si ! ?. ! t 1 . i til.! i i ;ev;p: o Judged by Measure cf Morality ' Cotter Than Cosiness Of ficcSy Siiw SaySf ,; "Twenty years of elage Ufa Us con vinced me that It is & prcjper environ ment for a younfir grlrl my own cUurcrh ter, Jn fact much safer, indeed, than "the office of the average business man, when judged by the measure of moral ity." ' '. That, wag the reply given a New York Examiner roporter by Mrs. ,7la. Fits huph, when asked Jo explain why she ! had determined to place hwr-daupMer, Just out of the Ursullntf convent, upon the stage la John P. SIochmus,, produc tion of rThe JClsslnjf qirl." , "I'haVe loet sleep night' aftrj night trying to decide what to do about .tUe future' of Venlta,". sighed .' Mrrf, '.Fit- . hugh as she smiled uponhe,r beautiful daughter, just turned ' 17, . . 'Jl had, . to face the opposition of my, o'wnlmothr when I decided upon atagte. life for my girl. 1 But I am sure Jhat T have not decided wWrongr. r V-. . i, . This Is a" serious Question wlthf m", said Mrs. Fltzhugh. "when yenlt,was a baby and through her girlhood. J 'sup ported ' her'-, with my' earnings' on .- the, stage. And I have mat so'inany Kood women on the stage that I know; my daughter wlU be safe.' ' - "I do not believe In schools of acting. What' good would it do this child to appear before a matinee audience of friends, all willing to overlook, the bad ; end ' pralsa, every move of 'the -child, better a thousand tlm'estto throw her Into the deep water at once, andr find out If she has the blood that' I am .banking; nn, pnee a girl ateps before the, foot lights of the bargain hunting audiences of our present day shhas to.make good fm lnfr. K ' i- ' ; ' ; x . . "First I selected a manager, who- was recommended for straight business .dealings, John P. Slocum. Next I turtved down ait of fer to take her Into fasre With me, although, I suffered a-reduc-, tlon of i:S a week to go Into 'the Kiss. Ing Olrl.' Bitter by far that It bertha best that I could find and that 1 could go with her to give het balance, as it Mrs. Fttzhugh urged, that It be made plalrt that aha was Very serious In her Ideas about stage morals. She . relter , ated her conviction against the dangers ' that lurk for girls lit the offices of, the average buslneas man, . , "Here is my girl, all that knave, and I am all that aha has," said the mother. "Suppose something . should happen to tnt tomorrow. Ja it not better that I kave my girl j trained to, t. profession, and -an1 honorable one, whereWshe "can command an . independent salary and ' llva In an Independent manner, than to place he? In drud'gery!4'''.'ifr.:-i;t,.',i.v; - "If I pass away, and she 'goes out into the world to seek a position -as atenog i tapher, or In any i other capacity, In ;' business office, he ,wllt flint trapa - at avery turn, ; Ask .the'girW vtVaUknow il about ' those things. - Bee if ,: they ; 11 ve pnd .work In a narnss environment : Many of them. Would 'dfiubtlesi be de , lighted t-maka. the exchange, -with my ;. daughter, ."l1",' "fa:.'. rt:ctr-.r HXr'?-, -i,' A t any rate, J(. am convinced, as a mother; that I am doing the best thing . for my; daughter.";; :zkyffte$t-::2 PROMISES MADE BY (Continued from Preceding' Page.) A bis hand '-at, mining, s Ha has told , hit farm and ie becomes , entangled wlth ' stock brokers who succeett in. getting hlm to Jnvest, hia .eavlngt Jn) Hoha'wk,1 and several other mining stocks, What success he.haa wltb nls venture 44 -toW ; at every performance at the.Iiyrlcr'xw week, performance belnj.tglven daily at 8:45, 7:45, and :15 p. m. 