V in! MP? ill s Uiia 9 I VI. LlhO 17. L Morgan - Bought Grand! Avenue Property for $20, 000;. Put. Up $50,000 Build ing; Sells for $100,000. Notable among )rhI week's franoac tious Jn Portland realty was the" pur chase by the Realty - Associates of a four story brick .building 90x100 feet, at the southwest corner of Grand ave nue and East Stark street, for $100,000. This property" formerly belonged to W. L. Morgan, Who. J responsible to a very lares degree, for ".he building up an&dj yelopjnent of a first class realty district, on Grand avenue, north Of Morrison,, Mr. Morgan purchased the - property four years Bgo; for ; $20,000, j and one year later improved it with a $60,000 build ,lng, and how sells the parcel for a profit of $30,000,. which is equivalent to 150 per cant of the original post of the ground. In addition to this profit Mr. Morgan haa .had the use of the building for .three years, which, conservatively est! mated, waa worth $i0, 000 over and above a fair rate of interest on ,the cost el-roe .building. .. , , - - f - Xavest $895,000. ' Tote purchase ' by the Realty JU elates brings -their investments in' Poft--land realty up to $698,000 that is. their ; holdings cost the company that sum, but their property is probably worth close to $1,000,000. Other central parcels owned by this company are tne four story Hea Jy building covering a quarter block at southwest corner of Grand avenue and East Morrison street; the Columbia -building, a 80x100 lx story structure at the northeast corner of Wfist Pnrlr and Washington, and the Packard garage, on Twenty-third street Just north of Washington.;-,,. At a meeting ' held last Thursday the Realty . Associates, de clared a dividend of g per cent on a'por tlon of their securities and per cent on the remainder. , This company1 was ortcanised in Port land four years at?a, with the following . officers and directors: President, It. D. Inman; v vice presidents, George Law rence, M..C. Banftald and A. M- Smith; treaearer, Thomas p. HOneyman; aecre. - taryf Ar Cr-Emmons. , Th board of;di rectors Is composed of the officers and the following; stockholders: George J3. Chamberlain, C. P. gwlgert, R. U Sabln and H. A. Sargent. rur.uw purpose oi rasing- money to build a new clubhouse and otherwise Improve its property, the Waverly Golf club has decided to: sell 38t aoresf Its 160 acre traet near Sellwood. - Te property will be. takon over by a syndi cate composed of members of the club. The plans of the syndicate, it is un derstood, contemplate subdividing- the tract Into 62, building sites, club mem .bers to have first choice of the prop erty, and after that , it will, be sold to others. The club expects to real lie be tween $125,000 and $150,000 ' from .the ale o$ the property, which euro will be ample to liquidate the small indebted ness of the club and build the new club house. That part of the link to be sold is an Ideal building location, the ground is situated on ft high bank overlooking the Willamette river, and . commands : a view of a large portion of the west side. . The East Side Business Men's club haa taken up in earnest the project of , build ing an east side theatre. ,'A't a meeting of the club held Thursday night it was reported, that . canvass of east. side business men and property " bolder showed that the project was favored and nria .wnntd h ; forthcoming.:' The fol lowing committee was appointed to ax- be held two weeks hence: Q, A. Bigelow, George B. Vanwater, M. O. Colling C, C. Wail ana ueorge puwortn. ai wis proposed to tajte vp the project with en ergy and carry it through to ft success ful conclusion. , GIRL' SUES DYER AND : . CLEANER; BUT LOSES , ., fj-i ;; .;-. ,u.. y--v.: , Chicago," Dec;' " 3. -When, you dance with a girl put a handkerchief in tha hand that encircles her waist. That la to keep her gown free from spots. - Having given this advice to all young men, Municipal Judge 5 Wells decided against the . girl a case Miss Emma Boland had brought' against B. Brown. 936 Marshfleld - avenue, a cleaner and dyer. -. He held . that the spot which damaged her , dress was not caused by the cleaner, as charged, While testifying, Miss Boland admit ted she had gone to a dance at' the time the spot appeared, and that' yie ungloved hands of her dancing partner had rested on that portion of the waist in which the spot appeared. ' -' The rourfs deduction followed. 