The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Default divorce cases, which have
been averaging 10 or 12 each week,
dropped to four In number In the circuit
court today, three separation' agrees
being1 drawn by wives and one by a hus
band. Two of the wlvea complained of
the drinking habits of their mates, one
told of being deserted, while Russell O.
Yates told Judge Cleland how Catherine
Yates growled at him and pulled his
hair. - ' .
T. E. Buehler'a fondness for some
f the girls at . La Grande, Or, was nar
rated by Mrs. Belle Buehler, who ex
hibited ,M of the letters written by
her husband to Lena Edmunds. Mrs.
Buehler said Lena was no friend of
hers, and she thought her husband made
poor choice In the affinity line. Miss
Brown, who was not further identified,
was also stated to have boon too friendly-'
with Buehler.-. v;- ; ;
Buehler Is a railroad man and mar
ried at La Grande in 1894.. The wife
aid ho spent his money for his own
amusement and .she saw litUe of It He
Went on sprees, and she finally decided
It was no use trying to live with him.
k Sarah Helen Clark, testified that Ed
. ward J. Clark came home Intoxicated
the first night after they were married,
and this soon became a regular experi
ence. She estimated he has been drunk
three times t week since their marriage
in 1907. Clark hangs around the pool
rooms and saloons, she said. She was
given permission to resume her former
tame of Williams... .
' Annie B. Masters said William Mas
ters was too tasy to work much and in
1897 ho left her, after they had. been
married 11 years. He never wrote to
her and she does 'not know what, be
cam of him.
1 Russell 0.. Yates, who married Cather
ine Yates hrl908, said his wife had a
violent temper and when she "got mad"
she threw things at him. ; Sometimes
she threw , books and .other times she
. pulled , his hair. She scolded . him so
much he gave It up and declared the
- affair a failure. -
Charging she was deserted by her
husband, Mrs.- Loella Wagner has be
gun suit In the circuit court for dl
jroroe from J. A. Wagner,' to whom she
was married In Salem In January, 1902.
Her husband left her, she says, four
years later,
vit UuvlVlO fill IV Cm. i
The decomposed body of. a, man ', was
; found yesterday afternoon one mile off
the Barnes road and-a short distance
back, of the City park. Nothing could
be found on -the clothing t establish
Identity. From all Indications the man
had spread his overcoat on the ground
and lay down to sleep.
' He was about SS years old, -smooth
haven, weighed 110 pounds, was five
feet and' eight Inches tall. His clothes
were of a good quality. In the pockets
f the clothing were found 30 cents,
six keys, a spool of thread,, a pair of
men's hose, a box of snnff and a towel.
Coroner Norden was notified. He had
; the body moved Into the city.. Kennlth
Grow, 628 Morrison street, and Vincent
Pennell, 645 Morrison street, found
the body, . - . , 1 -
Stephen OaJg Capitol Policeman.,
Washington, Nov. 1 25. Stephen ; J.
Craig bf Portland has been appointed
by Senator Bourne a member of the
capltol police force In this city, suc
ceeding Charles J. McDonald of Port
land, resigned '
A Pointer for ;
Spectacle Wearers
Stricken on the street while wartlng
to her residence after an evening of
pleasure' at the home of a daughter,
Mrs. Anna Marks, a pioneer of Port
land' and wife o a prominent retired
merchant, died shortly before midnight
last night
Mrs, Marks and her husband. Morris
Marks, had been Tat the residence of
their daughter, Mrs. Sol Goldstein, who
resides at Twenty-first and Lovejoy
streets. In front of the residence of
O. Q. Gammons at 778 Northrup street.
Mrs. Marks was suddenly attacked with
apoplexy and sank to. the sidewalk. Her
husband called help,1 and she was car
ried into the Gammons residence. Dr.
Sandford Whiting, of III Johnson
street, and Dr. Harry f. McKay, of
Twonty-slxth and p streets,
were summoned, but she died before
their arrival.
Mrs. Marks was born in Germany E8
years ago and came to Portland in
1870. She was a member of Beth Is
rael congregation and identified' with
various charitable societies -and other
Jewish organizations. In addition to
her husband, she 'Is survived by two
daughters and a son Mrs. Sol Gold
stein, Mrs. S. E. Werthelmer and Mey
er' Marks. ,
Funeral services will be held from'
the late residence at 831 Northrup
street at 11 o'clock Sundays morning,
Rabbi Wise officiating. Interment will
be made In Beth Israel cemetery.
