i j 'J) t mm 1IPMT hL--.ll mill Member of Reichstag Says His' Majesty Makes Nation Ri diculous Before World v Charges Promises Broken. (United PrtMM t.rnmte Wtra.l Berlin, Nov. 26.The divine right" idea of Kaiser William was bitterly at tacked In the rfclchs tag today by Herr : Ledcbour, a- Socialist member. The . kaiser's recent speech glorifying his an cestors and upholding the claim of di vine right ; Irritated the ' people, Lede- I ' bour said, and held the German nation up to ridicule before the eyes of the Nouonly did .the Socialist leader de cry trie kaiser's speech, but. he 'accused the emperor of bad faith, .saying that promises solemnly given in the name of the throne bad been forgotten and' left unfolf llled. He suggested .that the Ger ? man people, would like to have Wilhelm carry out these fro ml sea and then keep silent In the future. - The speech created a profound sensa tion. : , - ' , . , v ., i. . "What measures did the chancellor . take to keep the pledges that be made to - the reichstag?" , Ledebour. demanded. "The promises were given ..solemnly in the name of the emperor, and they were rothlessly violated by the emperor at ' Koenlgsburg an other places. Must the Gorman people believe that the promisee made from, the throne are not Intended to be kept? Jf this Is the case, then the time -has come when .legislation . must be enacted preventing the ruling monarch from making public utterances reflecting upon the people, The nation - expect the emperor to maintain the pledges of 1909, and to assume the atti tude of public reserve thereafter. "Recent speeches glorifying the em peror ancestors and upholding the : claim of divine right were in the worst ; possible taste and have irritated ' the people. It has tended to hold the Ger man nation up to the ridicule of the , world." . . SINKING OF SHIP " 1 (Continued From Page Orte.) " v rt v. umiu Vila BU(1CK of the whittle,- which sounded like a wail of despair. -r. f:; r; -t . "Instead of disappearing beneath 'the waves, as--we expected, the big hull turned., over As though , on a pivot and the .stern fall back again into wiiat seemed to be the same epot from which , Jt rose in the air.- Before It reached the water It appeared as though the after , deck and the cargo fell out, leaving but .. tha flmntv akrL Aa law Km- k . . . - ...... y ...L i , uvif - torn up, her propeller still continued to . revolve as it was doing when she wa abandoned, . i -. . , . ' From ' that time until' she sank a few minutes later, sayn Mr. Wilson, they torild, hear a sound from the .sinlrtn craft as of air being forced out throngh her Beams. . :,- , A great amount of credit is given by t Mr. Wilson to Captain Kidston and hhi offlrs for heir coolness during- the period of intense excitement , that fol lowed the collision and he said It was undoubtedly due to thera that the pas sengers were not thrown into a panic ; As it was, he declares,-' only a .few of the women were hysterical for a few moments but were quickly calmed. Somo of tile second class passengers for. ward, where the shock was the great est, donned life preservers, but were booh convinced that, they were not nec- .vooAAjrv ,w vuiuiiiuuus N iciw manner in which the lifeboats were cleared away to pick up the crew of the Selja. v Officers of the tramp say, he states, that one of the Chinese sailors who was lost was not seen after th rnlltslnn nrwl it is supposed that he was killed at that - time, while the other apparently dis , obeyed orders and was lost while . the rescue was being made. . . . , -" Mr, Wilson has been a clerk in the lighthouse department at San Francisco, ; but he was recently transferred to thla ' district and was on his way up here when the collision occurred. 1' HILL IS BELIEVED (Continued From Pagll One.) to teach Oregon In: time for "the two big scheduled events . in which he la vitally Interested in many ways, t ' Mr. Chapman received a telegram this morning from F.