The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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.Ttic Hgiho gI Hifyii-Clcsb Mcrchan'clIcc-"I-.tlibcy Cut Glass, Rictiardson Linens, Arriolci'Q Infants Wear, Memo Corse:
Hcfryal VIcrccGtcis EonTonCorsciG DcrS3ytMonarch, Alexandre GlovcgStctson Hats lopMcn-Knox Haislop Womc;
IFaricy Neckwear
B Ei o p j Ea gly
BjyayourXhristihas presents early
-early ! n ' the : day early in the
monh. . Don't' wait until the stocks
are broken. Don't wait ' until the
crowds ;are" so great. yoti can't' be
waited on projperly. Make out your
list . of Christmas presents today
02.00 Values for 9Gc
Tomorrow, in the Neckwear Department," on the main
"floor,, we offer-a i yety nnnsual sale of women's fancy
Neckwear novelties, designed to please, the most, discrinu: '
; nating judges, A very advantageous purchase enables us
to 'make" this. very;, special offer to tomorrow's shoppers
, The , best regular values op to $2.00 , in eluded in the sale.
Buy all you want for present seeds and Christmas.. flO 1
j gifts at the special low price during this sale at JOC
3! SMEi PeCSue afls
Valines a Oii&O afi
In the beautiful Garment Salon, 2d floor; WomenVHigh Grade Petticoats,
of the richest and best taffeta silk. Black and all colors; deep ZlCh
flounce and silk drop,' ruffled and tucked. Our best $15 . vals. t
8Se Nwdfly MUdDdw
2e f Tsiiellsi .'ISuitom .Me
.' : .' . " r '
10,000 yards of high grade Novelty Ribbon for
Christmas' fancy ' work. Dresden Warp' Prints,
French and Scotch Plaids, etc; regular 97
values to 85c, on special sale atthe yard v I C
O 0. 'Fanc'yr.'Walg 5 s
All pure -sflkTaff eta Ribbons in every imagin
able shade, ribbons suitable for holiday fapcy
work. Full 4 inches wide; regularly worth 1 ip
20c a yard, a special sale at only, yard ifiC
Lace Curtain Salefj
030, Values at G16.4S
A Christmas offering 6f rare',values in fine Arabian Cur
tains, imported-real Arabian' laces, the best curtains of out
entire stockiv ;The most beautiful Christmas Cl ylC
gifts one could wish; 10patferns; $25-$30 vals.' QlyMD
SILK DRAPERVur entire stock of figured Drapery
Silks, i comprising 'kmany attractive patterns , for, OQ
Christmas-needs; reg. $125 and $1.50 values, at, yd. OvC
Red Cross Stamps
Don't send yotrr Christmas pack
ages out without Red CroS's stamps.
At a time when all thoughts are to
give, donlt forget the great impor
tance of this charitable work, v It
will be your biggest gift;; the cost
will not be noticeable.1- Main' floor.
- . 11 " ? .... i i i i ,i i- i ' . ' ij fi n' i ii
15,000 -pieces of up-to-date Belt Pins,- Buckles, Broochgs, Hat Pins, Beauty
Pins, etc;, vplaih and etched effects, every popular stone set style. fiO)fi
khinestone designs in green and rose gold; values to $2 ea.; splv
02 J MbisIc lois' M 80s
A lirge assortment of Music Rolls and Cases, in
seal, goat, walrus and novelty pressed leathers:
black, tan and brown .colors. ' Regular QO stripe borders; come in all shades; our 0 Q7
$2.00 values, on special sale at only, each vOCII regular '$4.00 values, special at only $tal
Best'aualitv Chiffon Auto Veils for nrcsent use
and Christmas gifts. Extra large silk and satin
Here arc charming styles at quite remarkable
prices values ;uirastild;nrant your
arly IrispeclioiiIIoHday Waists fin ; velvets,
Persians, talteta slllcs and nets-AlL wanted
colors Beautilul
trimmed clfects, plain
tailored styles, etc. Sizes 34
to 44 Values to $10, special
85.50 Dolls Now $4.38
oHerJXhini6s; tqV"the' enialler ones
make music while they roll; 1 in ' ' mckel-
Slated and blue enamel;, regular :00
Sc values, on special, sale, only- L Jt '.