1 FRGETOTEJE. . ' .. ' L. ' A New Homa CuraThat Anyona Can Uaa Without Operation, Pain, ' -'. ganger or Loas of Time. ' : 1 havs a now Method that cures rupture and I want you to uta it at my expense, I ana not trying to aell you a Truu, but oiler you a etirs that stays cured and end J1 trusa-weanng and' dancer of itranKulation forever. - I V - .... I I J , - J . ' ornsvel rapture or one following an operation. my Method ii an absolute cure. No matter whst . yoiu- pe nor how hard your work, my Method ' will ' certainly . cure you. K -especially wont to end it irM to tnoee annarantiv bonclm nMv wbire all (oitni of trusses, treatments and opera- tion. have failed. I want to how everyow at piy own expanse, that my Mothod will end all ruMure uiiermB ana truss-weanng for all time, This means better health, -ins&ated-iihytieu ability and longer life. My free offer ia too imnotiant to fietlect a tinzla dav . Write now 19 and hegin your cure at once, .fcend no money. Bimply mail coupon below, Do it to-day f bend oo money, )o it to-day. T FREE COUPON Mark location of Rup-I lure on jJiagram ana l mail to - Dft.W.S.flJCt 8 Main St., Adami, N.Y. .. Uet 1 Tim purturtd , , CdUM of RuptUTt , , ATme,.. AdIres. 1 5 1 t i i S New home of the Powers Furniture company under construction at Third and Yamhill.' The building la to , be a six story. Blow turning structure, and, wiH cost approximately 1 00,000. ' PERMITS OF WEEK Lull at Building Inspector's Of .lice Is Over; Four Story Brick Apartment Among the New Structures Planned. Aftef si three weeksr lull at the office of the building inspector, business -assumed a briskness last Monday that re sulted in, over $500,000 In permits being issued bafore ths office closed at noon yesterday.. The largest permit of the week was that . issued, .to Multnomah county," providing for' portion ot the cost of the new oourthousa, This per mit was for $235,000, and Is the third issued for " that structure.-A Another 'large permit taken' otit last week ' provides for the " erection of a feun story brick apartment houserwhich will; be erected by Morgans Pleldner & Boyle at Twenty-first and Hoyt streets. The building will occupy a SO by 100 foot; lot and will contain t three ami four; room apartments... The main.; en trance will be from a court on Twenty first street, Every room in the build ing will front either on a street or oa the court, , Will Erect Flat ' Rudolph Chrlstman is preparing to begin the erection of a two story frame flat and store building on Union avenu A permit was issued last week- author ising, the construction,' of the building at a cost of 10,000. ? . ; H. P. r Palmer , of the palmer-Jones Realty company Is - building another handsome residence . in" the -IrvlogtoB district The house is to be a two story frame , of . modern architecture and at tractive Interior finish. A permit for the j improvement was taken out , last week and its cost put at $7000. Mr. Palmer has built several itne houses In Irvlngton for bis own use, but in each instance haa sold out, realizing a band some profit on Jiis Inreatlnent"; ;" 6. U Banks tdokoot a permit last week for - a modern two story frame dwelling to be erected on East Twenty fourth street, between Grant and Sher man, which will . cost approximately $4ooo., ; ., A permit wa Issued to 8. Ander son, authorising the erection of a two story frame- dwelling to cost $3500. The house will be built on Schuyior street, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first, a section of the east side- which is Just now the acene of an unusual amount of residence construction. " . v VUl BuUd Thre Cottage. ; -? .; The Taylor Investment company haa taken trot permits for three one story frame eottages to be-erected on East Sixty-second street, near Forty-fifth avenue, in the' Mount Scott "district The houses will cost $!000 each. - , H J.l O. Mara ' broken, ground ,on"-jU blna avenu. between Shaver and Fall ing streets, for the foundation of a two story frame residence. A" permit for the improvement in which the cpst is named at $4000, , wa Issued last week, Among the permits Issued last week providing for houses of the $2000 class are the following! ' I ' Anna C. OlscfD, one story cottage. East Twenty-ninth, between Alberta and Sumner. '.,;. - , W. L. Swan, one story eottaie, Halsey. near iast rorty-second. Andrews & Iook, one 8tory cottage. ;ast naventy-second nnd" Burnside, A. W, r Perlnffi two storv dwellln. , jmjsi Kignty-tnira ana Glisan. - Itudolph Chrlstman. one story brick tneatre, union avenue. ' ' " V.: R. Leedy, one story cottage, East Forty-fourth,- between ' Brasea and Tnompson. , c,ara Sanders; 'One"" And "one half story , cottage, East Fifty-eighth, near I sandy road. r C. O. Strube, two ttory frame," East Thlrty-elghth, 'between Market and Stephens. ' Oottagsa Are ropvlav. AlcKae Btreeter, one . story cottage, Houghton street between McKanna and wall. ' P. II. Oatman, one and one half story SL1'""' '"' An'rly-Bcona ; : ' " Vw ' Brown, two story dwelling, East Mgniiern, ne(ir Kast Taylor. tW 'W Riiai, - nn .