- E. Morrison, the noted speaker on community advertising, stat ing that he will be on deck when the convention of the Oregon -Development League opena at Saiem next Monday, Mr. Morrison comes allthe way from New York to deliver his instructive talk.? He wired from Salt Lake, saving ne wouia ne--nere tomorrow. - Howard Kiliott, president 'of ; the Northern- -pacific, ill , reach. Portland this evening ii company with A, D. Charlton, general 'passenger agent this city, who 1 for Seattle last night to meet Mr. Elliott and accompany him back to the ' city. President EWotfs address before the convention is looked forward to with fhe deepesli of interest. , Harry Thompson, -expert of the office of farm management, United States de partment of agriculture, will deliver an instructive talk on the char-pit method of burning stumps, a subject of tremens doue Interest iA, alt parts of the state, but esitpdally western , Oregon, it Is ' held that bv thtk 1mnmvnl m.ttiAi ln . vt v.u, imciuuu. JUB, no natter how large, can be .removed at what is an Insigtflcant cost as compared ;wltb the expense of blasting them out 'of the ground, . j The convention will be ' In session three days, beginning Monday morning, f and the program Is the most interesting ever arranged for; Buch an occasion. TW.m.a11m ... . ....... .. . . iii;uwuij . every community in the sta te will be represented by several del egates. " :" ' r 1 , ' Notarial Coironi.ision. i: " (Salem Bumiia of Ttre Jmirnnl.) Salem, Or.. Nov. 26. Notarial com missions have been iamiea to Ira B. Rid dle. JRoseburg; B. W. Mason, Klamath Falls'; Edna Blrtech, John A, Collier, A. IS. Poulsen and' Cnarles C Duncan, Portland; H. J. JUingley, Hermistonj Paul W.. Child era, The ' Dalles; W. J. Bishop, McMlnnvllle; IL L. Wilson, In land; D. R. 'McKenzle. SummervUle, and Charles K. Henry, Portland. mm nn: poucTHorxras' compajtt lo Best for rmr: 0 Lift span of the new Madlsotf Street Bridge resting oh three barges and r ; ing place. ine Bpan.wlu be Bwung Into place soma tune 110 LIVES LOST III , ' GLACIAL FLOOD Searchers Fail to Find Evi dence of Fatalities in. Bering . - River Phenomenon. 1 '(ttrited PKtas M Wire ? - Cordova. Alaska, Nov.' 2 6. Fears -of ft os Of life In the glacial flood which swept down the Bering river yesterday were allayed ; today when further re ports were received from Katalla say ing that searching parties had failed to find anything to Indicate that fatali ties had resulted 'from the phenomenon. The water subsided with great rapidity and .today the Bering river assumed Its normal condition. That greater dam age was not done by the rush of water and Icebergs Is attributed to the mild ness of the : weather.4 The v. river was not frozen over.: to a great dentiu and consequently the - water flowed freely, preventing Jama with , the serious , re sults that would have followed.. , . LIVES OF EIGHTEEN ' PERSONS 10ST IN ,"" FIRE, .NEWARK, N. J. - (Contftmed from Pare OnO' " f from the upper windows were killed as they crashed to the pavement. Borne of the firemen, who .were tug ging to bold the lite nets in position were struck by the falling bodies and were injured. , Most of the employes In, the buildmg were-gins, ana at least eight or the is known dead are girls. - It Is be lieved that many, girls whose bodies have not been recovered perished in the fire. ; . ' t , . Although' the. fight 'was apparently hopeless, the firemen worked heroic ally to save the victims. They fought mm other to be - first to . enter the building, and many of them Were dragged insensible from the JlIv.' door way ny tneir comrades.'' ' - The firemen . endeavored again and again to force their way Into the build' ing through the main entrance. . A few persons wre rescued In this way but the terrific beat was too much for them to face, and they were finally forced to. retreat ' ' . , The bodies of the victims were nil ed on High street. In front of Uie build,- Ki buu. irawj ot uie injurea lay on the sidewalk while the flrenjen worked Survivors of, the fire assert . that It yWh caused by the explosion of a gaso line lamp on the third floor. Tbe po lice theory is that it started on the top floor, occupied by "Wolfe Bros., man- maciurera or underwear. ' ' Many of . the employes, among them 15 girls, jumped from the fourth 'story windows. Twenty-four . person) were Injured In Jumping, two f thein Jylng on the -way to the hospitals. . . uv A score of persons are missing and It is believed their bodies He in. the ruins. - t No fireman was anverely hurt,'though number of. them had narrow escapea. A tfew bodies have been 'recovered from the ruins,, blackened anfl charred beyond the possibility of identificatioa Mon or tne