promptly . adjusted. Ap praisals - made - ror -every purpose. Northwjpsbern .Appraisal Co, 1068 E. 2 1st su -x wooaiawn ua. . ARCHITECTS D. B. FLICKING ER, designer of Ideal - hemes. 322 Mohawk bleg. Phonea A-7?HS. B-1SS3. Main 1902. , ARTISTS' MATERL1LS AKTIST'S ' materials, ntotur framing. E. H. Woorehouao ft Co., 411 Wash, st ASSAYERS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, aasayera, ana lytical chemists. 204 Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory- and ore testing worK. - 'so Morrison. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prao- tlce , In all court. Abstract exam ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A-2071 CHRISTOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS.' general practice, 405-8 Bucbanaa bldg. AUTOMOBILIS STUDEBAKER, Modern Public Garage, Chapman & Aider, reasonable rates, Kvans : Koonix, wain b7. s AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. AUTO- School of Oragon Praetieal in- . atrucUon, 216 Mer, Trust Mar.. 2593, BICYCLES AXD MOTORCYCLES YALE Motorcycles. -Second-hand wheels bought oifl. Repairing, us mm. IlLANIv BOOK MAKEK3 HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d. st Wank book m Tx: 8Kts. for jokes' improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see the new Eureka leaf. A-3133; Main 18S. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRrCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and CxOkS- lngs. 317 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general jobbing. J. Losli, 212 Jefler- son st. Main 1424. - THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland offlre. 404 Worrester bldg. JAM. Me I. WOOD & .CO "all kinds of Insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. CAIirET WEAXa NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 153 Untot. ave., near E. Morrison. PENtNSITI.A Cainet anrl Rue works: Colonial rarfr carpet and rugs, 1511 Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn'2685. - CARPET . CLEAXEVQ IONBJ Steam Cleaning; carpets, feather renovated: guaranteed. rJ. 3u, n ia- CIIDT A PAINTING China and Satsuma ware, firing and band. Hit; evening classes. Studio 292 lZtn. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp. Mr. uunton, 4 wasn. Marsnait iaai CHIROPODY AND PKDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4?9 Fliedner bldg. CLEANING AND PRESSING ; WM. W, CASH, expert bushelman. Clothes cleaned, pressed. ' 307 Rothchiid bldg. COAL AND WOOD Prompt" Delivery w frame Any Length Green apd Dry Slabs ; Short or 4 Foot Phones: E...182,-. C-1117-. H01ICEpSLABW00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load..$2.5 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord,. $2.78 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load.. ..$3.60 BLOCK WOOD, per load. . . . , ....$3.60 SAWDUST, for fuel and beading. Tne Portiama siaDwooa Co. Main $119 A-7001. WE have dry and green slabwood, dry nr and Dest coal, we mane deliveries In Rose City, Laurelhurst,, Rossmere, Irvington. Mt Tabor, Sunnynlde and ad- iacent sections. Phones Tabor , 2637, C-1169. Rose dty Coal & Supply Co- 43d and Sandy Road. THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. will save you money on your coat 146-848 East Ankeny street Both phone: B-3343; East 214. Order placed with A. W. Curry. J16-118 Grand ave.. or Nlabet Grocery,. C55 East Morrison, will receive prompt anentjon, PACIFIC SlABWOOD CO. Dry. Inside wood, per load,...,.. $3.T8 Smail dry inside wood, per, load., 2.76 Dry 'Mock wood, "per load 4.S0 Planer trimmings, , long ana short Phones Main 8709. A-7S56. Seghers Wood Co. tth and Gllsan Streets. Dealer In All Kinds of Cordwood. Fir.