1 T DPfirirnnr, 1:10. TOXIC IIT'S AMUSEMENTS . "Madame X" "The uarrler" pill? , akir . ., unpsilow . . . .. 'The Time, the I'lace, and the Girl" rpheum , Vaudeville rand. ,. i: ..... . . Vaudeville .images .......... ; . . i, . . . Vaudeville rlc ....... 'The King of Bins Bong'' tar Moving Picturts - AVcather Conditions. Portland. Or.,'pec," 3.Tbe north Fa etfic disturbance Is central this evening pver central British' Columbia and the barometer Is rising rapidly over, western Oregon and western .Washington. The line ta Tatoosh island went down at about 4 j. m., at whbh time the wind was blowing 66 miles from the south east The highest velocity at 'North Head since last . night 48; mill's from the southeast. Ih3 ; Atnds along the deast shifted to the southwest late In the afternoon, and a moderate gale -will Drevail -tonight; . which will gradu ally subside Sunday. The rains have been heavy in southern Oregon and In northern 5 California. and moderately heavy , lruyvashlngton, northern Oregon and Idaho. Low , temperatures ; again prevail In the Dakots and the Canadian northwest, while In the "east' gulf and south Atlantic states it is milder. , - The conditions are, favorable for occa sional rain Sunday ' In western Oregon and western Washington, and for rain or snow east of the Cascade mountains. It will be colder In southern Idaho. ' . ; FORECASTS. s - Portland and vicinity Sunday, occa sional rain; south to west winds, v Oregort--Sunday, occasional jaln west, rain or snow eas portion; south to west winds diminishing along th coast to- night' .v: ; ;. ;.vv,-'! "V Washington Sunday occasional rain west, rain or snow east portion; south to west winds, diminishing along the coast Sunday. ; " Idaho Sunday, rain or snow; colder south portion. - , .V - EDWARD A. BBAL8, , ' District Forecaster. , Portland, Or., Dee, J. Maximum tem perature, 62 degrees;' minimum tempera ture 45 degrees; river reading. 8 a- m., 10.1 feet; change In last' 24 hours, 0.4 foot; total rainfall (S p. m, to 9 p. m ). 0. 38 inch; total rainfall since September 1, 13.9s inchest' normal rainfall since September 1, 12.T2 inches; excess since Sentember 1, L29 inches; total sunshine, 8 minutes; possible sunshine, 8 hours ' 62 minutes; barometer (reduced ta sea level) at 6 p.-m:,' 29.85 inches. ' ' U.Ui of 51 1 ri.n I a.vii-.g a Ixiil t lit had liccn fixed ui Iip was unuhle to '. for $10. K!,s V.iU S 1 r, 0 cash, but ia ut up t'linh, he gave a bond for J.'.oO ln.-ba,, the ing ai-provcd by Circuit Jud-j surety be (J uteri-?. c 1 t bin doc'.t nt .'ay. Li-avis W; 2 p. m. Used Own Honey Vinton L. Chick lias begun suit in the circuit court against the Oregon Building & Trust company for $385. alleging he was com pelled to complete a house at his own expense which the1 defendant as con tractor had agreed to build Mn 90 days. The company left the house uncompleted and abandoned the wofK, he asserts. T. Vr, 0. A. frm TodayAt, the ' Young Women's' Christian association this afternoon at 4 -o'clock Rev. J. D. Corby will glv an address on 'The Relation , of tha Consumer to the Pro ducer." In U ) he will show the alms and principles of the Consumers' league. The muslo will be Jurnlshed by the Nyeena ' onartette, Composed ; Of Miss Nancy Beals,Mry Jennie Simmons "Clow, Miss - Charlotte ; Banflsld, Miss Ella, Butler. "Their program comprises. "Bleep, Little Baby of Mine" (Denle), - ooartettej "Jt'ati Je'srj," (Mlsere-Nevln) ; . contralto solo. Hiss? Ella Butler. - On Tirsday, December , at 18 o'clock a noon class of Sunday . school teachers will be formed to study the Sunday school lessons Teaehers from all d nominations are welcome.: At I o'clock this afternoon the dlsousslon olass and socialhpar.wUl be held, j r, i - ' To Rave "Authors' Evening." .The December meeting of the State Wom an's Press club' of Oregon will be held WW day evening, : December 8, at 8 o'clock In a' committee room on the sec ond floor of the city hall. It wll be "authors' evening." The program Is as follows: "Hints On Plot Making and i Characterisation," Mrs., M. Allen; "System Jn Writing." Mlas Anna M ' Docklnf ; ;"W.omen in Journalism," Mrs, Emma Secklri Marshall,' the paper to be read by Miss Llnna O." Richardson, Dls ousslon will be led by Mrs. I B. Bart lettj ; :, - ..: " 1 Dont forget the annual,' auction of Imported woolens of ladies' suit 'pat terns from Edmund Qurney, the ladies' , tailor, tomorrow at 10 a. t m. at tha George Baker & Co. auction rooms, 152 Park- st, - near Morrison. Mr. Qurney does not carry woolens over from sea son to season, so here le an opportunity to buy' high grade Imported woolens at your own price. . Appointed Admini-trator A. L. Keen an has bt?en appointed administrator of the estate of J. M.. Wood worth on peti tion of the widow, Rosa K. Woodworth, who will Inherit all the prperty. Wood- worth died in Pomna.'Cal., recently and the property Is valued at $2650. : Appraisers Are Warned County Judge Cleoton has appointed Robert D. Inman, Donald Woodward and J. M. Letter as appraisers of the estate of the late L Therkelsen. The estimated value of the estate is upwards of $200,000. Knife Wteldet Arrested -John Jackl- Bha was arrested yesterday on a bench warrant from thei circuit court follow ing his ' Indictment by . the grand jury, charged with an assault with , a knife on Louis Battaninl on'November 21. Dr. V. H. Chapman, the well known J Journalist and progressive thinker, wilk speak before branch 4 of the Socialist party In Drew hall, 162 Second street, near Morrison, this evening, u His sub ject - will bo .VMachlavelism s Versus Socialism,V;' :'i'-'''"ji:S'-r'''''ir-.t4-'jf":rf:. Special Meeting R. R. Perkins, direc tor of religious work of the city associ ation, announces that, there ; will bo . special meeting this . afternoon at S 0 clock. The meeting, which will be held In the T; MJC. A. -building, will be addressed by Rev.' J. O. g. Hunting ton, of the Brotherhood Of St Andrew. Scarlet Fever Cauies Death Marga ret Uglowf an 8-year-old girl of The Dalles, who was brought here to be treated for scarlet fever, died yesterday at ' 1055 East Alder street. This was the first scarlet fever death of the month to be reported to the city health office, ; , i ; -'t i. : " , 1 ' , v : Continue Tolstoy KemorlaL-rThe Peo ples Forum Sunday evening will con tinue the Tolstoy memorial meetings with short readings and speeches from several admirers of the great Russian, The meeting will be held in Selling- Hlrsch hall. Tenth and Washington, Admission free. . f,r ; - We sell hair mattresses . retail' kt wholesale prices for 30 pound beds from $ 7.60 and up. We renovate mattresses and return them , the . eame day. ' Port land Curled Hair Factory, H. Metxger, proprietor, 226-22$ Front street. Main 474. A-1374. . ; , -, .., ' Automobile Owness Have your ear adjusted, overhauled or repaired by Y. M. C. A. Auto School; minimum cost. Careful work assured. Phone Edu. Di rector, private exchange 65, A-666L t. M. C A. building. . ... It, PatitcVs Xaioar closes Monday, Do(mler 5. A rare- collection f palnt in;s, tapestr!is and ttehings cf the fa mous cathedrals ot l.urr.;ia are to be had. All suitable for Christmas. Christmas ' Photographs Make the best presents. Have 'a sitting now by E. W. Moore, Elks' bids, "th and Stark streets. 