(Cnlted PnsM I.fnrJ Wl.
C1i1ieo. Nov. 25. Health officials
here today are watching all trains from
Canada following the arrival of the
liner Eoyal George at Quebec, with
cholera victims aboard. The Canadian
authorities quarantined all passengers
save 34, who were .allowed to proceed
toward cnjcago. ,
New York. Nov. J 5. Postmaster Gen
eral Hitchcock was in New York recent
ly eon f erring with Postmaster Morgan
of New York. : Arrangements were com
pleted for beginning the handling of see
ond, third and fourth class mall at the
new branch postoffico in the new Penn
sylvanla railroad terminal at Thirty
third street and Seventh avenue.
The new postal station will be opened
for such mall on November 27. There
will i be direct delivery to mall car
standing on tracks beneath the new
postal station. It Is claimed that from
half! an hour to forty minutes will be
saved to publishers in the delivery of
newspapers and periodicals under the
new plan.
Evacuation Day In New York.
v.'Nuw Ynrlr. Nrtv." SK. Tn lionni nf h
137th anniversary of the evacuation of
wew xorK cy tne unusn troops, ac tne
:n!i!r jth aufi-tr
A ni.-. i. . n ; . -.
the War or l!i:.
(?iem Eanna t J'ml.) . !
Ealun, Or, Nov. 25. A stipulation ;
was filed in the supreme court tolay j
by attorneys for both sides In a case
brought soon aftor the 1903 session of:
the legislature adjourncJ contesting the
creation of a new circuit Judgeship lor
Multnomah county, asking that the
case be difmtesed. The case will be
dismissed by order of the court next
Tuesday.. Judge nenry McGinn
brought the action attacking the emer
gency clause on the measure, and tried
to. have the new judgeship declared void
This ends action for all time.
; 7
' IT
l A
y'J Know thit yoa
zrt jetting th cne
- J prepsrztlcn that has
"",i 1 . m . . a M m " 1
J no 3d tn tzzl tor over
( . ' thirty-five years and still
remains the standard
tor.ic-f o o d-m edlcine.
nl A irtrd and KMmmendtd
(l hv iht medics! crefu
jicn the world over.
b the embodiment of elements
UufmaKe for good health and
strength There art jnany.
emubions but only one
and be sure that you get the
package that carries the mark
of quality The Fisherman
The Quick The Dead-The Player Is the Thing
Is There a Dead One in Your Home? ,
The. Kohler -Chase :.
. vy-y;: Player.
Will quicken the entire family; also entertain your friends Our PLAY
ER is a combination of a THOROUGHLY GOOD PIANO and a PLAY
ER" MECHANISM that has POINTS of SUPERIORITY that cannot be
found in any others, , , . .
, : . THIS . GRADE and QUALITY of player piano usually sells at 9150
VALUATION we will give $50 WORTH OF MUSIC ROLLS without
, BEST 'for the money. , ; :v ,
Hear It and Convince Yourself
Your silent instrument taken as part" payment, balance to suit you
Music rolls for all players.
r- o r p I c e vr h y. didn't you ot
glasses when your eyes began to fall
BITJirDES3 I did: that's the troubK
I went to one of those stores that ad
vertise (5.00. glasses for 11.00. One of
tlie clerks that didn't know any more
about the eye that I did tested my
eyes. I thought I was saving a little
money, hut I made a terrible mistake.
OP11CI2 True for you. : . .
-flat: n" llw.
.Tine IBsst'Fie;::
If Ton Reel Olattet Ton ZTecd the
SZOHT ' Ones, wa B t p p 1 y the
XZOZTT Kind at the BIGHT Pries.
Perhaps the pie you had for dinner yesterday
was the best pie you ever made. If it was the
. first rie that vou ever made with KAOLA as
For pie crust there is no other . , . , ,
hortener so good as KAOLA. . the shortener, it surely was the best one you
You cau always know that woJ. r,rrtA ;-r
V S ' illUUvt : i iMU V W J V 11V bBr Sj :TVMJk V1IV.
table remarked that that pie was the best they
ever tastedthe crust was so light arid flaky.
your pie crusts will alwavi be
light short and .flaky if yon ;
a use KAOLA, because h is al-,
ways the same. ' Pure white
'odorless. It will never turn
, rancid. ,." . ' . " i ' ' .