-Oak, Ash. Main 6369. A-2415. COAL Albtna Fuel Co, 47 AiDina ave. lAnnn Broadway and E. 38d st 1ijKJU prones E. 182. C-1117. Meier & Frank taka Oder for our standard grades, or phone East 803. or C-2303 1-3 Edlefsen Fuel Co, Inc. ' DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVKRT8, Ft. Curry st BOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO.. Main 2153. A-8842. v Dry inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed. ding, rut fuel; - blockwood. - - Yamato Wood and r Coal Company EAST 818 B-TR67 OREGON Lumber & Fuel Co. Main office and yard Halsey ana E. 39th sts. Phone Tabor 2811. LET ua supply you with coal. Columbia Coal Co- 9-11 N. 4th st Main 6680 or A-6598. ' - - - - - DRY MIXED, cedar $2 a load for 80 days only. Main 2153. A-5 843. - COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts eol- lected. wens Mercantile Agency, 70S Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak ats. EXPERIENCED collectors desire a few more eity bills, best references.- low rates. 420 Bwetland bldg. Main -7776. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All deb ta collected, an aiiwkv A-7B17: M. 4222. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' ahd dentist collection only. L. Pinckney White. Main 6074. A-7026. .. .' . COM3IERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY . FIRST-CLASS commercial photography. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS WILLIAM FISHBECK, carpenter and - builder, jobbing ana contracting. 206 Uh. Main 6241: - - - , - FOR cement work, plastering, brick . work, excavating, rail on G. C Ohma. Marshall 1441; 193 Grover st. EXPERT concrete work, cesspooV side- waiK ana nenerai joining. : i'helps & ..ilttlllini, uA vwu, mirut wr. CTrT'ENTter contracta, Jobling - laity. W. E. Jerkins. Tabor 274. Bpee- DANCING HEATH'S dancing school, 1W Second .-irt.. netween y asningtonana siarv stage dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed in 4 lessons. Claaa Monday evenings, a to iz. , . , , IpRov. W. bTwHEELAN'S ' ACADKMy- , walta. two8tep, latest social dances. Stage and fancy dancing. Only compe tent teacner on- tne euai, Auditorium hall, 08 3d, near Tayior. DESIGNERS AND MODISTE NEW York designer, gowns, waists, rea?onanie prices, eoa -Bweuanq bldg, DOG AND. HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN. D. V. S, of. S24 Flanders. M. 4086. Ilosp. 89 E. 12th. E. 6440. DREGLESS PHYSICIAN. ETHEL WARD Electric baths, ylbra tory ma.ssga, Raleigh bldg. ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR Guarant'd house wiring. C A. Nothwang Co, 67 1st. Estimates, M. 7432. GASOLINE F.NGIXE3 STATIONARY and marine; electric equipments; launches, accessortea wholesale and 'retail; engine repalrin Relercon Machinery Co.. li4 Morrison, REAL ESTATE NAME ' Baker, I). M., City. fri Property Brong-Steele Company ...... nrooskef & Penedlcu rook & Co.. B. 8 Chapin It Herlow W. H. Marshall. Farms. City Property. fUork. Georce A. (Coloaiiatlon) ifhNL BW5'V Knupp 4 Miiekey... ,.:.......,.... T Chamber of Commerce.. reit'o Re.i Ea'tateCo.. Tt. ................ J"" AJo.,nd MultQOIU1, Sf-Balk, Geonr D ,..........2-S Riark 8t... ihi.uJ . i xi ......... M5 ilerllnirer Plile TboDiMno.'