dead are. girls and women. rne Duiiding occupied by the box company -was vetvold.fbV'poItc and firemen say; the fire escapes were of an oDsotete pattern. The stairway In side waa winding and trie structure was built of highly inflammable? material. --..Twenty minutes after the fit broke out me wnoe d tiding was in mine. . The oonflagraflon started on the ton floor, accordlnr to the notice.' - The upper floor waa occupied by the Wolfe company, underwear manufactur ers, -live remainder of the building was ocmpiea Dy tne paper box factory. - FlrefWh believe that manyt of ' the oooies or tnose killed were- consumed. .The building was located in the heart of the manufacturing and shopping dls- vruv. r MORRISON. STREET (Continued From Page One.) water front, in an asseMurutnt rtintrt lor opening tne street a mile away was iiui uiiptuy paBea on.. The city oon tenas. tnis matter should hnva va taken before the city council In- th .....i i . r . " The city's case waa hanAieA h Atpuiy i,ny Attorney ijatousette and former Judge Earl C. Bronaugh,' the latter stiposrtng as sneclnl mniii t. plaintiff wns represented by A. B. Clark and Ben C Dey. , , . , The automobile lndustrv nmv . HveUhood for 1,000,000 persona. Home Ofiicet ... ..cossjmr Btnunrq, -Z Cor. iifth and Morrlton Bts. , rOEIUHD OBEdOjr. A. U MTTjTjS "..President L. SAMUEL.. General Mhiuim CLARKNCE 8. SAMUEL, Asst. Mgr. . a 'i in ' Orec'onian I . "! I t 1 feUl Brazilian Sailors, Seeing Man , uel .So Easily. Dethroned, . ' Essayed tike Coup Gov ernment Explains. , 1 ' fCotted Pnm Lened Wlti. - --.. Mtlo ' Janeiro, Nov. 26. Braill's run away' warships reappeared im Rio Ja neiro harbor today, and negotiations for, their - surrender: to the government by the mutinous saflota on board were re sumed. An emissary of the government, sen to arrange fur the surrender, 7 waa courteously' received: on board the nw tineers' flagship, which flew a red ban ner frpni Its mainmast; t '.V - Indignant rpreas1 on n which followed the announcement' that ; the adnata and chamber Of deputies- had extended i the olive ; branch to the rebellious sailors and had guaranteed them Immunity from punishment if . they would surrender their ships, -.were met today witlx ex planations from high Officials, who said the government distrusted the army and bad no other way 'out of the diffi. It is believed kere that the success of the Portuguese rebellion1 was directly OTjwusiDja iot me ouxoreak here; The battleship Sao Paulo waa in, Lisbon har- oot at tne time of the Portuguese up rising, ana uie eas with which the rurtugueae revolutionists overthrew the monarchy! it is believed, turned the Bail ors' .heads. Arriving at lo- Janiero, they learned that the soldiers thought the sailors were poorly treated, and the uiuiiiiy was tne result, ' Health, Officers 'Attribute the Spread of Disease to This . - '"'Custom. !" Wlth -the number of Yases of diph theria in the CltV fewer than t,... been for months, the rfenth vat that disease is higher than it has been 4r jars. vui or 21 cases reported dur ing te present month. flv ieth ho. resulted, maktnar th-mnrhiiit wi. u w- w UMttlJ uunng rovemoe.r last year wc.roi cases or mpntherla re ported and no deaths from the infection. '.The disease has not confined .itself iu Mm uno sociion oi xon city although the largest number of cases have been noted in the northern end, on the west Bide. t i . , , , . - The custom of kissing th aa v, been a prollflo cause of the spread of mo contagion tnrougn tne Italian col ony beyond Woodlawn and ketmon tt. suburb and Vancouver. - Tn Uie. Wood, nrwn district two deaths in one familv were caueed by diphtheria'. Prom these cases fiver new ' ones outside the city Ilmlta were contracted von accountof vno unsanitary corpse kissing habit in vogue among the Italians. .'-r. ', ' City Ilealth Officer Wheeler ' at tributes the largn 'nuriher nf Heoth. this month to the fact that' physicians were not called In until the disease had reached the virulent stage where' antl- ioxjn treatment wni not prevail.' The deaths , have been amoncr thhiMi.n principally. Dr. Wheeler believes that parents, not realising the nature of the disease, or not recognlzina its nrm!u from the symptoms, are responsible for mo warming death record. He urges that parents notify th health nffiee promptly - when they notice symptoms of any disease with which they are un familiar. ' , SAYS HUSBAND NAGGED : AND CALLED HER NAMES Charging, she has ifor a, lnno- ttm been nagged and called names by. John h. Power, suit for divorce" has been started h the circuit court hv Jinan ut C. Power on the ground of cruelty.