THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, . DECEMBER '4, 1010, k 17! - FI1T0M M 13 THE PLACE FOR YOU I Oil SALE FAKMS i .ana in mis estatm&iicu euij. 10.000.000 feet,' 00 acres or line pas- cr umy is the best investment .now &elnS j ture, au good soil, 60 acres in cultiva r;:ored in the entire south; pood ian"':tion, 100 eres more can easily be put t . t white sand; no negroes; fine , mar-f Jn cumvatton: price 120 per acre, $6000 ! - ts; tis profit country; not a new, , balance Ions time at 5 per cent u.incr. but established for 18 years and . ,-, ' fx-!,... ponrU , Mjcctss proven; healthful climate and A rinS VZSX XWZ l eaiiiiful winters; water pure; .rainfall f (S9 acres In Washington Co.. IVi miles ample, no irrigation required; $5 Pfr(from good town, on fine gravel road, month buys a farm In this district., j 2B0 acres jn -cultivation, 150 more In where 18 acres can be made to produce-1 open pasturei g0Od stream water and ffu00 a year; price low now and nialces many 6prings, $4000 house and 3 large epiendid investment, as land is rapidly j Darnai 300 acres Is creek bottom land, It anywhere; send for our big book, of nicrtasing in vaiue; nvuung i-aoj , ; ; I anorama views. Agents wantea. r run--ale Development Co.. 873, 423 Chestnut Mreet, St, Louis, HO. ' , .' If -III 45 acres, all eood farm land, 22 acres In cultivation,-. 10 slashed. 6 easily cleared, 2 good living springs, 4 room frame house, good -barn 84x40, and out houses; well at house; good team of mules, I horse, ! cows, 2 yearlings, 5 rmckens, grain and implements, mile of school,. 6ft miles of -Oregon City. Look here! I am a "bachelor and dissat isfied and want to sell at once and win give some man a bargain. I am offering this place $1000 cheaper than anything like it in Clackamas county, and the best terms. I mean .business nnd if vu do. come along and we will deal, price $4200, $1000 gown, balance 3 years at 6 per cent Take Molalla roa 4 miles o"at and mil- west and Inquire for John Stoker, owner. Ad dress R, F. LVNo. X, Bar 8$, Oregon 'ity. Or. : - - $1000, half cash, balance 1. I and 3 years with per cent Interest, buys a very Choice 40 acres, unimproved but very much of It easily put in cultiva tion by slashing and burning the brush. This ; is r strictly choice, land, -' well watered and nearly level; near school and adjoins improved farms; on part of the land close to 1,000,000 feet of fine large yellow fir; -lies 10 miles from AVoodland, Wash., which is on the N. P. Hv only 20 miles north of Vancouver. ' All the above is true. Two nice small farms could be made. ' Come quickly If wanting a bargain. Land will produce anvthin that can be grown in Wash ington. Logging outfit half mile from l:rid. R . Lane, Woodland. Wash. - BARGAINS IN ACREAGE. " ' . 34 acres right in town at North Yam miJl, finest of boI),: living water, beauti- . . . 1 1. KnlMHa. i n fin. .Dta lit cultivation. '; ''":.f':''v-'v-V J8 acres Just ontslde the city limits of Portiand. near Oregon Electrfo R. R-, plendtd soil, mostly cleared and beau tiful lying land, carllne has been sur veyed alonr one side. - if you want either of ' these come quick. .'. ' ' " 1 - . . 40 acre farm 9 miles north of Van couver, about 25 acres cleared and bal ance easy to clear, comfortable buildings and" fine young orchard, elopes just enough to drain, has fine stream of liv lug water and Is the best of soil. . BAKER & CONE, 214 Ablngton bldg. M. 2439. Battered and Bankrupted ." Fortunes Mended Here ' " T600 acres of fine land, . adjoining main line South- -ern Pacific, all in cultiva- : tion. Price $35 per. acre, easy terms. , - George Northrup & Co.- 411 Spalding bldg., City. Phone Mai shall 2066. WK MEAN JUST WHAT WK SAT, -$S5 an acre for this 160 acre farm, with 90 acres in fine state of cultiva tion; only 15 miles of Portland. -on fine automobile road; beautiful view of sur rnunding country, and lit Hood. Small tracts in some, locality are soiling for $175 to $225 an acre. This Is the best buy for close In farm land we know oX, and It will be a pleasure to us to Hiow it to anyone who means business. J. M. FRENCH & CO., , 412-413 Ahlngton hldg;, 10fi-3d st 23 acres 1 miles from Newberg; 7 room house, good barn and outbuildings; good orchard fenced and cfoss fenced; running water; price $550; $3000 cash, balance' 6. ." .. . , ' ', . . . It n mI -'llntlHI II I UNA It " .'!- 205 Morrison street . -100 Acres 60 Acres In Cultivation . , 16tJ0 ft frontage on river; no wash or overflow. One finest farms in Canby bottom. Price $130 per acre. . $5000 cash, terms on balance., ... ", Geo, N, Eckler ' 310 Oak St ' ' ' ' l 'it r i . "' i aiiiiiui uuuniy -130 acres, all in v cultivation; new buildings, bouse, 2 barns, milk house, ilo, water piped, outbuildings. Terms Address owner,- 1144 Union ave. North. Phone Woodlawn . 2997, Portland, Or. 120 -Acres - Within I miles of center of city and I mile east of Oregon City car line; 70 acres clear, balance timber; all ' level; only $350 per acre. C F. Pfluger & Co., room 6, Mulkey.bldg., 2d and Morrison StS. ' ', TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS. - "T - Over 1,000,000 acres for sale by state can buy 640 acres $2 an acre; pay $32 -raeh, balance after 40 years; fine farm ing and fmlt land, healthy climate. For further Information end 6 ceata post ope. Investor , Fu'&,vo.'.Depfe' 44, San Antonio, Texas. 28 AdiES 10 miles west of courts house, good buildings, part improved, elope to school and store, 40 acres 8 miles from Oregon City, 25 clear, run time water, good house, 1 acre orchard. Hart trity property, balance terms. Ad dross John Seghera, Wood Co., 9th and !iH.n. - -- - . .. , . - , GOOD REASON4 for this sacrifice ' 40 acra ranc complete; just move in and go to living, best of soil run ning creek and spring. School on the rround, 1H miles to R. R. station. Worth $4000; make us an offer. 