THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1910. 45 You Ever Hear of Hood . " ' River? v ' If not,- post up and thnn lot us toll you about that fine little fruit farm only two and a half miles from Hood river. Twenty-four and a half acres; 3 8 acres orchard, 7 acres timber; house and barn and packing shed; $1 2,000 takes Jt. -with only $2500 down. R. E. NICHOLS & CO., 270 Stark St. boldendale Simcoe hruit Lands ' 10 ACRES. $500; ONLT $100 cash, balance $10 month. Geo. 8. Casedv Co., lobby ( ommercial club bldg. FOH KENT FARMS 14 350 ACRE farm for rent and stock and i - Implements for pale, 100 acres in eul. 'tivatlon, good buildings, good fences and well watered; stock and Imple ments . will Invoice about $1800; pood chance for Home one with a little money, Neal Brown, .709 Swetland hide. i FOR RENT 72 acres near Vancouver, Wash,; - fruit trees bearing. Apply owner, 40 EUa st. Telephone Main 9029; A-8313, - ".-"' : - ; 'y ; .:l IRRIGATED farm in eastern Oregon: : will rent. W. W. Knickerbocker, 600 Martins ave Portland, Or. 30R RENT For. tern of years, 1200 acres choice wheat land. : L. H. Smith, 13l 3d st. - HOMESTEADS 47 '- Advantages of Oregon ' $2 page book explaining what each of the 8 counties Is adapted for: gives amount of government land open - to homestead In each county; tnap at th1 iit28 Rhowlnir new railroad and towns. Including-eastern and. .central .Oregon, In different colors; Issued March L 1910; latest map in U. 6.5 gives homestead and desert claim laws, . , AftA - 1,A nmttum fAA also general description of Oregon, Mall Zbe, Nlmmo A Kuney, an naiumvn Bldg., Portland. Oregon. ".. WB have some choice homesteads in Josephine nd Jackson counties Will cruise from 4. to g million feet of good aw timber. . - ' -' - . . We also have some good relinquish ments close to county road , and good school, . CHANDLER A GIBSON, v 312 Commercial Bldg. BJiLlNQUISHMENT 1 60 m-res, 3 miles from R.R. station. Vi mile to school: 11 acres In cultivation,- small orchard, 100 acrea could be plowed -when cleared; some timber. " 8,. room house, barn, fine creek, 33 miles, from Port land. Price $325;-no letters answered. iNlmmo, Runey Co., ii3 Hamilton puig, ONE fine homestead, 1,500,000 feet pine, . 40 acres ready for plow, good spring, near sawmill, school, mail route. This Is an overlooked place worth I2000-. will put you on for $200 net. , 102 Second at, HOMESTEADS Good "soft water and climate, within tour miles of railroad. Pioneer Locating Co., fill Swetland bldg., ftth and Washington, Portland, Or. . iiOM E STEAD '-I have - homesteads In California, close to railroad. Have one only 'i miles from postoffice. . Y 314, Journal. CAN locate parties on pome tends In soutnern Oregon. Call or address 324 -14th stteet. WANTEJ) FA11MS 38 FARM propotly wiinted; only exclusive contract tcr rjulck hije considered; we have the buyir. It- you want to ell, se or write us. Hall A Atchison, 2M Oorlinrer bldg.. 2d and Alder. FOH SALE TIMBER 28 ,Wi5 have about 80,000,000 feet of good a.v timber reir Mt. Hood for hale," This Is close to the-'proposed Mt. Hood 11.. IV. si rvey. , Must be .sold at once, -Pilce lisht. . - CHANDLER & Glr.SON..- , , . V " : (r r'.li fnnimKrolil' tilrti?. 55 hortepover sawmill, e. I ger, ' cutoff. and planer and 1,000.000 feet fine tlm i fr. all for $JbUti. V, His & Co., Scotts MItIh Or. ' ' - ' oiiot 'i. 2000 , cordwood stumpage on river, near J lolbrook, cheap; will t'a-'o. Packer, f02 Corbett bldg. HOJMING HOUSES FOK SALE 53 Rooming Houses -Close in x " $750033 rooms, all rented; brick bldg.; Income $H8 per mouth;, long ' '" ' lease; terms. " - $1700 23. rooms, all rented; income $270 , per month; good location;' good lease; terms. $1200 10 rooms, an r en tea; prom zai a month: terms. s $3500 18 rooms, all rented; Income $360, profit $1 SO; terms. ' $400027 rooms, all rented; income $380, profit $187.60; terms. $M60 28 rooms; Income $1360, profit $560; terms. t8030 rooms; income $360 month; .1 . centrally located; -rooms all ' rented; long lease; terms. X32X0 18 rooms; $700 Income per .' month: good leasa: close In, -$250618 rooms, close in; $700 pr month profit; lease long time. ': Tbam are only a few of the places r have, all in an extra good location, minute" walk from postoffice, and we have figured with the owners to as , curtain the exact profit on the places put month, and to the best or our Knowi idg wa can show you some exception ally good bnys and monthly profits, ' PROGRESSIVE REALTY, . '.. 30S Henry Bldg. Main 633S. TOR SaDE by r. h. uooiSkind co ale ioara or Trade Biflg., 1 ' Marshall 468, A-1059. A RED MOT SNAP. 8 rooms of furniture, fine location, rent $20; must sell. Price $275; $176 caab. 10 ROOMS. NEW FURNITURE, " Very select location,' furnished new In February; rent $45; furnace heat; all sleeping- rooms, price' $80(t; hair casn, HARD TO BEAT THIS. - 12 rooms, excellent, location, furnace : neat; goocu ciean rurnnure; - rent oniy $44; 3 years' lfiase; clearing $60 month. price $1000, ana it s worm it. , A FINE . TRANSIENT HOUSE. Located near the postoffice, 16 lipoma; rent only $76, and a 2 year lease; a big money mutter. i-iu:e 4vuu; nail cubii, ( f REM THIS AT ONCE. 18 rooms, all housekeeping, located at 408 Jefferson St.; rent $56 1 average fur niture: clears $75 month. ,' Price $1200 i $600 cash. ,Thls is 1 listed . exclusively ' with us. and will be shown only on our oraer. ' APARTMENT HOUSE. 35 rooms, elegantly furnished, very awoll district; rent $4.25 room; long lease; guarantee clearing $200 month; if you want" something swell be sure and. see this place; none, better in the city. . v R. H. GOODKIND CO. y $550--8 rooms, rent $32.- , 1 $4607 rooms, rent $25. - $450038 rooms, rent $160..' :r, ' $85011 rooms, rent $60. $140018 rooms, rent $60.., $1250-15 ' rooms, rent $76, 1 N $950 10 rooms, rent $50. . ' . , $285 5 rooms, furniture new. BERREY'S REALTY COMPANY. ttooming and Apartment House Broker. 