The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 19, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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    ilffi ALFALFA
. . .... ..... ,
unusually dry year.
Mr. Pankey hRS 2S0 acres altogether
In his ranch, and none of the place is
under Irrigation, He raises beans, com
and tomatoes, and supplies Bonanza
vicinity with vegetables. He also has
the 3- r : '
fruit th'.s yc"'
IjAdles of i
chioken pie (' '
...1 cl
iililOL IhLlHU
Farmers Organize to Prcmots
Orcharding and Develop
Rich Valbys.
rmers in Hudson Bay Dis
trict Contract for Electric
" ' Power.
! ii..j...2U,iilu,lL tnUi.wll ill Vr..uuUV.u I
I 1 .
fiV it1.
Li in: Fa
! i
(SpHcltl Planateh to Tba Journal. . '
Chehalls, Wash., Nov; The first
step toward: the making of Lewi
county a vast fruit producer la the
formation th past. weeK of the South
western Washington Fruit Growers' as-,
eoclatlon. This organisation Is Intended
primarily to look to the development of
VIVIialUB .! VHO T.-. -, . w .
though It Is expected that smaller towns
will organize and Join as branches An-'"
other plan that may be followed until,
the southwestern association shall get
. on a gooa rooung is 10 nun mv
a branch of the successful iuyanup ana
Sumner association."1-";V -,."':.;' -v -.w
Senator II. O. Ftshback, who . pre-!
sided "at; the" meeting - to organize the
. fruit growers, has one of the finest
farms In Lewis county, and B, A. Bar
tholomew of Chehalls, who was largely
responsible for the calling of the meet-
, ing, la a most eninusiasuc cnsjnpiun. 01
Lewis county as a omlng great fruit
v section. " " ' - : '
"i Grows Kany Vr. ', ,
Dr. Coleman, who says that all over
" southwest Washington there U the fin
est fruit growing land to be found, has
. over 1000' pear trees now growing, be-
Inv fmn. nm M ni1 h la at' nresent
putting out 4B0O more trees, making
. 8500 he " will have on 1S5 acres. , He
; proposes to have ultimately 10,00 pear
trees. In two years he expects to have
'a good crop to supply etorea and fruit
. stands In Tacoma, Seattle, Portland and
other cities near home, while In three
years he will be prepared tQ . ship large
ly to market of all parta of the conti
nent '.;.-fc;i.iv..''''..-iv''? vv -v';.; X
Another man who Is going Into the
growing of-' the pear for market Is H.
.' W. A.' Tram, who la looking after trees
. that are to be set out on 20 acres of
his farm at Adna, seven miles south
- west of CheluUia Jt- Xa axpected that
-I -other -who know of tha richness of
Lewis county-soil Jor pear tree growing
will follow the. example of Dr. Coleman
and Mr. Iranu..ani set- ou-largaror
-' X coord of inocesa.
The growth and Importance of the
fruit growing Industry in th Puyaiiup
and Stuck valleys, to Pierce county, and
, the steps taken for the continuance of
its development were set ; forth in a
i most interesting manner by Senator
Paulhamus, president of the Puyaiiup &
Sumner Fruit , Growers' association,: in
Chehalls. Mr. Paulhamus gave a hls-
tory of the valuable experience of his
dlenca the fact ' that " the first move
f to be made was to secure a market for
the present growth of fruit and what
should hereafter he-produced. The eeo-
ond was to Secure tba right kind of
fruit for the different soils and oll
.. mates and to organise an .association
log,, proper packing and forwarding of
the several fruits pears, apples, cher-
ties and berries.' He also emphasised
the importance of learning the varieties
tifapears and apples that are best adapt
d" to Lewis county, soils and climates.
(SmcIiI ClTOttrti to The Jouranl.t
i Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 19,The. new
First Congregational church of Vancou
ver ,win be dedicated tomorrow, after
noon 'with aprpoprlata services. Prao
tlcally the entire day will be given over
to worship and the pastors and congre
gations , of the various V Protestant
churches of the city will parUcipate.
The program tot the dedicatory ser
vices at ( o'clock will be as follows! .
"Choir, Mrs. Stella Phillips, director,
Mrs. Mary Fletcher Gay and Mrs. Ma
be! Mullln, soprano; Miss Beatrice Wil
liams and Mrs., Edith. Wilkinson, alto;
C. E. PatUson and P. L. JoHn
son, - tenor; - B. L. Dorman ancT H.
