1- COzXTcdI Gloves, Llcndn.; 25c A special sale tomorrow of Women's and Misses' Fine All-Wool Gloves that fit perfectly and look well. They come in the pop ular plain shades and fancy colors and in all sizes; regu larly 40c a pair j. ... ,;.6Jv IToacn'a 01 Do a Olda Glcvo i Gpoe'l 7 5o Another special sale of the' celebrated Kayser Doeskin Gloves. They come in all sizes, in black, gray and chamois colors. They 'wash nicely and look and wear like leather. Usnal $1.00 7C values, now on sale at , .1 JC Pattorn3 ": All Styles & Sizes ; Tho Uc2t in Valuo-ThD.Bcct in Quality -v" , .V ( V M 'W,' Ilex? Idea 0(D 50 Cents a Year Holiday Specials in V7ci3ca'aIIccI:Tirc:ii 1 An extra special offering of hundreds and hundred! cf Beautiful Neckpieces. A full showing of the season's mot,t desired novelties. All 20c Tabs and Dutch Collars Special at, each . ....... lO AH 25c Tabs neatly finished Special at,. each 35c to 50c Neckwear, all styles and colors Special ...... .23 75c to $1.00 Neckwear, priced at, each ........ ............ 50 All $1.25 values Special at, each 75 All $1.35 values Special at, each .....80- All $1.50 values Special at, each '. .OS0 T7o Aro Beady Earlier Than Usual With Bigger, Brcador Stocks ? Yonr Every Want Has Been Anticipated, at This Popular Storo ! lien's Honso Coats--- Now Specially Priced We are" ready, are you? Special .values , in men's House Coats. This is a most opportune time to buy before the great rush is oh. We'll enjoy showing you . tliis entirely new line or coats, for . we,, have ;the best patterns and the best val- ues at the lowest price, f 5.00, 7 $6.00, 8 7.00 and . . .. .. . $ I dll lion's Bath Robes Now Specially Priced Ask to see our nice line of- men's Bath Robes, for it's the best sale' that ever started aXmas season. By going into the market months ago and securing first choice 'of'- fine materials at a: considerable price-saving, we are ready to offer these Ba,th Robes at 57, C fl special prices. Your chpice at 84.50, 8S.50, $6.50 and J JU liens fcmspendera t(An; .;' A large assortment; of s'President , Suspenders, made ; of "excellent ; quaiity elastic and each pair put up in a fancy holiday box. They i are shown in a large range of pretty patterns and are CO-, priced for this sale,. per pair DUC SpeciaUy Priced at OUC A special offering of the celebrated , Bradley Mufflers,' shown in . all colors and sizes from 12 to 17. Pick out your, mufflers now f for Xmiw gifts while the assortment is so, good. Your C0" choice, each . J .............. i ,........;...OvC 3k;opp Ate 7 v k a . . " !. i Every departrhent is" busy now and growing more so every day which means that our untiring efforts to iill, the store with tho BfiST -in Christmas mefchan dise are appreciated by our store friends throughout the city and vicinity. May we of fer a very important suggestion for your benefit as well as ours? . Don't jPelay Ybiip Smas Shopping ! -There are many-reasons why itis to your advantage to come and make your, selections from our stocks at once. Perhaps the most important is while we hayeJtfQwdedeverypart-of-our-build - 'YM cnoicesx musx necessaruy, go.io mosc wno cume.iirsi. jb i CrMV unt yu av decided upop what you are fo 1 2 V here inspire by the great sight of the great 'snowing i i v of acceptable articles. Women'Felt Juliet! r -r !-' -ii ' i ' ' ' . i. i'i i ml i i '. j '. iji i " - 1 ' ' i ' .i i" i ' ii hi ijn n ii Big Special In Boys Fine, High-Cnt Shoes Two special bargain . purchases bring to you exceptional values. We call yonr eirticular attention to our offering of oya High Cat Shoes. They are made of the best of leathers and are solid all through, and the price savings are well worth considering. Boys' High Cnt Shoes, in all sizes from j WY to uy, just the kind the boys want 12-inch top. with buckle A( $2.50 values, at pl.U Women's New Style Shoes, in all leath ers, all sizes and widths, in light and heavy weight; best $2.50 val- j P . "7A , aes, priced at ....... ;...;;... 11 9 Women's Felt Juliets in all styles and colors, neatly fur trimmed; all siaes in each color. Best $1.50 grade, at ...... 