The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 20, 1910, Page 26, Image 26

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    i -
1.1.3 4.1
j:om:y to loa:
T, r-,v
y t
it OS
y i -
4.J A .,...
. . , 40 acres, 11 miles from c'ty, "
fileca rolling land, no rorli, this ta
ins 4 000 cords of cood fir wood on i
wood will pay for land;, I am Glvi.ijf
this away at $4lioo. . '
P-B. Lent, 417 Corbett bid?
;.; theTmaNitou , -.0:
' - FAMILY liTTEL. ' : . '
" Under new management 6team heat I
... all conveniences, first .lass board an!
. rooms, reasonable rates, 'j'ry on. 261
, HOTEL Buckingham,' op. Portland ho
; ' tel. 830 Yamhill. FiUSclass fur
" nlshed rooms, single or en .mite. IToii
V ern. Transient. M. 31, A-T177 35 we.
HOTEL. PORTLAND jurofa pi.. .J ,
only; 33, $6 day. .'
' , THE' WILSON, oyer Crown theatre; fur
' ..: .' i ) : at f -e
i . i r ' r t t- i - -
Wf.-. : 1 . !! 14-') 1) r
8 to 12 vrius of a
o'ir contract on t; t
of our utoc'-i v i 1
. -ir?.t"e of
i i I a 1 in -
! 1 f.n 1
-0I ilAV. 1 . n.vrTSTAFLE3,
,.t t 4'M iiithnrns ave.
kav:: a f y.o. ':
ck J liropii".) I macMn-s V:
Ins to fr l very '!.(: ...
m,as low as tin, time or (
' s. i,i uu.kt the
ti;e Iidwiiiorne stables,
t these from November
-f s!! '.tlv v.fd
l-'h IU"t (.TO-
.ii. ry i-
I from I china h.H attachment il l fHiai.m-
l ; ni,-he I : teed, free lesson In I itt h.'i and
ana oil I embroidery on the White ni:..!y l.-'firy
sowine machine. New machini-s rnti-d.
i. . . . . , i
All makes sold, repaired and excnangyu. i
talte Sewing 'Machine ' s-ioro. . H. 1).
Jones, proprietor. 49 Wasnn.gton St.,
corner Kleventh. .
st Turner's stock farm, 37 Klickitat St.,
i-'ortlund; the best accommodations for
horses close to city; horses exercised
it' dftred. Home. phone 2781 or address
K. B.- Turner, R. F. D. ( 1, ' Box 847.
Horse bought and sold. , ' '
Ciii horse for sale cheap.
Union avenue north. -
Call at. .482
nlshed transient rooms.' 253 4 Alder.
. BELVEDERE Kuropean. 4th and AbUr
FOR RARE Sanitary dairy;' 18 'tested
cows,. 1 bull, 3 horses, milk,, wagon,
buesry, harness, farm wagon,- double
arncss,. ,i spring- wagon, mower, raKfi,
'irrow, plow, cultivator, cans, bottles,
nob - la.tonsJhay. 40 acres large orch
ard, 4 years. 4 months lease. Price 2S00.
Cash only, block 674 Mllwaukle. -
"WANTED-Ttf" rent for duck" huntlifg
purposes, place on; Columbia siougn.
, State price1 and location. D-242, Jour
rial. .' !. k, - f u
' V'ANTErT-2 to 74 unfurnlahed house
' ' keeping rooms, anywhere. Partculat
f ,-by postaV or .Maln 9312.. R. 27 R.' G.
' Drake, 47 -1st .'- -.;- Tt
, v WANTED- 8 or J room house, walking
tHstance of buslnesa distf;lqt, 3fl. Ad
- dress 234 Dupont St ' y
' i SMALL housekeeping suite, walking
distance, two adults." iP-240, Journal.
1 f LNE Brown Leghorns and Iebruary
hatched cockerel fdr 122: 12 Barred
Rock-' pullets, I some laying. $1.75 each.
ana cocaerei, t- otner oargains. want
edWhite LeKhorna and Black Mlnor-
cas.S R. Gfeen, MontavtHa," Phone Ta-J
DOT Pl'O. . ' "- ri, ;, .
OR SALE li high grade Jersey cows,
5 fresh In the last month, 'registered
Jersey bulla 8 Yearling heifers, at Kliy
Tabor 1441. , Ready ' for Inspection and
sale November 21, ,1810. Prices from
140 to 885. Tuberculosis teeted,
WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished house
keeptng rooms. t.-D-241,' Journal.
CORNISH Indian games, 1 cock, ,1 hens.
4 puaeis, l.cocicerei. an rer ju.; BiacK
Mfnorfa and Rhode Island Red cocker
els. rDell .Stllott, MpnUvilU, Or. Phone
ROOT Zi6t. - - .
. LARGE, heated and well , lighted. Good
elevator service. In heart of business
'section on west side. Apply 80S Abing
' '. ton bldg. ; -- -' -v., , - - -
Rock cockerels, for sale.
Lents. Or I block, north and 8 east of
.;JjHEW HALLAny. hlght in the weekl
12 2d st
: 75 Head of Horses.
, Why we do' the business: ," Because
we rive you full value for your money.
We. Tnandle only commission horses and
" i only accept horses that are clever" and
.true to wofk. -We also altowi a trial.
We have 76 head at -all Hmes'on hand,
consisting of some high, grade draft,
v --pleasure outfits and fast trotters. :: Call
auveriiser, easiest -piace in rortiana to
I find 15th and Alder ats. New Tork
v Club stables, , -'t
I "'' . I ' .'i J -v..
"i TiJt'-ff Wf M'flN M ATT,
Trial 2:10V4; handsome dark' browji
FOR SALE "Good Jersey cow ;for fam
ily use i fl blocks ast Powell Valley
station." Rudolph Clossner. Fjltwe.l road.
25 WHITE WYANDOT hena for
quick SRie. i"oruanq - i-quiiry x,x
Jhange. ' phone Tabor 2422: ' - ' ? i
WE sell all kinds - of . (Standard t bred
poultry.. Portland Poultry Exchange.
P. O,-'B0X 417. ."Phone'Tabor 2422,
w '. '" " r ' !
j) IUU WHni - to ouy- ur ou umi;
cows see Molrel-Bruce Co.. at stook-
yarfis. Wood lawn 2400, . ' -" v i
'Is WO 'fine fresh cows for sale cheap
if taken today, Joseph Smith, Nashr
ville station, Mt Boott w. j
i0 Robxt Buff-Orphlngtort cockerbls, and
some:nice puuet coeap. ; -f airor zuso,
, mare 6 years weight 1075 lb.: abnolute-
,ly safe for the, most timid or inexnerl-
., enced peraonHo drive or to handle under
'. anv and all circumstances, i Bhe In . a
' beautiful,; good galted trotter,-pleaaant
r-to drive, road easy 10 tp 12 miles an
, .'Jiourr good walker, fearless of all ob
4 Jects' perfectly safe.' useful mare oom-
WJ1IUV4. , .VV Dl VlttJF ftfUV.. J' A ' Kit.
i 'obliged to. sell for 300., iCan be seen
ii "'i "y. tuning ouo Aiaer - wew, ijor;
, f 'i- , ,.,'--,..-: - - i -''--.'j,.-.- ';'.' ';;4-
. ' 8250 TtRPIWFRY . TK AM l9Kft V
' " Coal black, full. brothers,, 2800 Jbs.'.