- She asks for, custody of their little gtrt, I years of age, $75 per -month alimony and , U60 nuit money. She muM PowinH-VaveiWasrcr-tn-e,f John Szymozak Is suing Marie Szv- mozak for divorce because she would not leave jt'oiand and come to this coun try to live with him. 'H mv tM. t. his home forever,' but Marie refuses td Join him. He married her in Warsaw Im lone . . . . . in iiiu buu lauio w America tour years Utr - - -- i LISBON AFFAIR FOUNDATION FOR ! MUTIHV AT RID KISSING THE DEAD CAUSES DIPHTHERIA tc: y -waiting to b& towed to its final rest- tomorrow afternoon' '' . Two - Companies Sue Because Sustained Loss in Fire on v Steamer, Falcon. -.'. " Two libels were filed In the TJnrtad States district court today against the steamship Falcon of the American-Hawaiian steamship . company Jo secure good shipped from New York to Port land on the Falcon, and presumably damaged by fire and water when that vessel put Into the Columbia river wltn her cargo afire aotie weeks' ago. . Tbe-libelers . are 'the Portland Photo Supply companylrT and-rthe 5 Burgan Springar 1 Hati company. ' (,.. The former claims it had fle cases of photograph mats and five bales of oorrugated papr in the Cargo, ; While : tb hat eompany claims to have had eight eases of hata Th' photo supply company alleges $3.20 to be a reasonable freight charge for its material and the hat company fixes S10.6Q as the sum it owes for freight, Both concerns claim, however, that' their rebates for damages to shipments will amount to far more than the freight charges dys. ' The Falcon left New York for Port land, September 24. rounded the Horn and pet into the Columbia river No-yi ember 11, with her cargo on fire, The fire was finally smothered with steam. The -photo supply , company claims the steam and water damaged its shipment ti9 ana toe nata are alleged to. have suffered $100 damage. ' 4 It ia claimed by both llbelera that the steamship .company holds their ship meats and refuses to deliver them ow ing to a disagreement over the amount of damage sustained by the goods thus Shipped,,. l' v-f.:;;,, :- CHIROPRACTOR ANSWERS SMITH'S DENUNCIATION 'Dr. Alen Welch Sm'itb, president of the Oregon Medical association nnir wiui-b me organization last night on "Quacka." He condemned all the so canea drugies methods of heaiinir. lumping tngetner as a menace, chiro practors, spiritual healers, magnetic a, uu uium wo wiaely aaver tise their ability by special methods, to cure obscure diseases. . . .. .v. . Dr. Smith declared that H nlne-nti of me people patronise what he termed the 1 Jnuack healers" because they do Lnotvknow any better.. They are easily Fdehided. . ha AefAnrA i . . fiymucB , Ui rolck cure and email pay. Me ad vised the enactment of rigid laws gov Biiuug sucn practice, ana recommended the submission of such laws to the legislature at its next session. - "The president of the Oregon Medi cal association, declares, war on all sys tems of aiding the sick but his own." said ' Dr. . W, O. Powell, chlropractio pmcuuoner ana president of the Port land chiropractic college today hr an swer to Dr.. Alan Welch Smith's state ments last night "He said thAt n but ; members of the , medical associa tion were 'quacks,' and that nine-tenths of the. people were patronizing them. He said that the only way the neori could be won back from . patronizing drugless doctors, was by the pasaints ot laws compelling these doctors to dis continue practice. Pub! to opinion, he declared, Would , change all of this if caned upon. If this la true instead of going before the - legislature and tmr. suing the methods that tbey have in the . past why. do . they t not, submit -by intiaUve these bUls directly to the peo ple for their approval? , t "WhUe lif Portland there-, are more drugless healers than anv oihw ei of its size ra the United states, the city also enjoys the reputation of hav ing tne lowest death record is the Uni ted States.; ThisL certainly. show that drugless healers are not injurious to the neaun ou tne community." ' - What 'ls cialmed to be the larraat telephone exchange in the. world memt. ly was completed at Hamburg, plac ing five others it has as.OOO connnntinno with a,' total capacity of 80,00. I DRIVES A BAD COLD DAMAGED GOODS BASIS OFLAWSUIT FROH YOUR SYSTEH IH A FEIV HOURS. roves Quinine Ineffective and 'Tells How to, Break Up -. My Cold. , '.