1 Annual Sale of Unredeemed Fledrss. Diamonds, watches and Jewelry for amount loaned and Interest Uncle Myers, 71 Sixth st, near Oak. -v There's a Btasonr -Why you should examine the quality of our goods and prices. Walter A. Lord Co., Jewelers, 111 6th. , , Old JeweLry Wanted. We buy old gold and silver. . Uncle Hyw'u Collateral Bank, 71 Sixth at, near Oak. ; , Solid comfort for eyes , by our new methods. Crosseyes fixed. Drs. Freeae & Rice, Merchants Trust bldg. - , " Imperial Turkish Baths, under Wat son's restaurant . Finest In city. Open day and night. - - - Danoe tonight. Hayden ' pavilion. Vancouver car. -, ' every Sunday - Ladies free. night. Take Por Good WatchM see A. Vulllenmier, 260 Alder street . All makes of Ameri can watches, . , . JP. X. Beach 81 Ofe, the Pioneer Palm company, 136 First, street Phones M 1884. A-1334. . . Girls Attention t Rooms for rent at the Portland Women' Union, 610 Flan ders street ' , ' - Oregon Abstract Co., Guaranteed abstracts. 609 Board Trade. Popular prices. W. A, Wise and assoctate.s, painless dentists. Third and Washington. w-. - -ir- ,, ? . - :: ': ; -"W. i ' Stiles Orehestra. Marshall 2248. Woostei's delicatessen, 408 Wash'. . Th Xdles Oulld of fit Matthews church Invite -you to their, annual ba saar to be held In he guild hall. First and Caruthers, Tuesday evening, Decem ber 6, and Wednesday afternoon, De cember - '.-.' Uli. you catch a eouga or oold at the football game yesterday 7 Get a bot tle of our Kenyon Cough Remedy and youiwlll be all right by Monday. Al bert Bernl, the -druggist, 229 Washing ton; be&r Second. Xssum .'Call for nesting- The Wav-erly-Rtohmond Improvement association will hold meeting next'Tuesday even ing at 8 o'clock In the hall of the asso ciation at t Twenty-sixth and Clinton streets. President M.-J. Morse of the association has' lsued a call for every member to attend, as Important matters r to be considered. ' The general pub lid Is also Invited. v Mills An Incorporated J. T. ETIUs, N. Q. Nu'tt and T. J. Dewey have filed ar ticles of incorporation of the Woodlawn Planing Mills, f orpigd with capital stock of $10,000. . - : Toe Peacemakers Cong-res meets tit 491 Alder street every Sunday at 8 p. m. The toplo today will be, '""Freedom from Slavery in All Its Varied Forms." Steamer Jessie Harking, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex- "Where to Dine. Turkey and chicken dinner at lew Cafeteria, 104 Fifth street V ' : I Peer- PLAN VISIT HERE OF " ; CONVENTION DELEGATES w. N. Hartshorn, chairman of -the. executive committee of the International Sunday School association, was In Port land yesterday on a tour of the country in tne interest of the Thirteenth Trt' ennlal International Sunday School convention to be held In San Francisco June 20 to 87, next year. Mr. Hart. shorn held a. Ion conference with R. W. Raymond, manager of the Portland Commercial Club Convention bureau. who is very much Interested in having as many as poss 1 of the doleeiites who will vi.slt Kan Franeisro, travel by way of this city and State. The proposition appeals iJtroiiKly to Mr. Hartshorn, end it was said that such arrangement coull be made very appealing to the delegates if the Chris tian Church National convention, booked for this city next summer, be arranged so that its dates would fall either directly before or after the con vention at San Francisco,- when many delegates would be drawn to the coast by the double attraction whereas if the conventions be held far apart, these people woald visit neither. The Port land date is to be fixed at -a meeting to be held In Cincinnati December 16 and it is hoped to have it set for some time in June and if possible during the Rose Carnival week. . . 