802 Bwetland Bldg., Cor. Bth and Wash. $.(0ti0 for 10 acres of highly Improved land which is netting me 20 per cent n the price I am asking for it This will make an excellent suburban borne, us it is but 10 miles of Portland with pood tram and boat service.- Owner. 412-413 Ablngton bldg. r' 40 ai-res only 13 miles from Portland and right at station. ' , 10 acres fine voung . orchard. All excellent land. New house and big barn. On good road, price 1400 per acre, . Easy termw. 3i G. San- i.ti iiitwi iti -i! n (ting. Ulu AUKic, truck i pHlclies, fine ten : acre tracts from $75 ta ; nr. ft .not acre, 117 acres bearing apple trees, Oth- -r una luiuiB, ijucts unu terms to suit enme and aee us. Sloiim Investment f ZU Worcester building. . "ent UN ' ACCOUNT ,oid age, will seli " or exchange for Portligid . property or ecreage my 240. acre Tarm located in Monroe county, Wisconsin. Address i -i, ,j i.iiir in i. it) ACRES Nebraska land and 2 large resiimm.e lots in Ran Jose, Cal., to viuitcny nt;ar rortiano ' .(i'5. .Ifnimnl 1 JHI.K frotti river 3 miles from Oregon 1 - - U; c -:j jicicf, fine itiMtt r iv.iiiiuiw. A liuifcuin if taken soon; '; I log til ng timber, ..Fhwne.. Tabor 2845. IF VOU WANT a farm we mo before you buy. I have all nixes at right r r '" a. liquet, a i wasn. A('iii. iiiiprovfil, i.oar St'aiiifOo; r ' fr.i-.t lund. HarB-nin $4000. See i tui coriett idg. 17 I Good Farms at Low Prices I Stock ranch of 1020 acres; less than I 100 miles from Portland In Willamette I valley, on a fine road, just 4 miles from i ft good railroad town of over 1200 popu- Intion, entire tract well fenced for any ' kind of stock, food buildings, well ..&fivrt 4 Till .i . . r-. , ci trv,Vil AAt tliy ' tVlWH spring water piped to Dunaings, one oi the best dairy ranches in the county; price $80 per acre terms to suit . . Here Is a Good One - SO acres about 20 miles from Port land, i miles from railroad town, mile from station on electric line, 40 acres creek bottom land, 4 acres beaver dam, 40 acres cultivated, 20 acres open pasture, 11 good soil, good buildings, well fenced andiWatered, all stock, crops, . Implements' and feed go with place at $10,000, $5000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent, . ' I " Columbia River Farm 25 acres,- highly Improved, mile from Warren, good buildings, fine or chard, rail and river transportation, it's a fine home with all stock, implements and crops for $5750, terms on part.- Small Stock Ranch , 200 acres, 6 miles foora McMlnnvilln, 50 ' acres in cultivation, balance good open pasture, this is a foothill ranch, all good soil and weQ watered, . 2 sets of buildings, one old and one new, 15 acres in. oats' and vetch, spring water piped to buildings; price $30 per acre, terms on part - - Dallas Fruit Land' .: 25 acres, 4 miles from Dallas, this is in the hills but not rough, best of soil and just drains well, not a foot of rough land, joins . a good large rchard, 15 acres In cultivation, balance timber and stump land, old barn, no house, this place can be had : for $900,owner leav ing country and must sell. ' Here Is a Snap 10 acres, 12 miles from Portland, close to car, 8 acres cultivated, . fine young - orchard, good buildings, team, wagon, harness and farm tools, 1 cow, 40 chickens, 6 tons hay, 20 sacks spuds, All for $2700, terms on part - - I have many others, both large and small farms,, some choice acreage tracts and small homes near Portland. See my list before you buy. Neal Brown, .709 S wetland bldg.j 8th and Washington sts. 100 acres, all bottom land and never overflows, rich bottoms practically all in cultivation, good 1 room house nd good horse barn and cow barn and 2 hay barns, running water in abundance... and good orcnard and email rruits; -wen fenced, fronting on good road, JR. F. D. and telephone in the house; 6 miles from 2 good R. R. towns, and 3 miles to good inland town, good granary, hen houses and yards, 3 horses, 9 good cows, 2 fine brood sows 7 plffs, 150 chickens, 1. Durham bull, 2 wagons, I hack, 2 sets of good harness, mower, 1 rake, 1 feed grinder 1 feed cutter, 1 fanning mill. 2 plows, 1 smoothing harrow. 1 disc, 1 sprtngtooth harrow, cultivators. 1 cream separator, all small toots -ana all household goods.. 400 bushels oats in the bin, 80 bushels of wheat,- 25 bushels apples, 18 acres of fine pota toes, mortgage of $5000 at T per cent, balance part cash and some trade; price everything goes at $15,000; 24 miles to Portland. . Farms of all descriptions at your se lection, , , . .. C. H. EVERETT. Rooms 516 and 517, Rot hchlld bldg. FARM FOR SALE. Orchard or dairy proposition, 160 acres, Renton county;' baniwrappie dis trict of Oregon:, 75 acres under cultiva tion; finest soil; 40 acres beaverdum, can at small expense be put under cul tivation;. 35 acres grub oak. easily cleared; natural drainage nu proCccttd from winds, facing south ' and east: water year round from springs and creek; beautiful building sue; fenced and cross fenced; old building, fair shape, nsed for granary and storing implements: some fruit; mile from rail road and thriving new townslte: land all about being planted to orchards; on county road, school right at hand; tele phone line and rural delivery. Also home place in thriving college elly of 6000; 6 rdom house nnd t'i lots, four blocks courthouse and six from high' and public schools; modern con veniences. Terms on part For further information address A. L. Fortson, 602 North 4th st, Corvallls, VI. s .: 20 acres, all lies level and In culti vation, good ( room house nnlnteri white good new barn 40x50, 38 bearing, fruit trees, 150 more young fruit trees irituy iu un net out, gooa weu and liv ing spring, beach, 1 cow, chickens and hay, 20 rods of school and Qhurch; lo cated at Carus. 