. pooti workers, rat and -risnrjuoine: will
jnaKe grand ranch team; also heavy
' sewed trace harness at purchaser's opt
. tlou. Call 605 Alder St. . , .
r ., ,..s feo vuTirr 808... -s
Handsome cheatnut mare, weight
1 ha., very ; gentle, fine' saddler: . also
extra fine hand stamped .saddle and
, . bridle; all for 365.' Can be seen at New
' Xork. Club stebles. 18th, andAtder..,
' , '8185 TEAM AND HARNESS 318 S,
k Handsome and fat. wela-ht 2400 lbs
full brothers, fast walkers. work single
or-doubre-orT'ldeT'harness Is' In first
-'.class condition; also new 8 Inch farm
wagon, bed and-spring seat, complete.
, -iiye oo van uo Aiaer st-.i
Pair matfched blacks, weliht idoo lha
Z full brothers; sound, young." fat ' and
suitable for any purpose on earth; also
pair matches dapple grays, 3100 lbs. j
. . one dapple gray colt coming fi years, old.
iovv iu, tan ou9 Aiaejiv
I FOLRTEEN headBf horses and marea,
i m weight from 1000. to 1400,. ages from
- , mo i years, price rrom "83&.00 to 875
two. teams or these horses are now
working xn dirt wagons earning fe0
, per day. ' These horses art offered at a
great sacrifice as they must be sold at
,jnce. iu Montgomery street.
. 1 BLACK MARE, weight '.14Q0; I- black
f. ' horse, weight 1400, broke single or
- double and true; ,1 sorrel hoi'ge, .weight
1050; 1 mountain spring hnck V btiggy,
.long bed. Call Suiiday, .Take Fulton
';. car, get off at Nevada St. 8 blocks east
l j Inqnlra at stores t , , , ,
- 88 BUYS team mares, weight" 1606 lbs"
- with new harness and f wo-seated
' hack. Also horse, weight about 1100 lbs.,
- sound and 'true: worker; extras good
Miivcr. e n mri wagon, cneap, it 7 . m.
nui., cgunye in par
MUST sail fina rhnnk v iiCin
'sound horses, guarantetv true workers,'
single or double'lHS-yrwner giving up
muouibb. . vu o jd. 4a aw norm, near
CARLOAD of eastern Oregon horaoa
among them la number of first clesa
. inares weigh from v20a 150J8J-H
, yuong; ana sounq na guaranteea. ik&
Medlison st, .near "brldae son West side.
CARRIAGE and Harness 3360fe also 1800
. v. . pound horse, .8150.. CaM Oregon Elec
. trio Depot between 4 and 6 n. m.. U. S.
. Roderick, Bushmark hotel,' 686 Wastw
. Ington. -' -"" -w.,;j..,i11
OR SALBCheap. Good 2600 pounl
n farm team. Wagon and harness. Near-
, ly .new. Travia juros. , Wooyard, 8th
nun xinrriBon.i f
FOR SALE Well matched rtr.vln team
, weight 1040 and 1048, single or double
arivers. or particulars pnone Mapie
im jeeiaurant, Vancouver,' wasn.
. HORSES and buggies for rent by day.
week and month; special rates to
ousiness , nouses. ta 'ana , Hawthorns.
F ast ' 72.' ' '.- ' : v
1 i'l
auui) ranen - team.- , mare . and itoroM
, mare in foaL by good-horse; wfll sell
very cneap.' gun ,jsast zistu W. iW,
I WAGONS Two of then for sale. One
, v heavy trucit wagon for 350 and a good
, well,- equipped camp wag-on - for 3100
J'i' Rrreai baraains. E-M5, Journal
, FOP. SALE 29 head work horses, guar.
Antarvf? a ti . ,,riMnmtli , I. t n .
young draft horses. 1575 to 1625.. 1640 I
. Macadam st, Take Fulton ear. N
1 , HORSE and wagon for sale. 330: mus
" ' 6 "ld..fct ince, we are leaving ; the
"i it mil-, wit arr(son at .1 before
;y , P. m. ' - ; " ' " '' -'' - . ; ; t ... . ;
ATTRACTIVE prices on good assort
ment of house furnishings consisting
Of: '
.8 . dressers, 8 iron beds. "
v 4 carpets, Charter Oak cook.
8 heating stoves. , .
Extension table, chairs. ' 'iV-
Lots of dishes. ; ?- ' ' " '
..Gas stove, machipa. tv' v
,112 Union ave. ' '
Arthur IL Ileftz, Manager .
.'W? are exclulsve dealers In
used automobilfis., .This week we
want to let you know that we
have several hicrh grade machines v
at barsrain prices,- to trade tor
real estato"( or, first class paper.
. They are " . v. :. "
- I model M 40 h p. White .
. 2' model O 20 h. ' p. White.:
Steamers. - - 1 1 ."' " ;
I Firestone 85 h. p. ; Touring ,
car. ...-.' .1 . ,: ..... ..
1 Studebaker Garford.: 40. tou- ;
Ing car. , -
;. We also have some'flhe buys '
liy both gas, and ateam cars for
real money. . See u before' pur-
Chasing, , . j , . (
-' ;',T.-.'l - . V . . :, J ,. '
:; Main 692 Phoiies A-22S4.
Sixth and Madison Sts. . --
"'" Portland, Or. , ,
fldential. , Grav &. Cnnnlnrham room
201 Rothchild bldg.- 287 ,Washington
sc., Deiween tn ana 6tn sts.
Owing to a backward season, must sell
my large stock of fine furs at prices
that will make a clean sweep; take ad-1
vantage, buy , genuine furs from . the
manufacturer - ana get the Desjt, some
less than cost 'Sale all the week. Open
evenings. r. . , - "
A. Reiner, practical Fumer, inn litn st.
ENTIRES furitituro of 7-roomed cottage!
for 3150 or will sell separately; 117
yards of velvet and Axminster carpets,
large china closet, fine oak organ, other
rurniture cneap. t Also , ugnt -spring
wagon -and almost ' new harness. . Call
401s.E. 45th st. S. cor. . Lincoln. ;
GOING east- and,; wiUTsell" high class
office furniture of I rooms? including
new burelar nroof safe. 8 new rifles and
hammerless shotgun.' Would consider I
exchange for good lot or earning securi
ties. ' T-Z93. journal. ,
LARGE Uron standard brick machine.
complete, with belts, moulds, .trucks
and pallets, or will sell separately. Mo
statk; s tt-rttt no. 2 2 3 DR. ALICE ArGrilVF.
- R.-R-o-k-.K-H-S. uiseases or women -an i cnimren ex-
SALARY LOANS ON- PLAIN NOTE3. cluslvely. Women are often saved s-
10 t TO J100. vera surgical operations oy tinisuiuiis
LOWEST BATra tm ponTT.Nn. I me. Nervous diseases of children a
810. rerald In irintallments of.,... 3 -5 specialty. Private hospital eceomnioda-
$20, repaid in installments of 90 tions. Confinements cared for. Cor-
J50. repaid In' installments of. ..j. 2.00 respondence solicited. No charge for
larger amounts In proportion. consuuanon. rnones. inain o.. a-idi.
We do not i)virti.. mRioadtnar terms Office rom 10, Grand Theatre blag..
or rates, but give you our charges in Washington nnd Park.
plain figures. . ' ... 4M onrl U UA Rivor .
Jiiisiness strictly confidential. I IV 1 1 CtllU I VI f I IvJUU lliil -
RTAThl SfPl'Ht'PV f'O.. I . . I . II i
$ 8 8 3 80S Falling bid. I I tl I . ' APPieS. ' '
xnree Dusner Darreis. 3.tta, aenverea.
