The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 28, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    I ' " f 1
i kill
. M (ISI!
ccntalive of Church Fed
eration Puts Moran-Nelson
Affair Up to Ftckert and Gil
left Leaves It There.,
(mitre- ptw 1mH wi.
Ban Francisco, Nov. ,tS. The Olows
of Owen Moran that . felled BatUng
Nelson In San Francisco Saturday
deal a knockout to - the, prizefighting
fam In California. .In a letter ; ad
dressed to district Attorney Charles M.
Flckert, Attorney J.- fi Whit of the
Church federation today ealla upon tho
authorities to- investigate tha fight, and
charges that If newspaper aocountsof
the contest are true "a crime baa been
committed." and h mU Flekart What
he Intends-to do In the matter.
White's letter follows:
"I am enclosing herewith a page ap
pearing la tha Sunday .(November 27)
Call, which purports to glT an account
of aa occurrence which took place tn
this city on Saturday afternoon, and la
connection therewith I desire to call
vour attention to the correspondence
from Governor J. N- Gillett to Attorn-i-y
General U. & Webb, dated June 14,
1910, and suggest to you that there are
pome cltlMns In the city and county of (
ian Francisco who are waiting anx
iously to learn what action yon Intend
to take in this matter. t:r
"If this Is a ; correct portrayal, of
what took place there ls .certajnly .no
doiiht that a crime has been committed
under the provisions of section 412 of,
the penal code." . '
The correspondence referred to by (
Attorney White includes the governor's (
Jctter. WTttten at the time he ordered At- j
tnrnv General Webb to take steps to ,
prevent the Jeffries-Johnson fight In
California. ,-. ' 1 i
GlUetfs Definition of Frlss right.
The Question of what constitutes a
prize, fight was threshed out by; the
governor at. that time.trjn hla letter
Uillett fald: ':;.- '.'' ' . - '
"In Michigan, a prize fight exists
where there is expectation of reward
to be rpined by the contest or competi
tion, either to be won from the coptest
ent or to be otherwise awarded, coupled
with an intent to inflict, upon such
contestant some degree of bodily harm." i
The governor cited ,i decision of the
Kansas supreme court that a contest la
n prize fight where tn ere exists as ln
liiit to, inflict some degree of bodily
t arm. . He added that under the stat
utes of California the scores of so
called, 'sparring exhibitions were not
s purring exhibitions al all, tut prize
l srhts.' . v'--"". ? : '
Commenting on the governor's letter
in.', connection with' the Hlorah-Nalson
fight. Attorney- White said todays vV'v-j
. "It Is up to District Attorney Flckert
tnjtake action, t fati to see bow ho
; rt refuse to do 'so in light of. events'
; ' &t have transpired, and in view of the
governor's letter. Indictments should
i e .forthcoming,- if newspaper accounts
f the scenes in the ring are true. The
law has been violated and it is the duty
f the . district attorney to punish the
persons breaking the law." ' ' . ,' : 'e 1
GUlstt Says It Is tTp to riciert.
' Governor GiUett was told of the ao
tion of the attorney for the Church
Federation and was asked if he Intended
to take a hand in the natter. The gov
ernor replied thai he haa no Intention of
interfering. He put the whole matter
up to the district attorney and others
interested In the right game. :
"My office will take no action In re
(,'.irrl to Saturday's fight," said Governor
i.illett. "The time for me to take action
is jiatst. If the law was violated Satur
day the thing to do is for someone to
'. hwcar out a warrant $ir. White of . the
Church Federation or anyone else can
war to this warrant, .
"The punishment for the violation of
the law should be brought about
through the proper channels. I can see
no reason- for Interference now on tha
part cf , the governor. , ,
"Ulstrlct Attorney Flckert is running
his office and I am running mine. This
Is a matter foT the district attorney."
(Continued From Pag One.)
cf the comL!.i.iL:on Cat a3 tut x;
it is t", and prK-9"Juss!!ns wh. ro
cording to t?ie government, ona of tie
means employed, to enable the trut
mas-nates to get hold of the sucar in
dustry. . . , ,
History of the Coiatiaa. !
The petition s;iys the American Sugar
Refining company was incorporated in
New Jersey In 1S91 and that it haa a
capital stock with a par value of $90,
OM.OOA. . The companies comprising the
trcst, it is alleged, are refiners of both
beet and cane sugar.
