' I 3 -Wi . Ov o o. o n I ' (Mm" 1 i x .1 U a; , V.. toils 7 1 1-I?r'MieQsfcAssii'M0Ms; w& &e. Essi Votes".:" AmeqI KoEday KaafereMe? Safe --r VTI Lunch in Oar Hestuarant YmrTl b well pleased when yon take the derator for the restaurant, for we're a. special car for the .restaurant from 11 :30 to , V YooH be promptly waited upon and you'll like the food and the kind oftservice yoo get here. Restaurant in charge of Mr.'V W. " B. Martlin. Catering a specialty. j i l j j X - i III Sh6ppbg Days to ; Amis. Lien's , Women's arid ChHdrcn's Handkerchiefs at Lowest Price Thousands of gift seekers have thronged the kerchief section in, the last two days, eager for the f irst choice of thejpretty handkerchiefs offered in this great Christmas sale. There are valued not to be, equaled and-assortments wonderfully complete The . sale, includes sirfgle handker chiefs foremen, women and children, orfkerchiefs in pretty holiday boxes. See window display.1 Seat your Chflstmas , lackaees with a Red Cross Stamp. Help eradicate tuber, culosl la Oregon. On ftaleln theBlg Store at booth on . the first . floor. Tomorrow Mrs, Dave Honeyman. Mies Dorothy Morrison, Miss Jeanne McKenale Appropriate Xmas Gift Suggestions For the. Wife Vehret Auto Boots.' ' ' Tea 'Gown. - ' 5 " 1 Evening Coat. - For Set 1 r . . " " Fut Coat. ' , Real Lace .Handkerchief in holly box . Oriental Rug; ' - v Leather Card' Case. ' Pair Gloves rn holly box, 'r ",.' , Umbrella. ; , Leather JeweUCase, , . ' Mesh Bap, Sterling Silver Toilet Set. - ; ' " Opera Glasses. , ' , v . ,' ' A Brooch. " " - 4 Fancy Perfume.- ' . ", Silver Salad Set. '1 ; ' " " Cut-Glass Cake Plate. Cut-Glass Bowl. t , ' Brass Jardiniere. - , Brass "Hanging Basket ' Electric Iron.- Hanging Lamp. Pair of ; Portieres. , Silver Candelabrum. . When in doubt, purchase a merchan dise or glove, order for any amount. you wish. ' Always acceptable gifti. 'MM Our Annual Sale I In Sdsemeilfc AiiiieX I Ocr Annual Sale EiGgnnlaE0 5d, ?5e mi$ $ S Yokes Tomorrov Our ; Annual Holiday , Sale of . Men's . Neckwear The Best Values and the Largest Assortment WcVe Ever Offered 4-in-HandsSMnilTies--" Band Bows Band Tecks and Wiridsorsfin Plain or Fancy Black and ; AH Color? 50c, 75c $1.00 Values See them in Morrison Street Windows , ' Tomorrov ):i .... . .t 1000 Doxes of Choice Apples 97c, 01.37, 3 1 A? and $1.37 the Pox Tcmiorrcrw we offer 1000 boxes Choice Oregon Apples in the best varieties at this special low price. GANOS on sale at, the box 974 BALDWINS at, the box $1.37 NORTHERN SPIES, bx. ?1.47j NEWTOWNS at, a box $1.57 SPITZENBERGS, a box $17 See the apples on display; fn our Windows and at the Apple Show, Fifth and Washington st Order early, as these' 'are very choice apples and our supply', can't last long at this : special8 low price, 97c, $1.37, $1.47 and $1.57 the Box Urn's: 5; .Pverc6aS;-'.-l 5.QQ MeiiV 25: .S.ftiS.s1 at' $15. 0 Men who want style and value will appreciate- this overcoat sale. Every coat offered : in this assortment was made by one' of Rochester's leading wholesale tailors. They come with military -collar as shown in .illustration, or with Presto or convertible col lars. Made of the best materials, some of Priestley cravenetted goods, some of the dressiest materials. All the best colors and cuts. Regular $25.00 Val- (S CI V( 'ues,prtced very special for tomorrow vat the low price of only, each ylJVV MEN'S iUTTS, Hm? worsteds, cheviots Iweeds and best materials and colors. Come in tans, brown, grays and dark mixtures; ;20Qof the season's best models, vgt 1 c Af All sizes. Regular $20.00, $220 and $25.0Q values, special tomorrow yl3U LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SMOKING JACKETS IN PORTLAND. SEE OUR STOCK OF BATH ROBES AND LOUNGING ROBES. ALL BARGAINS. 