6 miles out on Molalla road; it is all -macadamized; don't be' airaia oi rain, necause the roads are al ways good; I am compelled' to sell on account of my wife's health; otherwise, money would not buy it, for 1 have one of the best little farms In this locality and well Improved. Price $4000; $250t cash, balance at 6 per cent; no trade accepted. Owner, . L. T; Sinclair, For phone call Beaver Creek, or address R, F. 1). Nov 8. Oregon City, Or. &0 ACRES, all cleared: good 7-room house and 2 Rood barns? K0n fnitt trees,' all bearing; a cows and chickens and all farming toola go with place. Price $5500. ' Terras; part cash. WTe also have 60 acres of fine garden and berry land near Sherwood, Or., for sale. Small house, good barn, good ce ment cellar water nlrnut tn tha Small orchard, price $200 per acre: j on terms. , . - - - .,. , . . . We also have some choice farms at Sherwood, Albany, Canby, Newberg, Amity, oilala, Sandy, - Eddyville, and Bull Run, Or, : Come In and look at our list Chandler A Gibson, 312 Commercial Bldg 20 Acres Choice Fruit Cand IK miles from good town, Mar- Ion county ..U .planted, to aex:; . lected sto:k of apples, pears, prunes, walnut, etc. Must raise money this week and will sell for $150 per acre less than my nefgh- - -bor aska for raw land. See my afrent, A. B. HaU, 213 Gerllnger bldg, . ' SALE 157 acres, all , tillable, mile to railroad station, xchooi an? Church, 8 miles Trom Battle Ground, FOR SAJLE ;FAK31S vvasii., ii acres ciearea, zo very easily piows, cultivator, narrow, sets of har cleared; plenty of fruit and berries, thls'ness, 3 dozen chickens, hay; feed chop j w, yjiia, iuim vctuyriucie,' uu cnica ena, 5.. head. of. cattle, 2 cows, plenty , , , . . , t mini iinpieinenis ana small tools; spring water piped Into the kitchen: & - room house, new; sroal' barn and outbuildings; price $5000, on easy terms. - P. O. box , 35, Battle Ground, Wash. Snap - - r' 100 acres' fifl nira In mlllMtlm, ! have a narty that can't swing the whole iMai-c, w win iae . i win snow you. me nest buv on the Canby bottom 6 miles from Oregon City, 22 miles from Portland, Get busy. OeA M Cllrtr . ' . UCUi 111 LLMcif ' - 310 Qak'street A, . . ,,. . ' 1 ! ' ;a STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. " 800 acres, mostly bottom land, on Nev toois. implements; i:z tv an acre. Fdtn Hooker Company, Chamber o! Commerce bldg $10 Per Acre, :. SCO acres, 200 acres level land; t mil lion feet oi timber; -running water; sit uatea in one of the finest fruit belts; adjoining land has $15,000 of fruit bear ing trees. ' v . HATCH & HOWARD. 402 Commercial Block, 2U and Wash. - 17 ; Willamette Valley farms - 10 acres, 3 miles southwest of Oswe go, all in cultivation, nicely improved. $600 worth of personal property in- ! eluded., $4000; $2509 ,cash, balance I s lerma, , . r.,,v-Laiif;i- ,0!tm,l1e"i n"rthsryn- nU l.e.fiUiB10.ao6auCIea no buildings.. $2700;-.2a00 .cash,.- . -ik- , . . mi!!''fft2: t0-f0(d 'town. I miles to boat landing, 60 acres cultl- Vation. balance small timber . -rnnhlnir' water, no buildings. $70 per acre, part cash, balance terms, 159 acres, $114 per acre, joins city limits of Woodburn, 1 well improved, good 7 room house and good barn and outbuildings, 110 acres in cultivation, balance good timber and pasture land, all fenced and cross fenced, nice family orchard, running water. This Is a splendid farm. Will sell all or. part; H cash, balance easy terms. . 80 acres near Wapato station, Yamhill county; rolling land; 7 acres orchard; good creek and fine timber; $50 per acre, part cash- - v 5 acres, Multnomah station, 'cleared. A bargain at $3300. ' , R. A, Kirk LCo, " Room 317, Lewis Rldg. ' "The Best Little farm ; . Only $4000 24 Acres. 17 acres- in ultlvation. balance i) timber, all fenced , . . and cross i fenced, 4 room . n , house, 2 barns, chicken house and park, spring . ; . house and 1 springs, well; all furniture in bouse ex ' cept machine;' 1 team of .' v " i mules, 2 cows milking, some chickens, wagon, plows, ; harrow, set double harness, all tools and Implements. .. : , some hay in barn, beets, carrots, kale and potatoes, 1 1 to 2 acres In orchard, 200 , - ' Loganberries, some straw , berries, and other small ' fruits. Right on O. W. P. electric line. . " Train each hour. Terms. . Stoddard Brenner Co. ' 605 Couch bldg. ' 40 acres, 15 in cultivation, nice large new house and barn, good family or chard, plenty of timber, spring in pas ture, best or sandy loam, 6 good cows, 2 horses, 2 pigs, 60 chickens, new wagon, new hack, ' separator and all other farm implements needed; school on corner of land. 3 churches, I mUes from , Oregon City, 3 mile east . of Canby; 4rlo $4640 termor t- ,--- 32 acres, 28 acres in a high state of cultivation, 7 acres of applea bearing first crop, T acres in berries, a hand some new 9 room bouse, barn, cellar, woodshed, henhouse, all farm tools, 2 miles from Oregon City, near school and church; price $300 per acre; terms. 25 acres, 800,000 feet of saw timber in good location. Best of soil, all level, spring. Price $1650 cash. 69r acres, 35 in cultivation. 