One chapter of the petition details
the operations of the Havemeyers and
their associates since 1887. It declares
that in 1887 there were 23 Independent
refineries in the country. These had' a
total producing capacity of 3,000,400
pounds dally. -
tender the. leadership of the Have
meyers, ' "Doner, Atkins, Thomas or
others, . the petition . continues, "the
owners and directors of 17 competing
refineries, carrying 0 per cent of the
American sugar trade and Jointly ca
pable of dominating and controlling It,
determined to combine ; and destroy '
competition, exctude others and monop
olize the trade." - . ' :, ' .' -
The first combination operated under
a trust deed, it Is alleged, which gav4
the control of the various properties to
11 trustees. The petition continues:
"In pursuance of general conspir
acy and In order to : maintain, secure
and" retain a complete domination of
the trade and to obtain nncomtctonahle
profits to thow Interested, the trastees
and their coconspirators and other -did
and caused to be done many things,
some of which are specified."
' Smothsrsd Competittoi. 'J??
It is charged that trie trust "Brnoth
ered eom petition, acquired and held a
monopoly, for them selves, eliminating
many refiners." ? '.v;- - ;:. .
The New Tork coort of appeals dto
solved the Sugar Refineries company
in 1830. In Januar-f, 1891, : the same
men who had been la this company In
corporated the AmerlcsEa Sugar Beflnrng
company of Now Jersey. There were
then seven independents, moet of them'
brought Into the fold by purchase, or
try "Cutthroat" competition which
Every Woman
Should Have a
Vole-or a Voter
-and a Home ol
Her Own
A"nf m7 Tortland,"- every woman
should have the type of home to be
had onry in - ,
H Addition wttft Charactex "
Moreover, Mr;. Voter, if she may
vote upon the home question, Mad
ame will tote for a borne IN Lao
rclhurst She should be enabled to
vote NOW, while there is rood
time and choice. ' '
Sale Agents,
' ' - Corbett bldg.
Tlae "uaU-3 r !., -..-t- r
on employed la il.:.!:: x
liners la Callforr.!. t:.-e i
The agreement, wsl-h tudu-.
j. ir t y
. l i3 r. c
t-'i r
alU- ';-.a.
i al.'jo th
Hawaiian fcugar Ueflaln.g company, was
reaciiod after a trust price war in which
the trust sold en gar at a prl-a le.-s than
the cost of production la CaUXoruti.
The petition asserts mat Via Ca3
fornla companies accepted bonds of
3200,000 'annually for retiring from
business for three years.
' in ii i i :.;,,
(Continued From Page One.)
daughter. Mrs. Totten seldom glanoed
towards the audi once. Mrs. Beebe seems
to be especially interested In the women
who are in attendance each day.
The evidence introduced DT the state
up to this time is the same as that in
troduced at the Totten trial. Miss Nettie
. ..; i. v : v ..i v ' i 1 - ' r v '
f, f . 1 t;.t f'.r: !, I ' ; V 3 t .;
w il.i-hji.' Ulfn Bai!,:i v . 1. ' r (! V.a rcat-r p.-rt cf t:; il.iy Futur
d;sy, but the bUH adhered ta the tilings
that she said In her opening tejtlmony.
When analywd ft Is hard .to find where
t!.era la anything particularly damaging
to Mrs. Beebe, Bhe had called the at
teaitlon of James Sutton to the "no tres
pass" slim nd whoa he attemptrd to
cut the wires she had backed at his
fingers with an axe, which she carried
in be.r hand. That was before Mrs. Tot
ten came down towards tnem carrying a
shotgun, which she claimed' Bhe had in
her possession for the Bhootlng of chip
munks and other pests. There is noth
ing In the testimony to show that Mrs.
Beebe had threatened tne tlfo of Sutton.
Totten Case Ttrdio m Surprise. ;
The argument of the prosecution, how
ever, is that the women had conspired to
kill the first member of the Sutton fam
ily that attempted to take down the
fence. It is for that reason they urge
that the women remained out there after
they had reconstructed the fence that
was cut the night before by the Buttons,
" ' -i v : ', t t - t ' ; ! ; '
. v . : a ! ! i i i
i : vs f jr f ! i .... . M 1 t i
to w;n a cunjt:t:.,it la t..
i and woi.'.I ):nvo Iv i v
tte.l with a . t f r i
It is Co r"n" d C5 Inion t st ;
tfn deflated 1 rrxo'.t snl tt . t
. 1
in '.it-r.
T. t
hir at-
tornciy ern 1 In jt-XL.' - l: r en t: .i I.