'Oil Thoiika , giving day there will be thr( perfot . Glances in tha evening, "the. If lret. eom menclng at 7 p. m., and 'a special matl- nee in the af ternoon at the regular hour. On Friday tight of net week the chorus -will be te the .front In their popular conteat t . : J ' v " r J" l' Motion Picture Wowmi,)Vt . Today Is change day atthe flva"f1it mn theatres of tfcc IoplH8. Amusenen (company.!:, This company t owns' and operates a number of -theatres in this k. ci tyV lt-of - wtOoltam re-enduct edr m 1 Ihoroughly up-to-date,, clean, and whole- aome plan, and 'notfiing but absolutely , clean, legitimate entertainment Is ever permitted in any of their theatres. This however, is easily proved by" the 'gener ous steaay patronage wmcn us. differ " ant theatres, enjoy; ' , At the 6Ur today "JXancesco da Kl mini," a beautiful spectacle ; produced from the fanuu. play, fThe OtherW,ay" a Pa'the of . Interest, VTha Troublesome Baby" and "JUove In Quarantine," two comedies and Brink and Camp, the musi cal entertainers make tip the bill.- - , 1 . At Ctho f Arcade Gratitude." bl picture of Indian life, a splendid comedy, an ; Industrial feature. , and Cy Confer the Binger comprlae the 'show. f.. a 't - At - the m Joy j 'he : SeaxVant'a Btrlpea," "MarJorlca Phraeda,'.' and Mr. Raymond the singer; at the Odeori, Doss th Human" Telescope ; m n added i feature; and four late picture-. produ tlons, and at the Tivoll, the new east , aide house, there-will be thrte pictures eonsletlng qt dramas, comedies, etc, and . jrred Bauer will sing a latt, aong. : Blax Figman at Kelllg Sunday. John" Cort will present the famous and favorite actor :.andc6melan,.; Max -yigman, supported by'ah excellent com pany "f playert- together with - the charming; actress, Helen ' Laokaye, in tdlth Kills' splendld plyv"Mary Jane's Pa," at the Heillg' fof ene week, begin- ; hlng next Sunday November 27,' with a special ' matinee 'Saturday; Since the days - of . rHazel 1 Kirk," Alabama,' "Baron i nudolph," vnd,. even bfi , this . period when we have 'The Music Ms- ' tcr," and pieces of that type, no mjre kinvlncing story 'olj fiomely country life h-i ajiyeared than "Maty Jane's Pa.' itr.-'iMgmfln. appeared In, this same play Inst year and made one of the ,most ar tistic hits of hia excellent career, tit. Is something that suits his peculiarities to ,' nicety and will long stand as one of thfl best" efforts of . his life, , The ad vance seat sale wilt .open -next Friday, 'I-'orty-flve Minutes From ftroadway. J "Frty-f Ive Mlnutee From Broadway." The k'ii pf S. DraniatjcClub ""Vlir'present , tnen(nreetwinedyT-' BETWEEN THE ACTS? unrlor the direction Of Carl Nordstrom. Woo a m an Ball, B. 6th and S. Alder SSa. mowa; . at, 1310.; ; ' Admission 25c.. ; Open at 8:15 p. m. J l; ,r'; EH GIRL! si 1 4 Si ; Upper Miss Venlta- Fltzhugh . Lower Ida ritzhugh will be the next offering of the Baker Stock company, following' ' "When We Were Twonty-on." A very . versatile company pj peoplf . Is required t Jump from a ! drama of such digit lay and beauty as the letter to a rollocklnr mu steal .corned V such as. "Fortv-five Mln. ntp BVnm T4rnai1.