- , - lit' A' A 10 I! c and riaiidolin Ciub: Good nave 0 I 1 i ..1 t t .,-,. t . f r t v. l i i (' i . Is i a t -.'s tl'at enter jiho t..f it ' 'im No r i tim moonshiners having that' the "revenue ' w.w and scatterfd to thi-ir TKe eMU hn a r r y tn".U(l f""i U ' V:rfA. Wail li'frton. leo.'Z. The fi.t r"co t!oa of r.oyal U. C..I !, ( - mmi-ioner of internal revenue. Las t.' n enriched l.y the Hddition of a raro hpiH'inien, a photogntph of tho'BPcnnd largest ntoon shlne still ever capturM by the revenue officers. Tho Htill is a product of the n"'"n' l i r n 1 ' wt'ro c ill UiU ui tun ,! c 1 I mon t ;is l.u r tsci discovered that the ii i r i p f i A IV roccivod a tip in t' e 1 1 in ii, i t I t 1 r f poacf ful hnmfis WHM I'! of 500 gnllona, and whn sold as copper ill Lit jt:. Consul's Report C3,- 000,000 Bu. Have Reached Upper Lakes During Year. V . ' V:; V .- NS. f ' r : - - l l- U V , ' ' , - . ' .iff " ' ''' vv J'i)'"' JytrT7a-'' AWN WSK : ' ; - Mandolin Club of University ot , , mri j v T Th annual gala night given by the Cnlverelty of Oregon Giat and Mandolin cluba will occur next Saturday evening, 'lcembar 10, at the Helllg theatre, Sev etith and Taylor atreets, Thl year'a clubi are the mort versatile In enter tainln that this college has ever turned out and that -ia saying great deal, as the previous cluba have always made a big hit in this city. The following program which will be given,' ia varied eoottgb to please all tastes, composed as , ft U of classical and catchy music, both vocal and Instrumental, together with a : number of college "stunt:" . ' "Oh Oregon" Strong Glee Club. "Esperanza (Hope) Massourfca", .Palacto - Mandolin Club. Ruffrajrette Trio.'. ................... MeHsrs. Gelsler, Curtis and Martin. -Til 61ng the Songs f Araby'n i Clay WiUlam LaU "Dry To" Eyes" ........ I Landabarg Glee Club. , Suen Tropical A Serenade". , .,Sanche - Mandolin Club. ''Couptets Banchique " .Chamlnade - Profpusor I. M. Glen. "The South Wind Plows".,, Cox . Glee Club. . , 1 "At iDopa Center'' A sketch introducing the Glee Club and the Individual members in en pemble and speclaltlee. v..... II SO RAPID AS HIS COUSIN American Detectives VouId Scarce let Pickpockets Rob Them on Bet; Bobbies Giye Story of Slow VYard" Men. . By Paul Lambeth. " : (PubllBhwr Press Leased Wire.) London, Dec 3. Funnier than any? thing ever thrown on the screen at a moving picture chaes which a gang of American crooks has been leading the metropolitan police and the famed Scotland Yard detectlva force. The gang has been . operating ; successfully for months and almost within the shadow of that famous home for detectives. . It Is said on what appears to be very good authority, ; namely, London bobby, that one of the crooks picked the pocket of a detective on a bet and then got a pipeful of tobaoc from him after tak ing his watch, London detectives are such serious persons, moving about buried in deep thought, as if the weight of the empire rested upon their shoul ders, so that it is easy to commit crime right before their eyes, v All one must lonTrcrinrE CORWOAL CLUB Atm organlaatloB ot Fort .George eftl sens and business men will give au thentld Information free tegardlng open ings tax business and investment in what win bs one of ths largest' Canadian Ths registered legal townaite of Fort George - adjoins the- Indian Teservation on tba. we.t an4 faces on, the- echaco river. Tbert is' no other lofirioal, loca tion for otty in, th ioinityj and ey- ery railroad: chartered to bnlld through Central.' British t . Columbia i' will 1 run through', opr town because they an't help themselves. '- Wt wm 'have all '; railroads. Other townsites starting in the vicinity will have pons at all because of the topog raphy or the country. . . rorfGecrgs is the geographical nd strategic commercial center of British Columbia and has now 1000, miles of navigable waterways and will nave tooo milsa. ' Fort George la growing: rapidly and by t1 time the first railroad reaches the plaes in 1911 will have B0D0 population, and In fiv years X0.0O0. Lot us send yon first hand facts about Fort George. Voa oat quick rpy wf addrssstRgr I'M Cori rnbliclty Sureao, Boom eri, e 13 Oraavilis Bt, TsssosTsr, 9, O. Or if you prefer, address Secrets) (VrmreisJ vlub, Fort Qeorge, B. r"' . ' ; - ' ' - F ' , i : ; -J i f ' A - - , y " V - Melria P, Osden, president and Rcccompaniat of the University Glee club do to throw a London detective off his guard is to salute him. ,r. Ssrss Saw ass. . ' .' ! Just 162 years after its adjournment a law case which was originally inter rupted because Richard ds Maundeviile had to leave for the war in France, has been resumed in the chancery court. Ths point at issue is the right