24 4Ui su, between City Hall and t:ou Houe. Marphall SfT28, A-4718. !!- '1 " 'J 1 , , " " " ' 11 . 111 1 1 11 KOOMlNd house paenfico, 11 room house In business district, clearing 176 month above expenses and own rent owner j leaving for California; will sel today for less 1 ban cost of furniture price $476. Call today, 420 Bwetland bldg, '6th and Washington from 11 to 6 10 Rooms Rent $27,50 Fine! location, ni yard, rooms all rented; good furniture and carpets; will sell at sacrifice. Price $600; $200 cash. II. B. JAMJS8 CO.. 88 10TH Neaf Stark. TKli room roomTng bouse, all full, only .'. . 8 blocks from postoffice. Owner must sell. Can see him between 2 and i P m today at 388 6th. i; Monday 313 Alisky P 1 n g- i rmr--i ' - '- - ---' HERE la certainly at nap 9 roomn, nice little store and other Incomes be- id(js: right downtown and can be bought lor your own price, . Johnson & Johnson , 168 10th st. FOR SALE 7 room' flat furnished houBckeeplng rooms, good Income, $350. Owner, 649V4 Morrison. iyKITI- LANDS iioomixg norsEs foh sale m UJ i : ' : 100 rooms apartments, new modern brick, fine location, cheapest rent in city, long lease, never on the market; $5000 cash handles it. 61 room apartment, new, modern brick, 'high class. Income $350 net, swell lurnishlnKs, 6 year lease, very cheap rent; $301)0 cash will handle, easy terms. . , 60 roo.n; new and up-to-date, hand somely furnished, long lease, central lo cation, nothing uelter on market, term with 53500 cubh. ; . ' . 42 rooms, steam heat,' new brick, 4 years' lease, rent ?160, clears $375 per month: $2500 handles; compelled to go to Arizona lor health. 20 rooms, good money maker, central, cheap rent, $1000. . , Several small houses in down town district for sale cheap on terms or trade. , . , . - . "" : -v 'Square Deal Realty Co, . i K26 Board of Trade Bldg. " .' $1300- ;fo rooms on Union ave., all well u v . furnished, mostly housekeeping rooms. Kent $6i mo., !F years' lease, i 1 his place clears from $75 to $83 mo. Rooms are al ways full. $2250 On Alder street, 18 large rooms; long lease; $1500 cash, balance ' on time,, All new furniture and ' good." $2600 44. rooms n Grand ave., all good ! " .'. furniture,, mostly housckeekihg; i i lease; rent $144. Clears. . $1 IS . mo. ' 'i '.. . - v.. .. $3004O rooms on Yamhill stf mostly ingle rooms; ' some housekeep ' lng. Rent $96, and, clears .from . $lo0 to $200 mo: lease. ,f $250030 rooms on. Morrison at; trau :, j Blent trade. , Rent $130 mo; $ - 'years kyise. All good furniture. Terms iiuu casn. . $250082 rooms on Union ave.1 Close v . in. Mostly housekeeping; 2 years' leasa. ' Clears $15u mo. A. good buy. Call ana ; see our list, 'as we have all parts of the rooming nouses in town, CHANDLER & GIBSON. 312 Commercial bldg. , . A Money Maker . .80 rooms; everything first class; long lease; clears $500 1'or month; $0000 puts you In possesion. . - THIS CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. : (1 rooms, new- brick hotel, with , long lease. This must; be ' seen to be ap preciated. - , , WASHINGTON ST.. HOTEL . 72 rooms, with long loase. This place clears $806 per month, let us show you this; $5000 cash will handle. 4 ROOMS On r Washington , sl: 4 year lease: clears $500 per month; $3000 cash takes 7 rooms, rent $25; $500; terms. A 11 rooms, rent $40; $900; terms 7 rooms, rent $46: $70o cash. We have hotels and rooming bouses from $500 to $15,000. Anything you may want. 814 Henrv Bldg. ROOMING HOUSES FOR5aLK. 10 rooms, nent $50, nets $50, $750. ' 10' rooms rent 140 nets Ih'rt H K" ' $100. . It rooms, rent $32.50. nets 140. H. K.. $800. . ... ' 24 rooms, rent 170. nets 1120 11 K.. $2000. J 32 rooms, ront $60. nets 180... H.; K..' $1900, ... is rooms.-rent I13..50 nets 1200. r. &-B., 2000. iz .rooms, rent $45, nets $85, H. K-, $1000. j 3 rojms, rent $13, neU $60,vR. & B,, 1500. - - , . , 10 rooms, rent $55. neta R0. tT K . $610. i 17 rooms, rent $R5netB $75, $1600, 10 rooms, rent $60,. nets $75, $16jOO. Before buvlne ba. suro and sea our Hit and terms. - , il8 Ry. Exchange bldg.' Marshall 2753 61 Rooms, Rent $75, 2 Years V Lease The best money maker In town. 44 rooms, rent 1125 x venr tM.vac Bide, walking dlslaneA, PH ftnnl- $2000 cash, balance easy. 10 rooms, rent tSS rlns" in ' .iro- full. Price $600; terms. 12 rooms, north utnlt swoll ,.j TH-I. $1600; term. . r v .J, E, Nichols Co, ' " ' "HAS IT FOR LESS."' 620 Board of TrHde. ' ' BIG BARGAINS IN ROOMING HOUSES $600 10 rooms, rent $35, centrally, i $750 14 rooms, rent $47.60. 41 000 -15 rooms, rent 850 It K $1200 23 rooms, rent $40, lease, . $140019 rooms, rent $60, H. K. " $1500 3 rooms, rent $65, lease." ' ' $320044 rooms, rent $125, terms. $3400--'40 rooms, lease, furnace. $380042 rooms, rept $115, brick.", " $400046 rooms. Tent $160; brick. . $6500 100 rooms, 6 year lease. For more particulars, call at 810 Swetland bldg. ' " Unusually Nice 10 rooms in a verv resnectahtii dis trict, walking distance, west side, fur niture as gooa as there is, clean and neat all the way through, cart easily be arranged for boarders If wanted. Price $1000, part cash. This is some thing out of the ordinary and will ap peal to the party who wants a nice home, besides making money, too. . . J, E, Nichols Co.'-' HAS IT FOR LESS." 620 Board of Trade. - . 1 WANTED To lease for term of ' ' years, unfurnished apartment or ' rooming house, not leas uhan 60 rooms; west side preferred, v: , " 05 COUCH BLDG. . Today's Special II room, modern, lease S vparn mod income, fine furniture, furnace heat." sju oasn. balance to Suit . . E wen Realty Co, 'J. - "311 Alisky Bldg. ""' "' " 33 R0DM3 33- - In" the heart of citv. Near P. O i fur naco heat. All large, light and airv rooms, lease. Oak furniture. Clairs $250 month. -Price $2200; easy terms. rnriB, id i. sin sc. WANTED FROM OWNERS. k Rooming houses anywhere, anr nrlc. Have customers waiting and cannot find the right places, Call, us up for quick : IT. S. BROKERAGE CO.. Marshall 8753. 