The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 20, 1910, Page 32, Image 32

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    m ....
and- GPorrro
1? a-w-i '
)t A Remarkable Suit Sale. ' Styles That Denote Study and Thought of Fashion. ; Practical,
... Vo
r A
i n ,
I xA 1 Serviceable Suits. Fit and Tailoring Equal to Custom Suits, Suits Selling to ;$30.00 at
--Not one of these suits has yet heenhn sale.; Every suit isnew. ; 'cL$ 1 -' V'Havei Youlaely
.iney nave usr arnvea oy express ana were mienaea ior saie, in our regular stoat ; ..7" ' 'ifvf?si8n?UH ..v:; .v.-r. ' , '
at :$20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 eacK t " J ' ' . . - . '( - VHlWJ;' ' A - .'V0' 'ThetljGctQne .
1 Ws
et Suit? . Be-Rlbboned Things Will Be
VC accePt conditions ias they -are today 'in Portland. , Every, store seems bent . ,
on unloading suits on the public. The bulk of;this merchandise is surplus gar-.;
inems accuinuiaica irom previous.; season s, iviuo 1 inotti akc ybu-r Aon
IONED MODELS.'. " ' , . ' . 1 '' " , h 1 t ., "
VY e vhave no such garments to offer. - . : --.if.x:T
We are COMPELLED, to meet this competition WITH , N EW ' SUITS AND '. '
-Auiiiuiiuw wc oucr.ior your insiretuun i uw wuuicu suii, . iu olullu jiuaiujcs, - j -
cncviotsr salt ; ana $ pepper
The jackets are modeled
kightAway w Used for Xmas Gifts
; WCvc,' laucy uiaunaia, yudstct , weaves, iiuiucauuits, . r:
in the new 32-mch Ieneth; h Lined throughout -aKith' satm-.r ; i
m ra
y)VV;.;- -T't itieyohy;fasAion;m which a suit , Bright wits are performing I wonders with
: ;.v rfcVv may tni;fifully; tei said. to have been. con- " ribbonst;Even nature is being copied by deft
' r'i ;i fined to smartdressers
la'-rUM1 continent,' ln.New York and m - find the most frairrant Itdlian violets and La
,ff:''.''.lan? youll find- these Velvet .bowns France roses in full bloom. . You cat
if If till f ,
fingers. Peep into our show cases and , you'll
jv . ... vuvv v..v. .:vm.w ,h ranee roses, in iuu Dioora4 ; xou can aimosi
vif v. v confined to the smart dressers, to women mmn u:
who' adhere to-refined and quiet styles. These , beautiful ribboti flowers are used on
scarfs, opera, bags,
and handkerchief
V .. . r -Particularly, smart- is : the; heavy corded all sorts o fancy-work. ' On'
' ' "A corduroy '.Ira fashion ndte m;one of the 0n Vparty dresses, on gloye
ine skirts are alt made mine new plaited . uare anq tube styles. , f ,r J ,
-IN UNE; CUrrAND FINISH vou havetnever seen the EOUAdf these car- . ' ..4 h ! Vi
ments In Portland at our price. : '. iLTuLi v". iiJ$Z& Si f-f!"' ; ?Bsf
Sms siaiemcm is maae niiuuuiyiy, iiiuuyiuiuuy vjluuiij, y ue
mean t)cry mua& ( they express facts-and the)) DO. 1 : :
KrhKin a v tucqc -qi'titq-fcnrinv M
We Anticipated the New Fashions in Bags and Now, Have ,
. mem to onow xou .
1 . t..--.i- . i.r.u,ffu ,.ii.lK'ii ' a ills 111111 XiiP
;.1.1 JI 'J vf4WLJ I -r-,' ' . 11 " IV lV-
r, " 7Ai is-. n xirfiMorirti
. -UM T'l Jl ISI .! Ss 11
a : 1 1 . , " 1
C 1
Every.-; .:
; v; Is
Bedded bags icofked with the finest of beads in combinations of the softest tones "Vft.
f f ill i u
i. i III
1 ' ! ; M
''JJc York papers that gave. an account of folds, made into French corsage bouquets an
a .the Princeton-Yale football era me and com , :u::..,,u jij, f.
mented on thf costumes of thwomen and . Then again come your little dainty nbbons,
C; . 4 J?18?8' Temarked Upon the remarkable, sim- combined .with' lace; to beautify many articles,
knty ln !ress of a11 the women nresent. .'Florentine,- Persian i and .Dresden ribbons,
. .rv The majority were gowned iff velvet and which in the hands ofclever'people are trans
; : , corduroy dresses. ;All were severely plain formed into dainty bit9- of Xma9' ancles. -
111 ""P. wmwijin iikh auucu wne, eiyic YouTI find' us fully prepared to meet y
. ; v and dignity to the garments. ' . ' every demand jjj RIBBONS OF ALL KIN
every demand m juoisujnij ut1 all JMJNJJb.
