iECTSOW THRE .'-r 12 PAGES C LAG! T ?7 If T ? Ji. M. "cIIMHav K r r N 1 I ? ADVERTISING 7 Xvlc- TiV PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1910. 02 1 GENERAL REAL ESTATE S3 GENERAL REAL ESTATE C2 GENERAL .RFAL ESTATE GENERAL 'KEAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE GENERAL RE.1L ESTATE GENERAL REAL ESTATE ( Cut This Column Out -"'inl Yin vj'jUi 62 : 62 'mm If otfs ME' LDU H01E 1 New 4 room bunealow and 4 acre. The price Is only J'JOO. .... Ton likely py $10 a month rent now. That will buy this place. Make your money eount ... ' I-room house, lot, 60x100. 4 block to ear. Only $550. Why pay rent BTRICTX.T MODERN RESTDENCQ. On Mill rt; 10 room houso. with 2 lota. The plan is not qjlite completed, but an material la there and $400 will finish the work. Unexpected reverses prevent own er from finishing the place. Everything is lust as represented, and 1800 cash will handle this. - . , A SNAP OP SNAPS. Bargain -hunters, be quick or 'you'll miss this genuine real good buy! - ' $200 PER ACTUS. Za Happy Hollow; ft cabh, terms. . Beautiful Rrland Lots . Quarter acre lots, in fine location, near car line; beautiful surroundings. 110 down. $10 a month. A sauaro foot of real estate Is worth ft thousand castles in the air. 1 Values Increasing. Act Price $350 and sp. - (3x143. $375 AND UP. $S down and $5 per month; will bntld to suit purchaser. - $250 Cash V 1 room house, lot 60x188. $450; water in; a bargain. Price only $240 Cash Balance $S a month. ' 4 room house, pantry and closets, lot 80x105. Price $5b0. - - - 1 v - ' Acre Tracts', ; AS in fruit: $850 and up; $11 tit a month. - v , , - Lots, $5 Dpwn, $5 a Month -BRBGHT Ul Scott Car to Lents Phone B-nii. ass ror Bright Realty Co,. ., , ' ' Highland " - ttlW i-room bungalow, modem, near TJrrfon and AlberU eta. This is worth $3400 and wont last long. Vernon ' - . ttit -rom tmngalow. racing east, 10 feet from Alberta st. A fine home at the . right price .and . terms. . .( .- . . . ': , . Albina 135 i-roora bungalow, modern, eloe . to ear. streets improved. Terms. . V Sunnvside . iH) T-room house, modern, lot I0X 7 - 100, with fruit trees, one block , ": to car. Best, buy, in this dis trict. - ' E. 7th St,- JS00 S-story.' 6room, on 13. 27th, Just ' : east or laaas aaaiuonc a kuuu v buy on easy terms, v ' .c... ' ' - Sunnvside . - " 1950 B-room ' California bimirMow, .new und modern, corner lot, at , ... tractive" and up-to-date: $500 cash, balance easy - terms. Close in. 4150 Z-story. -room house,-new and - modern, on K Onk st. fireplace. beam ceilings, ! lleepint porch. full baacmont. liasy term&, . Albina 4250- -9-room, on Monroe st between Union and Williams avenues. ' One - of the niost attractive homes in Albina at the s right : ' price. ' - " . ' ' Above are1 attractive,' ' woll-tmnt homes. Will milt the most particular people ana are priced ngnt. , McGUJRE & iIeNNTNGS, 565 Willinms Ave. Rast 607, C-2638. 201 Lumbenneiis Uldg., A-3883. , 140.000 ACRES. 60,000 acres. 2000. acren. 865 acres, 800 acres, 640 acres, -600 acres, 481 acres, 800 acres, 200 acres 18 acres, 6 V4 acres, 6 acre tracts, 1 acre tract M acre tract - . -. ' ,- 1 ' LOTS. ' ; ; , - Portland lots. Astoria lots, beach lota, fruit tracts. Rchldenre property, 3 to 12 rooms, all pans of cityt- Rooming houses from 7 to 50 rooms. Platans propositions, ;10 "acres nnd up. Business chnnces. coal mines, timDor tracts, saw mills, vacuum cleaning- outfit- launches and automobiles. . w ill trade for any , tUing you have. . . itusia city realty; co . -312 Couch Mdar. Phone Marshall . 3028 T C UK PRLIVKiti (lir T1TR FIN EST HALF BLOCKS JjM PORT LAM m'SINKS - DISTRICT IFOR' $60,000 CASH. WITH I. Act TKilJl.S UN JtAL AM'K; VUON'TS ON' WIIAT 13 T l-..Sr -i I : To I'K TTIK TlTAl'itNU P.rsf- 81500 83500 lots- m V--: Sm w tor bouse, lota, on easy pay. Dents. . ;'- ,.- - - i.