THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, FORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1910. F03 SALU -LOTS 16 FOIt SALE LOTS 18 ACREAGE 87 ACREAGE 57 EXCHANGE -REAL ESTATE 2 EXCILWGE REAL ESTATE 24 EXCHANGE REAL I .. J.U ; Two lots, 'each: 50x100.' threw blocks from McKenna Junction, only $600 each, $60 cash and $10 monthly on each lot without. Interest If all symenis ire made on or bpfore due.'' These lota will be erv valuable In a short time. -Th.l l;nkm Pacific and O. R, & N. railroads are upending enormous sums of money preparing their shops and yards at Mc Kenna Junction, -The large force of men that will be required to run these yards w,ill seek locations around Mc Kenna Junction; why not profit by tlw Jnereiise, In value occasioned by this de mand? You will be sorry if you do not take advantage of this wonderful oppor tunity. - COI3 A. M'KENNA & CO, r 617 Commercial Block. Main 4522, ' , A-2143. y '" j , CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION! 5xl00 lot ln.Sunnyslde addition, Jut right for building 2 houses; prlce $1250; $250 cash, balance on any reasonable terms, This must be sold quickly. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. 172 Stark st ... -"It's right when we advertise." 2 full lots. - ' : On Portland Heights car line, . 20 minutes from P. Oi, ' ' ... Good -city view,' 1 ' , -' ; Owner is unable to make payments and offers to sell at price paid 3 years so. Buyer gets the profit. A genuine enap at $650 each. , ' ' '., , i , THE SPANTON CO., I .- .269 Oak street. . A. POOR MAN'S CHANCE. I have 16HX100 feet (a fractional Jot) in city limits not far from carllne. Price of lots adjoining Is $9.60 per front foot I will sell this fraction (because ft is small) for $8 per front fodt, or , $99 for the piece. Is large enough for a small house and ought to be an, in ducement to some poor man who Can not afford an expensive home. Inquire owner. 820 Chamber or commerce. WE have 2 lots near St. Johns for sale, lots 60X100 each; price $1000 cash. ; i ! lots in Kenton for sale, in blck 28: this is a .fine building site and well worth the money, ,$650 for the 2. $200 cash, balance monthly. We also have some choice lots to .trade for house and lot or close in acreage. What have you to offer? 1 -v.-CHANDLER & GIBSON. " ;, .(' 318 Commercial bldg, CHOICE lots 60x100, 60 feot from Port- -' innil v Rmilavarrl ' -vuntar ' And cnH i ill v'DwU. .,J!i;A: HE .nnk o w., (IB at :twiit.i f uifv, f -I vuaii fiMv. t - " inOnth.';: ' '. .. : -,.',.-: .'V.-M.- A good 5 room house, east front, on large water main. close to boulevard and car. Price $1500; $200 cash, bal ance $15 a month, 6 per cent. -- Rust & Hofstrand, Arbor Lodge, St Johns car. - .- A VERY CHEAP CORNER. ' Lot 60x90 on sonthwest ' corner . of Tint 22d and Frankfort street Frank fort street is Improved and the taxes ?aid also district sewer , tax paid. Price 859; terms $100 down.. i , nnnnion wrarrainr . J , Temporary ffke. 504 Concord Building; 7 242H Stark street, ' - ; Telephones Main 245; A-2452. $3 DOWN AND $i PER MONTH . tor full size lots near Mt Scott car line. y WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. - 272 Stark st -It's right when we advertise." . Snap . ? - APARTMENT CORNER. - - 60x100 $12,600, ' $7000 cash. South Washington, $60,000 apartment going up across street ' v " " Geo, N. Eckler, 310 Oak st. ' $10 DOWN.f $10 A MONTH. . i Lots 60x114 in a fast developing dis trict, new Mount Hood Electric building - by the property,', which will make trip to center ot city, only 20 minutes; ce- ; ment ; walks in; graded Btreets; city water, etCi You can't equal this offer. Price $460. up. .Webb, 414 E. Stark. -corner R'Sth. 1 $575 Best located lot in Belle Crest, near the atone gates; it's a fine dis trict; worth $800; only 150 feet to Rose City park car; down town in 25 minutes over new cutoff; cement walks, curbs, graded street, water in and paid; both phones and electricity; for quick sale only at this price. ' See Jas. G Logan todav. 826 Washington at, room 404. Peninsula Warehouse and factory site, over $ full lots and described as lots 1 and t, r jn block 10, East St. Johns; fronts on O. It Gt N. R. R,; only $1500. C F. Pflu ' per & Co., room, 6, Mulkey bldg., 2d and , lorTlfon sta. 1 61x100, FINE corner, i block to KU- llngsworth, fine lawn, fruit, flowers, t rooms, city water, toilet, full porch; 91600; $100 cash. i..,. ... . .. .C--H.- EVERETT, -' v T Kit and 61T Rothchild Bldg. - BLOCK OF LAtjRELH UR8T LOTS. For a short time we can' deliver one tor a block of lots in the choicest Dart of this beautiful subdivision at a sacri fice, on easy terms. Edwin Hooker Company, Che mner of Commerce bldg. 41375 each, two choice lots,' adjolnine re- v: strlcted district, near Rose City Park car line, 50x100 each; terms to suit you; fine view. Jas. c Logan, S26V& wash lngton st. room 4. .,$15 Down $15 Month' Ruts choice 60x100 lot on 30th street between Clinton and Division. Owner, 854 85th street. Tabor 423. Hia baraatn : for 2 weeks, modern 5 ' room bouse and 60x100 lot; 60x100 tmslness corner for $2800; lots cheap at 3000. Main 2361. Call evenings, 8 to 7. George Mangas, owner, 4i etn st feOxlOO in University Park, on corner, at $630, $80 cash and $10 and interest per month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35., - 103 Fourth st: A-3500 Lot in Elmhurst 60x100.' east front, 3 blocks from car line. Will sell this cheap. Phone East 'TWO lots' centrally located. First add! tlon Laurelhurst. If, taken before December 15,. $1050 each,- half cash. Owner. E-S05, Journal. , A Big Snap' A fine 60x100 lot near KilHngsworth ve.,' $575, $160 cash. Woodlawn 1130. TWO slightly-' lots, E. 17th and Skid . more, overlooking" whole- surrounding country. Owner will build to suit on, easy- terras. - fnone C-Z784, or B-1481 itEAL estate men and' speculators! ' 81 lots at a bargain. McMahon, 1264 Division st, ' Corner lot 41at and Ivon. LOT on ' Willamette boulevard, 66x220; " overlooking drydock, Price $1450, 238 Tywr at.; wouin si, jonns. BEAUTIFUL $(00 lot for sale for $300. all ' cash; s warroniy deed , and clear abstract. D-306, Journal. FOR SALE y wo choice lots in Ala. meda Park.' All Improvements. $1260 each. .Trfmi.