17, 1 f " IIot7 Idea Suiam'p'flPinov .r i 01.00 .1" 1 Best 50o Values 2C o V v-. v . Il.-re is a most, extraordinary, offering of TapSstry Scarfs and Squares, coming as it does 'just at the. time . when these goods are "in greatest demand. Tomorrow for the first time , we place i on sale a new line- of . tapestry squares and scarfs shown in pretty .Persian designs in rich, color combination. They: come in the best sizes HALF PRICE, only because we -purchased them that way from; an overstocked manufacturer who was willing to take such a loss in order to dispose of them imme diately. .They are made of fine art denim and come; in a large' variety of beautifully tinted stamped de signs, .They are -most attractive and very desirable for gift purposes; other stores are selling the same E kind at 50c; our price tomorrow, (Bargain Friday wC 1(0) and were purchased to sell regularly at $1.00 each;- l?0 prked for Bargain Friday It..;.....,,....: UC, ! 1 Winter Styles 50 Cents a Year Q J run -nr nnrnn mTirrmii'iY rimnnrir nr 'inrrnnnrn'iririrrirmrinivii j 1 VVMSAAAA.i'iSAiSANMMV Q Handbag Bargains : .: Zlia ZZcziin. s . .to in Quality : V -' .-"V.. '-vv .t"( The Season! Best Styles' and 'Every Pair Worth: Full Regular I Price A Sale Well Worth the Attention of Every Person Need . inj. Shoes We Invite. You to'Compare Values. - ' - (i - ' , ! 'i " . Women's Shoes in Fashionable C? O O .Leather,. S3.00-g3.50 Gradei Mi4?Q f : We have ' never before disnlaved . Mich' splendid Values' in Women's v , Shoes as will be shown here at this sale. , We were .fortunate in secur-' a ing about 1 SCO pairs at less than. regular-wholesale cost and noW"we price them to you th same, f, It is a splendid showing of -the latest , JsTew York, styles in viti Wd, cal ' and patent colt leathers. They come in straight lace and blucher , cut andyou' have , choice of light,' mediurnV and, heavy "weight 1 soles ; Vvith either high or low heels,' all' siics and widths, and. experienced ' shVe ales'men to fiit von properly. ' Best $3.50 and $3 grades. "7 Bargain Friday at......:.)4itl Children's and lion's Shoe Specials Misses' Bhoes;' in ' button' and' lace, sizes 11 1-2 to 2; tfl QQ $2.25 grade, at. 1.0 J Misses' Shoes, , in ' button and lace, sizes 8 1-2 to 11 ' CA $2 grade, at ..ylt&V Boys'' strong School' Shoes, size. 13 1-2 to 5 1-2; (1 OQ $2.50 grade, at 1. Boys' .strong School Shoes, ' sizes 9 'to I3;.$2.p0 1 CO grade, at..,.,.'..,,.;.l.JJ Boys' kigtf' Cut Shoes, sizes' 9. to 13 1-2; $2.50 grade, Jj . Men's 16 inch rjigh cut Shoes; .regular J7.50 values,-jj , nrN II '. AlWriTrri'n flnnnf .-:"',' ( f - S1, wmni..., i. .. ii Jim ir-.ni- y , ft "V -''"'m'' 'i"''' I It is dri arf occasion of this character that we reveal bur- unusual value-giving facilities. 3ft Is then we ernphasize the advahtage to bur store friends of our far-, reaching methods,' our f unceasing, untiring efforts to give the best values, f Bet ter values ttiah' can possibly found- at any other store.in the Come and see the unmatchable offerings we have prepared for you. .Note the liberal dis plays, the splendid quality-ofthe merchandise.. Compare our values with all others. -You'll, find that, every offering is an exceptional one. Ypu'll realize .tjiat you can't afford to" let such an opportunity pass without taking full advantage. to let such an opportunity pass wit Tell the Whole Story Bmwmmmwmwmmwmiwwwwmw J fjwwwiwi -rririn-n- rrr """" T " "rriiri-irj'yirinvuij uuuji. goi leather Handbags the craze. Have you seen them? If not ; , lust ask , one , Of the sales ladies in our notion depart-, ment to show you the latest fad in goat, seal, and walrus. Meathef bags. The new styles have distinctive features : . which " appeal to shoppers. The ' news ' which ' follows should be read carefully, as . jt tells of a wonderful bag -bargain. Handbags AQA c31.75 Vftls. VOV ' "i " ; . i 111 . " A Bargain Friday sale of about 1000 fine leather Hartdbags, goat seat Handbags, shown in regular shapes, lined with "godd quality leather, and shown with single and double strap handles, gilt and gunraetal trjmmings, pretty coin purse fitting; good values for $1.75; priced ..1. '... r(j kmimm - 98c Handbags ,: , Pf fin' $8.00 Values vl.0a ! i , i. w.i .