--. MRS. NIW Tin M 'I "OH H A KW Oi '(!V.KAT KM VQliTLANP. lS-a03, JOLTvNAL. HIE TWTI' at mm Close to ear. $10 down, bal ance monthly. These are sit uated In the heart tf Lents. Close' to ' large,, new graded school; sidewalks and water i main all in. :6( balance $5 per month. Will . guarantee purchaser 10 profit on investment in six months. Faces east on $3d St., 200 feet, south of Hawthorne - ave. : $1000. $800 down,' balance monthly,. You cannot duplicate this. ' - 1 Brand now; good . location; i clnee to school and churches. The orifrlnal price on this prop- erty wna $1400, but If it Can be sold tills week owner will take . $1200. Small pymendown, bal ance monthly-, : , . . i -.vf : '..4 " V I '.ooiipiw;- IU AMsgton Building. - Phone Main . 802. LACST tt GCIZLKSSKR. S 18 WILLIAMS AVE. -" Phone East 397. Home C-11S1. Two lots. 40x100 each, on tha rrnr 26th and WyganU Price $1260. - - Price $2600."..; st Price $2500; terms. lof?e to RusselL Lot 60x120. Price $7000; terms. ' Lot 60x125 on Will lam ae. fine, hlnnk from Russell, with two 6 room cottages; rent fori $33. per month. MPrlce $SOO0; terms. : , , . ... ; " '- - , . . - - tween Mason and Shafer. Price $5500; terms. . . , -. " , Close to Russell st. .Income $106' per munin. rrice ioo; terms. . Will sell S lots in Portnmotith Inchid. ing corner for $1000. Your own terms. Hot 50x118 on Morris st between Rod ney and linion, facing south. Price iiboo; suo cash, balance 6 per cent one year. ' . . . . . AT YOUR OWN TERMS. 11 Well improved and untm proved. Small snd large tracts, on Electric line and Willamette river, for sale and exchange for city property, with or without build higs. We make a specialty of cheap small farms and exchanges. .We handle no 1 high priced or' waste lands. For furthw particulars see John Bick, $26 Honry bldg., 4th and Oak. . EXCEPTIONAL HOMBL- ' .., ' AT A SACRIFICE.'. 10 ' -ROOM '. IIOUSE, ( iOOxlOO IN "BROAD WAT CISTRICT; $6500,' $500 CASH, BALANCE $60 PER MONTH, .IN CLUDING" INTEREST."rCTn7TS 1T ONCE. CO-OPERATIVE .'REALTY Ca, - ' 520 RY. KXCIIANGE. MAaSHALL-2248. A-127t .40X100 UT AT HITS Will LIT 5HR00M HOUSE 'JT'lllTS-- IE 'FARMS E. 10 and 20 acre, tracts atl htprhly cul tivated. Right on It R. Close Oregon Elec tric and In one of the Ilnest secuuiii of the Willamette valley. A little over 80 miles from Portland. JIUll per acre. One-fourth down, balance small yearly payments. This is some of the best land we have and won't last long at this price. ii,oui.. 4X0 nrr vhnat ranch close to Port land and in one of the best wheat belt-i of eastern Oregon, 'All good land. Build ings, -water, etc Will give some one a good deal for - Portland property. iin.uuv. . . - 97 acres on Oregon Electrld. All plat ted All good fruit land. AH highly cultirated. Will trade all (Or part for Portland property. v $160 AUKlii Au ur. - Nice 10 acre tracts near Xieaverton. $4200. r t MAm modern residence on East Bel mont st, for good piece of acreage. 11 acres adjoining Shaw. All cleared. 10 acres .orchard, prunes ana apples. 5 room house, good bam, welt etc. Horse, cow, furniture, . tools, chickens, etc.,' included. Will trade for , acreage near Portland . with buildings on it 1 'ft arrna near Shaw. Good buildings. Orchard of prunes and apples. Lots of wood and grain, won iiu. chickens, etc., go with place, v in uuae. 85 lots adjoining city of Portland, all . III) I ' i. nlnttfl. - Fine lactory. sue. rruicuj about 14 acres of ground Will trade in- come property.- 'vA;yte $12 B0 per acre for 19 acres right in fhn nath of nroeress ana in u e cm limits of Portland. A good plattlnj proposition. No trade. Stock; of ladies' and gents' furnish ings for .Eugene property. 9fifl nrres. 600 in cultivation, balanee ,-.:t v j xn. nun rood riasture land. Good buildings, lwo miles from station. Will trade for prop- erty of good valve.. 66 acres all in high state or wiltrnj- tlon. Good buildings, larauy m ZV. i fn Tt so miles from pnrti9n,v , a verv fine farm. Win take Portlaad .' property. . 