(t KUMt Rlitv.nlitK liiaun egiitn. .3 r,!t,va,, U' betwen Btahton and t, Vn A t ' ! ' ' ' vn'V' "J siory conage, nasi Twenty-seventh, ; between Going i : and Presoott Mrs. M... Sargent, ; one -story cottage. p. bj East 'sixtv-ninth street w3 t, HWty-nintB street, near 'Wood R. J. Richardson, one story' cottasre. Enst Twenty-ninth, f between poyt, and liusan. - - Mrs. Alice Vcnable, one story cottage, East Elghy-Bixth, between Stark and Oak. 7 j J, C. Jameson; ono story cottage, Bus', sell street, between Rodney and Union avenues. It- H.Cofr-ie- stoiT" f ramp.Tiast Twenty.fourth street, between Going ana 'recott. . , Roy Muson, one story cottaft, Bur rase and Farrngut streets. Kucne Commercial, club is' to'. build m UU1U IIS own. I HUMEROUS: TOTAL -VALUE $500,000 II ill it, r m II 1 1 Full block warehouse nnder corustf action for the Marsh allrWells Hardware company on the block boundld "by Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Keaf ney; and Lovejoy streets. "When Completed the structure will represent art inveatment of about $200,000 . . , -1, UKES PORTLAND; , . BUYS LAtiD HERE C. C Rushing, Texas Banker, New Owner of 80 Acres -West of City. " C. .C Rushing, a Tezaa banker who happened to be visiting In Portland re cently was so much impressed With the future of Oregon and saw such excel-1 lent opportunities . here for profitable investment that he closed a deal Fri day for aty 80 acre tract, of elevated land on the Barnes road three miles west of tha city. He paid $760 an acre or f 60,000 cash for the land., The prop erty was formally owned by J. C, and BS. GL Kuratll who were represented In the tale by the Iflational Realty . & Trust eompany. .-,- Aa the property ta to ba bisected by tha now Mount Calvary line of - the United Railways Mr.- Rushing will at once have It surveyed and platted Into building ' sites., win be put on the market next "Spring. ; A.: .AJ., The Macleay Estate company has pur chased from J. W. Shumate a 25 foot lot improved with a two story brick building located on the wast side of Front street between Madison and Main, paying $20,000 for It 1 The northeast corner of Shaver street and Union avenue an improved parcel was sold last Thursday by Rudolph Chrlstman la C E Hobmaa for $13,- 000. .,.-..;,-v;..;.--;.i. Frederick R. Beh rends, an eastern at torney "who recently. came to Portland to locate, haa purchased 'the Nelson A. Lo iicka country home at Rlverdale for $12,000. The property consists of an acre and a modern , seven room resi dence and adjoins the home of . Dr. An Improved $0 foot lot facing East? oa- street between East Twelfth and Bant Thirteenth was purchased , last week by J. A. Harbke from A. J, "Mo Daniel, for $9000. s ' . One of the many A attractive new homes in Ladd's addition has been bought by. Francis C. Tilley who paid $(500 for it The ; property formerly belonged to Michael Harris and la lo cated on the east side of Elliott avenue mat Central Park, '. . FAIRBANKS MACHINE TO COME BACK IN INDIANA fDnited Ptcm Leased Wire.) r s Washington, - Dec, t 3.Charle -W. Fairbanks of Indiana will be the guest of president Taft next week. ; The an nouncement that, the former vice pres ident and senator ; front ; the oosler state Is, about to be received Intimate ly by Taft is causing considerable po litical gossip, . It is believed here that the new cordiality between the presl dent and the Indianlan may mean the re- hablllation of ' the , Fairbanks Republi can machine in Indiana. The defeat of Senator Beveridga at .'the last election, it is thought, may have led the admin istration forces to bUeve that the time has come for th Fairbanks erowdof regulars to resume control of tha party YOUTHFUL ROBBER IN JAIL; GOODS ON HIM (Halted Presa Laaoed WIra.1 Bcllingham, Wash., Dec. 3, Charles Rudor, scarcely more than a boy, is held in Jail at Blaine on a charge, of kighway ronbery and. the polloe are seeking his pal, : who yesterday helped him rob a Canadian farmer' of $100 in money" andTa't'araiibie-rgoId"' watch. When he . was accosted by the officers, whose suspicions-were aroused by hia appearanee, Ruder attempted to shoot but was disarmed. Later, in Jail, he confessed