Barrels must be emptied.. Long keep
ers, all varieties. Portland phone Tabor
& Mason, shippers, Box
ver. Or. '
A WOMAN is as old as she looks. I
can take those wrinkles out of your
face, and make 'you look, ten years
vniinvnr.. Rv a. new and harmless meth
od Demonstrations free. Room 37
Raleiah block. 6th - and WaahlngtonT
Hours 10 to ft t:
N. toiuil. i'
servioeti u:,l t-
Mi i: title's f t ;i;
Decett.'d won a ri.
afriif No. of l:.i
respectfully lnittu
merit Ros." City c- .
MONEY to loan on diamonds ffigS
and- lewe ry at low rates ot
interest. Palace, 328. Wash
ington, "
-.' :" ':''' '.. V "''...--'1, ;'-v''
"New York Expert. Massage
MONEY loaned 4n amounts from 310 up Beauty parlors Just opened; latest,
on all kinds of securities, furniture, trlcal appliances accurately used ' for
pianos or any personal property, Week-1 rheumatism; hair dressing a specialty.
Ily or monthly payments, low rates; con
Marshall 2843. 426 Alder.
Mrs. Peck,
HAVE a few full blooded Barred Ply
mouth Rock cockerel -v also pute blood
Pekln 1 drakes for sa . Phone Wood-
lawn ni. ' 2Lil
cheap. vFo'Ot Of Kni
took. Phone gell'vi" 1
ie family cow,
t street Wood-
1612.'- ;;- '': -
t FRESH COWfl,! one 1 soon be- fresh;
also i: good delivery0 express horse.
863 Williams ave. ..
t'OK SALE Belgian hares, and rabbits;
. olack and brown; 26 centsand np.,, T-'
uwi ,11,
ORPINGTON . cockerels, Buffs and
Whites, beauties, cheap: also Barred.
Rock cockerels. Phone Sellwood'1230.
FOUR canary birds for sale, Singers,
cheap; S cages. - 1- or particulars can
107 13th.; '"' : y-"" ' ' ' .; ;'"'
WANTED To .buy some nealthy
, thoroughbred uurr,, orpmgton cnicn-
.ini Aiirtrena- -4i. journal. ' J
ONE car load grade - Jersey heifers,
fresh this spring. - See Mokel-Bruce
Co.,' Stockyards, 'j;. -, ' . j
WO, fresh Jersey, cows, one cow to be
rresn in raw oays sis. ju. zaxp si.
FOR SALE-One fresh cow. a A.'
Hlnes, Ryan . Place,' Oregon Electric.
Quick loans on furniture - and I
I ptenoa. storage receipts. Ufa Insur-
It ance policies, livestock, real estate, 3
1 1, etc U. fl. Real EsUte it Brokerage i
r Main 2084. 3
- Modern alectrlc treatment for diseases
of the prostate, nervous debility, PHes,
etc W. L Howard, -M. D.. 804-8 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and..Washington,
LADIES Ask .your druggist t or
Chlchesters pills, tns uiamona cranu.
I T. .OT ......... tmnn.n ma hoG
1 - . r tv,vv. w - . v. Aiwivi - renaDie. . - i ane no uuior,
! iincigau. .V9 iouon oMig. - rhlr.hesters K Dian
Co.,. 112 Hamilton bldg:
f ...-,
t 2 s. 1 ..
n-. , r r-'(
L'lJi'tk.i, CO.
'I V.
'i i 1 1 '. f uti". ; .
. j, er V,. S. ('
bft held at 1"
. McFntee's im li
parlors. Sun - v
. n, AM , ni,.u;l-,
quested to attend.
THE FAMILY of the late Ueot .
Fawcett wish to thank their 1:
for their kindness and sympathy di.
their recent bereavement Also for
many floral tributes. -
every detail. 7th and Pine. Mala
A-4RoSi . L.aqy assistant.
- . . M . 11.1 M . 4 tAA
iinqy iuwnKm. mtuii w. id -
I CDPU : The east side undert
LLIlUi .
Lady assistant B-1888, i d
T81."East th and Alder.
Zeiief-Brvnes Co.::.VW1
phones; lady assistant Most mod.
"shllshment in- clty.-
EDWARD, HOLMAN, undertakar. 2
3d st Lady assistant Main 60T.
- Laher Bros,
Auto Soring -Works-
We make : a specialty - of makln ( j
Aiwa; a a oimuit, . a " I
Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills, are CD PCHM
ni. hv dniriHsts everywhere. ' 1 L.11 lupwll
EAST SIDE funeral directors, succ--
QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. sold by druggists everywhere.
Ring; 4 ei wasnington biag. Main ioo.
6133. A-3 2. 15.
CO.. . Mai
'Lady ei
Are Yoii Ruptured?
risk 'trtA-fA OvtiKii im mail and fitted
bv ft Bpeclallit to men. women and chU- I CERTIFICATES of Utlo made by
use the highest grade of steel and our t- n nZ u'fnlir,iBY9Vft ' nrS! I
springs are fully guaranteed. ; Mall or- a. & C. Oct ob l-r;Se aI'd Pr?J
ders receive prcmpt attention;,. 82 N. tV
dren. Satisfaction guarantsed : or . BO
charge, i Wilson, 66 8th st
.'.'.. - k DR." LEWIS,- ..
slclan and surgeon; treats women
.6 ahj 17 hWpower;.-length, 80 SJ 'S-CTJ t MarshaU 1482 fh VnltriutM i&'tMlton
feet; beam 8; In flrstclasji order! At i""' T'er MarBnau I4gz; Portland, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m.. Pltal- accommodations: . examinations
535 Savler street, cer.j 16th. ' ' - AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. December 15, 1910, for the construction Main, 4047; A-3411.4 604 Common-
NEW and second Iiand pool and billiard . "i"1"."," 1 , "i'. iST oi inast; itiver Diversion worns, io- 7'"' 1
Title A Trust company. Lewis LUl
4th and Oak. '"' '
Fred H.- Fruiht and wife to The
Mount Hood Co., lots 25 and 26,
block 6. Lee Bow Park adldtlno 3
Mrs. G. W. Yocum to The Mount j
Hood Co., lot 7, block 1, Prune-
uaie auainun t '
V at to Tne
tables bougnt ana sola on easy terms: "L'w irem nx. o i mues souxseasi 01 rtii iAi.n.iJiiJ nuniimuuiiu .,-, "i n- ' i
bowling alleys; , refrigerator Xrlmme- Plerce-Arrowr and-adlllaci, twd; 80- Klamath Falls. Oregon. The work con- containing marriageable people from Mount; H, Co.. frJn
dlate dellvery'l Address the Brunswick. SJl' n constructing a concrete-diver all sections of the United Btefos Can- .section 8 township 1 noth
Balke-Collenaer Co.. 46 6th. , . , f . X? 2iTa 3ffiLi5S' sion dam-' cwts , bridges,.:etc:.-and ada, rich, poor, young, old, Protestants, . range east... y ." hi
FOR SALE-8160 Myers gasoline vacuum 0 v& SnoV L$C&- 'tHttn
carpet cleaner; ona 16 horsepower ata- ders for 1311 Pierce and cSdlllao cars, uan'a yrds of eicav- P"n"'B'J10' i - ; B.-j,ln; ' tlort 82, township 1 north, range
tionary steam engine, 375; No. 7 power t - COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. tl0rttn,-ira"k.m?A YOUR FORTy NE J,0IA,i0,n,l8nf 8 jast S
Wilson bone grinder, 350, ;.D-244, Jour- . . r er,-.f . - t - rot ...partlculan, address the United revelations. : Let, me guide you. to 1 a a B Cutler and wife to The
hat - t . i . . AiiTrwv.Ahila flunore : S States Reclamation Repvica. washinr. tmnnv aiii-cessful .future.,- Send birth- ,,":..Vv,' Til 1 ... J L- Z 'L
ton, D. C, PorUand, Oregon, or Klamath (date and 4 2 cent stamps.: Prof. Allen,
s T. n. .' '.. 1 -V .. 'V v v iy w , 1 ton, D. C. PorUand. Dreron. or Klan
0 jli. vLaii.vfiai y- A1H.111U KKBuune nil- I mavi vnn aiitnntnftiiAa ir.rt nv rniiK.ii. s. . . I r .