1 It is expected that the Sunday school convention will draw at least 2000 del egates to San Francisco and thousands of workers who are not delegates. GRAND AVENUE LO I L D FOR S18,000 E. J. Daly has sold a lot 60 by 100 on the west side of Grand avenue be tween East Burnside -and East Ankeny streets for $18,000. to. J.. Q. Edwards, formerly of Haycreek, : Or. , There are two old frame dwellings on! the prop erty, Mr. Daly has sold Mr. Edwards $300,000 worth of Portland realty with in the last two years. Mr. "Edwards Is ijow erecting for the Covey -Automobile company a .four-story garage at the southwest corner of Twenty-first and Washington streets, .The building will cost in the neighborhood of $90,000 when completed, and will be-one of the finest garages In the west. Mr. Daly also has sold a .lot 60 by 16 on the -east side of Union avenue be tween East Burnside and East Ankeny stteets ; for a onsideratiorf of $20,000, The property was owned by the Misses Klngsley, The buyer's , name ; Is with held 'fOt the" present. ," .;. ' : Takes Overdose of Morphine. (SperUl Rlspiitoh to The Journal.) Forest Grove, Or., Dec. 8. Harry Gib s6n, aged $6, took an overdose of mor phine this evenlnc , and. died shortly afterward. He had been suffering for sometime with , neuralgia, and. the mor phine was not taken with suicidal Intent ' '..' STTsCirEB''- WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS - Prrnnnfa ' oxnr CATtT.TToar zee, fx. vl. d. In a Course-of Loctnres. Plrrt 11. fi. Church, Oor. Third and Tay- "When the People Wake," Friday, De cember 9,8:16. m.; "The Soul of a m.: "The Strength of the People,1! Sa! ,1.!... . n 1 . , 1- ticket, $J, mission, 75c. m. Pitnui'a six admissions. Single ad- 'Portland Marble Wcrkk Established 1883 W carry the largest and best stock on the coast.- Call . and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere ' 864 and S60 rourtn JStreet Opposite aty Hill . Phones Kala 8584, A-1S10 ; 1 To the Employers of Labor f ' ' ' ' 'f''f'',.'-f ' We, the undersigned, Bqard of Con trol of the Munlclpar Free Employ ment Bureau, urge that all contrac tors, mills, factories, mines, farmers. hotels, camps, railroads and private Individuals, desiring help of any kind, either male or female, patronize the labor bureau maintained and op erated by the city of Portland. . The bureau solicits your cooperation and support and charges no fee, whatever to employer or employee. Tne Bu reau Is located at 270-272 Madison street Phones: Home A-6624, Pa cific States; Main 8665. . - (Signed) R. X HOLMES, Chairman, Representing Manufacturers'' Ass n. J. L. I.ED WI DOB. Representing Trades Council. R. G. RUSHLIGHT; , Representing City Council. SHOP EAEILYr SelCCu Divorce Arguments Heard Circuit Judge Kavanaugh yesterday afternoon heard argument by attorneys In the di vorce case of i Julia R. Flory against John, W. Flory, In which the, testimony was heard last month. Both sides ask for a divorce, charging vllllflcatlon, as sault and wild use of epithets. The case was taken under,, advisement , V -f. : ' rconomlxlntf men who have to be ouM In the rain can buy a Priestley Crav enetted Raincoat for $9.86 at JImmie Dunn's' anniversary sal. JImmie would be bankrupt' If he sold .these, coats at this price at a high rent store on the street Room 315 Oregonlan building. Take elevator. . ... Arrest Salem Touts Moody Rogers, a young Salemlte,' was arrested yesterday afternoon by. Deputy Sheriff William 1 YoMi Ximias (Silfls Mom sow Xf you are deaf, or hard of hearing, do not fall to send your name and address today and, get our Electro phone on- thirty days' home trial. It Is truly a wonderful instrument, perfected to such a degree' that the deafest person can hear the faintest sound and enjoy all the pleasures of church, ( theatre, public speaking or ordinary- conversation. . Over 10,000 In use. Enthusiastio testimonials from responsible people. Almost in visible when in use. Makes you hear and gradually restores your