-v"'v"!i: hnfwlth an organization of, euch. wey known ability as tne Baker company nothing : else is expected other than a perfectly bal aneffd performance of both plays. The mimical numbers In the ' Cohan play will all be Introduced and a chorus oe II , will aauist In their, effectiveness, Opening next .Sunday matinee. fv ,i o s Via Wireless, HHt at Bungalow; Managpr , Baker has secured V Freder ick; Thompson's Immense scenlo play, "Via Wireless," for next week, opening Sunday matinee, 'November ,27, ' the new Bungalow.. -.fVla Wlreieae" was the sensation of, the east In , its atartlingr scenlo effects ' and thrilling- dramatic scenes and story, - and the ahlpwreck scene with the wireless operator sending and receiving messages "was the cause of much newspaper comment all over the'eountr-y. Not a detail will be lack ing in the Bungalow production. It will open next Sunday matinee Npvem 4 w; yv. ? Merry Minstrels. .' ' The Spanish War Veterans' lg mltfp stref show will take place at the Heir llg theatre December 21, one night onlX. Judgfng from, the way tickets are sell ing the boya will turn, people away.T he big street parade will be a- feature this year.: yr'v4fr-K:v:t Mr-: : i. The friends of Lew Fields, tbje come dlanj are -worried by the newa which reached Broadway regarding him. , Hia nenfiu aystem la eo broken, the physf elans' Who have h 15 case in hand hold out lltjJe. hope of hia return to New Tork for ,ari Indefinite time,, f As soon' as hia condition r'ijenrittsr-he "wilt b"C removed from Havana t fcome other southern resort, possibly Florida. ' r r- y ' Before'M?. Flelda went on tour with "The ! Bummer " Widowers' he 'ehowed signs of prevtoua Irritability. , A. friend ays overwork and business annoyance were TespOBSlble or hia breakdown. ; V--- - . t - . I r f f , -C Grand Testimbflial Recital P A PPWrtTT T A "D &4fta? raneis :i Pricet.5O$l,0d75 and WMlmB , 1 Exchange Tickets on'Sale at . ' s : " ' EILER'S and WOODARD-CLARKE'S. , ; : ;: RbyALOPERABERLI N8 VE ' ' . V . METROPOLITAN OPERAS fNEW YORK 5 - TUESDAY EVENING, 8:15 , .! ' . ( Second Number Lecture and Entertainment Course , . - Auspices A C. A, aad V- 6. Alumnae. ? Single Tickets 100 - ,r J X -Bit mt i- --. A "T '"I A. .mJ J. Jim X Jk.-' Marcus R. I.iayf-r, w.-U" known In rortlarul. whem he was onco a member of the Oresonian stuff, is to be the bi pfiolary of a roustnsr testimonial in Niw York eoon. 'Ho lu 67 years old. ind he cannot reinvmbr when ha be- Kan manaclna- stars. 'His car-i:r b(-gan, he aaserts, before he can remember. He has devoted some 60 years to the the atrical business, '"ills- first venture as a manager was the starring of Julia Dean Hayne. ' Then followed, the young er Kean, Lady Don, Eilwln Booth, Law rence Barrett, Adelaide Nellson, Kose Ej-tloge, Jane Hadins:, Charlotte Cush- man. Sarah Bernhardt, fclr Henry lrv ing, M. Coquelin Mary " Anderson and, Adellna Pattl., ' - v s." Mr. Mayer holds the record for trans Atlantic voyages, having made 55 round trips. Already many prominent stars have volunteered their services for the blg'tienefl . The first. offer came from naran tsernnarai, wno prompiijr cuojru her services when advised that her-old manager and friend was., to be honored with a testimonial. , ; '. 