7i:. .. inn. ki -1. j . I w ' 1 , v rt , , -T.i. ill jb iis, urcKon, t JjIlooJu ilL. WlljBtJril. v I rortn wooa-'Sireui, inivaKu I ...
a,'" w wjuci. ii i.-jm. u.-a. 1 AULomoDiie j sonooi. no 1 ... . v ; . 1 1 . 1 1 . v
?i. . ' " p rBCUC,l', ' nw ; aragsaw 1 charge except' for- parts supplied; all I . - "
oni J u?cpeaiJ.i, xi wor aone unaer supervision or compe-i ; , i NOTICEt
svs. iivui uni. , .r- . .' i . mspnanii., nni. n,iir..iinn i. a i r frm v
- - 1 1 '- in 1 1 I it J , 1 I nn.i..nv,.vii . mv.u
H-l HN" mIK nnnarkad latnn luLutT. IIUrHl. : Knonfl li:nil ' I llrPTOr ' 1. or I nAJRN. ' - If.VAll tvon iri...
lshed: reneml hnuneworlr' dorto J .ftoll I Prlv. Ex. 65.- - Y. ill. Gj A. bldg. " I hv 'contra lv . i trial All wm-v t'lst Vtt
East 617. Leave orders' 0r j'Bur-1 ryl 1 1 1 '" 1 ."'' ' guaranteed satisfactory. , 1 pR. WALKER, speclallsti quickly cures
gara. i ;- - i . r ... : .., ., ... I BHIBICAIj ' nrSTTRITllllSirra BA I 'TtT: AAKiAN HKOTIIBRS, qihum m ""'r' J
jj'OU . SALE Ladles', long, black-"coat ., L,. 291. Hawthorne Ave.
agonV1.a ri ! am; still . he Ih; the
rlson st Marshall 619,. i v.r nr!vata j hnilgP' T rSnrSncttf
tion 32, township 1 north, range
o . - " "l easi .......................
Acting Secretary.-" t ntnwM an books, magaatnes, novels, etc, I Grace M. Wick to Henry Zech et
.-. - I , ITrtcrll.K . lTrnnrn. i flnanlah. I .1 1n .f hlnnlr s tnhm
. . riirTiCp:. . i. - 'r vji t . i1 -
n Brothers iir .Mil In th tMtat. 1 Swedish ana Italian oicuooariea; iuroin , Park addition ...... ..... m
?,B.?eI Are. .t."1 1" -V1!?.?,"1: books of all kind. .. Schmale Co Title Guarantee A Trust tt. to B.
."' ": w yvur Biura :-.r.,:,, i ...... 4 .., : ... I o t..i , ..4
nart of lot 8. block "S;' also
"lot 1. block "V" Tabor Heights;
eases, sores, ulcers, swollen gianoa, aia-l aiso lots in last. xynne
.h.i.. (.ladder and nlles. a.,181 First. Port- I Stephen A. D. Fox and wife to
large lUvir.-yvK) - r-r .. ft;
, ir I iiuiiib - specjauy. au , ainas oi CLARA B, Miffl ZUtUil win givs i one oi, i , - V ? T TniinK n i
-the ?iu'pment to:work wlth.TAlso auto Vher special dancing .parties. Thanks. Ali.7,uS? tlf&&
- T'":'JilA;.WMll : W' L " Saw30"?! ' at Vouthwest corner of Tot "S?
" uu,v"" ' Tract ............. ..... 1.800
RPIIIaIa IkAl eft javl' A M IA A M tl a'
Trnw" " Pdie.' t' -i'::"".u-"rVr Ul IVaiC ' lUUatl v UUUlKiUti
v gest and eye., eoniulete. : Easv In. rniirt hAiiea hth At
stallments. Call or address Mfiaiai. rvwul L "VW u" OllTOli -r ; .a. -v hi. pan, run. ananawmorne. a
Kay Bldg , Main 4710." ? VsCy My expenses 4 are practically nothing NOTICE Is hereby given that the. part former Invitations are Invited
FOR SAI&-Or trade-: 'lO-WtnUekt!?ig-!?- .dvertislng. LS'P. L lAn 3.J. , 9?3 OCCULT,- New. Thought, Sclentlfio and
'ter rifle almost new; nrW tin - iJh I -wiucn uvws me to sen a piano cneaper u ouiiiuuwonBries,, boo j Holiday iuookb. eena ror iree cata-
$19 will take raytWnV orgood" ?anJ J" Portland. - All my
TnW1 m n Vil wP'L- 8- Y I Igne. Jones' Book Store, 284 Oak st
Call or write 613 East Clav. - ' - ' """5, 0?cllea.Dy ffuarantee nora : u. Jlt i """"iV"'2i:
-Theyjtre not lwi. e (lrp-uJ not sponsible for
V,lO.T. " ' I A f At A ' T
TWO HUNDRED Plymouth.. Rock hens deadheads like some fakeri Tare rsellini bliIa or Indebtedness Incurred from
fr, ot big gold lettered, name: J" r Ofascheff
. ..v, iiwi uuai. i xnvesiiK&ie mi. 7 nirrftrnwr wui, n i " "
ter rnlleeast of Seven- Mile House.'
V--40U ill
Since, last evening a new storm has
i . i io o i-.acn. , ,
. in Union ave. .
SEWING machines. Ten perfect, stitch
S!?"52. 1?A Wl: " n 1 m i tiOTil.,' . . . J i f 11 mamaTn'oerancg ort the No h Pa!
',r;,u.r.!'iDi:,'"":Vm3r roreroom, f, aaie a wui no longer ilf,-atorm w.rninir. Wera
225 6th at. John -Garner,
kl' ,..n...lkU - . -V
" "r"""- . ',; ' ; traveled fcv mv wif '.T PlZ' ordered displayed at 7:80 a, m., at. all
JfSSSS1 E.yMm PleToe Pt&::lt' coait seaport. , In, this .district. -except
Mary Arnetta Milne and husband
to The Mt Hood Co- 8 acres
in section. 19, township 1, -south
ran if a 4 east .................
Rlnaldo R, Carlson and wife to
The Mt Hood Co., lana Derin-nlno-.
In - south line of Sixth
t street between Mildfed addition
and Carlson addition, to ores-
ham ........... ............ .
L. P. R. Le Compto and wife to
Bamuel wagner, Boum nan
of lots 11. 12. block , Haw--thornes
First addition t , i . . . :
get a nearly new nianrt that I nnroh. Mgnea, E. M. Pleroe,
ased direct from the manufarturora b. I ' "7 .
fore coming west: Inauir R31. Alharta I 1 JttWT ' AM 1 HTITTlim .'v el ,
i V,?ti"A niKK.60 Morrison streets next ANYONE Who intends purchasing a IL.OST One roan horse, age 8, " brand at the . other stations. They will prob.