99c; . Men's House Slippers in all styles, in tan andblacjLjCo!orsQQ nd-4rrtlr-siresrrBest $1.50 values, pncecTat : . . . . VvC ' Women's Carpel' Cravenette and Velvet Slippers in all; sizes A Q and good styesX Best 75c values, priced atSi.?..i ,i ,.;,..riI'W M en's Carpet, Cravenette Velvet and Embroidered Slipper s," i Q -in all sizes. Regular $1.00 values, priced t l.,l...i.t...i..vtl -xjyxririjAjnjijj'ijij'Lrij'ixririjirryiri'i"i"i""i'Li-i"ii'i'i''r - i"""---r""'"' 'iirmvi ; a box, any ..wanted initial t?A 75c box Handkerchiefs, 6 in Special, per .box 75c' box Handkerchiefs,-' 3 in af, box,, different patterns J of CH Swiss Special this sale .t 4 .UUC $1.40 "box. Handkerchiefs, 6kJa. a box; sell "regular at 25c AOJ each or $1.40 a box Special ,.'....,..,..'.10C $L35 box IrTandkerchiefs, 4 in a box; sell regularly at 35c ' Q'q each or $1.35 a box-special J,l.J...'. vOC $175 box Handkerchiefs; come 6 in a box. -A beautiful 01 Olf Xmas gift Special, per box iltCD Six Elaborately.' Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs,: shown in " a beautifully hand-painted Japanese basket and sold regu- 'tf CA t special;. .V.;. Mi........... 1UU ' larly at $225 per basket-Specia ' t',.;, V..,;''1'',''', ' ' J,;.,'V.'f,f.- Holiday Scarf 8 for 98c i A; showing of beautiful ..new Scarfs purchased especially for' the ' holiday trade. They1 come full 72x36 antf 72x27 mchesj and are i -6hown inplaiff or fapey floral effects, with neatly hemstitched bor- ; der. - Regular values $1.75 each. Specially priced for . this mm w m TA CkAUS N gOEADQUAflERS In Onr Basement Toy Dept. Are Theae Special Inducements A Small Deposit Will Hold Yonr 50c Red Chairs ,S1 ...30 $135 Kid Body DoPs;VV:.89 50c 'Mission Chairs 1 t ... . 39 35c Dressed Dolls l..25f $1.25 Dressed" Dolls . : . . . . 89 33c Target Pistols .. v. ...... ,25f 50c Wheelbarrows ........ . ,35 $1.25 Baby Bumps -Doll. f 1.00 75c Toy Trains .v... SO KID BODY DOLLS," $1.50 VAL? UES, 89 Extra A sale of !'500 fine Kid Dody Dolls," full. 20 inches' long," with J natural hair,- parted -wig, moving eyes and shoes and stock- ings. cest v ijw wum priced at DRESSED DOLtS, $li5 VAL- . UES 89 Extra A . splendid ' assortment of 'Dressed Dolls. -Tbey come full 18 inches long, with mov ing eyes and real eyelashes, large picture hats, bean-, OQ tiful dresses; $1.25 vals. . 09C LARGE POLDINQ GO-CARTS ' fa.98 Extra Abont 100 5o-Carts, one motion .folding ildnd,- made -with steel, frame, metal wheels with rubber tires, leather hood and side curtains. Best $4 ) AO values, at . . . .' QLVO Pomestics This section is constantly striving to offer you the most sat isfactory merchandise at. satisfactory prices. That we have succeed ed in doing so is made evident by the constantly increasing crowds who throng this section daily.. Just now we are offering the most unusual values in table covers and couch covers, v -. 1 - ' Tho Couch Covers .". Oriental Striped Tapestry Couch Covers, 42 inches wide and OA 3 yards longr fringed all around this sale only at ....... ;,..Vut Oriental Striped Tapestry Couch Covers, 60 inches wide 1 and 3 yds. long,, finished with knotted fringe -on sale at 4 1;75 Negus Tapestry and Brocaded Rep Conch Covers, 60 inches wide ' Vards lonsr, shown in oriental s T - d extra heavy and great values, at and 3 rards long, shown in oriental stripes and colorings;- aeavv ana ktcsi vaiucs. ai ..... r. .. ,.... Nemis'and 'Brocaded Tapestry Couch Covers, 60 inches wide and 3 "j Jards long new colorings aruj.jiesignainfrmgei-andTn PA emmed styles Special values at , . i . . . . . . . i . . . . .Ayll. Kashgar'and Brocaded Tapestry Couch Covers, extra heavy, full 60 inches wide and 3 vards. long; pretty designs and col- ?0 7C orings. They come' (ringed or hemmed, at ...... .i... I O : Tho Table Covers Tapestry. Table Covers, full eight-quarter; -size, made reversible and shown in pretty color combinations finished with fr PA knotted fringe great values at v. . . . .... . . ........ , . , . liuv Kashgar and Ottoman (Tapestry Table Covers, full eight-quarter size, shown in new designs and rich colorings finished tfO C A ' with knotted fringe this sale only at , ..LtOX) Tapestry Stand Covers, $ull one yard square made reversible, fringed and shown in a large variety of new designs ' ( AT 35 ; . AT 45 , . AT 75 AT 85 , . fi" u " ' ' i 3 wSt ' Tailored ; Suits Women's and' Misses' TailcVed Suits, unexcelled at the popular prices' quoted. .The most desirable new winter stylesare represented, and each garment is tailored with the utmost care. Medium- atidj three-quarter, semi-fitting tailored coats, with collar of same cloth'',, velvet or, moire skirts," in new pleated and gored styles. Shown in the: following popular dress fabrics, storm and wide wale serge, in plain colors Vandvcheviot and ' CIO Cft 99 K(i tweed suitings, stylish mixtures f litDlf $1 f OVj Twelve-Filty Goats . " Women's stylish Winter Coats of good quality broadcloth or serge suit-- ing, 'in plain colors, and tw'eed and cheviot coatings, in stylish tan and gray mixture.- They are made in several very attractive new winter mod--els with storm or notch collar)f same cloth or velvet; $17.50 CIO Cfl coat values Special at .)lflUmOJ Silk Petticoats Greatly Reduced . Petticoats of ft food quality Well wearing taffeta, in a dozen dark and light colors. Made with a' deep circular, sectional, corded flounce. Another with two rows of shirring and corded ruffle underflounce with dust - CO CA ruffle; $5.50 values Monday' special .. ; .... i . . . ; .. U Women's Bath Bobes Fine" quality German -Velour . Bath Robes in beautiful navy, dark .red, co- nenhacren. h'ffht blue "and trrav floral desitms. Thev are made in several pretty styles, with collar xr:)utch neckmedium and full length' sleeves,; belt cord and edges bound with satin to match. 0 QA J Cfl Values up to $6.00-SpecUl at O.UU alia i1.0U . -; , . Children's Cloth Capes r Children's Capes of a good quality kersey or broadcloth, in black, navy,' Copenhagen and red.- 1 hey. are made with arm' sups and military collar, "Flnrm-lna trimmed with. braid or witft plaid lined hood unlmed or lined throughout with a. MarWvanH white' rhffk (ir ttd flannel 2 Cl TPjL dP r"A Bier In ThlS JJent- lininr. Sites 6 to 14 vrs. Mondav- snd 'Tuesday pLiJuvutan-r jiJijxAftAri.rijijijijij'ijTrrijT'iri"ii-i-ii- - -- ---------------------"-"-------- - --- 'Priced Ivom 25o to V A fine assortment of dainty Xmas Aprons, Ihowrr in nuahtvrflawn - batiste, fancy dimities, dolled eries. Sees and ribbons.. . Well made and nea see this' full line of Aprons now ..while assortments all styles, shapes, and' sizes, made of ' fine and plain owtss with dainty trimmings ,ot line embroid- E, dainty and useful Christmas gifts. , Ask. to CO HA are complete. Priced from 25c up to ..VMtvv Herb Aro Two Good Spooiala in Outing Flannel Wear Flannel Gowns, Now at 01.09 See Morrison Window for. Display A veryt fine offering of Flannel Skirts, made of ' exta heavy grade teazjle' down or dai9ycloth," iv solid colors-i-pink, blue, white and cream, or ntat stripes. All made very - full 'With deep flounce, finished with hemstitched or scalloped edge.' Rjeg- Ulax-ZScyaluessneaaUy- priced for-thi- sale ....... These Gowns are made of extra heavy - quality outing liannei,'in ;piain wnue or neai pm nu blue stripes, . All are made very full and double voke back and front Neatly trimmed and well finished garments that sefl regularly, atCf Aft "$1.50 eaeh.rSpeclalV priced lor ihis sale yIV Flannel Skirts, , Now at 50c i-for-thi-" Women's .Italian Silk JflL In Black and the Best " Colors,' Beg, 82 Valus SliOOaPair A very r important sale of Women's High-Grade Iulian Silk Hose, the kindj'guaranteed not to drop stitch. I They are made with double heel, sole " and pe and are strictly ; all silk. Shown in black and the -popular ? shades of blue, pink; red, gray, brown, , tan, old rose, lavender, reseda, navy, Copenhagen, charh pagne, etc etc.; most excellent stockings for gift pur poses. The only reason why we can sell these stockings at such ft 1 low pr.ice is because we purchased . them ' from an , overstocked manufacturer at ...HALF, PRICE -h,N0TE .WTfeserve the right not to sell to dealers, to take phone. ; orders,; or send C..O. D. None can ,be exchanged. .Each sale must be; final - at this low price. . Women's Wool Hose, black with gray heel and toe and double heel, CA sole and toe; 65c values, at ...wUC Children's Fleeced Hose in ; fine rib,( ' guarantee'd fast black; all sizes; ,1 best; 25c. values, at auC . Women's" Union SultsMn form-fitting ' styles; all sizes in white, fleece, CQ- :1med;v75c values, at ........l.if' Women's Vests and Pants in all sizes -whrtewoot"garments:T "Best OA $1.25 values, on sale at ...... ;WC annrririnaivu'uiAfavuviuuTJLru ijuarinnrrn'i 11" ..........