-n ii I.IM 1 1 , ,. .i..-1-n -t- fi I .hi.. A Bargain: Friday saleof about ,500 goat seal and walrus grain leather Handbags,;; "shown , in ; large - Sizes, lined with good quality leather; neat coin purse and card case fittings, covered and German silver frames: retr- ular $3.00 value's ; 1 specially r pricea xor mis saie ai b irij the low. figure of... Hat Fins 50c Values 25o For Bargain, Fridayjt the-notion counter, a showing of 100 dozen fine Hat Pins at 1-3 regular price. They come in short lots in fancy, flat and spike shapes, with pretty stone ? settings. Keguiar values to sue: specially pricea ior mis aie,...,"... Children Supporters, 15o Values at ,10c 25c " r i : - - IT jar SoecUl offerings, for 'tomorrow includlnar the most seasonahl mrrriSanilisii .in our readv-to.wear - deoartmentl AH : kinds of wearing apparel that this cold weather would suggest such as ftirs, winter suits, capes; long olts of cheviot . or tweed, misses' coats and children's coats Of broadcloth. Waisu, silk ' or ' sateen petticoats, : wrappers and kimonos. Further than being seasonable these garments are marked at considerablv below th reeular Drli. -TJa - eonmicl - hopper should fail to take advantage of these special offerings. " THESE PRICES ARE FOR , TOMORROW, ONLY, Fifteen Dollar Suite Extraordinary Suit values at' $llOO. They are without -doubt the best values the city at ' this moderate price.-. : Several diWerent new models' to eelect from. Tailored emi-fitting (Coats ill medium "and three-quarter coats, lined with -i satin? - skirts in pleated and 'ored, effects. - Made of storm:; wide; wale serges and other popular dress fabrics in black, navy, brown, gray and other colors.-v Included in this lot are suits that sold regularly at $15.00 $17;50. $19.50. and tflC ftA $25.00, t Bargain Friday , '.;.1.,.31)UU Women's and Hisses Coats, Regu lar 7,50 Vols., Friday Q 12.50 X- special offering-m women's and mfises' Coats at 'twelve-: ; fifty.-: Several different stylish models toe select from-semi- fitting, with collar, of same cloth" or velvet. . Made of tweed and cheviot coatings in stylish tan and gray mix-1 d O A tujes; $17.50 values--Bargain Friday . . . ......... 4 1 fOJ Silk Raincoats S 9, 5 0 ; , . .......... i . . . . Spec'al reductions "to'niorrbw, in Silk Rain Coats ".They- are - full length and semi-fitting, witfi storm or 'notfh , collar and v are.maae oi zinc auamv ruuuerncu siik material in nan a ,! dozen different weave's and as many color s-rdark r A qr light ?4$12.50 and $l5tvalues Bargain Friday.,.; .$7dU ' iTa;geta : Pe tt iiBdat s ExcelUnt "'quauV Cot with double rute, underlay and dust .ruuie--tiargaitu Friday only . . . .. . ..i . "f"...8Sc SilkEettic6atsS3.88 $5.50 uaiityA-speqial HoniorroW at $3-88 Made f. an ex. tra trrtr.fi nualirv taffeta illt in hlark. DeefJuflOUUCe:" with double Ruffle, silk' underlajr-and dust ruffle ' 6 OO Bargain Friday .........,..,.....". .'....vvliQ 3, l forBargiin Friday; -;". rA6out 150 waists in the lot. 'Being samples, you are as-' sured of a wide assortment of styles and colors, .there be ine no two"xactlv alike. Ther are madtfof an extra good quality taffeta or messaline, arTd in plain colors, plaids and Persian designs, r Cost fprices -ff O QC j.-. tE CA ranging from ,$LVD W tJJ.JU House Dresses $1.48 One-piece. House Dresses in a very petty stylei with' soft' collar, voke. belt and plain :skirt. wThey, are made of a' good quality flannelette in pretty gray, figured AO ' , effects; $1.75 ivaluesBargainFriday : ,V, . ... , ,. ,i V i Full length Kimonos of 'fine quality flannelette, Jn beau tiful Persian and flowered designs,; Several styles, includ ing a loose flowing effect, with scalloped edges, Another has shirred waist with belt and edges bound with Y 1 A . satin; values up to $L50 Bargain Friday ..i t.;. vilV ::IIHk.-.L : t A sale of over 100 dozen children's Hse Supporters,, made 6f excellent quality black and white elastic and sold regular i A at 15c pair. Specially priced for , t,hist 8ale;v;.ViitA.i;..;."C P -Vii"nrririrriiirririr'iririririiriririririmi-irirri-ri-riirirr - -- -- ----- - -- -i-m-mrr-inr Q 111 the Irlen's Depar tment Larger Assortments and Greater -Values. 