Auuamnns. i - .. ,.v piano can ' secura a nwdit iiwt tnl house too on left front shoulder. Uably occur tonight in the Sound coun
r w daijiv iaiesi sauna., an attaon. i sddiv vn same. lor nair tnaj amniinr nr i weienr anont - lznn ' ina.. aiMnriiB iniinr ana aion ins cuanu muaeraieiy
ments, L. C. Bmlth typewtiter, visible; check. - Phone A-2179. ... . . Ihind legs; give information -or return heavy rain has fallen in Hrthwesira J lntprurban Realty Co. to Seflne
. itn ana -eissiyiw-sw.;- ana receive ul"ui ntmiuisu .m .micui . . Biocn jot f block
Marshfield, and at 11 a. m. they were
extended, to lniana navigable ' waters, i TTiv.rsit Land . Co to R I
...... ... . - . - . . . . . . u irariirvr trmrtt ...............
Chnrlea W. TtleflB and flwe to I.
A. May, lot 1 and north half of
lot 2. taocK s, Miriam
need ona month. 270 cash.' . li-347. Jourl t tiuClnT2S''Y . i. i-.-w '.i.. J.'"'. J
-7 - J" r j J Mualc '&Sa" u M reward ZoM BensloT "" and cloudiness ha. spread over the en-
rennet vn.writar. -Uvfa mai-" . " , J. ? , . . ix,.;.;. ..... 1 I...' t-- ...... tire district, except ; In - southeastern
y never .used, cost' 320. Equal to 3100 f ' v
LOST or stolen, white English setter m,
aog. One nail Of face black, very I The Annilltlona ore favorahla foi. rain
S T-
- .--. " ' ' ' ' 1
' " ; - ' ' r"-
" ? J : Acgm a.. nflVOIS'Da (
C , V . - , - J ' 4
WANTED Your tinting at $2 per room,
nolan rmfitirtna mriA InatdA ftnlah? sat
isfaction guaranteed. W. cj Loomla, Ta-
riAr via. . . .
FOR SALE Allwin go-cart, cheap If
soia. Derore weanesaay noon, vub
Mallory'-ava.;.. '.'.y a , .
FINE show (case, plate glass, suitable
' for grocery or hardware, ju union
avei Earn 1809.
FOR SALE Fine roUtop oak desk and
v of floe chair: also typewriter desk.
624 Henry bldg., 'vM
GENTS Cleveland bicycle, prctlcall;
new in, every waj;. a oargais.
tn st.
S, Street
LADIES' .silk suits. -opera' capes,
suits and" coats cheap, t Janitor, 668
Flanders. Main 8251. ' -" - -'
FOR SALE 3100 check good for new
. piano at Bush & Lane, cheap. Room
i. uo Vancouver ave.' t
COMBINATION roaohine.r 18-lnch wood
latne.Vbeiting, puueys, snartmg sacri
flced. . Bee Lambert Independ'nt Laondry,
t5M fi"n"!. A0. nV?S Sf ftH: In thl. . district Sunday, with high
6. Belle
Crest ..... . . . . j f. , . , .
T. A. Comes and wife to" Minnie
B. Shiveiy, 74X88 zeei, com
mencing 100 feet1; south of
northeast corner of. lot 3, block
1 Rrentwood .................
Mary -Power to Mary A.. McGuln-
ness.. norm--. xeei -oi ioi s,
subdivision B. "A" ; , Afblna
SAFES new .and 2d hand, all slses, also CASH paid for mortgages or seller's or c.all.;Wooalawn l3s nl receive re: 24 hours, 0.4 feet; total ralnfaU (6, p. fwestem Oregon Trust' Co. to'R
vauuooors. iow- prices, easy terms, l miereai in contracts on real estate in I ' " . l.m. in o p. m. . rainiaii i,, Lombard, lot 15, block 4,
machine. . Will , sell . for 615. V; Snap, t - -:- - - - - - ': ' -.J u-l
A-246,, Joumay-.-r; r --,,.- ' 68 PUTig YOU In possession of an acre Liberal reward. Parsons,. 420 ,E. 84th I southerlv 'winds alonlr north coalt!
TWO genuine oil paintlnga, very beau-t , of good land at Gilbert Station, with 1 . rnone labor 435. - ' ; , Ln it, Puget Bound country
tiiu! oi wasningionuuia juncoin on Plenty or water Tor irrigation piped to LOST Brown bulldog. Taii . and ears i Maximum temperature, 68 degree.;
16x20 canvas. -Chas. SL 3r1f f in ' Am. 1 the nlaae: beautiful aurrnnnrflna-a Smith I nnTi.. . i I ii , 7 .
, . , , . .j . , . ' . , , - . --3 t ...... vviini tim, ui mam I iiiiiniiiuiil iwiuwiniwi o, . . uciiooa, rivet
boy Washington, : r ' Couch Mdg, Main. 8522. I spikes. Return to 1789 Dwight street I reading. 8 a. m.. 4.6 feet: change in last
Pbrtland Safe Co.;!876th St'-
ir crntt a, wain Mnrtn.. ln.n. m-mm.i i t non- a 11 . . i . ... . I ainn. NflnipTnnor I i y 1 11 u K "I . mrna. I . .. . . . . . . . .
V;'..ra"r-L1.? ty'S ""SJr-l.."-" Pm. wrq in center -"".,- :r,i"T, ...5V.k Tw,i . :Mne aaaition .... ........
A. J.
...... i i . ' . ' . i H i i
THOROUGHBRED Airedale- terrors for tmhBrm,nYrt- imw, oauiiiaw in, mouth, .""V 'i"" t"'!'' Harbor Realty co. to
sale. 810 14th st Main.- 6889. , Lumbermens bldg.. , 8th. and Stark. Finder phone East T1081 or IC-1460. or iMheaj-exewa of rJn Henkle, lot , 8. block $
t" . i.' I1,!',,, as. or you want to lend or borrow on good eave witn jrvine, at journal office. w"" "u ,'n"! I Harbor
' WAVTim.MTrTi'tt 'AttrvnratV - real estate securtty. see , Suitable reward. St . " '-y. , , 0 hours. 0 minutes; possible .unshlne, 9jTnvVstment f!a' to Mlih C
- WAEP5nSCLLAyEOt8 f 5 R. F.. BRYAN, 506 Chamber of Cow I L6ST-Llewellyn Setter dog. black hU.r."l lnV.el 5arme.arn"d Bowies? lot 14, block 26. Pled
' --'i i I..- , mf .nn a . . - . . " 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 .u .ua .u , c. , . . v L. 1,,.,.VV.V. ,11V. im n. 1
I to S years, 1 Address 451 Hawthnma I nair ot tau Diack. .Liberal reward. 825.
Kast 46tn st. Phone Tabor 856. v.
WANTED-i-Peop'hj oil" Portland to know !
tnat we pay nignest casn price for
& Gustavson. ' 148 Russell. Eat 1682.
LADIES make supporters, 612 pep hun-
- area. no canvassing, material Tnr.
nlshed, stamped envelope for particular..
vyapasn ouppiy uo.-, uept, t.70,r Chicago.
ave. Phone East 202
ORTGAGE loans, and 7 per cent LOSTeVSco tch oollle. malty, dog, answers
Louis Salomon, 288 Stark .t to nama of Bruce, . wandered awty
111 from Rnufh Ml ' TbKa. t.. c,.-..
art I rimm laoor ous.
I.DST Rrnwn ahnrt.halr.4 Ar.
'ZZ-. L'l'"' ."."....VV"' Hit rni.tnri
tnmi,i iiwivy ,ei, leainer conar wirn i y
' t, . . . 1 ' . . ., . I Tarm ...... : ! ..... 1 rhesr.