DOLLS An imported line, tmade espe
cially for Olds, Wortman King. Real
hair, sleeping eyes with long- lashes, full '
jointed; has nice, ' shoes 'and stockings;
stands' i. 27; inches U tall; our ff4 OO
regular $5.50 values, special at wtT00
$1 Dressed Doll at 69c
Child's $1.75 Chair $1
Dressed Doll, with closinsr eves, liffhtor'
dirk hair, dressed in white chiffon, with
large black picture hat; regular
$1.00 value, special price, each .
HILD'S CHAIR, with polished seat
d heavy wire - legs and back like the
odes you see in the Ice cream A A
parlors; regular 51.3 values - viuu
Reilar $3.00 Table to match for f 1.50
D esk and r C liair
$3.50 Values at $2.25
Child's Mission 4 Desk v and ' Chair 7 to
match; made of oak; nice) smooth finish
and good size. This is the best value
and "-one of .the most, useful bings you
could buy; our regular $3.50 tfO OC
value, on special sate, : onlya LUuO
$4.50 Velocipede $3.49
Velocipede, suitable for a child 6 or 8
years old; rubber-tired, with adjustable
seat; a Tegular $4.50 value, on ,0 ACk
special ' sale 'at ' only, - each l 0rtJ
BOYS1 HANDCAR, steel frame, with
chain gear; a health-improver; will, de
velop the -arms and chest;-04 (JO
our regular $6.00 seller, only V"TvO
021.SO Tableclottris C517
There is hardly anything that' makes a more appropriate ahd
acceptable gilt than' a' nice piece of linenWe offer some
enticing values in i the high grade Richardson product here :
Real Cfuny Tablecloth, see 2x2 yards'; regular $21.50 values, special for flT.OO"
Keal Uuny lameclotn, size cxi yards; regular ?MJ.uu value, special for f a.oo
Real Clniiy Tablecloth, size 2x2S yards; regular $66.00 valuer special'M&'BO
All Linen Tea Cloths. Cluny lace-trimmed: very fine value at $3.50. special 92.98
Richardson's All-Linen Table Sets, rich pattern 'cloths, with napkins to match.
Cloth, size-2x2 yards, napkirt to match; regular $3.50 sets, special price 97.50
Cloth, size 2x2 yards, napkins to match; regular $9.25 sets, special price 98.15
Cloth, size 2x3 yards, napkins to match; regular $1025 sets, special. price 9900
Regular 60c Huck Towels for only 50 Regular ' 75c Huck Towels for 63f ,
Regular 65c Huck Towels for only 55 Regular $1.00 Huck! Towels ' for 85
M em' s'Rai ncbat s
II you'll ligure on us, We!! llgurc for you
and guarantee to save you money on every
purchase You will readily recognize the
as $20 values Very latest styles in popular
light tan; drab and olive shades Cut hill 50
inches long, lull sldrt and
military collar; $20 values
Mow $22.95
We take it as a part of rprogressiveness to
.k - 1 ........ I . . V i , ... ! .V t -
have something to attract you to our store
every ' day; These Dresses possess unusual
merit in style and workmanship materials
are French arid English serge, chiffon over
Persian serges with Chiffon waists, a great
variety of styles, trimmed with satin bands,
lace yokes and sleeves. Or moire silk sleeves
some nave leainer oeiis. ju sizes, values'
ta$42.50.,. Priced very spe- .fQQ OK
ciai; for this J sale 'at only ..
iris? "Presses
! . i.. : .. .'.I'. - ' ' ' ' " . " : ".
tin, .,. . i ,. 'i I i i ' in r. -m 1 f i ., , , ,- ,
Now r Half 'Price
;. , , i ,, , I, .,, n.i.,1 . . ii.. . r i i
Our entire stock of., dark serge, luster and fancy plai4
dresses for girls from 6 to 12 years of age. Sailor styles
arid fancy dresses; $675 1 to $20.00 " value, .at HALF! W dm e m's : S ui 1 fi.s
idk. b. l; J J J 11 aI. a.: 1
A - uig More is uuwucu aix uic muc mu yuu
never saw su many iitippy pcupic. ui
: : 1 " , 1 1 "" , 1 . 1 . . : 'tr''.. . ::"
-buying the very latest , style Suits m such
good, dependable materials as basket cloths,
boucles; serges, broadcloths,' fancy mixtures,
V etc Semi-fittihg jackets with velvet or plain"
collars The 1very3 latesttstyle skirts and
the vafoes ranging tp to (Qft tJB
Qk. . . r' jSs' . . t.
i 7 Vr.3trtrc v.Ji A ; a' A" ill
1 fl
IT I ' 7
II :. .