4;8 Ry. Exchange Bldg, 20R00M30 Depot location; rent only $56: clears $175 a mrnth. All light t rooms. To pee is to buy. price $1100; easy terms, Peters. 15 N. Kth st. IS ROOMS TRANS I EN T. " ' In heart of city;, rent $50: 2 years' lease; clears $125 mont. Price $1200. auiiiiB. , iuo gooa 10 last. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 Tenth, noar Stark. MALL HOUSES, CAN'T BE UKAT. 11 rooms on Park, blocks. $28 weekly rent $50, price $750. Term: 12 rooms. near Nortonla hotel, $675, cash. Fred yv, trri mmi, nurnsinn. JVt-Z77B. 16-M0MS---16 : On Washinatoh. rt., furnace heat, good furniture. tuars'l40 tnonthiv. Prt today $350; half rash. y" Peters. ' 1 5 N 6 b ROOMINU house of li rooms, close in excellent furniture, reasonable, for caaiu---. l rn owner., not --'agent ' A-300, 10R00MS 10 First time on market; rent $35; clears .OA . - A 4.1.1, a, 4 .. rci ,1 . . ' fnvir n.-x uujr .wr i'eiers, 16,, n. THE IDAHO apartments, 42 rooms partly cash and miitable terms; price Very reasonable, 389 6th sty Roo.ixa norsEs fok sale 53 The Pacific Realty Co. . Mary-E. Lent Co. Phone Main 8560 . A-3475 322 Failing Bids., 3d and Washington We have an exclusive - list--of firnt class HOTELS AND ROOMINrt HOUSES all sues and prices; will sell or trade for good real estate, NEW MODERN HOTEL ' LOCATED ON WASHINGTON STREET, steam heat, running water. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE AND LOBBY, all out Rlde, rooms, th best 'appointed house of the size In Portland. Price $14,000; terms, v .. : - .. ; ,- . ; VERY ' UNUSUAL -OPPORTUNITY 45 ROOMS, new corner brick building, 5-year lease, RENT ONLY $160; OWN ER IS GOING AWAY and must sell this week; this la newly furnished with Brussels carpets: Iron beds, silk, floss mattresses. ALL RENTED to steady roomers. - - Apartment Houses - , 90 "ROOMS. SO aoartments: B-vear lease: near 'Washington, on 20th St. $26001 cash required. '! j- r . 62 ROOMS, rent $275; S-year lease; clearing $250; price $6000; will con sider 'good REAL ESTATE for part, part , cash andi. the balance terms. '35 ROOMS, RENT ONLY $140; 4 year lease. This is a good place and cheap at $3700. Rooming House Bargains ' 23 rooms, H.' K., all on one floor; , 3 years' lease, $1650; good location. 8 rooms, rent $40, Income $83, $550, terms. - 1 -. ; - ' - , ' 12 rooms, rent $50,,cltars $75, price $!)50, terms. , - Room 14 270Vj Washington st, ',- , GEO. A. BOWYEH", ' - HOTEL BROKER, ' . . , 203 Gel linger Bldg. T have some nice country hotels , for sale. 'i - "' ;.'....'' , -40 room country hotel, 100 miles from Portland, doing a nice business; only hotel In town of 1500, Will trade, part cash, ' ; 10 -ROOMS, nowly furnished"; modern house rent $a0;, clears $50' above ex penses. You can't beat it for $ P00. My price, $550. 616 Board of Trade, MUST sell my , 72-rooin hotel; clears i 1800 per month ; will sacrince; com pelled to leave city. N-304, Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES Si 1 And merchants' lunch; Vt interest, K-ROO. $1700 only place In city. CIGAR A'ND FRUIT STAND.- " " BEST OFFER-TAKES IT.. ,Go today to 373Mr East Burnside. cor ner Union ave., and look it over; then come to our office and make us an offer. - ITor the best Of reasons it must be sold at once. Guarantee sales now a day, all-' cash and no delivery. GROCERY STORE. . . Good West Side location, rent $25. lease 2 ' years: average sales $40 day, Can be increased. Price $1600, $1000 cosh. Tt. H. Or JDK IN D CO., " , 516 Board of Trade Bldg. - - Marshall 468, A-1059. --!',- L3 4 vears' lease: a crab-oulck any beer. J-S09. ' ' STORE, elegantly equipped; tshow cases, counters, shelving, inlaid linoleum, new awning, soda fountain, .large cash register, desk, scales, tables,- chairs, steam ; table range. 2 separate1 baking ovens, $200 ice cnest,, $200 wares, small stock arocertes and conrectlonary: : cost more than $2000 In all: rent $23; fine location. My business Is . here and 1 can't run it My price is $100 today, 615 Board of Trade. " , , ' FOR SALE. $500 to $15,000. North Sixth St WILL sell my half interest in new and secondhand automobile business pay ing good; it takes $3000 to handle the proposition, but it's a good, one and stands a thorough investigation. Have state agency for one of the best com mercial wagons. on market. Address 317, Journal. - Want to Buy v - Into or buy -the whole pf a' good, cash paying business . where the duties will not confine me too much to-inside work. Could handle a good-sissed deal IS t , , T ........ 1 t ;ii'n,t.rvnA';," T , r isrr WASHINGTON street market, $2000, stock, fixtures and special privileges, avs years-lease on inree stalls mct y This is a live one., $2000 cash. 407 Lumbermen Bank bldg. ClGAIt and confectionery store; have other business;' must sell; everything goes at invoice, less for cash; will con sider , good trader-Investigate, X-31I, T ..... 1 ''....' .'.