-IIolIy , ribbons in' pretty winding vine de-
'... . . . . . t . t .. 1
comDinaiion, coiora 01 green ana rea
, v We Have iEvery Desira
fr, t v-"-r ,(r. cir. " - holly bernes.
,.'',. 'Although there has been, a heavy dram . .. , ' 1 , . ' . -
; , upon our supply we have still enough on ' No. 2 sells for 3c Ydi uocbolt ify
ihand to meetlall requirements for the next . . JVb. 5 sells for 10c Yd.; 90c bolt '
-week or two. i After that there ii no tellincr . " Mn "?n n ,;Aa,Mth trK Vj
, how soon' we can jeplenish our stock; Cer-' s . v'.
v y :i t"?. Kipling. - . w.ii..Mf 1-akstk a-.
A' "v-'' It s tne; Uncommon in , i ..4 '
-IpwelnrWe" Like to Show No. 1. sells for 3c Yd.; 27c bolt .
jeweiryyver l,ikc io onow t ,2 2 seUsor5c Yd.;45cboit
S'tV-Yor example: sterling brow pencils.. No 2 sells for6cYd.) 55c bolt
" ; ! . Ci7ttr fMeioo tin enlna ttnlsfore" fltitt mntnl , NfL3 Sell. far 7c Yd R5f hfllt .
S .... and gold filledrvanitg cases. Sterling car No. 5 sells for 8c Yd. 75c bolt
! ', ' mro hnnks nlnin nnri ctrhtxl Aln in ' t " . t
:: ' J s . ,, . " .
producing beautiful Mosaic effects Elaborate Paisley and Japanese brocaded bags., jk
Exquisite Chinese embioidered bags. An elaborate showing' qf black velvet and-
suede bags with long corded tassels. Carriage and automobile bags 4n imported, v
leathers; fitted with complete toilet requisites. .
. patterns. nLorgnemof--,thei:ZoyXIV'yi'-'. K
Vi period. Sterling chatalaine articles and jimportea novelty nooonsrromttc to &s.uu
long coral chains: ; , ,.,avamt . r , 1 ' - w -
K' ''! "f "H: '. V.V -
A' Sale of Christmas Handkerchiefs for Women, Misses, Men ahd BoysEveiy Srle and Every Pric Dozens of Handkerchiefs,
Plain and Initialed at Special Prices All Handkerchiefs ,50c and Up Hand Embroidered Free.
Baskets of the Loiiis XIV Period
-At the beginning of the 17th century French art, both" painting and sculptur
ing, was given over to the imitatibn.of the Italian It was during that period
when Coustou, . Coy sevox; Mignard,vLe Brun and Claude Lorrain were giv
ing to France. their best painting and sculptured 1 Artists -of that period
deemed it their duty to imitate the antique in their work, y ltwas then that
these gilt baskets were in vogue. i : f ' ,
They were used on "every occasion, ii the banquet hall, in the redeptioh
room, in the art gallery and. in the; ball room,always' lavishly filled with fruit
and flowers.' i - . t- " - . , ; l ',' ' , , '
The revival of this fashion is one of the novelties of the year.-It bids fair
to meet with immense popularity : v y ,V"'i,;'' ' ' "I
Vases, metal lined, from $Z00 to $15.00 each ' ,r '
Flower baskets with handles from $2.00 to $7.00' ' r r -'
Trays from $125 to $7. 00' ' . ."'f
Fern baskets, metal lined, "from $3.00 to $10.00 each . . ':
.. ...r .. , , . . . .... ,,. , ,.
To Have the Best, to Sell the BesHs Our Am
bition in Art Needlework
We fiave been climbing upward in our art needle' craft department, 'striv
ing to give to the public such a department that would put us at the .very
top r.ung.' f .We have left the bottom rung fafc below and : hope by careful
selection, with intelligent help and -competent instructors, tb reach our goal
the foremost art needle craft department on the Pacific coast. r -
We. realize fully how cramped arTd crowded this department is at present
,Wcr Stlso; know we have but one more Xmas to pass handicapped in this
manner,' . ; S . ': . i
-rThe department during the past month has-been crowded daily wih' cus
tomers ,who -have been r patient and obliging, realizing ? that we : are doing
everything in our power to serve them quickly yet carefully, ye have again
increased- ou selling space, displaying additional novelties,' ,'
We. are ; now showing beautiful, examples in ' art needlework,, pyrography
and -metalography. , , v:; ' 1 . - . J ' . - v''-
Last week we chanced upon a new idea that of instructing th customer.