$55.00, priced this sale, ea!.
Suits ffbp JU
Broadcloth's serges, fancy, tweeds,' diagonal
cheviots," mannish mixtures, stripes and
checks, comprise this splendid assortment.
Plain andJancy-Jrimmed styles Our-best
models. A large selection to Q ? Q fZ
choose from; vals. to $42.50 V"lvtP
i$4&50::..Coatls..;-K6.w, $289g
The very new and popular style Rug Coat's and Polo Coats; broadcloth, kerseys, plain,
plaid-and silk linings; . double-laced- Steamer Coats, 'Velvet Coats, etc. A COIJ AC
great group of values up to $48.50 each, on special sale at only, each . ifVJo
$35.00 Coats; Mow $13.95
Plushes, broadcloths, mixed tweeds, basket cloth and mixtures; plain colors, checks
and stripes, with plain self collars or velvet collars. A splendid group. flJIO QC
of values up to $35.00 values. Nuf-sed--see ,'em. On special , sale for 0 U0
Men's Pure Silk Mufflers, in : black, white and gray, plain colors
or ; figured $ and - striped; full length, corded or hem"; (j
stitched-borders -our--regular $2:S0rvaliiesr'specialTaf
Men's Christmas Hose in Christmas boxeg, 6 pairs' for only 75
Men's Handkerchiefs' in Christmas boxes, 6 in a box,: for 91.10
EeuMfC SttoeEi off : Xmm.
Umlbclflas Eeiuacei
$:3.00 mbrell2STi43JJ5rTJml)'
$;4.00 UmbreUas now SSLSO'tJmbreUas now
$12.50 Umbrellas' now $7.50 Entire stock at like reductions.
andlB onnets
Tomorrow, in the infants' and children's
department, second -floor, we offer all
our Felt and ' Velvet Bonnets; values
' from $1.29 to $12, at half regularHALF
COATSA special lot of Coats, sizes' 2
to H years, made of popular, plain ajid
fancy materials; values $4.25 up to $16.50,
at , half regular selling , price HALF
ell Glass
In m i 1 1. id ij.V r, iL i ii i 'ii. j i I j i im inn M .lull) ji '
ForXmas Gifts
-Visit -the5 beaatiful ' cut gjassrodcf on
the third floor. Nothing m the West to
equal it for 'beauty and quality Prices:
$5.75 -9-inch Dishes, special for $4.55
$6 briHiant pattern .Berry Bowl $4.2S
$6.00 Fern Dish and Lining, for" 1.25
$13.00 Water Tumblers, dozert fllO
$12 Lemonade Tumblers, dozen $8.45
It's h reliable i'it's V attractive; ;f It's just
what we say it is. No disappointments
will t come to ' the giver or the receiver.
SUS SHver Fern Dish and lining $1.25
$1.00 Silver Hat Pin Holders only 69
$1.50 Silver Handle Whisk Broom, spe
cial at low price of only, each $i.Oa
$1.50 Silver Bread Trays for, each f 1.05
$2.00 Sugar and Cream, ; special $1.39
$7.25 . 3-piecc Tea Set, special at $1.05
$3.50 Silver Jewel Cases, special $2.40
$7.75 Silver Jewel Cases, special $5.i
Womejra's 1.75 Go wins 7
An extra special purchase of Christmas Gowns, made of fine nain
.sootriinmediniiaintyiinen lace, embroidered in pretty rhedaliiom
with initials in center. We have never seen their equal: y p.
, Excellent $1.75 values during this sale are marked at only I .
Another lot dainty $3.00 values are marked at snecial price i -1 .