10 in ttm- Jtf, . balance seeded to pasture, house Ud barn, : on best county.: road, 3 miles from Oregon City; price. Jitv: ricei87 700; terms. FRKYTAG & SWAFFORD, Near S. P. depot, Oregon City, Or. 27 ACRES. -10 acres in high state of cultiva . . tion and 10 acres of good swale land, balance .heavy black t loam . soil. Some good timber on place, 4 room house, built last fall, small barn and chicken . house, one-fourth ,mlle good gravel road, R. F. D. milk' route, phoue, ne half mile to good school, church store, and railroad station,; 2 V4 ; miles to electric line and 13 miles jof Portland. Located In thickly settled community and open coun try. This is absolutely the cheap est buy on the market today and , if bought at once tian be had for . $2700; one-half cash, balance 6 '. per cent (B) CHAPIN & HERTX)W,' 332-338 Chamber of Commerce , ' UMPOlUVALLET . 78 acres one mile from thriving town. All cleared; 65 acres rich bottom land, 15 of which Is In alfalfa, producing this year 60 tons, which sold in field at $12 per ton. Fair buildings, old orchard. Fine place for fruit poultry, etc $8000. Terms. " . 87 Vt acres adjoining above, all under cultivation; 30 acres rich bottom land, 4 acres two-year-old fruit trees; new house, good outbuildings. Fine for gar dening, poultry, fruit, etc. $4800; terms. 480 acres. 70 acres under cultivation 200 acres slashed and seeded to grass; fenced and crws fenced; unlimited free range; five acres bearing, prunes; fair buildings., $16 per acre. See. my list of flfty Umpqua valley farms.-- - - .-. - Buell, 333 :Pherlock Bldg. Farm of 98 acres. 30 in cultivation. balance easily cleared, part can be ir rigated from stream on place. - Fine fruit soil, good family orchard, all Tclnda of berries, good house, with furniture, good barn and out buildings, farm im plements, new wagon, - buggye 2 sets harness,! young team, cow, 2 heifers, pigs, chickens and bees, grain and hay for stock, also potatoes and apples. Fine location. 1 -mile from Cazadero, car ev ery 2 - houra, 3 miles from Estacada. $7600. Terms.' Enquire at Cazadero for Thomas place or write to C. 1. ThomaB, Springwater, Oregon 21 ACRES' NEAR BEAVERTON. Abundance of good spring " water, every foot of ground haa been cultivated; r 2 acres bottom -land especially adapted for rais ing onions. - . . , , ! 6 room house.r well water . in kitchen; i good. 36X50 barn,, some fruit: $400 per acrelv ,H cash. Adjoining land $500 per acre. - WESTERN .OKEGON TRUST CO. 272 ytark street Tt'a right when we advertisa. .::";;...-v.:..:' ..,:: :. . v. 1 ... 'A Highly Improved -: 1.20 acres; all in high state of cultiva tion, close to Portland, fine house and barn, 2 wells, .fine young orchard, 1 acre of strawberries, rhubarb and all kinds of other small fruit; team of i fine horses, cow, good wagon, buggy. per and all small toola go with place; near carllne. This ts an exceptionally fine home. Price $7000; terms. ' BALL & KUNTZ 431-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Port land, Or. v , wu-avv ...... . 1 1 vu vnai vat ance 7 acres small brush; 4-roorn house ! wfth fine buildings; ideal place; a dandy orchard, peaches, apples, pears, pluma and cherries, and also berries; all In good condition. Black loam -soil; cross fenced: 4 milch cows, 1 team and rna- icmnery. eooo buys this. Get busy be- V"re u Tj p u. 1 . Hall Oi AtClllSOn JGOO CASH will handle this fine 40 acre farm In Douglas oountyj 13 tons of nay, rrain, farm tools, household goods good for turkey, chickens or stock 01 anv- tnrtr birgesrtittle stoclf farm ever advertised; balance on your own terms. Cramer Realty Co., 602-603, Spalding iiiuk.. oa ana wawnington, FREE information to easterners or new investors, on Portland and surround ing values. Protecting you againHt fraud or mistake. Everything conflden. tiaL 430 Worcester vbWg. Jilain 1940. IX)It SALE FAfttlS mmwn Sill 17 B88SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS s mn ii 1 u. tnllra from Esta- S S carta electric car. 'la acres in cul- S S tivation. balance fine green timber. S s All level, very, best of black soil, fl js enough wood to pay for place. Priced ! S $60 per acre., lour own terms. S S Guaranteed as advertised. A snap. & g ftcro ou miles from Estaca- S S da, 18 acres in cultivation, ne acre S S bearing orchard, good' well, fine S S spring, good 4 room housu, old S barn, fine location, on main county S 8 road. . Very best of -soli. Price S S $2300. . x . S S 122 acres, 40 acres In cultiva-S S tion, 40 acres more easily cleared, S S balance In good pasture; several S S good springs; new 6 room house's S and large barn; also S cows, team S S of good horses' and all farming S Stools; the location 2 mflos from 8 S good town on railroad and Co- S 8 lumbia river; price $6(100; reason- B S able tepms. "S S - 60- acres hear Estacada Electric S S line, 37 acres cleared, balance very S S easily cleared; some timber.- Land S S all level and the best of soil. Fine S S bearing orchard, abundance of small S S fruit; all fenced with good wire S S fence; good house and barn, , fruit S S dryer, and other outbuildings. Good S S team, - 2 ; cows, poultry, binden S S mower, wagon and full equipment S S of farming tools and crop go with S S place. Close to school, on main S S county road, milk route, phone line. S S Price,' $7000; good terms. - . - S An Ideal Country Home S A beautiful view of a noted trout S S lake and summer resort; 65 acres S 8 of fine soil, 25' acres perfectly S S cleared, enough green timber for S S fuel A fine modern 7 room house S S with bath and up to date conven- S 8 lencea, good barn, poultry plant S S with 4 . acre .chicken park, etc. S S A fine family orchard, good water, 8 S 10 head Of cattle, farming lmple- S S ments, 25 tons of hay. A nice lot S 8 of chickens, .turkeys