-'., , '''.. .. : RESTAURANT Good location, cheap rent: clears from SI lilTMMTI AND ts to 10 ft Av. ' -Thin In a l hn.,.1"" "nulcl ; U For particulars cll 88 10th, near Stark. WANT partner with $500; wiTTTWe shorslt'gZdluarmenl Vtf3m MIN1NO and oil engineer requires small capital to open offices In Portland. Partnership proposition with or without active participation, j T-201. Journal. CHOICE acre, "Jennings Lodge station, on county - road, - block from station, $Sb0, $150 cash,' balance $15 month., X- ik. journal. - HOME bakery and delicatessen,- center ol good business district, clears $5 to $8 day; snap if sold this week; $350 will handle this. Call 88 10th st REAL SNAP, new stock furnishings and shoos for $1200. or invoice: rare opportunity. See owner, 329 West Park, Sunday or Monday. - ' i GROCERY store, includes building and stock, located close to , Keridall sta tion on O. W. P. Price $600; a -hut gain, .'K-306. Journal. ' ,- '- AMBITIOUS young men to become trav- eung salesmen. Kxpenenoo unneces sary.v Write for particulars. Bradatret System. Rochester, N. Y. . LIVERY barn for Biile; horses, rigs, full equipment, In good country town, In quire Inld Livery Barn; Donald, Orr. NEED the rash and ..will sell 1000 Ore gon Gold Hill stock at ten per share if taken this week. A-308, Journal. RESTAURANT Centrally located, -8 years' lease; cash talks. 1C-305, Jour nal. 1 -v.,'-. ;-- :u-;'r-y-j-,-i THKMENDOl'S sacrifice; business pays isoo to $4000 month; hair interest only $1200, Edwards, 221 M;. Morrison. STORE on Norlrirup st. cor. 23d; good for grocery,, confectionery or delicat PBseti; cheap-rent Call at 747 Northrup. FOR KALE Drug store in city; good - location, good business: will trade for 1 " . J M"1'M.T. n-,li, IfllUlllill, SMALL grocery store for Bale; good lo cation en i-Mt, Scott carllne. Tabor 1794. SALOONS Several good paying saloons for sale. For, particulars call at 610 Swetland bldg."'--'- --'- ' ; i'Ol' CORN machine, almost new; Crea tors No. 1, cheap. Reid, 226 Stark st DULLNESS CHANCES J 20 .v Manufacturing Plant' .If you are looking for a snap in a small but complete manufactur ing plant for chairs, tables, etc., fully equipped, ready to turn on the power, see us today. This offer will bear fullest investiga tion. " PORTLAND TRUST CO. BANK, . , 3d and Oak sts. , Business Chancesrfor Sale $3000 Dry poods store, , , $250 Two chair barher shop. $ao0 Blacksmith and woodworking shop. : .. . v . t. :: . ' $6000-r-General . nidse, store, good town.- And several other good- propositions for- sale or trade, ' ' - F. L Strout 310 Oak st WILL YOIT BITE ON THIS? You, have been-biting, and got bitten on fake ads of i the business chance shark, and so have I. Now investigate something that la genuine.4 J want a young fellow who , is full of ambition to ' joirt: mo- in a forming a corporation here, and can show such a man the best opportunity ever. He most - have y&00 f and ; be a rustler! Don't answer irnless this fits you, and you mean busi ness. Call phone East 2:250 tonight or Sunday, or address C-301, Journal. GROCERY; STORE for Sale on Belmont st.k doing good business. Long lease. This place is on a good corner and i selling about $3000 worth ot goods per month, t Must be aold at Vince. Price reasonable. " " ; . '"' . t . CHANDLER & GIBSON,, . -'"'' ' ' . " 312 - Commercial bldg. - -Hotel Men Take Notice The Cottage hotel at Wilsonvllle 1 for' eale by owner at a bargain; low rent;, place Is full of steady boarder. Address E. L. Walters. Wilsonvllle. Or. FOR SALE A thriving dry goods busi ness with long lease in the best sub urb of Portland, paying over- 20 per cent on $10(000 for sale for $7500. The closest investigation solicited. Good and sufficient reasons for selling. P 3"H. - Journal. ?35 STARTS yoM in business malting. $5'tO $10 a liav. "The Amfirlean Ma, chine" hones razora, sliarpans all kinds safety -raiora, blades, cllnpers, scissors, etc. No previous . experience required. Address for particulars R. S. Green, manager, 171 Washington St., jChloago. - FOR SALE-Grocery and confectionery store, next to school of 800 'seholars; f.?sh trade- wlll seI1 building and lot 40x100, $1800. half cash; good school book and stationery trade. Owner. Ta bor 600. - - - ,- , ' . - - FOR SALE A good implement and ve- hide business, doing $20,000 a year. The only business of its kind in city. Will sell or rent the building; will taka about $2500 to buy present stock. Box 45. Brownsville. Or. . : ... MAGAZINE solicitor wake up. Beat proposition of the age. Your money every day;. 25 cents a year magazine; premiums. Write today. We do the reatCTi Johnstone, De"pt M.'Roohes- GET into business for yourself. Wo imvo some line openings, or If you want to sell your business, residence, or vacant lot quick, come and see' us. iblocum Investment Co., 326 Worcester building. '' -"' --'- -. ''J;-. - GIVEN AWAY FREE. : Map jt all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publication, ''Cali fornia Oil -Fields," . Sagar-Loom Is Co, 701 Oregonlan bldg., Portland, Or.. WANTED Partner with $3000 to take - half interest in business that pays $300 per month. Good security for money invested. Call between 10 and, 2. 26 N. 13th St. -, '.-'..; -.',',,".., ;.. T.TTOTIlT,- Ota , ,r,rnn-, , n..M 1 'L 111 1 dudhimo ip v uB i ia.tL.N i i nave- a storage and transfer business for sale, that is paying 15 oer cent on tb nrln Usked. Will sUnd the closest investl guLion. Aoaress A-bSO, journal. WE WILL write your lectures, speeches, club papers, etc,; political speeches a specialty; accurate translations made; confidential. Central Literary Bureau, wianoun oiog., nansas mty, mo. L AM an A-l chiropodist and want - partner with $150 to open new par lor. -You can, handle yoor own money. If you want some quick money talk with me. B-305, Journal. ANYBODY can add $8 to $30 weekly tu their income all winter, growing mush rooms in cellars, sheds,, boxes, etc. Big market. .Free booklet Hirara Barton, I WILL start you earning $4 daily at home in snare time, silvering mirrors; no capital; free instructive booklet, giv ing plans of operation. Gt F. Redmond, Dent, 261. Boston. Mass. - CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon t with staple line; high commissions, with" XlnA TTnnnii 1 v A wa hm .. I position to right man, Jess H. " Smith t o,, t'etroit. a'.ich. . - WANTED Partner . with $100; excel Jent opportunity to maktf money. , Ap ply Shirley,, Midland hotel, between 6th and 8th sts., on Stark, Portland. FOR. SALE- A email stock of s-roeeir. ies and fixtures: also hnnmhnM tnr. nlture for four pleasant rooms; modern. $325. N-300, Journal. ' , , PA RTNER in meat market, good Wa tion and business, paying well. Call Friedman, at Washington St Public Market , . . '- SAWMILL FOR SALE. ; ' canacltv: . .ir m.ttt. log ban) t iisiit.'