A "Ani l gooa location, ior a grocery l "f" n iiim jourraunej 11 gooa raie lieiA in ii-Yii.-1 U . ' "
What have you got? I want cheap of Interest Gilt edge security; first f ?e.nB.V 4 reward. Re
rent either side. Address M. L.'Brown. I wortgage; long time investments. Itoirn to 403 Ellsa st -
tJn.ivvii.ii.iN au. zetn and Davis and E. I
ana Burns
6 D.
Fdrtland and vicinity Sunday fain,
southerly winds. , ; -- s
Oregon Sunday rain, southerly winds.
nign aiong me norm ooasi. v
Washington Sunday rain, high south
erly winds, west portion. -
iaano Hunaay rain, except rair south-
HOUSE tent 'wanted
prtce wanted in first letters E, Grlf
Provident 'Investnient & ; Trustee Co.,
xe and I . , " "":
I WANTED Loan from
' 835QO. On, Improved home
private party g?r o?eS N15' v
acreage prop- f"' or P"one E. 28lt, r - l
mont ..................... . LOOO
Charles A,. Beardsley et al- to
Alice O. Noel, lot , urey traci ajdu
R. W. Wisdom and husband to
( F. E. Phillips, lots i ana a,
... ... a . . . ...
oiock 111, wpoasiocA ouv
James W. Cook and wife to Da- .
vid Lackat et au lot , diocbt
16. Cook's addlUon . t 100C
Louis Guth, Jr., and wife to . i
Alex Frankei et at west sa reei
of lot 1 and 2. block 8- Oberst 8.400
John L. Karnopp to James No-.
berg, lot 3, DiocK z, Aimona.. aolk.
1 AmV... HTa.t.1 Ia-
4., 11, rtiiiwu, if miiiiibwii, : . "f .1 .-w.,w.a, a...... v . b. aiv.uQ c - 1. 1 fa, n I i . - - -
$12.60' FOR J black, books, . city dJ- r T.??I Jjiff tefJH ?2a
tn Bti Room I . --.-.a, . j- - i vtcaac . rviurn uia-
rectory 1910. Call 122 6th st, Room I
288 Jefferson street.
Wh.!.ra2' Uugen; lDarlingV;i to W. F.
AiAUkuai A aiibu, niivo VVIJAJJO,!! w Vi,
Forest Qrove. Oreeon: :
? Please take notice that the regular wiV Coto J B 'Bon
annual muting, nf thA momW. 1 POrtlanu TrUSt CO. tO. J. JS.BOn
- :-;. -' i". .woe? i. vuia
m a vTirn m u.... - ..i. 1 1 wurin, wnon -compieuea. iiu.uuu.. v i . - i n.... r mead .......a......
" waVonS Hawort,e"av Ced & W.W JournaT. Wld. watch Elgin works, meeTaTthe nrSUhS'lT W?maJ?mmV
Martin Furniture Co. T, ,, . , WILL w U per cent for 3450 Lor I :.J????Wl.E P. B. Finder , please Orove. Oregon, on the 86th dav of No- John 8chitter. northwest qnar-
. years, bu acres, jacuson county, nr., ""' " """"i """"s I vember. 1910. at the hour Of 10 O'clock
security. H-2 47, -Journal. ' LOST-Fox terrier bttcn. black anil tan 1 forenoon, for the purpose of trai.sar.t-
nesa, . Diack spot butt of tail,
wanted to -improve property on& keepsake; . keep money. 431 . E.
l, when "completed, $107000.. 7 Taylor. ... ;- ; - : -,. ......
it tjind expenses. L-204,' Journal. L08T Lady's Sold watch Elgin works,
If YOU want the most money your fur-j
n I dire will brinr. save time.) call Raat
4731. jes Hawthorne, f.'C. Meier,
EA8T BIDE auotlon jobbers want Id
- nana lurniture, nignest -price paid. 94 I
Grand ave.. E. 1061. .. ' t i
WANTED Black , and tan rat terrier
Will ibaa,You Money-. ;
... 37 rTeldne.r bldg. Reward. - Phcine M..6512.
Ing such business as may lawfully com
before said meeting. ..... --.- -P?r -v
This notice is published by' order of
the Board of Directors made and en
tered the 12th day of November, 1910.'
Anr. amall Call mnm 0 Maw an I 1m VOUr lurniture. nlanQ or real AMtatA. I GENTLEMEN I am 38 years Old. Con
hotef - 5 . - Lowest rate of Interest : See me -first v. VJLnl., .t-:-'w 6 . inches In ti A p . a vn 'bt a u ixr.xtv a n ma'
' Ji Li MCQOIS l. lover 'ot hom. iMtrlmonWlF taifinU .II.-8' Wtyflto I ? ei-alwirt.''-'
W-293, Journal. - v . - . r , , romng in neiwra Acaaemy ox MW t,r.ri3 Tw l
ter of aowthwest auarter of
-! section 7, 'township 1 south,
rants 6 east v. ... . ....... .
C B. Wood worth and wife to E.
J. Sherman, lot 8,. djock.
Renuvnlr ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... i
John P. Sharkey Co. to Edwin W.,
xseison, lots m una . i, oiwua
11. Waverleirh Height. ......
C. D. Brunn and wife to Glfforl
Knox, lots l, i ana , woe
WAITED Ladles' long coat or tailored
, suit, aii e i cneap,
Journal. - ' - -
WANTED Second r hand hotel range.
t, corner-Morrison. ,. . 'l "?"lY.T,r.T "f" ., , t,AT.TF.Wii.n i...,. 4. ... la,k corner Sond and Morrison. t VU- Investment Co. to ' Wllam Peter-
uyiiiA uTtiuwi vaiai tcu UBUU1C, nvUBO I ' ' . -"' v I ILOrS " WeiCOlTie. I ' Bun, . IUUS Hi' a v w.
oouci muu . umero uDun meir own i . ' unuena- -tetti hativrh ana m ri.v i irvinaron farx ..............
ri. tames., wltheut'securlty; cheapest rates. Ki?;.-'!", particular. . free. ,v -l ,, Correspondent Interurban Realty Co, to Estella
6Li auto tire, delivered, o' a lb, bid Pal-L' eavV-monVyby VtMiS wr waukee; WIsiT --ARBUTUS Circle N?. 273.Wom.n of , V-v
..A . A 1 -a . i A . Y .7r I ' " -l 1 'i " i 1 n " i - - I .- WW f If If T C rN T 1 J Will. VIVA H W nlST - TIVA I - T ' r. - - " -
'aZZ Z i" -.11 VTl7.V:r I Samuel Hu m tt , Michael J,
r"?. "iVl'.nVA i:wi"r -BnT lan beglnnln in
OET. obr price on vour furnlturA I elry at reasonable Interest for Ion eel bers, paper sealed, send 10c L. L. Love. -i' u. ,ttV.i .'..i i . lth-gt.iv . oJ j0t
. "... JL. - - 7" L- - r I 1 . . A ' . I" I a a . . ' . T X' ' " T" ' 'I DIUll 101 ' UIIIVII IIIUDII.I .. : . a.-
it win psy you. we want the goods. 1 5n?rt time. a. m. ueiovaga. jewelers, oox ibuo, jjenver, uqio. , ; wUv CUi.; ' A Ui 1 1 K In south V4 of block u i, mc-
Savage A Pennell. 851-8 1st st Main 860. 269 -Waahlngton st , TWO mlildU ei ; ...n.. A .MILITARY, whist and. dance party .,,., addition. 40 feet south-
1 I 11 ' i 1. 1 i. i l , . . i ii mi aii i I r- " . Will M ElVflH OV ITDIDiCt I Hmn lalrt I .. . . - , ,
bk wiait; get more for yeur, second I v :! t ';;.:,. - - to correspond with working wom-JiAv iw n'w. wW.V -vanin-'xf : easterly, irorawwwnjr ""fj
anil fi.v
Auction Co.,
ga outfit
.fa ALEY- Furniture
. used furniture,'-
iture Dy selling if to Ford j :a -j iouh credit len or suitame age; object matrimony; I ii w o w tamoTa. lis lit Tat Vii. icnanes m. Mercnan nn
211 .nx. Main 951. A-2445.J M food at' the Employes' Loa'n, Co, $21 no foolishness, fc-246, Journal.- L.rf.n.nndinfrlahm , to C. W.; Bradahaw. lot 8. block.