The way the answered Qur-stlons showed
that she was vindictive and lUevt-d that
all her neighbors were tryin;j to work
hardships upon her. Never since the
shooting has she betrayed any rojrret
either by voice or manner. "When the
Jury brought in a verdict of murder in
the first degree she was apparently the
least concerned person In the court room
It was not altogether unexpected.
, - lira. Totten Unconcerned, '
In concluding, his argument for the
defense 'the day before Attorney Ira
Thomas drew a dramatic picture of what
might happen to the woman should the
Jury find her guilty of murder tn the
first degree. With the rXHI of the fin
ished pleader he drew them to the peni
tentiary at Walla Walla, wherein in a
darkened chamber was erected that
ghastly thing, a gibbet; suspended from
f i".
N )
it V. i
oner at t.a
f 1 l 1 V
f-x 1 tt O J
words he tu
l 1 r t i :
a nil wore move l.
r t v n ti v ii Z Ce j ' ' -i-iar.
1 .very eya was f.iat-j-gray
haired attorney as he
-j. A. i.h t e concl . '. . i
ned towards his client
Uueoncernuuiy ):9 e;it there winding
her watch.
fPlieclsl Ekpetch to Ttis Jnornal.)
"Eugene, Or, Nov. 28. The rainfall
in En gene during the 24 hours ending
at . 8 o'clock this morning was 126
inches. Tno river rose a foot tn two
hours this morning, standing at the
height of 10.S feet at 10 a. m., and it is
expected to rise to 13 or 14 feet by late
this afternoon. ' '
At 13 feet the banks of the river here
overflow. A portion of the southern
part of the dry is inundated 'from the
overflow Of Amazon slough, , but no
Invites Concr.nipSicn
It weakens the delicate lung tissues,
deranges tha digestive organs, and
breaks down the general health.
It often causes headache and dizzi
ness,' Impairs the tastn, smell and hear-'
bag and affects the voice.
Being a con tltutlonal disease it re
quires a constitutional, remedy. ."
IlGOtl'G Sarcapariila
Eadlcally and permanently cures.
In usual liqnir form or la chocolated
tablets known as Barsatabs. 100 dose
Urrasual Offer Which Ought to Help
' Make '. Many ' More, Musical ,
Homes at Christmas Time, -
bpreckels and Adolph Spreckels of Cali
fornia, "--,,.,-. -i- ,
The defendant-directors of the trust
are given as, Arthur Donner, George
Frarer, . Horace Hayemeyer, ' Henry
Nlese, Henry Mott. Samuel ,' Hooker,
Samuel Carr, Edwin Marston and Edwin
Atkins. . 4 i -. ,
The petition covers 217 pages, :
The action of the government, lUte
the famous "dissolution" ' suit against
the Standard Oil company and Us sub
sidiaries, "la a civil action seeking to
l.rlng about the dissolution of the big
combine. The suit follows In a general
way the same action as that which re
cently resulted in a finding against the
oil company Ja the eighth district court,
and which is now pending on appeal be
fore the supreme court of the United
States. - . -. - .
"Us cd" Xllagal Practloes. V ' - :
The government recites the history of
the sugar combination, pointing out the
various steps; by which the companies
were merged. It Is alleged that Ulo
gal . practices were used by the trust.
Tha roeUiods employed to . gain control
of opposing refineries are described as
illegal, -Ths petition of the-governmen;
s.king tnat tne trust be dissolved al
leges that underhand methods and false
pretense were resorted to. j A In the
case of the Standard Oil company, the
government alleges that companies pre
tending to bet engaged .; tn competition
were in reality controlled by the same
management and that the whole scheme'
aa. intended to get complete control of
the sugar trade, , ,
rrioe fixing was one of the objects
tern eaa make artistie Xmi
gifts from jtnx owb pto- v
tures bv usicg sax SoveUy.w.
WtMUiUugs, . let ua stow
yon. 1 . , .
ttUTO, rurrLT coicfast
A:i'6B'.s Eastman ICodaks
If it la, to bo a Piano for Christmas
we' will be glad to have yon select it
now and make settlement at any time
during December. . -r -
we wisn to oo onr snare to relieve
the dreaded 'Christmas shODDing rush.
hence this proposition.
Select your mano now. We will set
ii asiaej xor you;
store it in our su
perb new wholesale
building, deliver it
any hour of Christ
mas Kve or Cnrtst
mas uay or any
time that you
order, at Wh 1 e h
time final arrange-
'4jf ments as to pay
... men t can be made.
" - . Ours is the onlv
concern selling at lowest cash Drlces.