-U. "k." 'Co'.'.'... Berry'B Realty Company . 4 ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superf luras' moved. Mrs. M-ij-"'"- E. L. KNIGHT & CO, contracio aim electrical, engineers,. i,wu. "k plies, repairing, 183 Morrison, Main 517. motors for rent cr sale. Pacllio JUeo- trie engineering T GLAZING irNITEDLASSft GLAZING CO.-A a Kinds glass worn, tm."-"-; - IL1IR DRESSING PARLOR v MME. FTjORENCE UETlate of New York. Manicuring, iaoe auu treatment Suite. 27 Selling II rsch bldg. 386V! Wash. - Rhone- Marsnan u. Mma Croner, manicuring, snampws, facial massage. ' Macleay Piag- - . PAT iFACTORY , - MEN'S bats cleaned and blocked tth Eastern Hat Factory; largest bat ren ovators in the cltv. 64-66 8d . t.. ground floor Worcester bldg. HaU .direct from the factory at nan price. . HOME TREATMENTS VIAVl assists nature to remove cause of disease. to uomemm nt- LELVTIIEK AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MA8TICK Leather of every ft CO., 74 Front, description; v P manufacturer, finding rTRCTJLATING library, 188. 6tn. pet. Taylor and ramMlk Booka o per aay. ' MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Hydraulic and Special pipes, screens, ra86 s. iv'"V:? achtnery. All kinds repairs. 104 W. 4th ma MAGAZINE AGENCY LOWEST rates on magazine clubs. Send for free catalogue. Jones Magazine agency. 284 Oak et. Henry bldg. , MULTIGRAPHING MULTIGRAPHrNG, shortbandV type writln g. M. 756, 413 Buchanan bldg. -V':' MUSICAL. DEALERS ' ;-v;'-v-' SMITH ft STORY MUSIC CO.i(llT 5TH. Dealers In Pianos, band, atrlng instru ments. ! Latest popular sheet muaic, IS cents.- Watch our Christmas pricg SElBERLlNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO, 134 2d; complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buescher band insjtrumenP. MUSIC TEACHERS PIANO, violin, trombone e0h!$3: lin, futa Prof. E. A. Smith. 292 12th. STtHIELHORN, violin teacbert PupU. Sevick. 900 Marquam. Marshall ion. NEUROLOGISTS, EYE SPECIAL- r-m. ;'"- '-, "."."LSTS :jrr CROSS-EYES straightened. No operation. Drs. tTewe sc nice, werwui OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Da LILLEBELLE PATTERSONpe. " clallsi Z nerves, -acuta Und chronic AL.I1.M 817 Fenton bldg; Main 8961. DR. SMITH, graduate irav.i 1198; post grsauai" .' ."-- land bldg, DR. L. H. HOWLAND, general practi tioner, UZ-f leianer uiub. V PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F E. BEACH ft CO, pioneer rami w 185 let. Mam ma. RASMUSSEN & CO., "Hlgn "o- paint, ne. cor, ton x.. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right, call P. A,- Doane, 104 union, rmm GET our prices on 1 JLl Ingrtlntlng. r.mesi ntnier v,, -' - - PAWNBROKERS . BARR'S Loan Office locatea now at 6th ana Burneiue, - PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS for Inventor freejteii how to obtain and value of Patft tr.demarks- registered, Beeler ft Bobb, 177-181 McGllI OlQg, waaiiiiiwii. " v PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, At tor. PVey-at-Law, latt U. S,. Ottlc! book rree. 7i coam i B-CTWRIGHT. U. S. and ents; iniringenmni nnr. -" , PIANO TUNING ; GEO.. ANDERSON, expert Piano, bonght, nolrt. ZIB AUHIiy. muni " " -.-I WFLCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever thfng with type nd ink on paper, mo TmnniEK STAMl'S AND SEALS office atstionery. Cun- SAFE3 THE Mosler Safe Co4 108 2d t Safes iiw Mnlr tnekmitl St - IHC y i" .v.