. -v A nurelv veWtable'riroduct that has been woven to be .
' far superior to any animal'oil or fat for shortening-
frying cQQkingjwJtatoni:: -
Vmit ' T1-1f Colic V A fVT A Alert . Prrwrtnrr1s Tf . r:
n II
... , Iklli II . I
tl o
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V.v.. .... ... .., .i-A"-
Atctivo Somea'o ':Tc,21oocl Suit
Three unexcelled values in. Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits. They
represent the mtfst desirable of this season's styles-r-and fabrics are the
most popular, iailored coats of medium and three-quarter lengths,' Fitted
or semi-fitted, with collars of same cloth or velvet Skirts are shown in
several of the new pleated and gored effect. Materials are "storm and
wide wale serges, broadcloth, cheviot and tweed suitings in plain colors
and stylish tan and gray mixture. Spe- f C CI 7 Cfl Cl C(
dally priced for this sale .............. .iel J, el.jU. $L,L.o)
Wosien's Xonff Coat3 at CI 2.50
Stylish full-length Coats of tweed and cheviot coatings, in stylish mixture.
Tbey are shows in several very attractive - models in semi-fitted effects,
with storm or notch collar of velvet or same cloth. Superior workman
ship throegtewt every garment; $1730 vahes Saturday CIO CA
1 'Special . ...'. ......' .'i. ........ .'..... ....'... ..M Xjf V
: I Furs at Popular Prices 01.50 it 025.00 B
An extensive showing of for popnlarly priced We are showing them in
none but this winter's style, inchidfbg capes, scarfs, muffs tod sets; plain
or finished with tabs. Lined with fine quality plain, shirred or b roc haded
satin. These fnrs include real Tapaaese or brook mink, Isabella fox, French'
coney, lynx, astrtchan and oners. Price M Cfi
range from ....yl.3U XO ;W f-. !
JijctraormnarT talues in Uxildren' Cape of kersey doth, d navy
or black. They ;are made in several styles, with arm slip andV . v
plaid lined hood or military collar, trimmed with braid,; They are ,
shown in cloths of two weights, one unlined and the other lined
with a black and white check or plaid flannel lining. 4 7C
Siie 6 to 14 years; the best varaes ever offered at ....... D
We pride ourselvea on th goodness of our stock of Women's Knit Underwear. .We make
extraordinary efforts to secure the very best values. We boy direct from the mills and save our
customer the wholesaler's profit THESE SPECIALS FOR TOMORROW:
Vesta and Pants, 01.25 Values at 80o
An important sale' of
rants, toe white wool ga
tie rib and well finished t
women' seasonable weight Vest and
l imuts In til sizes; knit m fine elas
tic rib and wen finished throughout Garments that sell ()Q '
regolarly it oil sale Saturday at .i OUC
t Union Suits. g3.00 Vnlnca 01.00
This offering consists of a new line of women's fine rib, whit
Wool Union Suits of correct winter weight; perfect fitting gar
ments, in all sizes; the kind that are sold regularly at (M QQ
$3.00, on ale Saturday at .;....j..;...J,vU.. Vl50
Women'i Hose. 30o Valnea l6o
' Special for Tproocrow A sal of women's fine fast black, heavy
fleeced Cotton Hose;, made! With elastic rih ton. and rernfnrrrt
heel, sole and toe, shown in both regular and out sizes, A " '
Best 30c grade, on sale Saturday ... . . . . . . . 1JC .
CHUdrcn's Hoie. 35c Values lOo .
- V I I Ml I II I Ill I I I I ' "
Another special sale of Children's Heavy Wool Stockings. They
come with double .heel and toe and in a neat 2 by 1 rib, all
sizes for boys and girls from, 5 to 94. Best 3?C values, : 1 n, ,
specially priced for this sale, Saturday, at UC
V TTll "J I r
s-1 rrl
Speoialo In the Baoement 'Zay Bopt.