and a searoh revealed the watch and $50 of the money on hia person. ,, -. . i t .. . .., I? r"v : ! t Notwithstanding the month of No vember was decidedly wet the improve ment work in the big addition of Laurel hurst continued at almost normal rate for the month, and only a few work days were lost on account of too much rain. "The whiter forces number about 150 men and 60 teams, besides the as phalt paving steam rollers. -. . ... Nest to th big "northwest corner," In. which practically all Improvements are completed, the work is farthest along1 in the "southwest quarter." This la the "quarter" to Which ia located the city park recently - purchased , and pamed "Ladd park."' In this sectibn all sewers, amounting ; to approximately 1$,000 feet, and ail water pipes, approxi mating 20,000 feet have been laid, and about one third of the 3 5 8,000 square feet of sidewalks have bepn put down. Shade tree are being planted in this "quarter", 4 . '.-. w,- Laurel hcrat talea dnrtng November were good, being considerably la excess of the sales for October, and the Lau rel hurst sales agents, Messrs. Mead and Murphy, report all Indications such that they are sure of a very active real es tate market with the passing of the hoUdaya. Ua..-..j.v '-- Operators ol lace machines In" Not tingham earn W the average $12.50 a week, while their assistants ' average only from $2.59 to $5. v. "flcli LAURELHURST WORK : CONTINUES UNABATED SMMtMaW: ' fetiMMMMMB - The place where you are going. to. live sooner or later, because it is where all the manut;acttiring enter-1 . prises-are locating. ' You . might as well select your ; homesTte in NATIONAL ADDITION now,, while the prices are low,. as every day brings new develop-' ments to .KENTON, which increases the values of y surrounding pioperty. Even though you do. not go' to live in NATIONAL ADDITION right away, your . lot will be increasing in value all the time;. Then; too,J .if you are employed at KENTON you will not want to cqntinue pn'with the old renting place, which neces- ' sitates getting up two hours earlier in the morrriirg,5! carfyingJa cold; lunch and quarreling with the' street ! car, conductor because he was late, to say nothing about, the car fare expended, which would more than ' vim : mm U7im a fimnuTn1 miu a iAA:AAmr:,:;, 520 Railway Eiichangc it- " i Hi ' lUii iiLiil ,rnnnurc rimi nil HUi'LO ruiuuL QSPECTSGOOD More Sales Are Reported and . Numerous Buyers Are in the Market; Few' Purchases Are Speculative. ; 1 Last week witnessed a decided Im provement in the local realty market. Not only were, more sales , announced, but inquiry among the brokers from prospective "buyers was on a broader scale than 'K ha been at any tlnje this fj.ll- , Oryp broker, said .Saturday that a close analysis- of recent transactions had Jd him to iwlieve that opeculatlvo buyers were again in the market At the same time, however, he agreed that much the larger JpprUon ; of . the property - now changing handa In this city ia being taken for investment purposes. He said that while the bulk ot the sales has been confined to ' residence - property, apartment houses and ' more moderate priced business holdings, many of these purchasers had bought antici pating an increase In value during the rifTt I ii 11 mnnthi f iln1mat that such a considerable movetricnt in unim proved -residence altes Is an indication of the speculative character Tf recent operations in local, realtv. W, h. Morgan, who oldTtHe'bislneis house on Grand avenue in the early part of last week, reported' Friday the sale of two apartment houses built .by him In the past two years. One of these, the "Roosevelt" anartment waa : pur chased by R. F. Hall, a local capitalist who paid $19,000 for it The "Roose velt", i located on Kearney .street be tween Twentieth and Twenty-first' ' f :, Contains Sevea Apartments. . It Is a three story frame structure containing 7 five room apartments and is one of the first apartment buildings erected in -the district known as Nob MIL The other sale by Mr, Morgan was an undivided half Interest ma four story brick multi-family building lo cated on Eleventh street near Clay, the purchaser being Martin Winch. While the price paid by Mr. , Winch for half of thts building was not made public It la known that Mr. Morgan valued the entire building at $40,000, This build' ing was completed About a year ago and Is an up-to-date, thoroughly modern structure of Its . kind. It contains 34 twoand three room apartments, .'A ' Jeremiah Ballard baa purchased from Eugenie Rothschild the