-. , W, C. HAMMER GERVAIS; Or 1 .-M . room flo ei, restau counter; rifice . I because I am going east. By owner, no agents: R-308. Journal. A GOOD wad established real estate business In the best l&eation in town for sale cheap, or will trade, B-306, Journal. ' $25 WEEhiLY and expenses to trust- ' .."iMrL1 i?,r?.v.e' B"a tnn'. ! , "7 Cjv'I.jV v T 1 i 2" AL'JH "tS!f!Ke.t? L?-?61 ' years with a small mail order business: botran wlfh $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. iieawcK, m7 iooKport; n." T.- fbR .SALE Millinery business, good traoe,. line rixtures, np to date stock; good price for quick sale! sickness th caose. W-291. Journal. . , WE CAN place you iniaying business; before buying be sure and -set -us. Kinney & Stampher. 5S1-2 Lumber Ex charge bldg. A-4 881 . --v -.' . WANTED A doctor to buy drug store ana jocaia in gooa interior town: about $1200. Address I IL Wilkes, Spray, Or, FOR. SALE An old established .. book rent, 189 First st Trade for rent estato. -1 - ' - FINE meat market with a $2000 busi ness weekly, best location on Union ave. I, By, owner, address P-244, Jour nal. WILL sell patent No. 969,690, potato digger, or trade for farm or income property- . W. F, Headland, Su Johns, t)r. - - FINEST buy in Astoria; corner block. Income ' $2840 " year. Trice $24,000. Terms. vChas. E, Hicks. Independence, Or. 5 GOOD location for a drug store . and nutat markst, in a new concrete bldg Phone Main' 8f2 or 35 Lafayette bldg. FOR 'SALE Cigar, confectionery and ' check stand; good buy; price-reason, able. - 288 Front st RESTAURANT for Bale, 204 4th St., good lease, 15 months, good business; Will, sen p neap, , Rose City Prlntery, lilj 3d. - ' SACRIFICE SALE Small general sto k tast, siao, an new. , see owner, a -a v. Park, niornlnits. ' - USE Baesett s- Native Herbs or consti pation; 60 tablets for 25c, All drug glsta. .. .. .' . ;. ; ', y Q U 1CK saje grocery 'and delivery rig, bargain. Phone. .g-SH. i,,.,... 20 WANTED A real salesman, a man who has ability, who will work for us a hard and conscientiously as he would for himself, to represent us exclusively In Oregon for 1911. Must be ready to commence work January 1. We have a large, well known and In every way first class line of exclusive calendars and advertising specialties. ' Our line is ko attractive and varied that each and every business- in every town in the country, without regard to size, can be successfully solicited. - Our goods are very attractive, -but no more so', than our reasonable prices, and we know from the experience of Others who have been and are now in our employ that any bright, bustling man who lias 'abil ity and is willing i.o work can make with us from $50 to ' $150 per week. Commissions liberal. Our company was organized in 1882. We are responsible and mean business. If you , do, it will pay you to write Sales Manager, Mer chants Publishing company, Kalamajsoo, Mich,' Enclose thie advertisement with your application. ; Hotel Men Look Here - ' 30 room hotel in good town near Port land: doing the business: Si acre of i ground; 3 story building, in finest shape. Owner been there ror I vears, dui wants to sell on account of his health: easily worth $12,000, ptotind and all, ono year supply of wood, fruits and everything. Price $9000: about ' $5000" cash reauired This is a snao. . If you are awake, here is your chance.-. 4); p ,' J, E. Nichols Co, ; . 'HAS IT FOR LESS" ." .' 620 Board of .Trade. - ; t Meat Market and Grocery In - small town - near Portland dong auuu monmiy, oniy one in town, maxr ing big money. We can prove this. Ground 100x100; store building and 8 room .house,,. barn and other buildings. Price $6000; $2500 cash, balance easy. J. Er Nichols Co. -I "HAS IT FOR LESS." 1 ' , 820 Board of Trade. ' General Store 10 miles from Portland.ln good town, $15 rent lease, with four living rooms, doing $50 dally horse and wagon; will invoice about $3000. Investigation In vited.' (S) - - t E. Nichols Co, , ' "HAS IT FOR LESS." 1 620 Board of Trade ' A- RARE chance for a 60c on the dollar1 buy , of a- stock of " merchandise at Vancouver.' Wash.: ' ;' $5000 will handle. but only $1500 cash la needed, balance can be in trade in anything; oi, good value; stock in fireproof building;, rent $25. Anyone interested who calls by lO Monday can go with party to see stock. ' ; . H. M. tAKLOUil & tu, . I I :..; ' Board of Trade, MEN wanted, age 18-3S, for firemen, : ,$100; monthly,- and brakemen, $80, on near by railroads: exDerience unneces sary; 1 no strike; positions guaranteed competent men; promotion; railroad em ploying headquarters; over 600 men sent to positions monthly;- state age; send stamp, f Railway Association, care Jour nal.. JL Drug Store - - - We have a good One Jln r suburb -to Portland; no competition;, rent $15 ijrice tuo casn. t -. -. , ' , j J, E, Nichols Co,' , , ,TIA8 IT FOR LESS." ,620 Board or Trade. , -' WOULD like o invest a small amount of money and my time in a proposi tion that will bear investigation, I'm not front Missouri but from Texas, and you not only have to show me but you've got to put it In my hand. . M-302, journau -- - . Good Hardware Stock '' - The ' only - hardware in a good live town: stock will invoice about 84506 good opening for party who could doubls tne stock; irs a good one. . Neal Brown, 709 Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE Good paying business: Will stand investigation. If you have-$1600 cash and