hearing. If you are deef or hard of hearing,, be sure and write at once. " BTOZ.8 EX.ECTEOPHOSTB CO., 999 Xumbermens BlSg., Fifth and , . ' Stark Sts., Portland,. Ox. That Gift Idea hnsweretl ' - People perpetuate the beautiful spirit of Xmas time by bestowing gifts. They should be the best they can afford." -If they love some ' one well enough to offer gifts that impose personal sacrifice that is their own private business. A postal card to a non-appreciative person could be an extravagance. But do trumpery perishable gifts carry, out the idea? Select gifts either cf utility cr adornment that will last forever. DIAMONDS for investment, JEWELRY for , adornment, CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE for utility. Anticipating the happ rush of gift givers, we've filled our stock with the latest ": of all things beautiful in our linei and at appreciably low prices. Whether you want an exclusive jeweled pendant for miladv's neck " ; a. i ; ,r t t. . t .. . 1 or just a tcctmng nng ior papy, tne same aeiignyuisexYic tfh 1. -286 WtVUfkVr& Morrison St. SEE OUR "SUPERIOR v ' . V ; . LINE OF HOLIDAY STATIONERY i. . , , - , Strikingly novel, tints and patterns. . t In fancy boxes. ; , .THE BEST STANDARD ,'. MAKES OF FOUNTAIN PENS Waterman's Ideal, ' : Swan Safety, " . , ' ' : - ' . r ' - Conklin's Self-Filling. FANCY, SERVICEABLE GENUINE LEATHER GOODS ' A Lawyers' Brief Cases, . Writing Portfolios, , v Card and Pass Cases, . '. ' ' Pocketbooks, Wallets, etc ' A MOST ELEGANT . ILINE OF DESK FURNISHINGS . " Fancy Brass Desk Sets, . . ;v Desk Pads, Calendars, Letter Openers, Inkstands, etc., f . ,.Loose Leaf and Fancy Memorandums, . , "... : Journals, Lbe-a-Day Diaries, etcrr FINE LOW-PRICED . ; ' ' FOLDING CARD TABLES Poker, Bridge, Bridge Whist; ' Pinochle, Solitaire, Cnbbage Sets, ' . Chess, Checkers, Dominoes,tc, w VIKING INCOMPARABLE - . " SECTIONAL BOOKCASES v :, In All Finishes, for Home or Office. -, . . Brass Book Racks and Novelties. "HAPPENINGS IN OUR ' - " ' ' ' ' HOME," "ADDRESS BOOKS" . "Calling Lists,MrEngagements," . . - - VGuests," "My Trip," "Motor Trips,V ' -t -" "My Trip Abroad," "Chap Book," etc. DENNISON'S GIFT DRESSINGS Tags, Seals, Tmsel, Tape, ' - 1 "Odds and Ends Boxes,'' etc. : Drawing Instruments, and Scientific Books I "Everything for the Office" Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engrav ers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders, i " ' FIFTH AND OAK . .' 0 1AW n All That Is Ccautiful in r fi swells j You Will Find Our Store EVERYTHING that is new and attractive 'in Jewelry you can find at our store, both in imported and American novelties. . . ALL OF THE NEW DESIGNS in platinuni rings, brooches, scarf pins, fobs, studs and novelties of all kinds." , v hit )iVrrA " A)iil(ii!A M9U, Efftct, m Platinum DINNER --n 'tit " from tVS to $350 . S;1,, ; from $75 up to $500, covering most of the finger. All the new styles in shirtwaist rings, s.et with coral, turquoise, -amethyst,' topaz and lapis, from $5.00 up. . Solid Gold Purses A -fine line in gold mesh purses, from $35 up to $500: in solid silver, from $5.00 up td $75; in gnnmetal and German silver,-, from $2.50 to $20; gold filled, from $3.50 .to-$35. SEAL RINGS 03.50 to 05O For. ladies . and ' gentlemen in plain polished roman or rose gold, some beautifully" set with a single diamond or with two or more, from $3.50 . to. $50. in silver, gold, enameled, and gunmetal. . Monogram Fobs made on short notice, in Solid Kold, from $7.50 up. WATCHES ' Don't overlook" our watch de partment; it is , full of watch bargains. - Best values we have ever offered. . Emblem;' ., Goods. of all kinds, in charms, pins, but tons, fobs, etc. MAKE OURr STORE YOVR HEJIDQUJHl TERSFOR CHRISTMAS PRESBMTS ' JAEGER BROS. The Large Jewelry ' Store, 266 Morrison St, Between 3d and 4th JIWILtRS OPTIQANS - r t Vv iKcl K. .... Pt.4 lv.1 i.Of CCiivl 1 . . Ccrrcci Prices TAILORS TO WHO Mm.. Our Offer This AYec!: TAND W wl3h every matt in Tort land Vrho appreciates correct droes, the bast material and perfect fit at tin lowest possible price that such "results' caa bo produced, to call at our . stor during the preBetit week, examine our stock of the -very latest and most ap proved patterns In Xmport and Do mestic Woolens. This week all tixty and flfty-flv collar vaiues forty-fjve dollars. - This ! week all - fifty' and forty-five dollar values forty . dollars. A s - This week all forty and thirty-five dollar vMuea thirty dollars. . ., AM It " is our desire to make . our ' Portland : store . welt known to men who appreciate the best that Is known to tailors art as our Seattle store Us known to, 'good dressers In all parts of the Sound country. AND We desire your patronage and if the highest class tailoring, the best materials procurable: and a-full dollar In value - for every dollar - expended Is appreciated, you will remain Indefinitely one of our patrons.. v Stoiie Bros.; Tailors 304 Washington ' si., 'bet. 5th and 6th. mkt SUGGESTIONS ELECTRIC t ' " ; '' . : . .1 "''.'' i i : COftE PERCOtATO SIS Make DELICIOUS COFFEE A. . K- '.X,V-'. ? ' ECrWG-STOR A ' i i 4 i, I " . "'. '," "", v., ... . ' ' f. '"..''-: : ; 7 . ; . . .-. : Alder Street at Seventh 1 tt j Christmas, Pius . Good Judgment? - Natural Conclusion A USEFUL PRESENT . 1 ' ; ' See the : . GOLDEN ROD VACUUM CLEANER Representative Will Call . . Request. Phone Main 6274 137;, West Park The Old Reliable -Union Painless Dentists OUT O V '1'UWH PEOPUB shou id re member that our force is so organlsod thst we,- can do their entire crown, orUpo and plate work In a day if, nee essary. . - .fe:;.;. wi;; -t .(;' Full Set of Teeth. 85 00 Bridge Work or Teeth Without Platea ,.,..9350 10 85 OO Oold Cronus .93 50 to 85 OO Porcelain Crowns 1 . .$3-50 to 85 OO Gold cr Porcelain Fillings.. .SI OO Vv Silver-Ir-ltltngs-.-.T-rr ix-SOtf to SI OO IB Tears' Guarantee. Hours 8 a. m. to t p. m.; Sundays, . to U. Union Dental Co. FEB ST AJTD MOHMSQg 8T. ' Journal Want Ads Bring Results LEAEN Hi 'I Join our classes. , - Music every afternoon and evening. Parsons' Orchestra, v Popular Prices. ; ' Kramer's New Riding School sixteenth anrl Jefferson Sts. IioUi Fhohea: . rU " j'-Liniiir 1- High v,Grade Commercial . .. r and Electric Signs.'" fhones Xiasi UUi u-aua4.t ; YOU SAVE ONE-THIRD ni thest Citilosa prove it. dualltr tl gMs i lt hlthejt Sab dslltery ml lactioo paraBteet 8m plceta tfi Fruit 0nn.......J2.45 d t-C hnai Doorl 1.58 , lungjlot Dsonu.. 1.60 Might Window... .71 a 4-llgtit BanSislL. .42 us Rau Sash f.45 119 Cupboa4 Boor.... 43 ip K 9 Sb Francu .80 : I 0 Boor Frame... .75 Stei uirourlltt of material. ASX FOa CATAL03 NX 64 f if TEETH 5tvo Your Teetli Now Xou save a dollar, we male a dollar nd the KxpensiVK Uentint toxvs m 'v V- Jtwo aniiars wnen we uo iyour work. We . worlc ior pr.ces you can ij. Open evening until I ?nd Sundays until 1-39 or imople who work, Offlcos , establlsried . tea rears and our guarantee i"fo&, i B03T0H OEITIET3, Viflces corner Fifth "and Morrison entrance 2 ! 1 4 Morristn St.. opoostu Meier & Frank s and iPontoffice, Piano Prize Checks Will Be Redeemed at Par ru-Eas wrosio rov;i has as , HAwasD to acc:."i; HO rlAfO t CHECKS, BAMS i S CA",.I. See Announcement tict'.ox I, rage H of The Jonrnal Ii.:jcrtiut TSoi.rn. TTfoU'WCMEn c:;:,v 8;ivln anil t.'c (17 ! it It t' 1 the !'ti si .' f 'it- ta 10 (In vm. I'nrii t 1 . . . . g.1; i--i'.. ! (n I'lii!!1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' '' J TILl'.cr., zij ,.. j . I'm ,