-,,..,..-)..,;.. -, ;:''A. way to cure the Orlnne or break i mw cold, either in the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. Is a dose of Pape's Cold Compound every , two hours until three consocuUve doses are taken.- : You will ilistinctly feel the cMd brraking and all grippe symptoms going after the vrry first dose It promtly rollcyes. the mt mlKorable neuralgia uhftl! Oil 11 AT SLAYEfl'S BED Hassing Will Be Formally Charged With Wife's Mur der if He Survives. If JIViUlam Hassing lives until Mon day morning, an Inquest 'will be, held by the. coroner over Jthe' dead body - of his (Wife. He will then be formally ac cused of murdering her at the corner of Fourteenth and Columbia streets at 9:30 o'clock .Thursday, night That Has hing Is not seriously , wounded by ? the hots he 'fired lnto his,' own head at the time he killed his wife, and that he will be removed frem St., Vincent's hospital to the county jail next Mon-. day, . were announrements- made today. At the. hospital he .is being constantly guarded by an officer.. V '.'-i , ' : Municipal judge Tazwell said .this morning that he had decided not to call Bllo Hedman,' brother of..' the dead wo- mnn, to account for statements he wa reported to have made concerning his Intention to be revenged upon Hassing1 If he recovered. ' -'-,; ' ; rf "Whatever -Hedman said was stated under the Influence of grief and great excitement,".; said Judge Taswell. "It is very natural that be should feel ex ceedingly worked J tin over the matter. If I were In his place I think I should also 7 feel very intense ' bitterness, to ward the slayer of my sister. When it was first reported' to me' that Hed man had made threats I had a thought to call him .In and make him give an account I do not ' think now that I shalkv 4f Hassing lives he will cer tainly be punished by the courts,,; as Hedmah apparently wishes. His pun ishment, will undoubtedly be of such serious nature that If he lives he will be sorry his attempt at self-destruction was mot successful." ' The coroner had intended to hold the inquest over the body of Mrs.' Hassing at vlO o'clock this morning. 1 It . was then decided . to - postpone the hearing until- it-was certain whether Hassing would live or die. - x William Hassing fired twice at his fliig. Dr. Roy C McDanieU first to at tend her, filed a; certificate with the coroner f this morning certifying that but1 one of the shots was responsible for her death. This was the shot that entered Just under her left ear and ranged through her brain, " The 'other shot which 'entered ' her left cheek, won Id not have been serious. ' , i ,H ; " , .v- Alfonso's Throat Gives Xronbia": ; TJHtd fess JiMtetl Wire.) ' Bordeaux, France, , , Nov. 26.-That King Alfonso of Spain may have to un dergo ; a : serious operation on his throat Household Economy How . to , Have . the Best Cough Syrup and Save $2,, by Making- It at Home, COugh medicines, as a rule, contain a large quantity of plain syrup. If you take one pint of granulated sugar, add Vt pint of warm water, and stir about I minutes, you have as good syrup as money. 'Could buy.. ....,;?.,,....,-,:, If you will then put 2 ounces of Pinex fifty cents' worth) In a pint bottle, and fill it up, with the Sugar Syrup, you will have as much cough syrup as you could buy ready-made 'for $150. It keeps perfecUy .. . And you will find it the best cough syrup you ever. used even in whooping cough. You can feel It take hold Usually stops the most severe oough in 24 hours. It is lust laxative enoueh. .has a good tonio effect and taste is pleasant.- Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. -, .