looking ror a business that will nay out at once, an established bum ness with good' location and. lease, call at 181 Grand ave. S. This will Sell at once. Am leaving city. Call Monday, A HALF Interest In ( reliable " real es tate bnslness, with or without auto mobile; a live man sought to make big money; ownen has to attend to other business and might take trade. Room 215 Henry bldg. ' h ' $1400 EQUITY in 14000 C-room cottage; will take $900 for equity; good res taurant, Shi years' lease, $40 rent; brick building, steam . beat doing good busi ness;, will take something la trade worth $500 or $600 as first payment, balance reasonable. Room 14, 2704 Washington. ONE HALF interest in . old established real estate business; no previous ex perience necessary ; a -live - man - ought to make $150 to $300 per month; owner has other business to attend to. ' Room 215 Henry bldg, ; -.- - - . . ; STORE building, comer lot, on 6c car line, grocery stock at Invoice; two 3 room flats, also rooms fori owner; $3500 for lot and building; stock will Invoice about $700; good terms. 207 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington. , PARTNER wanted in ground floor real estate business; my partner has other Interest ' that calls him from Portland; you certainly can- make itood here; light expense - and fine opportunity to make money. Call 178 Madison st CIGAR. STORE ; 'pn best street in city, cheap rent, do ing $20 dally. Yours if taken today. $125. Peters, 15 N. 6th st SALESMEN wanted, ' experienced ad - vertlsing 'men - to sell',- line of calendars, bank1-supplies, leather goods, and novelttos: well es tablished trade; liberal contract Bank ers Supply Co.. Iowa City, Iowa. IF YOU are a saloon man and want to go into business for yourself, you had better look, this saloon outfit uo. It is A-l outfit Now in-storage and can bo bought for less than half the cost John- gon s-jotinson. 'isy iotn RESTAURANT: In heart .of city doing good business. Just the place for man and wtfe. Price today.- $175. - Peters, 15 N. 6th st. CONFECTIONERY cigars,, tobacco, gro, oerles, ice cream parlor; two furnished rooms, fixtures, . complete; god, trade; lOw rent; a bargain; most sell, reason sickness.' phone Tabor 66. ' ;- ' MAN with little money to buy my half interest In cleaning and dye works; well established, near Wash, st: place doir.g' well, good reasons ; f or selling. Call and get full particulars. 27 N.16tli. MOVING picture theatre; central west side location; long lease; fine equip ment Price $3000, 1-3 taken in sub urban property,. $2000 cash,. S07 Roth j, 1(1 h ' th r i Wafinlnigt(n WANTED A man of good standing to buy a half interest in a-real estate firm doing; a good business: will bear close,, investigation; 'good reasons - for selling. K-298. Jo'irral. ' WANTED Partner, automobile vacuum cleaning otitfit; small amount of cash and plenty of work needod. - J.-300, Jour nal. , . FOR SAIJS 2 chair barber shop, $150; ,'$5 month nent: good reason for sell ing. D-3Q4. Journal. I WANT to leasejPlace in a saloon for lunch stand. J-301, Journal.- - ! mining stocks; 58 Snap IN Rooming House rooms, clearing , $76 to. $100 per 1 - HenKle Oi II larnson. U Orllnger bldg. WANTED Rooiiunu house of 18 to-30 rooms, close in, in exchange for fine new- 7 room houso and 2 lulu. Wolff I,ana Co., 145 -1st mU V.1MNO andr industrial stocks: tele phone and -other bonds bought end BUSINESS CHANCES Old. . C. S. Fletcher, 12S Abington bldgiS 38 : ' TALK WITH FLETCHER. ' All California Oil Stocks. ,4,000 Alaska Pet. & Coal treas. .special 10,750 Alameda Con. transferable. , .bid 1.000 Automatic Call & Adv. Clock. . bid 5,060 B. C. Amalgamated Coal, .bargain-' 10.000 Black Lagle (.Santfam) ..',.. low . '' 600 Calif. Con. Oil (Bob Evans) .snap 20 Campbells Aut 8. G B. . '.. .bid 1,000 Comstock G. Gate.. ;13 5,000 Fidelity-. Coprer -.; .-... i.'. .. .bid 2 German American Bank,, . .. .bid 800 Globe Oraln Separator. .bid 1,150 Gov. Standard Powders. .;. special 200 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel.'., .special 2,000 Morning Metallno 2,725 National -Copper . . . i . .. ... .. .bid 1,000 Necarney nvarocaroon.ex. svei'iai 1,000 North Santlam ............ .2 10 Open River Transportation, . -bid 3.500 Oregon Gold Hill. - ...,. .cheap 2,500 Fiokel Cont. Adv. Mncn , .oargam 215 Portland Concrete Plle..i.pclal 1,000 Poulson Wireless .snap sno Tacoma Tel. bona. ...... ...! 500 United Pac. Tire Cover. ..bargain All other stocks and bonds. See me before buying; may bo able to do better. . l WANT ' -' .''". Alameda Con. Gov. Stand. Powder. ; EXCHANGE. . ' ; Real rstate for Tacoina'Tel. bonds. Real estate for Govt Stand. Powder. ; NaL' Conner. Trevor. - Calumot B, for lots. , . -"' 226 Ahington Bldg. ';-; HKLV, VANTEl--3lALE i 1 $2000 to itfl'nno ven in the' real es- tate business - without raoitsl: we "Will teach you the business by mail, appoint you special reoresentatlve In your - lo cality, oi leading real estate company, list witn- you readily saiaoie pruperwK, ronnerntn with and nsn1st -roil to Derma- net success; a thorough commercial law course rree, to .represents uvea. . u you page book will surelv Interest you. Ad- oresa intema.Mona.1 Renitv: t ore. ix"pu 228, Chicago. III. (Successor to The Cross Co. & H. W. Cross A Co.) SPECIAL Oi FEU. , r,- $25 '-"'' S..- j- AtTTOMORTLE COURSE. 