and : Indian 8 S Runner ducks. House Is finely fur- S 8 nished and all household gooda go S S with place, . This property is only S S 6 miles by good road from Kood S 9 railroad and river town and on tele- S 8 phone, R. F. D. nnd creamery route. S S Price $4600. Terms $2600 cash.,bal- S 8 ance1 8 years at 6 per cent S S 120 acres, 60 acres fine creek S 8 bottom, balance level bench land S 8 except about 5." acres; 30 ftciea S 8 under- plow, 60 acres 1 ashed and S 8 seeded;- 2& acres fine timber, 1,- S 8 600,000 feet which can be logged S 8 through the creek to mill 24 miles S S distant; family orchard, 3 fjne S S creeks running through with water S S power installed to run. farm ma- S S chinery; good house, large frame S 8 barn and other ; buildings; also 15 S 8 good dairy cows, 3 fine mares, colt S S all kinds of farm machinery and S S crop to be included. This place is 8 8 only 1 mile from creamery, Btores, S S school and church.. Prioe $8000. Will S S t;onfilder gooafortland' residence" up S S to $3000 and give good terms on me s S balance." -. v S S $3700 80 acres In Clarke county, S S Washington. 1 mile from R. R. sta- 8 8 Hon; 15 acrea in cultivation; some S 8 timber," balance very easily cleared;-8 S all level: : - ash and vine maple 8 8 a wale; 25 acres fenced; small orch- 8' 8 ara; new i room nouse, nam awitu; s S team, wagon, harness; 3 cows, mow- S 8 er and rake, all farm machinery, 8 S hay, 8 hives bees, 2"doren chickens; 8 8 household furniture; give . terms; S 8 very best of soil, i S 8 10 acre tract. V I have them S 8 within 9 miles of Fortland, 1 8 8 miles from 8. P. Ry.; best of soil, 8 8 no rock or gravel, at $100 to $125 8 S per acre, on -your-own terms.- . 8 S If you are In the market for a 6 S country home; a farm, large or S 8 small; or unimproved land, see me S 8 before buying. I have some of the S 8 best , bargains in this territory, 8 8 ALL PROPERTY GUARANTEED S 8 AS ADVERTISED. , , . 8 8 J, H. SHIELDS 8 205 Gerllnger Bldg.,' cor. 2d and S 8 Alder.. Office Main 8430. 8 S 5 1 Residence Woodlawn 2169. ' 8 S8S8gg88B8SSSSSSSlgBS 20 ACRES 13 acres In high state of cultl , vation, balance in pasture; 1 ., acre In assorted fruit, fair house ' and barn, good spring and well on place.. All crops go with place; 1 young team, 1 cow, 6 dozen chickens, 1 light wagon, 1 new top ' buggy, 1 heavy harness, 1 light , harness, all kinds of small tools; price $3250. Terms, 13 miles . from Portland. . 6 ACRES OF BEAVERDAM. i 5 arret) of pure beaverdam that ... -will -grow 600 sacks of onions . per ' acre this year. . This is not ' swale, but the genuine stuff. . Close to street car and all in cultivation. . If you want to aee " some good onions come and see this. 1 miles from Portland, mile to good country town and . electric line, $1500: one-third "' cash "B " ' CHAPIN & IIERLOW, ' , ; $32-338 Chamber of Commerce. , . Of dark shot 8oil 5 miles from railroad. In Scoggin's valley, near Forest Groye; 6 acres under cultivation, 15 more slashed and seedod , and part easily cleared; 10 acres good timber; 25 acres fenced goat tight; . good south Blopn, new box house U4x24 and barn with shed; vgood team, 2600 lbs.; 1 cow, 8 hoga, 47 goata and plenty of chickens go with the place. A snap at $2500; terms,'. . ' ii-. , 825 Lumber Etchange. 10 ACRES In Tualatin valley, 16 miles from city on carllne; all under cultivation;: good 7 room house, good barn,- granary and -outhouses; also chicken -and geese; & tons hay and 100 sacks of potatoes go with place; 6 acres, orchardl acre rye; fall plowing , all im will consider amall house part payment ' - Call Mr. Guthrie, Main 8900. A-6271.. - ' COJUMBIA' TRUST" CO, - Board of. Trade bldg. , . "A-i Farm Buy"- ' l&n acres- of land, 24 mflea from ' Portland, 4 miles from R. R.; 2 ihouses, 2 ' barns, fruit dryer; 15 ; acres cleared; all can be used for orchard, balance burnt over stump land; $5600. See Hall & Atchison' ' . v 218 Gerllnger Bid.?. . Second and Alder tits., ; A FINE 14.89 acres. 1 mile of Dilley. " Or., good 6 room house, good barn 20x SO, good fruit dryer and other outbulld Ihch. 1 acre anDle orchard. 4 acres prune orchard, all kinds of small fruit. running water, gooa wen water, an in cultivation; tuttm of horses, wagon, har ness hay, 70 chickens and all small tools go with place. Price $4000; terms. bALL Si KUNIZ' , 431-2 Lumber Exchango Bid, Port . . land. Or. -. 1 " MUST RAISE MONEY. - And will soil 40 acres fine apple land within 15 minutes'' walk of Monier on srood county road. Adjoining land will cost you $160 per ,acre in tracta of 160 acres. This la a big bargain at $4000, $8250 cash, $750 mortgage now on place to run four years. Call or write owner, 444 Fast Ash, Portland, Or. FOR SALl-r494 bcics. half mile to Dil In.j. 1 r.A . n ma -.l...r. atuint it A aores bottom land,-balance timbor .and patiture. - Two seta buildings, ortuiards, well watered; price $25 per acre. J. K. I,ewis, Dlllard, Or. IF 'YOU want a good f arm - cdoee t Portland end It. It, nee me today. C. De Young, 432 Chamber of Commerce. lx)R ; SALE r AIUIS 17 ESTACADA, the section that is today receiving the hie-hest In dorsement from the Oregon Ag ricultural College. . x 10 acres, price $1750 ; attractive term4 3 acrea under young orch ard, .., - 20 acres, price $2250; hlcrhly. Im proved land adjoining; $4tJo will handle this. .- t 20 acres, price $2500: -12 acres cleared; adjoining . land tsold at $350 per acre. " 27 acres, price $10,500; highly Improved modern fruit ranch. 30 acres, price $4500; all clear ed; 20 acres under young orch ard. 31 acres, 14 clear; nice proper ty; $2600. , 40 acres, price $5000; about E acres young orchard, 2 miles from,. town, 47 acres, price $15,000; hlfchly improved Income bringing fruit ranch. , . . 