- Sell wood 817. - 1100 GASH and $10 monthly, price $800; tot on wumner bl, near stn st N. eoo rienry oidg. A-1153 BARGAIN 2 best lota on Capitol hllll . uwner leaving- cuy. : a. m, yenara, .601 McKay Miag. FORS A IjE 5 lots Willamette Add. to ), '-East Portland, near Alberta. Owner, MYRTLE Park. lot 67xl6; .' bargain, . $760;- $200 cash, bnlance terms. Phone Kast 680, or K-306. Journal. A SNAP Must sell corner lot, 50x100, : on Ainsworth. Inquire 1164 E, 18th Korth. '. " feNAP $1100; $200 cash for 2 lota in Tvortn. 1 j i ; t , . UNION AVE. lot. near Alberta, SOxToO". - Owner, must sell; make offer. 1058 imion ave.. jn. KTCE lot, 50xion, in RoHsmere, for sale. Inouire 703 Irvlnt CI .( SE' In lot on- Kast 8th, A. bargain. Phone East 6543. ( , , ' ' SANDY ROAD. 50x100, facing on Sandy Road. Price $2000; easv terms, ('lose in. HEi-MON'T STREET. Fine lot, near 20th, hard sur faca street and all other im provements In; $1550; terms. , W AVE RLE I G II HEIGHTS. . Dandy lot, HO0 feet of car, ce ment sidewalks, graded street, water, etc., In ' and paid. Price $700; $150 down, balance $10 per month. E. R MARKHAM, " M. 84,30. 205 Gerlinger Bldg. Second and Alder. Near Pine 60x100 lot; old house; income about $22.60. A dandy buy. Price ' ' $3650; terms. E. R. MARKHAM, 206 Gerlinger lildg. ; . . , M-8430. ' . .. Second and Alder MERCHANTS REALTY CO. , Rooms 227-22S Abington Bldg. :, ,'.'.". 108 Third St " We have several cheap lots in Belle Crest and Fairport for sale, also a few lots with 8 and 4 room bouses." 2' acres just south of Belle Station on O. W. P. R. It. 100 acres, part cultivated, 1 miles from "VVashougal, Wash. Also a few tracts wheat land, improved, in eastern Oregon. ; -. V .. GOOD lot and 3 room house for sale, $700, $100 cash, $10 a month. -Tabor. 1794. .'. -. - ) ' .' . M.Y-E"QUITT ,in, 3 choice lots on the . Peulnsnla can be , had way below cost. Address-X-319,1 Journal. . ACREAGE 67 1 HOMESEEKER'S BARGAINS 80S acres well located, 5 miles from town, close to the main road, fair im provements, plenry or fruit of all kind well watered by springs and welL all fenced. A dandy stock ranch and a snap at $12 an acre. - viY" .; ; 280 acres, 8 miles east of Crawfords vlUe.t a fair house and barn, wire fence on all -sides, some timber,: a good buy for $12.60 an acre. - . . j '''.. i';-- '! :;'i' ':''' 80 acres, 10 acres cleared, fair hous 16x24 and barn 24x36,- 40 acres good second growth" timber, fruit for small family. 4 miles southeast or crawrords vllle on the county road, and only $950. i nave many others just as good. W. 1L MARSHALL, 250 Alder street. " ' ' 30 acres of excellent land, only 2 miles from electric line, IS acres, cleared;., 6-room house, fine barai; This place took first prize in 1908 at HlllHboro for muskmelons. Only $4800; $1600 cash. Get busy If vou want a eood dace. SEE. Hall '& Atchison 213 Gerlinger Bldg., Second and Alder. 5 Acres At Middleton, Or., good house and barn ana store building; good - orchard, all in cultivation; 1 horse, wagon, buggv and all Bmatl tools. Price $2800, half cash. " " -"" , - Ball Kuntz - ' , 431-433 Lumber Exchange Bldg, . ' - Portland, Or. r . 22 Acres ' Six ' miles from city hall, oa west side, 'all in cultivation, with bouse and barn, on 3 roads and oply mile $om two carllnes; half cash, balance years, ( per cent - . , . A. J. GANTNER, ' , 406 Henry Bldg. . Fourth and Oak Sts. WE have 10 acres on Mt Scott near Lents station, fine view, all level and easy to clear; price $600 per acre; this is an ideal spot; look this vp. We also have some close in acreage to sell or exchange for business prop erty, ',. ! . CHANDLER & OIRSON;. ' 313 Commercial bldg. " Watch the Hills North of the city on the went side ot river; we have 47 V4 acre right on Unit ed Railways which, can be bought cheap; fine for platting; particulars at C. F. Pf luger & Co., room 6, Mulkey bldg., 2d nd Morrison sts. ' v .. Acre Tracts West Side 6-cent fare, right at station. Only two or three loft ' . : .Brown & Staver.', ' V " 614 Couch Bldg. ONH AfRk" Close to city limit on Powell Vallev road; $100 cash, balance $7 month and Interest. This Is Al in every , respect Price $700, Includes water.- , i -j NORTHERN TRUST- CO,- 270 Stark St . 10 ACRES, M mile from Oregon Elec trie.. 4 acres in cultivation; 4-room house, oarn, force pump attached to windmill which will irrieate-the nlaen: $2000.; $1200 cash; no Interest on bal ance. Blaisdell,' Bhoup& Daly. 315 Railway Kxchange. - I HAVE IV, ACRES ON THE TUT. HOOD ELECTRIC, 3 MILES BEYOND MONTA VILLA, WHICH 1 WILL SELL FOR $600 PER ACRE IF TAKEN AT ONCE: , TERMS! R. A. GRAHAM, 430 WORCESTER BLOCK. -' AGEN UINE bargain, 34 acres, miles from Portland. 