1 . The. demand for competent drivers and men to fix cars is so great that we will teach any sober and trustwortny man the driving and care of all makes of cars, i: through practical experience In our shoo, for only $25, A thorough and complete knowledge, day or eveu- tng. -( JOIN UH JSUW. ' - Office 828 Vi Washington st, room 415, GET. A BET TER I'LACE Uncle Sam Is best emoloven nay is high and Sure: hours short: places 'permanent: promotions regular; vacations with pay; thousands of vacancies every month; ail kinds of pleasant work everywhere no lay-offs; no pull needed, common education sufficient Ask for ' free Booklet 368, giving full particulars and explaining my offer of position or money pacg. -,. i-ri HopKins, vanmg ton, D. C. '- , - - THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY can place one hundred young- boys; per manent positions with good nay for am bitious workers. Apply ' to superinten- dent on sixth tiooc s to 10 tu, m. "1E3. We need mi expert." To succeed in any, line of wqrk you must have special training. If you have a liking for any high paid position, the interna tional Correspondence Schools will train you. bend ilor our new catalogue, : 44 Aidr st . - - . - GOOD reliable man who will take in terest in nice paying business; one half down, balance from weekly Income. A splendid opportunity for steady man. Write or call Sunday morning from 10 to 2, Pacific IIo(t, First and Columbia, room -- - . . . : - is can poaiTtnNS For gM4uate last year; men and wo men learn barber trade In I weeks: help to secure positions: graduates earn $1 to $2S weekly; xpert instructor; tools free: wrltt for catalog. Moler Syswnj 07 Colleg-M. 85 N, 4th St.. Portland, WANTED Salesmen ; many make $100 ' to xi&o per month; noma even more; Stock clean, fcrown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance weekly choice o territory. Address Washing ton Nursery Co.. Teppenls;., Wash. WANTED Wideawake steady man to wait on customers, handlej cash, etc; pav you $125 monthly; experience not necessary: only $260 cash required. Call 265 Morrison st, room 312 Alisky bldg. Open evenings between 7 and 9. MAN wanted; must be willing to learn and capable of acting as our repre sentative no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. Address Nation al Co-Operatlve Realty Co., 909 Mar den bldg., Washington, D. C , ' CONCRETE work to value of $100 and $100 Cash will buy an equity in an $800 lot, thickly built up section, bal ance payable $10 monthly. 600 Henry bid g. A-1163. ' ic .- AGENT WANTED To ' sell house to house one of the greatest sellers on the market; deposit of $4.60 required. Agents making all kinds of money. ; 303 Spalding bldg. " FIVE acres of land to grub. Will let . contract See t ; , a..,.;; " . HOSSACK it GODMAN, . : Oregon Electrio. Depot, Front & Jeffer- - son 'streets; - '- WANTED 8al?smen In every locality ; lift the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of .. territory. Yakima .Valley Nursery Co.. Torpenlsh, Wash. " YOUNG man to learn the real estate business, prefer stenographer. Fee N. M. Apple, 'farm manager M.'K. Thomp son Co., ground floor Henry bldgv cor ner 4th and Oak sts.-' ,,.,:-,..., ; A DEPENDABLE office ioy that can , crow Into a clerkship: rapidly. i Salary. to start $20 per month. Address In your own hand writing. v-ai, journal. WANTED Men to sell brand new . household necessity; new selling plan, sella- itself; no talking; liberal' commis sion. X-812. Journal.; - . ; . SAFETY RAZOR blades resharpened 30c - dnz. Mall orders promptly finished. Amtr. Safety Honing Co., 614 McKay bldir., cor. 3d and Stark. Portland, Or. $5 per month, telegraphy taught in practical forms; day and evening ses sions, i Address Mvers. 669 Flanders St., Portland, Or. Main K512. 1 - WANTEI-Boy . over 16 with wheel uood wages . paid and roy win , na tanght good business. Will pay bicycle repairs. L, tl , xien, tn .iq st. STUDY law. next term commences Nov, " "28; new ' classes' formed; night or day Classes, ,.1'ortiana i-w acaooi, b6i Wor cester block.' i WANTF.T 4 men to U-arn automobile v repairing and driving, call at garage from 9 to 41 a. m; or irornS? o P- m. Sso e. wasnington st. HENRV M'SPADEN. son of Mary F, Let . your trustee Know now he can communicate with you. . It will b to vtwr advantage. ? y y .'"'' -'-- WANTED A , salesman : for . Jackaon county, ! Another for eastern Oregon territory. - Apply - Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco. or. - YV A N.-TrTl;e)lhl man In Heal , Cn tate business, good opportunity, small nount required. , Phone Main; ,009. SHORTHAND drills', in the guarantees good positions. E. B. U. Any sys- tern. 630 Worcester block. ' CHEF lieaduuarteis and helpers. Call fornla Wine tHoot zas Yamhill, next W AN '1 fto-i-Good ' presseri to, buy shop. See II. D. Davis, , 202 Phil, nt., St jQbna. - ' - WANTED Bov about 1 16; good opptir , tunlty for advancement Hawk Print. ing Co., fSA 3d St. - WANTED Boy through with school to - ht'lp on milk wagon. - Call phono Tabor liua. MAN of business ability acciuaintedwith city to take charge of department ot WANTED Partner with $10o" for coo.l Inside business-, Investigate 206 1st Street, nnn n. . y': '; PA fNYER-anterf0.rft:ifsi'.)u:'lK mnti only.1- t'al 1 1 075 E.-tst 13th st. N MEN to buy misisfit Harvard tailors. 308 suits, $10 Burnslde.-'--'-. MEN" to buy misfit suits,. $10 , up Howard, tailor, SO Burnnnlo. W"ANTKD--:'Ho:icitbK stiow cards. ,' 6(1-61 Blumauer bldg., cor 4th nnd Morrtson MEN wart ted to sell horseradish. ' Cult MINING STOCKS afternoop, P; -Schrcoo!t," 165 N. iOtu I WANTED Young men to leara t c -er;iti moving picture tnaet ii'..-., w . . from $15 to $25 a wVok; oUU t l " i; i- LNU BCllOOL I'JJ il'UtuU Vi l 14. in- tie nmm::i Beware of would-be, and cut i'i, schools. We teru'h ' each student i owers, Edison and Double Storeoptlrnn Dissoiver machines. There is no vmv : instruction so thorough on the I n- iflc coast. WE ARE THE LARGE.