W, Arnold, bass; Mrs. Adra Sherer Guer
in and Mr. Pattlson, soloists; Mrs. Nel
lie Kles, church organlsU't
Prelude, doxolosy, . invocation, con-
gregatldn singing, "All Hall the Powerfl
of Jesus '-Kama.' r Scripture reading;
anthem, ToUr.t Of Blessing,", by Charles
QabrlaJL "Prayer followed by chant by
choir; i solo, . "Save Me p God," by
Bandeger, sung by Mrs." Adra Sherer
GuerlK, Congregation singing, . "Jesus
Shall Belgn." Dedicatory ; sermon by
Rev. Luther B. Dyott, D. D.j solo, "Lift
Thy Heart," by. Allikion, sung by Mr.
Pattlson. ' .
, Active dedication, congregation rising;
choir and congregatlpn singing chant,
Gloria Patrl." Benediction. -
' Consecration services will bs "held at
11 o'cllk a. ; m.j Rev.W. W. Scudder
will preach the. sermon. : An .' Interde
nominational meting will conclude the
services at ' 7:20 in the evening. Rev,
V R. J. Poole- will preach. Muslo by
the' choir. tixti?&iY--3 H-4J.--.
(Aperta! "DUpttch to Ths Journ1.)
, Lewlston, Idaho, Nov. 1.-The gov
ernment dredge Wallowa, which arrived
here from Palouse rapids, where she had
been In commission for the Jast thres
"months deepening the channel, has gone.
In command of .Captain Ralph Baugh
j man, to Fishefs landing, about 20 miles
up Snake river, where government engl.
. neers contemplate making extensive im
. provementa.. ' ; . . .:; ; ,;.,.!....-:
' Except during, the freshet ; stags of-
water in Snake . river the stream from
here to the mouth of the Grand Bonds
, is not navigable, because of the many
, shoals and submerged reefs, but by re
moving tba obstruction at Fisher's
rapid s and at other danger points be
tween there and Wild Goose rapids it
is believed' that navigation will b6 ren
dered possible during the larger, part
of the year, and that transportation can
be provided for the districts, lying be
tween here and the Grand Bonds when
ever there is enough water to make it
possible to. operata boats balow Lewis
ton, v .'.;.' ::'..;,, v.",'-;' " ''
'Captain Baughman states that alx
weeks to two months will be required
to complete the work at Fisher's, and
from there the boat will proceed up the
stream to the head of navigation, clear
ing the channel as it goes. Supplies are
being- taken sufficient to last , several
months, and it is believed - the dredga
will not be taken out of service on the
upper river until the contemplated Im
provements are finished. ,
,-. - (Special DUpitca , Tb Joumtl.l '
The Dalles, Or Nov. Construc
tion on the Portage railway has reached
the western extremity of the right of
way and within a few days all of the
steel will be in place,,; The bulkheading
and riprapplng is nearly completed and
teams are busy dredging out along the
river side so that boats can get up to
the wharf, The ; bulkheading,. which
was1 placed next to the river along the
western .end, at the plaoe where the
current will strike in high" water, was
made by driving piling, 40 feet long,
until only about eight feet- remained
above the surface of the ground. To
this piling ' planks three inches : thick,
were spiked and behind this was' rilled
lng with rock and -heavy , clay which
was tramped down until It was almost
as solid aa rock. On the surface of the
gradO rockrllI be laid with heavy clay,
in such a way that it will be practically
impossible, for it to wash out when cov
ered by high water, -.
MTIe. Merljn ' America's great ntboritr es
. ' Bealtb and Beatitr Cnlture advitet ' deep
, breathing eeh roorniag an 4 night, 'mousing
the parti with Meloroae Betnty Cream Mcb
ttlrht, and etoa mornlni bathe the parts with
eold salt water. Take White's Vauealrs Oileea
Tablets four time a day, drink water frljr.
aod within a very reasonable time txcallent
iWQlts will be noticed. It is eaaantlal that
?ou take fbe Taacalre remedy that eontalu
WUlard White Company 'a doea, and to be on
tna are aiat aak for uita nrana.
stltnte, as
or time.
thty are . wortaleis
Take no sub-
and a waste
Farmers Increase. Acreage
Each Year and Find Crop
:T Profitable.
at1t THunatct) tn The Journal. " '
; Dayton, TTash., Nov. 19. Hundreds
of Indians from the Nes Perce and
Coeur d'Alene Indian reservations, . who
came southward in , late . summer to
work in the fields, were employed to
gather' oof n in - Columbia county. ;' In
the last few yeara farmers have found
these nomads the best corn' cutters ob
tainable and Services of the braves,
squaws and larger children are in good
demand at wages on a par with those
jaid white ranch hands. . Farmers de
clare the red men are steady, reliable
and fast workers. : -; - .,!