1 A miles from sta tion, on county road; ideal location for subdivision; water on every tract: per fect title. Price for quick sale $4600; terms. Phone Patterson, Easir988. FOR SALE or trade, 30 acres 6 miles irom wnite eaimon, Wash. The best or iruit land, will take for first pay ment, house and 2 lots 100x100, 1 or 2 diocks irom some car line. F-306. Jour nal. - ..... TWO acres with neat cottage, : 4 acres, good new residence, barn.' etc set to berries and fruit trees, near city liraiis a fi eiecirio nne. :. ' M'FrtlLAND INVESTMENT CO., - 31 0 Corbett bldg.. Portland. " 10 Acres $165 Down $165 down and balance easy terms will handle 10 acres on electric line, dose to Portland; one crop will pay for entire FOR? SALE -27. acre improved farm, T miles out, mile from statio'n of " l- -"ij A.., uuuio urivv lrum Portland, only $200 an acre, will double In price as soon as R. R, is done; no ayerus. i-aw, journal. - ' FOR SALE .By owner, 40 acres - of ranch land, including water right, 2 miles west of Hermlston,- Or. terms casn: a gooa investment Address J. F. Relhl, 349 16th ave. N., Sesttle. t 18 Acres TM r natf4ftnn 1 R anra 1mmmJt mm ning water, 4 blocks from carUn, cheap jliji i:nnu. rnuiie jauor loou,' . . 90 Afirfi.v$9fin"fi Near Beaverton: fin soil. 4 ciiititi.ii balance easily cleared; close to school ana cnurcn. jv. commerclal block 7 acres, all clear and In cultivation, fin , ntlhHf tmd art A rmsA a. . - w - ...... iiu . " ' i v i dci riua, near Portland, terms. Call Eli Vaughn, iinvT, mn,iiq vemrai noiei. 20 acres choice ultmnmnd liin.l ni Vancouver. Wash.. neAr lprtr1. linn $100 pr acre." Termsl. Stewart Wilson, 843 Tillamook St., Portland. 80; ACRES for $25 per acre, fine fruit lana, 4 mnes irom The Dalles. M-30T, RELINQUISHMENT Three miles from "j raWway station-, southern-Oregon fruit iinj o,ni. jm rty. i;xcnange oidg. AM sacrificing 6 acres of McMinnvllle -lanti,. small payment; $15 monthly, Address W-315, JournaL " " 5 Acres " : ' ' WMthln 7 miles ot the business center,: of Portland. This place is all fenced, there is no gravel in the. soil, and about 3 acres is , cleured.. The balance is partly cleared and into pasture. No brush or logs, only a few stumps. There ia ti (juoa o-room nouse, wuicn la.un ; j Kaon in a signtly place. There are some larm tools, about 2 dozen chickens, and a first-class famiiy cow goes with the place. Only about mlla from electric line; can have electrio lishts, phone and everything convenient The location and soil cannot be beat for early strawber ries and potatoes.. ' Price only $1600, $1000 cush, balance to suit 10 Acres ' Within 10 milas of the center of Port land; faces one of the best macadam ized, roads In the country; 2 miles to railroad and 2 rtiiles to electric line; road is level, no hills. The noil is good, cleared land in this neighborhood sells for $250 per acre and up. . There in about 1 acre cleared and has a pretty good little house and well. Property is covered with good standing timber and will make enough wood to pay for the. land, and aluo clear, the ground. Hera is a chance to get something with real value. No fancy price, only $1250,; half each, balance to. suit. . , Another 10 Acres " .If you don't want to raise berries and keep chickens. All into full bearing fruit trees, about 3 ; acres' into ' large Royal Anne cherry trees; 2 .acres, att sorted varieties of apples,' balance into Italian prunes. Apple, and prune treea are in prime condition. ; The apple trees are quite young,' and With a little ex pert knowledge of apple culture the trees could be made, to Bear commercial fruit. This property faces the - main county road, and' Is nicely located, only about 2 blacks from schoolhouse and in the heart of one of the finest fruit growing sections anywhere around this country. Lies nerfectlv level, and the soil Ja dark shot loam and the orchard j itself proves there is none better. This turns' off a eood croD of Drunes. cher rles and' apples every year. This place Ja a rare,ba-gain, and with' very little work and hy building a house and barn the property will double in value, in addition to th price of the cost of improvements, and a money-maker, both as an investment to a speculator, or an Income to an orcnardlst Price $2000, $1300 caph. balance to suit r : . ', - Oregon Coast to, - - - 274 Stark. Phone Main 1190; A-1473. 10 Acres $500 10 Acres $1250: c . One Half Cleared , - - 10 Acres $1800. ' One Half Cleared . Complete 6 Room House Small -Cash . Payments .' tasy lerms ,. :. Deep, dark, rich, loam soil.- , An hour's ride from 'Portland. . Seven, trains a day" each way, Nar a pretty village" of 1600. v . 4 On the- Columbia river. Old settled district; good neighbors. On a well traveled county road. No hills, no rocks, no gravel. Telephone, free rural mall delivery. 20 Acres $500 $100 Cash. $10 Per Month-;' minutes rrontf ortiana f Genuine red slu i, soil. , No bluffs,, rocks or graveL- c Spring "creek through the land. Beat bargain ever in my office, FRED F. HUNTRESS, 630 Ijumber Exchange. 3d and Stark. We have some verv choice ac.rea.ra along Mt Hood electric, near Gresbam. want- several persons to loin us with $500 to $1000 each in buying this prop-I eriy; piat in lu-acre tracts ana seii. Can double our money in short time, without risk. Our cbject is buying with view to selling., fcee ua at once. ; Raymore Realty Co, 430 Worcester Pldg. Main 1940. " TWO fine Suburban homes on the west side S. P. R. R.. 40 minutes out one-of 7 y acres,, fine modern house, brick fire place. - 6 acres of commercial apple orchard, ' plenty ,of small fruit Price jiouo, casn. une or & acres in same locality, good buildings and 4 acres of nice clean'bearing apple orch ard of the best varieties, both of the above places' are near station, stores and scnooi, i3uuu, fiuou casn, Daiance- long time. W- H. LANG CQ, 414 Abington bldg. NOTICE AND READ , CAREFULLT. On suchoxceptlonally liberal terms as . $20 down andi $10 per . month we offer for sale a - one acre tract near the Mt Scott carllne, 6c fare: the tract is cleared, level, ready for garden and has water piped to same; real bargains of this, kind are. seldom offered. Think it over and ask to see it Monday. Dont' delay. -' LAMBERT-WHITMER CO.. ' 70 4th St. ' - 404 E. Alder St - - $60 Per Acre t BEAVERDAM TO FRUIT ' LAND. Near Portland and electric line; ,We have just subdivided 800 acres In to tracts from 7 acres up. Prices range fromv$60 to $200 per -acre; easy terms if desired. - ';. , PAC. N. . W. l, DEVELOPMENT CO., : 406 Couch Bldg. 15 Acres $2000-, 10 Acres $1000 ; ' 45 Minutes From Portland To exchange' for city property. . .; FRED H. HUNTRESS, 630 Lumber Exchange; 2d end Stark. - - . 