to hold a market at StowmarkeL Suffolk and the suit was originally bfoueht hv the abbot of Bt, Osyth, Essex, in. the reign or : coward an. ftffainst ; Richard - do waunaevme.' The abbott claimed that Richard had wrongfully obtained the grant of the right to hold a market "to the grave damage of the said eh. bot" Richard claimed the kino's nrn. teetlon and eventually the case waa d. Journed sine die because of his deour- ture abroad.,. At the resumed hearing last week G. F. Howard. , the modern representative of Richard, asserted that G. A. Woodward, the modern. tauvs of me abbott. had no risht to set up a rival market : This assertion was supported by Mr. Ogden, K. . C wno cuea me uomesaay iioon and oth er books. "When Richard da MaUnde- vills went abroad." remarked Justine ffive, "he uttle foresaw that we would be fighting the same Question 600 years aitenrards." ; ,The ; bearlag ; was ad journed. ? .- ,,(.;';..; : A police estimate of the cost of the proceedings in the Crtppen case ia II&O0. The telegraphio output; on the authority of the postoffioe, was second only to that of the Menson trial ini tne AmLamont case, in Bootland..; The oablegrans to the United States papers exceeded those of any previous murder trial Justice Grantham at Norwich mtw for the prise for the shortest summing op on record. "Gentlemen of the Jury, the nrlanner has nothing to say; neither have I; consider your verdict"' I upeaKing . at Bwindon. a few nlghtH ago, Lord Carrlngton, president of th ooara or agriculture, said the govern raent'l land policy aimed at"? repdpu- latlng rural districts and relnvigorat rag lire by the acquisition of land and its division into smalt' holdings. Al- though the small holdings act had only been In operation . for two and a half years, county councils had already sub mitted schemes for the acquisition of BZ.ooq acres . of land and loans had been sanctioned by the local government board lor nearly 11,500,000. As for the Osborne judgment he said it would be faced with courage and de termination. . ' ' Welsh Ctrlke. As a result of the Welsh mining strike collisions with the police have already Bean frequent and go serious is the sit nation that" cavalry and infantry .: de tachments are being held in readiness at Cardiff and Brecon. : There are ow nearly 12.000 strikers in Aberdare val ley. Sooth Wales. ;; Charles Stanton and his Socialist followers are Jubilant, for only one small colliery in the valles is working. There . ara already hun dreds of homes verging on destitution. While the riot of the Cambrian col liers was 'proceeding, strikers attacked the powerhouse and fired the straw in the fly wagons, A blaze was caused. but it waa soon put out and the po lloe played the water hose on the strlk era. Btotusi were again hurled and sev eral poiic pfflcers.wvre-JflJutedfc-aiiou v sirmers were iao injureu. , Long Road Built In a Day Independence, Kan Dec, ' 3. livery able bodied man in this Montgomery) county v lent a hand to building a new road between here and Cof feyvllle, eighteen miles away. About 1600 men were engafed in the work. The road was - completed, with the exception of spreading the oil, at nightfall. . The Only Tolnt. From the New Tork Telegram. "Both proposed to ma. Which Shall I take?" v v, ' i ' ... ,J' "Which has the most money H - 'Jf I knew that I shouldn't ask your advice." : ACETYLENE GAStlGHT FOR YODR HOME Any regular kerosene lamp that will give an actual 24 candlcpower of light for ten hours roust cost abort cents for kerosene, jchtmneys r and 1 wicks. -v ':.: .. Besides, the lamp will need , cleaning, filling, wlck-trimming , and chimney wiping 305 days per rear.""r w .--i-.-.v . Now.' Acetylene Gaslight will give an absolutely steady and uniform It-candlepower light for ten .hours on a. single pound of 4 Calcium Carbide. ' ; . And that pound of barblde will cost you only 3 cents in the majority of states. ; . ; Moreover,, the care of 0 Acety lene lights needs - only, half an - hour's labor per month at moat . Compare that with the half hour - per day (or 15 hours per month) , of disiiereeoble labor needed to clean, fill, wick-trim and chimney-wipe even eight lamps in a country home. ' : ;' v - v - -And 'When' you- have ' weighed these facts, reflect that .Acety lene Gaslight has no chimney to fog, no wick to char, no mantle to shatter. , , ; ' Acetylenes Is all light abso lutely uniform in volume and quality, without waste. - It , is the whitest, steadiest .. coolest cleanost and safest of all lights for home. ' hotel or store, as can be proved. Which ; would you have; even .if kerosene light was as cheap as ') .Aeetylena Gaslight?...' ' , ' Write me today - how many rooms you've got and 1 will tell you how