60 acres, pries $4500; Teas than one mile from shipping point. 75 acres, price $12,000; t&hi la a fine old home farm. . .. - tl acres, best Income bringing ranch in the section, $12,800. 90 acres, price $4500; hooae, ' barn, ready for occupancy. i 134 acrea, home ranch, . near town, fine stream on place; price $11,000. - .155 acres, price $16,000; one of". the best ranches with over a mile of road frontage, . . - a 148 acres, ' price $14,500; half 'dear, land Adjoining worth -$175 per acre", 324 acres, price $17,000; fine -cattle or fruit ranch, running war ter - ' - ' ' Other attractive place on ap plication. - CHAPIN & HERLOW, . 332-338 Chamber of-Commerce. , . (Mr, Standlsh) .' :, In One of the Best Sections of the Estacada Fruit District-. , . . - r 80 acres of practically . -s .level land, all the best of soil, about 30 acres perfect- ' ., f eieared;-aome-good tlm " ,ter; balance can be cleared for. not to exceed $15 '. per 'acre; - large orchard ; " ,v v all well fenced; fyie well of ''water; good - hause, ' bam and -other mitbaild- , . lngs; 1. miles front dec , .. trio line, close to school, on main county road, A fine property to plant In small tracts. ' Price $6000, terms. $3800 cash, . balance . easy. . , . .. s. . , ' , -. ' 90 acres of splendid soil . in Willamette valley; 80 - ' , . . , miles south of Portland; 651 v ' acrea ' In ' Cultivation, 15 v acres oak timber and ID acres In open pasture, prac. ; - tically cleared;- fine house ' " ' of 8 rooms, large barn -and ' otlier" necessary ontbtiild- lngs; good family orchard of astorted fruit; near rail- . ' road, church, school and high school; convenient to 2 good towns. Price $30 . por acre; . favorable terms. uk uuuu u ii - 223-5 Board of Trade -A-3307: Marshall, 1777 MR. FARMER ' HOW DOES THIS SOUND? 268 acres; : 150 acres cleared, 100 acres In cultivation, balance pasture. Good springs and run ning stream through farm, Ihi acres assorted orchard In bearing. Black loam soil, 6 room house, large barn. - Personal property consists of all farm tools, four horses, nine cows, chickens, etc. Has R, F. D. and phone line; on main county road. This farm is not in "the suburbs of. Portland but in , the best part off Lincoln county. The price is cheap at $.i0 per acre. Don't complain about high prices but get busy and, in vestigate. (C) " - ... CHAPIN & HERLO'WV--332-338 Chamber of Commerce , '. 90 ' ACRES, 35 miles ont, vith , dally boat and train service to ; city; 60 acrea in high state of cul tivation, 4 acres full bearing or chard, 1000 boxes, this year, all tillable excep. 12 acres, which is in pasture with running Stream of water the entire year; lays just right for drainage, fine 7 room house, - woodshed painted. and brick ' foundations; large barn, rple house and Implement house,, all the Implements and tools. . horses, cows, chickens, telephone . and stock in same. All goes for': $10,000; good terms or will con sider exchange for city property, Waggener Real Estate Co,, 10-211 Ablngton Bldg;. .-. 33 Acres, New House . Lumber for barn. , nice crook, bearine aypies, years; euu or 4iy coras stand ing timber: 2 milea R.'R. station, cream route by door; 2 acres front on main county road between Portland, and Se attle.. $3500; $1000 down, balance easy. win consiuer noma traae, : ' ; 20 acres, 17 acres In cultivation, bal ance nr grove; a acres oearmg prunes; nuies 10 , station, -stores. graded school - and 8 1-3 miles college town Of 3000 inhabitants In- Yamhill county. 1200 down, will consider city property in exchange. J he Lawrence Co. " S.nccessora ' to Dunn-Lawrence 'Co ' - . 248 Alder St Phones: Main 6915, A-2815. 3865 ACRES' In' one body. Linn county, Or. Four miles from station on S. P. R. R. Close to electric line survey. Schools convenient; ; four . sets farm buildings; nearly 1000 acres in culti vation; balance fenced and in pasture; some good timber; good for fruit and general farming; a nearly all fenced. Can. divide Into. 4 tracts. You cannot find its equal- In western Oregon. Price tzti per acre. . -i - C It. EVERETT, 6 17 Rothchild Bldg. IMPROVED RANCH UNDER MARKET. 12 acres, weu improved land, close to Montavllla. This land Is all under culti vation, In bearing fruit trees and bnshes. price $5500; some terms. If wanting at close- In ranch see this at once. tl acres of unimproved land just east of Portland for $1400; about $25Q cash will handle thin, This is priced jto sell. LA M BEHT-W1 HTMEIt CO., . 70 4th st. - - 404 K.. Alder st -IOt-OXUGC,-- 34iio acrea, $'1 per acre. t .! ' 7300 acres, $16 per acre. ' ' i 600 acres, $3T25 per acre. v' f v. ' 734 acres, $40' per acre. 444 acres, $40 per acrev 640 acres, $20 per acre. Many flue farma all ove Oregon that will b glad to take up with you. ZIMMERMAN, SltyBoard of .Trade bklg. 1 OK SALE FA1I3 17 A El'AUTTVUti FARM. WITH AN INCOME WHICH CAN BE DOUBLED... 