-..-................. ...... Fancy, Ribbons f qe the Holiday gSSS5L . . . Exquisite Plain and Fancy Ribbons on sale Monday and TueSdav. The best ribbon values of the year are yours if you come to this sale. ' You will find beautiful fancies in Per sians, Dresdens and pompadour effects. Then there are plain taffetas in wide widths. , Many of the fancy ribbons are from S to 6 inches wide. As to colors, it's the best assort- -' merit you have seen on special sale in this house for a year. . ... Make your selection from these special lots: Regular 35c - Persian Ribbons Special ............ i . . .25 Regular 45c Persian Ribbons Special ............... .350 ; Regular 50c Persian ' Ribbons--Special ....39 Retmlar 50c Satin Taffeta Ribbcms Soecial .250 I Regular 15c quality Wash Ribbon, per bolt .....100 l Regular 20c quality Wash Ribbon, per bolt ......... ,il0 Regular 25c quality Wash Ribbon, per bolt . .......... .200 1 .Kegular.4Ue quality wash KibDon, pec Doit -Regular 50c quality Wash Ribbon, per bolt 380 Xmas Handkerc'f s Thousands and thousands of Xmas -Handkerchiefs for women and children. Assortments in every line are now complete.' The variety of styles are so extensive that we can suit every taste,: This is the greatest lot of Holiday Handkerchiefs ever shown In Portland. . Regular 8c and 10c HandkerchiefsSpecial, each.. 80 Regular 15c and 18c Handkerchiefs Special, each 100 " Regular 25c Handkerchief s Special, each . 150 Regular 35c Handkerchiefs Special, each .180 Regular .35c and 40c HandkerchiefsSpecta each 250 Regular 50c Handkerchiefs Special, each ....... 1.350 Regular 75c to $1.00 Handkerchiefs Special, each 480 9 rT'. SV .Ol 1 ft I Elegant Silks Holidays Such is our confidence in the values, we are prepared to give in our Popular iVr k a ux oecuon inai we ciaun you uo an injustice to mc pvwer vi yvur muucjr u yuu t buy without seeing our stoc find here, and prices need superiority of our values. New: Poplin Silks, 50c a Yard An exceptionally Attractive , showing of New ' Poplin f Silks in . self-colored, "jacquard .designs;, neat small : patterns in any wanted color beat tifulj new silks shown- tomorrow for the first time, suitable for ' scarfs, . bags, alt waists, fancy work, etc., Unmatchable values at this, low price. fSSSS Silks at81and S125 Yd. . Full widths, beautiful new Brocaded and Jac- ?uard Silks, in Swiss .Taf fetas,v.Messalines and atins shown in , a choice assortment of new designs white ground, 'with '.hand-twisted floral attcnu.LffilerwxtteiWirith-iac , cialry suitable for evening wear and fancy work. A showing that must be seen to be appreciated. ck. There is no good style, land or color that you cannot v j ( . only be compared with the lowest elsewhere to prove the? S-. , Pompadour Hessalincs, 7 5 o Yd. -22-inch Fancy Pompadour Messaline.. Silks-, beautiful, lustrous silks in white' ground, with neat floral' over, designs in rich colorings suit able for scarfs, bags,: waists, auto veils.; fancy work, etc. . ' An unusually attractive silk at a very ;lowprice. ; ,",,.;:',, - - ' New Persian Silica; 56c,75o,Si ! , -; The -most popular-- new Silks f for . waists, scarfs, fancy work,' etc A splendid showing in striped patterns at fifty cents a yard pretty all over patterns at seventy-five cents a-yard, and a tnoterassortmeTtt itr anoe r ana ucquara wu.i, at one dollar a yard. Unihatchable values at these prices. uwwwiM)UWAWVWwwmWiiiVVVVVi' ir r -i-i-rr----- --i-i'i-rrrrrri-r1- i !-. 11 rLnJVWrlrlnlArlrrlrrlrlllll-lll-l-ll-r.lrtrlll - i--- iif - --- - - .-i-wt.n.iiw.'