'Hie result of our sOecial effortr tfV w vi Dave IU fiU9 wy. Men's Underwear : Specially Priced at If.'. Friday we are offeririg a tine line of men's 'natural gray wool Shirts andDraw ers, made of excellent quality material. The Shirts are facety dowrt the front with good.auality silk and finished -with ribbed bottom and "wristlets.: Diawers are -self-faced and have fine suspender "straps.;. Regular winter weight'. H Jl- 1 garments, shown in all sizes. Specjally priced, per garment.. ...... I wC J'j Children's Sweaters Begnlar $1.25 Valt. 95b Here ts a Sweater special 'for Friday1', which . should .'crowd the department all m plain red in ; a pretty fancy weave or the regular plain " ribbed style, Very best $1.25 values.. Special for this sale. .i....: ....,..... 81.50 Cdat Sweaters at 99c 95; nC; A showing df jlhe, season's newest and be si: style coat Sweaters, made of excellent quality wool and c : 1 i . ,i. : mi. . ... i uiiisucu wun iwo jjuckcis. iney come in natural gray, trimmed tn red, and sell regularly at $1.50 each ; 99c Men's Socks, 25 oVals. 19o A fine showing of men's 'extra heavy wool Socks shown with heavy ribbed top. r .They come in. brown,- mixed with white heel and toe. Regular 25c, values., Sale price...;. i ..19c U -irri-n-rri-ri-ir-i-ni rr-rrr"rrf -rii--i-i-iiri'irr--inrrrinrinniT.n.iTririrLAarijuuijT-rijiJiJiJji " -r - -- ----- - - ... .... j(. A All Linen Uleachsd .Unmask Full 73 Inches J K.r Widei Best 81.00 Quality Friday Only at . . . V , ?r If, you Want' gooddependable quality Tfl'frte' Linen at bargain price don,'t neglect to atterfd.this sale. For tomorrow we offer about 500 yatds ' of full bleached," all lintn Damask, full 72 inghea wide; shown in a large variety-of neat and attractive de signs m dots, flowers and, figures; our leader .at. $1.00 a yard, and the best value in the city at that 75c 1 If. .' ' 2imch Napkins to match,.$3.00 values, '. $2.35 price. Specially reduced for 'one day only, Bargain Friday, to 7" ,V 15c Quality at "A popular, new 'cotton fabric'suitabk for ; waists, 'shirts, skirts,, pajamas, etc;; comes well , fleeced, wears splendidly and washes , perfectly ; shown in medium colors in gray, tan, brown, blue, in neat striped patterns ; regular1 3 Scqualrty, on salciBargain 1 A -.Friday at v.. 1UC Arabian and White Scotch Xaee Curtaino, SI. 50. Valueo at 98c' Paipy .V . . .. ... j ? . , .... .- , , , For tomorrow we have arranged. an out-of-the-ordinary- sale of curtains-a clean-up of broken as sortments of front ose to four pairs of a kind. . It's a sale that should prompt you to purchase for . both-present and future' needs. ' Included are Arabian and white Scotch Lace Curtains, 50 inches wide'ind 3 vards ona. shown in a laree variety of neat desicrns: also Arabian Sfnm Curtains, fin ished with braid edpre. They come 36 inches wide and,24 yadsIonz.tbeJkmds-iflatJvAp -Sold reznhrlyjtt"tt.50-a'DalOn' talc TJareein' Friday at JQC Long- Cloth in&1 AO 82,25 BolU ati&l'PU , ..;"4';.. "" , " . '..',''.'','" "" A -special sale of 100 bolts of fihe English Longcloth ;. comes full; width and 12 yards , to a' bolt; has a nice, soft finish; extremely, desirable1 for; under garments . and infants' dresses; sold regularly 'at $2.25 a aj 1 tf bolt,' priced for Bargain Friday at ulU Dutch Collaru Values to 35c 15b .Friday's offering will beva clean-up of about 500' dozen choice J new. Neck , Pieces, shown in the - popular Dutcb collars ,and . Veriise lace tabs. ' The. Dutch .collars come in', black, royal, , navy, red, Persian, edged or finished : : with Jace, self-colored pleating or Per sian pleating; also 150 gyles of.dainty Vbfte and ecru Venise lace tabsj Reg ular values to 35e each; Priced C: for Bargain' Friday ........... .lJv Silk Scarfs , r 98c Values 48c A pe2ial':offering of over. 150 dozen Scarf,. made. of fine quality seco silk, in , both -ip lain and cross-bar patterns, .snowrt'. lrjr au wantea soiors. iney come: full 27x72 inches, with lj4-inch hemstitched border. Regular AQ 98c values, special-for this sale TtOC ,: y- :'; !' ,:S- ' " .:.':."".'' .: ' 1 : 'K Handkerchiefs i f 15o-18o Vals. AVC ' We are ' .offering for' Bargain Friday- ; about 1500 dozen new embroidered ' Swiss t Handkerchiefs, shown in both " -scalloped snd hemmed hedges, Neaf,'i dainty and elaborately embroidered patterns.