63 ACUJuS. $1"6 1'KU ACRE. .TERMS. This place Is only 21 miles from Portland and ono mile from R. It. station and -good live town of 5(J0 with schools, churches, stpres, etc.. About ?3 acres are in a high state of cultivation, balance cov ered with ash and fir timber, ens ily cleared, and the amount of pil- ing and marketable aali timber you wouW get .of f this would go a lori way to-ward paying for the entire place. There is also 15 acres of'genulne beaverdam, very easily cleared, which, when cleared, is worth $500 an acre at the most conservative figure. Fine stream runs through back end of place, runs the year round. Never dries up. This stream would irrigate the entire 63 acres tor second crop by putting In a small and Inexpensive ranv The soil on the balance of the place is very dark loam no rocks or gravel, gently rolling, affording excellent drainage. v Good 10 room 2 . story house, with attic and cellar. Two big wide porches in front, small fani- . ily orchard and shade trees sur round house, two barna good well, smokehouse, chicken house, - pig 8ty and' implement shed. Lies right en main county road, which Is a good one, and Is surrounded by a thickly settled and prosper-, ous farming communityin fact, il is one of the best fanning dis . Irlcta in Oregon. If you are looking for a .real farm at a bargain price and want something for your money, let ua talk to yon about this. CHAPIN & HERLOW. (D) - 132-834 Chamber of Comrrmro. ' Farm Bargains - 87 acres. U cleared, small Improve ments, 3 miles east of Park Place, One hour's ride from citv. Farms in this .locality are held at $100 per acre and up. our price ror quick saie m per acre. Call at office for further in formation. It is worth your while. 60 acres. S miles east of Ridgefleld, Wash., old Improvements. Price $50 per acre. Liberal : terms. ! This is choice -fruit land. VERT SPECIALLY PRICED ACREAGE 10 acres on Fremont at, close to Rose City Park addition. : Good platting proposition .for large exclusive home sites. Price $2600 per acre, on very good terms, , Yonr choice of two 20-acre tracta and one lO-'acre tract near Montavttla for, $350 per acre, lheral terms. xnia Is all that is left of a large sub-divl-aion and is as desirable aa any. 40 acres on Section Line Road. cleared and rlpo for nlattlng. This Is a BARGAIN at $250 per acre, v , with running water. Only mile from Bryant st About 6 acres cleared. Price xzzb per -acre, v., - A acrea larel bottom land. one. mile from Oregon City Electric line and six miles from heart of city. Price reduced to $200 nor acre tor -lmmeoiate- naie. Fas v. terms i mav be had. This 'piece" is way below anything in vicinity. 1 0 'acres fine land onl v 4 mllos Pouth- east of Lents -nd on a proposed elec tric line. This piece is In- the Happy Valley district and is offered at $125 per acre on terms to suit. See our list 70 Fourth Sty''. 404 E. Alder St ' "Like Getting Money From Home" ' " ; An Income of $75 per month oa , $1700 investment , E acre , of the finest bottom land fronting oft navigable river -and main county road; right at ' good railroad town. All under -' cultivation; good amlly orchard, fine water supply; good 4-room house, good barn,. large new wood house, also three good cowa, poul trv, Implements, sufficient bay to winter the stock and a year's - wood Bnpply tn the house. Price , $1700. Borne terms. Investigate this, it won't last long. li acres, of which about ' 8 acrea la the finest of river bot tom land, balance level bench ' land; watered by fine large rpring from which the bottom land can all be irrigated. 1 acres per fectly cleared some good timber, 1 mile from railroad station. School on corner of place. On " main county, road. Price $700; . good terms... , . i ' s . Chas,vL, Hunten- 223-25 Board of Trade' Bldg.- Bargain In Washington County 40 acres deep black loam, famous Washington ' county soil, just, rolling enough fo? good drainage, all fenced and crosa fenced, good young orchard, new 7room house, nicely painted; new barn; picket fence all around the house. 4 acres fine standing timber on back of the place. 4 fine cows, 70 chickens, all farming implements and tools. - 5 miles from Forest Grove, mile from town and schools, ' mile vto United Electric station, . mile to R. R. sta tion; fine farm all around; on R. Jr. D.. telephone and milk roytes. Cows bringing In $60 . per month at present Price $5700; cash, balance three years at ( per cent. : - - t - ' " ..-1 . : Mt, Hood Land Co. " - TrJ Rolhchild Bldg., 4th and Wash. ' 65 Acres ,- N . Qn Electric Line CHEAP . This beautiful farm la located right at a station on the Oregon electric line. On main county road . and. close to school, church and store. It Is all under cultivation. - It has. large hop house, fair bam, , and good 8-roorn house. ' .Fine water. Large bearing family orchard. About .$900- worth of personal property goes if desired. Owner has $6000 equity and will take about- this In good Portland "Income property. There Is a mortgage of $3009 on the farm. This place is attractive for speculation. Vou could nearly doub'e your money in a sion ume. D 419 Henry Bldg. ,Per Acre " 520 acres, 15 miles from Portland on gooff auto road, H mile from Tualatin river,-2 miles from town and'R. R.; creeks and springs; SO acres of clover and timothy pasture, 140 acres fenced witn new 6 board fence, cedar posts, all kinds of buildings, 600 acres can be plowed, about 16,000 corda of standing fir. This in the best land in the Wil lamette valley; shot soil; for a platting proposition or for dairy or fruit farm there la nothing better. Can give terms. ' Peper& Baker, - 40 N. 6th St. -.Phon MarKhall 26B4. NEAR - EAGLE POINT, JACKSON CO, 120 acres good fruit land, on county road, 2 miles from R. R, station, 1000 cords of wood. I'rice If taken at once $20 per acre., 60 acres, houpe, barn, etc., can be irrigated by running stream: 3 mlka from R. R. station; fine, land. , Price $20 per acre. i Tile aoove nre rem nargain 4 '. ' '--ZIMMTRMAN. U 310 Board of . Trade bldg. , 1800 -ACRES. . 3 miles from- R. II. and Columbia river; about 300. acres In cultivation; about 800 can be put in crop. . A splen did buy at $11 per sere. 5SIM MERMAN. . . 810 Board of Tmdo lil'dst. FOK SAXL FAKJIS rOU EALL .. 