2 1-3 Acres Right on W-W carllne. East 36th and Gladstone ave.; price, $4700, for 10 days only; easy payments. " . . P..T. KLEPPER, . East 41st and Gladstone ave. Phone Sell wood' 634. Take W-W car. BEAVERDAM. . We are offering for sale an extra fine tract of beaverdam that is all in cultivation and Is only 7 miles from city. Tho price makes this a genuine bargain. ;. -'.t.-t :;; . NORTHERN TRUST COl. . ', ,,. , , 270 stark St. --' $100 CASH. $16 MONTH. Puts you i in immediate possession of 5 acres fine land, west side river, 45 minutes out Total price $900. This land is tine for fruit berries or chicken ranch; no gravel; land sells for twice the price near It Owners, 312 Lewis' bldg. ' - '- .-. - , Acreage - 2 1-8 acres close In, on W-W carllne. Will make 14 good lots; bargain at $4800; $1400 cash, balance long time. ' ' F, A, Beard & Co, 518 Gerllngn Bldg.,, 2d apd Alder, 12 1-2 Acres All In cultivation; fine view; 4 room house, barn, chicken house, well apples, -aott strawberries, other fruit This is a fine place for a home. R. M. HOOD, v 504 Lambermens Bldg.' ' $600 buys ft acre; Ideal 'for "villa- home; close in on he West Bide; only 20 minutes car . ride; '5 cent fare. This property adjoins Carson Heights, and has an excellent future from Jn In vestment standpoint Terms to suit you. M, K Lee, 411 Corhett Mdg. FOR SAt.E Twenty or forty acres, 4 miles from Hosier, part cleared and in young orchard, at price and terms that will strike you right; Tel. Wood lawn 475l Z-818, Jotirnal. j-v $1600buys one of the choicest acre tracts, where adjoining lots are sell lngfrom $600 to $800. $400 cash, long tiino ort balance. M. E. Lee, 411 Cor bett bldg. ' ,....- 110E-' Hall Atchison's mm lis 5 acre chicken ranch,, close in Estacada car line; $1000 down $5200. . ...,:;' -v 8 1-6 acres on the Salem Elec- trie; all.clear;-no buildings; SlbOO; . half cash. - 10 acres, all cleared, tn city 11m ' its of town In valley; only $3600, - 10 acre orchard, all under eultl : ration; will sell you this for $3000. Get busy. 10 acros on the Barnes road. '' Give us an offer. - 12- acres onion land; ' part ' cleared; 2 ' miles : from station; $1700. '...:.:. -- '. ( 'AS ?v: 12 acres. Thla ia a fine lit. tie farm;- all cleared; 4 room house; on electrio line; only $2600; half cash. - - 20 acres, on main county road; . small house and barn; all cleared;. .; $3000; only halt . cash. : . -.25 acres,' house across from i depot on S. P. It R. , This is an exception. - ; Highly : cultivated; $6000; only half cash. ' - See Hall' & Atchison , 4 213 Gerlinger Bldg. . " Second and Alder Streets. , , 1 mUe8 from Forest ' Grove and ,am9 distance ''m Cornelius; level land.- fine loam solL all under cultiva tion;; 3 room house, not quite finished; telephone line. R. F. D. and milk route by the door. A good buy at $1200 and a ' few hundred dollars will handle it ' 6 acres, mile from Forest Grove; level land, all In cultivation, on good county road; 6. room cottage with pan try; 20x36 foot barn with shed; chick en house and other outbuildings. Price $2500 terms. . . , , 6 acres, 7 miles from Forest Grove, all under cultivation;, small house, barn and young orchard; within mile of United Ry electrio survey.; $1600; easy terms. , -. , ,-'.', - 325 Lumber Exchange. $320010 Room House - One acre fine soil, on-main street ot town, not far from Portland, plenty of fruit, barn, chicken bouse, fenced for chickens; a good place to start into the chicken business. This Is positively a good bay, Terms. ' , v $175 Per Acre - 2ft acres, this side of Hillsboro. be tween railroad and Oregon Electric, near station and the nursery at Orinco, 14 acres in cultivation. 2 In green tlm. t bar, balance in pasture; small house ana Darn, adjoining land mat is selling at $200 and $250; will ' make a fine nome; terras. - ' . Waggener Real Estate Co. zip-ziB Abington Bldg. ' 5 Acres River Frontage Willamette river JeveL flna soil; $360, wssy lerms. ua commercial oiock. SIX acres near Mt, Scott carllne at : xiuo per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 86. ,102 4th st A-3500. FOR SALE 20 acres V. mile from Ore gon . Idiectric station. Phone East HID.' . ' . ' f r EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 AND ' 6 Room Modern House Lots are 60x104 each," with chicken house, parks, all kinds of fruit This place i is located close to E. 31st and Gladstone ave. ; Will trade for 6-room house and from one to . two acres on Estacada, Oregon City or Salem electric car- lines.--'---- - - v. ........ -. ...... , '--- P. T." KLEPPER, E. 41st and Gladstone ave. - Phone Cell wood 634. Take W. W. car. SOMETHING GOOD" 80 acres, all under cultivation; house, barn, all fenced; 6 acres bearing - or chard; small creek; on county road; fine fruit land. Will exchange for lota or house and lot.