ving - PWtura, r machine. :':: ; AOington, J06a , sa mt. rf4,,; MRS. STEVENS.. 14 years Portland's nnmnM ctp tu'.'i:.,, SaCTT B FttlWO...... ... ...
films, etc. 7 B-238, Journal. I - - -.. ' ' '" " " - leading palmist and elairvovant. haa . -V ...: "i... J'U' " 1 university wma wbpwl 5" .V
-Co. give, most for WE HA VB plenty o money her late'book,. "Palmistry Mtfe Easy7 ie. 'ofl ?ri&Z 'evhi'di.nces8 hll? h hfJl .
etc.E-948. 98Grimd.,a, .V "f, A 1 " Ba'8 wtir.Hmiiueor.' 7th st; good music; admission. 60c wi
nv.rnn.l ' t ... n-l .,.. a. n..T fc. 7"! I XiJSir iiNlLJJ DUSlheSS WOlMn nf Kfl. with extra ladV 2bO. .,..1, I .. .,.i,j l.f. s & Klnlr
tjitrar' w uvyta uwi-dud .-ADinr- i . . n n , , - - . - , - , ullanwiu, w
ton bldg.
V-294. Jaurnal
atr'oiS'T' " J,m e..j(" . .t , --. t . 1 Wrvr v a-l'.AA '" i' " . ' ."-"' ."-
w " a1 4 . JJL Lt w sf4 1 ri., lun- or. jess reai estate. ome tneanii.
.a. aaa . w wv- , V. TT VtlU I KO.ll r ilVUIIVr' OC AJWCa. UUi-OUD AiliniTa I , aaa . " " - b .. . - ...
.iuu ior ouainess purpose." Ilk tO VOX! ARE cordlallv Invited to at (,..! 2B Hell Crest
meet reiianier business man, same age, ha cis-armakers' fifth annual haii a I Jamea r. Slemmons to David Me-
promptattentm always given. B. 106 j ZTnYiiiZ in f ""rn" I" ""'"' ""ir"-'- ' ' Christensen's hall, 11th- and Yamhill sts.. Keen, lots l and 2. block W.-
i . . MONEY tn loan on raal aaa. low ;.t.' SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak- lThankeglvinr night: Thursday. Nov. 24. Hanson's . addition
g$-VGR RAT.K Al7TOMOmTiPA'44 E. R. Hlckson. 817 Board of Trade .
. ' . tv..-4' v. . i.1.' ... : iiaus.
itiuni.1 .i luau uu reiu ui, naraing i
72 SO
A J.
? t
Don't.Throw mMm meUypold,?0-,"Chmt"rtCom--
, 2900 lb. worn team with nearly tS
harness. $225;. Will toko small Oiorse
or team in ; exchange, 809 . & 28th st.
W. W. car to Gladstone ave. " '-
A FINE delivery or family horse, sound,
, fearless and a fine travelers will take
cheaper horse in exchange. .809 East '
zmn st. w. w. car to Gladstone ave.
1NE 4 year old team, perfectly sound
ALASKAN pup. seal coat and muff, slse
' 8S;' cost' $500;sell cheap; take.dla
mond as part payment 305 Eugene st
ST. BERNARD female' and Harts ea
, naries. for sale. Mr. , Irwin, . 216 Mon
roe st C-1872." ' .
CORD wood for -sale in carload lots. J.
" J, Dwyer, 40 8. Rothchild. Phone Main
8t88.:'V; '''.-: 1".- -
Your old easing, and Inner tube. away. MORTGAGE" loan, on improved cltyibr Bariods
It may save you buying A new tire by property,., .v-iwV UJ It
letting us do your -.vulcanizing and re- ? JOHN BAIN, 605 Spaldln bldg-. i VjAylll'
T-rwAB'a WT.rrM , PRIVATE funds, 35000 or part tin in- Vann
and Ren tic
Oulre 431-2.
for sale or . trad a
Main .2610. .
,,HORSE, harness and Uaht toD delivery
. wagon, or t will sell separate, i cheap."
- Annlt at,. lTaanA.a , - .......
" " - -.. ..m, ar UlRUlcni I5V niltTCV.
ONE. SPAN, i well , matched geldings,
i ,, lBht bay. .ae6 anaj -welglit ;2800,
first class. 715 E. Flanders. -
TKAM of mares for sale clieap; als
"' wagon and harness.' 86 Florida et.
LKSSONB,in Esperanto, the .world's lan
guage, inquire at gtie Main at
DO you wish to trade a heavy team for
V. some. Newport lotsT , Sellwood 1863. -
,A - HORSE and delivery wagon , and
-Harness iaii lim n, fraimon..,..,.
BARGAIN 390 for team, horsec true
sinjrie or aouoie. rnone ; sen wood nss
-WAN TEDA -gentle hori?" f .7r ir,ev. To?
ter for Ittr Kep- F- 48, . Journal;
-GOOD, .work team for ..ale,'- $i5.
' 87th st. S. E.. Arleta. Or."
FOR SALE Horse and exprass wagon,
$100.'-Inquire 214 N.vlSth at '
$20. DROP HEAD - Singer sewing ma-chlne,-?
complete. Call $88 East Mor-
rlson- "-Tj '" ...- -- "
BICXCLE Lady. Rambler bicycle, good
as. new, coaster, brake, $10.. Phone
Woodlawn 1564, - . . - - -
FOR. SALE Remington typewriter No.
" 6. good condition. 330. Address D-346.
Journal. ,-- -.":--'-v ;.--
POLICEMAN'S new Sf oot rubber cape
for s sale, -4 Call 608 Lexington ave.,
Sellwood. y . ,. ...y. t-
A SLIGHTLY used Boynton not air lur-
nace for 8 or 7-room house, price $35.
See owner. '1017 Board of Trade bldg.'
AN interest in machinery company. for
saie or traae. .A.-ag, journal,
FOR SALE Gray's metal plating outfit
14. t
681H Hood st.
PHONOGRAPH ' with 36 records for
sale. ; 21? Madison st
COWLITZ valley orohards.
Couch. -
Smith, 411
BUSH & LANE piano checks for sale
cheap. Phone M.-9306. ., - ..
DIAMOND horseshoe pin, valued at $250,
ior i4u.r AuareBS x-zy( journal.
435 BtarlrSt- ' J- Phone C-8 64 .
FINH. .' 7-pasaenaer automobile: owner
. must raise cash. '--Will seH, this fin
ear for what the tires and top Ib worth.
If you want an automobile, tnl. Is your
cnance. en-uoroeii Ding. "'-
1100 cash, auick Am going to Calif or
, nia, .uissrnooue, curvea oasn runaDOut.
o or c,
side Improved realty: at: 7 per eent. l. 7in,
. .i,. i., . ... - . : I " " -
I Answers ouni.iueiii.iai.- u-jva, journal, i Journal.
T A lTWAMlC Short lnaiia ani.i.l.ll.1. '. 11 " ' r'LU'-lV " - ' " . ' 1 " '" .r
n in ltin nf ii4.Mirt I BH01" prompuy cures Kneumatism,
mSUs pL. Main MT Lumbago, Neuralgia, - Sclatloa, . Blood
bldg. . Phone Main 6289. r 'I. - " - jpi.nn and Skin Diseases. 801 C .11
1 in men; a money returned If ItliifOR SALE Buick Truck with " ton I Stanley W. ..Greens ana wire to .