- Now is just the, time to lay. in a generous supply of these regular ! 15c and; 18c values, specially S f A., priced .for this sale .4...,.V,V..lvC1' ; Our line of 25c Handkerchiefs, at 15' "2000 ' yards of Vxtraheavy; Taffeta Ribbon in. all wanted, shades. . also black and white. Comes full 5 inches wide. Best, 35c kind, special ,1 7 . at only r ....... . . . . . . t . ; .;)';,' I. 'trf .:.l'nl. -. - l. .V '."3. (, I ' : .... -.' This sale you have choice of our en tire stock of Fancy Ribbon. 4 to Sj4-mches wide. RrgrrlarTiuatirr ity 'up4 to 50c a yard-r-Special A Great Bargain Friday Offering Women's Flannel Got? ns Made of-Excellent Quality Outing' Flartiiel and Shown in Latest and Best Styles. Well Made and Neatly Fin-" ished .Garments That' Sell Regularly at 95c Each. Bar gain-Friday v.-. '; . t:'b:rir.':T. rn :.'. 'rv.Vi :-i 1 ., " : . '. . j .. - ..jj. . '. . .,1.1 This is an : extra special of fering - of . women's Gowns, made, of good quality pink, at outing flannel, finished with Dutch neck and double yoke back and front; all neath extra well finished. They come good .full size and are fine warm weather garments, ular 95c Values. Specially priced for this sale... ...... ......,;.... v .-...';. Reg- Infants Sleepers at 56o special showing on infants' Sleepers, made of 'good 'flvality . white outing flannel and neatly finished. ' They button all the way up the front and re well made garments., Also s line-of Baby Wrappers, made of finnaterial in dainty CC--colored patterns; 75c and 85c values; now... OvC 63c Children's Gowns at 50b A line of .Gowns?for children, from 2 to 12 years of . age. made of good heavy quality white outing flannel. They come good full size .with double . yoke-back and front and are neatly trimmed, snd well finished. Regular ,75c, 85c nd, CQ,, 95c values. Sale price... ... JC Knit Underwear and Hosiery Women's Fine White Wool (t- Ck 1 1 rrr UnionSuits, Winter Weight rt&lOcF , n( .Our .showing bf women's -winter "weight Underwear is thebest we have ever. had. 1, It" is a simple, easy .matter, for any woman to find just the desired style she .prefers in just the material and weight wanted with lasting satisfaction in every purchase. For tomorrow's sale we offer a special undeqriced purchase of women's , fine white wool; union suits at less than regular ' wholesale 'cost; they come in a splendid winter weight in the popular high neck, long sleeve style in ankle length and , in ' .all sizes, perfect fitting neatly. finished-garments that. if bought, ...regularly could not be sold for less than $2.25. Soe- M Cl dajjy piced for this sale, Bargain Friday, at........ . 41U7 ' Women's Fleeced Veits and CKr Pants, Beat 40o Grade at . . &y V Especially ' for now are these fme garmentsj 'very' soft, and most .satisfactory .to wear; women's white cotton Vests and ' Pants, well fleeced to insure warmth, shown in the best styles and in -all sizes; garment! that are fully worth 40cf Spe tyC :" cially priced for this sale Bargain Friday at........,Y.....IVJC.; Women's Stockings v - Fleeced Linedt35o Vals, -1 U V A special sale of womenV fine heavy,' fast, black cotton Hose, well fleeced and made with elastic .rib top and double heel. olani toe;'; assizes, Lbotti Iwiit - anA.. tiarram--jihanii...la-all,sixes testcmeTcenorBa'rgaBaTFrt- jj QrTTplendid wearing Stockings; 25c.. grade? 17 day 1 tVi, jt.fi.Zi, .Jfi jrv. 1C,.l on sale Bargain Friday at. lll.rfr ;."::. All " m 1'"."' I- Children's Stockmrrs i g Fleeced Lined,25cVnla. 'A V ...' .1 . .... .. r--! Children's extra heavv. fast black cotton Stock ings, both fleeced and unfleeced.- They come in ' --J ", ' '''"'V'i '''' "V' V "f . ,- '.,'. . , : . j .,......-., '..!t,.-.-i.,..j.i..i.ri: .v.ffttr-ir-1 iyitj- wi-iMwMwwl . 1 ir,itj-M-y.. T"" ' -