-".- - -- 4 room cottage to rchang-for aiot; fine little home; lot 40x100; chicken house and park, Don't overlook this plaoe. .. . . -, - - . GRAY REALTY CO, v 821 Board of Trade Bldg. -' HAVE several propositions in" real es .tate i to offer you for roll top desk and typewriter. . ' ' - . .. ; . Want rooming house in exchange for house and 2 lots as part payment ' - y ''.-' . ,i ' '-: ' Have exchange from 60c to $50,800. What have you? James J, Reld Land CQ...-226. Stark. bV - - . ' APARTMENT house,! 2 floors, new brick, 100x100 feet, close . In, partly furnished with first class t furniture, balance rented unfurnished, 10 year lease. This is a snap. Will take part in trade good city' property, balance in cash, : Price $5500. Chapel & Smith, 318 Railway Exchange bldg. ' W 1 LL exchange my $4600 equity in fine 9-room bungalow style home on 42nd st for close-in lot or other prop erty. v - ,..,-., '-. Wllr exchange a fine $450 lot as first payment on small rooming house, See , - : NORTHERN TRUST CO, : WLL exchange 6 acres genuine onion : and celery beaverdam at Beaverton, all under -cultivation; has - produced $2500 worth per year, for a- residence free from Incumbrance, value $5000. Mortgage $160Q.-Owaerr. 1146 -Cleveland ave. C-2198. - - - 640 Acres of Finest, Wheat ' . Land - . in : world: ' located close to rallwav In AIbeita, to exchinge for Portland prop erty. 422 Henry Bldg. " WILL trade, my 100 acres or 6 oil claim, , all In one body in the best ?art of the Vale, eastern Oregon, oil leld;'. prefer automobile or horse, but will consider anything good. - 7-316, $1300 equity in i acres at Lents for Seattle property, bal. $450 7 per cent, 3 years. Store building and lot leased $20 month, corner on car line,' $3500. 7Cxl00 west side tot for house $4000. 4 c 7 Lombermens. bldg.. Main 2018. WILL trade 10 acres ($2500 and pay - difference, for grocery . or general store, not exceeding issqq..." Address Y 313, Journal. .. -..-w' .;. .. .... AUTOMOBILE, all edulnped aod Tn first claas order, cost $3500, will trade ror something absolutely worth $1500, 616 Board of Trade. :: - ' FEW. hundred dollars cash and some splendid lots to trade for small room ing house or small business. :, 615 Board oi x rHUfl, TRADE house and lot timber claim: chicken ranch, wheat farm with some money, jcxenange ror any equity. Room . til worrison. - - a 20 ACRES of platting property on Coos 1 bay to trade -for -rooming house or business of some kind.- 616 Board' of Trade P'og. . Li. rr;.- I HAVE a lovely new. bungalow worth $1200. I'll take $600 in trade; rooming nouee or email siore-preierrea, . uwner, RESTAURANT, doing food , busTnesa; ivuis ieai h payment on cottage. i. vvifn-rmrr nifig. ' - - WHAT have you. to offer for 1R00 io 2000 shares of Oregon Gold Hill Min us stocK. k -a i( journal. - 10 acre ranch 20 miles 'from Sacra mento; one mile from station on elec tric line: car every 40 minutes. All In cultivation and all in bearing grapes; a good 3-room house, fair barn, a good well of fine water with windmill; lays on good county rood, ni all -vlefi very, tele- pnone; mue rrom scnooi, in spienaia neighborhood; This is an ideal Cali fornia home, close to three big cities. It is free of incumbrance and the price Is $2600; will take Portland property, or acreage in trade. Have splendid hotel In good . town near Portland; all furnished and doing good business; owner sick. Price $9000; will trade for farm. ' - - ' Also 160-acre farm not far from Port land to trade for city property. - i aiso nave 1000 acres or stump ianxr, $1.40 car fare from Portland. Good soil, fruit garden and farm land: $7 per acre; part cash, easy payments on bal ance. CLAUDE COLE. - ' 780 Chamber of Commerce. EQUITY $12,800 In a $36,000 business - property, warehouse district, to ex change for . unincumbered property. very easy terms -on mortgage, income to carry. i High." elass residence- property valued" iu,uuu ana unimprovea, to oxcaange for property closer in. k n n 7. . . , J r - . "... , v: : "' '-. ' .... " ' ' A bunch of 14 lots and Targe- dwell ing,, all valued' at $16,000, to exchange for close- in property or will sell very easy. Terras. . S lots in Peninsula, admirably locat ed, to exchange for Irvington "dwelling. 40 acres, vicinity North Yamhill, val- uea xzooo, to exchange ror- city prop erty. 246 - Stark. : COOfcTRADI 40 acres of 'timber land for automo bile; must be of standard make and in good condition. $1400 equity in an' 8-room house, west side: will trade for rooming house or confectionery . store. Lots or good eturr to traae. come see e us if you want to trade. " 205 H Morrison street X WANT a farm of 15 acres or more near transportation, 10 or IS miles irom Portland; gooa - improvements, Chickens, stock' and implements; no mortgage assumed. I have a four-room cottage on East 13th at N., In North Irvington, large porch, fine roses, street improvements in; also have one. lot on Schuyler st, south 'front, fine shade trees,, cement 'walk and curbH. - My equity is $2500, , C S. Harris, ,38?: Bra- Bee-si. ................. . I HAVE an equity In bouse and lot to trade for vacant lot or lots. This is a 6 room house, bath and toilet, ce ment sidewalks, sewer, macadam street all In. cement basement between 2 car lines, Hawthorne and Sunnyside; the best in the city. ; , If you want a place to live and got some lots to exchange, call on Mr. Al ien, 303 Heck bldg. :. Millinery Business- : Well established trade and doing very profitable business in a fine growing-town. You can't do better if you want such a business. ;: Henkle & Harrison s ... sn Qerllnger Bldg. " 1 HALF section of wheat land only ft mile from railroad. Over 200 acres cultivation.. House - and. barn. - - All fenced and cross fenced. - Right In the center of the wheat belt! On county road. Price $22 per acra Will trade for Portland property.