V The bumper- sorn crop of Columbia
county is prafttioally under cover.'Each
year aees the acreage greatly- increased
since it has been demonstrated that
corn quite-the equal of -that, produced
In the middle states can be grown here.
Farmers are commencing to use It ex
tensively for feed." ' -
i s Big Beets. '
. (Special Dlfpatc to The Journal.) '
'Walla "Walla, Wash., Nov. 19 The
beet that can't be beat has ' just been
produced by W. A Sheltoa This beet
Is two feet long and walghs 20 pounds,
Many of the others Were IS pounds lu
weight-' v
Improving Water System.
'(Special Dispatch to The Journal.) '
Harrlsburg, Or Nov. 19-Tha city
council is having large additions made
to the water system. , Four new hy
drants' are being placed in residence
sections, too. Eewer extensions jeostlngJ
flow aro unuvi
- A. centenarian who died recently in
England was the father of 21 children
and left nearly 300 descendants., v
. (Special DUpateh to Th Jmmat.t :
Coqullle. Or., Nov. 19. -The Merchants
bank building, the last of three brick
blocks to be ereoted here this summer,
is s, finished and - tenants are moving
in, The t-building is doublet, .the
bank occupying the corner room.
The banking room la finished in solid
mahogany , except the wainscoting,
which Is of Alaskan marble, as Is also
the tops of the deaHng counters. The
pillars at either side of the main, en
trance are 18 inches In diameter, and of
Red Beach granite, and the steps are of
Tennessee marble. .
- The second floor Of th building is
divided into offices of ' convenient slse,
a number of - which are for rent,' and
will be cosy and convenient places for
professional men. The building is heat
ed throughout by hot water,. ,.:
The tablets are more ef a food than a medl-
etna and are ptrfeeUr harmleas. Bear to take.
Not ; only doea . Hlle. Merljn toaorae tblt
'method, but alio all blah aathorltles on beaut?
cult sad beauty - writers and tbousamli of
women - wbe nave succemruliy na4 tbem.
White's Taaealre -Oaltia. Tablets are s new
exiwruneBt ..... . .. ' -., - ,i,.r
the world's greateit writer and lecturer on
.llaalth and Beaoty Cult, recommends only W1U
lard White Oompany' vauealre Oalega Tablets
for developing the bast and as a general tonlo
and, fleah bander and maintains that they are
-tench better thaa the Hautd The Owl Iruf Co.
will sell this wonderful preparation at 76 cants
: for the fl alae box. aod will (111 mall rders st
ABK ror
WUlard White
Oiv , ' Famous
Bnst ...
V Flesh Builder
' 'si tv Tonlo
(Special Dlasateh tf The Jonraal.) ' -'-'
Welssr, Idaho, Nov. 1. The Weissr
Pipeline company is Installing a pump
ing plant on Snake river to water sev
eral hundred aores of land. The pump
ing plant will be located on the ranch
of O. O. Wilson. ' The plant will con
sist of two 2 5 -horse power motors and
two six Inch pumps.. .Water will be
distributed oyer the land through pipes.
The equipment will make one of the
best 'pumping plants In this section.
The water lift vwiU be SS . feet '
v- ." (8pclal Dlapatch to The JanraaL) .
Lewlston, , Idaho. . Nov. . 18.- w. R.
Weathered reports the leasing of the
Bices' Bar ranch for a period of four
years. The tract leased contains ' 160
acres and Mr. Weathered states ha will
plant 80 acres to broom corn in the
spring. e -
Broom corn has been iuccessfully
grown at a number of plaoet on the
lower river and has been found to be
one of the most profitable crops eul-
Btcelleut tor the complexion, removes wrinkles
-, and blackhead. Kwpi Ute akta soft and ()
' . smooth and will not grow atr.;,v;i...M
Bend 2c stamp for (ample of Meloroae
Cream, Meloroie Face Powder! alao
booklet. Write to" WILLauD WUITB CO
I'Ok'SgO, IU.