'r ' Mies FTltzt Scheff apprised her, anx ious 'managers few days ago In Chi cago 'of .' her convalescence, and an nounced certainly! .that' she would be pleased to appear' thereafter at the' Lyric ill "The Mikado."' Indisposltloa has prevented M1& Schef fa taking part in that- entertainment for a week. All, of which la ;a common ! recurrence , with the temperamental Fritzt. i Z wonder If local audiences .who saw De Wolf Hoaper in "A.Matmee' Idoll' appreciated the s peculiar unction with which he remarked, apropos ef the sub ject of matrimonial troubles, "Tou can't tell me anythjmj about .them' that I don't already krtow."?i It Was Hop per, by the way,: who first gave utter ance to the oft-quoted remark,,""! aft not land poor, I am alimony poor." ; ?..: VKv-'iv; x : - It Jhas- been reported In eastern the atrical circles recently that Julia Mar lowe and E. H. Sothern might announce their engagement In the near future, both artists are said to baye refused to either affirm or deny the report : ';:;Ct:,i XXXX: ' And the, end Uiot yet. Thamara De Swirsky, who is appearing jn Los An geles for a series of special matinees, is the real thing as far as aociety goes. ' " Every daqcex of eourse advertises her self as the pet of the smart set;-but de licious Thamara has a record of New port patronage quite unparalleled. .- In the words of the ublquitlous Jay Barnes:1'- '-v- j. - - . , t -, "If she didn't have to worjk she'd be a lady." " (. 'i Percy Mackaye payr. thli tribute' to Ellen Terryt - , , "How shall we welcome back her Image " bright Who from our -Marts lias never been ;s away?- - .. , . - - They never lived .who ..never loved to play, . , , Nor ever lovea wno wvea not in delight ; Therefore - to4 her .who,, in Dull-care's despite, t- -. -Long since has ta;ight he world's sad - soul to nrAv i n - TO saints of joy, ,we brfng an homage gay ' - , t, . , n . , Of hearts made lighter by Iw own pure jniliet of love, Miranda of the mind. Katherlne of t quips, and beauty's Rosa- 1 Und. . ' i Tnlth'e Portia, f Beatrice the madcap-" '. merry, . . . v v j k .., All heroines wrought of the maBtera neart-7 ' ' Tf thene we bow, and these bew down to - . Art, ' . v- And. Art to Time, and Time to Ellen v Miss Grace George : is appearing in her new comedy, "Sauce for the Goose, by Mrs. Geraldine Bonner. '. . -. . v .. The" scenes are about the efforts of a clever,- witty and resourceful wife to re gain the wavering interest of her hus band, nrst by arousing his Jealousy and then by making his own "actions sesm absurd. Instead of the familiar three there f are four Important figures the wife, the' husband, a male and a female friend.'. The problem in the nlar is the much discussed question as to whether the wife has. the same, "privilege as' the nasband to violate the- conventions. ConsUble., the . wife, l and Mr. Frank v wortmng, tr anaband., c , .