58Game Archerena Boards i3205 65-Gamc $4,95 'Tomorrow, in our Fifth -Floor Toy Section, No. Carom-Archerena Game Boards, on OCT whi fifty-eight games may be played. ': Specially priced fortius sale at this low sum epZaOt) Caromv-Archerena Boards, beautifully finished. Sixty-five games can be played on this A j Ar .board, .Specially, priced, for. tomprrow's..saleat,ihis exceptionally low sum, each only tPa i) WE HAVE THE LARGEST TOY DEPARTMENT WEST-OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO I Mi, L -it I F .. i V; 1 i v ' - ' .v. Wmen : WOMEN-S .V7AISTS of .Tuscan trimmed wiA' hand embroidered and crochet medallions. - Sleeves- made: in coat style or with deep cuffs.- High neck, o TT 0pn sldeor back- Finlshed with crocheted buttons.. Regular $12.50, sp'l y fi'C? WOMElS tONG crepe. Made in semi, loose or fitted or with Empire back. . Shawl or rolling coll or Dutch neck. Plain or neatly trimmed. Solid colors or ' fancy, figured iiv i T and stnped effects. Regular $2.50 and $3.5f values, special: tomorrow at lO SALE OF ALL FINE FURS. EVERY ONE REDUCED NOW. SALE cm RTT tt : PETTICOATS. ; EVERY ONE : REDUCED GREATS BARGAINS ON t FINE TAILOREDSUrrS. - BARGAINS ON ALL' 3-PIECE SUITS EXCEPT VELVETS See Demonstration of Mystd Ma&c and Learn the rcew rarior q ncKSr-Uauy in Windows and onl 5th PI A Kt of 1500 pairs of .wbmen'a fur trimmed felt Slippers. They come in red, brown, oxford gray and black. Made with hand turned soles and low heels. " All sizes ; A O ' tlie regular $1.50 values, onsale, here at low price JOC .LAMBS' WOOL SOLESffor knit slippers, sizes lor men from e to ii, sizes tot.wpmen from 3 to 7. ? Your choice, men's or womenV, at low price of, the pair i - a ? i ' ' - . 4' I T: uavu t4v"- Pnorracri 01 in cw i otk v.ity, is givingjJafly demonstrations of y 7 wu.Wu6 BmuowuUa,vnij( ,w wui wmuuws anu on me nun floor,- kou can ptrform everv f ( PS . ' . trrck he does. -All tricks for sale, with directions. See the famous Kellar Trunk Trick which will U ; be demonstrated in window at 10, 12, 2 and 4 o'clock. . An interesting and mysti? wSideV. (W .- -7 '" ' ' ' .... .. , ' ' ;'' '- '-t - ....... i .. . ' - t . ;, ...... i . , . j, . v r7,awMM " 7. : :"l . ; ; 1 -i SteMpg arid 0MftlQWciire tJ-5,'Off;.T6mo?row;ap; For two days our entire line of sterling silver and ebony Toilet Ware' and articles. This includes matched sets or separate pieces. Brushes, combs, manicure articles, etcvlhe sterlmg: silver comes- m rime different designs; Nothihg more l j acceptable for Christmas gifts. ; See. Fifth St window display; Entire line 5 Wa y s o f -'S 1 8 li ' H 6's e. W'carry a complete line of the! famous KAYSER SILK HOSE for omen in Italian or knit silk. These, are guar-' anteed to . be perfect, in material and making ; ind are th? best in the world. - Nothing is more acceptable for a Christ mas gift.. We are making a special display of 'these fine goods this week and call attention to' our Mon Aa : aa rison st. windows. Prices $1.50, 2, ?2.50, .pj.U (j lEl Pay Purchase andrSO)0cck,;Hayo Machine ;PaKrcEcoT I! A