Price J.l per box. Druggists or l.SZivWH ?& G. Butterwortb, lot 10,, block . .
1.' T. J. Pierce,' 319 Allsky bldg. terms.-. See trucks at 86 10th st Ow poki . . . -101'
NRS.aC2: V'nn U.W, A, ROSE CAMP-Monday: X&J! oVLTXi
H6NEST young man. stranrer. .i.. "i.i.y?..ilOM.,.cAmPt.Lmw,.t! A"nan:.vv.l"0,rA XL":
uaintance of refined workln
upjeci, . matrimony.
'r' I and Morrison.
M ' . . .
Wiklding Invitations'
ting cards,, monogram stetloi
ning at southeast corner of tract
J urovers aaaition, wmnmj urm uv
' Frederick- W. Radford and wife
to Js C. Mltcheltree, lot 15 block
1. Watts i subdivision, warranty
deed ....... ... , . .-.hi ......... .-. 600
Otto H. Runge ana wire ta j. m.
1100.000 on mortgages.' cltvt or .farm litmrrlsts. 81. ' T. J. Pierre. .11 All. Vx,
engine and tlres excellent condition; 1 MONEY, to loan on real--estate, low less. . Cardlola Institute, 1627 Penlnau- WEDDING Cards, . W. G. Smith A Co. I LAWYERS' Abstract A Trust Co., room
car noisy, but doe. the work: engines ' "te.r K. K. , wicksoil sit Board of lar ave., Portland. Or. Washington bldg., oorner of 4th and C Board of . Trade bid.: abstract a
Visiting - cards,, monogram stationary. I riark lot 6. block 13. Belle Crest
laa. .-, a-.. ..!., Tr.-W, a - I ......
1 wm, Muirnip v.. o.m nnnnininiin it, i warranty aeon
alone worth double. P-841,' Journal. . Trade, bldg.
st- n ' rum .i.i . mn j..' m i. -,.,1 , 1 m t, ...1,.- I a , .vrrV a .
Ti phBf'rtv-KLt eura lllnT 'i,.l. Washington streets.
THOR motorcycle ior . tale; In perfect MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per 1 .. dandruff, also do ha'lrdreaslng, manl- DRESS suits for rent all slaes. Unique PACIFIC Title Trat Co., the leadaTLt
,r . . . . . . ... ' . .... I .. .... llnnn noil n . A Hatl r t ft Cn ..1 I ...IvT- m.aafl .a... .a.. 1 m11n.l l. . a A A o..w. . I . .. . r. v. r . ., .it I . . ...
Willflnn V.. n KflA n.ll.a Mil I CSnt. . UOOaHOUgn
Thor agency,' on 12th between Washing- Ing biag.
ton ana Aiaer. ' ' .--FOR
SAC& Electric runibout,
gelt., 110 Spauld curing, scaliT massage and shampooing. Tailoring Co.. 30 Stark st
V- . ,- I M.I- S7.8. , - , i. ; ...... I .it. . . ... . ... .
.ixaaa. v -
M2N.?J t0 .,0Rni lar,r ,n" speoiajty, WOMEN Use Femoids when others
. bulldingjoans; lowest rates; fire In- fail; sold and tuaranteed by the Aus-
surance..rW. G. Beck. 312 Fallingi. ;. plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 4th st Main 8104
abstractors. 7 Ch. Com.i ground floor.
CLARK'S BROS., floriats, fine flowers I ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab-
IIW Il'irii nMHin. i .Tmrriann ST. 1 .tract OTTiCe. m torofU uimk- m.
condition, for- cash; will make best , w ' ' ThTZcL . , ' tTn? V
offer in cityj will consider aome,trade. BUILDING jLOANS-i-A. C.- Furlong. WANTliD W
r-1147, journal. : ;
omen to use Opaline;
contractor. 636 Chambernif Commerce, i- mii whll vou work" nrif4s,. -.11. I . . ..... . , ...
Main 4fi4. . , j :'v Mfs. Jltnger, Main 1)470. ; ' J, a VIA.ta Itnanltal. .Mahal ...Itm
r : ...V w'lT .i . I' ' A .mm I " -"-- ... ""
1 Knox 6. 1. Cameron 4. 1 1 Thomas I LOWEST RATES; loans en any .eourl- MADAM ESTELLE. Magnetlo Healer aged 84 years. 5 months, 6 dfcys. be-
Fiyer, l. uraoowsKy . truca. - jisi Biae vl 't y v" J. iLta .r'! Hr it t Benuu-a sviruuiiKiroun, ii w. I lovea sister vi iiaro. j. j. eaneia, wan
AUW t fxiiw-iiaty mm -a.m . ' Ulimn. I w I . ", ...a, i om, a. -"v- . - ' I VJf v'.
BUSINESS DIRECT0HT -i 'H...-H .iiirnr'li n -in -i -i 'tn
- real estate,
8600 buys 5 passenger tourist, auto. Cost
E. for sale or trade for MQNf T4?w!?an.0,', tP1,0, tat WR1NB
Call 88 -10th stl near J. Lv White, 831 Sherlock bldg. i In 16
:'-':y- '"-':':f . LOAN for the asking. -salary , or chat- Selllng-
D. R FWCKINGER, destfner of M"i
homes. 323 MOnawa bleu. tiioua
KLE3 removed iagglng corrected faAX t. SMITH, . flonst ' 160 6th sti A'T 11 J ' ..HLJlfJiL Js r
tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg,
minutes: free demonstrations. 3
-nirscn oiag, reo riastique A gey.
SWITCHES, r puffy .curls ..niadA-.Xrm
opp. Meier ft Frank's. Main T.3J5.
eu ouys o passenger lourisA auio, uo l y - J ., "'vl.; BvvunoKyM" - cunB..jaattA-4Wiii n"" '" i AF.T1HT.o material" rmture
31485. Run 8000 nillerPh6ieOwa-JiiALAR.X .t, oorner r HlLSOn 411
etVFst-t74t-:'7 ITIenry bldg, , - "-v- - . ' Park. , T ; f - ' ' - ; - ROBERTS In this city, November j. I M,r!h.Jt.i;;g
f fl)
V.. .. .. I
8t6RA(SE in fire-proof garage, $5- a I PRIVATE, money to loan on mortgagea SUERftiuOysnha K'i'T ,
.month aid up;. Phone B-278L- S. ' W. I . G. A. Taylor, 518 Lumbermen's Bldg, I hour. 865 falmon St., corner Park.
ORiiey, too cuiiiiunu
f ilO.OOO to loan on city property, 7 per I MAGNETIC and eleotdc. treatments;
of C. ft' Roberts, dauahter nf the latufy
Captain J. G. Fan-fowl. Funeral serv-
AGNET1C and t electric, treatments.! ,nr v. h.M . mimanT. .i,...t. I WFLLS - PROmTF-.
MAkW;EtX runabout good, as new. I : Main 2800. W-2p, Journal.. mental, spiritual scientist 190 llth.lThiwi and Salmon streets, at 3 p. m' lytlcal chml'.;.?')4 'O'
489 I HALM il figs, remedy 2or disease, of I today, Bundav. November 20. Inter-I HON IAN A aay ihi i.
wvmou. v avaia uu Main vile. - i ment at xiooa Ativer, ur., iNovemoer il. ore lenung worn, i s
glass front top. etc, 8436. 146V4 1st. I 33ml to on realty-security..
room . - Worcester Bldg, Main 1940..
L' ' . , '. .' ., '. ' : '
.1 :