- '-.1., . v '. ... . " ,Out ' ' Wf the v eight original "Hello" glrla - Irt "Havana"- there still remain five,, theother three havlhg married men or wealth, r '.This climate," Writes Oliver Morosco from theV Hoter Astor, New ;'Tork, "Is vhat General; Sherman said war la. "Day before yesterday I stafted out With my summer clothes onk And ran into ,a snowetprtn, i ploughed back to the hotel and .sank into an Arottp over coat and wfcen 1 got out the ..enow had turned Into awarm rain. V,I sbed the coat, ot anftrmbrella talked f four mocks, and lyia beat ; my vway ack . ', - DT? ADA XTnt? Si? v . ifl - V- - - i nUht I rnn.'i ;. with a friend t: I P t! "r,iii h a i:'!: - pe WeeIr , Oeoinninfl -Tonlobt ThaniifWnT Itatlnee Special Price Mitlnt Saturday. , . JOHN P. SuOCUM. Presents X 13 rZXXXXAlTT MTTSICAXi PLAT - Hr THE- 1SS1G ' . CAST HTOIitrDI '- ' . Miss Texas Guinan; Dick Temple, Ida rltehugh, '' Harry Hermsen," Mile. Vanity, Louis LonJon,Mlss yenlta, Miss Faber, Chaa, Gurney Miss Devere. i BBAtmrtrxj CHoatrs - oatchT 17-SPECIAL: ORCnESTRA-17 BfflroN MPniflTCl BveJilngl and Thanksgiving Mat. 11.50, $1,' 75c, 80c,- 85cl'i5c A i.atVirdtS Special Price Saturday Matinee.. , . . .$1.00, 75c. 60c, 3 Be, 86c SBAT SAli OPEWS IfflSHG 1WIE1C BB- " UATcrzB ;..'i' ' ' ' BATITBOAT I J ' ' Prfotf2 IT1 ItUa e , Dcoinnlnn "IVIary Jane9 hf A S ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE That favorite AmeriosA , fopaiar sTew,! "CHant.' ' Miss Mabel Hite and nT nll lMJL s lailtVC UUllIHl Za their Xoaloal Skit entitled ' j '-Double Play" mi BT Tllf CXJTT BBTAB (By Jjrraa-ement llEMtY, HOIllbN & COJIPANY Including Miss Irfralse - Xardentmrf Presentlnjr a character- creation i "tnrCLB LEM'S 'DILEIQU" Unanimously , Pronounced' 'The - Old i llomestpad'' of Vaudeville."-- '.:. Direct -from Berlin -i ' ftiaiARD, XADRAOB . . 'European 'Ventriloquist ' The Benowned Polish VloUnlst - Presenting 'Paganlnnrs 'ahost Evening Prices: PArLT MATtBTEB, iSc, 85o, POo. See the Best; THE FAMILIA BELL Ten Musical Artists, Ihtroducing the Marimbaphone. , ' Most Stupendous Musical Act in" Vaudeville. Tony Genero v Quaint Monologist. ', Stars of Al Gilmore,Kinkey and Qilmore ' , Mirthull Entertainers. '.. Pantagescppe Latest Animated Events, v Popular Prices. latin'ee DaUv. , Curtain 20V7:30 and.DiOO. . Week Commencing tlondajr Matinee, November 2L ' , :Then See Peoples Purveyors of Clean Entertainments New Show, Star rBAncEaoo da vaaxii trmn the famous play, THE OTXXB , WAT, an AKherlcaa - patne comedy, IKa TBOUBZaSSOHB BABT w Wo Matter How Ool4 Ontalds, the Arcade Today OBATmrDB." New InrttanL TaleI i" J ' nr front or PATHEB, Comedy. " MIIJTAKT OTCXOSTS. InstructlTe, OT .COHFEB, The Keal S!ner. ' i Othsr Things ot aterlt. V Tcdjy Binsaell and Willi am s Bast Wde. A, OKxiAT DOUr iJS BXOaAJK - A CtAND B IIX.1 and A ZUSB TBA.U.AT, by Qaumont. mornlnsr, and now, at 10 o'clock, the aun Is shining from a cloudless kky and the'alr Is reminiscent of Slay.' -TIIEATHEi I Berenth nd"Tylfr; tlaini I ' A-11S3 IJW mrsio tJOBaEoxrs PBODxronoir WXXT rBXDAT 30K31 COST PBS8XVT8 Mmwmmm V TW ' VI. . tu.t-..a. t SM-t :A. - ' " 'i,' ,.VXa-' Hia OreatosfSneoess, tha. Idyiui" i .' 4 Stld-Wert Comadv Drama. - - .1 . -i ' .... t . 99 ?venhis,',l.B0, fl.00, 760,' 60c, SSo, Matinee. , , .. . . 6o, Mo, 8So, 8 Be 890 Plvoaas Maui 6, A 1030 WccI(,Nov.21 Oomsdlenne and toe - ' r, i irtth' xJeMev and Co.) Late stars of "The Motor Girl Co." J AMIS JOKH , i ' COOK & LORENZ, TB3H - TWO ; MH.UOWAXBXS" ' nlJ)RED GROVER In original songs and sayings. Assisted by , DICK RICHARDS ' KAJIYAMA - i. V wit vm a w ". - - 'Presenting unique feats. In i hand- I . wniiDg. .