- . J, G. Sanders, iza jjumpermens Diog. WE have several very nice homes in the city to exchange ror rarma and acreage rrom iu acres an: S200U to sit.o o. Must be actual values or nothing, do ing. 2 - , - - ' -i v CHAPEL & SMITH, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. . AUTOMOBILE ' 6 passenger., 30 horsenower. ' fullv equipped; speedometer, side and dust cover; perfoct condition: valtw $1600. Will trade for anything of value. Peters, 16 N. 6tn st. - ; For Exchange ' 60x100 lot near Peninsula station. St Johns car, $600, and 2 5-acre tracts be tween Hood River and Mosler, $1,260 eacn, ror nrst payment on a cottage, Koom n. nvyi vvasnington st. STRICTLY modern 7 room house, very ciose to grammar ana nigh schools, z blocks rrom canine, ror an unencum bered farm near Portland. handy to ran and water, $5000, R, p: D. 1, box iv, uay ion, ' kjt. ..... , WILL trade my new modern 10 room Portland residence.- well located, -ex tra large lot close In, value $10,000( ior improved nver mrm or aoout 1 acres, value ' $7000. Owner, H-806 journal. " . , TRADE - 1 have 6 good lots in Portland' will trade all or part for some business, prefer , rooming house. . No agents. A-au. journal. , . GENERAL merchandise store in coun try town, invoice about $5000; might consider some farm property on trade; gooa-business point; reason ror selling partners can t agree, ; Aaaress dox 143 inaepenaence, ur. - - $3000 to $10,000 improved Seattle city property ror weu improved -Oregon rancn, one wnn stoca, etc., - prererred, j.--.u.-,junney,'. eaus Z4tn ave. : jn. w, Seattle, waHh. - HIGH GRADE self-player Piano. worth $800; will trade for acreage or gooa real estate; may consider a light automobile. F-307, Journal. WILL exchange good Portland property for Montana, Wyoming or middle states, vvnat nave youi uox 138 Ar lo fir ' ' -T . FOR SALE , OR TRADE Lots in , Marshfield; also 8-room house and lot; close in, on West Sldo. J-307, Jour- nal. .... ...:v .- BEAUTIFUL 6 acres on macadamized roaa. " near- eiectnc, ciose in. Ex, change for house and. lot on car line give location. H-301, journal. FINEST farm in Willamette valley Is tor-saie oy owner, qirt cneap, xerrns. inquire tnariea tu. Ulcus. . indanen nance, or. - . ... .:.-.,. !.,-, .. FOR SALE OR TRADE 400 acres wheat land near Goldendale, Wash. Gdod buildings, 160 acres in fall grain. A snap, can an : r aumg oiag. TO TRADE, for rooming house, 1 acre paruy anaer cultivation ana lenced; chicken park, 2 story house and other puiiaings. - til AiiBKy piag.- - I WIIjL trade my house and 8 lots for a team or norses ana 1 will give good terms on balance.- 192 Grover st. Mar- snaii nil. - t.--(. CCr I jQ We trade what you have fi OCLY UO what you want , .: PEPP.R & ' BAKER, ' 4 N. 6th, bet. Bnrnslde and Ankeny, FOR SALE, cheap, baby upright also folding crgan and electrio piano or win i traae xor real esiaie. ozbu. mrr 1.1 L Ill r - 1 o.rA .. vvnninKiun, bi. riiunc mum aos, t7 ROOM roomings house, close in ' nn -.west side, as first payment on house and lot in aunnysioe, ive phone No, K-S02. Journal. ' - - -.r... IF you have lot and little cash will build and loan you balance. . .A. C t-. .1 . if'io rit. . - v-, . IF you want , to sell, buy or trade, see BhoemsKer, ozo ana ozt Henry, bldg M.ln 44KS A-7434. ; ' WlIAT have you to trade for a launch; bor 1914 or 674. ' Ti WILL buy. sell or trade anything; H. F. Lee. 1015 Board of Trade bids. WE. CAN trade your propejty or busl nesw. i'sn -sua Hoarq or Tcade, WK trade lor anything anywhwre. 8e us tcoiny. ,n Henry piag. - WB buy,' sell or trade r(7ranythlng o value. . 417 Board of Trade. $500 WILL buy lot aud xuUU-ou -east 12 acres, Clackamas, all In cultivation. lor Port lana nrooertv. 5 acres, Beaverton, (improved, for city. acres. : Forest urove, part in city house and lot , , - acres beaverdam, high state of culti vation, for Portland" acres, 6o carfare, west side, will take small cottage in citv. ''. . - 73 acres, Cooks, Wash., for city. 1 200 acres, 130 in cultivation well Im proved;: win taite pare in .rortiana property: price J14.000. . 68 acres, all river bottom land, 60 In cultivation, 3 miles to good R. It town, for good house and lot In Portland. 160 acres, - A mile from R. R. station; part cleared; in Lincoln coonty; tor city property or easterp Oregon wheat landtL, . v . 160 acres. 25 miles from Portland; Im proved with stock and implements; $4000; will take Portland property to total value. 320 : acres. Crook county, Oregon, for vancy or fortiana property,' . . 1000 acre wheat ranch, Morrow county, hair in crop, ail best or soil, ror val ley lands or Portland property. 17,000 acres, take part Portland prop erty, -some cash, ana -easy terms on balance; only $4 per acre; big oppor tunity tor investor.. . - 20 acres, Siskiyou county. Cat, -40 la meadow, ror- Portland property '. or eastern 'Oregon wheat lands. ; f - 40 acres, near Ashland, Or.; all best of fruit land; for acreage or city prop erty.' a vs-v'--:. 160 acres, 25 In cultivation, fair build ings; i'oiu county; ror Portland house ana lot r t ' ...'' 6 room house,' east, of Union, south of Ainerta, run aiot -ror .7. or 8 room house and lot; will assume some or pay difference. . to room house, Hslladay district, for close in acreare, - --;-t. 6 room cottage, comer lot I blocks new high scnooi; via take lot as first payment ' - 8 room house, " 100x100 lot, Kent Park, ror acreage. ...: 5 room house and 4 lota, B. Mt Tabor, for ranch. 