One price to each and all alike and
that the lowest Our liberal credit plan
for the mere additional simple Interest
makes it possible for every home tn
a credit to na
possess a good piano a durable sweet
ionea instrument tnat is
ana a ioy to tne Donaessnr.
- Whether you boy Mm cheapest piano
that is reliable and can be warranted.
aim MUCH ' wt Kll
here for 8137, or
the finest, most ex
clusive and most
costiy tnat is made,
a . Chickertng Art
you will
at Ellers
O rand
find that
Music Houso more intrinsic piano Yalns
u aiwafB. ro os oot&inea tnan else'
where. ; . .. . .
tilers MUste House also is the only
P1 In Portland where all makes of
Jalking Machines m a y be xamlned
uipaiiuuiy iuu rjy smb. fricerangu
from 319 for a dapper. little talker, to
tbe-iTU)ie That Bings
3200 and 32&0 for
'. , . and
. Ellers Mu
sic House.
Home Piano House.
KJggest, Bueieat, Best.
M ai n ' retail salesroom
8S2 Washington street,
; E ait Side. 4 Urand
f'wr.m mm . t r T--?lm i n
ii . i.
S5Q Values 025
No. 10& Made like the cut, Circassian walnut, French
bevel plate mirror, 22x27 inches; caseis 40x20 inches;
latest wooden draw pulls? worth $50. v)nly PC flfl
one to a customer, at this special sale price. 7m7UU
This store has just completed tie fnrnislrhrj of two1
' large hotels and four apartment bouses of the betetr
. class, the octfittingr of which required several carloads
of furnitore. of different kinds and styles. To obtain
lowest rates, and to fill out carloads, we purchased a
few tnorjs of each number than was actually required
" to complete the bill, and these different dressers, chairs,
stands, brass beds, etc, we will offer at special sale
wire vre.ntW less than truial for such hitrh dasa
v - goods. We show but three sty res of dressers today
from this stock. Ask to see the special sale goods.
ii Kiimn" wfff Ik I .
S60 Values 03.8
iNa 10Made like" the cut, finely figured Gr-
cassian walnut, dustproof drawers, .witi wooden
epulis; case 44x20 inches, topped with French bevel
plate, f 30x24 inches; very "classy" COO ftft
dresser, worth regularly $60; specul.JvIOvU
. v, f a : !
"." -
0G5 Values 542
No. 516 Made just like the cut, very finest quality
Circassian walnut; massive frame surrounds the Frencn 1
bevel plate mirror, 30x24 inches; case Is 44x20 inches;
wooden pulls on dustproof drawers. 1 A tfresser that
finds a place in the finest homes; X:; CA1 ((
at the special low price ... ... vtnv v
This Siyle $7.50
No. 48aMade like the cutf weathered '
, oak, .imitation leather covering in dark
green color, , - (
! . ' ' 4 : 1 ; :
' "r0 r '',":-':--;';R3S S " i -;v-':'
- vifSzss wa . --i-.--"- Jj : ' ,v p --'--'- 1'4'"
TIiIq Qfvlo f17 Thin Slvle JI19
This Style 810
No. 479 Made in solid oak, polish finish,
reversible cushions, in brown and green'
velourr . . . ' ' ' , . ' v
Tills Style 517
No. 4C2 Plain oak frames, in polished
golden finish, best grade reversible' imita
tion leather cushions. , ,
This Style 1519
No. 430 Made from best selected oak,
weathered finish, best grade Yelour cush-.
ions; rnission style, ,
'For Blle".(EevlFuSpeiIsl,'
i. ' 'f
Tley are the most popular machines
. sold in Portland today. Investigate
7 and you will not1 pay excessive sew
ing machine agents their "holdup"
- prices $G5 and $75 for machines '
that will do no better work. Only
50c a Week for, These MarJmwa.
A good, quick-baking range is
, a blessing. . Order it now and
Tve will add to the fine "Eclipse".
Steel Range a
Fity-four Piece
Dinner Set Free
Fttrnished by the . ,rEclipse"
Stove Company to all who buy
their range this month! : Prices
from ?40.C0 up.
. ? PAY m A WEEK
M ... A"! i . ...
y -
M -
67 J'RS
. 1
For a single article or
a house fall of goods,
Why live in furnished
"'rooms when your rentf
:f ture of your own?
See Us About It
Easy Terms
Fnrnish your home com
plete on our easy payment
plan. We offer the most ,
liberal credit of any, fur
nirnrehoose inj Portland.
Make a small cash pay
ment, . then pay a little
weekly or monthly.