little it need cost you to light them brilliantly with that ; beautiful eye-aylng "Hunllght nt-Nlght". called Acetylene Gas light - - Model Acetylene Gns Genera tors are approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and n6 xtra charge for fie insur ance is made where these gen-' era tors are installed. . - There are hundreds of them in use by some of the best homes on the - Pacific Coast. Kest refer ences from my many satisfied customers. . Our new oatalogus is now ready ,0n application. f n -Pv-ABRVANT- 189 Madison Street" ' - Tricphones, Main 1042, A 734,7 :'. Tahor 213s. " . , (Culled Ptm$ LtUKi Wire.) V Washington, " Dec, 3. The , enormous task of handling grain from the Cana dian west at the head of the upper lakts, through Kort William and Port! f Arthur, is described In a report by ; I Consul A. G. Boyfort of . Owen Sound, Ontario, in which Jia says; 1 "from September 1,- 190, to August 31. 1910, 8,000,000 bushels of grain passed through these ports, the preced-l Ing year 65,000.000 bushels and the year before 47,000,000. :. "The combined harbor has IS grain elevators with a. storage .capacity of 30,000,000 bushels. The 4.000,000 bushel one belonging to the Grand 'Trunk Pa cific la the largest in the world, and the first of ten which that railroad is building. ' The Canadian Pacific, has five, the largest holding 3, 500,000 bushels.- The Canadian. Northern has two, each with J, 600,000 capacity. . "It is hard to realise what it meant to bring this enormous traffic of grain to the elevators for trans-shipment by boat. Allowing 1000 bushels to the car, 39.000.000 bushels would fill 89,000 cars, or. 13,000 trains of 70 cars, each. : The busy times are the spring and late fall, when 20 to 40 of the Great Lakes freighters are , alongside the elevators with grain pouring Into the vessels' holds.- 1 - . "The Canadian government takes an Important part in handling the grain at this trans-shipping port An aet of par liament provides for tn grading of the grain, and government Inspectors .pass on every carload In the assembling yard before it goes to the elevator for un loading. The grain has already passed one inspection at the starting point, and the second 'inspection at the elevator terminal is performed to confirm the western grading. The inspectors are on hand again when the grain Is shipped out - They watch the weighing and see that the grade is what is called for. Every Doat , tnat clears with a . cargoJ of grain carries a certificate signed by a government official showing the quan tity and- quality of the grain It con tains." . , , , - v CeramlOr - raoaaio - and encaustie . tile layers hope to establish a universal ap prentice system. MlMLJjlua-U", '. i! '.li,'.- 'L . 1 . .. -l-i .....J.!. mi MS,-. CARVERS '" . C8AMN0 DISHES ''r$$l GAME CARVERS ' BAKING DISHES.- 7 ; manicure: sets . x-" - vfive o'clock teas vy 5f , SEWING SETS - ' t J .TEASETS , -r., ... ClSy " POCKET KNIVES . ft SMOKING SETS V ' p JX rf ' , . SAFETY RAZORS f SMOKING STANDS , . tfk?r RAZOR STROPS - " FERN DISHES - ' TABLE CUTLERY ' V CASSEROLES iQ mr ..: -s J , ::rj.:':..::y : ; ... . A complete outfit- -; - fl : Pt N2-r; . automobile lunch. baskets , . .ch : ' r fif KoW j-J-''1 ' ; " ' - -;: ' : '"'"'tfo,- ' THERMOS BOTTLES- SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW DISPLAYS ; ' GAME SHEARS ; - . , . . . .'...;.,. . . ... ' m r r lC- Ml IK Mi RICH JEWELHY i : In!tasteful" arid novel ideas for Brooches, Lock ets, S t il d s, : Lavalliers, Chain Pins, etc. MARX i j'-. Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon. ' ' 283 MORRISON STREET. A 7f THIRD STREST, .SOMETHING : " ' -' :; ABOUT COFFEE 4 That you should know; Of all beverages, none Is more popu 5; lar than, coffee; yet, strange to say, no other beverage is on':" : the 'average more poorly prepared. " You will gain the ever. lasting gratitude of your family and your guests by serving ,,them coffee made in a Coffee Machine or a Percolating Coffee v Potf By this method .'that bitter taste so. often nod is en tirely eliminated and a good, delicious cup of coffee Js assured, ' Our assortment is large in both nickel and copper finishes. By making your selections to choose from." - '.. V Qi&isjiiiMas;': Jewelry Ccrvivc3 AH Oti:cr Gl3, end Is Es pecially Arr'criafc As An Esprcssica cl Scsll meat cad Rccird DIAMONDS Solitaire and Cluster- Rings, Brooches and other Jewelry; superb, stones of finest cutting. FINE WATCHES That are ornamental and durable for all pur poses, f f o m . the "most noted makers. " I3ILOCIHI early you will have a larger stock - , ... "V ' . - (ti$ . mm SILVER- TADtE and TOILET WARE, CUT GLASS, UMBRELLAS, NOVELTIES Are hers in profusion 1 for your inspection. . v Th- ft