-,1 -- It is a. splendid remedy,, too, for hoarseness, asthma, chest pains, etc V Pinex. is the most valuable concen trated compound of Norway white pine extract, rich In gulaicol and all the healing pine elements. No other prepa ration will work in tils formula. ; This recipe for making eough rem edy with Pinex and Sugar Syrup is now used and prized in thousands of homes In the United States and Canada. The plan has of tea been imitated but never successfully. Some of the best known Portland druggists, such as Lane-Davis Drag Co. distributors) and others, think so well of fh fihnv rnelno that lh,. guarantee it to give satisfaction or re fund the purchase price, t Baker FRANK C. RIGGS : , '; cosxxxj. soao, -. Twenty-Third and Washington St. OR THE GRIPPE 7 patnSi headache, v ., dullness, , bead and nose stuffed upvfeverlshness, sneezing, sore' throat, running of the1 nose, sore ness, stiffness and rbeumatlo aching. ? Take (his harmless Compound aa di rected, wtth the' knowledge that there lis no othermedtclne-ijrojadeZj(ioywhera.. vmv m uie woria, wtucn will cure your cold- or ,end Grippe misery as prompt ly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Compound, --which any drugRldt in the world can aupply. , After three years researcn we have conclusively demonstrated that quinine Is not effective In the treatment ef colds or grippe. : ,. . , , -i. la the mmor that has Rtirr''l conrt clrcU-a In linie, following the 'an nouncement of tha vi.Hlt of the king to Bordeaux. Alfonso and the royal nar- ' ty will arrive late this afternoon. Tba . kins will go at once to the sanitarium of Professor Moure, a famous throat specialist, where elaborate preparations ; for his' reception have bee.n made. It Is admitted by those who have negotiat ed for the-treatment of the distin guished patient that the condition of the king's throat te uerious and has caused- the . court Dhvuicians consider able anxiety. An attachment by which loose shoes may be temporarily ; fastened to a horse's hoof , until a blacksmith is reached has been patented by a New Jersey farmer, We Are 'Joint Owners and Sole Agents FORT : GEORGE TOWN SITE You can't: buy lots in the r ; Registered Legal Townsite ' ; - except: from us and our recognized sales solicitors ; Let us send you maps, plans and official in formation of FORT GEORGE, the last, great metropolis of North America, and of Central British Columbia-the land, of last grear opportunity. ,', . , Fort George is the, strategical commercial cents Of -the Inland Empire of Canada, SlUUlons, ot aores of rich fanning, timber and mineral lands. Ton eaa get in at the beginning of a great city by huying now. Payments $10 to $20 per month no Interest . , , 6snd youy name and address (ox call) today. , Natural Resources Security Co Ltd. ' ' " Paid-up Capital, $250,000.00 ' ' 13 Bower BWg.( Tanoouver, B. C , . , ' " ' RICHARD OBEE , District Salts Bolidtor, 407 Wellswrwrfo ytnrtlaada Ox. Don't You Want One of These Llegant Homes at a Reasonable MonthlyRental Eillian Apartments . New! Modern! '' - , - Furnished t Now Open! Now Open! - . Corner Sixth and Montgomery These elegant two and tnre room apartments, ; situated at. the corner of Sixth arid Montgomery, streets, are now ready, arid reservations may be made at any, time, night or day They are most elegantly furnished with the latest designs, in v fumed and, waxed oak furniture, ' beautiful Ax-' minster and velvet carpets and rugs, buffet kitchens, . porcelain baths, toilets, . etc., large ; closets, built-in beds, - and, - m fact, all modem conveniences.. They are most desirably situated, having an east and northerly exposure, and are within walking, distance , of business center, : Watch for ; A SENSATION John A. Melton CA&PXSTEB AHB XtnuP Factory and Of flee 238 Se - (trMt, near Mala. Phonee: Main 17S7: A-iTSl Repair Work Given 'Prompt Attention i, i ) Building and PHOENIX IRON. WORK . ; . . Ofiioe and Works .- - r-- -r SaWMiurn Avnt nd ! mone T. S3. Vblrdstraet, . r i i w. n. rurtcn, r . ., - T wii In a turrit ! r-Hi-tlnv n, , tion, my lur.s Wwk ir ', and I ha-) a dull, havy pu-i t. i, the shoulders.. I ' fleh - very t idly, and feared I 1 Roln? inti i " Sumption. After taking four Nvt' of Hood's Sarsapartll I was - etitlr Cured and never felt better. .In cases where a strengthening, try ing, appetite-giving medicine is no. ' Hood's Sarsaparilla has effucUJ tho i sands of cures. Get it today In usual liquid form t chocolated tablets .called Saraatabs 77- fr if "f New! -Elegant! a Announcement Office and 8tora Fixtures built and remodeled, Altering and repAtrtng " , bouses, y he. and, Cotihters t -Founders. Machinists and r.oilcru.i.!. -.i , Structural .Work, Plyto'si