8 cottages, 8 rooms each, east side, for rancn..;-' - , ... . . room house, modern, close in, : for rancn or acreage. . 25 room hotel, county seat, for acreage. rancn or city property. ' ; - x , . 2Vs aces, Oregon City carllne, for small coiiage. . - 2-3 acres, Claremont,' for house and lot in city. - 4 room house, furnished, east side, for ciose in acreage. t room house, fine district for ranch. room house and 6 lots for exchange '- for ranch. - 4 room house, large barn, extra large lot west side, for acreage. 85 acres, part under ditch, for Portland or valley acreage. 80 acres, coast lands, for Portland prop erty, . :. ,-fv:;'s:-;i! u-r, -Chittenden, Otto & Neill , vr-t 3iQ pak St ' , Exchanges . $25,000 Income brick for stock ranch. $8500 apartment lease for farm. $33,000 warehouse, factory site, farm. $16,000 residence. What have youT $42,500 . citv tracts vallev farm land. $120,000 farm. Condon, citv trade and cash. - . . - .. .. $60,000 : farm, filletz. eonmletelv equipped; trade Income city property; (UUU YH11M.'.. .... ooo traces, city and ram, to date. Raymore Realty Co, 430 Worcester Bldg. Main 1940. To Exchange - nouse and lot Montavllls. for Arr Ewub, uuea or groceries. - 1(0 acres, southern Ore rem. for himM ana m, ...... - i- House and lot for acreage. - . Dairy' ranch for stock groceries. , , ! ; Nelson & 8ulkeley . 2022 E. Stark -fit ' Phone Tabor 2681. - EXCHATMnir.a $45,000 worth of tint Portland to trade for farm; will con sider wheat land. , . -A fine 816.000 reidew in land. i : '-',.-,.-. ,- . . ... 215 acres on Oregon Electrio to trade for city property. : $17,600 worth of bank stock to trade for land or city property. . Income bearing Seattle nrnnrfv A - change for land. MOORE IN VESTMENT CO.', ' 304 Henry bldg. " 13 Acres Close to Tigardville Station All Under cultivation fin snii of Incumbrance. - For. house In city; must be, modern. " - 14 acres,' ll cleared, 8 miles from Orogon City. Nice place for saloon or city property. Pay cash difference if any, ,- Haas & Ringler, ' tii iwwis mag. We Have to "I rade the Follow- 10 acres, Mllwauklo, all cleared. ' 24 acre Reedville farm; half cleared. 40 acres. United R nri,iin proved. ' ' acres improved. Base Line road, i 10 acres orange land, California, Brown & Staver ; 614 couch Bldg. ISO acres of fine land, 100 acres In cultivation. 70; acre tmttnm i.-j stone or gravel; 40 acres seeded to fall Krai n; good house, and barn, all stock and Implements, hay and grain go with place; located one mile from Jefferson. SS.,',,n? F'61 TOi: price $96 per acre. Will take some Portland property as part pay. ' BALL & KUNTZ 1- f 431-432 Lumber Exchange Bid., ' : A Good Trade for You 66 acres of finest fruit land to exchange for Portland property: Fan&ii,be ,rrJKated; ; water right with land; 23 .acres now ia alfalfa; Is near Twin Falls, Idaho, In best fruit belt in state, ' Would consider home or acreage Neal Brown. 709 Swetland bldg. 8 f FOR YOU Have for exchange bunga tlow at Corvallis, near O. A. C." for store or confectionery; also timber land, close Inliouse, for acreage, mineral springs. What have yout Call or write. 40 ACRES land, new $ room house and new barn. 5 stalls, and vnohmm .11 under fence, ail timber. Value $2500 9 miles south of Hillsboro. , Address J $IaIjUther 1078 Cott t JPhona Main FOR EXCHANGE To exchange ,.' 18 acres,. cultivation, balance pasture all fenced, on county road to Salem 1 mile north of Jefferson, Or,, for citv property. Phone Woodlawn 3069 80 ACRE ranch near Ratuier, Wash., 12 M.-ICB in cultivation; nouse and barn: small orchard, To exchange for city Property. ; W, 1L Lang Co., 414 Ablng- LET US know what you have to sell or trade. .If your price is right we can sell your property. -:-"- .,v..-.. .- - k. m. iiooa, tat Lumhermens bldg. 40 ACRE farm in western Washington -to trade for nronertv In I'lnmnth Lake oounties. . What have vou to offer? H-303. Journal." : " WILL trade small equity., in Irvington lot as part navment on umaii mem- -Ing house, K-304, Journal. 4 ; EXCHANGE Have several lots on the s ocean, favorably situated. What have you? J-SO0, Journal. ' ' HAVE a good lot on . the. coast .luUi blocirfrom' large hotel site. Will . change for good piano. . J-306. Journal, TWO excellent beach lots. Will exchange - tor secona mortgage or-otner inter est -bearing paper. J-304, Journal. WHAT have you to trade for a good business lot In South Portland. Call 411 Corbett bldg. - ! THREE 60x100 lots -for rii'LHifnrt or bitildfng- contracts or 'business. Ad dress 1000 E. 12th N, Good Trades $9800 275-ai ri farm on r:il!ron.( all stock and implements to trn,i.. $8500 fruit farm near AW-onl u tradw for city property. 400O lltsidence and fZOQO ca i trade for smail farm. $4500 Fine bungalow: will trad? f r improved acreage; will pay difference. $3500 Harness shop to trade for i a estate. 16000 Meet business to tratle f.r good property.. $9000 General merchandise to tr.i ' for good farm. ' Automobile business , to trade f r farm. This Is unusually good. I have: a fine list of all kinds of properties to exchange at right prices. Call or write if you can appreciate a C, W, LaBane 20$ Commercial Itlk., 2nd & Washington The Pacific Realty Co, Phone Main 8560 A-3475 323 Falling Bldg.. 3rd A Washington. , OUR exchange department has prop erty of all kinds for .exchange, t Just a few samples: ' GOOD 7-room house and .lot' in. 