- ; lGc; 2Sc, COc, TSo i Holiday Matinees, night rrloea. John and py Burke In How Eatsy .Went to War. Nations Advanced Vaudeville 'Dare Brothers Refined' Athletes: " -'"'' 7 .. -.. Pantages 1: : Orchesttfa H. K. Evenson, Director. ; the Rest: Theatre, Today XiOTS , XH O XTABABTnai, a : double filocraph comedy, BBOTK AJTO OAlCr,' Produoers of songs. - , '.'. Star Xs Warm and Ooaaiortahla,, Oh Joy Theatre Today H:5.rrS. .8TRI'E8. Military.' both e ruira. comia ' Kbultkobs and Other Usual Attrac- -Odeon-Todayf lfi' s Amusement: Co. BOSS, TBTB KTTMAJr TELESCOK!, Oreat Living Curiosity. TOYKA3CES, SOU AOT BBVTl,. reat. " t.. BTTM AND BODTB, 1000 feet Corned v; KoxtE&ir oou3TBSii. comedy. KUSSXAJJ WOU" HUaT, Sporting and Other- Fine Turns. Sf SPt SBBf 5 ' I. All Wcclt, Commcnclna r.Ictlncs IcZzy r sprt -- - sjt. II HI' I I l , ,- A New England Pastoral, BY WM. B.GRAY . THE PLAY CONTAINS PLENTY OF GOOD COMEDY- s GOOD SINGERS ' " Headed by WILLIE GOLDEN, the Boy with the Angtsl Voica S MATINEE THURSDAY (THANKSGIVINQ DAY) AND REGU v. :., . LAR MATINEE SATURDAY V. Evening- Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00, Matinees 2Sc and 50c ! Next Attraction? 'BAKER OBO. & BAXXB, ' - Oea, Kaaacer - 'AH lnterfor alterations completed no w In perfect coodWotL , Mafiager Baker announces the opening of the reorganized ; . . Baliel. Steele Company ThankSQtvlng Week, November 20, ,j Jn a Superb Production of HEMKY V. ESMOND'S BEATJTIFXJ1V PLAY WtoekWe Wei?e - ;.Tweiiii(!yinie : As Played with Immense Sacceas J BV NAT. C GOODWIN AND MAXINE ELLIOTT . . Powerful Cast- Superb Stage, Settings. . ..- , BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY, 23c ... r , SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DAY MATINEE THURSDAY .M Regular Matinee Saturday. Evening Priees--25c,' SOc and 75c Matinees-r2Sc and 50c i NextVcc-45 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY j SpYAN &' C0NSIDINE RAND MAfjNEE DAILY- v;;;:i Best Vaudeville in America K'Jasc Ainerican and European VaudeviHe. , ' r ""i-1 ' - J .-!.'. J Home of Musical Comedy Seventh and Alder Streets ' j . I.,'.'. - ;"!'.! l'.' ' . ! '..i -, . ft'' .- , ' :'.'"; ... '; V- ' '. .," .-'. .mn," i i I l .in'.... i . "i i." n '"'''' '' ' '"' '" "' TP 117 rT1 IT A IT Weck Commencing IT 1j VL JIillLi Tomorrow Matinee LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY . - FEATURING ; " -; . DILLON AND KING, Portland's Popular Comedians , MAUDE ROCKWELL; Prima Donna . . . ,NEW FACES NEW COSTUMES NEW MUSIC , NEW SCENERY ,.' -TWO PERFORMANCESNlGirTLTT:.T 'aTi J 3 :'I5T. II' - ' MATINEES DAILY 2:45 CHORUS GIRLS CONTEST FRIDAY KICIITr, Special MallnccTlianlcrzoIvIsiT! I. '-I 1 y- 1 . III lit it i I I I j 'i n ' r Comedy in Four Acta VIA WIRELESS THEATRE , K orris on and Blrventb Bts, . ' Phones Haia 8 A-5360 ' Home of the Xnoonroeranle , BAXBB STOCK OOKLPAJ1T- Stsrtlna Saxu F.!slls 1910 Today Weekof.Nov.21st ... ( ; - ,. ... ( . : Barry Leonhardfa Pantomime I v i, " Company, Presenting Poliy Pichle's Pets A Musical Fantasy In One Act THE HEIM CHILDREN - The Cleverest Juveniles on the ' ' " American Stage. ' H ALLEN & FULLER ' In "A Xesson at 11 P. M." CAMM & THEIRA . In "Ventrllo-Drama." Thomas Potter Dunn- In Cosmopolitan Characterlsatlona .: 6 KRETORE : - Wizard of Melody. f GRANDASCOPE ' KATZBBBS 3AXZiT AT ti30 ' SiaHTg AT TOO and SilS in . - -