210 seres . in the state of endaboma, covered with fine oak and walnut tim . i a.. 17h. FH.K Ja t .rtru. ber. A fine proposition lur "Vvli. - lion two rood residences, in 'muhuumi OW $lEV.andone $1000. Will trad for Portland property or acreage, , Wne modern" residence, . Fine location. Will take good rea.e iwKnrAil ViV 27000 worth .UXVrVSer -cent -Will trade for" house and lot and pay cash differ 22600 ' 1A m-rrTiKT DaVtOI. Or. " 10 SCTe -i jt vi.n nnir tmler that c'Vtv"; for iani:WiU take Portland property. , . , iWn mill fnllv eonlpped. - 2,000,- 00 feet avajilable timber. Win for snythlng-of value. - - tradi In the state of Missouri, the rood old corn state, Woee to- connty t of iI slede connty. Will trade for Portland property, grocery stock, rooming bouse or acreage.. , $7000. , - - - tneotcM property on west side, paying $58 per month. . Will take Improved acre age, close in. - Fine residence lot in Sunnyside,,l for automobile or furniture. , . . . $3000. - - Modern 5 room bungalow for rooming h0U8e- $4500. X ' 160 acres In the DescoBxes wimuj, near-Madras. No trade, r , . . ........... 16JV. Good B passenger Franklin to trade for Vernon lots. , 5 acres at Jennings Lodge. ; Two acres cleared. Fine land. Hair casn. n trade. . - - ' 20 acres near Wilsonvllle. Good new f room house. tn ; two mam roads. 14 miles from rortiana. vviu take $1000 in rortiana prueruj. . 10 room residence block In Qolden- dale. Wash. Clear of mortgage, v iu trade for hotel or rouiuig ovu A fine little business that Is clearing tnn no-r inonih net for acreage. Will consider TiUsmook county. ; 160 acres 11 miles east of Vancou ver. Waslu. for property of good value. 11900. 1 room modern bungalow, villi trade for larger house and pay cash dltfer- ence. Stock ' of cheap rent $4000, ' ' ' hardware on - west side; Will trade for Income prop- ert7- ' $22,000. " ' - Income . business property In Pndle ton for acreage or Portland property. $5500. - Fine hotel and 4 room bungalow block of gcotind. All furnished com plete. Located st Long BeachtWash. A good renting propositions. Will. ,take Portland property. Several rood -first-class automobiles for property of rood value. ..... i - $4200. " M One modern ( room reeldence ana one 4 room house for 6. , Residence . cloeo in. Will - give or take difterence. . $8500. Fine 8 room absolutery 'modern resi dence on west side. Will take good y- l0tS-- $26,000. ' A fine piece of Income tnwdness prop erty on west side. A fine piece of property. Might consider part trade but not all. -, ' - , . $50,000. Fine hotel located in Seattle, The best In toe City. .Will irane ior janas. miriii:mm In. the XVlllamette val- r. A srood live proposition, win xraae for good acreage "r runmuu v . lOU. ' . i- mrt morteaee on land worth $4000 as first psymntit on new house. . X U l'l'-lL AIVI'J. . In Puha near Havana. WTI1 trade for rooming house of good value. -17 lot vin. Honolulu. i Clear. , Make Wo' also have some, nice little homes ,M fed Cf ATTflS . T (r We also have about 2D.000 acres of wheat land, lor sine or inioe. . . $10,000. f t mtwi nil to -fruit Fine modern res Idence. Fine sightly place. On Oregon nn r.n line. One of the finest suluir hnn homes that we have on our list Electric on one side, county road otv oth ii for lTirtrer nlace. - . w trade for Property any place, all the time. If you don't", deal with us Br 526 and 527 Phinei 7.:iln 4-105. Henry bid? A-7131. 