Come Early and OftenBring the Children With You
Special price reductions to induce earry buying, and without doubt the best
values we will be able to offer in these lines this season. A small deposit will hold
your, purchase for future delivery.
r o
o y )
Kid Body Dolls
91.50 Vals. 80o
Satnrday-A. sale of 500
fine ' Kid Body. Dolls,
full 20 inches long, with
natural hair, parted wig,
moving eyes tnd shoes
and stockings; best $1.50
.values,, priced, for OA
. Saturday at, :OiJG.
Dressed Dolls
91.25 Vala. 80o
Saturday A splendid - as
sortment 7 of Dressed
Dolls. They come full 18 '
inches long, with moving
eyes and real eyelashes:
large picture hat and
beautiful dresses; -.$125
vat, Saturday
Large Folding?
Go-Carta 02.08
Sstord ay About 100
Go-Carts, one - motion
i folding kind, made with
steel frame, metal wheels,
with rubber tires, leather
hood and side curtains
best $4 values, (PO Oft
Saturday O
fj - - -i-i"ii-,-..-ri-nr.'an.iLArinj'ui.ftri.ri.ii -.
Ien's Plain ''White'SiEr Shirt
On sale tomorrow at a decided price reduction. Fine custom
made Shirts, cut full six and well, finished. Best $125 values at
95c each. . , -, ; - t' ; ": LAy"..i:,S:lV:;',y,, '
White Dreia Shirts. 01.25 Grade at 05c
A full line of men's plain white Dress Shirt, made coat style with
full pleated bosom, in three wide pleats, cuffs attached or finished,
with plain band. These fine garments come in all sizes and 0C '
are best values to $125. Special for this sale VdC
Blue Flannel Shirts, 01.25 Grade at 05c
For real merit and lasting satisfaction, we recommend this line r
of navy blue flannel Shirts. They are made with (oft turn-down'
collar and come in either the single or double breast stylei QC,
Regular $1.25 values. , , Specially priced for this sale..,.,.' euC
75c Children's Sweaters 40o
A snap in children's' Cctat Sweaters,' made mil
itary style and shows in oxford gray, trimmed in'
red. ..They are fresh from the shops today; are
'.well made, comfortable .garment that are in
sure to please. Regular 75c values, special TTC
lien's Socks, 20cVals. 1
A line of Men' socks, made of good quality wool
mixed material and shown seamless with ribbed
tops.. .They come in oxford gray . only, f o 1
Best 20c, values ... . ............ . . 1 L2 C
Saturday; Good Shoe;o
Misses' high cut Shoes, in aQ sizes, 1154 OQ
to 2.. Regular $2.50 Talnes, special.. . Jf lpU
) Boys' high cut Shoes,' solid leather' throughout;
10 jnch top. Comes in all sizes
Sizes V tol3, reguhir $3.00 values
Sues 13 '4 to 2, regular $3.25 value
Sizes Vt to $yt, regular $3.50 values $3.00
A great special sale of stylish Shoes that are comfortable, Shoes
that are built so well, of good materials, that this store stands back
of every pair at all times. '. With stocks at their best, you will find
the offerings for this sale to be most remarkable values.
Women's Shoes, 83.00-03.50 Vala. 82.37
in this assortment yop will find the best styles of the season in
all fashionable leathers viel kid, calf, gunmetal, patent kid, etc.
They come with medium and heavy soles for winter wear and
are shown in all sizes and widths. Our regular $3.00 Q7
and $3.50 line; Special this sale ......,..,...:...;.,
lien's Shoes, 03.50 Values Priced 0219
New and stylish are the Shoe for men, shown in all leathers and
styles, box calf, kangaroo calf, vici kid; all sizes. Good heavy
soles. Quality is in every part of the shoe quality in the design,
in the leathers, in the workmanship. Regular $3.50 val- ) .r)
-triced at v..',.;.'.'i';;. .... ,.'';Vj.. ;' .
Men' hfgh cut Shoes of good quality f
tan calf. Regular $7.50 valuesspecial,. iJ's
Boys' Shoes of solid leather, in box calf, kanfiroo
Size 9 to 13, regular $2.0d values u . ? I . "
Six 13 to y, regular $2,50 values C.
1 1