-; r FILM DftJNTEUS IN TH WORLD: we re having DAILY CALLS FOR Oi'Kii- ATORS; got one of otir standard opera tors handbooks. Apply . Laemmie, ," 50$ Couch bldg., 4th and WashlngtoB v Sts., Portland, o SAVE MONEY; SEE US. , Biff reduction on nrlctt of lessons In MOVINO PICTURE OPERVTINU; teach the business In every a e tail. rt ing you actual show experience; WB GUABANTEE to teach you right; OLD EST AND MOST RELIABLE SCHOOL on the coast. Our price is lens than one half what the other schools chargre. We are equipping moving picture thea tres constantly and operators are in de mand. - Day and night classes. New York Motion Picture ; Exchange 626 Vx Washington st. '- '- : ---y - -- 'r. '---.' ' . ;' CHAUFF EU RA are In great demana. V vant sober, re,llahle men. uiat we can recommend, -to taka our course in repairing and driving automobiles, pay and nierht Hchnol. . -, Auton-hile School of Oregon, oft'ee room 2i, Merchants ,mst bldg.. Phone warsnan ibj. HELP WAS TED 'FE31 AIE ,3. WANTED - Toung ladies for .tele phone operating, with or withont ex perience. Apply The Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co., 6th and East Ankeny sts or W. Park and Aider sts. ' , v THE M"EIER & FRANK STORES eani place two hundred bright young girls; permanent positions with good pity foi those who prove competent Apply t superintendent, sixtn uoor, s ip au a. vxm HAVE . your ostrich plumes dyed cleaned and curled now oerore tno ruBh comes. Ostrich Plume Co, Washington. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for gloves and hosiery; good salaries; permanent position for right parties. Lennon s Specialty Store, 3U9 MorriMon st WANTED Pupils to learn halrdress lne. manicuring, facial massage, scalp. treatments, weaving; great demand fur graduates, onicago nair uressmg vo- 1 e ge, second floor. 148 6th st NIGHT and day chool for shortliajuf., bookkeeping, typewriting,- English, . arithmetic, etc, ' Positions guaranteed, Eclectic Business University, 630 Wop- cesier m-r. WANTED Reliable, elderly woman to care for 2-year-old child and 4 rooms' for woman employed during day. Call 229 Adams st. EXPERIENCED . salesladies wanted those living on east side, preferred; steady positions. Inquire Bannon & Co. 888-380 R Morrison, ' LADIES make supporters; $12 per hun dred; .'no canvassing; material fur nished; stampert- envelope for jnartlcu lars. Wabash Bupply Co., Box 6. Chicago. MANY clerks wanted for $60 to $10 monthly government positions. Send stamp .for particulars. ,.Civil Service BhooU Denver, Colo. ' WE teach ladles millinery or dressmak ing in a few weeks at Boston School; of Millinery and Dressmaking, 274 Wil liams ave. Phone East 845. - WANTED Young, honest lady with ex perience of light grocery, cigar arxi confectionery store; good wages. 11L Sixth St. - WANTED A young lady to play th piano in exchange for lessons in piano or voice. - Call on Wednesday at Boston Culture Club, roofii 416, Steams bldg. WANTED A good girl to help In gen eral housework and take care of chil dren. Apply , at 463 Ev 9th N.. v near- Thompson. - v ANTED Woman for general hous-" work:- $7 and meals. 169 Park st. Malt 7640. WANTED Elderly lady, good homej easy work, small i wages, care lor school boy. 406 E. 11th. JANITRESS wanted for office, Cor. Grand ave. and Caruthers. Call Sun- day after 3 p. m. FOR s situations in, - restaurants and families.' at Howes 'Ladies Agency, room 311, 326 Washington. .. WANTED Cash girls and bundle wrap pers, : Inquire Bun non & CO., 388-380 B. Morrison. --- WANTED Salesladies; will pay liberal commission; call at 403-4 Railway Ex- change bids;. WOMEN and girls wanted to work In fruit cannery, noimcs t-anncry to.. F'8th and Division. ' - WANTEI-One -competent housekeeper for three at once. . ,1'hona ii-iiia.- 61 i E. Ankeny. -: ' - . .-- . - .. . WANTEI Middle aged woman to help- with houseworks will ray fair wages. Write Trollinger Bros.. Shelburn, Or. WANTED Young girl to assist in gen eral housework, j is. urn jn., cor. Pchuyler. "' -y '- ;-)': - . WANTED Ladles who have facial wrinkles to be removed, something sure nnd harmless. A-303, Journal. WANT Eli Experienced lady solicitor to t,ell tickets for jjrominent event Phone Main fn y - ' : HOUSEKEKI'EP waaled; age 30. to 3o; work in dairy. - Journal. WANTED Tne care of 1 or 2 children ' In n good private fnmily. E-5313. GIRL wanted lor light housework. 368 13th st. HKLP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE ' ' 2t AMATEI'ItS The Robertson School of 1 DratnaUo 'Art; prepares you for the stage. -- - ,' ; -v , - -.. ':''.' .!,-..-.. Vixpert teachers in all departments. Elocution, voice culture, stage dancinji, dramatic art and make up. . m; Vaudeville - acts written and re hearsed under the personal direction of Mr. Robertson. -Day'andi evening classes.1 Open son day p. m. 830 Marquam bldg. , Phone Marshall 1863. " -- ' '-. WANTEDAGENTS AGENTS wanted. New coal oil mantlo lamp, "Elcttta" imported), 350 can-; dlepowery ..'Saves - oil. v Non-breakable chimney.-'-'.' Guaranteed; protected tr- . rltory free. ElKtra Mantle Lamp to 13114th.g!eattle. Wash. - ' - AGENTS Ma'ke $200 before Xmas. $T vanltv box, 1 6c; "full of niammotH Imitation cut glaiss bottles of pcrfumo, etc.: outselling everything; amazing' profits; samphs f rce,- Iarker ClusmloiJ v. Chicago. - " "- -' . y y -y AGENTS triakw 60tr er cent profit well ing our GOLD WINDOW LKTTKKIV NtHKLTY SIGN'S and CHANG EALLU SIGNS. F00 arietles; enormous ile. miuni; catalog free. Sullivan Co., K34 Van Huron Ht, Chicago, 111. - ; liCSfLER.-j'wnnioIi evefywhsre; iii t $100 Bnule weekly; iutik s-lU-r; h, profits; particulars fre; write tiVij-. Drake Speclnlty Co,, 1013 Wilde si., U4 AnrTiiles, ("1.- y :'-.'--. '' - - y. ' MAfE $50,000 til ftvn b m t(i r in n M 'or n t m ?! n ; f 'vi 'nd for free .booklet, Heaeooki fi-i"i6-J.ock,i,rt. N. WA NT Ei A;Tii t s -HeJ (!,,' w tuta for alot, s sellrt on sl!t tor I . '!, ..'.,;,' 'Tells v. tllsha Co.. 'Aolers.Ffi, 1 A'4f'N') tvantcl tu ! jmn(Hl for .'! - ri i Ht fw; -' " ' . City Nui3i C., .,-.. .1 help yant::: mai r. 'I'-' h ' y -,--' -; ' ' ..'";.." "'. s-.:' ;' . ;