1)4 ACRES on river, just, above the city, about 185 feet . frontage, nearthe car line. N ' - ABOUT 1. ACRE ad join ing'the same, for ABOUT 2 ACRES with neyv bungalow and barn, "close to station, - 35 AC RES within P2 miles of the courthouse, C on electric road,' station , on grounj'for, per acre, IS ACRES, all in natural woods, within 3 miles of - the " courthouse, Ea$y, . terms can be arranged;. per acre 42 ACRES on Shattuck Rbad, just below Coun cil Crest. All cleared: " Good house. Per acre, 100x100 ON TRACK in North End. f ACRE ON RIVER and " track in the South End.! 360x486 ON RIVER and ' track. ' with good ' im , provements. , - 8 MILES jof river front age, ' within 6 miles of the Steel Bridge, for 100x100 on Washington street, 70 FEET" frontage on Washington - street," ; ' " ':lJli 34x100 ON PARK, near Stark $40,000-. - 100x141 . on : Washington street 8 APARTMENT site on 21st,"100xl00. ' ' 50x100 CORNER on 23d, well .improved, bringing . in over . 100 per cent month. 1 '5 84500 , ... . 87PD v .8750 illlTIElti 232 Chamber of Commerce. lir&l Estate UepL . . Chamber of Commerce.. . Telephones Private' Ex.- 20. A-2050. CAREFULLY seleoted offerings from a very complete list - Portland' Heights Homes $14,000 A splendid seven room home on Kavensview irive; handsome grounds 100x130; near the street car; pictures to be Been at our office at any. time, and we will show you the property by ap DOlntnlent., 915. $4800 A valuable corner lot1 (60x60) in Portland Heights, with a modest house of five rooms thereon. This is a good proper ty to acquire at - this figure. Live in ft-and then sell at a nroflt Near cars: view. 463. $2600 A 'four roonf house, rented' now Tor sis per ma, on a vaiusiDie Portland Heights lot (40x60). Property In this section is be coming more valuable dally ,artd this la a good opportunity at the price.. - 863. - Nob Hill Homes , ' $13,000 On Johnson 'street - sear school, cars, churches; lot box 100, with handsome trees : and shrubbery; picture at office. If you wish "to pay more or less for a close -lit-home ask about the others we have.. 914. Irvinston Homes r $7000 A ' handsome and modern home at 487 Kast 16th st,1 near Thompson street (on car line): lot 60x100. Bee it today. Owner occupies and, will give immedi ate possession. . This - will . not disamiotiit von. EH0 - $4800 And it Is a bargain, too. Look at it today also, it is near the aoove. ' jno. 4H4 t.ast ntn it A pretty and entirely modern i bungalow; . 6 rooms and bath; lot - nicely graded. " Owner will i show you through. 905. Rose Citv Park Homes $3300 Handsome house on ,65th st, near Rose City Park car, 6 rooms, attic and many attractive features, street work done and! the house is, ready for' Jts new owner. Terms. Would take lot as tiart navment , 854.- . $3300 A brand new- 2 story home on ! 6Zd street,- in .Rose City Park; 6 rooms and bath, sleeping porch. Terms only $200 cash,; and then the balance like .. the rent that' you give the land- j lord monthly. 492. "- . $2160 Another Rose City Park home. also on easy terms. - -Talk tnese places over, at home and then Interview us and we will figure it out with you and show you a startling thing or two about "rent money", waste. 923, . East Side:Homes ( $4500-tCorBer home on Ainsworth; lot . , ovxiuu; nouse nas rooms ana . . . bath; natural wood finish, pan eling and beam celling,. Dutch kitchen, attic floored, near car, school, etc $1050 cash, baL like rent 940. .. , . -. $4200 Six room modem house, furnace, ' i etc. See It today, S. E. cor. East 33d and East Market - street. . - . One block from Sunnyside car. ;Four ' rooih ; apartment flats , 1 could be built! -on this lot also. "" " ' They would pay well, there. 976. $3900 Modern 8 -room house in East v Portland, near E. 38th and Ivon streets. Lot 33x100, in highly restricted district where no . house costs less than $2600. Fur . niture valued at $600 goes with this. 15 minutes out - 938. -$4600 A good 6-foora house on' East - 70th Bt, near Mt Tabor car; large lot 100x135, with alrun - ' dance of fruit, shrubbery and . j. -,: flowers; commands fine views , 'i of the mountains; pas garage, chicken house, tc. 973. ,- $7000 Future business property; with in walking distance of town; at the eastern approach to the .., proposed Broadway bridge; has xw rooms now, and 4 could be easily "added; . good renting lo cation; values Increasing there. $2650 House of 0 rooms and bath, . near Howe station, on Wood stock car line; lot 50x100, with ,f roses, fruit and flowers; chick en house, wood house, etc. One block from car in a rapidly growing section. 