- o , . - - nnan ed. bargalna in second band pares. -"SECOND HAND FURNITURE r-iT.T. MARSHALL 1270. All second 'hand goods bought and sold. SHINGLES RHST In 1 Portland. ; Bee ' them.' Vsshiiigton st. 8. E. Gilbert 201 "-, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES ctiowriSES - of ". every " description! bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. ;vne imne wn- r jaMiTH 1. MARS HALL 'MFG. CO, new and old ahowcasea. cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2793. lOirBlRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases in etocit., rrompt aenvery, Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Ca SIGN AND SHOW CARDS irosTER ft KLEISER Slans; the lare est sign makera in the northwest, E. 7n ' SHU C. 1 T I TJKt, - p,, ,; ItVU. UWI 1111. Home B-2224. - "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co, 287 Stark. Main 1596. SURVEYOltS WALTER- Mi-OBF.R,-tatttnrrtirltvtd ins and topographical -maps' a see- claltv. 0 K. 2Xth st. N. B-8099. TAILGRING ALFRED OOILBEE, 810 Labbe bldj. 2d and Wushincton, Kuits to ora ELMGREN. ludifn' and liien'M -Hollies, Builder and flmper. :n-5 M;i.-ictivhMj. GLfci hi.-.i,il , IS I , tati-oi- and diaper; ex clusive patterns. iUa'j Washington st. 1 . LIBRARIES "DinECTO ADKKKii3 ' T' ! I ! : ...Bui Corbrtt BM k-t. j-.h, ,,. Ground Fir l?wi3 biJg..;viuin and i ,,.5"2 McKay Bl!g.. H,ut ,.6o3 orhrtt mag Juala fc , A ,3fi (.Bamber or Cotomcree. M .Koorn 7. zr.o Alder ,.M:iiil ! .Wnln ami A . ..f.-.i ii r, r i Mn S !. A r , M. t'l S totog., 4th-Oak M. oM. A .249 4th ........Marshall !28. A-1V1h TAXIDERMIST FINE tanning eyes. Finley, fur : remodeling, g'ri? 2-l! Columbia xt, TINNING AND ROOFING TINNING,- roofing and guttering? any kind sheet metal work, llom-ker .t Klattke, Main 6144. . TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towel daily, comb, brush, ao-ao. Towel Supply Co, 9th and Couch sts $1 per month. Portland Laundry fc Phones Main 410, A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAGE ' Oregon Transfer Co. '.Established 1870. , Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage free trackage. Office, 810 Hoyt" at, bet 6th and etn. Phonea: Main 69: A-1169. C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co, of- floe and commodious - 4 story brick warehouse, separate. Iron rooms an,! fireproof vaults for valuable north west corner 2d and Pine sta. Pianos and furniture moved and packed tor shipment Main 696; i-1996. PORTLAND Van Storage Co, cor. lith ana Everett sta, just opened, newest, most modern storage warehouse .in cltv: every convenience for safe and proper handling of. goods; lowest insurance rate in northwest; free trackage, vaa for moving. Main or A-1620i ' FOR EXPRESSING ; Furniture, moving, genei'al haollng Phone East 351. 240 Russell. J If. Palmer. ; Employ nothing but careful drivers. ' ' OVERLAND Transfer Co, 9-11 North 4th st, brick, warehouse, publio track age; we will move or store your house- uiq gooas.' Main 6580 or A-6698. TYPEWRITERS PORTLAND Mailing Co, multigraphing. tijpwnuDg, mailing, puouc stenogra- ?her, personal typewritten circular let ers. 306 Railway Exchanre Mder. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Clin 1407. ningnam co.. z:n stark. Main UPHOLSTERING & MATTRESSES GRAND RAPIDS Furn. Works. 233 Mar- net. m. o.iz.