; Filling Big Reservoir. . . ,
(Speolol Dliratch o The JoOrnal.) -T v
r Hermiston, Qr., Nov, 19.--Th gov
ernment force' has completed the work
of cleaning out and getting the feed
canal In shape and Monday water was
turned Into iC This sUrta the winter
task of filling the reservoir for next
Reason's Irrigation and from now until
text spring the canal will bs carrying
us run capsoity.
- Erect Shingle Mill.
nottfttrs drnva fir K'uvl t J -
te , Spain Is erecting a shingle mill
at Rocky Point, on the Oregon & South
eastern railway, and will have the plant
ren-ay ror operation by - December 1.
The mill will have a capacity of 26,000
shingles per day, which will be high
and '
The Very Latest in
Picture Frame Mouldings
Mouldings In antique gold, rich Circassian walnut ;
Vepeers and other new mouldings In great variety ,
ara constantly coming to us, ' '
. . In this department your attention la directed to prompt, careful and
.correct framing always maintaining ' 5
The Lowest Prices Consistent
With Good Workmanship
. Artists materials, stationery and architects- supplies. Sale agents'
"Marshall" Dollar Fountain Pen, Mirrors, all sixes, framed to order; See
our bungalow hat racks and log cabin mirror frames. ' '
Sariborai Vail & Co.
170 lirst and 171 rron Btreet, Between Horrlson . and TauhiU Btraeta,
; - ' ' ' ' whonss Main 609, A-6608 ' ,
(Special DUpatch to The Journal.)
Milton, Or.. Nov.-19. The rich Hud
son Bay alfalfa district is to be Irrigat
ed by pumping "water by electric power.
At a meeting of farmers here agreement
was reached with the power company to
xurnish 160 horsepower in addition to
subscriptions already made. The light
company has promised to build and '
have the line ready for use by May.
The light 1 and power company nro- !
poses 'to expend 116.000 and build 10 j
miles of transmission lines to this dls-
trirt whenevefi contracts - have been
signed for 250 horsepower, for one year.
The service . charge being made is '
per horsepower per :month, and a slid-1
lng scale for; the. amount of current '
used. - It is estimated that a five horse,
motor can be run 20 hours' per day for
nve months in the season, and two
or, threa hours per, day during the re- ?
mainder of the" year, for $112.60. which '
la less than. the present cost of ditch
water. -
With, water 10 to 60 feet beneath the
surface In 'copious -quantities, and elec
tric power ror pumping purposes, a
transformation - In the quantity and
quality, of crops grown in the Hudson
Bay country is predicted. 1
Those, who have signed for current
srex Howard - Evans, Ed Hoon, James
Kirk, TL H. Wellman," W. H. Wltherlte,
J, tu Marlatt, William Hodgens, Fred
Hodgens, Louis Hodgens, 3. H. Hall,
George Bolenson, John McEwen, WJl
liam Records, Fred Mulkey and 1 A.
Krallman,-ti;--r v-X aiiwtV
More Big Onions.
(Special. Pltpatch to The Journal.) 1
Klamath Falls, Or.. Nov. 19.W. H.
Pankey of Langell vallev-has on dis
play here onions measuring 1H inches
n circumrerenre andt weighlng two
pounds each.:,: Mr. pankey planted the
seed in the spring,: and the ly -water
they received was that which fell in the
form of rain during what has been an
The Old Reliable
Union Painless
1 Dentists
original and genuine
:? Syrup" of . Figs an4 Elixir of
Senna, . known . throughout the
world us thi best of family laxatives,
fo.r men,' women'- and children, always
has the I full name of the California Fig
Xj every package, it Is for', sale by all "
- leading : druggists : everywhere,;, one i
size only, regular price 50 cents,
-'per bottle. The '.Imitations some-'
times offered are - of inferior quality
and, xio - not give satisfaction;
inereiore,. snouia do szz?t i
declined.' sC&-CZ-i
r : . v
A LIMITED1;;.. - j
1 " r - ;- I. n hi in in. x ' 1
On Your
1- ,'i
; Enjoy all the pleasures such a trip affords by using
The Oriental Limited
The magnificent electric lighted through train to Minne- I
apolis, : St Paul a'nd Chicago,' Cornpartment-Observa--tion
Car, superior Standard, and Tourist 'Sleeping Cars, ?
" Day Coaches and Dining Car in through service on this
train. The Vacuum Cleaner"System, Four o'Clock Tea.