921. ' -$3800 Attractive corner, home, 6 rooms v and bath;-near the Sunnyside i car and "not too far out;" near ..' -,. Bchool: terms can be arranged If desired. We have a number of other choice houses ' on' the ' east side .- to, lowt:.?0v.,.-:! - Suburban Homes $6000 Almost one acre of land at , Brierwood Station, 20 minutes ride oh the local train from Port- - land, a pretty and new 6-room bungalow is on this. . Splendid river frontage. An ideal home ana near the city too. .861. -$6500 Practically 2 ;, acres adjoining .the above. .This has 170 feet of Willamette "river beach (sandy), , has a natural growth -of trees and Is a beautiful spot for any r one to build a modest or expen sive home. 861. - Apartment Sites .. $50,000 Very valuable corner near ISth ana Hoyt sta 100x100. Available corners of this class are getting scarce or -. the prices are- being advanced rapidly.- Investigate this and our others. . 949. . . $30,000 Prominent corner,near" 15th and unsan; -occupied hy an old build ing; 60x100. This Is a valuable corner, and Offers many opnor . , . tunltles of profit If purchased at - - this nrice. Investleata. -917 " $6500 Splendid corner,. 85x100, in Port- -'iana irieignts; on car line; ideal apartment house Bite; apartments ' would be nooular and nrofltablo -...'. from the start; the beet offering ior that purpose in that section. 465. - . Residence Lots ' ' $1000 Corner of Hancock' and 47th sts cement walks in' and naid for, . lot 60x100; east and south frontage: thli Is one of the finest comers in Rose'City Park; $1000 - cash; must be sold ttits week. See it today. 975. ' ' $800 Five fine vacant lota on the south side f Brooklyn st, " be tween E. 24th and E. 25th sts. ' Near the Brooklyn car; new build- - lngs all around these lots. Very . easy terms ($200 down and $18 per month). 72. Trades exchanges' $7000 A 40-acre ranch, located .2 miles .from Oregon City; owner " wants a Portland home . in ex change therefor. We have lots, residences and business properties . to exchange, and it will pay you . to look at our list 97L Warehouse Sites..' ' $4500 60x120.- .A splendidly located warehouse sits In North Portland, he clients of Hartman & Thomp 'son own nifcny . of the choicest warehouse and factorx sites in arHfcsfcear Portland. Consult them regarding such. 920, , -Business -Property- - $60,000 Right down town; corner 60s : 100; covered with old improve ments; handsome office building on opposite, corner. This prop. ' . erty will yteld a good 'profit to v i anyone who Will' acquire it, at tins price. , 513. , i - ' H- (r r h Real flstaie Pipurtiiient Chatuer,of Coirunerca, "' - -, . . U UUlkUVJ n n nn nr n VUUUU .- mum Tomorrow, when you stu-t out to buy that lot, make it a point to visit Gregory Heights. Not only is Gregory Heights In a fine residence district but Greg ory Heights car service-is good, the car ride is short 'the location is high and healthy and the view splendid. -J . . -, - Gregory Heights Is the one best 'opportunity for any man of mod. i erate imeans- and an opportunity that cannot last because: We sell lots-as low as - , In one ef the best residence dls triets of Portland. , , Take a ride out on a Rose City Park car, note the great growth ; throughout this section of the city.. Hundreds of homes were . . built during the past year, many: - of these in Gregory Heights; Does . it take any great foresight or un usual intelligence to predict what this great amount of homebulld- ,: lng will do toward Increasing the ; -value-of all lots7 .ri People are beginning to realise that unless they,, buy now. thev- will Boon have to go farther and farther out and buy at no better , prices and on no better terms. ; . "--Then why hesitate? -For your '.."future homesite, buy a Gregory Heights lot with cement side walks, curbs, parking, city grade and Bull Run water. ATGH: PAPERS -IFOR w . Cars will be routed over the , tow cut off soon and will leave at Fifth and Washington streets . Instead Of Third and Yamhill (the present starting point). Take Rose City Park car to end of line. Come out tomorrow. 