property des cribed as lot JI In block 11, King's second addition, paying, $S500 for it, ' 1 1 'I :'1 j L , : 1 lAi NATIONAL lostMal- Center This prt-uy h a 51 f.x.t Ut U ..: .1 on the south ix.le of Irvinu street b'-twe-n Twi r;ty-f:- t an-.l T nty-s..con,t N. ArcUbold has taken title to fornr lots in St. Johns. The profierty was p:ir- chased from M. J. McDaniel and is dra- cribed as lota 1, 2, 7 and 8, block 31, John's second addition to St Johns. Tho cotisiJf-ratlon involved bt;lng $7000. The atibott of St. Benedict's abbey has purchased from Harrison E. Thomp son a Quarter of a block In Sallwood lo cated at the southeast corner of Millers avenue and Seventh street Four thous and dollars was paid for the parcel. . Sesddenoa Zs Sold. G, 'WV Priest has sold to M. R. Perry one of the attractive Priest residences at Roesraere . f or. $3850. Four lots in block 8, Brasee street addition', which Joins Irving-ton on the east have been sold by B. M. Lombard to Charles A. Hoy for $4000. ; , A. C. Foster haa closed a deal with Mrs. J. A. McCoy for: the sale of an improved fractional lot on East Wash ington, street between East Eighteenth and East Nineteenth the consideration involved being $8500. 1 -. ' v,i ' i . A vacant 60 foot lot at the corner of East Ninth and Broadway was sold last week for JS7E0. The' nronertv was purchased by Samuel Holm from W. K. Morrow. ; -s ' -.-v.'-i ."'- -?;':' tV? George M. Bracber has sold to E. a Foley 't his ; residence property in Hose City Park'for- :$3800. -.(v :.;; The Western Oregon Trust company reports an unusual acttvity in subur ban residence holdings. ' This company has recently sold-for the ' J. F. Caples estate to George N, Crane a ST H by 100 foot lot at tha southwest corner of First and Perinoyer ; streets for $3200. The lot is Improved With a two story frame dwelling and was bought by Mr. Crane for a home. Through the, same agency N. E. Carter has purchased the M. L. McMinn residence property locat ed on Eaet Forty-eighth near Brazea. The property consists of a 80 foot lot and a new modern two story dwelling and was sold for,$4400. Lets and 17, block 112, Rose City Park, wers sold to William K. Van Dorth,, tha Qrand ave nue tailor, for $1100u -' . ..-a -rJ i .-I..- ON MOUNTAIN TOP One of the most ambitions' private Ir rigation projects that has ever been un dertaken in the northwest Is the plan of the Crater Irrigation & 'Power com pany to tap the Corp- lake,-located -In the mountains ' back of : Ooldendale, Klickitat County, Washington. f Carp lake la at the summit of a volcanlo mountain about 10 mi lea north of Ool dendale. Irrigation enslneera have est! mated that It contains sufficient stor age capacity to irrigate between 8000 and 10,000 acres of land. ' . It la proposed to bore a tunnel under the mountain and tap tne bottom of the lake: the water supply will then be con trolled by means of flood gates Milt at the mouth of the tunnel. s - . , The incorporators of the Crater Irrl ration & Power company are Congress man - W. W. McCredta of Vancouver, Wash., I A. Duncan of Portland, and Frank Aldrich - of . Ooldendale. ; Wash. Congressman MeCredle will finance the undertaking by selling bonds to wealthy eastern friends, , -; ' ...... Carp lake ia fed from undergroond water course and it Is believed there is ample supply of water to Irrigate a much larger territory - than . the land available in Spring creek valley, where the lncoroprators of the irrigation, com pany are heavily Interested. Another plan ot tha company contemplates turn ing MHI creek, which is six miles away from Carp lake, by means of a ditch, In to the Jake. Worts oa the tunnel will be prosecuted throughout this winter and next spring, SILVERT0N LOCAL WAS LOSING PROPOSITION (Spadat Dhrpeteb to The JeormU -.i' Salorn, Or, Dec Z. In response to many demands of patrons along the line of the East Side division of the Southern Pacific company's lines for the reestabMshment of the EE vert on. lo cal, J. P. O'Brien, general manager for the Hajrrtrhan fines in the Pacific, north wast writes to the railroad commission toUay sayul that the local Was discon tinued for yie reason that trafflo waa so light .It did not begin to. pay the actual ost-of providing the service and a statement of the earnings for the, Jast three months shows it ,dld not pay 50 per cent of. the. actual expense of opera tion. :.. v - v . r PLAN TO TAP LAKE ADDITION of thePadfle pay'the interest on your lot. NATIONAL ADDI TION is deserving, of the most thorough considera tion. ; DONT HESITATE Am LONGER. COME OUTTODAY. .Don't let another -opportunity pass by without talcing advantage of it. , . . Our automobile is at your disposal any hour today (Sunday) or any other day. 