'tint city, to exchange for close-in acreage. want aoout 10 acres, value 1500. -.' Stock -of merchandise in good town near Portland, will exchange for room ing house, lots, house and lot or acre-, age. ' '' '., : . ; .'-. - Equity of . $750 lrt 6-room bungalow, completely furnished. - on ...... Portlar-1 Heights;-will take good lot v House Is rented for $35. 2 ACRES 10 miles on electric line, 7-room. house; price $3500; $600 cash or win lane nouse and lot in rortiana. -- 800 - acres land, 400 .acres clear, to trade at $25 per acre for Portland prop- 1 erty. Income property or lots. EXCHANGES? $4250 Portland hme to exchange for cigar and confectionery, - (116) $3000 grocery to exchange " for :city- home. (129) $4000 home to exchange for Improved small ranch near Portland. uR $3000 Seattle residence to exchange for . Portland home ! or , vacant lots. (W5) $6500 22 acre Improved ranch in Tual atin valley -to exchange ror cuy home. 112) v - - $?O00 100x100 on Portland Heights to exchange for acreage or improved city property. (163)1 - , 'M'GUIRE & HENNTNGS, " . 201. t.nmlwfmpn'1 TUdo- Phone today East 607. C-263t5, A-38R3. 5 Acre Farm for Trade Five acres, all cleared . and good room plastered house and outbuildings, z miles rrom city, limits, on west side; level and -good black soil; will trade for a good house not too far out Our price on this, $4000. If yoa have-anythlng to match it come in. 428 Henry bldg. mni'rtvofl naa v Salem " Or an eaditv of 31800: Will trade for house and lot or rooming house. Dement & Kriaer, zs Madison St ., , 2 LOTS 86x100. on KlUingsworth ave!, to exchange for S or 6 room house And' lot. Mllftt hA iwV Knl-tAm nHM anil not too tar out. yu za w. TO EXCHANGE for improved farm my equity in 8-room ' house and 4 lots, suburban. Finest shrubbery, eta X- 811,' journal. 1 - -. 80 ACRES near- Vancouver, partly cleared, $3000; trade for city property and sell easy terms. 430 Worcester bldg. TWO houses and lots, In Bourne, Baker Co., Or., will exchange for automobile. Dement A Krlder. 248 Madison st WE FURNISH the money and build on your vacant iota .f none Main 44SQ. WE buy, sell or trade anything. H. EL James Co., g IQttt Bt, near Stark. WJLL trade beach lots for what you have. H-309, Journal. WANTED REAit ESTATE ' 81 Want to Buy A home, walking distance to Jefferson High school, not more than $3500. Write complete description and price first let ter; owners only. F. L, Strout, ' 310 Oak st WE WANT anywhere from 160 to 6000 acres of . central Oregon sage brush lands. Let us know what you have and your bedrock price for cash. Crook and Lake - counties preferred; principals only. 434 Chamber of Commerce,; Port land, Or., .' HAVE come to Portland to make my home. Want a 6 or room bunga low, cost $3000 to $6000. Irvington, Rosa City Park or'Hawthome preferred. Own ers oniy. u. u. LAWDaago, . attorney, room 627 Corbett bldg. WANTED Homes from $2060 to $5000. ' on easy .terms. We can sell ten fit these within the next week. - M'GUIRE & HENNINGSl, ' 201 .Lumbermen's Bldg. 665 Williams Ave. WANTED The best bargain in citv realty that $300, $500, $1000 and' $2000 cash will buy; also good trades. 1 Rosro nt nuit, nn 31 rnnoh .a .11,... Marshall 3028. t , : WANTED From owner. In,. restricted district new 6 room house that $750 cash will handle from $3500 to $4500. Price must be right .t Phone East $30 or M-305, Journal. . - -:;;':; About 10 acres improved, nnmr Pert land; will pay cash. Call Monday. Main 8560, or 322 Failing bldg. . WE have a cash buyer for a room bungalow. What have you "to offerT R. M. HOOD, - -- 504 Lumbermena Bldg. " ' I WILL pay $8000 for good room I . or apartment house. See my agents. NORTHERN TRUST CO, ' -270 Stark St - I WANT a 3 or 4 room house; mast have extra large lot; give location, price ttnd terms.' V-316, Journal We Sell real estate quickly and quletly. j NORTHERN TRUST X -270 Stark St - CASH for your property, any kind, any where. To buy or sell address Nort r- western Business Agency, Minneapolis. WANT some good inside acreage; have eastern capital to invest; no agents. absolutely.' C-304, Journal." I WANT a, small house and a ysrl ' largo enough to raise chickens. T-S13, JowmaL ---- '" -; WANTED To buy cottage from own er for cash. 265 Morrison st. Room 312 Alisky bldg. ' WANTED Lot or .equity; . close in; must be reasonable. Phone Main 4fS. I. WANT a house for $100 cash, balance monthly payments, W-310, Journal EX CHAN GF MISC. S5 FOR EXCHANGE -Portland property - and interest in manufacturing bosl hess for $8000 alfalfa farm- or gen. No agents, Address Owner, 410 E. 4Sth St 8. -,. ;, ... , ,','.. ..s WILL exchange one 200 egg incubator . .-. u HciiviciiiAit ei umxjK Eiuuio. in quire corner Powell Valley- and Lents road. ! James York, Lents. Or. - TO EXCHANGE Team. waon and harness for land elsarlng or plaster ing. M-303, Journal. , - . . W;iLL trade first class talking machine for good bikK Por.tland Phonograph Agency. 350 -Alder st. ' $100 violin, 250 rare coins, for dlamorid - building material furniture. . is 809, Journal. - '' ' ' FIRST CLASS carpenter end flnlsht-r. will exchange work for house furnlsh lngs. W-318. Journal. .';. FOR SALE English bull terrier btulu one: year old, or what, have you to trade. Phone C-2573, ' WAN ElVTo exchanse ' '1godHSiiae wood jaw for good work te,m ". less than 2800 weight. X-3 13. ,l..nrti-.l. MUB1C le'saons- givn in fxri,ur. .- f -wewtngr-rjest-of Cltyrf?n'"'?, T;-V. j 2054. -- - ' VvHATi have ,you . to exclmniirw Air'c ; "per ruining stoc k; wmjhl uti mn t terview: B-304,--Jurnl.. ion sALii i aj;".; i FOR BALE--A no,t 6-1 fl, r.( f Mi!tlvRtd, 1 In .t"! '. 1 J I ., all fp't, xl, $Uj, titie f 1,, 1 , j, Main 244$,