iinuicuttiici ujjuii iuc jjuitiiusc, ui jii fji iincu iu -women iJ give, in
structions at orice in embroidering the same. 'It has been most 'successful;
Many '.women have taken advantage of this' new idea. '
YP'4JvauldJ)C-'.ast0nislle6,Jat th n4imbcr.tastyrartiste-artick-that can-
be boughMrom 25c to $1.00 JIany articles jthat need but a touch here and
there to Convert, them into the,' prettiest finished pieces. " j'
You have yet, time 'to join'our art needlework classes, and Irish crochet'
classes. . They are FREE to ourUstomcrs and strangers. We bid yon
I welcome. -. . " - v- I
Exquisite Silk1 Waists $2,95
, . ovuuiy iwyuiuny iupj.v.vv p - 'y-
Wonder values- 500 waists.- The biggest bargain of
the year. Waists that sell from $7.50 to $10.00 each: :
EXCLUSIVE MODELS.;; An immense variety.; .
Beautiful soft mescaline silks, Persian silks,, taffeta
silks, crepe de chine and Persians veiled with chiffon.
In black, all the pastel and rich dark colors. . o
DON'T MISS THIS SALE J for these waists make;
acceptable Xmas gifts. '- Come earlQ for there are many
t waists that have no duplicates: " Pattern waists.
.r,?--4::-y.. .y m vv'-'HVi ty:'yfy y'yi yA-i'yi yyy
I join theB6bklovers Glub Now
Yesterday a skeptli chanced in our Boek Department, knew, all about bookleti was
familiar with all reprint editions and poorly bound sets that are being sold as edition de luxe
and subscription books. Couldn't fool htm. , He haabeen bitten once,'
We had no argument to offer, save submitting our books for his examination. u . The first
set he ADMITTED was a BAIT. , Th( second set mother BAIT. Half an hoar later we
had sold this skeptic SEVEN SETSiOf books, This demonstrates conclusively that If we
eon overcome the prejudice afthts gmt!mam WflOjc!WYSBOOKS
sltion to offer the public that should appeal to every man and woman who wishes to get the
benefit of the best literature In the wortf In fine bindings, at little cost - , . . v-A'a . -
Start a library. $1.00 Down $1.00 a weeky Books delivered on
the first payment. '
These Umbrellas Are Truly RemaVkable Values,
And are sold at nrires 1m than th rnsf nf tfi tiaTilcs an rtrlrf r1a?mvit
- j v v - - w --was v w tr m r b v w r w v w
easily - explained. ' These handles were bought from a manufacturer who
makes HANDLES ONLY., . vA
Jlese were sent to an umbrella manufacturer' who: mounted, them, on
14-karat gold mountings. An ideal Xmas gift. , - , ' . ' .
While nominal in cost, one that we can. guarantee will1 give the best and
longest service. - The materials used throughout in these umbrellas are ol
$4 Umbrellas That We Sell for $1.65
li-Karat gold and sterling silver mounted handles in the long directolre
style, y Mounted on the very best strong ribbed paragon frames, covered
with pieced dyed taffeta which we guarantee to be positively fast black
This taffeta is finished with a tape edge, adding just a little extra tone to
the umbrella. ...
$6.50 Umbrellas That Go for $3:50: r
Four inch etched sterling silver and M-karat gold filled handles. In a
great assortment of styles. Mounted on light weight strong ; imported
frames.: yTight rolL Extra quality strong and serviceable. Finished with
a broad tape edge. . , .t ' . ....
. $9 Umbrellas Astonishingly Low $3.95 ;
Carved sterling silver and 14-karat gold filled handles from five to ten
inches in length. Mounted on beautiful hard wood posts. In the long
latest.directoire style. ; On the best Imported frames with excellent taped
black silk covering ,.. v ' ' " ,"''"
If You Were in PansToday yandShoppirig on
Rue He La Paix; You Would See :
Frtnch women bedecked vkh JMARABOlJ; NECKPIECES, Boas," Capes
and Muffs, the neckpieces vary ing in width and length, the muffs huge affairs.
--Fori drivingor- calling or, evening 'dress you'll find the "MADELAINE
SCARFS" in eviyenceV ;The color combinations and the soft materials, to
gether with the graceful folds, have madethis the reigning success of Paris
today.'--, - , - ,
he prevailing dress fashions, derived as they are from the ancients, de
mand the popularity of those filmy webby, jeweled,; beaded ORIENTAL and
-We are showing exquisite examples of Imported Neckwear for the holidays.
Prices meeting every demand oi your'purse, i
REAL IR13H CROCHET, in Collars, Jabots, Rabats and Tabs are easily
the thproughbreds of the neckwear family. . Stylish,' dignified and !.i::i!y,
they - exemplifyTr.efinerhent and good taste. . We admit of no comp. -Ahh )