'Call us up at any hour "and we will be glad td take you, out. Understand that this does not obligate you' to buy. We want you to see NATIONAL ADDITION. ; i Terms, 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month,' Fill in the coupon below and mail it to us and wc will mail your literature descriptive of KENTON NATIONAL ADDITION. .... . ........ i. if..: ; Marshall 2218-A 1274 I - I. Buildings That Would Ba Cr;: to Larger City Erected en I. Others Planned, . Includir.. TheatreV - - . - Alder street, . between Fourth and Eleventh, will, upon the completion of the three skyscrapers now under way and another projoeted, the construction of which' wltl' begin In the next four, months, be one of the most Imposing retail thoroughfares in Portland. Ia fact the .street promises to become one of the most metropolitan in appear ance in any Pacific coast city with a sky line, that would do credit- to a cen ter of populating haying 500,000 peopl. Within three years'; ume huge Busi ness and office Structures have been erected oh Alder street at a cost clow to $4,000,000. nd two Others projected for that thoroughfare next year will raise the cost of new Alder street buildings between Fourth-and Eleventh to within striking distance of $5,000,000. The- first of these modern buildings to go np -on that street was the six. story structure at the northeast comer or Park and Alder, known as the "Med ical" building. i. - . , , ' Many STew Building. At about the same time the Cornelius hotel, another six story building, was erected opposite the Medical bulldlns and the six story Falling building at the southeast corner of Fifth and Alder. These were followed with the ten story Meier & Frank building finished about a year ago. Another fine structure re cently completed on Alder is the Elec tric building, covering a quarter block at the northeast comer of. Seventh and Alder., Then came the magnificent new store of Olds, Wortman & King, cover ing a block between Tenth and Elev enth. Next was the Morgan building on Fourth street.' Under construction at . this time on Alder street Is the IB arory Teon building, the 12 Story Selling building and the ten story Tichner- Maegley building. ' The first cost of these structures was all of $4,000,000. March 1 the Corbett estate , will be gin the erection of a "ten story quarter block building at- tne" northeast corner of Fifth and Alder and at the same time O'Shea - Brothers will put up a similar " structure adjoining the Cor bett building on the north and extend ing to Washington street , , -s Another Theatre. ' ' About one year hence , the , Psntages Theatre company will begin the con struction of a modern playhouse at the northwest corner of Seventh and Alder. Below Fourth street on Alder Beveral tfetiKatan fal (mnrnvamAnfa In vis h?i11f1i vwksti nn.vt iujui vuvikD auf4 togr Une have been xnada In th past two years; notable among these is the rf tvaa knllln a tVsk airvM-fV tracf una. ner of Second and Alder, While a num ber of the older business bouses on that end of Alder street have been' remod eled and transformed Into modern build ings. Rumor has it that a fine new scrueiure is to no up at tne soucawe:;i corner of Third' and Alder, and that diagonally across Third street another skyscraper will go up at an early date. While the completion of buildlnps now under way and those projected win by no means complete the Alder street canyon, several ' deep dents still ap pearing in the skyline, the building of so many fine structures will make Al der street property so valuable that owners of the old atyle frame and brick structures left on the street will be forced to tear them out and pat tip more up-to-date Improvements. ' And So She Changed It. -Washington, Dee. 3. -As usual on the day' preceding Thanksgiving the nation al capital' a .marriage license clerk put in the business eight hours in the year. He granted 44 licenses, nearly half of the applicants being from outside the District of Columbia, coming from Vlr gtnla, Maryland. Ohio, and Pennsyl vania. Joseph Chlopickt had found a girl who evidently thought her name was too long. It was Mlsa Wladyslawa Lichadiiejewski. f ; ' r i' " " MoriiiwM 99 COUJPOW," CO-0 rX3ATIT3. X&Zt . c a 50 iwUw4jr J.icUng-, i-ot liana, tr. Oontlemwn: Please niall me HteratiiM S -r!,--ttve Of Keaton-Natloiinl M-M.-i. Name '. ... ,A flrp! , a:-1" v i