News Bulletin and Telephone Service are among its new
,) features. ? Leaves Portland 7 p, m, daily, Try it on your :f
next trip to' Spokane,; Minneapolis, St. Paul Chicago and
" East, " '.'" 5 1 '
Out-'of-Tbwn Beople
Should remember that pur force is so
organized that we can do their entire
crown,- bridge and plate work, in a
day if necessary. .
Full Set of Teeth -.$5.00
Bridge Work or Teeth Without
Plates .... ,..,...$3.50 to $5.00
Gold Crowns ......$3.50 to $5.00
Porcelain Crowns $3.50 to $5.00
Gold or Porcelain Fillings . . .'.$1 Up
Silver Fillings 50 to $1.00
HouVs8 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays.
9 toil -
Union Dental Co.
The Only Exclusively First Class Train
. Between the Pacific Coast and the Eait ' ' -
The North Coast Limited
Local travel and local stops eliminated to'the interest ana comfort of
through passengers.
A Christmas Excursion to European Points
. Via White Star Line from New York City and Portland, Me.
Starts November 26. ' No change of cars.
TICKET OFFICE, 255 Morrison Street, Portland
A.-: D., Charlton, Asst... Gen." Pass. Agent Portland, Or,
csrATTresTiitsiif cxxt TICKET
3d st, ana St EOYT ST. 8TATIOST,
. H. P1CKSON, City Psss'r t. I
f- H. A. J ACKSON. A. U..F. & P. A.
omen, in
llth and Hoyt.
Here's HealtSi; f ot Youl
t 1 --' .... ' ' .-' . . . , -, ... -'' '' ' ,..' ' ' ".' ... . ' . ' -. '. .
To men and women who suffer from chronic sil
ments, stomach and bowel troubles, kidney and liver
complaints, nervous , afflictions, - rheumatism, poor
.circulation,' debility or weakness -of -any kind, -we
offer a cure at a price within the reach of all. We
have no drugs or dope to sell you. The remedy we
I offer is electricity that's naturt's medicine.
A great many sufferers vare continually dosing
their stomachs with poisonous mixtures, which
wreck the nerves and vital organs, when they should
be helping nature cure through the proper applica
tion of electricity.
If any organ of your body-is weak' or Inactive, the
only way to restore' it to a healthy condition is to
restore its strength and energy. Db drugs give
' strength? No J' They tear down instead of building
".up. Electricity is a'builder, not a destroyer; and that
is the reason it cures while drugs only make the(
trouble worse, juectncity is the power that runs the
human1 machine,' the force that gives life to all living
things. H you want to renew the life and energy of
a weak or inactive organ you must .restore electricity
where it is needed. ; Good health means plenty of
electricjty in the, body, disease means the -lack of
electricity. ' '
Electra-Vita applied while you sleep will fill your
nerves and vitals, with a glowing stream of electric
- fire. It will driv out your pains and aches, build
: up your strength and vitality and restore your health
-by" giving to every organ of your body the power to
' eliminate; disease from the system , by the natural
IecfraVHa is a scientific device for infusing the
body' with a, powerful but soothing current 'of elec
tricity", for hours at a time; without the least shock
or unpleasant sensation, Electra-Vita is not like
electric belts, faradic batteriesand other contrivances
you may have seen or used. It gives a continuous
current without charging. All you have to do Is ad
just it correctly and turn on the power to the proper
degree of strength. It helps nature cure by renewing
.the vitality and energy of-every -weak and Inactive
organ. Where there is plenty of electricity, weakness
and disease cannot exist. . ,
No' matter J how far away you live, you can use
Electra-Vita as successfully as if you were here in
our office. " r , ,
.,;.,;,,. , -. :!;. v;;' ;:,;,M.i,,i.-vi
-.j;,..,.. ! .-?; ': f ,-.'; I;-. "', '-' i -' -;-' ' ,
"Tour Elcetra-VlU has cured 1 m of a vsry baJ
.stomach trouble. My wlft usd ths appllancs and was
cured of rheumatism and female .wsaknesn. I, mint
say . that ths present grood health of myself, and wtf
is due to ths us of Electra-Vlta."
' " J. P. SILVA, Hayward, CaJ.
Get This Big Tree Book
Just put your nam snd address on this coupon and
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plalrt, simple languags how you can be cured In th
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tells how various diseases are brought on through
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Electra-Vita Is applied. ' Don't fall to get this book. ,
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