't.. - .. . ..." ... r -''GREGORY'"' v IT1EIT GO. v'sTeajMoi "." - $40 per acre 680 acre ranch in- crn tral Oregon, all tillable, absolute water right 160 acres natural meadow hay, ubout 80 acres under cultivation, seven room chouse, a barn, corral and usual outbuildings," all fenced and . cross- fenced.- Good well - 20 feet only two miles td a good -little town, an Ideal stock ranch, in a stock country. . ,-,.:.-'."i - ''- V -.-V-V -: .'-.'' . . IIIHIK ' $1200. Northeast quarter of'northenst quarter of section 32, township 14 It 1 west 40 acres. Look this up. ! .'TIMER' ultra-' ' $40 per acre. S20 acres good fruit and stock land In foothills of Willam ette valley, gmall amount of Improve ments on one quarter, about seven mil lion feet of saw timber on this place. Fruit and Stock Ranch '' ' - v '. -." '' ' - - w .-V- 1000 acres near" North Bank road In Washfngton. about 400 acres fruit land. Balance pasture land. .. . HI 00 503 Corbett bldg. THE-.OUICREST WAV - To secure tenants for vacant houses or rooms is to insert an cnrrTinrjouKNAir cent per word per issue three insertions for the price of tu, . seven for the price of five. " " ' ' ' ' SITII FOR' IIW 'PROPERTY HERE IS A ..TRADE FOR YOU. . 80 acre farm, only 4 miles from ft live railroad town, good 5 room house, 2 barns and other build-, ings, 25 acres of good timber. 40 acres In s: cultivation, ,, balance slashed and seeded; 2 acres in bearing orchard, commercial vari eties And 1 acres planted to young' peach trees, 2vx acres In ... strawberries. ' The soil Is a rich mellow sandy loam and will grow anything, all bottom land. - A navigable river forms . one . boundary, . One good team, 6 cows, 2 hogs, 100 chickens, following Imple r ments,. etc, are all new; One wagon, 1 hack, set single and set ; of . double harnesa, mower rake, harrow, plow, disc, etc.. All small tools. . ; . "' - - Small-grocery st pre, stock and i postoffice on one cerner of the place on the public road goes with .this farm. Telephone in store. Will take $2500 In city property In trade.-" Price $8000,. easy terms. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., - . 605 Corbett bldg. - Here Is a snap and you can get It on easy terms, 13 acres slashed end seeded, 1 acre In garden. A ' cjuantlty of good piling" timber, 3 good springs. This lies in a good fruit belt close to Portland; tim ber will more than pay for this. Will take a small pavment down and balance In 7 years at 6' per - oent Interest-,- -- v " ' : i RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO, 605 Corbett bldg. 100X100. FT. it : This fine sightly comer Is wlth . In S blocks of three carlines, new business properties are going up all about it , We took It In trade ' and will let go of It away below market price to close- the deal quickly. - - j,. v- -."',7 ; , , . ..Has a small house, now rented, ' cement sidewalks and curbs in, piped or water, sewers, etc. Price $2500; easy terms. RALPH ACKLEV LA nn .'..COMPAJWf - ' 1 605 Corbett bldff. iFEOtti 1 $5500 . An 8 room dwelling. Quimby, nesr 20th; If you want a home for little money give us a call. ' $3000 " ' A triangular tract on Sandvlrond. suitable for business and $1000 cash handles; this Is a gem.. '-PraflBflSUOA If Interested we can supply your wants; a splendid chance to improve and get good returns on Investment as dwellings are scarce, ';-;, '.', :' 4 ?:";VV::' '''' ? y.'- ' mm $10W $600 and : any amount ever $25,000 to loan. o Phones.. Main $45. A-J457. 2 16 Stark st H8&: CORNER n mm s