17 Big Bargains in Small Farms ;' 60 acres, 'of 'which about 20 acres is the finest river bottom land, luilatice good upland, 13 nc--s rea pai-fectly c feared, l'lentv tim- for domtstic uho. Good familv ; orchard and tine young orchard; S , room rustic botme, good barn, etc. !"-' Alo 3 good horsea, a goods cows, - T. bull, at'Oiit 100 fine chickens, new .farm wagon, 2 seated .hack, mow- , - er, rake, cream 'separator and " many other toola. About 25 tons if hay. '1 his property is on tr.fii'i county road, "2 miles from town, M- mile from school. Boat lands oi the nlace.- Price -$35M. Terms, -$1200 cash. Tualatin Vaijey Bargains' " IS acres of unimproved land, of which 5 aro3 is beaverdam land. All the finest of soil; 1 mile from -i stores, school, etc.; 15 miles from ... Portland. ,, Price, $2200. Good , terms. v .-...-.'j 0 acres; , -27: acres perfectly ' cleared, 20; acres good timber. ' . About half level land, balance . rolling but not rough. All the ' best of soil. Fine creek. New ' - house, good barn. The location Is. ' Xon the main -Portland road. 14 miles from he city and close to P school,, church and- stores. Thia . Js one of the choicest locations in -the valley. , Price, $6000. Good terms, , t 65 acres, all dark loam and , black creek bottom soli: 20 acrea perfectly cleared, 10 acres fina irreen timber, balance pasture and very easily cleared. Fine spring, : well and creek. Good family or- chard; all well fenced. Good house and good, large barn. Also.". 2 good horses, 4 fine cowa, 2 helf- "' era, poultry all tools, hay, ' etc. . Thin Tilac In 1 mile tmm tnmw. ; and has R, F. D. and phone. ' V Price, $6000. , Some terms, " ' Chas, L, Hunter, " . ' .j 223-5 Board of Trade Bldg. f 160 ACRES good agricultural and apple land close to Wahklacus R. R. sta tion, Klickitat ' county. Price $12 per acre. .- ..... .. ... :.: 160 acre's good wHeat land all lefvel. with deep, rich soil. Umatilla cotmty. Will erriin ni-p tnv r tv nmnikt-H, . T-i . per acre $25. Inquire Wm. Mast, room Adf, UMIa;tUTl UIC1 1?.:..' FiUTr IiAXDS 45 All: In Yamhill county. J 48 ; acres. - $17,500, $7500 tanh. M08 In 3-year-old ttB; on foothills, near good town, soon to have elec- trie line, Also 160, 480, 500 and 800 acrea suitable- for nuts or fruit, reasonable; good terms. ft 923 Board of Trade. HARD'TRAGt-y 200 ai,res of finest orchard land In ltogue river district; 64 acres ' in 12-year-old orchard; 26 acrea v In-2-year-old orchard. Fine sur- v. roundlngs and fine buildings. Now- if you are interested In a first class proposition, call in and see us. We can cll you thla whole -.-tract for $30,000. . Hall Si Atchison - 813 Gerllnger Bldg., 2nd & Alder r Goldendale Simcoe Lands Are fast becoming known for their won derful value for fruit and poultry ad vantages. They have more than dou bled in value 6ince . last spring and valuea are fast climbing to where they, belong. Investigation . is all - that is necessary to get your investment" TO THE SMALL INVESTOR we can sell 10 acre tracts at the low prices of $50 to $160 per acre. - . , . TO THE LARGE INVESTOR we have some large tracts at phenominally.low ; (prices. OUR MAN made $5000 in 90 nays, you van. ug vuo Biunq, u jfosj. wm look It Up, GA8EDY.C0. LOBBY COMMERCIAIi CLUB BLDO. We hav G. 10. 20 or 80 acre tracta f-sorae planted and some in the raw, lo cated in xamnui county, some also in the Dufur valley. v Wells & Dufur, . , $03 Chamber of Commerce MfirHhall 6R9.' . ; Fruit Orchard 10 acres, 7 acres prunes, full bearing. Soma apples, all cleared, small new hous, 8 mllea from Portland, close to trolley carline,- Surrounding vacant land is selling at. $500, . $600 en acre. Price on this $365 an acre; y, mile from city limits. v .. Haas Si Ringler,1 1 . 211 Lewis Bldg. . ' 10 ACRES All Improved, close to 2 railroads. The best ' to be had. - -Good 6-room house; barn full of feed; otlier outbuildings; wagons, buggy, 2 horses and harness, 3 fine milch t;ows, chickens, lots of fruit of all kinds: ' . . , . : ONLY $6500. . , - $3300 c"ash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent - NORTH KRN TRUST CO. - 2io stark m. 'Fine Little Fruit Farm For sale by owner 15 acres, all in hlRl) state Of cultivation; 12 acrea ap uIcb", prunes and small fruits; house, liarn fruit house, fine well; every foot can be irrigated; best soil. I must sell this week and It'Will pay you to write me, W-316, Journal. 10, 15, 20 ACRE tiacts near Portland; finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad Station; good-roads; other farms near by; $17.50 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at j per cent. . , . .. . ., ,- M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. - 310 Corbett Bldg., Portland. 10 acres -choice apple land In the fam ous Lewis River apple belt; big ;vahia for $500, $10 down, and $5 per month. We only have a few of these, tracts left Let us show you. If y6u sue tills prop erty you will buy.' M. E. Lee, 411 Qpr bett bldg. Bethel Acres A few left 10 acre tracts, all In efll tlvatlon. ' No better fruit or grain 'boII, 12 graded schoola, It, R.' station, eauy terms. S. . M. Venard, owner,- 601 Mc- . Kay Diog. 160 ACRES near Hood River, all flrnt- clasa land, can be had on. easy terms. 10-acre tracts of fruit land oh the Co lumbia river. ; Also famous Yakima valley fmlt land; eay terms- VaU 226 1 tilling bldg. 'FRUIWARMS Bf and 18 acre tracts, l. mlle from R. It. sta tiori; . fine view of Coliimbla river and mountn ins: Call or address Jam 11. -Hold, HCippoone, Or. MEDFORD fruit hind, improved or un improved, to exchange for reJdene or business property. Main 4077, E. 5220. " Will-:'- ' APPLE .-APPLES .