- finishing. Estimates. VETERINARIAN D?vA-a 6MITH. V. a. U. a Stables, 248 Front Main 4156. Res. Main 1803. DR. L. R, DILLON. Hawthorne Avenue Btables. East 72. 597. B-3S69. WALLP.1PER BEAVER ! board for Wallpaper Co,. . sale , by Morgn.-j WELL DRILLER. WELL" drilling contractor. James W. Green, 390 Vancouver avenue, Port lana. Or. C-2478. j , WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front at, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. ' M. A. GUNST & CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND, OR. WADHAMS ft ca. wholesale grocers, manufacturer and coffee roasters. 4i and Oak ets. - Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co, Imp. and dom. hangings, wholesale and retail. MORGAN WALL PAPERCOTl30 24 ., oetween waimon and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS GEBlf AN-ANTBRl )AIt BANK-Pertlaaa. Or. X Corner Blxth sad Wasting too 8a. Trana . miim a 1 , , , . twocd arallablc la all tb priaclpal ettlee ( U)t United Htatea and Enropa. Four per cent Interest paM on T MtIds tccoanU. Safe do- poult vaults. UNCALLED FCR ANSWERS Answers to elassifleil atdwr-t(mnr, which appeared In The Journal await uiose possessing certificates for the fol lowing numbers: A 526. ,-,'.'. 23. WS, 25L 253, 26S, .265, 26U, C 226, 238, 239. 256, 268. D 231, 286, 250, 255, 326. r E 216 (21. 819. 124. S3R ?kj 264. : . ' H 167. 200. 205. 818. 81i. Sis -hjo 269.- - ; 7 J Zltt 230L 234. 2fi4. SE 257. 250, 266. -,-., ; '- .-'.-' . ., K 214. 228. 230 . ' 89L a srr 26&, 821. .-- -, ; . L 214. 231, 233, 238. ; ( JI 310, 232, 233, 235, 236. 239, N 212. 216.. 233. 2SS- 4A 9VT 260. 23'J, 252. ' ,r. 7 - O 206,. 236, 251. 26H ' y P 206. 209. 21 1. ?.:tK 991 9R1 . 268 259, 278.-1 T: " M06, 203, 21L2TT, 225, , 236, 237. S 168. 218, 214, 239, 250, 268 T 225. 227. 2JJ3. 2S4, 2fi7 K ' erv MARRIAGIS LICENSES William Bnrea 1 71 4 Front sHwr i and Hazel Devan, 15. , u. t isimpson. 1670 East Stark street, 24. and Anna L. Points, 19. . i; ; Hexeklah Robertson. 69 East Elht. eentu street, 23, and Gertrude Flardin, Kirk Miller Sheldon.' 828 Ejvst Salmon street, 21, and Edyth Atda Bishop, is. Riley G. Reed, Thirty-fifth and Prei- cott streets, so, and Mrs. Minnie Steph enson, 30. , , ; a B. Wolfe, ,'11 : North Third street, 42, and A. Ulrirka Uttstrom, 33. Edward G. Wlesendanger, 1902 Berk ley street, 2L and Mable McKinnon, 1S. Cleveland T. Mallei .: Portland. 24, and Merle E. Younghusband, 18. Bentley J. Vuughan, Llnnton, 29, and Clara E. Nelson, 2f. . A. E. Stauffer, 181 Russell street. 26, and Zula Buckbanan, 20, - Robert O. Welch, 91, North Fifteenth street, 19, and Bertha Leouhardt, 17. Wedding ami visiting card enyravers and monogram stationers. -i Washington bldg, - Washington st, bet. 3ivl nnd 4td. : Wedding Invitations Visiting cards, monogram atstionery. Wtn. Kliimpp Co.. M H Wwshin,?tnn m. DKESS suits fO"" rt-nt all lzea Unfiiua' , Tailoring Co.. S09 Htsrk St. CLARKE BROS., florists, fin -flower and floral deslrns. 889 Morrison at. DEATHS MAX M. SMITH riortst, ISO Eth at., opp. Meier ft Frank's. Main 72 tl Fl'NERAL NOTICES MEYER At th home of her 4ios! f Mrs. IT. W. Scherrj .819V4 . lioil-i'-ave December MHa Meyer, el years, 11 months, 2 J tb.ya. l"n!.eii Hide, Funeral Director. -,.ist Ai-r East Sixth streets, today trfuirf.. enniber 4, 2:SI1 ;. m. fYiciid- . fully Invited., Fwvict-s tt ti c .. ? vatp. ' BXuTIeU fn n.'lH cii v"i Allle L. Barb.-r. - .' I. , 1 her. ) pari' 'I f . Will bv held at 1; , ii,iv. i Crtiiry-